weibo com/6057875099/HiEt4og16?type=comment#_rnd1551301202603
The party knows what's best for you.
Typing"(小熊维尼)Winnie" in Overwatch Chinese server leads to 50-year-mute or perma ban
Other urls found in this thread:
quick rundown on winnie?
How can a magnificent country with such rich history give birth to such absolute fucking retards as Mao's generation?
This. OP explain your stupidly vauge thread
>implying the west is different
Typing nigger or chingchong gets you banned in every server.
Communism ruins people Capitalism does too but it takes many decades for the effects to show
>Rich history
Getting raped by foreigners, stealing shit, breeding like bugs and rats and getting their culture from foreigners
Yeah, so much for "rich".
Some people compared chinese PM Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh on the internet, so he got pissed and the communist party started censoring Winnie the Pooh and everything having to do with it.
Winnie is censored in China since it looks too much alike to their president. Now it's affecting games when someone writes the name in chat.
Yeah. This is really the same thing. Fuck, everyone talks about human rights in China but what about GAMER RIGHTS WORLD WIDE!
Thousands of years of aristocratic dynasties siphoning money out of the peasant masses until none was left.
The revolution just bounced that money to peasants with guns who eventually became the new aristocracy. It's egalitarianism 101.
Illegal memes.
The real redpill is china has been a cesspool of ups and downs for literally centuries. But there is no hope for modern day china. Its all downhill and theres no rockbottom for china, its a vile awful place with subhuman creatures. Fuck china
What surprises me the most is how a country with so many influential religions that value austerity managed to develop the most scummy, greedy and money-centered society in the 21st century.
Both are insults. Literally no fucking difference, niggerfggot.
>opening up to China would change them and become a free nation (((they))) said
China needs several nukes at this point before they become our new overlords right next to the kikes.
By kicking THAT China out and telling them to love down the road while commie China sets up shop in their place.
I think it has more to do with the yellow flesh they share
>rich history
What are you talking about? China has only existed for about 50 years
Winnie is a criminal on the run for impregnating the Chinese president's wife.
The Pooh is a bad motherfucker.
post some chink webms
It was actually moving towards that until Winnie the Pooh showed up and decided to fuck everything up.
>going to jail to be tortured
>being imposed a break from your video game
Woah, it's the same thing!
But what if you type "I'm winni" and you mistype the n for the e?
Except certain youtube live streams.
They already are. You have companies from fucking everywhere bending over backwards to accomodate them since the chinease buy everything they see. They're the biggest market for gachashit and spend more on it then the whole west.
[User has been sent to reeducation for viewing this thread]
Agreed. Being a gamer in the first world is literal oppression.
Post killer escalators.
If we had actual capitalism and not crony capitalism. Not to mention a nation needs nationalism so that companies and businesses remain in said country. Not building overseas and/or importing shitskins.
Communism has failed in ever way possible so the "not true" communism doesn't hold water.
By embracing the glorious cultural revolution and destroying millennia of chinese history and tradition so it can be replaced with beautiful communist architecture and 'values' dictated directly by the party
Is this real? How is that technically possible? Stop memeing for a moment to answer, please.
>A country killed, crushed and turned to red jam protesters by running on them with tanks in the 90
>talking about it on a Blizzard's game server will get you muted
How the fuck can blizzcücks defend this?
steam game
winnie the pooh
tianmen massacre
Kikes, chinks and anglos are the trio responsible for the modern day west
Winnie is a lovable character and I honestly don't get why it makes the glorious people's chairman so mad
This, they literally destroyed their history.
Only the libtard companies are bending the knee to the chinks. Which is no lost since it shows who is loyal and who are cowards and libtards are always cowards.
Does Winnie even care about these comparisons?
I honestly think religions cause the exact opposite of the behavior they preach in the long-term. At least in the societies as a whole. Individuals can still follow the dogma properly. I don't know if it's mass contrarianism, or if some kind of mass cognitive dissonance forms. It's more than simple ignorant hypocrisy, it's like the brain actually desires the contradiction. Apologies for the armchair rambling.
I'm speaking about the ban.
What's gonna be the final solution for these scummy chinks? Who will collapse first between them and the US?
Online communication in China is closely monitored and overwatch isn't exactly a encrypted channel. The party firewall sees you post about Winnie and silences you on the internet, you might also get a visit from some lovely party officials to discuss your views on the chairman in a nice holiday gulag
I'm surprised by the fact that we still don't have minions from the 50 cent army on Yea Forums. Putinbots and weebs are more than enough.
Proof that this was ever real you literal numbskull lunatic?
The xingxong loses his connection?
Rich history? They didn't do shit through out history. It was the fucking White Man that build the modern age.
Chinks are literally just kike yellow niggers, but their culture is that of niggers.
But you can insult Trump or Obama all you want.
Also, being compared to Winnie the Pooh isn’t even a real insult. Who doesn’t like Pooh Bear?
Thing is, in China the communists banned those religions, I think they just had nothing to fill the void. Chinese people don’t care about each other, they don’t care if they might harm someone for they profit and it’s probably the country with the highest proportion of scammers in the world. Hell, they make unhealthy knock off copies of even food and medicine items there and you can barely figure if you’re not buying some poisonous garbage instead of what you wanted.
Both are shit, a minority ruling on the peasants. Feudalism.
Because it's meant as a joke, and when you're an authoritarian, anything mocking you is bad.
Case in point, Trump wants legal action aka 'retribution' taken against the network that broadcasts the comedy show Saturday Night Live for this sketch, even though it's clearly protected under the 1st Amendment.
Authoritarians just have really thin skin and it's affecting video games in China in this case.
because making fun off your leader undermine the authority of your already dying party, hence why they need to tie the noose around the last thing they have total control over (the internet)
Eat my poo poo like ice cream pwease
Still a pretty big difference. Blizzard wants Overwatch to be a fun and inclusive environment for nice people. That's why you don't get to say the gamer word. Meanwhile, they probably don't have an agenda to prop up Ping, but they are forced to do so if they want to operate in China. And if you think the consequences from this stops at the ban you're dumb and naive but you're a gamer so.
China is about to collapse and hopefully they purge themselves for the nth time
based china making it easier than ever to get cute chinese mail order brides by making them terrified to stay in their own country
>arrest someone for being patriotic wrong
>now no one will be patriotic because no one knows what the correct way to be patriotic is
That sounds ridiculous. I'm imagining that some politician's son donated a fat stack of cash to her, didn't think she sucked his dick enough on air, bitched at his dad about it, and his dad used this as a pretense for punishing her.
Yeah, and Anglos did all the good things.
Because Xi is even more of a whiny little bitch than Trump to get upset that someone compared him to Winnie. He literally got so mad that his party banned any mention of Winnie only causing people to mem it even harder.
Proof trump wants retribution?
And despite that the retards defend Winnie the Pooh like drones. Even though the government is constantly taking a shit on them.
>rich history
>soulless thieving barbarians
cool story user
based (小熊维尼)Winnie poster
Named myself a variant of Tiananmen in Apex Legends and Chinaman always quit my squad everu time they queue with me. I also hear some text-to-speech in chinese on voicechat before they leave.
Lmao I hope they got black bagged.
Check his twitter.
>ywn be a James Bond esque super spy who infiltrates Red China, kills thousands of chinks, destroys their super weapons and escapes with a beautiful Chinese bride you liberate from tyranny
>this post
Reads like a Kotaku article, jesus.
Am I the only one who doesn't know anything about and doesn't give a fuck about China? Why are incels so obsessed with the business of of foreign countries?
>it's not real capitalism!
>but when people say the exact same thing about communism, which is objectively, demonstrably true in relation to marx's original ideas, it doesn't hold water
>their super weapons
unhygenically cooked takeaway food?
and heres why thats a good thing
>Typing "nigger" in Overwatch chat makes the company take your game away immediately
>a beautiful Chinese bride
>wanting manlet offsprings and black hair brown eyed chink children
off yourself
China is way bigger a country than it should be. Qing took over a lot of land and by some miracle post-imperial China somehow managed to keep most of it.
That’s not feudalism and feudalism isn’t actually bad.
>Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!
Thats not how this works. Also trump isnt pushing for censorship of people making fun of him.
>wanting sons
the point of having children is having cute daughters.
also yorue supposed to have multiple wives so you have cute daughters that wear bunch of different traditional dresses.
It was the English that forced an opiod epidemic by working with Chinese smugglers on the Chinese population because they didn't get their gibsmedats.
You /pol/tards can't be this stupid.
clean it up
>it's not real capitalism
Has been tried and it worked
Real communism, aka the ideology that can never be implemented, is a farce and leads only to misery.
James Bond doesn't stick around to take care of the children.
The US because in 20 years the demographic will be completely changed. Whites will end up as the minority and the non Whites will be the majority. And anyone who isn't on the left knows how degenerate, lazy, and dangerous non Whites are.
They will strip the first and second amendment, vote for more government, vote for more gibsmedat, higher taxes(This will hurt the middle class because we know the rich don't pay taxes and can easily bypass if need be(Amazon for example didn't pay any taxes last year), and America will become poor, socialist, and communism within our lifetime.
While virtue signalling self hating Whites and traitors to the founding fathers of America will be celebrating the destruction of America.
China on the other hand isn't held back by morals and doesn't suffer from sjws.
So Trump had no idea the tweet was made?
Go to school you fucking idiot. In high school they teach you why.
Why is non-mainland China so much better?
China's spent the last 800 years getting raped by foreign powers. Even before that they were being micromanaged by various emperors.
There is literally no chinese woman out of their population of 5 billion or whatever thats higher than a 2.5/10. All chinks are hideous creatures.
>real capitalism has been tried and it worked
o i am laffin
>a minority ruling on the peasants
that's every country ever though
That’s just getting pissy and insulting them for having a progressive bias.
He doesn’t do anything about it and never would.
Don’t compare him to fucking Winnie.
ahh the rich chinese culture...
It's not? A bunch of fake nobles elite taking all the ressources and making up laws to keep the peasants in check?
You don't seriously think that your vote matters?
Hes just as thin-skinned.
I got a hour and thirty min time out from the owl twitch chat for typing cmonBruh once. They are fags
The British had the perfect right to sell opioids to the Chinese population.
tell me you have a source and tell me they have nudes
You'd think an american would appreciate the subtle (not subtle) difference between government persecution and a company's discretionary privilege.
But perhaps not a gamer american.
>The disparity between the rich and poor shrunk so small that it saved millions of people
>"Communism" killed millions
Regulation is not capitalism.
>high IQ
How can women of other races even compete?
Of course he won’t do anything. He hasn’t done anything he promised yet. Why would he start now?
Oh ho ho ho user sweety. user you naive baby bear pumky wumky uwu oh you're so silly
Meanwhile you've got the MSM with tons of fake news such as the Buzzfeed feasco, the Convington Chuck kid lie, and the Jussie Smollett cuckory.
But your problem is Trump wanting SNL to be more transparent.
>he thinks this was because of capitalism and not because of regulations imposed to reign it in
Imagine being such a fucking psycho you post this shit hoping to get shock reactions from a bunch of geeks that are already wholly desensitized to gore.
Like imagine what your family thinks about you as a failed freak that yuccs it up to some mother being turned to ground meat because of an accident out of her control.
Because all the decent Chinese people moved out when mao took over.
They also removed winnie the pooh from all KH3 advertisements in china iirc
>it's okay when we do it
Jesus christ user.... you're actually retarded
you're both retarded
the only real reason to have daughters is to have cute daughterwives
tl;dr u sound mad chink
Feudalism involves actual nobility who are required to take care of their subjects.
The US is far too united to call it feudal. Where’s my county noble?
Beyond that, feudalism isn’t bad. It gets a bad rap for corruption, which isn’t an inherent part of any system, as well as lack of the technology we have today.
Wtf is this?!
The fuck are they doing?
Capitalism worked for hundreds of years, but there weren't enough safeguards put in place to prevent it from turning into corporatism.
Communism results in millions of deaths within a decade of being implemented.
You didn’t even watch the fucking video
Communism wiped out religion.
>in Overwatch Chinese server
What the hell is you guys doing?
Just a reminder chinks are the reason why there is not that much skellies in recent games
Imagine if I have a book club and I prohibit members to talk about video games while our meetings are in session. Am I persecuting you?
that's a different video, genius.
They are aware of the dangers of crappy cheap Chinese escalators. Do you?
>fake news
This is how I know you are in high school.
Trump whines like a SJW.
Communism has been tried countless times through out history.
Sure there are bad things about capitalism, but I'd rather go with what works over something that utterly fails in every form of communism.
Also you're forgetting the one that has to make communism/socialism work. Not to be selfish. Good luck on that happening without stripping free will from humanity.
You've never seen the insane amount of vids where electric escalators in China suddenly break down and plunge the people on them down to death/severe injury?
He's done a ton of things; the only thing he's done that goes against his manifesto pledges was the bump stock ban.
You also get banned if you have a winnie steam avatar from a chinese ip.
T. pathetic pinko loser
>regulations imposed to reign it in
Funny how, as it became more regulated, the disparity between rich and poor grew bigger and corporations became more powerful. Almost as if corporations lobbied for those regulations because they hurt small business more than big business.
You know that thing in video games where there are floor panels that are just illusions and you can fall through them? China figured out where the illusionary floor panels are.
Yeah retarded for thinking that a thin-skinned person doesnt cry.
I never thought of it that way.
You know fake news was coin by shillary, right?
Rich history of being raped lmao
you're clearly not desensitized enough since you turned off the video before it happened you fucking pussy
I’m aware, but it’s not like you can easily remove something that is so deeply rooted into a culture.
False equivalence. And thanks for exposing the left as nothing but corporatist globalists.
there was a viral video where some woman fell through the escalator floor and was slowly crushed by the machinery
I dunno maybe you could like open your fucking eyes.
chinese escalators are known for eating people
I would settle for infiltrating and replacing a backing screen for one of their president's speeches to be changed to Winnie the Pooh saying "oh bother" on repeat.
Your frame of reference starts with Obama and ends with Trump.
All the East Indian Company wanted was the same right to sell a Chinaman what they sold an Englishman and at a much cheaper cost might I add.
imagine typing all that shit without even watching it and wrongly assuming its another webm
Shut up nigger
Er. What's the cause and effect there?
If we're playing that game, why don't we talk about the conservative biased media's eternal campaign to smear Alexandria Ocasio-
Cortez? You know, things that actually matter than those nothing burgers you posted.
They tried to defame her again, this time going after her love life.
That's the real disgrace.
>Communism results in millions of deaths within a decade of being implemented.
Based on what? The Soviet Union and China? Countries that revolted because they were already on the verge of collapse and starvation and we're further destabilized by civil war but both achieved massive gains in gdp and quality if life at a rapid pace? Even then it's easier to argue that they represent state capitalism rather than true socialism and no one but propagandists and the utterly uneducated think either country was even remotely close to being real communist .
Skeletons are banned in China.
>wanting SNL to be more transparent
It's a fucking comedy show. What's there to be transparent about? What the hell does that mean?
The sad part is that you most likley don't even realize that you've just proved his point.
I expected more.
Thats exactly the kind of evidence I was asking for, thanks user.
The Jews fear the Samurai
The Chinks fear skellies
Skeleton-samurai literally protect our doomed world
Revisionist fuckface looks too much like him
literally slavery with extra steps
In WoW 99% of the skeletons in game got turned into bread for some lazy reason
No. Actually regulatory restrictions have impeded the growth of wealth across the world especially in the poorest areas.
There of course needs to be regulations in certain areas but many could be cut without any harm ensueing and would just serve to increase the growth of wages and income earned worldwide amongst the poorer areas of society. There is a difference between necessary regulation to hold a common level of standards and safety and over regulation which drives up prices, increases the cost of doing business preventing start ups and reduces people's ability to buy and sell as they want.
He didn't think you'd actually go find the tweet.
ahahahahahahahahahahahah, yeah, it worked, like in the 30s and the 70s and right now
>it worked except for the time it didn't
If you're willing to defend capitalism with safeguards, why not defend communism with safeguards too?
Google it, fuckwad. I think it's skulls that are banned, though.
The Chinese are extremely superstitious. They believe in luck. They think that skeletons and ghosts will bring about disaster.
For example, they don't like the number four (in their language) because it sounds similar to the word death.
Disrespectful to their ancestors
Bruh, look at this duuude...
>He's done a ton of things
Yeah and all of them relate to twitter
What if some ignorant tourists wear pooh bear shirt in public in China?
It wasn't easy, there were millions of deaths and god knows how many shrines, books and more burnt.
Aside of Qing, the foreign dynasties were all pretty short. Yuan dynasty lasted for less than a century, and none of the other foreign dynasties actually unified or even ruled most of China. Liao/Khitan only ruled along the northern border and was quickly conquered by Jin which also only ruled the northern half. Only then Yuan took over. The other foreign states were smaller players in moments China was shattered and are barely worth mentioning.
>For example, they don't like the number four (in their language) because it sounds similar to the word death.
That's Japanese.
t. underageb& retard not worth a (You)
>Google it, fuckwad.
I'm asking you why and not being rude about it.
Why send me to a cold, impersonal and pervasive search engine?
Not really.
Enjoy your corrupt “democracy,” faglord.
>conservative media
>smearing Ocasio-Cortez.
There's no smearing, she makes herself look awful by being batshit insane, proposing unworkable, awful ideas and saying ridiculous nonsense.
My mistake then.
Okay, mordor orc amerimutt.
Some people joked that the Chinese PM looks like winnie the pooh
he didnt like that so he included all references to winnie the pooh in the Great Firewall
This just in: Typing 小熊维尼 on Yea Forums gets you a three day ban.
Because the Chinese are superstitious about skeletons and the Communist Party doesn't like that so they ban it as it encourages superstitious and backwards thinking.
Ok ok, but wat bout dem sissy pants.
No you fucking faggot just say why you fucking motherfucking nigger go fuck yourself faggot
The same reason they poach endangered animals for magic boner dust
Chink bugmen are fucking stupid
You know Trump won't get his wall built before the next election, right?
He's going to have a hard time sell himself when he hasn't done and he signed that terrible wall and I'm not talking about the chicken shit money he got, but what is in the bill that should piss anyone off.
Not to mention Trump's shilling of kikes.
The PRC government is persecuting Marxist student groups for criticizing the regime.
Long live the Tian-An-Men movement! Workers unite!
>ignorant shit
kys faggot subhuman redditard trannyfucker
Serves her right for minding her own goddamn business.
Good riddance.
Being a piece of shit to people is different than ONE guy wanting to ban all references to something that pisses him personally off.
Only literal retards tour china
Since when does pushing, and having success in several areas, for a massive world wide adjustment of tariffs involve twitter?
Go to /int/. I had no idea we have putinbot mods on /int/, they are new. A russian user made a several threads about it, how people is getting banned for criticizing Russia, not even banter is allowed; threads about Russia are getting pruned for no apartment reason. A few day ago I got banned for calling them warmongering snowniggers, while we call each other niggers all the time.
Better start taking notes because this is what awaits the rest if the world when the Chinese overlords take over
AOC does that herself by saying dumb shit such as the world is going to end in 12 years.
They do the same shit with the number 9. It can be read as ku or kyuu. If you read it as ku it sounds like kurushii (suffering) or some shit.
Don't doubt the power of skellies m8
Did you now theres one hiding inside you right now trying to get out
>her clothing.
>then her dancing
>then her school
>then her credit score
>then her apartment
>then her hometown
>then her love life
Those were all smear campaign by the conservative biased media. And then you just had them calling paying her staff a living wage 'communism'. We need to rein in this conservative biased media and all their lies.
You can't prove any government involvement, all we know is Blizzard has deemed Winnie offensive and has banned it as such. That's pretty ridiculous indeed but you were warned there's no limit to what they can ban once you start justifying it for them. You were convinced it would never happen, but here we are already. Reminds me of your type sperging out over James Gunn too. You reap what you sow.
> when the Chinese overlords take over
America will defend us.
huh, that was actually a pretty good read
Who the fuck comes up with China's retarded laws?
jesus fucking christ xi jinping
instead of embracing the fucking joke and letting it die off after a month he continues to do this shit
Damn, imagine being this uniformed. Gamerism at its best.
>If you're willing to defend capitalism with safeguards, why not defend communism with safeguards too?
Because capitalism without safeguards has just resulted in a pretty shitty economy, but I'm not fucking starving or being executed.
Shut the fuck up retard
So getting banned for saying "winnie poo" to get a reaction out of people is different from getting banned for saying "chingchong"? lol
>it's okay when we do it(tm)
Are you calling Winnie the Pooh a nigger?
CCP, the only permitted political party
Even a jpg of that long Chinese list of controversies will get you banned. In other words, someone manually reads it and decides you're out for three days
For free
Based Emperor Xi always punished those who disrespected him.
That's not a tigger that's a...
The People's Republic of China Communist Party
America is pretty much doomed to lose much of its relevance in the next 50 or so years. Unfortunately the future belongs to Indins, Chinks and West Africans.
>being a whore and whoring yourself online for your master, the western kike is being decent
Kek, you just prefer the chink who's willing to be your puppet and let you subjugate his nation, amerikike.
Bullshit, you
Wtf, it's on Yea Forums? For real?
I mean, there is "Фaбpикa Tpoллeй(Лaхтa-2)" that literally shill on russian 2ch since it was sold out to russian facebook corporation.
So, there is literally deleting any threads that proves payed shills/etc. Things are really bad, aren't they?
sauce me up, friends. I have a mighty need
>This is unironically what MAGAtards want to happen when you google something negative about Trump
This is what happens when you grow pampered and never have to deal with asshole kids at school.
American companies sold their soul to china.
Guys JakenbakeLIVE on twitch is currently in china. Do you think if you spammed winne stuff in his chat he'd get arrested? Or do the actions of chat not effect him?
>Over 200 replies
>not a single mention of Venezuela in an anticommie thread
What happened, Yea Forums?
I don't browse jewish liberal media
You don't want desintion in your country. The reason why China can get away killing its citizens is because they're not moralfags and know when to make the hard decisions.
America has a ton of desentors and traitors and look at the shit America has become. All because they're moralfags and didn't listen to te founding fathers, because if they were still alive half of congress would have gotten the noose just for being traitors.
Fuck. Hopefully I'll be dead by then. You have no idea how much I hate Indians.
Dont apologize, just take the time to gather as much information on subjects as you can before talking about them. Rambling on about things you think of off the top of your head without throughouly understanding the subject you're discussing will almost always result in you looking like a moron. Learn from this and improve yourself.
Venezuela is not real communism lol
Venezuela is just one tiny example of why communism is bad
But why is uncle Xi so butthurt about winnie the pooh?
why would you be so assblasted that people are comparing you to cartoon bear
grow a spine, grow up
Arresting people who mock the country is nothing too unusual
People here can get jailed for making parodies of the national flag for example
>get blown the fuck out by countries for hundreds of years
>fucking kill/kick out all of the non-retard peasants when commie shit started getting big
>kill off birds, which helps the insect population explode and fucks their ability to grow food
They're brainlets
Plenty of commie-sponsored forced memes, it seems.
Well of course, but I mean what kind of thought goes into these laws?
>a country of goblins created a more thriving and free civilization than the chinese
feels good to be a mutt
It's an anti-China thread, the least of China's problems is communism.
America only defends Israel bud
No you dumbass, it's a Chinese thing that was carried over to Japanese and other Asian languages when they imported Chinese writing.
t. Chink
These two replies give me life
The future belongs to the elites
No mention of Cuba and the other shitholes in Central and South America either.
Then again spics are the spawn of satan along with all the other non Whites so meh.
>what kind of thought goes into these laws?
Communist thoughts
>which is objectively, demonstrably true in relation to marx's original ideas
Why so many people who hasn't ever read Marx talk about what comunism is?
china has no standards for public safety or quality construction, leading to escalators regularly, slowly mulching people. Lack of social individualism means instead of being properly outraged for their own wellbeing they accept it as how it is. This is why collectivism is a cancer and incompatible with human society
Because Chinese men are faggots and get pampered and treated likes princes from birth for being born with a dick, especially if the family is in the communist party.
better red than being a neocon puppet
they are subhumans who never advanced past fuedalism
I ripped that texture from Devotion
I paste it as a low opacity layer into every image I post and hope that some chink saves it
Can you unfuck the Japanese language and remove all your convoluted 20+ stroke characters from it? I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Wh*Toids did nothing for history. It was mostly the BLACK civilizations that did all the inventing and progression. Wh*Tes were still in caves while we were flying around in space. Yellows did more than Wh*Tes as well, not as much as us though.
Who's the guy on the left
Venezuela is not commie, it conceded oil trade to capitalists long ago.
Maybe he sees what the U.S. does to its own leader and thought to himself, "No fuck that shit."
Somebody give this faggot a quick rundown
he doesnt even look like winnie the pooh why is he so insecure about this
As fucked up as this is, I love that we have a magic word that makes any chinks exit any game online.
If only we had similar owrds for other types of shitters.
it wasnt this mainstream before chinks started to spam epic store threads on Yea Forums. chinks are literally ruining video games
Or Winnie somehow different case?
History doesn't pass down and magically affect people generations apart. People are a result of their current environment first and foremost.
one of the Bogdanoff brothers, some guy /biz/ turned into a meme
>chinks are on the mental level of medieval peasants
Why are you talking about yourself in third person? Anyway, it's one of the most powerful men on the planet
Venezuela does not have such influence on western companies and media like china does
kys dumb chunk
Careful, they have been banning these postings. Not advertiser friendly
Why is it that lefties defend minorities all the while Russia murders faggots, China kills disidents, Maduro kills natives, Ortega murders protestors and Evo clings onto power by shitting on the constitution?
Please explain
Agreed, activate it.
Being communist doesn't mean you don't have to trade with anybody,in fact since communism is even a failure on paper you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.
das rite!
>wanting dumbed down maoist writing
These nobles have pacts to defend one another (also the land and their subjects) and to fight their country wars, at least it was a time that honoring a pact meant something.
You best be trolling.
nobody cares about mexicans dying
I thinks he looks more like a pig.
Russia is right wing and that's why liberals in Europe and Democucks in the US are so obsessed with them.
they're extremely insecure they fucking kill and eat anything to make their small dicks bigger. also mention how they smell, how short they are and also say
China is the Dark Souls of countries
Does China have servers only they can play in or could I hop on and make some people disappear?
Not real communism, and they're all a bunch of sheltered college kids whose only experience with "oppression" is being expected to pay back loans they applied for and cough up money for rent, so they cling to the "everything FOR FREE!" ideologies
>all the while Russia murders faggots, China kills disidents, Maduro kills natives, Ortega murders protestors and Evo clings onto power by shitting on the constitution?
based dictators Trump WISHES he cant do half of this stuff.
He's not wrong through.
Why i'm not searching chinese titfuck porn?
>Based on what? The Soviet Union and China?
Based on all 40+ nations that have attempted it since the early 20th century.
If it's the same as doto you would need an account on the client they use in China nad a vpn to create said account.
>wanting sauce on an alien
Real communism has never been tried though.
>country ruled by ex-KGB, where nationalism and racism is illegal
Pick one.
據市警察稱,在北京市遇難的平民“包括大學教授,技術人員,官員,工人,小型私營企業主,退休工人,高中生和小學生,其中最小的是9歲歲。“ [156] [ 需要更好的來源 ]自事件發生以來,廣場本身的死亡人數和流血事件的數量一直存在爭議。由於中國當局積極壓制對事件的討論以及對該主題的研究,因此很難核實確切的數字。因此,各種傷亡估計數之間存在很大差異。
2014年解密的美國政府檔案估計有10,454人死亡,4萬人受傷。這個數字來自中國政府在中南海的政府總部提供的中國政府檔案。[159] [160]英國政府於2017年12月解密並公佈的文件顯示,1988年至1991年擔任英國駐華大使的艾倫·艾文·唐納德曾在1989年報告過該州的一名成員。中華人民共和國議會估計平民死亡人數為10,000人。
The United States because most Americans don't have real jobs. Moreover, the United States main export is crops, which our president is working hard to destroy.
Why would you ever play Overwatch???
On a side note;
When I was in China last year, I met a closet sissy, who was like 10 years older than me who I thought was the same age as me. I fucked him and later found out he uploads porn to pornhub. Do they re-educate homos? I know some yaoi Chink artist recently got imprisoned
There's no smearing, he makes himself look awful by being batshit insane, lying constantly and saying ridiculous nonsense
Can I get a list of the /pol/ internet defense force in this thread?
so? this is the same shit as the US government punishing people fot kneeling during the burger anthem in the NFL
that image is actually the history of china, getting massacred and raped up the ass by foreigners.
Read Chinese history. China has been basically the same shithole for literal millennia. Confucian (Ruist) Imperial China was entirely revolved around ideological indoctrination, subservience to the state, and totalitarian power dynamics. Bloodline nobility being a challenge to the central rule a la Feudal Europe was never a significant trend in China. All imperial bureaucrats had to take astronomically low pass-rate exams to be seen as fit for office. The only thing that significantly changed in China after the Communist takeover was the ownership structure
I still prefer China to other world powers since they're always too busy with their own shit to try and take over the world like all the rest.
Do you honestly truly believe a country that has no respect for its leader and no social cohesion will remain a strong country?
Why is that lefties are against USA invading Venezuela and pulling a Panama but support China's corporatism that literally mortgages whole countries and also support Russia invading Crimea and Ukraine?
Please explain
Everyone who has ever tried to implement communism has failed to execute "true" communism because "true" communism is unrealistic and incompatible with the natural structure of human society and commerce. Tankies need to get it through their heads that there's a reason "REAL communism has never been tried!" which is because it has to mutate just to exist
China collapses every 100 years or so but the United States is young and rapidly growing less white. So China might rebound by piggybacking off the next superpower, the US probably can't recover from being browned.
Yeah, better hope they never find your faggot because they're gonna loosen his hole to the point of unusability in jail.
USA is way bigger a country than it should be. Jefferson and Polk took over a lot of land by some miracle post-Federalist, post-Civil War USA managed to keep most of it.
Retard, when mutts started coming western civilization was on autopilot already.
I agree, we elected a traitor to the presidency back in 2016 after all
>What is Belt and Road Initiative?
are you retarded?
sheltered tankies only know their own country. the US government is "the man" so they jump to the other side, whether its supporting mudslimes who decapitate women for existing or commies who oppress and enslave their own people
China creates unfair competition that forces america to mongrelize in order to compete.
based politically-ignorant /jp/ diaspora
>China collapses every 100 years or so
Not really.
nice try, slope!
I was gonna go for a visit soon
Sane people support none of these things
> lefties also support Russia invading Crimea and Ukraine
are you fucking retarded, both sides kvetch about it non stop, russia is too poor to bribe major companies like china did. look at epic, blizzard, valve one word against chinks gets you banned.
The Chinese have no time for this mokmok talk.
>new silk road
>bankrupting African countries to bail them out for the small price of mineral rights and government concessions
>who are required to take care of their subjects
Oh yes, they definitely always had the absolute best interests of their subjects in mind.
>It gets a bad rap for corruption, which isn’t an inherent part of any system
On the contrary, it is an inherent part of every system. Pretty much the whole point of these systems is to manage and reduce corruption
Yes really.
Gotta get them incels out your head.
That’s a very dumb comparison given China has hundreds of languages and different ethnicities.
Oy vey
>OK so we just invented the single most powerful destructive force that will ever exist in human history, which if utilized properly will come to kill billions upon billions of lives. What do we do with it?
Bless those innocent slants.
I have a feeling that Russia doesn't really care about videogames while China wants to use them as propaganda tools.
I'd rather support commies than support jews
they mastered the art of money and just buy what they want, quietly
>shit talk China in TF2
>everyone in chat joins in
>this is true from US servers to AUS servers and everywhere inbetween
>even the jap servers join in if you speak fluently enough
No idea about Dota though, I would never play such a faggoty faggot game you see
as much as I know you want to belive this, the entire world is going to suck chink dick by 2040 and I'm being very generous here
/ptg/ has now surpassed /ksg/ in general thread count.
Feel old yet?
>>What is Belt and Road Initiative?
the single best thing that has ever happened to train autists worldwide
Your premise that the united states has no social cohesion or respect for the office of the president is wrong, but in any case we've been doing it for a couple hundred years now so yes. Unless you think americans goose stepped and sucked the president's dick before obama and trump were president in which case you're probably underage b&.
They are the same thing user.
80%+ of China is of Han culture,America is 50% white at this point.
>inb4 b-b-but America is multicultural
Austria-Hungary was also multicultural
>amerimuts acting like they are any better
At least in china it's the goverment doing the censorship, in muttland you have bugchasing faggots and trannies getting you fired and deplatformed for wrongthink
they dont have money to influence hollywood or mass media. fucking chink billionaires literally bought several hollywood companies like legendary. cant work for legendary if you're anti china goy. also canada and australia are almost 25% chink. they're colonizing anglo countries.
>Playing on a STEAM GAME
China collapsed at the end of the 19th century, but it hadn’t collapse before that for some 300 years. And again, before the manchus took over, it hadn’t collapsed for some 300 years. So I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, you can’t really set a pattern with a single example.
When the US was founded it was exclusively whites. The darkest thing that had formal citizenship were spaniards. Has the education system failed so bad that people think modern day mestizo-mulattos founded their country?
china has their own steam and their own TF2. try the same in pubg BANNED.
Free Taïwan
Then came Stalin and he sent half of them to the gulags,too bad Stalin murdered more native Russians than Germans and their allies did in WW1 and WW2.
>80%+ of China is of Han culture
Except most of those “Han” don’t even speak the same language.
>you cant set an example after 400 years of recurring evidence (and more examples even earlier)
Removal of competition and consolidation of power before he declared himself party emperor for life. Communist powers breed mad paranoia.
>Your premise that the united states has no social cohesion or respect for the office of the president is wrong,
It's not
>Fanatically support capitalism
>Complain when people with more money than you control things
Now who's the communist?
mainland chinks being dumb as usual
>both achieved massive gains in gdp and quality if life at a rapid pace?
because they always employ the profit motive, but demonize it at the same time. it's literally a religion like islam is now.
Fun fact: it's illegal to loan with interest in the middle-east, but people find loopholes, usually via "donations", to get around it.
>china has their own steam and their own TF2
Local man doesnt understand how old Source games work, unless you mean Final Combat or something
This thread is lagging my Xiaomi Pocophone severely, please delete.
Kinda true, there is still time left until propaganda will take over in games chat for Russia.
Kinda, by past 5 years laws any game had to use servers inside Russia to log everything you type for 5 years. Russian 2ch also logs everything you post btw.
Thing is, most foreign game companies don't give a shit, and it still works. There is some plans to make isolated internet, and this might be starting of becoming chink, but snownigger.
>evil orange is going to destroy SNL simply for parodying him!
are you guys by any chance employed by that cal-i lawyer that's tried to sue The Wall 45 times and counting?
Oh, ok. Well thanks for not giving me a headache by making a bullshit argument. At least we can disagree and be done with it.
/ptg/ in damage controll itt
Pooh is cute what kinda thin skinned faggot is running China?
Such is life in communist dictatorships...
>typing nigger in Overwatch US servers leads to a permaban
Oh wait, that shouldn't happen in a country with free speech?
>do pest control on an airfield one time
>ass-blast semits LARPing as crusaders for the remainder of time
this is such a fucked up thing to watch when you see the videos of Chinese escalators falling apart and killing people
Pooh's secret evil twin
How to immediately ID an underage B&
Also since you're not paying attention in class. Your word to look up is stochastic terrorism. It's what Trump does constantly.
looks staged why was there 3 ppl watching a girl and mother come up an esc
>Now who's the communist?
still your shit country. see
>He actually believe this shit
Fuck off, Winnie
>Yea Forums doing mental gymnastics to compare the word winnie to the world nigger.
In GunZ (korean) they ban you for using "western style"
In Monster Hunter Frontier (japan) they banned all non-Japanese IPs for well over a decade.
In America you get banned for harassing people.
This shit is why I don't play games online.
I've heard that Tianamen Square thing doesn't even work on chinese since Yea Forums is already banned and they don't monitor it or something
chinks arent smart. they just copy everything
>If we had actual capitalism and not crony capitalism
you mean the version of capitalism that gave America the glory days of the 50s and late 40s?
>all these seething white monkeys replying
>Hates bears
>Hates lions
What kind of animal do they like? Monkeys?
The legitimate Chinese government
dog, its delicious
>sprayer still fucking mad he never got good
you still have chinks living in canada, australia, america etc etc. they're all the same = dumb, smelly, manlet, low iq, dog eating scum. most of them shill for their shit country while others actively despise white people.
phub username?
Monkeys, pigs and snakes. It's quite telling.
vikings or packers I guess.
>free speech
>private corporations
pick one
>*bombs a thousand civilians* dude we only hate your politicians lmao
This really, but I'd rather not be able to insult the president of my country, than not be able to call someone a faggot or nigger
They are whiter than the average American,what went so wrong?
China hasn't been relevant for nearly a millennium
>Join K-style duel room with 2 Uzis
>Actually beat the 1st guy I meet
>Everyone in chat starts spamming "....."
Well of course they don't want to kill the American public specifically, they want to kill the leaders then take control of the public by installing themselves as the new leaders.
Ugh you stupid faggot. I hope you're a high school kid because otherwise you should definitely kill yourself for being so goddamn stupid.
Re-education camps (Uyghur: قايتا تەربىيەلەش لاگېرلىرى; Chinese: 再教育营) are a title given to the internment camps operated by the People's Republic of China Xinjiang autonomous region's government since 2014.[2] They have unprecedentedly intensified since a hardline party secretary, Chen Quanguo, took charge of the region in August 2016. These camps are operated secretly and outside of the legal system; many have been locked up without any trial or charges being levied.[3][4][1] Local authorities are reportedly holding hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and Muslims from other ethnic minorities in these camps, claiming the detentions are a bid to counter extremism and terrorism.[5][6][7][8][9]
It's okay when Japan does that because their games make my peepee hard
Language and culture don't matter nearly as much as race.
You sure? Drumpftards are fucking crazy.
>Getting raped by foreigners
To be fair mongols raped everyone.
>Well of course they don't want to kill the American public specifically, they want to kill the leaders then take control of the public by installing themselves as the new leaders.
exactly like china.
reminder not to fall for nu-/pol/ propaganda
the jew is the true enemy of the west
wow thats horribl-
>muslims and uyghurs
carry on
You know those christian values people dont appreciate?
They happen to be crucial for developing a stable, safe democracy.
You're right. Saying winnie is worse, because people can get jailed for it while saying nigger only gets you fired, beat up and terrorized by pink haired pseudo-justice warriors.
>Stop being mean to Trump!
>Obama was a monkey muslim kenyan nigger btw
/pol/tard incels can dish it out but they can't take it
It’s not okay, it’s worse. The fucking government is doing it.
Trump hates the media, and EU politicians hate righties calling them Nazis, but they’re not trying to pass laws that prevent them from saying those things.
>Both America and China re-introduced concentration camps
I don't understand. When has this shit ever worked? You can't erase a national identity/culture in one generation.
Reminder not to fall for sand people false dichotomy
Damn, Persians look like this?!
Iranians are unironically Aryan and Arabs are semites. Both fall under the Caucasian umbrella. You know who doesn't? Native Americans and Negroids. Do you know what American people are mixed with? Native Americans and Negroids.
t. actual American mutt
no other way to control muslims, desu
>it's ok when corporation does it
Get cancer, corporate tool.
literally everyone is silent about this wtf
Is that really a thing?
I think he meant their f-22 shaped suicide bombers
Silly old bear.
There's user that got DMCA warning for posting leaked DOOM pics on Yea Forums.
Let that sink in.
>not wanting to squelch media criticism
Yes, one is responsible for making china the leading world economy
Second is a burden on society
I thought you were talking about America until I saw your pic related. You're a goon
Only one of those placed the country's interest over the interest of the rest of the world.
Based and redpilled
The Real China
>criticize president
>he criticizes you back
Woooow censorship
It literally is in terms of what the constitutional definition of "free speech" is you retarded tripfag
reminder that the immigration crisis and islamic extremism were both created by israel
The Chinese actually had a pretty big hard on for bombs. They loved blowing shit up.
I will never not be mad about how much historical documentation the fucking communist bugmen destroyed when they ceased power.
>that one time when Mao almost lost control of his troops and they almost smashed all the terracotta warriors.
Fucking commies.
>the president of the united states is encouraging acts of terrorism because a comedy show memed about him
holy shit, why isn't the madman deposed and jailed yet? Wait, he's neither colluded with russians nor actually told people to do outright illegal shit?
what the fuck are you people smoking
>EU politicians hate righties calling them Nazis, but they’re not trying to pass laws that prevent them from saying those things.
Yea, because those laws already exist. You can get jailed for using the wrong pro-nouns in New-York and England. Denying the holocaust can give you up to 5 years jailtime in Germany.
>it's okay when liberals do it
>the US military targets civilians
>Great Depressions your path
Keynesian economics and macroeconomics as a whole has brought us away from that shitshow of an experiment Adam Smith had. No better than the tulip market Euros once had.
I agree, Trump has placed Russia's interest above the rest of the world.
underrated shitpost in a thread of shitposts
>that video of a woman pushing her child to safety as the floor collapses and she is eaten alive by the escalator
there are few countries that even come close to how hellish china is, nevermind the hilariously shit safety regulations.
You can insult the president or call someone a nigger. Yeah, you'll get banned if you call someone a nigger, but the police won't be knocking on your door later. In china, you can say what ever you want in games too, but consequences are an ass beating by the authorities.
but these are all lies that's all the left can do is lie again and again
reminder that Israel was created by subhuman anglos
>muh Russia boogeyman
It's not 1945-1989 anymore
>People's Republic
I swear to god any time you put the words People's/Democratic/Republic into some sort of long phrase, it ends up being a total shitshow
where is the wall, magatards?
Russia didn't even exist then, you dumb faggot
>Putting the muddlimes in forced labor camps
WTF?! I love the chinks now!
>Ignoring all the evidence of the conspiracy between the Russians and the Trump campaign.
Oh, you're just a /pol/ppet and willfully ignorant of the facts.
>that lady near the end with an escalator poking stick
Another lie from the right
Are you saying he's not the one speaking the words that come out of his mouth?
Any people that needs over 3k characters to express their writing is by default retarded.
it could work occasionally against someone who is inexperienced, but the majority of your time playing in any lobbies as a sprayer was standing in some corner peppering at other people fighting until someone finally got annoyed enough to BF/SS you to death while you block helplessly or struggle to run away with only the dash and wall run
refusing to learn the k-style moveset was hamstringing yourself, gunz had almost no depth if you never spent the time to practice and learn what was admittedly confusing and technical skills
>Stalin is an *nglo
i dont understand this meme when its being built in places
zoomers dont know this meme is meant to be ironic and not yet another "thing i like vs thing i dont like" statement
yes actually, civilian "acceptable error percentage" strategy has been a thing in the american army since WWII. They know they are allowed mistakes, so they just blow out some bystanders from time to time on purpose so the population stays in fear as long as the operations are in progress.Also no matter what, bin ladin was a civilian, assassinated without any trial or legal paper for the army to even be on that soil.
t. liars who lie about lying
They are obviously staff members wasting time by standing around and chatting instead of cleaning.
at least it keeps the degenerates locked away from the populace, which is probably the true purpose of them
t.alt-right liar
In UK they already arrest people for tweets against trannies, America will follow soon with the way liberals have turned against free speech.
My main point was that the west is by no means better than china, it's following the same path, but for much worse reasons.
>"Фaбpикa Tpoллeй(Лaхтa-2)"
кeк, oпять либepaшкy пpитecняют
Beats browsing Yea Forums and immediately being flagged as a dissident by every government database
Mutts, chinese, two sides of the same cancer plaguing Earth that needs to be eradicated
Spotted the HAPA
>what is the My Lai Massacre
>what is Iran Air Flight 655
You're a goon.
Free Tibet
you faggots truly have no self awareness
no. I love japanese women not chinks