You wouldn't bully a Claire, would you?
Resident Evil
Other urls found in this thread:
My wife Claire(my wife) deserves to be happy!
She just looks like she smells weird.
I would only kiss and hold hands with claire!
Choose 2
Becca & Becca
Jill and Claire
You mean like a woman? I could understand if that's a foreign concept to to you.
>Leon pls
Sheva and Rebecca
I would jack off to her when she gets killed.
Nah, looks like she smells more similar to you, like fresh catshit
Rebecca and Jill
All Claireposters are based regardless of what they post.
Choosing a thot shame.
Well, at least we have something in common.
Un-ironically pathetic
becca and Claire.
jill is nice too, but I prefer claire and Becca's personality
>I'd bully Claire whenever I please and whenever I could. I wish to break her both mentally and physically to impossible measures.
Jill and Ada
Ada and Ada.
.t Leon
No stubs 2/10
Do people not care about Rebecca?
Whatever you say Ada
Post her moist belly.
I'd bully her pussy in a good way
Why no nude Adam webm?
Nah. I'd shower with her, though. Just imagine soaping her up from behind. Running your hands up her slippery sides as she raises her arms over her head so you can get those stinky pits, her butt rubbing against your dick as she sighs contentedly and leans back against you.
how is there not a nude version for this webm? for claire of course...
Why an Asian women?
I want to ambush Claire, hold her in gunpoint and force her to do nasty things.
Fug she's cute
Soon Claire will be all you can think about
Okay, so apparently, newtimelinefags got BTFO and kinda validated at the same time.
RE2:R is NOT canon. At least not to the events of 3/CV/4/5/6/7. It's a revisiting/reimagination of the original, NOT a remake. The CURRENT games (including 7 and futurely 8, i'd guess) are based on what happened in the ORIGINAL RE2.
At the same time, the fact that it's not canon to the current events gives the "new timeline" some validation, because RE3:R would follow up on it, and then maybe wrap it up so things don't go further from there (Sherry being possibly free of the G-Virus, making RE6 impossible, is an example of that). That "new" continuity wouldn't be canon, but it would be an alternate retelling of the events that led into RE4/5/6/7/futurely 8. You can make that your headcanon if you're an autistic shipfag.
They also make it clear that they don't mind retconning shit as long as it's entertaining.
oh god no, please stop, I don't want anymore
oh, who am I kidding, please post more, she's so beautiful
Nom nom nom nom
Why is that hot?
Would you marry 32 years old career oriented Claire who has probably never been in a single committed romantic relationship in her life?
What if I want to believe the REmake timeline not because of muh ships, but because I think the characters are better written?
You ask and you shall receive
You're free to believe whatever you want to believe. I personally like the idea of a universe in which 4/5/6 doesn't happen, and it would be cool to have two separate timelines so everyone is satisfied. Some people don't like the direction the series took with the (offscreen) death of Umbrella. Although the "new timeline" wouldn't really be supported by Capcom, it would exist in their games.
is it wrong that I want to fuck a dead Claire?
>mfw I still havent even played REmake2 and only watched a combined 10 minutes of gameplay
I want to forget Rev2 Claire ever existed and pretend Moira was the only protagonist of that game!
Why did people bitch so much about Mr X in this game? I only just beat the game today and going off all the threads I thought he was going to be some kind of super annoying enemy but he wasn't bad at all. Are modern gamers just little bitches?
>watched 10 minutes of gameplay
Oh, so you've seen the whole campaign then?
Why is that so hot?
Why the fuck are users who exaggerate about liking video game girls also always addicted to the word bully.
Dumb never changing fucking retarded users
sheva and jill best combo
Can't see the outline of her nipples. I give this pic 2/5.
Based, and gosling-pilled
Never notice that she have a watch?
Why is he so wrinkley and why does he have puplis?
Because you have similar mental response to seeing woman writhing and moaning in pain as you have to woman writhing and moaning in climax.
I'm sure you could find people who struggle with him in the original, not realizing that like pretty much everything in every RE game you can run right by him
objectively revelations 2 is better than demake 2, it also has more content. being very unpopular spinoff too. baffles me how the demake is so popular and praised. too bad they wasted all that new tech on remaking something great but failed to keep all the memorable stuff in what made the original so great.
Why does he look like Will Smith?
>marry her
>shoot a litter of healthy brats into her needy womb ASAP
>succumb to Claire's boyfriend curse and turn into a BOW
>die safe in the knowledge that I turned Claire Redfield into Claire (Bred)field just in the nick of time
i can smell her.
i can imagine having her on the couch and rubbing those legs and getting my hands under her shirt and moving towards her jean shorts and panty waistband while baking out with her.
unbuttoning her jean shorts and unzipping and shes already spreading her legs open and motioning towards my fingers and i rub the top of her pussy and her clit. shes breathing heavier and my middle finger slips inside her and shes moaning now. my hand moves underneath her panties and makes a momentary canopy to reveal her pubic stubble and i get a whiff of her stank pussy and perfume as well as her shampoo fragrance because her hair was in my face because she head is cradled between my neck and chin as shes kissing and lighly biting my neck in lust. her hot breath hits my neck from her moans and is frequent between my finger strokes. only the sound of a faint tv, her heavy breathing and moans and her wet hot pussy mucus making friction from my finger's heard. the smell is powerful to give a reaction of slight nausea from the heavyness but also an arousal with a sweet tone from her choice of fragrance she decided on that day. my fingers make their way towards the rim of her asshole and my other hand begins to grope her tits. her free hand begins to unbutton my jeans and wonder around my groin and begin to play with the circumcised head of my penis.
I think people were just looking for any reason to complain, and a big iconic pursuer style enemy was an obvious target. Same kind of people who complain that 9mm doesn't always have instant headshot kills when there are weapons in the game that are made to fill that role.
Jill/Claire, easy.
shes literally bullied in the games you stupid retard
>Got litetally raped by wesker in CVX
>right in the tits
nigga wat?!
C-can you upload it? Any rare jordans?
>Shut your shit eating mouth you disgusting pig goblina
What a chad but still I think it was too harsh....
You emotionally touchy socially needy dumb fucking piece of shit website user
Having Pics of an underage girl enjoy prison.
Slit your throat.
Jill and Claire of course.
Hearty kek. This is your average facebook clairenigger, everybody. Screencap.
Youre an incel cuck
>Why is he so wrinkley
Tyrants spend a LOT of time sitting in tubes of water.
I heard an argument once that life or death situations trigger a natural urge to procreate. So as usual, you can thank nature for making you a creep.
Still waiting for you to slit your troat
Psyoped nigger you sound like a scared 40yo
Waifuing a fucked up face modeled game character...
>you can thank nature for making you a creep.
I don't see it.
You're missing out
Friendly advise - stop posting this is embarrassing
Cringiest post of the week. Kill yourself fucking maggot
It's my job to.
I honestly just want to complete the rest of the series first
Still have 6,7 and Revelations to go
Still waiting for you to slit your throat, paco
Claire needs a rest
Brown skinned piece of shit channelhurrr
Anyone just watch Claire's idle animation and wonder if she has adhd or something?
I get she's seen horrible things but she shouldn't be bobbling around that much
Pathetic bitch you weak fuck
Slit your throat
You scared little faggot addicted to useless shit
Kys you pathetic fuck
That black costume looks a lot like Ichi.
Fucking 16-17 years olds is perfectly legal in all civilized countries.
it seems to be a modded version of the elza walker costume
You fucking loser .
Well they're both basically motorcross suits.
Not in Australia, and before you say shit we're still considered first world, its the spiders that make people think otherwise
>Not in Australia
Yes it is.
Here's your nu-claire
You can tell Yea Forums is infested with mutts when they think Claire is attractive.
Not him but citation is needed.
So I'll take that as a yes.
I feel nothing.
Ok homo.
Claire is for love
I love Claire
That's look weird.
Claire has a secret...
Ada >>> Jill >>>> Rebecca >>> shit >>>>> el goblino
Just can't resist those little girls.
Fucker flattened me with this today. I thought he'd gone around to use the stairs at the other end then down he comes on my head.
Fix it for you.
Did you died?
That looks weird.
I love see Claire getting eaten.
holy shit you guys are faggots
No, but it was a hardcore run so it put me in the red. I got lucky a couple times. I was in the East Storage and he managed to hit me and it pushed me right into a zombie's waiting arms. Somehow I survived. Thankfully I had an herb mixture handy.
My wives Jill and Sue !
No, this weird goblino looking SJW piece of shit yes.
Doesn't even look like the model lol, retard mouth, nose and eyes
She rides a motorcycle and only father figure she has is her brother.
She was probably bullied by all the girls in school because she was the girl who would give almost any boy a blowjob.
There was probably even a rumor going around saying she fucked two guys at once.
What a little slut
Based and truly redpilled
Do you have a recording of this?
Can i enter a thread without being reminded of this thing's existence for one day?
>Doesn't even look like the model lol
are you blind
>fucking two guys at once
Double cute!
Sadly no. I was trying to speedrun.
that's my man
Claire needs ropes of cum plastered across her puffy cheeks
>average demake 2 shill
you praise it just because you got the hots for goblins. LMAOing @ ur dumb ass
god i want to pinch her cheeks so badly
It's true jordan has very pinchable cheeks!
About to start an S rank run, what should I keep in mind
*Punchable mutt face
your fix is shit bro
Leon belongs to Stacy zombiechan
daily reminder she is a LITERAL WHORE
>Implying his yellow fever will let him look at anything even remotely non-asian
are you sure? it seems easy and fun, but its harder than it looks
Claire is completely adorable. I love Claire.
why does Ada wear the choker
Nothing, just unlock the infinite knife and handgun and S-rank is a breeze. S+ on the other hand...
I want to do that thing where you take the other person's cheeks in one hand and you push them together to make a silly kissy face
Is there anybody more chad than Irons?
>chief of police
>has a cool mustache
>gets to run a sex orphanage thanks to Umbrella
>has all of the keys and keycards
>points his gun at everybody he meets
>man made of solid mass
>stuffs animals and da ladies
>has his way with the mayor's daughter
>waddles with authority
>kicks naked women
>abuses Claire in front of her loli
>steals said loli
>gets a badass "burnt face" look
>Calls out Sherry for being the little bitch that she is
>breaks down doors with axes when he loses his key
>gives birth to a superior G-adult (the one that always kills when you're returning after getting the plugs)
Isn't that gotten by doing S-Rank
retconned. Ada, Leon, Claire and Jill used to be all sluts according to Kamiya. Then he left and it never got mentioned again
That's because that's a poor way to land.
what can Capcom do to save Moira?
I mean, he's also a psychotic asshole who fucks the RPD into the dirt and completely loses his shit when zombies start fucking around
Why is Andrew Sapkowski a police officer?
no user, the official RE2make states that she has a several boyfriends
>Claire has a great interest in motorcycles. She likes buying engines and making things that suit her own style. She currently owns 2 motorcycles (the white one she uses in the opening cutscene and the black one seen in the end Ranking picture). She has a lot of boyfriends, but doesn't seem to be tied down to any particular person
Ah yes you're correct, still breeze though.
That's her power limiter. If she removes it she is going to get extremely horny abd uncontrollably suck leon's cock
Claire and Rebeeca
Jill Still Besto
I want to be her feet slave
I can knife only G1 and it takes like 30 seconds, but is there any tips for taking down G2 and 3 quickly as Leon?
>that webm of her deepthroating a cock at gunpoint while she's crying and her mascara is running all over her face
i wish it didn't turn me on as much as it does
Jill and nuAda ofc
Claire easily. The other RE girls are good but she's easily my favorite and I think she's the best.
Leon stop posting ffs
Stop (keep going user)
why people keep posting this when Claire's mentioned?
She reminds me of that retard from all those Andromeda webms.
does anyone have the original image of this in high res?
Claire is perfect
gonna need sauce on that webm asap
It's the same guy every time
any mods to make the boobs or butt bigger? for leon anyway.
That's not the REmake. It's from the BIOHAZARD2 guidebook from 20 years ago, the original game. Same place that said Leon overslept because he broke up with his gf, which is no longer canon.
Incels feel insecure when no one is replying positively about their goblinamutt waifu. So they samefag or keep chainrepleying their discord friends with epic "damn she is so beautiful" reddit meme.
Love it!
You sound so maad.
RE guidebooks were never reliable. One of the other guidebooks said Rebecca Chambers died in Raccoon City after RE3, and then she shows up in Vendetta completely fine. Even without the RE2make, there's no real reason to accept that stuff as canon.
who is she on the phone in the beginning with then
Rebecca and Rebecca
Everyone else is trash in comparison
what game
resident evil
her (female) best friend
did you read the letter she gets at the start? many people miss it
yeah, although Claire being a 40 year old femcel is sad too
code veronica
>you can sit next to Richard
>no special award for doing so, you're just making sure hes ok
This game is uplifting
can you imagine being kicked in the face by fucking super human wesker? How do you even recover?
Is rape considered bullying?
Apparently, he eats your "strawberry".
God I love Wesker
You would do that to jordan??
he held back obviously, or else she'd be dead
deep down, wesker would never hurt Claire or Rebecca
Beat her fetal alcohol syndrome face and then post here ofc
>Clair's dream
I really do love how polite everybody is in the face of danger.
Don't forget about four and six.
>you will never be stuck with jordan during the zombie apocalypse
>you will never protect her from all sorts of zombies and other dangerous creatures
>you will never fight for your life against a horde, waiting for a chopper to save you
>you will never be overwhelmed by zombies just as you see her being rescued
>you will never die happy knowing you saved her
just kill me now lads
nu-Leon genuinely loves Claire and is always smiling when around her!
I'm obsessed with Claire
Rebecca's hip:waist ratio is insane
God you can smell how much Claire stinks in that image, I bet that she never bathes herself and has to have Chris forcibly sponge her down.
That's why he wants Leon to fuck her and get her pregnant so badly, so he can trap another man in her autistic lifestyle.
I guarantee she has shit stains in her singular pair of panties and doesn't wear bras because they're "unnecessary" so even her little pancakes are sagging.
that was a serious kick across the face and claire takes it like a champ
what a woman
Becca wears butt pads lol
you forgot:
> you will never see her kiss tyrone as she fly off with him in the chopper knowing her tight little cunt will be stretched until it bleeds later that night
Fucking god bless model swaps
i said nu-Leon!
Fucking yikes. 40+ y.o. granny
>Leon's "Matilda" license plate also reads "Let me live"
>"Let me live" is what's written in CV Claire's jacket
LEON IN CODE VERONICA CONFIRMED (like he was originally meant to be) (he's not dying like he was meant to, though)
"Nu" Leon becomes current Leon in four and six. Remember they will not remake games after code veronica.
smooth Capcom
Leeeon, please make love with mee
We'll see
You are doing it wrong, pal. You gotta post like this for better effect
They may make a RE4make
Its pretty old looking now. And that's a lot of RE4fag money they'd be missing out on.
Sue has an aesthetic penis and a nice voice
fuck wrong img
"Nu"Leon doesn't become current Leon. "Nu"Leon might not even exist canonically.
Ada >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claire
Adriana >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jordan
>plays Beethoven
Yep it's a classy game.
Twenty years from now maybe, but right now nope.
i love both ada and claire
why cant we all just get along
>When you make beautiful people look beautiful in games
Old HAG!
Well, Claire/Leon fans btfo and the current storyline stays canon.
Leon/Ada like I've been saying.
I want to kiss her
Those spider hybrid things in 1.5 would have been pretty horrifying.
Looks younger than claire
sorry but this makes us stronger.
If the remake isn't canon to the current continuity, it means that the 3 remake will also not be canon to that, and instead follow up on the 2 remake freely, so ClairexLeon can exist in that universe
if they said "the remake is the current canon and what leads into the current continuity" then we'd be dead in the water, but what he said instead just confirms our theory
Worst post on Yea Forums right now. Who the fuck would waste their time and photoshop that?
Bully? No. Molest... Probably.
Okay nigga you have my attention. Who is this semen semon
Shoo has the same high pitched whisper voice all trannies do
re-remake: new dlc
Lol, so your otp will only be canon in only one game. So we can move forward with four, five six and seven. After Leon basically confessed his feelings for Ada in six lol.
my sides are decimated
Ada's beautifil face model and my mom
>he didn't get the secret ending
why does it have to be Claire to continue the Redfield bloodline?
This has been discussed many times thus far, but Chris is infertile.
Claire kicking Ada in front of mini leon when
>Leon playthrough
>reach NEST
>have over 5 gunpowders but no superior ones
Should I have used more pistol and less shotgun? I even used the MAG a couple or so of time against mini-G
gay as fuck
>You can literally call her Ada
what exactly was going through her mind in this moment
a man with fine taste
Claire's perky tits!
jordan is so skinny, is she fertile?
I await for tomorrow's glorious matches.
>t-this is my chance! I'll make him mine!
Chris does not know what sex is.
Probably salivating in anticipation of Leon's cock after they got all the sewer water washed off.
It all makes perfect sense now.
jesus christ
>A fucking plank
>Remember you only get the puppy and the parrot if you do it well.
>that waist to hip ratio
she's infertile
My fucking sides
Probably tight as a vise though.
I finished Leon A and Claire A, doing Leon B right now and i got to the crocodile part.
Is there any difference from here on between Leon A and B?
No. Left-Right-Left always
>I'm finally getting my pets!
which game is this?
>The next morning
>So uh Sherry, how'd you like to go live with that nice government man in the bolo tie?
>sherry is the best wingman
after watching the game's ending, i think its safe to say Claire and Leon will stay together. post your rarest Cleons
sherry is my daughter please don't sexualize her
>needing to use the knife-glitch for G1
When I thought my opinion of PC users couldnt possibly be lower.
don't think i have many rare ones because i always post them as soon as i find them, but i'll contribute!
official cleons!
more official art
>wanted to buy these ports
>$30 fucking dollars
>that means the physicall edition of the collection is $60
Why is Capcom like this?
So, let's see if I got right.
Leon, flamethrower is for plants and Lickers, shotgun/magnum for Gs and bosses?
I am at the Nest and I am not sure if should make more MAG or Shotgun, also fuck me these guns are using a lot of inventory space, flame,mag,shot all of these are using two spaces.
Is that Edgeworth?
finna bully that white girl with muh dick namsayn
use the flamethrower before you face the final bosses, its virtually useless
id use magnum ammo over shotgun ammo.
the flamethrower destroys g2 and g3
dont bother fully torching the plants, just pop one of their weird orbs and run by them
Why did you have to open that door?
alrighty then thanks.
>Why is Nintendo like this?
Save the Flamethrower for the plants. I never used it on Lickers so I don't know how effective it might be, but I did have plenty of leftover fuel after the game ended. If you have plenty of handgun ammo then you can use that against against zombies and save the magnum for bosses. If you're running out of handgun ammo then, then you can make shotgun ammo to use on zombies instead.
Here's a very slight spoiler that might help you out: There's an upcoming boss fight in Nest. In the arena that fight in, there's a ridiculous amount of ammo to collect, including close to one hundred handgun bullets, as well as some shotgun and magnum ammo.Also, don't be afraid to use grenades in general. Frag grenades are excellent against Lickers, especially if you can get two at once or if you can get one plus zombies.
Capcoms track record on the platform is less than stellar.
Their best release is RER2 which cost less than the new ports and MM11.
Hell they got so much shit for the RE7 mishap they are baking away from cloud games
She looks like Jennifer Lawrence
No she does't you faggot
Re7 cloud debacle? Was that the japanese switch release?
where do i find a girl like claire bros
attractive but not a dumb thot
strong willed and motherly
Yes, she does. Don't get angry because you feel conflicted about it.
Yeah both the west despite not getting it and japland shat on them for wasting everyones time with this port with the japanese shitposters brining up an interview where Capcom admits the engine was being prepared for switch support
Someone help this poor woman
I mean, if Capcoms games and prices are great on every platform (Xbox, PC and PS4) except the Switch then you gotta wonder who's the real odd one out here.
Working on it right now
yes or no?
He's not wrong, especially in the true ending cutscene. I don't know why you're so defensive though, i'm sure anyone with a dick would fuck Jlaw.
Its mainly cartridges, capcom skimps out and buys the cheapest ones they can and sells you a box with one games and a code for the other, shouldnt effect digital prices though
I had some bad luck with grenades just now, the two lickers comin in NEST, I threw one at him, he survived and jumped at him, I used a bit of flame and shotgun to finish them.
>I'm your mother now child.
>if you knife react to a zombie twice the knife is used in the same place, twice.
I think they should have done more with this happenstance, like it could break the first one, or stab him in the head and finish him.
mama claire's milkies
still got a kiss from ada not clair
Why isn't Jill harassing Chris constantly? The valentine bloodline is gonna be dry if she doesn't get on it soon.
It would be funny if in the future, there is a PC setup to run Resident Evil at such a high FPS that you can one shot bosses with the knife.
Why would you ever "fix" this
Watched part of a Let's play when the game came out just to see if it was good
>mfw the girl playing kept saying how "cute" Claire was
alright i feel like claire as earned at least one fap
im downloading that nude mod
Just the usual pointy elbow fags. She just has some unfortunate animations in some scenes.
>that assisted mode rocket launcher victory lap
The same as always: absolutely nothing.
You can use this instead.
How the hell did he pull out those intestines so fast?
probably ripped open her torso near her belly button
>you'll never nibble on claire's intestines
why bother
You wouldn't fuck a Claire, would you?
>ripped open
So zombos are super-strong now? Is this an easter-egg for that retarded scene from TWD?
Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
Oh my god who the fuck cares man? It's a game with fucking zombies and monsters and magical herbs, just pretend the virus makes them stronger or something.
I'd hug and cuddle Claire if you know what I mean
RE4fags just buy it again whenever it gets ported.
Should've cross posted that pic again
>Ada forcefully kissed him
>he didn't smile for a second after it
>only kept a straight face and replied to her with a cold "Okay." and "I know."
Aside from the face, that Claire is alright.
>a Claire
Leave discord trannies.
Jill Valentine and Autism Girl.
What are you talking about? It was a pic that shows those delusional tranny chasers what an abomination it actually is
jill and claire
it's not even a contest
sheva is cute but she doesn't have the nostalgia factor, and becca is a little slut whose sole purpose is being bred by hunters, lickers, dogs and other monsters
Would give her a black baby to raise.
where would you get it from?
I misquoted the post.
And you are very right.
From her uterus. After all. It is almost April.
Can you imagine the stank on that cunt
Finally, a tranny with a smaller penis than mine.
I still want Capcom to rerelease the OG games. With this new re-upscaling tech it would be a snap.
Also add in new character models to match the higher resolution. Similar to what Deadly Silence did with RE1. OG models can still be alt outfits.
I would pay hundreds of dollars for RE3make
Rev2 could have been 50% better if it was just Moira and Barry.
Is this the best remake ever?
how lowtest underage you gotta be for keeping up with the constant forcing of these waifu meme faggotries
but oh wait... i'm browsing Yea Forums nvm. but seriously ease up with that cringe shit you imbeciles.
Claire is good
For your good work i reward you with a cute cybergoth girl picture
got damn what a good show, we will never see its like again, it would never be aired in todays political climate
Nice, another one to the goth / emo folder.
I will always hate shows about American soldiers but GK was funny as fuck.
What the fuck is all that stuff on her head.
I probably would have stopped a while ago if it weren't for the mods
I am finally doing second run for the first time, Leon, since Claire was the easiest I expect Leon to be harder again so I am taking it out of the way.
First, fuck Mr X.
Second, I literally just found the bolt cutters and Leon is asking for a key? Are you fucking kidding me?
Claire posters are best
Claire is perfect for marriage and motherhood and I'd love to raise a family with her.
just how perky are those, jesus
MR X is actually pretty easy to ring around the rosies with, and if you flash bang him he's stunned for a good 10 seconds. He only really homes in on you if you fire a shot
Although, if I don't know where he is, walk through a door and get clotheslined i do get a little irritated
Claire is perfect for everything nice
did you miss the chained up door?
>Implying he won't NWF her the same way he did that nubile piece of ass from 4
Don't underestimate the power of yellow fever
god i wish i looked exactly like ada
>Ada's Valentine's Day gift for Leon
jesus christ
Post more webms of her death animations, I need to get hard.
i wonder if she put a lot of effort in it?
claire looks like she do some exercises or kinda
Is this good enough?
no, of course I went there, picked up stuff, although I seemed to remember that there was a sewer access there, oh well nevermind, my point was Leon being silly asking for a key.
anyone have a link to the twitch channel with all of the wrestling videos?
Is The Evil Within any good? I've had it installed forever and never played it
More of this.
disregard, found it in an archived thread.
I love the shit out of it. Other people will tell you it's mediocre.
All I can say about it is the game isn't really consistent so just enjoy the ride.
user who was having ammo woes against Birkin G4 the other night. I ended up clearing him but the the coup de grace called for knifing his guts out in the end. Hardcore might have something to do with it. But that ordeal got me to where I could probably clear the entire fight knife-only; debating whether to record it if only to test my newer system's aptitude at capturing video.
Now I'm giving myself a break by playing Leon A Standard before I hit his B scenario in Hardcore. Good god, the comparison is like playing the game with training wheels and still having my dad at my shoulders keeping me balanced.
Claire is beautiful and sweet.
Sheva and Rebecca. I like delicious brown and tomboys.
I think the boss hp jump from standard to hardcore is quite significant.
He was one of the best parts of the game. It kept me on my toes and seeing him made shit tenser but he was easy to escape from if I didn't play like a moron. The only time he made me a little bitch was the end of Leon's campaign with him as a boss and most of that was because my inventory was low on shit.
There is no HP jump, you just do less damage
The only times his pursuit felt egregious were when he obviously teleported. Like if I downed him on the east wing, ran to the west hallway with the Licker and he walked down the stairs
Go jerk off to DmC2 some more, DMCuck
Damn, really? Do you know by how much? Because it feels like it takes way longer to kill the bosses in hardcore than standard.
How much damage does the infinite knife do? I took down G1 in like 30 seconds by just walking around him and knifing his ass
You do like 65% damage
it's like a lightsaber, it does more damage the more flesh you cut through per swing. It does damage for every frame, which is why its much stronger at 60fps than it is at 30fps
It's almost a shame later bosses are so fast, I would love to do a knife only but i'm shit at dodging. Like i've seen videos where people can dodge Super Tyrant's first swipe by running past his right side as he swings, but I can't do it
if you can knife a zombie 2x it will stun him and you can just keep knifing his legs and stun-locking him till you cut one of them off, he will just stay stun-locked til he dies.
that was his finest moment you nut
That's what I do, just pop him enough to drop him and then go to town. I rarely end up using it for defense because nothing can grab me
Is the infinite knife unlocked by getting all the Raccoon toys? I fucking swear I got all of them but I still don't have it and I kind of want to have it to try inflating ranks in Hardcore.
You must have missed a toy somewhere
Yes. Don't forget that there is 1 you can only get in B, but it's within about 30 seconds of starting
I got that one, it was pretty obvious. Got the Ada exclusive too. I'm gonna have to rerun both fucking scenarios looking for those cunts.
If I have S+ in all Standard scenarios but rerun them with the infinite handgun just to find the toys and presumably get a shittier rating because I'm using a bonus weapon, does it overwrite my S+ or the records screen keep track only of the best time, save count and rank?
Let's be honest here; Does Capcom even have any idea what the fuck is going on at this point?
Nigga just run through on assisted. It's the best for trophy/achievement and collectible runs given how everything dies if you breath on them and you get a ton of bullets
I intend to only do that for the no item box run. I literally would consider it a chore to play this game with absolutely no stakes like that.
Then make that the run where you grab everything. Better than running the possibility of overwriting a good score in standard
shes got a lot of vulnerable body parts
I wonder if Claire is ticklish.
>You will never tickle Claire while she laughs and slaps at your hand, playfully telling you to stop
I just wanna be Leon
tickle her so much that she pulls your hair, so then you pull on her ponytail
Why do zombies always go for the neck anyway? I thought they were basically braindead
No. Fuck this goblina.
>claire lovers
probably because its at their mouth's height