I'm trying to enjoy Dragon Quest but this game is fucking murdering my eyes...

I'm trying to enjoy Dragon Quest but this game is fucking murdering my eyes, I can feel them dying the longer I glance at the screen. Sometimes I'll play the kind of horror game where you want to look away from the screen, and playing Dragon Quest XI feels like that sometimes.

Is this the dreaded "Bloom"? Is there anything I can do to fix this shit so I don't go blind while playing? I can tweak the .ini files, but messing around with in-game settings doesn't seem to do shit, this is with all AA and Post Processing and even shadows turned off, because otherwise it looks even fucking worse.

Attached: 20190228101440_1.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

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Please somebody save me, this blinding light any time I dare look at the screen while white objects exist is horrible.

I don't remember the game being that bright. I think there is something wrong with your settings.

Fuk bloom

I played it on PS4 and I've never seen that.

Yeah this. You have definitely fucked up somewhere OP.

Never seen this before, the game just used to murder my fucking ears with the same shit piece of music on an infinite loop.

Unironically works on my machine.
I think it's something on your end, OP.

What do you mean? I loved that every single town, field and dungeon had the exact same themes playing in them
If you don't like this masterpiece repeating endlessly you are unironically retarded

Attached: 1547402396199.jpg (1200x675, 462K)

I lowered the in-game brightness to make it a little more bearable, but it doesn't fix the problem.

Here's a screenshot inside, the game looks fine... but the second I open a door....

Attached: 20190228104455_1.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

...I get fucking blinded before I even step outside.

Attached: 20190228104508_1.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

it's the post-processing setting

I guess that's why they call him the Luminary.

got a "heh" out of this

Here's the same scene with the Post Processing cranked to the max instead of none like before. Slightly better looking, but still just as blinding in the light-spot.

Attached: 20190228105536_1.jpg (1920x1080, 441K)

I'd rather be the Darkspawn right now desu

What the fuck is wrong with your settings

that's interesting, this is what it looks like on my end

Attached: 20190228180136_1.jpg (1600x900, 365K)

And you've never had to tweak .ini settings or anything? I have no clue what's wrong with it, the pillars are one thing but in many areas the entire ground is white and it looks like I'm walking on the sun. I haven't touched .ini settings yet so I have no clue why it'd be acting up for me.

definitely something is wrong on your end

you dont need to edit .ini or anything, game looks like on default, something is fucked up on your PC, maybe update drivers or dunno

desu it was nice seeing a game with actual colors in it but it hurt my eyes
also the game was extremely boring and quit right around when i got the boat

the only time I tweaked the ini was to get the game back at 1920x1080, but no other graphical settings

looks like a shader issue. maybe check radeon/geforce settings if you have some global custom settings running.

Put sunglasses

What the fuck did you do holy shit

>Master race troubleshooting random graphical errors yet again

Attached: 1539719127982.jpg (584x575, 50K)

>tranny SNOY console can't fix anything, can't mod music, runs at 27 FPS
oh man, you sure showed us

Attached: sNOY.jpg (784x489, 540K)

Not even a game boy game repeated the same theme for every town, good damn it, I'm glad I skipped this one

I'm pretty sure some gameboy games repeated the same theme for every town, user.

I dont know how you did it op

Attached: Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age Screenshot 2018.10.15 - (3840x2160, 1.9M)

>random error on pc
>ask online and fix it
>random error on console
>wait weeks for devs to make a patch, if they even decide to, and hope they fixed your issue

Enjoy your shitty MIDI music

Dragon Quest 3 on the GBC had 4 themes.

I don't know how I did it either. It's shitty because I love the style and when I'm inside the game looks fine, but the second I try going outside the sun blinds me almost as badly as in real life.

Attached: 20190228113411_1.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

Just look at that fucking GLOW, even the sky is lit

Attached: 20190228113519_1.jpg (1920x1080, 433K)

well check the radeon or geforce settings like user told you to already

Im assuming you are running latest drivers?

Attached: Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age Screenshot 2018.09.16 - (3840x2160, 1.7M)

absolutely kino. I teared up a bit here

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>he doesn't have orchestra music

Attached: 20180906182953_1.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

not modding it to look like the Saint Seiya armor

each time the DQV music hits it's instant sadness

Attached: 20181011215743_1.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

why was every leader a fucking cunt in this part? If Carnelian was already mind controlled I'd understand

it's a ruse to test the young King's conviction

this game is coming to the switch, is this game going to have the same quality of graphics or is it going to look like garbage on the switch like Fortnite VS the PS4 on the switch? sorry if its a dumb question, sometimes the ports look and perform better on switch so I have to ask because this game is really pretty

I should skip the whole franchise then it seems

did you not pay any attention? They wanted to see that your father didn't want to kill you because of the ominous prophecies, if he would've shown even a hint of concern then the other kings would've taken you from him.

i know they wanted to test him, but it just came off as dickish trolling even after the "ha got you" part

It'll look fine, but even OP's bloomed-out version is going to be prettier than what the Switch ends up getting because there's going to be serious downgrades.

can you blame them? your dad was not royalty and a young king at that

i guess it's true enough, I forgot he was a literal who before saving his wife

>he fell for AMD meme