Is there a deader console?

Is there a deader console?

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but there are people who still cling onto it believe it or not

The Wii U

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No way

Even the Saturn and Wii U had games. This thing's going down in history alongside the Atari Jaguar.


I've never owned an Xbox.

Should I buy a One for the MC Collection (for single player), and, I dunno, gears or something.

I just wanna play Halo.

Do you have a PC? If so, Halo MCC should be arriving on it soon.

I bought a one x for Halo, and don't regret it for a second. Halo 5 is actually kickass. They added alot of older games that I loved growing up like crimson skies, and ninga gaiden. Look amazing in 4k. I have been going really hard on Lost Odyssey which may be the best JRPG. I have ever played.

the virtual boy


It's literally just a budget PC for people who only have a TV. Better than playing games on a laptop though probably

Halo 5 is the best MP FPS of the gen dude

No, and everyone who bought into that trash heap after the single biggest middle finger to the consumer ever in 2013 deserves every big fat nothing they get out of it.
>It's been out 5 fucking years and still has no worthwhile exclusives that can't be played on Windows anyway, and even those aren't very good
>Overpriced for underperforming hardware
>Continues to be the "water-cooled" and "TV box" they marketed it as

Eat shit, every single person who bought this trap for retards.

no, and paying for a fucking Microsoft console is as degenerate as you can get when it comes to vidya.

>buying xbone
>after the reveal
They only have themselves to blame. Should've listend to the Don when he said that they can go to the 360 if they want games.

>Even the Saturn and Wii U had games
Good games too, what the fuck does the xbox even have? Forza? Halo hasn't been good since ODST

Ironically, my ps4 is used less than my xbone

You mean Reach.

>I bought a one x for Halo, and don't regret it for a second
>Said the increasingly nervous man to himself as he heard about windows crossplay and realised he bought a $300+ brick


that buy consoles arent all pc gamers so it doesn't mean shit. Also, if you were a fan of xbox before xbone and games like gears, forza, halo etc that owned a lot of games on 360, it's still a good console to own. The constant hate here for a last place console is pathetic.

Yeah, the multiplat machine with terrible hardware that is xbone has many uses: holding open doors, weighing down stacks of paper, playing cruel pranks on children at Christmas

>has the same number of sales in US as PS4
Sony's ricebox literally propped up by shitskin FIFA players.

3DO had more games

>that buy consoles arent all pc gamers
No fucking shit, the point is that (a) you should have been, because there's literally no reason to play console anymore bar exclusives, and (b) if you were getting a console anyway in the face of all good sense, you should have got one with exclusive reasons to buy it
>The constant hate here for a last place console is pathetic
DEFENDING a last place console is pathetic you Facebook tourist lmao, it was last place for a REASON

>muh exclusives
I own all consoles so it means nothing to me. I do happen to enjoy multiplayer games not available on ps4 like gears 4, horizon, halo more than single player games that not available on xbox. I don't have to pick a team and fight for them online though. Ultimately, it's just relatively cheap electronics.

>Do you have a PC? If so, Halo MCC should be arriving on it soon.
Been hearing this for years

They just released the RE2 remake on xbone, but not the Switch. If the former is dead, what does that make the latter?

I didnt even buy a xbone at launch and got it as a gift from my gf to play sunset overmeme and gears 4. It won me over since i was playing mostly multiplats on my ps4 anyway and i prefer the way ms handles backwards compatibility so i shifted to buying multiplats on xbone. It's really not hard to understand if you don't have a hate boner for xbox.

>I own all consoles so it means nothing to me
"I burn money for no reason like those lottery winners that file for bankruptcy a year after winning the lottery".

>Relatively cheap electronics
Literally expensive paperweight
Just do everyone else a favour and stop advertising a waste of money for free

>imagine actually thinking people would waste time advertising to a bunch on unemployed manchildren faggots that don't even play games

Kys poornigger

Depends on who you ask

>It was a gift
My condolences that your gf did the equivalent of Marge getting Bart Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge
>Sunset overmeme
The game playable on PC?
>Gears 4
The game playable on PC?
>The way ms handles backwards compatibility
So your justification for other people getting an Xbone is that they can play their 360 games on it in slightly better framerate than they can on their 360?
>It's really not hard to get
It wouldn't be if you could give me a single reason why an informed buyer would pick this console
Back to Facebook

>Can't even fucking read the post before replying to it and makes a fool of himself
This is your brain on microcock

Jaguar had exclusives and some of them were even decent.

coping underage poor fag detected. $400 aint shit to me, and I like UHD blu-rays/dolby vision, and atmos.

Attached: xbro.jpg (1366x767, 646K)

>Literally was never educated enough to learn how to read
>$400 aint shit to me
I'm hearing "files for bankruptcy at 30"

The WiiU obviously

>thread is about deadness of console
>exclusives are brought up as if that has relevance to deadness

You're obviously retarded or underage. I gotta go play some xbox before work. Have a good day battling people who like ehat you don't like.

>Proves himself even more illiterate, then shows how insecure he is by having to announce he's an adult

>honestly has to think hard about $400.
less then two days of work.

>less then
Based Facebook poster

Based Pedophile

>resorting to grammar critiques

Attached: asdfasdf.jpg (743x708, 112K)

Reach and seeeeethe harder

The point was already answered lmao
Try not having shit grammar


>doesn't understand green text.


Attached: hahaha.gif (326x373, 1.4M)

You must have been late to the party (given the Xbone X coming out late 2017, at the least it's a yes) , 'cause Halo 5 on relase was fucking atrocious as a game, unlike what said, Halo 5 died so horribly fucking fast due to lack of weapons, maps, (good) armour, no Forge on release, and fucking aweful lack of custom games, that it took Xbox Games pass to keep it alive - which even then was a pathetically small community.
(There's even videos from DEC 2015, just months after release, talking about the low population)
To give you an idea, EA Battlefront was at 60k-ish a week after Halo 5 came out - and was still an entire tier above active players than Halo 5. Halo 4 at least maintained 100k+ players for the first two weeks before it started to die nearly as much as Halo 5. There were more Xbox One consoles in households at the release of Halo 5, then there were Xbox 360's at the release of Halo 3, by quite the significant margin - but couldn't even hold a fraction of active players that Halo 3 did (this also applies to both BETA's for Halo 3 and Halo 5, the active time people spent playing Halo 5's BETA was significantly lower than the average playtime of the Halo 3 BETA, by quite the degree. Diffrence being that Halo 5 had an open BETA, but you needed Crackdown for the Halo 3 BETA.)
Fuck Halo 5
P.S. Fuck Halo 3.

343 teased MCC news at one of their upcoming tournaments and I doubt it's anything other than a PC port seeing as how MS wants to sell infinite on PC

don't buy anymore microsoft products. this thing was supposed to come with a kintect.

The Wii U was worse. The only redeeming feature for the xbone is its performance (which pales in comparison to PC). The game pass is promising for future generations if they don't remove any games or increase the price. Forza Horizon 4 was really fun and I'm glad I got to play it for a few days without paying the full price.
This generation sucks in general, Nintendo's Online and overreliance on Smash has been an embarrasment and the PS4 has just been mediocre outside of a few solid titles.