Game is so awful I uninstall it at the tutorial

>game is so awful I uninstall it at the tutorial

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Cross X Edge

I wanted to like it , but goddamn it was horrible.

Lords of the Fallen. I even deleted it from my steam library.

Axiom verge, shit is so slow and boring I couldn't take it anymore after 30 minutes

I got a good computer and decided to put it to the test by playing Crysis 1, 2, and 3.
It plays so god damn boring and felt bad to play.

Tales of Berseria
Shit was so fucking long and the combat was so fucking bad.

All of the Darksiders games. I tried to enjoy them. How the fuck does anyone actually enjoy that shit? Also, the new game calls a non horseman a horseman. Fucking heresy.

Monster Hunter World.

Witcher 1, the moment I realized the combat was going to be a rhythm clickfest.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I usually like playing crpg's, but this one just seemed to have characters and story that I didn't care about at all.

divinity orginal sin 2 after I saw the sjw shit on the ship

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funny i was just looking up pictures of ar tonelico on the boorus and that game popped up. never even heard of it before until 20 minutes ago and then see an user mention it for the first time
i feel compelled to play it now

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Faster than super Metroid

not even close

Please don't talk with your mouth full. Thanks!

Crysis is for fps fans, not autists that "test their rigz"

but i'm also an FPS fan. It controls like fucking shit. it doesn't feel anything like the better games that came out before it. feature and mechanic bloat doesn't help.

Fuck you

once you rebind all the powers to c+1,2,3,4 it controls pretty fucking smooth
also q and e for leaning combined with ctrl pressed with the palm of your hand is as smooth as it gets as far as controls are concerned
not sure what part of that is shit, also you should be in speed mode 90% of the time

everybody who uses this picture is an insufferable person with terrible posts who probably hasn't been able to make 1 friend throughout his life

You installed all of the Darksiders games and uninstalled them at the tutorial?

I've never understood the need for lean. what a useless abillity that takes up two keys.

>League of Legends

You're supposed to get used to using it constantly while moving with wasd, it makes you a smaller target when you peak out of places which helps because the weapons your enemies use do have spread, it also makes it harder to get detected by the A.I. when you are peaking out from somewhere
(you can just throw all this into the trash with 2 and 3, since they just gave up on coding and made all the enemies cheating shits)
I'll admit that it does take a lot of finger dexterity to play like that, and most people are probably too lazy to ever utilize such a thing


Crusader Kings II



Hollow knight

Korean MMOs

See ya, Monster Hunter World

Bless Online.

Its like I dont give a fuck about your 'get over the pillars' tutorial Just let me get past so I can play this game. Fucking thing took me 10 minutes to get past.

Eve friend convinced me to try it quit 5min into the tutorial. Same friend later convinced me to buy Tarkarov, loaded the game up it was constantly stuttering and freezing up uninstalled immediately.

Dawn of War 3

>Game is so good you start the tutorial and don't get off your chair until the whole game is finished

Last happened with Deltarune chapter 1 for me

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shit taste

Payday 2, holy shit it's a shit game.

yes. thought the first was probably the worst so i skipped ahead

Deus Ex Machina absolute fucking garbage.



This happened to me with Deus Ex at first, I accidentally threw my gun somewhere unreachable and couldn't progress

HItman Absolution

doesn't really have a tutorial but gta 5
15 minutes in or something and i was just like "yup i've seen enough" and uninstalled and refunded

Yoko Lala


>Crusader Kings II

The witch and the hundred knight, overly long and treats player like a drooling retard.

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Game journo detected

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Cant customize guns, need a DLC, cant even use tools in bank robbing like the cuttig saw without setting the alarm. Can just sit in one place and the police keeps going at you and you just mow them down. Can't even threaten to kill the hostages the police dont even care. Guns are so expensive that it even doesnt make sense. Billion policemen dont even know where they come from. Dlc's for fucking everything yet people shit on other games for having dlcs, supprised they dont have a dlc for reloding. Even GTA V does a better bank robery simulator then this shit. Want to do something you need a DLC. Boring gameplay because the police just keep coming.



any survival builder, terraria and shit like that
,player driven sandbox survivals are ass

Name ONE game where the tutorial isn't the slowest and most condescending part of the game.

Hard mode: The tutorial is more interesting than the main game.
Bonus: You can actually get a game over during the tutorial.

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Resident Evil 4. All tutorials are completely optional and you'll figure the game out by simple pathfinding.

Hard mode: Prototype. Game opens with you possessing the most devastating OP bullshit and allowing you to just button mash everything into smithereens.

Dragon's Dogma had a pretty baller start.


>game is so awful I uninstall it at the title screen

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You should have kept at it. The game gets a lot easier once you get past the pillar.

How can one man be so wrong?
>Can't customize guns, need a DLC
>Can't use tools in bank robbing like the cutting saw
>Can just sit in one place and the police keeps going at you and you just mow them down
Only on easy, and you won't actually ever finish if you don't do the objectives
>Can't even threaten to kill the hostages
okay, got me there
>Guns are so expensive that it even doesn't make sense
>Billion policemen don't even know where they come from
Would you rather have no enemies after you kill a few?
>DLC's for fucking everything
Just new weapons, characters, and levels. They go on sale all the time too, you can get the game and all DLC for like $20
>GTA V does a better bank robery simulator

Elder scrolls games.

never ever

If a game forces you to play a tutorial before you can play the game, I’m immediately uninstalling it

Stop using first person in greentext.

>wtf bro this game from a developer known for making games with a steep learning curve didn't include a tutorial to explain every facet of this game bro!
>trial and error? bro whats that, i want instant gratification from a game bro!

I've seen retards straight up use greentext as a mere comeback text.
Nah dude that's not how it works
>because you're a fucking retard
I just don't get it. How do you fuck up something as simple as greentexting?


The game has a lot more buttons and shit now than it did when it came out. That's how every paradox game goes these days.