Why did cheatcodes die out?

Why did cheatcodes die out?

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Because publishers saw they could include them as payed DLC instead.

Oh shit, I think one of my first faps as a kid was to the woman on the right in that ad.

cause you can sell them as mtx instead

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give me three (3) ''tres'' example right fucking NOW

DLC cheats on console
For PC they still exist perfectly fine with cheat engine or trainers and oftener are better than so called "cheat codes"

>tfw booting up dial up internet in the 90's to look for some cheatcodes on cheatplanet for a game you just rented at blockbuster
Zoomers will never know this feel

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Achievements happened. Cheats were on their way out long before DLC.

Because I use a PC and can just mod whatever I don't like out of the game or into it.

Far Cry: X - You can buy resources.
Ghost Recon Wildlands - You can buy resources.
The Division - You can buy resources.
AssCreed - You can buy resources.

Gran Tursimo Sport
Assassin's creed odyssey's time savers
deus ex mankind divided


gaming became serious business the second Microsoft implemented cheevos like the homewreckers they are. Suddenly cheats were not allowed anywhere because that would mean gamers could unfairly earn points from achievements, and developers couldn't have that.

cheatcodes were originally for playtesting
its difficult to test certain features out or to bug hunt if you are stuck in level 2

eventually, things like the debug console and other better tech meant they didnt have to leave the testing code in the game so the codes were only kept in as easter eggs for the player

since there really isnt a reason for them to stay, except for jokes, they just sor of faded away

because cheats were used back in the day for the devs to test their games for glitches. games are no longer tested, the devs now just wait for a bunch of complaints to be filed then patch whatever needs to be patched.

some redditard will claim that cheat codes today are DLCs
devs know that gamerniggas today will datamine and hack everything possible so they don't bother with cheat codes

cheat codes were fucking gay. I'm glad homos need to pay to break the game now.

I grew up back then but was too autistic and stubborn to cheat. No wonder i rarely beat games

R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down

‘how do you turn this thing on?’

>cheats in RDR2 not only block achievements but your ability to save as well

They were replaced by console commands.

Consolefags need not apply and should kys.

Playing on "godmode" eventually gets really boring.


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Only true gamers know what this means!

>Not getting yelled at by your parents for dialing one of those premium numbers in the back of gaming mags for help
Pff nothing personal zoomer

Actually I never used it, wanted to for Zelda II though


Thank god.

I remember buying this bad boy for the first time in a store. For some reason they sold them in GAME, for about £10 and I think they thought it was just cheats, and so did it
>tfw got a ton of free games from it
>felt like a God with all my codes

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I said three and you gave me four retard, your examples are therefore invalid

Same, user. What a world.


>blizz/epic sue you

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Exploits are cooler than cheats.

Achievements, paid dlc cheat codes (Crackdown 1)
Plus game companies hate cheat devices (or modifying their consoles in general) and would've made them illegal if they could
Also shift to internal hard drives instead of saving data on memory cards and cartridges makes things less convenient to cheat with devices

Is it ironic, I'm picturing you as that butthurt kid who wasn't actually good at the game but had everything unlocked and when confronted about it just claimed he used the cheats because it was boring now.

Probably something about "not taking the game seriously anymore" or "ruining the franchise" once they removed it all because you couldn't brag to all the other kids at the playground that you have the secret skins unlocked and come up with some bullshit attention story about how you got it.

Nintendo has kinda brought cheating back as chances to skip content or have opportunity to switch in semi-god mode in many of their games.

I can only talk for PC but trainers, cheat engine and hex editors are the way to go, user.

Console plebs must git gut.


Because now you can just look them up on the internet instead of buying a guidebook

internet. kind of pointless when there's no secrets anymore. it used to be almost like an event when you heard a cheat code somewhere or unlocked it by doing something in the game.
and of course then achievements and dlc.

>Playing on "godmode" eventually gets really boring.
How glad I am that I knew that there was may more to play around with than just godmode

multiplayer and games being easier

Because some had lies in them

Damn i cheated so much in pokemon with this

>the cheats in gta v being so utterly dissappointing compared to san andreas

I just wanted to fly around the town in a car while people down there are dressed as clowns and packing shotguns,is that too much to ask?

>all those cheats for San Andreas

from what i remember this is the first single player game to ask for real money just so you can unlocking new stuff

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Imagine projecting this hard. Regardless of skill level, once you've beaten a game clean it's always fun going back through with cheats on and wrecking everything with your unholy powers.

GTA military weapons?

I actually had to call one of those fuckers for fucking Alundra when I was a stupid kid.
I-I asked my parents for permission first...

cheat codes that make you invuln or have infinite weapons are kind of boring and ruin a game's challenge

teleport ones can sort of do this but I have on occasion used them to skip really obnoxious/repetitive content

the best codes are the ones that do ridiculous shit, I wish devs would put those in games more

Any singleplayer game with 'premium' currency. GTAV, newer AC games, Far Cry, etc.

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user, I was on the internet when I was like 7. I'm 27 now. I looked up cheats online all the fucking time. I'm not sure where you get your misconceptions, but I assume you're an underage b&

EA is always ahead of the curve when it comes to next gen jewery.

I know the feel and I hate it.
>dial up internet
>ever having positive memories of it
It was the fucking worst.


>he didn't dig that sweet electronic music

Let's get this started shall we?

Good Cheating
>In game inputs that enable a certain mode, this input disables saves and achievements from the moment it's put in
Bad Cheating
>External input that modifies the game to allow you to remove, bypass, or include objects that aren't normally there and the game doesn't realize it and allows you to gain points/achievements to your profile

Good Cheating
>Everyone knows your cheating and you're just doing it for the inevitable ban/butthurt it generates. I mean, you're kind of an asshole but then again this shit is to be expected if the game isn't secure.
Bad Cheating
>Pretending you're really good at the game to either get an in with your friends, or just seem super legit in a certain genre/game. Proceed to block everyone and cause a hissy fit or get a gold medal in mental gymnastics when eventually exposed because you don't play enough to be that good or someone goes to the effort to actually watch and

Good Cheating
>Getting something that was in the game files into the game, that wasn't
Bad Cheating
>Getting something in the game files that was hidden behind a timed gate or restriction, so you can have an advantage over everyone until they get it also.

I don't remember the end of it, it usually only lasted a few seconds for us.
My dad always had the latest advanced IT shit at home. I remember having an old Macintosh, black and white with a mouse with a singular button, a black/green screen and finally windows 95 with Red Cat when I was a bit older.
I have fond memories of playing Stratego with my dad on the Macintosh, and Red Cat on win95, but jesus fuck dial up internet. I'm so glad we improved in that area.

>beat level fast
>get cheat

This. Fuck dial-up. Fuck having to get off the internet any time someone wants to make a phone call.

they are there but kiddies don't care

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>may more

Nigga whut?

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>not finding the exclusive cheatcodes as a six year old in some Yea Forums-tier magazine
never understood how they could advertise those to kids

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this scares the zoomer

>playing Ultima Online at the tender age of 14
>running away from PK guilds who were after the loot I made grinding in Despise
>mom picks up the phone, kills connection, I'm killed, butchered, and looted clean and I don't even get to watch
>hours worth of gold and weaponry lost. This happens all the fucking time.

looking back I'm glad that happened, I got so disillusioned with grinding games at a tender age that it kept me from playing them as I got older.

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Kids didnt act like that 10 years ago that's zoomer behaviour. Also games 10 years ago didnt ha e "secret skins" so fuck off.

in the 90s cheat codes were mainly a promotional thing to get you to buy game magazines or strategy guides which were given them straight from the dev. seems like a natural progression.

Because games are designed to be completed without patience nowadays. It's not really easier, it's just that there's checkpoints everywhere so you don't quit or feel like you need a hand to finish the bloody thing.
And the extra things for fun like hidden costumes and game modes they sell as DLC instead because fuck you.

No one touches this response because it'll expose most of the uh "cheating for fun" crowd on this board as overwhelmingly "bad" cheaters.

Achievements were disabled if you used cheats.

Every rockstar game has blocked saving cheat codes since GTA IV. I remember saving with certain cheat codes enabled in Vice City and it made the game glitchy

Many games do this.
>master game/level/area
>receive item to make game/level/area easier

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relax, homie

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protip: there's no such thing as "bad" cheating in a singleplayer game.

That's what this really boils down to. Singleplayer games aren't the norm and they aren't what brings in the big bucks anymore. The occasions where big companies do bother with solely singleplayer games they still can't be assed to put cheat codes in because they're so conditioned to not do it because of multiplayer games that it doesn't even cross their mind.


I havent played any of the newer GTAs like 4 and 5. Do they still have those ''everyone fights eachother'' and low gravity cheats? Those were my favorites.

>not the superior version

This. Retards saying DLC are fucking dumb, online interaction was the end of cheats (even though there should have been a way to disable cheats online). Now the only thing to rely on is glitches.

>protip: there's no such thing as "bad" cheating in a singleplayer game.

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Last cheat code I can remember was dead space stasis refill

because cheats are for scrubs
git gud

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this gave me PTSD

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because fuck fun

also online, achievements, paying for cheats, less fleshed out sp games, devs afraid cheats will lower playtime players invest in their games, not needed during development, etc.

Again, I have no problem with cheats as long as you don't receive the trophies/in game achievements/account achievements associated with the game.

There's nothing wrong with .noclip and godmode through the entire game.

>everyone knows you're going online to fap now

not to skip content you child fuck. after finishing the game you use cheats to fuck around and have fun.

M$hit created every cancer that's fucking videogames.

This, have absolutely no nostalgia for dial-up, especially since i lived rurally and had to endure it years after the internet started being designed for adsl.

Giving examples from a very specific subgroup (like citing exclusively games from one publisher) is not a very good game to substantiate a theory that tries to explain a widespread industry trend.
You will probably be pedantic and insist that you cited examples just as was requested, but you have to admit, they are not good examples.

Last game I cheated was God Eater 3 on ps4. Fuck farming the money.

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Most kino cheat code ever: Square, Down, L2, Up, L1, Circle, Up, X, Left

>tfw they didn't put the cheat in the subsequent games.

no fun allowed bitch

>10 minute of pre buffering for that 3 minute 120p porn clip so it wont stop to download again while jerking off

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you're right; the leaderboards and achievements in single player games -are- a multiplayer aspect and are scrutinized for cheating. It's dumb as shit when the leaderboards are pinned out with a bunch of people who hacked the game.

when you're just sitting in your own sp experience tho, cheat away no one should give a fuck.

>Turok cheats


Because games nowadays are so shit easy that you don't need them

It was a pretty big step up from having no internet access at all in your private home. Like having to make a trip to the local library to access the internet.

I think GTA IV only had health, weapons, weather and vehicle cheats. GTA V has the gravity cheats and some new cool additions, but none of the "Make pedestrians riot!" cheats. Closest thing to that is a cheat to make all cars slippery.


Sexy ads in vidya magazines were basically my only fap material until the age of 15.

My first fap was Terra from FF6 in her Esper form

left for me, but I'm a racial supremacist

What about highscore galleries in arcades and the fierce competition around them? Certain subsets of the audience have always considered gaming serious business. And even today, there are quite a lot of games, that have achievements and cheats. And then maybe some mechanic that prevents gaining achievements while cheating. (e.g. Factorio)
They might be a factor, but so is the increasing popularity of competitive multiplayer games.

Ive had notebook with handwriten cheat codes. My neighbor worked in local shop and allowed me to copy them from various game mags.
We exchanged them like some pokemons or someshit.

Have you successfully modded in true happiness?

the amerimutt on the right has this thing called a tan

they're both white though

kek, no

also if you're playing on PC (like any real gamer is) you can just make your own cheats with Cheat Engine

I did this joke better

I dont feel bad about your low iq

Mostly because no-one cares about them anymore debug mode codes are useless now and no-one wants to put any effort why try when moders do it anyway

1998. A year where not all private homes had internet access. Or internet access that was open for the children to use and not only for important things. You will find that depending on country and financial situation a lot of kids could not just use the internet all the time. You should not discredit someone based solely on your very specific personal experience and then act like you are Sherlock Holmes uncovering Moriarty's master plan.

You just gotta pay for them now.

possibly the gayest cope I've seen

>we have kids running around being nostalgic about fucking achievements now

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>Use gameshark for the first time on Ruby to get Kanto starters
>Go to the pokemon center to heal
>"Your pokemon have been infected with Pokerus"
>Thought it was a disease that would kill my pokemon because of my cheating
>Immediately reset the game
>It was saved after already getting it
>Box my Flygon in it's own box to try to quarantine the disease.

up down left right B A

You forgot 'start'

That's so cute. I once plugged my N64 when Bottles in Banjo Kazooie threatened to erase my game pak.

>i still think that the passage of time and trends is strange and new
heh, kids

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weren't they mostly a sweet deal for magazines, which no longer sell as good?digital vidya journalism doesn't need it/ can't profit from it.

with the upcoming of internet it's fairly easy to mod a game, so, at least on PC, the need to fuck around the game can be satisfied with that.Still see plenty of PC games that come out with easy mode, sandbox mode, console, mod support etc.Also online-tracked achievements that would , supposedly, need to be disabled should the player ever have fun for 1 minute with a cheat and then save.

i just no longer see the good old " up up left R2 L2 triangle to summon a car".But how would devs communicate to the player the existence of the cheat? if it's not hidden then it might as well be an option in console or in starting game settings.

U fucked up

wadya mean?

any cheating in online games with no consent from all the other players is scummy.
some kind of those cheatings are a bit less scummy, but still scummy. for example cheating progression in a non adversarial game, for example: botting to level to lvl cap in a MMO.Cheating for the purpose of just making a multiplayer game go wacky and fun for everyone is another example...still why not respect other people wishes to play normally?

anyone who think otherwise is just being an idiot who is doing some crazy mental gymnastic to justify ruining games for other people.You are better off stop lying to yourself and accept you just wanted to be a cunt to those people.It's not hard to do, just say "what i am doing is not ok, but i'll do it anyway because i want to be a cunt".

If THPS 2 came out today, Spider-man would be paid DLC.

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Unironic soul vs soulless development. Original game devs knew what they were doing and pushed boundaries and innovated while still putting passion and light hearted aspects into their games with bonus content, cheat codes, easter eggs, etc. Nu-devs are just copying what they saw old devs do instead of innovating and they have no passion, so the subtleties have been lost.

Any gacha


Developers stopped putting extra content in games entirely. It goes beyond cheats or cheevos even.
In another decade or so every single game will be episodic. You'll pay per mission/level instead of just getting a whole game and the turbo jews of the industry will still cling to "Story" and probably force you to buy sequential for ultimate profit. You remember Asura's Wrath? You remember how the full story was actually locked behind some DLC(Albeit that was because the game was released unfinished)? That's going to become the norm once someone massive rolls out and everyone starts copying that. Even with HL2 you could theoretically wait and skip episode 2 if you wanted to right now.

>tfw going into the book store, copying the codes out of the gaming magazines, then leaving without buying anything
Fuckers got smart and started wrapping them in plastic. At least they started coming with demo discs by that point.

Because cheats are only fun in the framework of actual games.

They aren't fun within cinematic experiences or interactive movies.

>looking for goldeneye chets on cheat planet
fucking hell

post some cheat codes you will never forget

debugup for carnivores

-developer for max payne

Look at this poorfag with only one phone line

I got the one for jetpack in GTA:SA still buried in my head but I remember looking it up once and realizing it was the wrong cheatcode and it just happened that the real one was buried in that long mess I used to always input so I dunno if it counts.

also rosebud in sims and of course idkfa iddqd