Chapter 1 is out on Switch as of today
Who else is replaying it?
Chapter 1 is out on Switch as of today
Who else is replaying it?
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Jumping in for the first time right now actually. I'm excited. I'm glad I didn't spoil the key locations now.
Shit game, toby is a hack who can't do anything that's not undertale related.
Fuck his overrated meme shit
lol Deltarune is the game he wanted to make in the first place, Undertale was basically a test to see if he could make a game.
Keep seething at his success bucko
lol keep sucking his furry dick retard
deltarune is literally undertale related though????
It's a semi sprite swap with more RPG elements
prepare for seething retard fanboys to respond
>chairel but no aschair
i dont like game
alright give me them (you)'s
i've never played it XDD im such a troll
I'm curious about something
I just played Undertale on switch, and the turtle shop guy mentions something about Deltarune. Was that always in the game or was it added for the Switch version? I'm curious how long he's been planning this game
I wonder if there's anything interesting in the code that wasn't included in the pc version
Shit game. Great fanart.
Undertale did the "you did this, you had a choice to stop but you kept going" theme right.
Great game. Gay fanart.
Yes. The deltarune symbol has always been there and mentioned
Cute. Drunk asriel lacking boundaries sounds about right
>I'm curious how long he's been planning this game
Deltarune's been in development longer than Undertale was ever a thing.
>DELTARUNE is for people already familiar with UNDERTALE
I thought they were completely unrelated?
wait a sec
No one said this.
This birds smug aura annoys me
Could've sworn Tony said it was unrelated to UNDERTALE after people flipped shit over the anagram. Was he saying they're separate universes or something?
>nu/v/ suddenly pretends its ok to enjoy reddit: the video game
it's mostly because it has spoilers for undertale in the first few minutes
>says the faggot who wasn't even around at the end of October
Oh, okay. Glad they're connected.
Yes to the latter. It is some sort of alternate universe sort of thing
He's been planning this game since highschool. It's the game he's always wanted to make, and Undertale was him just proving to himself that he could make games.
Interesting. Undertale was already pretty ambitious for what it was, so if that was the easier game concept to make first I'm curious to see what this game is going to attempt.
Well the demo does delete your entire harddrive if you fuck around with it so probably nothing good.
>people put their mouths on that you know
>That wasn't encouragement's dumbass
So far so fun
The original demo was like 20 minutes long, and it turned out to be the first chapter. This demo is like 2-3 hours long, and it's also the first chapter.
Deltarune is probably going to be a much bigger game.
I think he is a cuck for being mad but you read his post wrong
I don't like that he's making the game episodic and it's going to hurt the overall rhythm
other than that it's fine
oddball rpgs like hylics/undertale/OFF/LisaTP are supposed to be like this, it's not meant to be AAA GOTYAY
so what the hell is it? just heard the buzz when it was out on pc, it is the length of a full game? how much is it?
A game related to undertale
It's the first chapter of the game
Itls a free demo
It’s literally started here you retarded ass bandit.
Reddit just steals all of our shit because they’re soulless faggots
I'm gonna waste a couple of hours replaying it and one-shotting Jevil.
I can't wait to fight him. He looks tough
>if you want to hit me during our adventure, that's okay!
totally doing a genocide run my first time. Fuck monsters.
Remember to hug ralsei
>game constantly begging you to be peaceful
Thats the good part
Reminder that your choices don't matter. :3c
>nut dealer
Haha ur funny :^)
It’s equivalent to the ruins demo of UT.
>Reddit just steals all of our shit because they’re soulless faggots
Why are you implying that Yea Forums users are anything other than a group of autists seeking validation
Know what?
Oh right. I'm actually happy for that. There's no way they could pull off that dumb LoVE bullshit again.
>nude alert
no. It's well beyond the ruins demo
furries were a mistake
imagine being this mad over a vidya
That's cool and all, but didn't he say the full game wouldn't be done for like another 4+ years?
why's he so eager to release "chapter 1" all over the place
Dob't be like that.
A blessing*
It's been 4 years, Yea Forums.
Are you in control?
publicity, you fool
It worked the first time, kinda
*deletes the post-Genocode run file*
Fuck yeah I'm in controller you dumb cyberjew
Played it on PS4
It's fun, I like what he did with the battle system. Looking forward to the full release now
He doesn't have a set in stone release plan, if he did he won't tell us right now either way.
>tfw computer is corrupted but the switch is pure
when worlds collide
I got Undertale on Switch two days ago and beat it in a day. Its alright but I hope Deltarune is a bit better, looks more interesting. Working on Pacifist run then gonna try Chapter 1.
>beat it in a day
that's how most people do it, if you're bragging.
Make sure to do a genocide run on Undertale too, the bosses are worth it
Not intentionally bragging no, I know its short. What I'm saying is I hope Deltarune is a bit bigger in scope, sounds like it is.
Mistakes into miracles
The demo which is the only thing out right now in case you didn't know, which you're kinda implying you don't is probably about half as long as UT discounting multiple runs (of which you can't really do in DR since genocide's not really a thing)
Well it was short and comical the whole time. I love comedy but every screen is some pun or fourth wall breaking. Cave Story was just as short but came away feeling more deep and interesting.
Meant to reply to myself to add more. Fucking phone posting at work.
fuck off, Yea Forums was the first to adopt undertale when it came out because muh earthbound nostalgia
Yeah I'm hoping its just longer than UT when its done.
Reminder that Earthbound has awful gameplay and is thus an awful game
lancer is cute
stop lying, only newfags did while everyone else knew it was gay and cringe furbait garbage right then and there
How long is Part 1?
is it out on the ps4?
like, 3-4 hours
>everyone is a retard
I'm taking my sweet time and i'm nearing 2 hours so far. The lancer fan club is going strong!
is undertale on ps4? lol
Yep. Came out the same time as switch. No xbox version tho
thank you
Don't do Genocide run man, it has zero impact and makes the ending worse, I loved "Pacifist" ending but "Genocide" one was underwhelming.
I would rather kill myself than play this shitty pixel art indie retarded game.
>shames people for enjoying a video game
how very reddit of you
And nothing of value would be lost
Made it to the forest and susie bailed on me. Goat boy too mean
Kill Jestah
Why is Deltarune switch port being shilled so hard? It came out on PS4 the very same day but didn't get a trailer. Nobody even knows it's out
Yea Forums liked this game before you got here
stop trying so hard to fit in, you're only making it worse for yourself
It was featured on the newest Nintendo Direct. I didn't know it was getting a PS4 release either until today.
Nintendo sure knows how to advertise what's coming up for their console.
Faggot furry Tumblr garbage for zoomers
>all these contrarians
where's angry kermit when you need him
3-4 years. And you're still seething.
wouldn't be surprised if they're paying Toby for exclusive advertising rights, they flew him to Japan to visit nintendo HQ too
PS4 version got quietly announced on twitter only a week ago while Switch gets a trailer and a spot in nintendo direct
Seething that you faggot redditors keep posting this garbage on Yea Forums
We we're discussing Undertale before you got here and we'll keep doing it in the future.
there is a 0% chance you were around for the undertale demo, and if you're just pretending to be retarded you're still retarded
Don't make me post more skeletons.
>your machine sucks ass
>Nintendo picking the Smash DLC
>Nintendo shilling Undertale hard
What’s this game even about? Is it really just some goofy meme dog game? I’ve only played through like half of undertale
deltarune seems to be going to have an actual plot unlike undertale
>deltarune seems to be going to have an actual plot unlike undertale
The fact that history revisionism regarding Yea Forums and Undertale is so rampant is hilarious. If someone does not understand what the image you posted is implying they have no say on whether Undertale had a presence on Yea Forums before launch.
Every time, that’s your argument. Every time, and it never makes any more sense.
It’s a 2 hour demo. Why don’t you just try it out
It probably has a lot to do with how Sony got the Undertale port first even though Nintendo spoke to Toby about a port first.
They only lost out because Nintendo systems have never supported Game Maker until the Switch, and that support only came because of the interest in Undertale.
Undertale is why Hyper Light Drifter, Risk of Rain and VA-11 HALL-A got their own Switch ports.
With Deltarune, I think Nintendo really want to push their version as much as they can to make up for the time lost from Undertale being console exclusive to Sony.
>Toby: I couldn't be bothered finishing your game
>Taro: Oh yeah well I had to drink my way through yours
Based autist developer banter.
thy sound like friends lmao roasting each other like that
I know I’m probably a basic-ass bitch normie fuckstick for making a duck
But I couldn’t help myself man, it’s a duck, that’s funny! Come on, how can you not make the rubber duckie.
>Yoko Taro: I thought “this is the kind of game that would go great with alcohol” so I played while drinking, so after throwing in some naps in there I racked up about 50 hours. The actual gameplay time was probably around 10 hours. I recall seeing left on in the mornings after waking up.
Sorry redditors but I've been here since adtrw
How about you?
Furry faggots like you need to be executed
Deltarune was in works before Undertale though.
>Risk of Rain on Switch
>oh man if I namedrop something off of Yea Forums chronicles they’ll totally believe I’m and oldfag
Yep, it's the oldest trick in the book.
I wonder if they realise we can see right through them, purely just in the way they structure their posts.
still haven't touched undertale. not for any real reason, I've just somehow avoided it. Is it as good as it's hyped up to be?
Flowey is asriel
I bet you don't even have a pre-Yea Forums SA account do you
Back to R*ddit tranny
God they sound like roommates.
Quick question: I intend to play the game in my Switch, but, are there any particular functions/moments that are better in PC? In Undertale, you had the ocasional change of the name in the window and getting the game closed by Flowey or Chara.
No but it’s still enjoyable. Bonus points if you like puns
Came to snoy a good year before switch
Two very minor ones that don’t horribly detract from the game.
The closing like you mentioned and in mettaton’s battle he brings up a prompt for you to answer. It’s much more seamless and a better joke on pc because you actually use your keyboard like a keyboard abruptly.
That’s basically it though
Thanks, user!
Oh wow deep reference
Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of
Play Deltarune, it’s free. It’ll give you a good idea of what to expect
Or play undertale’s demo, which is also free
I will, as soon I ask my wife's boyfriend if he can open up my drink for me.
it's alarming how many people are fucking mystified by the mention of poopy joe or don't know what happened there, it's a fucking walking-simulator game with some rpg and shmup elements, it shouldn't cause THIS MUCH asshurt or THIS MUCH gaslighting
Maybe you could go discuss your shitty furry games on the site you came from, Gaia?
You seem really pissed off.
>Consoles don't let the game force close itself
Fucking lame
I am, can't get the cap off! It's so frustrating! I usually have to ask my wife's boyfriend to open it up for me! It's like oof!
gaia and something awful haven't been relevant to Yea Forums in about a decade, longer in sa's case, what the fuck are you trying to accomplish
Bitch what?
>I don't like that he's making the game episodic
He isn't. Toby already said he'll release it when the full thing is done, not in parts. The demo is the only exception.
Should....I be concerned by the creepy carnival music and the weirdo behind this locked door?
So anyone find anything different in the Switch demo of the game? Or is it just the PC version 1:1?
You can't choose "quit game" in the console version.
gonna be my first time playing it
Find the three broken key pieces and let him out user, he'll be very thankful :^)
Sorry you children don't respect true board culture
clearly you don't either since you drudge up shit that was relevant to old Yea Forums and Yea Forums fresh out of something awful's womb and pretend you're an epic oldfag, fuck off and get back to work hadji
I'm going to cuck that fucking deer.
Consolefag here. How much will I miss out if I play UT and DR on Switch instead of PC?
Deltarune Nothing but for UT you miss out on the game actually closing at a certain point
PC has some more shenanigans with stuff if its windowed as well in both games, Switch has an additional bossfight in UT, both aren't really major reasons to choose one over the other though since its easier to use a controller for these types of games
This purple cunt just killed something, and then the blue fuzzy dude told me I should warn them in future.
Did I just fuck up my pacifist run?
Nope, your choices don't matter.
There's no pacifist/genocide system in this. You're fine.
No you can literally get one person to forgive you in the Final area in a side room which lets you get the marginally better ending
The choices do make a difference to the climax, but not the ending.
The fight you're referring to is scripted and won't affect anything. But if you do "kill" and enemy by accident (note that don't die, they just get knocked off-screen) you can find them as an NPC later and apologize. This will basically reverse the "kill" count.
when will the rest of this shit be released? does toby even know? or is he just going to milk the hype for a few years
>When you fail a flirt and things gets awkward
20 years.
He said he doesn’t have like anything done (which could be a lie) and he said if it was like a computer download screen it said we would be at like 0% and would finish 20 years
name one thing this entity cannot do
Protip: you cant
Fuck Midna
what a fag for releasing the demo when hes completed nothing else
If Jevil could do anything, then why doesn't he just make Deltarune?
But Yea Forums liked Undertale when it came out
The fandom that formed around it was shitty
Its still a good game, but I guess some people form their opinion on things depending on who likes or dislikes it.
Makes me sad
just because he can doesn't mean he is willing to
Ok I fixed that key. Time to free the guy inside.
Enjoy the chaos
How’s the music
I will.
Yea Forums were the ones to get me to check it out in the first place the moment it launched. (and even posted a mega link to it).
Does anyone have the one where Jevil is a door to door salesman?
No pun intended I got royally flushed and my first gameover. The fuck am I dealing with here???
The optional postgame boss
You should see the turbo mode version of the fight.
Ohok. In that case I'm definitely not prepared for this at all
I will indulge in this vid after I wipe that smug smile off this jester's face first..,eventually
Rearrange a few things and it becomes quite wholesome
Why is this damn clown so hard? Stop the suffering
>no demo or undertale on xbox
why does toby hate xbox?
I just need to know if I should give a shit trying to spare everyone
Ask japan.
You can't kill anything in Deltarune, they just run away before you get the chance.
okay one more question genocide runs in undertale fuck over all future pacifist runs and the only way to undo it is through save editing, how the fuck does getting ported to consoles change that
I actually wouldn't know, since I never did a genocide run on consoles.
dang I can't find an answer anywhere
I'd imagine you can get around it by creating a new profile or erasing your save data.
Is there any new content?
Should I buy undertale on switch? I own it on PC but I didn't play it yet.
All of the game editing fuckery on the console versions is just done through cutscenes.
You get a better ending if you do but you can replay it without worrying
switch version is the best version(most up to date) so yes
how so?
You can probably still circumvent it by deleting your data for the game, if you don't want to get the permanent ending change, just reset after sans and watch the ending on youtube or something
It has some content that no other version has.
Don't worry about it.
You'll find out at the end exactly why.
it's on Nintendo now. we HAVE to suck it off.
just a boss fight, mew mew
he's overhyping the switch version tbqh
>Stating a fact is overhype
It IS the latest version of undertale though.
Yes, you are
Says you
What are other games that you can't talk about in Yea Forums because of epic memes besides Undertale?
Gale of Darkness and Tomba 2?
I recorded myself beating him back when the game was released
I hope there are more bosses like this in chapter 2, it was very fun
supposedly jevil is weaker than queen and knight, who seem to be actual story bosses, but I wonder if toby has balls to make harder bosses mandatory in all routes
Do you have the top cake?
>supposedly jevil is weaker than queen and knight, who seem to be actual story bosses, but I wonder if toby has balls to make harder bosses mandatory in all routes
I have a feeling the party will level up between chapters and that there will be bosses statistically stronger than Jevil but are easier.
well I didn't consider this at all
delete this
Toby Fox is the Stephenie Meyer of indie games.
>underwhelming soundtrack
Have a (You) my friend.
>reddit the video game
What the fuck does this even mean?
This fucking stupid.
It's like when some time ago wind waker was being talked about and one faggot called it "literally cucked the game"
You think because it's a negative word you can apply it to anything. God you twats are unoriginal unfunny faggots.
What did you expect of someone posting anime.
You know what they say, everything I don't like is Reddit.
To be fair they left in the auto restart during the naming section easter egg instead of force closing, so it just full on restarts the game before you can save instead.
Is jevil easier with brute force? Pacifist asking for a friend.
Me. I thought for sure you had to attack during the tutorial, but I kept doing other things until Ralsei told me was it OK. I'm falling for Ralsei all over again.
It's easier pacifist.
Imagine if common enemies get to be as hard as Jevil.
Eh, big part of Jevil's difficulty is that he's very bulky, if common enemies were that bulky it would get old very fast.
>consolefags will never experience Jevil at bugged fast speed
>mfw someone managed to make the Chaos King good
Protip, wait until after the loop.
Yea Forums likes undertale.
Yea Forums hates undertale fans
Well i'm retarded.
why would I play this furry crap when great indies with great waifus exist?
Die, also
>implying Chaos King was ever bad
That's shit is amazing though.
whats wrong, lil fella? favorite buzzword still filtered?
Is Susie autistic? I like her but I'm definitely getting autism vibes from her more so than anyone else
Delete the game and download it again
I want to kill the faggot deer bitch!
He's a weeb
Don't we all?
2 years at the most user, now that he has his team set up.
i really do love the way toreil is now a religious, repressed teacher who lives alone with her adopted son, it really pushes all the right buttons
After the switch trailer it feels like he'll do it in chapters.
One chapter per year should be doable.
>I wasn't here in 2013
He said that chapter 1 would be done and the rest of the chapters would come out together.
Are there any extra scenes in the switch version?
I wonder how he'll release it, though. A full game that makes you play through Chapter 1 again?
Mad as fuck lol
someday we'll be able to have one proper... someday...
Probably. the demo is basically a standalone software.
The full game will have to contain the first chapter for the people who never played it.
He said he might change/add a thing or 2 to the first chapter but it's unlikely.
Kris wants to fuck the dino
this btfos the noellefags, kris and susie were meant to be together
Yes, in a Q&A he said he will release the entire game including Chapter 1 and the rest of the chapters all in the same game. No DLC shit.
is there enough new stuff to warrant a new playthru?
Why are jester characters so cool Yea Forums?
There's no new stuff besides the convenience of playing on your Switch
I'm playing through it just to fight Jevil again since it's such a good fight
Phone posting ruined this site
>Kris x Asriel
He's not wrong, so many memes are just mindlessly parroted here that no opinion feels genuine anymore. For a board that loves stuff like the NPC meme, they sure have no problem stepping outside the norm themselves.
Good. Fuck Ralsei, literally the Knight which caused all of these problems and the flowey of this game.
*not stepping outside
fixed that.
Branflakes’ music is really good in general
fuck no it's like a full contained adventure with like 5 hours of content easily
Back in my day "I can't get the cap off!" meant something different
I still greatly dislike the level design. It may be an RPG but it's even more linear then Undertale was. Plus I hated that the same icon puzzle was re-used over and over. I also thought the character development was hamfisted.
I like some of his ideas and the ost but I get the feeling I wont like the full game much.
You can also attack over and over again ignoring his instructions
I fucking hate this site but I can't stop coming here because every other site feels so fucking fake. I'm just endlessly digging here for those few good threads
Hipsters really are right. Things are better when they're not popular. Undertale and Demon's Souls come to mind immediately.
same to be honest, but it does nobody any favors when the occasional dedicated autist takes the wheel and makes endless threads about something you like go to shit.
delete this right fucking now
Yeah, which is why I hate phone posters so much, it makes dedicated shitposting that much easier
Just waiting for any extras from the PC version and seeing if Toby has a team yet
Post more goat bullying. I need it.
I'll pass on Memetale 2. Still gotta finish Tales of Vesperia and Etrian Odyssey Nexus.
and the worst part is? everyone just follows what the autist says because they're afraid of being shunned. try to speak out against any memed game on Yea Forums and you just laughed out of the door. Yea Forums is nothing but a bunch of fucking sheep.
But who cares? It's a game. You add a part of the game and people will want to try it. Why punish that?
Yup, but at least some of us og newfags are still around
Having a good soundtrack is effortless. Even Cheetahman has a good soundtrack and it only has one theme!
Cheetahmen was one good theme out of 52 user, that's luck.
>Poor message
>Blatant plagiarism
>Simply alright soundtrack
Fucking truth
Use the elevator in the castle
Remember that elevator you take from the basement of the castle to the entrance? Get back in it.
He has a team?
Go into the castle elevator (the one that you took out from the dungeon) and select the ?????? option, that's where he is. You'll need to talk to him then find the 3 hidden key pieces in order to unlock him.
Something tells me he's gonna completely rewrite chapter 1 like he rewrote Underground
The one thing I fuckin forgot to do...thanks.
I hope either that happens or there's some sort of save transfer. I enjoyed this but I really don't wanna play it all again with my friend watching cause I know she won't ever forgive me if I play it without her
>My friend
user, I...
To stay relevant.
That's basically it. No one asked him to released an unfinished game for consoles. He could've left it as a demo and release the full fucking thing later when he actually has the manpower to finish it. But no.
Release it to Switch and PS4 before you even have a team! Genius! But of course, this is the guy that created the popular Memetale, so no one going to question his idiocy.
Undertale never punishes you for doing the bad route.
It punishes you for doing the bad route and then going back on your word.
If you did genocide and then never played the game again, that would be fine, since you're basically saying "yeah, I do hate these characters and want them all to die". So you kill them all forever, the ultimate hateful move. If you try to continue playing after that, then it either mocks you for your "perverted sentimentality" (i.e calling you a sick freak) or permanently takes away your good ending by souring it at the last second.
Why would you care, anyways? You did the route where everyone dies. You didn't really care about these characters if you did that.
He said that without a team it would take him 20 years, so he's either getting one or not making the game at all. Also Devolver reached out to him so maybe they put him in contact with people.
I think you need a new friend if she's gonna get pissy about you playing a game, let alone a game like Memetale 2.
>caring about video game characters so much that you'd deny yourself part of the gameplay experience
Genocide run is worth it just for the sick boss fights, just make sure to do it last.
>b-b-but you hate the characters becauze you killded dem!
No I love them so much that I needed to see everything
So I beat True Pacifist. A little burnt out on the game now, should I just give Deltarune a go and do Genocide later?
>It punishes you for doing the bad route and then going back on your word.
So...I'm not allowed to play the game again? Is that the point?
>Why would you care, anyways? You did the route where everyone dies. You didn't really care about these characters if you did that.
It's a game. Maybe I had some fun playing the game. Do I need to care about the characters to have fun? Should I care about the characters? They're not real, user. Should that get in the way of me enjoying an interactive fiction?
I don't understand. Has she not played Chapter 1? Is she saving herself for Toby's full uncut dog cock?
Yes, especially since genocide is mostly mindless grinding with the occasional awesome boss fight
>Sick boss fights
Um...does that include the one that is deliberately difficult and cheats to ensure that you stop playing?
the "punishment" is so fucking small i still dont get why people complain about it
Breath of the Wild
Dark Souls
and Overwatch
These are the games that Yea Forums will always melt the fuck down over. It's so satisfying to watch.
Yes, it's meant to be a brutal struggle. And the music is amazing.
Because it's permanent, even if you do True Pacifist and there is no way to fix it unless you play it on PC and mess with files or delete the game I guess.
Not sure if I'm at all okay with a boss deliberately designed to make you stop playing the game.
it still does almost nothing tho
So... do it last. It's not like Undertale is a game you're going to be replaying often.
>hurr your need to beat sans he's fucking awesome and the hardest shit in the game!!!!
I'm well aware that Sans is a sick boss fight, but I don't have the drive to play it because I genuinely like the characters enough to not see them suffer. Getting to Sans is a boring, emotionally draining and purely unfun experience, and while the boss fight is fun, I actually like the characters enough that having to slaughter them doesn't appeal to me.
>No I love them so much that I needed to see everything
Just like Flowey did, too. This mentality is literally "i love my mom so much that i'd be entertained by her getting run over by an 18 wheeler just to see how she'd react to dying". You didn't really love the characters, you see them as playthings for you to mess around with and do with as you please rather than actually liking them as people.
>So...I'm not allowed to play the game again? Is that the point?
Why would you want to play the game again after doing genocide? You feel bad about killing all these characters so you wanna try and end on a pacifist run? Nope. I guess you shouldn't have done the run that actively forces you to attack and kill the people that you like. The legitimate only reason you'd want to continue playing Undertale after genocide is if you have a fascination with the characters, which means you actually like them more as toys then you do as legitimate characters.
>It's a game. Maybe I had some fun playing the game. Do I need to care about the characters to have fun? Should I care about the characters? They're not real, user. Should that get in the way of me enjoying an interactive fiction?
It doesn't matter if they're "real" or not user, it's that you've seen everything the game has to offer and are going back purely of your own volition, which the game paints as a creepy obsession with it's characters and setting.
ya but its a small only affects like 2 secounds of the ending everything else is the same if it locked you out of true pacifism and by that i mean you cant even fight goat boy then i would agree with them but its so small is pathetic
Video games are serious business
>This mentality is literally "i love my mom so much that i'd be entertained by her getting run over by an 18 wheeler just to see how she'd react to dying".
user, you're old enough to discern reality from fiction, right? Right?
Wow, this user is dumb. I bet you think loli is CP, too, huh.
im pretty sure the message of undertale well at least the one i got after doing the 3 runs is that you shouldn't be obsessed over one thing and you shod try different things a message that went over most ut fans
Yeah, but the mentality is the same. You can't say you love something so much that you'd actually enjoy seeing them in pain. It's nonsensical and creepy.
One of Undertale's messages is the fact that while fiction and reality are separate, the way people treat fictional characters can be disturbing when applied to a realistic context, which is why the game spends so much effort on the fourth wall shit.
Started it up, finished it, and beat Chaos in two attempts.What a ride.
two reasons I think
1.Now that he's let people know that DR exists he feels more obligated to actually finish it, and
2.Japs love UT but most of them don't have PCs/can spend time at home. This lets them play too
Is it also on ps4?
I find loli creepy based on the fact that people are jerking off to images of sexualized children, but it isn't CP.
>Why would you want to play the game again after doing genocide? You feel bad about killing all these characters so you wanna try and end on a pacifist run?
What, you don't think people replay games when they feel like it?
>It doesn't matter if they're "real" or not user, it's that you've seen everything the game has to offer and are going back purely of your own volition, which the game paints as a creepy obsession with it's characters and setting.
So basically, "fuck you, player, for enjoying video games". Geez. No wonder people say Toby Fox is a hack.
And again, people are allowed to replay games if they want. A dev has no right to discourage or criticize this, especially if he wants people to play his fucking game.
Oh, nice. I feel the same.
>One of Undertale's messages is the fact that while fiction and reality are separate, the way people treat fictional characters can be disturbing when applied to a realistic context
And that's why they're fictional. And thats why some people are mature enough to understand what fictional means.
>What, you don't think people replay games when they feel like it?
Why would you want to replay a game like Undertale, though? It's incredibly linear. You know all the jokes and if you've done genocide and pacifist, you've seen everything. This isn't a game where you make big, game changing choices.
Genocide is meant to be the player hating the characters and world so much they just want to kill it all, which is why the game is fine with you going through with it. When you come back- proving that you actually *like* the game- is when it begins to mock you. You seem to forget that you're not supposed to know there's anything fun waiting for you at the end of a Genocide route, either.
>And again, people are allowed to replay games if they want. A dev has no right to discourage or criticize this, especially if he wants people to play his fucking game.
That's fair, but Undertale plays by different rules through engaging the player in it's fourth wall stuff. This is a valid criticism of the game that I can agree with on the level of "i just like undertale but don't want to engage with it's deeper metacommentary shit", but I think ignoring the context of what the game is asking of the player to talk with is, on some level, deliberately ignoring what the devs are asking you to do.
It'd be like spoiling the Mousetrap. Hooray! You ignored the playwrights and did the very thing they have begged people to not do for literally decades, but all you've really done is ignored the relationship the authors have tried to form with you. This is fine, no one is obliged to treat every play this way, but the authors wanted to try something unique with you, and to deliberately ignore it is, in a sense, ruining the fun of it. At least that's how I see it.
DR is helping to atone for UT's mistakes by altering perceptions of its characters while also not actually affecting UT's canon. It's genius really
>she will never throw him like that at your dick
Exactly, like you and me. It's not a message meant for you and me, though. It's meant for people like Kingdom Hearts fans or anime fans and so on, who obsess ENDLESSLY over the shit they like, making fanfiction of them getting hurt, or mpreg, or fucking, and so on and so forth.
It's basically mocking people who can't tell reality from fiction by explicitly telling them their "love" for the characters is something borne more of obsession than it is of genuine love, and that it's unhealthy. This is reflected in the major theme of the game, which is that loving something too much can be dangerous, as your love either blinds you to their faults or causes you to obsess over them and treat them more like fun accessories over being actual people.
Playing it for the second time and I have to say it's easy as shit. I hope the final release tries upping the difficulty just a little bit. Jevil still gave me a decent challenge though, I might retry his fight again but without going pacifist
>Why would you want to replay a game like Undertale, though?
Not him but the cool boss fights seem like reason enough for me.
This is fair, the boss fights are pretty cool, but they're set patterns most of the time. When you've beaten them once you've basically seen all they can do.
Except one can go through those lengths while still retaining the understanding that they're real.
And if that's the game's point, it's rather ironic given that the best route is sparing the monsters, regardless if they want to kill you, which the game will consider as "gaining love".
It's unrelated in the same way Majora's Mask is unrelated to Ocarina of Time
Sounds just like AU nonsense to me.
I think you mean "not real", but either way, yes. I guess I wasn't clear when I was talking about real freaks, those weird internet types who just obsess endlessly over their favorite shit. You know the type- if you're on Yea Forums, all you have to do is go to /utg/.
That means that they love YOU, not the other way around. It's also a love based off of genuine friendship and mutual understanding rather than one-sided admiration.
It's OFFICAL AU nonsense, that's what makes the difference
Wait, if the bottle is twisted like that, doesn't that mean it's the bottle's fault and not yours? I mean, you would just be holding it wrong because you're an idiot, but it has nothing to do with strength.
Well replaying them every once in a while is fun too.
Also just seeing the reaction of the character is fun, I've always liked games that make you feel like an absolute badass that everyone fears, Undertale does that very well in the Genocide run. And let's be honest, seeing Flowey beg for his life when he has realized you're going to kill him is very satisfying, that son of a bitch deserved it after all the shit he put you through in the rest of the game.
does she have a tail tho
You're right but the game is still good and Toby is still /ourguy/
>Lancer fan club
>Not the fuck squad
I dunno. I mean if I spare a monster attacking me becausd the game wanted me to, was there ever any sort of understanding and friendship out of it? What I meant is that there really isn't any sort of live going on. The game is merely presuming there is love involved because you followed the rules.
Somehow. I mean if you think about it in the perspective of the kid you play as, it makes no sense.
So does the Switch version add anything that isn't in the PC one that came out months ago?
So far it doesn't seem like it
Cute borders.
>Meme dog game
Considering how crap the fucking trailer was, I don't blame you for thinking this.
post yfw sans is in smash
I will never see politics bear without thinking of that one doujin.
Won't happen.
there is a better version of that gif somewhere
If you equip her with the Jevilstail armour she says "figured I'd grow one some day".
So no as it stands.
You mean how they basically ripped off it takes two?
So is there anything different? I mean toby is the kinda guy who would hide something in what was seemingly a straight port. Considering he did it with the switch port of undertale already.
nada so far for me, i might not have found anything yet tho
I've played through and didn't notice anything new yet
okay, playing through it now, I found some of the hidden stuff in the PC version so I'll check on that to see if it changes.
I just beat it
>Frisk's chances at getting into SSBU increase ever so slightly
I can't believe how long the ppst final boss part is. Toby certainly knows his fans
I think you faggots forget the meaning of cuck because you use it too often to satisfy your weird idealisation
Holy fucking shit
I saw delta rune immediately but I can't believe I missed this
Sequel to pacifist run though frankly, it could be a sequel to all runs because human children have autosave capabilities
It's the equivalent of the Ruins demo. It's also way bigger than the Ruins demo.
The game is supposed to be way bigger than Undertale. It's the game Toby Fox has wanted to make since high school. Undertale was a test to himself to see if he could make full games.
hey I think have that pic saved
There are some people that believe it is actually a prequel and some universe shattering bullshit will happen that causes the universe of DR to reset into UT
It's not a sequel because Undyne has both eyes and she doesn't know Alphys. Also Asriel is alive.
Deltarune can't fit into Undertale's timeline.
I will never get your kind
How is the regular battle theme this fucking good?
Not get hepatitis c
Just because you browse Yea Forums and like underfaggot shit does not exempt you from faggot status. If anything this amplifies it and you should stop.
The hardest fight in the game BUT he gives you a cool item
Just restart before Flowey on genocide
>the party will level up between chapters
but how? that would imply that you kill a ton of monsters. Unless they make it so that you convince them easily with acting somehow. I think toby put pull a bait and switch and make pacifist super difficult and genocide easy to reinforce the point that it's hard not to kill.
you're a faggot and a cuck, nigger
the only good thing about toby's creations is Megalovania
Oh my fucking god you retard. If any character from smash would get in it's fucking Frisk.
*from undertale
fuck I am too tired for this shit.
Toby is a composer before anything else
>people calling deltarune a prequel
>it's literally been in development/concept since Toby was in fucking high school before undertale was even conceptualized
Genuinely only actual retards think there will be some big connection between deltarune & undertale outside of maybe gaster bullshit.
Deltarune was the game he wanted to make and conceptualized and undertale was basically a beta test to see if people would like some of the narrative/world/gameplay stuff he wanted to try out. They did and now we're left with the actual intended product
is this game worth playing?
i never played undertale, but i know about the history
It's more fun to play than Undertale was and the writing & presentation is at least as good
It would be a better experience if you had played Undertale first and were familiar with the characters, since that's part of the emotional payoff, but you won't have any trouble understanding what's going on.
I remember a time before I knew they existed. I cannot think of a better word other than disgusting to describe them.
Their very presence is disgusting.
its an alternate universe
possibly connected by gaster
I've only been able to play a small part of the demo so far but am I correct to assume Deltarune is a bit more calm than Undertale? Undertale was so goofy that I only felt attached to the story at the start and end of the game. Maybe I just haven't gotten to any over the top parts yet.
>Maybe I just haven't gotten to any over the top parts yet.
Even microsoft is putting xbox games on the switch, its a sinking ship.
If you weren't a newfag you'd remember Yea Forums loved Undertale for that brief but glorious few weeks before it became a fucking tumblr phenomenon.
Leaked image of Asriel in future chapters
you do know sclalebound was a second party game right? not a first party
I'd say Deltarune is more over-the-top, but in a better way.
Who can do anything?
Deltarune picks up throughout the game don’t worry.
You’re probably still the beginning-ish
Total brainlet here but how you upload Switch screenshots?
Find any changes at all? Even in the slightest?
Because Undertale is actually good.
Don't kid yourself, I've played Shantae, was not impressed.
>tfw I was that older brother
So you're impressed with cringey jokes, bad characters and forced feels.
>still alive
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