Casual filters

Dabs on you

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Do you kids actually "dab" in real life and not think you look like a sperg?

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Shut the fuck up Boomer.

Now imagine me "Dabbing" on you right this instance at your fucking autistic outburst

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His grab attack with the holograms is cool.

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You better not lose a party member bitchboy

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The only people I see dabbing do it ironically now.

I don't remember this guy at all

White Rider was pretty easy to miss. All of the Riders required some backtracking from what I remember. I think White Rider was in that early sewer area that you can visit again later, but you don't really have much reason to return to there.

No, as in I don't remember how he fought, so I don't really consider him a casual filter.

>bucket hat
>nerd glasses
>rain boots
>a fucking energy sword coming out of his hand

Can someone explain to me how the fuck this is good character design? It looks like something out of deviantart.

Should've been Matador instead.

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The OST of this game was godlike and that was my favorite fight.

Don't get washed away by history gramps.

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If you're doing it """""ironically""""" you're still doing it tho, right?

Is this character supposed to look weak and unassuming on purpose while being a hard fight? I see him posted now and then and know nothing about him other than he appears to have a powerful attack but looks like a complete fucking dork

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Why do Germans have to take everything so seriously?

>White Rider was pretty easy to miss.
Not if you went to that one soul chick in the first kalpa, she tells you the locations of the fiends.

Stats are fucked now because of PS+ games but his trophy was at ~55-60% before then.

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oh god, fuck this game

Couldn't you cheese this guy just by petrifying his adds?

He's supposed to be just ordinary fisherman that got dragged into shit beyond his control.

Are you a weakling user?
You punch him to death like every sane person would.

Get this baby easy shit out of here. Now this is a real mans platformer.

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Well, that explains a lot. Still looks like a dork, though and I'd laugh at him irl.

I agree that most of Rayman 1 is easier than people say. Space Mama's Crater is pretty tough though, and the game dials down again after this area. The main wall is once you beat Skops and have to go back to collect every electoon with the limited continues/lives. Fantastic game though, and something I recommend everybody try if they enjoy 2D platformers. Lomax was cool but didn't control as well.

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Not in the context you meet him in. Especially with that music. It's not a happy moment

Chrono Cross is worth a play if you can get past its quirks

>wow this game is grindy

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You laugh at him in game too.

Until he Holy Dragon Swords you and beheads you in one swipe for not learning about the element system.

>go back to collect every electoon
I had to drop the pc version a few weeks back because the location of cages is much more different than the ps1 version and some are fucking hard to get.

I know in for Gen I I remember helping a kid who struggled against Misty's Starmie
mind you he had a Charmeleon, a geodude or graveler, and some underleveled shitters
Of course Gen II had people eat shit against Whitney's milkies

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That's actually hilarious

This bitch will suplex you so fast

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Rayman 1 is a fucked up roller coaster in regards to difficulty. I remember dying a fuckton to Pencil Pentathlon, Space Mama and the Eat at Joe's water section, but the rest wasn't too bad.

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>Is this character supposed to look weak and unassuming on purpose while being a hard fight?

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I am pretty sure you cannot beat this game on paradox mode. I'm playing only normal mode and I am having a bad time.

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>that game
>causal filter anything

I quit playing the first time I got here, but I came back and made it all the way through; it became my favorite game

They're the biggest spikes for sure. The levels could've been distributed a little more evenly, Pencil Pentathlon and Space Mama were relentless and had something like 5-6 levels before you got back to the map screen to save. I really love the game though, and was disappointed in 2 for everything other than the soundtrack.

The PSX version of Rayman 2 included an old prototype of the game that was a lot more like Rayman 1.

Yep, such a huge missed opportunity. I would've loved this to have been developed fully, reminds me of Rayman meets Oddworld (Ray 1 and Oddysee are still two of the best). Imagine if they finished it up and released it as a downloadable game.

>tfw underleveled and only savefile was on the goldoba

Restarting was a bitch

Trophies are an awful way to measure anything, so this doesn't mean jackshit really.

There was also the Rayman GBC game which had completely new levels unlike the crap GBA Rayman 1 port. Haven't played it in over 15 years but I remember you actually got to fight/defeat Mr. Dark in that game.

I recommend you try out the GBA version of Rayman 3. It's interesting. It's closer to Rayman 2 with its story and characters (it has Razorbeard/space pirates/Jano etc), but plays like Rayman 1. Controls pretty well, although it's not that difficult.

A bit unrelated but. Please remake Chrono Cross and just call it Radical Dreamers so people stop getting pissy it isn't Trigger.
All it has to fix is the battle music (I always liked it desu but I can see why people hate it), make the plot clearer, and change the leveling system as well as a graphical overhaul and it'll be perfect. I'd love to see some upscaled painted maps. Oh, and give more substance to the playable characters, or just cut some of the pointless ones. Did anyone want to play as the radish?
Chrono Cross has such beautiful maps and monster design and it's a shame that everyone ignores it and just jerks off to the ost and Trigger whenever the game comes up.

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they kind ruined it by having a mess with the plot and those 40+ characters tho

Don't talk shit about my boy Turnip!
But seriously, what was the point of having so many playable characters when you're limited to only 3 at the time, with one that's required for most of the game?

Yeah it's far from perfect, probably like a 6/10 in its current state, 5/10 if we ignore the sountrack. I love the combat system and monster designs though!

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I love the game, but yeah, I don't know WHAT they were thinking making that the default battle music.
It'd be fine if it was used in a one off fight, but it is absolutely not suited for something you're going to hear literally hundreds of times in a playthrough.

CC's true ending fucks me up.
It speaks straight to the soul that's tired of wandering aimlessly through life

you fuckin nigger. the whole point of the game was that jrpgs of the time were jerking themselves off with le complex sci-fi shit and grinding. The ending basically tells them to fuck off
also the battle music is made to be annoying because you're not supposed to fight

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This was the big wall, but the cottage encounter was even worse.
Origins was better overall imo but damn did it have some tedious bosses. I’m looking at you, Verus.

Only boss that gave me any trouble, but even then it only required a whopping two tries to beat

That's a ningen filter.

>also the battle music is made to be annoying because you're not supposed to fight

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This fucking bitch

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Cubit Foxtar is way harder.

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>choosing Alice
nobody does this right?

>another thread where you dumb faggots post end-game, post-game, and secret bosses instead of ACTUAL early-game casual filters
I fucking hate current-Yea Forums.


the entire fucking game gives you bad consequences when you choose to fight something rather than take another approach.
The battle theme is a reflection of that.
Are triggerniggers retarded?

It's been a while since I played Lost Odyssey but I remember there being a few tricky bosses at the start. Resonance of Fate obviously had the statue escort too.

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This man decides whether you've been getting the advanced moves or dicking around the entire game.

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german autism at its finest

God I hate this cunt throwing off my groove so much.

magnet minotaur is the real mmz CUNT
Was kind of a cunt if you didn't know what you were doing, but yeah.
Now THIS guy may not be a casual filter, but this is a real Zero boss.
>3 life meters, not even a final boss

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>Why isn't my porn game a free ride?

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Pure white field is by far the most terrifying thing about this image

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unironically fun boss fight

>three phases
>like fifteen attacks
>third phase has a parry-spam counterattack
I hope she comes back multiple times like Vergil, maybe more corrupted each time like the black knight from shovel knight.

This made me restart the game and plan the cards more carefully, it's a good fight

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Every boss in this game is easy, what are you talking about?

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I hope you understand deathblows by now: the boss

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Yeah he's a hard fight. Easily the hardest in Chrono Cross. I had to completely redo my affixed magic on all of my characters, to a more serious setup, just for him.