You are going to buy his game right user. If this board hates movie games the way it says it does you'd better.
You are going to buy his game right user. If this board hates movie games the way it says it does you'd better
probably not cause im minimum wage subhuman and gotta save up for my 1500km trip by foot in june that i suddenly decided upon
>his game
That only works with cute girls faggot
but yes I'll buy it
I'm gonna but it at a discount after it flops.
I'll pirate it
If it's not total garbage until the balance patches are out, I'll get it on Steam
If it's like DS3 then the pirated version will run flawlessly and the paid version will have a spastic attack in windowed mode and I'll refund it
Theres nothing else to play anyway this year until Silksong comes out, so yeah
>1500km trip by foot in june that i suddenly decided upon
travelling is probably the biggest meme ever
If it's good
I can barely run 5k
The fuck are you doing my dude?
I happen to also hate button-mashing ninja memery in feudal japan; the worst setting to ever exist. So there is that.
Only one weapon, no pvp, and its open world
gonna give a hard PASS
Too expensive in my country, will pirate
Did you even play any games before darksouls came out?
>a game that isnt called Dark Souls isnt Dark Souls
Enjoy your blisters, sweaty balls and hanging with dudes.
>1500km foot trip
>needs money
Obviously you need to eat, but you cut back on the major costs of traveling which is, well, traveling. How the fuck do you need money for that?
Good luck, user. I wish you the best with your trip.
agreed, feudal japan is overdone. From should have done a cyberpunk souls game instead, its an untapped genre
Don't buy games, fuck Corporations and fuck Capitalism I pirate
>the ripoff of the ripoff of Dark Souls
I have no idea why would anyone touch this, specially with what how terrible those gameplay videos look.
Hope you enjoy the glut of walking simulators coming out.
But i never play walking sims. Just not paying $60+ tip for a game that will be $30 in the blink of an eye.
No, Soulsborne games by From should stay European dark fantasy. Leave the shitty "X, but with Souls gameplay" ripoffs to other companies
Can I hang below the sweaty balls of the dudes?
lol single player no denuvo
Already prepaid.
Miyazaki and his team has made 5, count em- 5, games that I've sunk hundreds of hours in to.
That earns you my $60, no questions asked.
I don't see any reason to not buy it, at worst it will be a solid game.
Feudal Japan is overdone because you only play weeb games you retard.
So until june 2020?
That's fuckin sad
How? I’ve played almost no games in that setting
Traveling is great if you’re not traveling to trash
it's just a waste of money
Travelling is about the only thing in life worth doing
I like good cinematics but I'll but it anyways.
How am I supposed to get an addictive dopamine rush now? What, do you expect me to actually LEARN at a game instead of just FEELING like I've gotten good?
So is buying video games and paying for internet. What’s your point?