New IP sold almost as well as BoTW

>New IP sold almost as well as BoTW

>BoTW even had the advantage of being a multiplatform game

How did Sony do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did Sony executives go through and buy all the copies of Horizon that have been collecting dust at GameStops across the country? Literally nobody bought or played this shitshow.

what are the combined sales of botw on wii u + switch?

Friendo, leave the echo chamber that's Yea Forums sometimes.

The PS4 has twice the install base as the WiiU and Switch combined. Even with that advantage, Horizon still hasn't sold as much as BoTW.

Marketing, and a console that sold a crap ton.
Appeals to the folks that love creative yet partially realistic fantasy settings

Selling the game + expansion for 20$ will do that for you

Switch and Wii U install base is over 50 million, that's a huge number

Haven't they literally been selling the game for absolutely fucking nothing since release?

By putting it at really cheap prices repeatedly during its first year. Not a knock on the game itself, but I'd be interested to know how many of those sales are from when Amazon, Gamestop, Best Buy and PSN had it at cuts of 50% or more.

>ugly mech in skyrim forest and mountain

Biggest /m/ disapointement of the year.

Bundled, number is worthless.
Before truth makes you cry, go check the sales of Motorstorm and Resistance. Bundles inflate numbers.

PS4 also has games besides this though. What else you going to buy on Switch but Nintendo's games?

This can be said for every game ever.

>not even half of what Terraria sold
>sony's brand new AAA IP can't even compete with a random 2d Minecraft knock-off

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe got bundled as well

And skyrim sold gangbusters.
That's creative for the mass audiences.

>muh bloodborne

Many of those will be nerds that own both and will only buy 1 copy.

Same for Spider Man

does it count when they bundle it with two other games?

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I bought the game when it was $15. What is the lowest that botw has been on sale for?

>muh bing bing shit

This. Snoyboys would never address this

It's been bundled with Switch for free.



Switch has a good number of indie games that are great

>>BoTW even had the advantage of being a multiplatform game
Yeah, and both consoles at the time together sold barely one third of all PS4s. Nice meme, user.

Thinking of buying a switch, can't find the bundle. Could you post a link?

>reaching for indies
This level of desperation I haven't seen since NeoGAF tried to shill Vita.

What makes you lie like this? Show us on the doll where Miyamoto touched you.

How come we are destroying all competition so hard bros? It gets a little boring sometimes when victory is so easily achieved and we get all the good games

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>BotW had multiplat advantage
Then 90M ps4 is somehow a disadvantage?

>80 million PS4 sold, the game was bought by every eight millionth person
>Wii U + Switch sold maybe 20 million, BOTW was bought by every second person

>Zelda is one of the most famous franchises ever
>Zelda was a Switch launch title, also on Wii U
>Barely sold more than Horizon


lmao seething nincels

I haven't met a single person who liked this game.

11.68 million for switch, wii U didnt even break 2mil. Updated few weeks ago
It sold millions, price drop after that is cherry on top, same for apiderman and god of war. These games covered cost of making in first days of release

Yeah so? Nobody said MK sold that much because it's a great game like the bullshit story we have here.

Why Nintenfats get so asshurt when their bing bing toys get outsold?

What's up with this sudden-onset HZD shilling on this board?

Yes, they did. You are now correct in your stupid belief and can continue your life knowing you were right all along

The PS4 has actual games that are competing against each other.

You should try meeting people outside of your mario themed gay sex dungeon.

because they have nothing else its really pathetic

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Sony games are great.

Resettrannies daily shitposting. They had a "birthday" thread recently because it's been out for two years

What about somebody that bought it? No? Oh God, then I have some bad news for you...

>my games are actually as good as your games because they sell well
>please ignore the fact that the last boss of horizon zero dawn is literally just a larger version of normal enemy

Yeah I got it with the expansion for like 15 bucks, the game was sold at full price for like a month only.

>literally where all the big third-parties are competing with their biggest and most popular titles

>Has nothing but Nintendo's shit and maybe some indies and 5 year old ports

This is why it's retarded comparing sales of Sony and Nintendo games. Sony gotta compete with the whole industry while Nintendo got a whole platform for themselves to sell games on.

Attached: ps4-2018.jpg (1548x1884, 796K)

I'm playing through this right now and I'm having fun with it, but it's incredibly basic.
It's every popular game mechanics from few years ago rolled into one and it mostly works. Bioware style dialogue -wheel doesn't fit in, mainly because the animations are incredibly bad during them, but also because it slows the game down too much.

Probably 2 things. 1)resetera trying to impotently shill to make this place another resetera 2) that one dedicated faggot who spams the same 20 horizon webms whenever he gets the chance

you got anything more recent? or Do i have to wait in Europe on black friday again?

>bundles inflate numbers
Yes, because they sell a copy alongside the system, the games aren't given away for free.

Okay, so that was a specific deal by one online store, which sold exactly 2,035 of them. I don't think shaving 2,035 sales off BotW's numbers is really going to bridge the gap here.

CuckEra is a major Nintendo shilling ground. Just enter any Media Create thread there and witness the full extent of their Switch shilling.

Attached: nintendoera.jpg (1316x513, 66K)

>tendy talks about bosses when botw has the shitiest ones ever

>please ignore korok seeds and lack of content

Fucking this, all my friends hated it. But I've seen people online that like it I guess.

>d-doesn't count

They know their childrens games are competing with real games. It makes them insecure.

Theres a deal with odissey for 288, but Ive seen refurb Switches go for £200

I’m still amazed at how pretty this game is. Twilight in the forest is almost breathtaking sometimes.

Too bad its not a good game

bundles retard, same shit with uncharted 4, that shit sell 10 mill if i remember with a 200 ps4 slim + the game

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I just want to get a fucking switch for cheap, I ain't even warring.

You ever considered that you and your friends are a bunch of losers?


>european bundle

My continent is so fucked

Just get a Wii U. Same games, cheaper system.

According to whom? Tendies on Yea Forums?

Yes...millions of.people brought those bundles.... Bundles are never biggest software movers, just small part

Everyone knows this. The only ones who are impressed with Nintendo sales are tendies who live in their own little world.

>The PS4 has actual games that are competing against each other.
>skips E3 2019
>last game was in november
>next game in september at the very best
>it's gonna be a soulclone again, like every year.
yeah, what a tsunami of content holy shit.


I played it and didnt like it

In that case US is fucked too because of South America, you aren’t very bright.


fuck you sony faggots. Eat my shit and die retards.

He could just emulate the two games.



It does count.
For exactly 2,035 units.
Big whoop.

But BOTW had the disadvantage of a smaller install base
Also, wasnt HZD bundled with the PS4 console for a little while? Or was that Uncharted?

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Isnt 10 mil pretty pathetic considering how many people own a ps4 now?

>being proud of a platform that primarily consists of normalfags buring FIFA

>>skips E3 2019

They're gonna have their own event

>>last game was in november


>>next game in september at the very best

Days Gone is coming next month

>>it's gonna be a soulclone again, like every year.


Oh man, it's so good OP brought up MK8D.
Wait, no they didn't, they brought up BOTW, which has never been included in a discount bundle with the Switch

So a tendy on Yea Forums.

>ITT muh bundles
Holy fuck the cope is real, why are nintendo manchildren so pathetic? Grow up you cringy virgins

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But Mario, that's not for kiddies at all. That's hardcore gaming!

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HZD is literal bargain bin prices these days

PS4 is more expensive than Switch, if BOTW was that good it would've been a system seller

>refurb Switch for 200$
what's the odds these aren't entirely fucked?

What did this retard mean by this?

Read the thread.

I meant that europe is fucked because too much arabs/muslims are coming here

Rip european culture

And it sold 13 million units. What are you getting at?

>Also, wasnt HZD bundled with the PS4 console for a little while? Or was that Uncharted?
Both were bundled together

All BOTW copies sold at 60$
Majority of Horizon sold at 20$

I keep forgetting about Days Gone, especially since TLOU2 was announced.
How is Days Gone supposed to garner any attention when everyone's just waiting on the game with superior writing and comparable writing

>can't afford a 300$
>just emulate the games
>with my i3
come one man

>next game in september at the very best
Days Gone comes out in April though, there's also third party stuff like Judgement coming soon

When will tendies ever stop SEETHING about Sony?

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Huh. I shoulda jumped on this deal instead of doing this used Pro thing.

>BoTW even had the advantage of being a multiplatform game
>Implying BoTW being on the Wii U meant anything at all for sales number.

Indies that are also on PS4, X1 and PC, and have a negligible impact on platform sales.

The reason Nintendo platforms have such insane attach rates is as the user said, because you, me and everyone else primarily buys Nintendo hardware for their specific games. Their Smash Bros, Mario Karts, Zeldas. On the other hand people who own Sony or Microsoft platforms will typically buy some first party, but also plenty of major third party games too, be it RDR/GTA, FIFA, Watch Dogs, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy XV etc..

This is also why Nintendo platforms have high per-game attach rates for first party titles, but have slightly lower than average attach rate for the library of a system as a whole.

If you actually look at their games individually and not as an attach rate, most Wii U and Switch games sell about what you'd expect for the development and marketing budget compared to other platforms. As stated earlier, Breath of the Wild sold 12,000,000 units, Horizon Zero Dawn which doesn't have the IP recognition Zelda has, sold 10,000,000.

Why would you even answer that with Bloodborne specifically? Do you genuinely believe that's the only relevant title here? I know Yea Forums likes to meme about Bloodborne being the only GOOD game on the system, but why do you use it as a response in discussions that aren't about quality? Your perceived level of quality has nothing to do with the discussion.

>thinks this looks good for sony

Horizon should have sold 4x more than Zelda, consider how many people have PS4s.

I don’t like Last of Us but I pre-ordered Days Gone

I did, people are arguing that bundles inflate sales numbers, which they do, but BOTW has never been essentially discounted to $20 by being bundled with a system for a total reduced cost of 66%. To my knowledge, it's never been released in a major bundle by Nintendo at all

I never mentioned mario

Not saying you're wrong to do that but what about Days Gone do you prefer or seem to prefer? Just curious since it didnt really stand out to me compared to TLOU2's storytelling, Tsushima's samurai schtick or even DeathSTranding's weirdness

w-why cant we be friends Sony Chad?

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Both are shit, I don't understand people's tastes.

I wish I had dark souls 1/monster hunter combats instead of the rancid shit """"combat"""" we have in breath of the wild. I could change everything.

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user, are you stupid? We're talking about sales when both games released, not right now. Barely anyone buys Horizon and BOTW these days, with BOTW at least charting from time to time.

>PS4 is more expensive than Switch
no it isn't?

user, if Horizon sold four times what it did, it would be a completely unprecedented blowout success the likes of which we've never seen. Stop scaling up attach rates blindly. That's not how it works. Read the post above yours.

For good reason.

>Nintendo's games
So there's no difference between Zelda or Mario? It's all "Nintendo's games"? You make it sound as if all games Sony makes are different and somehow that cuts into sales, but Nintendo doesn't and everyone gets BOTW? Think before you write.

>this argument again
Skyward Sword sold only 4M on Wii despite being over a 100M of them
If we took your philosophy to heart Nintendo would've just killed the Zelda franchise on the spot after that

this, it's literally bargain big price now - they'll be giving it away in a couple months on PS+ no doubt.

People aren't really interested in facts, they just want to shitpost at each other. They find one number that's big enough and try to bludgeon people with it, ignoring any other relevant factors.

Yep, it is

Mowing down hordes of zombies, zombie animals, I like the actor playing the protagonist, being a biker seems interesting and riding around comfy Oregon

I think he's talking about third parties, though I thought most PS4 exclusives release away from the major third party flagships like RDR2

There are like two big Nintendo games released every year on Switch. So of course everyone buys that since there's nothing else to play anyways.

Don't forget Horizon is Sold

BotW is shipped

Horizon Zero Dawn is exclusive.

at launch? yeah.... 399 vs 299
but not right now nigga

I don't think they will. Ever since Sony won with the PS1 they've been coping.

no it isn't. Switch is around £270, PS4 is £250 with game included.

should ask yourself that tendi

Mmm, alright. I guess I just have different preferences.
Im kind of tired as zombies as an enemy type in general I guess. The main thing I think could be cool is if there was some giant citadel that was protected against zombies and had organized government defenses against the horde. That could be kind of cool.
Kind of like that bit in World War Z

Well the argument was about existing install bases at the time of the games release, more people bought PS4 despite them being more expensive

>Switch is around £270
Fuck, I can't believe people spend that much to buy what is basically a happy meal tablet that plays Mario.

bros its a female lead game how could this happen bros

shh dont let out jewtendo's secret

Wasn't this bundled with PS4 and sold at a ridiculous price-cut?

I actually miss a game with a ton of zombies to kill, last one I played was Dying Light I think. Last of Us is more about sneaking around and throwing bricks at a few clickers, I want to annihilate an army of them

well meme'd

But it's true. Switch is hilariously overpriced. No wonder PS4 outsold it last year despite it having Smash and Pokemon.

Something like MGSurvive?

I agree, it is overpriced. Probably not the reply you expected but it's simply true.

How many ps4s were out when this game released? 70 million? Also, I remember this game was bundled with a discounted ps4 and discounted to like $20 on its own during most of its first year. That probably helped it immensely.

yeah, I'm waiting till the PS4 drops to 150$ to get mine.

Shhh, don't use logic, snoygafers hate that.

Forgot that game existed. Isn’t it extremely bad?

v/ may hate Horizon, but its the best exclusive Sony did on this gen (not counting Bloodborne, because its not made by a first party studio)

I hate Nu-GOW and Spiderman is a borefest, but Horizon was legit good


Not really. Been saying it's probably one of the most competent zombie survival game out. People just hate on it too much because of Kojima.

>legit good
>it's literally MHW but with the bow as the only weapon
GoW GOTY vs Horizon not GOTY

Two words


>t's literally MHW
You clearly had not played neither of those, or if you did you have severe brain damage to compare them

Because it got a price decrease to 29.99 with DLC about three months after launch

Horizon is completely mediocre, GoW and Spider-Man are master pieces compared to it.

>How did Sony do it?
By reducing the price to 20 bucks month after a release.

just because you dont like it doesnt mean no one bought it
why are you retards unable to separate your feelings from facts

It no longer counts as a troll, even a high effort troll, when you actually save and repost links like this, user. Take a hard look at yourself and ask if this is what you really want to be.

Spiderman is generic sandbox with shitty story, shitty quest design and damage sponge enemies. It looks pretty and thats enough for a lot of people it seems

NuGOW is crap through and through. Making it a quicktime event movie wouldnt make it worse than it already is

>get BTFO by a simple google search
>u-ugh fucking Internet Nintendo Hate Force

Yeah you could get the base game at 20€, 2-3 months after release.

>is generic sandbox with shitty story, shitty quest design and damage sponge enemies. It looks pretty and thats enough for a lot of people it seems
And Horizon is what?
GoW is beyond good, you got some real shit taste.

by having it cost about 20 bucks for 80% of the time its been on shelves, compare to Nintendo titles still cost 60 bucks.

lets take BotW which as a lifetime sales of... well damn 10.3 million according to IGN back in October 30/2018

well anyway, if you factor in that half of Horizon Zero dawn´s sales have been when it went down to 20 bucks, the revenue is smaller compared to nintendo who still sells Zelda for 60 dollars and also managed to sell 10 million copies by October of 2018

Sony simply makes better games.

>Nintendo being greedy is a good thing

The state of corporate drones.

"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild stands at nearly 10.3 million sales, while Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Mario Odyssey have more than 11 million and 12 million sales, respectively. In total, about 42 million copies of Switch software have been sold, meaning the average Switch owner has approximately two games." - IGN Oct 2018

The GOTY was on sale for $10 all of november and december. So was the nathan drake trilogy.

this, doesn't matter the numbers, or the metacritic scores.
Nothing Nintendo can make will live up to Tokyo Jungle, Ape Escape, and Freedom Wars

Did you just wake up in the morning one day and say to yourself: "what if I act like a shitty tripfag who gets personally offended by everything, and responds to every post as if I was being attacked by the entire community of Yea Forums which arbitrarily hates me"?

More companies should sell games for 20 bucks

>actually defending Nintendo’s overpriced garbage and jew tactics
I would execute you on the spot for being such a stupid bootlicking subhuman

>Literally nobody bought or played this shitshow.
Seething pc cuck

its economics user, if a product stops selling, you reduce the price, which is what happened to Horizon, even then lots of people got Horizon not because of the game, but because the PS4 bundle was cheap.

dont be mad at me, Im just pointing out to OP that he ignored the fact that BotW had sold more than horizon or at least made more money since he wrote his post in a way to make fun of Zelda and well we could notice that his facts werent straight.

yeah now go look at adoption rates. PS4 is the prime fifa machine, if a game on it doesn't sell better than a similar game on a much smaller console it was shit. HZD was an okay game but nothing to really phone home over.

>But they practically gave it away for free, how is that impressive?

just proving to OP that he is wrong.

its like the Hare behaving like an ass for beating a turtle in a race,

>a new IP with female protagonist VS decades old series which everyone knows
Digging yourself deeper and deeper retard

It's a decent game, I just finished it. It doesn't have the depth of a RDR2 but it has style

a game which costs 20 bucks or was free plenty of time, vs a game that is well known to be a quality title, that has kept its 60 dollar price and can be pirated on PC or WiiU

>How did Sony do it?
They sold me a physical copy with DLC for 20 euros. It is collecting dust though, I got bored of it

Except HZD released in 2017.
The PS4 Pro (and the base PS4 price drop) released in 2016
What the fuck are you on about? The PS4 at the time of HZD was $300

Okay, sure.
I guess after a certain amount of time has passed, that sort of thing becomes popular again
I guess I played too much of The Killing Floor

Well that's because Horizon is actually GOOD and BOTW is fucking shit.

>Horizon is shit and BOTW is shit.

No games to play can help shitty games to sell.

>Toddlers are CELEBRATING the fact that Nintendo don't discount their big games often

Are Nintendo fans seriously THIS mentally ill?

>you are shit
double ftfy

Horizon Zero Dawn going for 10 dollars

This has been 30 canadian funny money a month after release, I guess its one of those
>its on sale, I guess I try it
situations, even then I'd say they got ripped off, the game is shit, the only upside is kojima is upgrading this engine for his game.

Attached: 1551329824303.png (809x867, 543K)

>horizon is 20 bucks
>botw is still 60bucks

deluded fag

We get more pussy than you nerd

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You mean ALMOST do it?

Yeah hence why the handful of Switch games sell

Yea, and since Switch/WiiU had nothing at the time, it's the only reason BotW sold

Further alienating third parties from the platform unless it's time to dump lowefforrt remasteres


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not celebrating, just correcting the OP who has incorrect facts in order to show superiority.

Id rather Zelda was 20 bucks, but even so you cant deny the fact that nintendo is being more succesful with Zelda than Sony with Horizon Zero Dawn.

>but even so you cant deny the fact that nintendo is being more succesful with Zelda than Sony with Horizon Zero Dawn.
Not really

People like trash

Simple as

>people downplaying this because it wasnt sold at full price
Also you realize Nintendo almost never drops the price for their games, even garbage like 1-2 Switch its still awfully expensive for what they are

>Bundle sales
>Bundle sales of a game reduced in price
>Bundle sales of a game, reduced in price, sold along side another game reduced in price
>total added along side individually sold game

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There's a difference between celebrating Nintendo not dropping the price and pointing out that they haven't in the context of this comparison.

The point being made is that HZD is simply not as comparatively successful as BotW since it's had more factors going for it that should boost sales (bundles, larger console user base and discounts).

I don't know about you but I think 11M > 10M

Damn Sony is kicking ass and taking names and they're about making games. Unlike Nintendo who can no longer make that claim just lost Reggie and definitely didn't sell no 11 million new ip

You can buy it brand new for like $10. Meanwhile BotW is still $50. HZD was a boring slog, and I hope Sony drop it completely.

>Nincels literally have no arguments
Woah how surprising

PS4 now has several first party 10 million + sellers
God of War
Uncharted 4

Step it up Nintendo, you're getting embarrassed on Yea Forums here with your shitty Wii U ports faggots, this is a fucking embarrassment that Sony's new ip first party is outselling Nintendo's 30 year old established mascots, it goes against everything we said

>>New IP sold ""almost"" as well as BoTW

Learn to read you faggot

nintendo claimed they sold more copies of botw than there were consoles and somehow people still take nintendo sales figures seriously

Source on this?

>over a million apart
kys sonegro

>one of nintendos worst selling systems ever
Stop that

Most people bought the game because its got a well done open world that follows a cyber historial aesthetic. It's unfortunate that Insomniac didn't go down the route of Cyber Western or Cyber Fantasy with it. But it is what it is.

I imagine the Decima engine going through major overhauls thanks to Death Stranding will see some major benefits for HZD's sequel, especially as that is most likely to come out as a launch title for the PS5. The game's competent, though there's some systems that do need improvement. Story's complete ass and forgettable though; and in need of a desperate overhaul.

>h:zd has been bundled, slashed in price, and will probably be given away
>somehow this is a metric of success to snoy tards

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I played it and loved it, but bought it used for like $30.

they did say that, but it was in reference to not being enough Switch consoles at launch, so lots of people bought Zelda before they even bought their console, or were waiting for the console to be restocked.


This, not even a year in the game was already half price, and the DLC complete version was already out by the holidays and still being sold at a discount, I actually really want to try the game, it looks great but Snoy shit posters are arguably the worst cancer here

Zelda never dropped in price.
I found horizon on sale for 20 bucks less than a year after release.

>not able to read probably
>point it out

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Yup yup. Saw it on sale for 10$ once. I have no idea why anyone pays full price for any Sony games, you're throwing away money for no reason

You're still not getting it are you?
He's saying that a sales difference of over 1 million units is not selling "almost as well". 1 million units is pretty substantial.

>10m after 2 years

Attached: GPJm7sw.png (1000x772, 306K)

Yeah, I really want spiderman but i cant tell if an all dlc version is coming, but it keeps going down in price, so ill see, maybe by summer


>being this much in denial
>being this buttfuck insanely triggered by a woman being the main character

Attached: 342.jpg (608x342, 21K)

Arabia is in Asia you fucking faggot leftist piece of garbage

After reading this thread, it struck me Sony being way more pro-consumer than Jewtendo. Instead of scaring third-parties off with shit gimmicky hardware, they just accept the competition head on instead.

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American education everyone

That is more than six million.

Sony is unironically based as fuck and the only company worth supporting. No wonder they are winning so much

>being triggered by women
>xchads and nintendoids want perfect dark and metroid games
Fuck off tranny retard

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>Pro consumer

You're insane, user, they are all the same.

One of them offers cheap games on a system with a fuck-ton of third-parties, the other gives you Wii U ported bing bing wahoo sold for $60.

by making the better game with actually good combat and enemies.

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How did it sell this well and NOBODY talks about it? Looks like a generic third person shooter cinematic shit.
t. idort

>being this buttfuck insanely triggered by a woman being the main character

Someone unironically believes that.

P.S. Aloy is a qt.

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>Wii U 12 million consoles sold means that botw should have sold an additional 20 million on top of the switch release
Who the fuck even bought the Wii U version? If they kept the tablet inventory management systems, it may have been like a Twilight Princess situation, but as far as I know the Wii U version is inferior in all aspects

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>Sony has nothing to play
>Surprised she people desperate for games buy the one of three games they have

Maybe because you spend all your time here filled with weebs and other subhuman scum?

>How did it sell this well and NOBODY talks about it? Looks like a generic third person shooter cinematic shit.
That's every western-produced Snoy exclusive for ya

Calm your tits, sonyboy. There's a lot of third party shit on both consoles. Just enjoy your platform and don't defend it, it doesn't need you defending it. Vote with your wallet and don't be a retard.

Not him but I honestly have not seen much discussion of this game outside of Yea Forums.

Swing and a miss. All my friends who have PS4s dodged it because of how bland it looked.
>da weebs
But it sold a shit ton of copies. I seriously see a Horizon thread maybe once a month.

Tell that to the cult like tendies.

>Bargin bin price with dlc

>surprised it is selling.

The irony, censor boy.

>but no one on le Yea Forums talks about it
Maybe go outside once in a while you neckbeard, I bet your friends are fat losers too.


Because it’s the only Zelda game sony has. Also robot dinosaurs, female protag and nothing to play on your new console are pretty good reasons to give it a shot. All that and the fact that normies don’t return or research games unless they’re actually broken or offend them somehow.

Confirmed being a weeb subhuman, grow up

Both sides are being equally cult-like here. Nobody on Yea Forums actually likes videogames anyway. It's just that we're too socially stunted to try and transition to any other hobby or do anything with our lives outside of vidya and so the only way we can make ourselves feel slightly better about our pathetic existences is to pretend that the choice of videogame machine we happen to play on makes us superior to people who chose differently.

>h:zd thread once a month
One time to many for such a shit fucking game, spiderman doesnt even get that and it came out 6 months ago for fuck sakes.

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>arabic on a european box
I shouldn't be laughing but this is pretty fucking funny to me

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GoW is even more recent than Horizon, and nobody talks about it.

These exclusives are one playthrough games with zero replay value and a lot of cinematic shit nobody aside from most loyal sonyboys like.

Happens every single time. I miss the times when sony had good excusives.

>nonody talks about because muh weeb site don’t spam it
Again, get out of your basement fatty.

Have I been lied to? Is this actually good?

What about the muslim headscarf scientist?

I'm telling that to any console peasant and corporate slave. Enjoy your shit without irritating others, nobody owes you to like what you like. Just vote with your wallet, if you think someone deserves your money.

Go on the defensive dummy

The fat incel’s favorite phrase huh?


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Price they pay for catering to single player experiences, however
>pic related
I've been playing this for 5 years, if uncharted 4 had mp half as good as this, I'd play it, but uc4 sucks, sony games don't have any room to breath as you have said, one and done experiences, I believe death stranding to be the only outlier in their lineup.

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Look, he got defensive lol

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The reality is that if we had
>Aonuma game design
>Guerrilla's engine
>PS4 Hardware (or PC, but that doesn't happen any more)
We would have had a way better game than either.

Attached: the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild.png (256x256, 136K)

I actually like Spiderman, because outside the shitty stealth missions and QTEs, the gameplay is solid.

>guerillas engine
Fox engine or re engine, kojima wouldve been using fox to this day if he could.

but doesn't nintendo have the same if not more 10 million plus sellers to

Haven't bought it. I did buy Spiderman, but all that episode has told me is never to get a Sony game at full price. Still have God of War to go through, though.

Glad Sony has arabic on the european boxes so the locals can understand it

Those aren't relevant to this BOTW vs HZD shitfest, and they haven't been demonstrated in a good open-world yet (the best Fox Engine demonstration, even just visually, still remains Ground Zeroes which suggests that it's better for urban environments and not rural landscapes).

Europe has the largest majority white populations in the entire world.

Fox engine was fine, its problem was that it was stapled to ps3/360, if mgsv/gz was ps4/xb1/pc only it wouldve been better for the games.

look at the sack boy
its probably uae bundle

I dunno but i played both and thier great games, you,re missing out.


Salty linkies, everywhere.

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>How did Sony do it?

Bigger consumer base duh

Botw was on 2 platforms, one no one bought and another that not everyone could buy.

arabs arent white little buddy.

Not on Switch


No it's not solid, it's bad, your standards are so fucking low.

Because despite being a multiplatform game BOTW has under half the installbase while also being emulateable.

Why does the last-gen matter? Those had frame-rate and resolution reductions to compensate.

My point is that no landscape in MGSV looks as good as what Kojima already showed his team has achieved with Decima. V looked at its best in Ground Zeroes due to the mix of urban lighting, weather effects, and metallic/industrial objects clashing. Therefore we can assume FOX Engine doesn't have the same advantages in creating natural environments as Decima does, and that is crucial for open worlds.

Attached: DeathStranding5.jpg (1600x900, 570K)

Oh, where is being talked about regularly, then?

>still upset about botw
Give it a rest already

>How did Sony do it?
>dude grafix
Seriously. Just polish a turd and people will buy it.

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I forgot that game existed


It's obvious which I would choose for an open world.

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Should have sold a lot more compared to how many PS4 consoles there are in the world, you're always bragging about how many have been sold yet this game can't even reach 20% of the market. Breath of the Wild sold nearly 50% to market of Switch consoles. Overall that's not a good sign and nothing anyone who worked on HZD should be proud of, their game should have sold at least 25m copies by now to even compare it to BotW

Oh people have actually bought this game?

it has better enemies with more variety movesets,ai and much better combat than zelda.
sorry if this fact hurts you.

Why does everything have to be a competition for you people? Both games were pretty good.

>price cut a game to under 10$ soon after release
>20$ for the “complete edition”
>still bundle the fuck out of it
>Wow guys it totally sold well and made a lot of money for us

Don't forget that this game is exclusive for an console that sold over 90 million units.
Which means roughly 10% only cared about this short-lived AAA garbage.

The Sony Defense Force we're more insecure since the Switch launched

Sorry but no, horizon is shit.

Zelda has really elegant combat that just works, everything feels really tight and dynamic and weapon cycling is essential rather than filler. HZD looks a lot more static in terms of domino-effects and world interaction. There's enough enemy variety in BOTW, that criticism is overblown but I wouldn't be surprised if HZD had more of it. The AI also rarely disappoints in BOTW, you're just fighting minion creatures and beasts, their AI matches their expected behaviour. I wouldn't compare them on that basis since HZD is going for predatory machines instead. HDZ looks like it goes too far away from elegance, too much filler skill trees etc. But you can show me a .webm or youtube link if you think otherwise.

>Literally nobody bought or played this shitshow.
You couldn't be more wrong. I understand if you don't like it, but face the facts.

but that's wrong

Has anyone realized that nobody talked or even mentioned about that game for a long time, until this article pop up?

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A few days ago I was browsing mercari, looking for First Light and I noticed the PAL version had arabic. Must be something relatively new because I've had some PS3 pal games.

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Just on Swith alone they already have BotW, Odyessey and Kart.
And they’ve never been significantly price cut

Central America and Mexico*
How many uruguayans, chileans, brazilians or argentines are trying to jump the wall?

Its almost as if every topic has been discussed and people moved on to something else

It has like 9 enemy types, what are you even talking about.

rent free cucks.
>Tfw cant stop winning

Attached: 1551357927462.png (1014x1162, 1.04M)

lmao hilarious how resetera trannies are the new boogeyman now.

>can't stop winning
>2 games for PSN+
>Pic related

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>instinct based martial combat with wide range of powers and enemy types is bad
Quit your pathetic parroting, you haven't even played the game.

Yea Forums in a nutshell

A lot actually

normalfags eat shit more news at 11

I don't think so.

>Almost two years since HZD vs BOTW shitposting hit maximum anal devastation on both sides
>People are still trying to force this dumb feud even though BOTW won

I fucking hate Zelda games, but it's clear which game BTFO'd the other considering I see more people talking about BOTW two years later than I do HZD

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>anime pic
>opinion right into the trash

>I fucking hate Zelda games, but it's clear which game BTFO'd the other considering I see more people talking about BOTW two years later than I do HZD
Give BOTW a try. It completely BTFO all the other Zelda games. It was a result of Aonuma leaving the Nintendo safe-space and actually playing games himself from all over the globe and seeing what worked. It's really nothing like the other trash that passes as "Zelda". It's more like the kind of adventure the first game promised us.

>Should have sold a lot more compared to how many PS4 consoles there are in the world

BOTW is also 60 dollars while Horizon has dropped to like, 30(?)

>Zelda has really elegant combat that just works, everything feels really tight and dynamic
user i like the game but but no its your average open world combat with QTEs sprinkled to it
Also to defend poor AI with the "well they are dumb beast so they should behave as such" its a poor cop out

>How did Sony do it?
With price cuts.

Botw is still retailing for $60. HZD hasn't been $60 for a while.

HZD is still pretty fucking successful though.

>user i like the game but but no its your average open world combat with QTEs sprinkled to it
You didn't play it then?

Reminder BotW numbers are only shipped and the game had no competition on Switch/WiIU

HZD outsold BOTW basically and did it against the busiest period in years

i played it for 14hrs before deleting it for good. boring slog

BoTW only has like 8 unique enemy types while HZD has 22 in the base game and more in the expansion

>combat slow down and tells you to press a single button to perform a special move
>not a QTE
Have you?

Not that hard to achieve when you give it away for a dime.

Attached: ps4clim_bundles_.jpg?fit=500%2C500&ssl=1.jpg (500x500, 49K)

ok pleb

you really cant grasp the fact that not everyone worships this fucking game can you?

>its your average open world combat with QTEs sprinkled to it
It's your average zelda combat and there's no real QTEs.

The AI in botw is actually pretty good.

That said botw's combat is pretty easy to exploit. It would be better than HZD's combat if that game only had human enemies... but it has actual well-designed enemies in a greater variety than botw, so that game still gets the nod.

You have shit taste is all, no big deal.

>3rd person cinematic action movie
>New IP

Well they forced ps4 buyers to take home this game and counted that as a sale. Dont forget that

>It's your average zelda combat and there's no real QTEs.
What? Ganon's fight literally ends with a QTE

Destiny is the better sci fi setting

We have an updated list thanks to their quarterly.

Attached: Switch sales.png (980x1064, 504K)

>Almost as well
>Literally millions less in spite of giving away the game for bargain basement prices
Why don't sony fanshitters like paying full price for games Yea Forums? Do they spend all their welfare money on Fifa team packs?

Why nincels pay full price for literal tech demos like 1-2 Switch?

>massively shilled game at bargain price
didn't manage to outsell a wii u game
Wow, so that is the power of snoy

>Horizon Zero Dawn has barely sold as many copies as a low effort, barebones genwun pokemon remake that Game Freak shit out on in an afternoon. One that's only been out for a couple of months.
Utterly pathetic. How do Sony fanboys live with the shame?

Because most people don’t actual play cringy Nintendo bing bing braindead toddler games

>a game only counts if the publisher is absolutely fucking you over for full price

Don't forget that HZD was gone down below $20 several times while BotW is still sitting at $60.

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1st Place

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>GoW is even more recent than Horizon, and nobody talks about it.
I love how nincels somehow think Yea ForumstendoGAF is the whole world. This shit board isn't a metric for anything.

HZD didn't outsell BoTW thoug, the entire point of this thread

How do NIntendo fanboy live knowing they would rather buy a 60$ mobile game rather than something fun like Splatoon or Kirby?

SM64 got bundled with the N64

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which did mess with the relative numbers, especially compared to other n64 games.

So did Smash Ultimate and Splatoon 2

And Madden has more touchdowns than Battlefield V.

>1-2-Soitch outsold Xenoblade


Also discussing video games you dont like isn't shilling

That's Sony cheaping out, using one SKU for distribution in all EMEA territories (since SIEE handles distribution in all those markets since decades). Inform yourselves before posting, please.

How do we stop them fellow nintenbros? Do we review bomb their games more?

>successfully execute a parry
>ret rewarded

>that projection
Nice try.

>trying to defend that braindead QTE shitshow

2 years user

Yeah man, totally want those FIFA games

This is incorrect, iirc horizon sold more than half of those at full price. There were sales figure articles around its release that were “impressive” considering Switch launch+Zelda came at the same time.

>2 years later, Zelda still at full price
Defend that

yes, and 1-2-switch is still shit to this day.

hzd is objectively nothing special, not worthy of any praise.

>New IP sells less than entry of a established, decades old multi-billion franchise.

Pretty brilliant conclusion there, mate.

>Defend that
It's called success, you wouldn't get that.

>Nintenlards unironically bragging about Nintendo being more jewish than fucking Activision with game prices

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>it's not a QTE!
If that were the case button presses in Arkham games are not QTEs either
Also you havent adressed the fact Calamity Ganon fight literally ends with a QTE

>1st place
>takes away PS3 and Vita games from PS+

dont worry though they gave you guys an extra 90 GB of extra cloud storage

sony is absolutely based

>New IP backed by hundreds of millions of dollars of Sony money didn't outsell a wii u game

There is a reason why everyone laughs at the pathetic creatures

it's easier to generalize and go from there

They mention "well over 10 million" copies sold. Could be closer to 11 than you think.

How you enjoying those NES RO- OH NO NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Except game starved Sony ponies always shill their MUH CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE exclusives non-stop for years on end.
Doesn't matter if it's a new IP if it'll get countless millions in free advertising regardless.

>but nintendo

so the reward of selling 100 million consoles is less huh

guess its a price to pay to be a proud snoyboy

it's sad that sony have to lower the price of their games to 10$ or less for them to sell... Must be really shit.

>Zero Dawn sold less than BoTW despite being on a console with a significantly larger playerbase
Sonyfags just can't stop playing the yearly FIFA can they

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Brah, look at this Nintendo dicksucking fool playing his 1987 ROMs

It can't even outsell a lazy Gen 1 Pokemon remake. Sonytards don't buy games aside from their yearly Fifa instalment.

Reminder that the best selling Soitch game is a Wii U port of a bing bing wahoo karter.

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Horizon's first report was 2.6 million right at launch, its second was 3.4 million in June, when it was already being discounted.

Sony Chads check in

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>New IP backed by hundreds of millions of dollars of Sony money didn't outsell a wii u game
ARMS was also a new IP backed by Nintendo millions and it hasnt outsold any of Sony new first party stuff, again you're being retarded

A reductionist fallacy isn't going to save your statement. Being the first tent-pole flagship release on Switch is what made BOTW sell that much, as the WiiU format game was a mere testimonial simply making good of their promise to release it there too.

Also, H:ZD budget was around €50 million (marketing budget aside).

Still better than fifa ;)


>Reminder that the best selling Soitch game is a Wii U port of a bing bing wahoo karter.
And hundreds of millions of sony dollars couldn't even touch that.

>it can't even outsell a lazy Gen 1 Pokemon remake
Neither can most of Nintendo games they circlejerk over

>muh third person action adventure game sold 10 million copies
>meanwhile the only worthwhile exclusive on PS4 still sits at 3 million sales


>BotW continues to live rent free in the heads of the typical Yea Forumsirgin.
>In the same mental cul de sac as The Witcher 3.

Eh not really. You shouldn't be touching that shit above the age of 9.

>half of the game's budget went into marketing shill ploy

We heard you the first time insecure fanboy

Neither could the likes of Xenoblade and Bayonetta.

Nintendo truly is the kiddy bing bing happy meal platform.

HZD was an absolute flagship title for Sony, don't kid yourself.
Massive advertisement, massive hype and a big install base and it couldn't outsell BOTW

Sony's console has currently sold more AND they reduced the price of the game to like 25 or some shit in less than a year, also they keep bundling that shit on PS4's.

>HZD was an absolute flagship title for Sony

This is about snoy being an absolute failure.

I beat Sony's killing themselves for earning millions of dollars in profit

It was hyped just as much as Bloodborne or GoW, absolutely a flagship for Sony.

>This is about snoy being an absolute failure.
>new IP selling 10M

>Zelda is an established franchise 30+ years
>Horizon is a new IP getting 10 million in sales
How does Sony do it?

Attached: sony-kaz-hirai.jpg (638x355, 30K)

Was this game really a feminist SJW propaganda thing or was that just Yea Forums overreacting to women and minorities being present?

>muh third person action adventure game sold 10 million copies


>It was hyped just as much as Bloodborne or GoW
I give you GOW but BB wasnt really that hyped outside the Souls niche, most of its populartiy came AFTER it came out

By giving it out for free. Pretty pathetic.

>I beat Sony's killing themselves for earning millions of dollars in profit
But less than BOTW, LOL

>By giving it out for free
Unless you steal i doubt it

It is, of course trannies plaguing this place will try to tell you it's really not, but it is.

>nincels on suicide watch
Grow up fat manchildren and get laid

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given for free in bundles.
also constant price drop to less than 10dollars

I never said it wasn't. But you shouldn't kid yourself about the importance of a franchise like Zelda (I repeat, ZELDA) in the history of a company revered in the industry for half a century like is Nintendo.

Comparing the relevance of both IPs even nearly as equals, inside the collective consciousness of a mass market, is disingenuous at best.

They usually go for $4 CAD in most stores up here in canada. I see copies in bargin bins all the time

>snoyfags lose
>still pretend to have good games

Thanks for the multi tread you!

Doesnt make it any less true.

nah it just describes virtually 95% of the PS4's exclusive library.

its faster to list the non-third person action adventure games

>also constant price drop to less than 10dollars

>4 fucking languages
Fix your shit

What this guy said.It's not exactly a surprise that the game sold that much worldwide given how cheap it has been for most of the last year. If anything, these sales numbers are kinda disappointing for a game like this.

>play the game
>one of the tribes were led to their demise because the leader was a fuck
>said leader was a woman
The game sits on a grey area, something people here never heard of

>Comparing the relevance of both IPs even nearly as equals, inside the collective consciousness of a mass market, is disingenuous at best.
Which is why HZD was massively boostes by steep sales and being given away for free in bundles

Imagine not owning both a PS4 and a Switch.

Just IMAGINE that.




>nah it just describes virtually 95% of the PS4's exclusive library.
>its faster to list the non-third person action adventure games
Literally 99% of games nowadays are third person action games, regardless of who makes them

Comparatively, H:ZD is a bigger success history taking into account he tradition and importance of the Zelda series. That baggage propelled BOTW much more than any marketing push for H:ZD surely could.

>owning a shitch
How to spot a virgin

Both are generic open world ubisoft trash.

then name the sony exclusives that aren't

Even BTFO Zelda in awards with twice as many awards given.

>God of War not only received the coveted Game of the Year award, it went home with a whopping nine awards out of 23 categories, including Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction, Game Design, Story, Original Music Composition and more. In comparison, 2018’s Game of the Year, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, took home four awards.

I feel bad for Nintendo

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ARMS destroyed GR2

The ps4 is a bad investment.

n-no! It was a new IP! It's not fair!

It literally has every game, it makes a 1000$+ PC absolutely pointless.

>any marketing push for H:ZD surely could.
>actually believing that
Even objectively bad games with massive negative backlash to them sell amazing thanks to marketing.
Watch Dogs sold over 6 million copies, for example.

>3rd person action movie
>new IP

Snoyfags were so starved for games, they bought anything Sony released that year.

It has one game.

>only platform worth owning is bad investment


Most of the console war posters here are NEETs and third worlders who can only afford one console.

>only platform worth owning



How is it multi-platform? Both platforms are owned by Nintendo, and it was only released on one of them as a mercy killing for what was about to become a dead system. The only people who bought it on Wii-U were those who either couldn't afford or couldn't obtain a Switch yet.

That would explain why a lot of WiiU ports sold so well on the Switch, fuck even shit like 1-2 Switch sold well

The ps4 is absolutely useless, everything runs better on pc or on Xbox One X.

We are talking about PS4 games, not kiddy waggle shit


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>movies vs games
Really hard choice

But Astrobot its a PS4 exclusive
Also you're moving the goalpost

I'd honestly rather play the games on the right than that SJW trash Snoy pumps out

Coping incels AHAHAHAHAHA

Pc games don't have cut scenes suddenly? I'm so sick of this pathetic argument.

PC games arent literal movies.

Why are sony fags so obsessed with BOTW?

They are permanently triggered, nobody knows why.

It’s because PS4 games have better graphics that they look like actual real movies. It’s a compliment

>six 3rd person action movies that 90 million ps4 owners didn't buy

I was sceptical as well before playing it, but the game is pretty good.

Kinda felt more like an AA instead of a triple A game though

>But Astrobot its a PS4 exclusive

I really like Horizon Zero Dawn probably my favorite ps4 game

>Nintendofags dont buy good games
Why do Nintendofags deflect to Sony?

Who started this thread?

Why are sonychickens so obsessed with Nintendo?

It's a bargain bin game, in stores and on the psn alike.

Mechs looked like hilarious lego dinosaurs.

How many people commenting are just nintendofags who never played HZD or Ps4 fags who never played BOTW... But are still going in hard as if they had enough knowledge to judge? That's what kids do.... you kids.

Where do you think you are?

Attached: v in a nutshell.jpg (649x480, 42K)

This fucking brainlet actually tries to compare a 1:3 attach rate to 1:9 attach rate. Not to mention Sony puts their games on sale within 4 months of launch.

Because everyone needs a rival, and XBOX is irrelevant at the moment.

Playstation has no rivals lmao it’s literally destroying all competition

Not even a month, one week later(Switch release date) you could get it bundled with PS4 for $199

Lack of games make you seek other forms of entertainment.

This. This is why Nincels are spamming Yea Forums with their garbage

If you check the PSN store it’s 9.99$ And has been for months

I think competition is good, because it actually keeps in check arrogant traits in favour of practices that benefit consumers along the companies' fight for their attention.

Nintendo pursues a different kind of market, so having Sony seeing Nintendo as a direct competitor could bring to the PlayStation platforms more variety and difference in their approaches to court the Nintendo users (new ways of playing, unusual peripherals or devices). That situation feels to me like the most beneficial in developing or advancing a richer and better ecosystem.

>The only game to exist on Xbox sold the most

Yeah Nintendo caters to a market of children and virgins.

botw was a launch title though lmao

This, LMAO


Fuck if I know, the main character is the most annoying little cunt. She's has a magical aptitude that makes her better than everyone else and she's more than willing to tell everyone else they and their cultures are stupid and backwards despite having zero experience. It's a power fantasy for 15 year old girls. Also the game itself is fucking boring.

>Partially realistic
>Humans running around with sharpened metal are defeating killer robot machines

This has always been a pet peeve of mine, inexplicably ineffective killer robots. These things would have 1/100th the reaction time of a human and be able to be at least 5 steps ahead if they somehow don't kill the human they're fighting in the first swipe. Not to mention that any of them with a gun should drop the standard person in a single shot.


Even PC friends can play BoTW. Why would they care about this game?