Her game sold over 10 million copies

Her game sold over 10 million copies.

Say something nice about Aloy!

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She triggers Yea Forums and that's good.

>game about metal creatures
>call your character "alloy"

Redheads are the patricians choice

Nice pink butthole, Aloy!

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She's cute in a way incels cannot understand. Don't embarrass yourselves by @ing me.

Uglies go to the gulag

Game wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. I went in with really low expectations and had a fairly good time. A little lame with the not-so-subtle SJW'ing but it wasn't too overbearing about it, either. It was certainly pretty.

could be uglier.

They are dying out

Looks like a potato

wow i didn't think of that. nice little easteregg

>This is a 1/10 according to Yea Forums

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Why do the controls feel so weird? I can't put my finger on it

Dude I love Horizon but she is fucking ugly.

It's these kind of high IQ themes and references that means you can't to sell a game like Horizon on any system but Playstation. PC gamers and "others" simply wouldn't understand.

Git gut

>only cute from a certain angle with heavy makeup or a mask
literally tinder thot lmao very realistic bravo.

Looks like she's downs with the syndrome.

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So what's so good about this game?
I can get it for 19.99 but figured it's just open world like Far Cry is where there's no skill needed and no danger

She looks like that bitch from Captain Marvel

The real girl is 8/10. She kinda looks like Kassandra from the latest Assassins Creed before she was put into FtM machine.

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you play as an ugly girl, go around, do fetch quests, get told you're a weak wimmin then do the thing and the guy says "I guess women are equal after all." then you collect resources and craft arrows for 20 hours. It's basically unplayable.

>10 millions after two fucking years
how many times this game got from $59.99 to $9.99.


I'd smash but i'd bag her head so I didn't have to look at the spud face

>very realistic
It really is.

I'd fuck her any day, fugly girls are my fetish

>items locked behind getting the day 1 edition

Who ever thinks this is a good idea should be shot

Not much is remarkable, but a lot is passable. It's pretty, if you're into that. The hunting and combat is not incompetent, but it's also nothing amazing; basically it's mild third person shootering and 'character lock on' melee stabbing. A lot of running around gorgeous environments gathering shit. Mild SJW themes throughout.

The one thing i'll say is that unlike Far Cry games or things like AC, it doesn't overstay its' welcome. There's a handful of each type of activity and it isn't like the world map is a densely icon-covered piece of shit where you do the same parkour shit 500 times. There's a few type of thing to do, several times, and that's that. The main story is passable, but again, mildly SJW-y
>white man ends the world and stronk womyn society rises from the ashes and now stronk aloy must save world from secret damage caused by evil white man, did we mention men suck?

It's really not the worst 20$ you could spend.

Ok I'd fuck that navel

FtM machine?

Your game is a mix of a generic Sony game and a generic open world Ubisoft game. kys

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Different times.

With fun as fuck gameplay. But I agree, the open world meme is the weakest link of the game.

wow I totally forgot this mediocre trash existed