How the fuck was Infamous so fucking good?

How the fuck was Infamous so fucking good?
It just came out of nowhere and it was fucking amazing.
Other 2 games were kinda mediocre though, especially second sun

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Whatever happened to Alden after the bridge? Did anyone ever stop that madman?

he died in the comic spinoff they did. Falls off the bridge, gets fished out of the water by moya. iirc he gets euthanized the moment he starts being conscious enough to make thing jiggle.

I get a special kick from the you being the villain from the future who has somewhat ambiguously noble goals but has to force you to change by being heinous

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Unironically one of my favorite games, if not my number 1. I think it was so good because it was different. Infamous 2 was pretty good, mostly because I liked the ice powers a lot.

>Other 2 games were kinda mediocre though
Infamous 2 was much better than the first one.

>Infamous 2 was much better
Not if you chose the Hero route.

The Evil ending was unironically kino. It should have been the canon one.

>it should’ve been the canon route
What was the canon route? I finished Second Son, but never found out.

Also best track in a videogame EVER

Second son had lots of issues, but the transversal and flow of the fights was spot on

Cole Sacrifices himself to kill the beast, therebye also curing every conduit of their powers, after credits scene implies Cole is still alive
it doesnt even matter anyway because Second Son retcons this ending as well

Nyx>Ice Bitch

Well that's fucking lame. Should've at least gone out fighting The Beast.

It retcons the hero ending but starts from it
Otherwise we would be facing a superpowered Cole overlord on the third game

How did Second Son retcon it?

That's why Nyx is the Good Choice and Frigid Gook forces you to kill your bro.

Infamous was mediocre as well.

There are still mutants... I mean conduits around

>curing every conduit of their powers
So death counts as a cure for you?

Only mediocre thing was the lack of a blast shard radar.

I remember getting the lightning strike for the first time and just nuking everything with it, it was awesome.

>lack of a blast shard radar
Pretty sure the game had one.

>mfw managed to get all the blast shards

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Fuck Zeke

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Zeke was kind of a dick but at the same time..... hes your brother man

nah hes alright, actively tries to atone for his mistake. Plus imagine the guilt he would feel, he nearly killed hundreds of people out of jealousy, i reckon thats pain enough.

mind you I can't hold a grudge against anyone.

Pretty sure one of my controllers ended up with a drift from how much I scoured the map to find all of them. Eventually I just pulled up a map online and checked them off one by one. The last one wasn't even in a hard spot. It was on some pier when I swore I had circled the perimeter of the three areas.

I can't' see how anyone can compare it to [prototype].I have sinked months into both but I still think infamous is the better game (and series).The last time I was excited about an upcoming game before DMC5 was for IF2

Great trailer for the first game.

Mostly due to release timing and similar premise of a guy suddenly gaining superpowers in a military controlled city and how he chooses to use those powers

Second Son had so much potential. Stopped playing once the faggot with the Angel abilities appeared and starts to assist you. The characters were shit prior but that just tipped me over the edge.

Zeke definitely redeemed himself, and just think, if it wasn't for trophies then this ending would have been canon

Attached: Infamous 2 Zeke.webm (600x400, 2.93M)

>missing just one shard
>scour the city, use a guide, nearly go crazy
>nope, nothing
>years later
>reinstall the game on a new HDD, dick around the city a little

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It had it but was weak as shit compared to the second's version.

Infamous was bog standard 7th gen dogshit. Not only that is was fucking disgusting to look at

>is was fucking disgusting to look at
what a shitty opinion

It's not that good. T. Slogged through wave after wave of the same two enemies while hanging from trains.
>that gloss
>that grey
I'm not wrong

He's kinda half-right. It came out at a time when the realism brown'n'bloom style aesthetics were all the rage. It wasn't as bad as some games at the time, but it still edged close.

At least brown and bloom fit the game’s gritty aesthetic.

On a side note though, I like how Cole’s appearance changes based on whether you were good or evil.

You are wrong. It pulls of that look so much better than its contemporary's at that time

Is there a better bro moment in vidya?

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>video powers
How the fuck does that even fucking work? Is it radiation or something? It’s apparently light and solid so what is it?

1) It's about the same as everything at the time
2)That look it disgusting in itself so I am not wrong

Infamous 2 is almost a better game in every way, the evil karma route just makes you out to be a asshole. Infamous 1 you had to juggle between prioritizing yourself or playing the hero. Infamous 2 there is no such need, so everything comes off as overly mean spirited which flies in the face of the previous game. I hate how the games ending was karma locked, if you did a good guy playthrough there was no way to side with John, despite that ending making more sense, you had to go kill police officers and street performers for hours to get your karma low enough. It gets even worse because they used trophy data to determine which ending became canon because they couldn't decide internally, most people won't be assholes if they don't have to be and with the karma lock offering no real choice of a ending.

Amazing how one bad decision can spiral a entire game series.

Good ending won out, writers wanted to make evil ending canon since it made the most sense and was the more interesting option for sequels. Other developers sperged out at the thought and fought internally for a long time, eventually the heads at the company decided to use trophy data to see what the players chose as a ending, good ending won. Its a really bad way to determine it, even more so because the game karma locked your choice, a good guy cole will never side with the beast and vice versa. Beast ending made sense, good ending was a complete gamble.

It didn't come out of nowhere you idiot, it was a PS3 launch special

Spin-off game where you can play as Beast Cole and kill all humans when?

I think there was going to be a multiplayer type game that was based on Beast Cole ending, but Second Son wasn't so hot and I assume it got scrapped.

Sadly never, and that was supposed to be Infamous 3 but they saw the trophy data for 2 and saw that more people went for the good ending so they went with that instead, it's a fucking tragedy, just imagine what it could have been like.

>eventually the heads at the company decided to use trophy data to see what the players chose as a ending

That's dumb. "Good" routes often tend to be the easiest and most direct ones which causes people to play them first, and a lot of people may never bother with subsequent playthroughs to try different routes.

Honestly, the lack of any stealth pissed me off. I understand this shouldn't be a pseudo stealth cover based shooter, but it pissed me off when I was approaching, hidden and on a rooftop and the enemies would immediately see me. I wish I could at least get the drop on them, even if all stealth was impossible after that.

>Second son
>Evil Delson basically equates to a street thug
>Kills people who wronged him in some way
>Suddenly in the ending decides to murder his whole clan cause they don't like him anymore
Felt a bit outta nowhere and I didn't believe Delson could be that cruel.

2 is superior though.

It was dumb on so many levels, but no one could decide on the direction of the series so they went with something that would just shut them up. Dumb as developers ruined the game series, should have shut the fuck up and let the writers work.

That’s the exact same one I missed. Whoever decided to place it on the pier deserves to be shot.

Evil Delson was really shit, and the story didn't really divert all that much depending on if you were good or not, hell even Reggie still goes on about how proud he is regardless of your karma, so the fact you might have been murdering everybody up until that point really ruins the immersion for that moment

Second Son’s evil ending was absolutely fantastic. Couldn’t believe what was happening. If you went pure evil, like I did, it absolutely fit in with the character progression.

ghost of tsushima will sell like hot cakes and sucker punch will start making sequel, so new infamous never.

The Infamous ship sailed long ago man.

>new infamous
>somehow follows evil ending from 2 and second son
>multiverse/more time travel shenanigans for it to make sense or whatever
>3 factions
>turf war between cole and delson
>you're the 3rd faction and you need to build it
>new protag, new powers

I miss truly psychopathic game decisions or endings, Horizon: Zero Dawn was am I bitchy or am I weird or am I kind? Only one or two 'evil' decisions made me kinda go whoa but there was never anything like edgy 2000's about it.

Not being able to switch powers on the fly on second son was the dumbest fucking decision ever

>new powers

What kind of powers would the game have? The others covered the basic elements, so would it build on those or try a completely new approach?

Same here, was sitting on some building right near one of the bridges, couldnt believe it when I saw it

Video powers are the best so you don’t need to ever switch. Concrete powers were the worst decision ever made.

s-shut up

>video powers
>slow as fuck melee
>shoot a stream of weak ass video
>become invisible and useless
The only good ability was the wings
Neon's pretty much better overall

And yeah concrete is SHIT, it doesn't even have a cool finisher

>Call the sequel Second Son
>No mentions of the First Sons.
What was meant by this?

Story wise I thought the first one was better, but gameplay wise the second is better by a long shot. Actual different enemies that aren't just a barrage of fucking reapers around literally every fucking corner. Second son was alright, didn't care for any of the characters and story was shit. The evil ending was laughable when he does that one move in the game where he jumps up and gives a shit eating grin only to kill his whole family.

This. In Infamous 1, there was a reason to be evil. Generally evil choices in the first game relied on being easy and risky, like instead of telling a guy that his wife is dead so he'll help you, you just shoot him. It's all about taking everything for yourself, which makes perfect sense when the world you're in has gone to shit.

2 didn't really have a good reason at all for Cole to be a dickweed. It does it decently at the start, but missions are all just blatantly "Good" or "Evil" and the Evil missions are always Cole just going on a joyride with his powers.
Kind of a shame, since 2's general writing, characters and gameplay were so much better than 1.

I’m guessing you went for the good route. Video’s evil abilities are stellar.
Delsin is the younger brother, the second son.

Stop reminding us that inFAMOUS is a dead series. It left a good impression on all of us, mang. One of the only games last gen that actually did. Can't you let us have that?

I agree with this, I couldn't stand playing much of this game.

I just don't like how they downplayed Cole's sacrifice by killing all conduits. All of a sudden there are more conduits.
I really like storylines that end up with normal human life after a supernatural past is locked away.

Why didn't he just prevent the ray sphere from ever being used or stay and kill the beast himself?

>That shard near the blast zone that didn’t appear on the radar

is this playable on emulator? i liked prototype a lot, apparently it's similar.

I own Infamous 2 but not Infamous 1. I think they'll probably be very similar gameplay-wise so can I just watch a resume of 1 and play 2?

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Just find 1 for cheap. 2 has a lot of refinements but the impact is kinda lost without having played both. Plus I think there's enough difference in abilities that the first can still stand on its own.

We don't actually know how the Beast first showed up. Remember that by the time it did happen, Kessler was married and had two children. The process of the Beast's attack went on for years, as John went on a rampage.
That's a reason for not siding with the Beast to begin with, Kessler clearly shows it as a process that took years and sent the world to hell. Rebuilding might not ever be possible.
1 has better Karma choices, and the better good ending. 2 has the better Evil ending, though I'm probably the only person here who actually liked the good ending for 2.
I love you brother, and I'm sure gonna miss you.

I'd make Infamous 3 use Delsin, but in Cole's evil ending so he has to beat Cole's organisation with a resistance movement that is eventually lead by Delsin. In the final fight against Beat Cole , Delsin (with a doppelganger ability) shakes hand with every conduit in the city and you get to use a bazillion powers against Cole. And then you hit the RFI to kill every conduit and humanity can start again, fresh.
Very trashy and shonenesque but oh well.

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Nope. On rpcs3, the game gets a nice smooth 4 FPS, or has horrible graphical issues.
Just take these videos for reference. Two years apart, and yet the game still has issues on emulator.

2 is better than the first one.

Half as long..

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Why was Infamous 2 so fucking good bros. Its up there with best Nu-Sony exclusives next to memeborne

Sony was very intelligent giving it for free after the 2010 incident , it made me buy Infamous 2 when it came out

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Twice as bright.
I gotta try.
I know.

>Can't climb fences
Yeah great game OP

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God I wish they continued the series based on that evil ending. Shit would have been amazing; a million times better than the Second Son crap we got.

What the fuck was her problem?

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Kek they play like shit but are rendered in 4k ,WTF just why?

It's just a solid open world third person shooter with superpowers instead of guns, and a good story to back it up.
It came before the yearly open world ubishit and microtransaction hell started, but the Infamous games still did have some lame DLC and pre-order bonuses.

>every cheap copy i bought for infamous 2 never gets past the first new morals mission in the current with the professor
Fuck dude I just wanna play it
I 100% the first game and liked the upgrade system a lot
Overall a really solid game when I replayed it a few months ago aside from the cycle of saints row tier takeover this part of town missions so you can actually walk without getting fucked by the swarm of assholes randomly shooting at you

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The problem is that his motivation doesn't make all that much sense. In the cutscene where all is revealed, it is explained to us that he was strong enough to face the beast when it first appeared, but chose to run with his family instead. Why then didn't he just travel back in time and kill the beast himself. There is no reason to try to power up past Cole when he himself already has the power needed. Unless he has grown weaker than when the beast first appeared, but that is never stated

Because he was an old fraud, and his past self was clearly tied down by his family?
That was the reason for killing Trish regardless of Cole's choice, if Cole got married and was able to start his family, he would prioritize protecting his family over destroying the Beast.
By the time Kessler shows up, it's likely he wasn't strong enough to defeat it, considering Cole could beat him and wasn't able to stop the Beast himself.
That's kind of the whole point of the second game; powering Cole up so he can defeat the Beast.

It's a Sony first party game of course it's better than all the rest that's out there.
Sony actually listens to their developers and gives them the time and money to create quality masterpieces.
This isn't Microsoft or Valve pushing out shovelware. This is Sony, the best in the business and they aren't slowing down anytime soon.

If you have a ps4 get psnow for a week free, you should be able to finish it.

>By the time Kessler shows up, it's likely he wasn't strong enough to defeat it, considering Cole could beat him and wasn't able to stop the Beast himself.
But WHY? He was strong enough when the beast first appeared. Why couldn't he just be there for that? Unless he has actively become weaker he should still be strong enough to beat him.

The nigga's old as shit, have you seen him?

He seemed pretty strong to me. He could fucking teleport with how fast he moved. At any rate, why become a martyr for his past self? Wouldn't their chances be greatly increased if both of them were around for when the Beast comes? Hell, why didn't he just stay behind the scenes, and only appear when the Beast first show up? In that way, he could his past self that he really needs to fight the beast now, and then he'd also be there to help. Seems a much better plan

Not him but my dude. In the dead drops he constantly coughs and has to be hooked on First Son technology to stay alive. He can't do shit but be a final challenge to Cole to train him.

Bullshit he can't do anything. My last points still stands regardless

Better to train your past self to be ready for ANYTHING rather than just help out and fizzle out like a popcorn fart.

>trying to explore an area,
>awkwardly scramble up a window ledge
>get on rooftop
>"pop pop pop pop"
>enemies somewhere just chipping at your health with perfect aim
>go back to street
>"pop pop pop pop pop"

it's so fucking annoying, I started up my old save the other day and wanted to walk around and fucking rooftop enemies with guns are annoying as shit
the only cool parts were finding the power generators in the sewers, prototype was better in almost every way

The first inFamous just looked like ass in general. No anti-aliasing, sub-720p, shaky as fuck framerate, bad texture filtering, GOD AWFUL self shadowing resolution that would have been better off being turned off, and, blatant pop-in everywhere.

The large visual jump between inFamous 1 & 2 shows just how much Sucker Punch learned between them two. Very likely assisted by inhouse sharing of code between Sony-assisted studios.

Kessler was never strong enough to beat the Beast on his own, he was running away all his life and refusing to fight and only became focused after losing his family. With a lot of experience and implants he managed to be strong enough to push modern Cole against the wall, but that was all.

But Kessler knows for a fact that his past self will be strong enough when the Beast shows. Why doesn't he stay, warn Cole as soon as the Beast shows up and then helps him defeat it.
Not if you're to believe the final cutscene. Cole says that in the early days of the Beast, Kessler could've used his powers to stop it but instead fled with his family. Regardless, it would've been better to travel back in time to when the Beast first appeared, advise his past self, and then help fight the Beast

this is exactly why I played them. got the first one for free (along with dead nation) and really liked it and then they're like "hey infamous 2 is coming out soon!" so I grabbed that too

which cole voice was better, 1 or 2?

2. He sounded younger and less like he was trying to be an edgy superhero.


But Kessler plans were focused in making Cole stronger than he was by being in the center of the neurobomb (forgot what it was called) that awakens coundits. Kessler was only able to summon electricity on one arm to picture that his awakening was weaker. And knowing what the beast could do from the second game I doubt Kessler's tricks would amount to anything

He doesn't. It was in KESSLER's timeline that he was strong enough when he was still young. In this timeline, his powers haven't awakened yet, or at all. Even then, he's still too weak and needs to be "trained" by Kessler. And hindsight is 20/29, you will never know if Cole would be able to train to be strong enough if it was just normal training or under dire circumstances.

>He doesn't. It was in KESSLER's timeline that he was strong enough when he was still young. In this timeline, his powers haven't awakened yet, or at all
He doesn't jump to a parallel timeline, he jumps back in time. That means that as long as he doesn't do anything, his past self will develop exactly as Kessler did. Kessler decides to use the Ray Sphere to speed up the process, but inadvertently also hastens the Beast's arrival.

Disappointed Second Son never got a festival of blood tier dlc.

I liked Second Son