Why do manchildren not understand that Pokemon is for kids? Nintendo isn't going to make a super indepth "hardcore" pokemon game, because it's for kids. Why would they waste time making a "hardcore" game? There is zero incentive to do so. It'll never meet the neckbeard manchildren's expectations, they'll never be happy with it. Why waste your time making a game for people that aren't going to like the product, when you can make and be satisfied with making a fun kids game? And there is so much more money in making a game for kids. They make just as much money selling merchandise to kids as they do from the actual games.
Why are nintendo neckbeards unable to internalize that Pokemon is a game for kids, and should be a game for kids? Instead of desperately trying to hold onto and morph pokemon into something that it should never be, they should just let it be a fun game for a new generation of kids.
I don't even like Pokemon, but you're full of shit. Nobody made anything worthwhile, 'for kids' or otherwise, by disrespecting the audience's intelligence.
Andrew Kelly
>quickly port some models into unreal engine and smother it with effects >get 100s of thousands of views nothing makes me madder than this shit
Henry Sanders
>Waaah wash waah I don't like it when people enjoy things!
Why do you fucken care about people you dont even know? Piss off and leave them be.
I actually wonder about the demographic data of pokemon as a whole. The main games have seen nothing but a decline in sales except for S/M giving a sales temporary sales boost. The trend in declining sales continued with LGPE. I don't think many kids 16 and under are playing pokemon and are doing shit like fortnite instead for gaming.
There wouldn't be a need to appeal to kids if if were already popular with them, most of the people buying these games are probably adults to begin with.
In Japan the main demographic is kids. In the West they've failed to get kids interested in the new games, NoA has really fucked up Pokemon. The weirdest experience I had when I was in Japan was when I walked into a Pokemon store and it was full of 10 year old japanese kids and 30 year old fat foreigners.
Jack Bell
Why do you not understand that video games are for everyone? Developers are going to make a whatever they want for their game, because it's for anyone. Why would you waste time criticising what other people play? There is zero incentive to do so. It'll never change another persons opinion, they'll be happy playing their games. Why waste your time making a thread for people that are only looking to shitpost, when you can play and be satisfied with enjoying a fun game? And there is so much more enjoyment in not caring if it's a game for kids. They make just as much money selling merchandise to kids as they do from the actual games which you are of no obligation to purchase.
Why are some individuals unable to internalise that Pokemon is a game for everyone, and should be enjoyed however they like it? Instead of desperately trying to hold to force an opinion onto others, they should just let it be a fun game.
Chase Bennett
see how easy it is gamefreak? yet how do you suck so hard dogballs?
Grayson Jenkins
>most kids today would find any nes game too hard >let's continue making things so easy that eventually kids in the future would find pokemon go too hard it is a shitty trend
John Watson
It's easy to make a garbage looking UE4 environment with absolutely no soul yeah
Benjamin Cruz
previous gens were for kids too and weren't as fucking casual as the new gens
Adrian Jones
>garbage i agree, yes but if that is garbage shitfreaks uttershit pokemon game is rotten shit+puke+piss
Juan Myers
Almost all video games are for children, it’s just a matter of what kind of wrapper is put around them for aesthetic value, maybe also for story purposes too. But mechanically, most video games are for children save for maybe the strategy genre
Chase Jenkins
I've seen, and probably most of Yea Forums, kids with special needs play the 1st and 2nd gen pokemon games with ease. So its clearly not kids GF is trying to appeal too. They're trying to appeal to a wider audience, like people who've never held a game/game controller in their entire life. Whenever you see companies do shit like this, you know its time to bail. That's pretty much saying they don't give a shit about the core audience anymore.
Matthew Garcia
So does that mean kids are getting dumber since the games are getting easier and the originals were mean for kids too?
Josiah Butler
all forms of entertainment are for kids
Anthony Morgan
What about demon divine vampire sex cult enteral godkiller games
Dylan Price
exactly adults should work.
Carter Allen
It means companies are playing safer and trying to create games that don't alienate anyone. Give a kid a hard game now and he'll quit after after 10 minutes to watch youtube videos on his ipad
Chase Phillips
I wanna fuck this kid
Jayden Diaz
This, you should be holding a full time job, caring for your kids and wife, and ensuring a better future for thr next generation; not complaining about video games on a chinese image board.
Benjamin Phillips
Nice of you to make your point by just calling people names.
Ryder Robinson
Gamefreak is an independence company Nintendo only owns 10% of Pokémon If they didn’t have exclusive publishing rights you bet your candy ass Pokémon would be on every system
>Nintendo isn't going to make a super indepth "hardcore" pokemon game, because it's for kids. I used to play caesar 3 when I was a kid
Gavin Murphy
This, I don't mind adults who play these games but at least they shouldn't complain that these games are too simple. Pokemon always was the baby's first jrpg and will always be.
Easton Walker
All they have to do is make Gen5 with more content. I don't think anyone is asking for 'hardcore' but less god damn pandering and hand holding in each game under the guise that "this is someone's first Pokemon game" when there's 20 years worth of Pokemon games anyone can pick from.
Daniel Lopez
We all want to become the cute little girl but technology hasn't caught up yet.
In the meantime we make do.
Cooper Davis
this, I'll be giving drakengard 3 as first game to my son.