Yea Forums suddenly loves botw

>Yea Forums suddenly loves botw

What happened?

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most people do

here we go

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There are new nintendo games to be an edgy contrarian about.

Matthewmatosis liked it.

yea no idea why people suddenly talk about it again!

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At least we were blessed with the best incarnation of Princess Zelda.

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>Pic unrelated.

If she actually looked like that and wasn't a whiny cunt, sure.

No one likes that overrated game.

I'm still debating if I should restart with the master mode DLC

It seems fun for now but ultimately it seems kinda wonky with the combat - dodging for that slow motion thing is a bit odd when you're fighting 3+ enemies at once. Sometimes it triggers but sometimes it won't despite me being able to always trigger it on a solo enemy

how can it be overrated if noone likes it?
oh wait you're a brainlet

the master mode is complete garbage
regenerating health just makes you wanna run past enemies even more so than the white moblins did already. utterly disappointing

Nice lie bro

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everyone on this board shills the fuck out of this game i have no idea what you are on about

The game was good when you got the master sword. The one fatal flaw of that game is weapon decay.

So there's no new actual content? I thought there'd be new stuff since there's a new tier of enemies

The real problem with Master Mode is it doesn't change enough.
BotW is largely about discovery, but if you've played through it once already, you already know where everything is and how to correctly approach the situations you come across.
It just doesn't add anything

There are more shrines, another large dungeon, and more armors.

That potatoes nigger Matthew liked it

Normies started finally playing the emulated 60fps version, and underage started to spam how good the game is

And a motorcycle.

I got this game for my girlfriend when it released. I swear she couldnt stop playing it. She maxed out like 150 hours on it

exploration is not the problem for me. it's just that it doesn't change up anything interesting mechanically. for example by removing mechanics that make each other redundant.

If master mode just had
>Gradual healing instead of instant
>Maybe a short eating animation link is locked into
>If menuing was done in real time instead of pausing the game

Then i'd already be much more inclined to replay it then some stupid health sponge shit because this would actually change how you play the game and you wouldn't be able to just hoard resources and cancel out other mechanics of the game.

You don't have to play Master Mode to access any of that. it gets added to normal mode too.

Master Mode is just regenerating enemies, gold tier enemies, and those wooden platforms suspending on balloons.
That's all it adds

>Yea Forums is one person
Shit thread

Master mode is utter ass. Only play it if you're a masochist.

It's good but it's not a 10/10. Take off the nintendo skin and it becomes a 8/10.

A good 8/10, not a journalist 8/10.

Is there a way to trigger a bloodmoon? I'm enjoying the fire rod for instant fire but I've only found one enemy that drops it so far

No I mean in Master Mode added to the game, not the bonus items from the DLC

So the gold enemies are just harder? They don't drop anything special?

None of that is unique to master mode, stop trying to make that user suffer.

Everyone got sick of the constant threads about the smash 4 port and left. Now only underage nintards are left.

>Another large dungeon
That doesn't require Master Mode
See above
Don't restart on Master Mode. I did that and I regret it every time I play it. It's fucking awful. All additional challenge is superficial and it ends up being just as easy but 100x more annoying to play.

>trigger a bloodmoon
Wait at a fire for 6 evenings. Bloodmoons are weekly.
Nope, just maybe more gems than the silver enemies.

>So the gold enemies are just harder? They don't drop anything special?

Correct. They're silver enemies with more stats

Matt praised it, and he was mostly right

Huh, fuck it I'll stay on normal mode

Also I thought they were timed moons, not just 7 days, thanks for the tip user.

Of course.
I'm sure you know this but just in case, you can use wood and Flint for instant fire as well without having to keep a weapon slot open for a rod

Nah they're not underaged. Most Nintendo posters here are around 30, I'm 27 myself and I liked botw but got quickly bored of it.

I still buy Nintendo because they're here since forever but I'm also tired of this company only seeing us as overgrown kids. In France almost no one cares about the switch, it is seen as a kid's toy. If you ask a french kid what console he wants he'll ask a ps4.

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The reason the Blood Moon exists is actually to repopulate entities you've collected/killed because it gets to a point where the game runs out of allotted memory for what you've cleared.
So you can get it faster than one in game week if you.
Interestingly, you can delay Blood Moons if you're inside Hyrule Castle at midnight. The event will get pushed back to the next night.
However, because of the above point about memory allotment, you can only do this so many times before the game forces a Blood Moon anyway (You'll even get one during the day)

Blood moons are not on a schedule at all.

Its pretty weird how children no longer want games aimed at children. When did this even become a thing?

>gets to a point where the game runs out of allotted memory for what you've cleared.

What kind of bullshit is this? It shouldn't takes a lot of memory just to remember that a bunch of mobs was killed. Even if it's 100 000 000 000 mobs.

If there was complex ragdolls and props all around to memorize I could understand but they quickly disappear once you leave the area.

Violence, blood and war all around on tv, in the street, at school...


based e poster

That’s always been the case, generally. I’m more curious about when children started preferring gritty mature stuff with guns instead of shit like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc

It was always like that for me since I had mortal kombat when I was like 3 years old because my older brother bought it for me

>Because it gets to a point where the game runs out of allotted memory
You're an idiot. It happens because otherwise the player would run out of resources quickly. You can trick the game into never triggering a blood moon by going into an ancient shrine or to Hyrule Castle before it triggers and leaving when it's over. You'll have to do it every night after though, but you can do this to clear the whole map.
He's just bullshitting.
Yes it is. There's supposedly a way you can exploit the game to make it happen whenever you want it to but I haven't bothered looking it up since I can just rest at a cooking pot 6/7 times.

She's only a whiney cunt because of her daddy issues. I'm sure you can relate.

>You can trick the game into never triggering a blood moon by going into an ancient shrine or to Hyrule Castle before it triggers and leaving when it's over. You'll have to do it every night after though, but you can do this to clear the whole map.

I literally pointed this out in the post you're replying to.
You can only do it so many times before the game forces a Blood Moon.

Matthew uploads his botw video
Overall he praises the game to the heavens
Some time after the video has been uploaded, is made on Yea Forums.
The thread recognizes that it's a fair yet extremely favourable review.
But just an hour after is made, is made where the OP of the thread highlights nothing but the game suffered from, its weaknesses, and what was disappointing.
The first few replies are all about how fans are now BTFOd, will turn on Matthew, or are otherwise seething.

It's almost as if the second thread was a direct response to the first thread being overwhelmingly positive.
In fact, it's almost as if the second thread popped up after the huge contrarian that kept shitting on Matthew's video and all BotW praise in the first thread showed up.

Blood moons are not on a schedule. You can go months without them. They appear to replenish enemies when you kill enough or them, or when you kill them within the castle grounds.

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Well my first play though i was hoping for a Zelda game and got disappointed. I replayed it recently expecting a comfy sandbox and got more enjoyment from it.

Man I wish botw had dangerous and menacing foes, and fights with weight, poises and different kind of attacks. Like dark souls.
I'm not memeing or something, I really want botw with ds fights and enemies.

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that just seems tedious

>all that health left on a bokoblin for all that effort

Nah, it's always been that way. Kids may appreciate the kid games, but when their friend has this mature game, they want it too. That was the case with Moral Kombat, it was the case with GTA, it's the case with Call of Duty. s

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Threads are made independently you fucking retard, nobody gives a shit about your console warring bullshit.

Who at Nintendo thought this shit was ok?

that's just master mode in a nutshell tbqh


It's an amazing game

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Unironically, it's evidence that the anti-Botw camp were just shitposters all along.
>Pokemon isn't close to being a masterpiece like Botw! Nintendoomed!
Expect SwSh to be a 10/10, and to be used as shitposting ammo when Animal Crossing is unveiled.

Where's the spam mitosis guy when you need him?

Matthew is literally, unironically, unequivocally /ourguy/ and always will be

nintendo showed the next zelda

Yea Forums always loved BotW.

I don't.

Why is Matthew the only one of these pseud reviewers who actually pays any mind to the more intangible qualities of games and argumentation?

He never gets caught up in retarded number crunching or semantic arguments, he clearly cares most about how a game works as a piece of art, which somehow none of his imitators have picked up on.

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Probably has something to do with that stupid faggot Matthew.

>Buy botw for wii u
>Play until the glider and never again
>Buy switch + botw
>Play until the glider and never again
>Play today after seeing so many threads lately
>Game is fun and relaxing
Between this and factorio, I have march covered. Mario odyssey next, and then I have to work on the rest of the switch and ps4 backlog. Buy my mixtape

This guy spent 2 minutes blowing BotW dick for having scripted enemies

Enemies that emergently react to different situations and elements are now scripted? Hmmmst

Because games aren't inherently art. They are designed and every bit counts to the player's overall enjoyment.


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the whole weapon system feels janky as fuck
the weapon decay makes you not give a shit about your weapons and then you get the master sword which gives you a 30+ power weapon that you can break and have back in 10 minutes of game time
Once you figure out the best strat is to blow all your master sword charges you literally never have to worry about weapon degrading again and it just feels like shitty tacked on mechanic

I've had a blood moon trigger two days after the last one

A game isn't a fucking painting. The little details matter. The moment-to-moment gameplay matters. You can't survive on just theme and loose concepts. If that's really all you care about there's plenty of pretentious indie walking simulators out there.

Except the Master Sword has that shitty energy system that doesn't recharge until it's fully depleted. I unironically prefer the flat damage boost in previous games, it may be simple but those kinds of straight increases in power are satisfying. BotW's Master Sword may have a cool way of unlocking it but actually using it is incredibly disappointing, and it's all because it had to fit into the durability system.

way to have no idea what i was talking about lol

The whiny cunt is the cute part.

His imitators and most people on Yea Forums are literally and unironically too dumb for that.

>y-you don't get it!
Amazing how that's always the go-to argument for you people when you inevitably get called out.

I will never be ashamed for caring more about the execution in a technical medium than vague "concepts" that can be interpreted in a thousand different ways and easily abused for marketing purposes.

no, i mean you just didn't understand what i said on a basic level lmao

being vague while saying the same shit over and over and typing in all caps doesn't make you any more convincing
it makes you a pretentious twat
i can type like this too lmao look how much smugger and more enlightened i am than you, i don't ever have to clarify what i'm saying but hopefully someone will be fooled

>all caps
i fucked up i mean lower case LMAO guess i rekt myself

>respond like a cunt for no reason
>get responded to like a cunt
>wtf why aren't you DEBATING me???

i'm sorry i hurt your feelings lmao lol
i guess your hurt feelings excuses your total lack of substance, you have the moral highground and i apologize profusely
please feed me more greentext

Master mode just makes you kill enemies and bosses in different ways

Matthewmatosis told them how to feel and "properly enjoy it", that said, Yea Forums loved BOTW on release then cooled down as the exploration wore off (Because you can only discover things for the first time once after all).

>Yea Forums is not just one person
More news @ 11

Agreed, love the game, but the durability system in it is a huge flaw in a great game. Would have like a follower like system besides just having thd amiibo wold link but thats a minor thing.

based and cyanpilled

Because Sonyfags decided to off themselves

it's a masterpiece

Because it pisses off so many sad individuals.

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Would love to see some hacks done to this game. Would be nice to add Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask enemies and add actual traditional dungeons.

I legitimately believe Matthew is truly the only decent vidya critic in the world, his BOTW review just continued to prove that.

He "gets" games in a way retards like Joseph Anderson and your typical youtuber/game journalist don't.


Still havent played botw
after i finished odyseey i get it

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It wasnt as wide spread as it is now : Mortal Kombat was the apex of violence and invented PEGI, now MK is just gorier than average. Times change...

Matthew is a cut above the of the rest for this reason. He can see the big picture in a way few reviewers or even consumers even care to look into.

Joseph Anderson is literally too autistic to even think on that level. His most valuable "insight" is just running off a checklist of technical minutiae that have no bearing on the game's vision as a whole.



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Matthewmatosis loves it so now I'm honorbound to love it too since I've pledged allegiance to the House of Matthew.

The game is not bad, and for the people that like it it's probably very good, the hate was actually from people who didn't play it and wanted to be contrarian.
The same thing is going to happen to Metro:Exodus, in some months you will only see people talking generally positively about the game because the game is good and the contrarians have another flavour of the month to focus on.