>spend all ammo fighting bullet sponge boss
>it's actually invincible and the fight is on a timer until a scripted event happens
>good luck during the ACTUAL boss fight now that you have 0 ammo lol
What a shit game
>spend all ammo fighting bullet sponge boss
>it's actually invincible and the fight is on a timer until a scripted event happens
>good luck during the ACTUAL boss fight now that you have 0 ammo lol
What a shit game
Other urls found in this thread:
>spend hours gathering resources and gear
>finally have a good amount
>get to new area
>lol you know all that gear and resources you just had? well they're gone now
What a shit game
>boss dies in a cutscene
>you don't even actually kill it
I like the game overall but this is not defendable.
I hated these dumb boss fights in LL already which defy all logic and reason.
5 claymores and 5 pipe bombs are enough to level an entire building, yet some crappy shrip can survie them unharmed?
>go exploring the "open world"
>find an area where a later mission is supposed to take place
>lol here's a bunch of invisible walls and invincible enemies that insta-kill you through buildings
What a shit game
I wanted to like it but the bullshit factor is through the roof. I've had many infuriating bugs as well, from enemies clipping through walls and detecting me, to quickloads causing an alerted status, to falling or getting stuck on level geometry, to allies pushing me out of cover and getting me killed. It's honestly not worth the frustration.
I had no bugs like that with the CPY release, played on ranger hardcore too.
The only bullshit moments were when enemies detected bodies, it's bullshit that you can't move them.
Almost all games with stealth let you do it, why not this?
>arrive in Volga and go to church
>clear church and continue with "open world"
>later find a key I'm suppose to be able to use in the church
>can't get back to the church
>literally blocked from accessing the church area in any way possible
WOW, such an amazing open world
>I've had many infuriating bugs as well, from enemies clipping through walls and detecting me, to quickloads causing an alerted status, to falling or getting stuck on level geometry, to allies pushing me out of cover and getting me killed
LMAO. I played the CPY version no bugs and top performance.
They key is not for the church, it's for the factory building with the trolley to pull the passenger cart.
You don't even need it to access the area, it's basically for a shortcut.
Wait...it is for the big wooden door with all the caskets inside?
You're either bullshitting or you are part of the 0.0001% that didn't experience bugs. They're all over the place, and I suspect it's even worse in the CPY version because it's version and there have been 2 patches in the meantime.
nice job idiot, have fun with the bad ending
Nigger I already gunned down every bitch I saw since I arrived. You think I give a fuck about some "bad" ending? If I wanted to play the cuck version I'd have thrown all my weapons away as soon as I got off the train in volga
Makes sense. I pretty much broke the sequence of the areas then. Good to know I don't have to keep trying to glitch back into the church at least.
Not that guy but
>caring about what ending you get
I'd rather have a good time playing the way I want to play than forcing a certain playstyle to be "rewarded" by a different 2 minute cutscenes at the end.
I had zero suttering, are you a windows 10 cuck?
>to allies pushing me out of cover and getting me killed
Sounds like normal human behavior
I don't think that would cause it though. Lots of other people having the same problem on all different PCs
It's really annoying. I'm getting like 120fps with random stutters. I clearly have the specs for this and yet there are stutters...
>on all different PCs
All running w10 I bet.
Try using an actually functional OS, worked for me fine on w7.
I just started but am already annoyed. Those fucking conversations with NPC's are dragged out, it's not fun at all and a lazy way to hamfist their backstory. But i don't fucking care about them. Still forced myself to listen in the hopes that it get's a bit better.
>go to front of the train where those three faggots stand around
>one goes on and on with his bible analogies
>finally over, i'm just about to walk away
>the other faggot chimes in with a story of his and guy 3 talks to him
FFS, i stood there some good 5 minutes, i just stood up and started tidying up my room out of boredom.
Thank god i didn't pay for this garbage.
Game is piss easy, sneaked around and knocked out every fucker i could, cleared the whole church out with fists. Enemies just stand there and wait to be knocked out, very little patrolling.
Why the FUCK can't you lean?
just change operating systems loooooool
Windows 10, Ryzen 2600 and an RX580, beat the game and the only issues I had were a few CTD's and this bug where looking in a very specific direction in the Oil Baron's palace made the framerate go to absolute shit.
What game does it loads when you close it with beans?
It takes like 30 minutes.
You see Ivan, when present whole body for the shooting, bullet less likely to hit head.
To add to all the other issues, even the shooting is now shit. The hitboxes are some of the worst I've seen ever. Even at point blank range with a weapon that has a high accuracy rating, there's like a 25% chance your round will just phase through the enemy.
Does everyone hate this game?
China doesn't.
>You're either bullshitting or you are part of the 0.0001% that didn't experience bugs.
yep feels good.
W10 is the same as W7 in every aspect that concerns games. I've literally never had an issue in W10 that I didn't have in W7. Computers aren't for brainlets.
The conversations are worse in this than any other game in the series, it’s infuriating.
>NPC slowly talks about random shit
>finally finishes dialogue
>turn and walk
>asshole starts talking again.
It’s like they intentionally put that pause in there and timed it to do this.
Not to mention the stutter after a reload that goes on for 10 minutes before it settles again, either got to exit the whole game or wait it out.
As a die hard Metro game fan that still hasn't played it, lemme say it sounds like garbage.
Can confirm I also played the CPY release and encountered next to no bugs and had great peformance.
poorfags and steam cucks are seething.
Not quite, the desktop compositor in Win7 doesn't force Vsync so games are actually playable in borderless on Win7.
Holy shit is the stutter a result of quickloading? I save and load fairly often and I thought the stutter was just constant.
>tfw pirate chads get the best experience yet again
How can buycucks ever recover?
I played the CPY version and have encountered plenty of bugs. Nothing game-breaking but plenty of clipping through walls, broken animations and such. I found a spot where if you turn your flashlight on and off while doing the "squeezing through tight spot" animation, it will bug out and you will continue to squeeze through ad infinitum. You can keep going until you're completely outside the map
It is for me. If I start the game it doesn’t stutter until I load a checkpoint or die (not sure about quick loading I’m okay get ranger hardcore).
It eventually settles but for like 10 minutes I drop about 10 frames per second and when I turn or move fast/aim. The game locks for pretty long times. Also reloading and using the menus can lock up for a very long time
I also played the CPY release and had exactly 3 bugs. One where Miller clipped through the car, another where one NPC was standing half in the wall and another where one NPC was walking through another while I was talking to them.
Apart from those I've had 0 issues. Audio was also fine playing with Russian VA on. Maybe it was the digital audio thing that was fucking people's sound? I had it turned off. Game ran pretty smooth (45-65 outdoors, 70-90 indoors) on high on pic related.
Game is good btw. I enjoyed it, albeit a bit short.
I loaded the game after it saved while I was standing in the puddle. It treated me like I was underwater, I couldn’t use any keys except walk until I fell into the water to reset it
Not being able to move bodies is such shit game design. It is a way to artificially inflate the difficulty.
Yep people complaining they have peformance issues whilst I'm on the CPY release with 60+ fps on high settings with a 1050ti lol
I saw a lot of NPCs being positioned wrong, people sitting backwards on chairs, sleeping half way outside the bed and floating, slaves sitting half way inside cages etc. Not the sort of thing most people will pay a lot of attention to, but I explored pretty thoroughly.
Run the benchmark and post results. I had 150+fps in some areas on ultra but in other areas it would drop to as low as 30. Very inconsistent frame rates and I doubt you kept it at a constant 60+
Maybe this is caused by quicksaves?
I played on ranger hardcore so only had checkpoint saves. Saw none of this in any area.
I've uninstalled now, but yes the fps does differ a lot depending where you're looking. I'd say at the minimum I would get would be around 50 when in the worst spots.
>It’s like they intentionally put that pause in there and timed it to do this.
Oh god, that fucking pause. Fully agreed. They had decent npc interactions in 2033 even LL had normal ones. But here they went out of their way to make it BS.
Also the dialogs are written by a retard. Like you wrote, first they talk about random crap then go straight to some important topic, with a bad transition phrase.
They should have left out the random shit and just cut to the important part.
Maybe. I quicksave and quickload a lot because literally every few minutes the game decides that a headshot that was absolutely dead on at like 3 meters on a stationary Target with a 6X scope doesn't count. Complete bullshit.
Uhhh...guys, have you noticed any music in the game yet? Atmospheric shit that builds the tension. I'm not counting radio music, but i'm pretty sure that the game is mostly without this.
2033 had atmo music and it was great for creating tension.
Yep there's music, most noticeably when you go into combat
Well, at least something.
Played the CPY version. I can understand why people dislike it, it's a console players open world which makes the world feel like a larger corridor at times. However I enjoyed the aesthetic of the game and enjoyed another trip through post apocalyptic Russia.
It tells you that resources are spent during the months between each mission.
You get a ton of resources at the start of every mission/hub.
Exodus has the most beautiful music of the entire trilogy, each segment has its own theme and motifs that gradually develop through the chapter and they all capture the melancholy of the world perfectly, culminating in the end piece which intertwines elements from them all.
Shit's masterful.
Yeah I understand the reasoning but it's still shit from a gameplay perspective. The main incentive to go exploring is to find loot but then the game takes your loot away from you, defeating the entire purpose of exploring in the first place. Losing your backpack at the start of the forest map is such bullshit too. I know you get it backspin, but not the weapons. It's just a shitty way to force you to use a crossbow instead of the weapons that you have highly upgraded by that point. It's such a tired old video game trope and this game pulls it several times. Even once is too many.
back soon*
The crossbow is fun to use though and more powerful than most of the weapons you had at that point. I didn't mind it.
Imagine this - you get your paycheck and spend some of your money but at the end of the month still have half of it remaining. I take your money and tell you it's not a big deal because it's your next paycheck in a day or two. Would you be alright with that?
Agree to disagree then. I don't mind games throwing a monkey wench into the mix, especially if it's past the 5-8 hour mark.
Anyone else dislikes the new artstyle for mutants? What were they thinking. I wanted at least a good lore reason for why they look different. It would have made sense if demons and watchmen looked different in other parts of Russia and the world. But they also look different in Moscow. Those nosalises look like fat moles
I'm sorry, that flew over my head. Could you rephrase it with food instead?
MOST of the mutants in the game will actually just leave you alone if they arent the zombies. At the very least they won't chase you far. You dont have to engage every monster you see. You literally just have to treat them like wildlife. Run past them, turn off your flashlight, dont antagonize them. Even the Demons are just big birds basically. You can walk right up to the nest and piss off with the teddy without actually fighting it
It's like the first 2 games taught you nothing
It's an okay weapon, but I don't want to game to force me into these "decisions". Taking the backpack away and introducing the crossbow would be fine if they gave you back your weapons in 30 minutes and let you decide if you like the crossbow more. Instead, you're simply forced to use it. The crossbow is pretty wonky with headshots though, I was nailing headshots with the pneumatic gun and the crossbow seems to miss a lot more often at much closer range.
Nigger in the game it's explained they use resources available while they're travelling in between hubs and it makes sense since you're speeding through a post-apocalyptic radioactive nuclear wasteland where resources are scarce.
Your comparison is retarded.
Nigger learn to read
>You can walk right up to the nest and piss off with the teddy without actually fighting it
Bullshit, it insta-detected me when I interacted with the teddy. It went down to a single molotov though
>travel through wasteland
>forced to share resources to survive
mutt spotted
>literally can't read the English language
>calls others mutts
The irony is just amazing here
>Bullshit, it insta-detected me when I interacted with the teddy
It detected me too, and then it just flew around pissed off. I just hid in the cages when for a second and ran down the steps to the train and rode away. It's not bullshit, I never said it didnt see me.
Imagine this - you've been sucking your boyfriend's dick for an hour and you can't wait for him to shoot his load down your throat. But, then he tells you that he's gonna shoot his load in your mouth tomorrow anyway, so what's the point of you getting that mouthful of cum that you so badly want? There, an analogy I know you can understand very well. I bet you'd be pretty bummed about that, wouldn't you?
It attacked me while the needlessly prolonged animation of picking the teddy up was still playing. This game is inconsistent in every way imaginable
>takes everything out of context
>gets called out for
>"hurr you can't read"
pinnacle of idiocy
I think i might be on that part now, there's some armoured guy in a room with some chick and it doesn't matter now many pipe bombs i throw at him.
shoot at him with the flame rounds from the tikhar and then lure him into one of the barrels
OP is talking about a different part. use molotovs or shoot his armor to break it
I'm not taking shit out of context you absolute fucking retard. If you knew how to read you would have seen that I understand the explanation the game gives you for taking your resources away. That's just a stupid cop out though, because they couldn't figure out a way to make the game more challenging without taking your loot away. This makes the exploration pointless because the resources you gather while exploring are going to be taken away anyway. Seeing as 50% of the game is spent exploring and looting, this stupid decision means that have the game is completely redundant. you're just doing busy work only to have your rewards inevitably taken away from you. The fact that the story gives you an explanation for this doesn't make it a good design decision. It's horrid game design, in fact. Is any of this getting through your thick fucking skull, you brain dead fucking mongoloid?
The hitboxes are just insane.
Sometimes I can place a shot between two metal sheets and land it nicely which feels great, others I can shoot at a head and literally see sparks from my bullet behind it and the guy go unharmed.
Then there is the "guy who is like 200 meters away just killed you with a shotgun" thing, the "guy has armor so even though everything dies in 2 shots he is going to survive 4 molotovs AND kill you while he is literally on fire" , the "an enemy saw you five minutes ago so now everybody knows exactly where you are at all times even if nobody has seen you and you haven't made any noise whatsoever.
Then you have geometry bugs.
Then you have the stupid fucking flashlight not working if you left the lights on when driving
Then you have the movement sensor not appearing in your wrists sometimes.
Then you have the "I aggroed mutants down there, went to sleep for 12+ hours, ran across the map, THEY STILL FOLLOW ME"
I feel like the whole game could be really fucking good but there is just so much shit that should be fixed first.
Sure, but you still make use of your resources to craft and upgrade shit while you're exploring and carrying out missions, right? Searching for supplies and ammo to fend off bandits and beasts is the survival part of the game. If they just gave you everything straight up you could just breeze through like any normal shooter.
Taking resources away from you also made sure you didn't become too OP and could build infinite bullets, molotovs and health kits.
man this game is such a downgrade to Last Light everything in this game feels rushed and shit. Honestly hope this shit game flops hard so these niggers learn their lesson and never use the chink store again.
>movement sensor
You mean that blue light on your watch? That's not a movement sensor, it tells you whether you are completely hidden in the dark or not.
>walking around
>get jumped by mutant mole rat things
>there goes my ammo
every time
>wanting story to take precedence over gameplay
Chris Avellone would love to have you on his writing team
>raid a camp
>leave with less ammo than you went in with and nothing else of note
That's not the gadget I'm referring to, there is a piece of gear that detects nearby enemies, works like a small radar and beeps when it finds something, then you can see it on your wrist.
Except sometimes it just disappears from your wrist.
It's a lot better than Last Light, my least favorite metro but Caspian Sea and Taiga could have been more fleshed out. The pacing is off compared to Volga.
>Hear bandits talking about how they managed to open a pre-war container and they got so much shit from it
>Kill them, loot
>like 10 bullets
Yeah, spend them on upgrading weapons that are also going to be taken away. In the first 2 maps I only spent around a third of the available resources and was trying to be very careful be conservative with how I use them, but then I realized it doesn't even matter because the remaining 2/3 will just be taken away. The actual issue IMO is that there is too much loot, even on the hardest difficulty. It's like they realised near the end of development that they put too much resources in the game and then had to quickly think of a way to take them from you so the game doesn't become too easy. It would be ok if there were fewer resources to begin with but you get to keep all of them. As it is, giving me 800 crafting items as an award for exploring but then arbitrarily taking them away is a really bad game design decision.
Holy shit if this happens I'm ragequitting
What, you can't actually use resources to upgrade, can you? You just equip whatever pieces you find
There's a rusty old ship with slaves working around it on the far East side of the Caspian sea map. On it you find the radar gadget user is talking about. Great for detecting those zombies disguised as rocks
Ya I worded that wrong.
Weapon upgrades are found in monster lairs though and getting to them requires ammo.
I got the first two games to prepare for this one (almost done with 2033). Should I not get this game then?
how the fuck miller can walk?
Correct, but I spent a lot of resources maintaining those weapons and then got them taken away. I'm not sure if you somehow magically keep the attachments even when the game takes away your fully specced weapons. The rest of my post stands though. It would be far better if resources were more scarce to begin with
>b-but it makes sense!
I don't give a shit about what makes sense in a VIDEO GAME.
gameplay > story
Look at his legs.
I explored most of Caspian sea but I never found it.
I'll be playing more thoroughly on my 2nd playthrough now I understand the game's mechanics better and at which points in the story it moves hubs.
It never even gave me a chance to properly explore the forest zone and just put me back on the train to dead city without prior warning after fighting that mutated bear. That part felt extremely rushed.
It's a strange thing really.
I can't actually say the game is bad, it does have some actual flaws like dialogue, but most of what constitutes a bad experience look like literal mistakes and with how flagrant they are I'm not sure if it's even intended or the result of a rushed game.
Pirate first or wait imo
You could argue that limiting your resources serves the gameplay, however doing it in such an artificial, arbitrary way actually hurts it because at the end if each map you realize half the looting you did was absolutely pointless. I wonder what the game does if you finish a map with practically no resources
I ran down stairs and died from fall damage, fuck this shit game.
It's the ship that you actually drive through on your way to the lighthouse, if you follow the main road. It's hard to miss it but it's easy to assume you can't get on it because it's a little tricky.
how bad does the mutant catfish fuck you up if it catches you? im stuck on an island and he won't fuck off
lol, this. Even at the normal jogging speed, Artyom will often leap over several steps and the 3 foot drop will hurt him. Also the amount of times I got stuck on a small rock/stair/other 4 inch obstacle and had to actually jump over it is ridiculous
I think the game should have leaned more towards survival and stealth.
Like let me make traps really, there are literally already traps in the game why can't I make some.
All I know is that I once got into the water and didn't die.
If you are in the building where the catfish is, I don't think you need to enter the water at any point.
What are some spoiler-free flaws? I want this game most for the gun customization and bought into 2033's nostalgic hype
How did you even get into that situation? That area was pretty straightforward. I thought it was all building towards a boss battle with the fish, but then it was just boom - area completed
Read the OP and the few posts after it, they're spoiler free. The hitboxes are absolutely terrible too, making the guns feel like shit, and the shooting is supposed to be a strong point of this game.
Man the heavies in this game are fucking annoying. If you hit their mask it flies up, exposing their face. You'd think that was a mechanic that allows you to land a precise shot and kill them, but nope. They survive bullets going straight between their eyes
>pirates complaining about buggy unpatched games
If you read the thread you'll see it's actually pirates who are having a bug-free experience with this game
Yep, this is some really gay shit on ranger hardcore where a milisecond of line of sight with them is death. Molotovs and shotgun carpeting the fuckers worked out well for me.
More like molotovs are the only way to deal with them.
With the amount of firepower it takes to kill them in hardcore you could kill 10+ normal guys probably.
There's only one bug I ever encountered and that was the first real encounter with the bear. He literally just stood there frozen like a statue and I just walked right past him
Normal guys go down with 1 well placed shot. The heavies take like 3 30 round mags from the AK, all straight to the head.