Alright bois. Best vidya game asses. Go
Alright bois. Best vidya game asses. Go
Other urls found in this thread:
This thread.
Solid Snake.
Wow that's one puffy vulva
you should see my volvo
That's one cute boybutt,
wot gaem?
>implying implications
The Void, a russian surrealistic game about painting and gardening and dating dead girls.
Honestly a thread like this should be just pictures of 2B until the image cap because nothing else in videogames comes even close to her platonic perfection of a posterior.
>I gotta fart SUPER bad!
A good chunk of OW girls
that ass is indeed excellent, wot is that
Pick any DOA sluts
metro last light
slavic booty looks tight.
Thread should've ended here
This ones got my vote
Remember that fanart doesn't count. Every character has a nice ass in fanart. Post real vista ass
Why not use /e/?
Please, the board needs new posters
Is that the chilean punching game? Xeno-something?
Banter is a bannable offence there.
Because Yea Forums porn discussions are fun.
yes. no.
zeno clash
I do check the DoA threads
Right, played the first one and enjoyed it immensly. Hows the sequel?
>I hate sexy stuff
Go back to ResetEra
golem from zeno clash. Very underrated butt. Big, softly shaded and edge lit, a little shiny. Squishes and stretches realistically with each step. Didn't expect such a high quality tooter from a budget game like this.
>Advertise /e/
Christ, you people really are robots.
for me it's Side B
How to spot a newfag who only knows about Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums
I get disgusted every time i see these retards making 2B human. She don't fucking have a shitter nor a genital. That's literally her charm
peach bomber got buffed so hard its actually borderline broken in ultimate
>kills at 110% at ledge, covers multiple getup options
>absolutely melts shields
>not only safe on shield, but actually leads into MORE pressure with fast fall aerials
>almost unreactably fast at midranges, travels far as fuck
>ha cha
I dunno I played the first one and enjoyed it immensely but afair the second one went the open world route with more jankiness and bad desing
What a tiny boring ass.
It's actually pretty solid. The open world aspect is pretty restricted anyway. It's rather freedom to move between zones.
Does get tiring beating up the same faggots in those zones each time you pass through though.
Where can I order these mousepads?
>Have access to the internet
>Google and duck duck exist
>Still be an absolute helpless fuck
She's an android that can have a vagene if she wanted
>liking asses
This is a n-word free website. Go back to resetera maybe they'll make you their kang n shit.
I looked it on google and only found news articles about it or people on ebay selling for 500$ dollars.
she has a vagina and it's canon.
Where's her majesty Jill Valentine from RE5 and Revelations?
You are so gay.
sheva from re5
>This is a n-word free website
That obviously can't be true given how much Smash discussion dominates this place
Die, faggot.
show vivian
Shoulda got more porn
Nope. She LITERALLY don't. It's a part of the whole fucking "Am i human" theme of the bloody game. Try playing the shit you fap to for once
I don't care for boring dykes
that's right.
Is it confirmed anywhere in the game that she doesn't? I mean she has tits, she may as well have a vagina also.
No, he’s a faggot making shit up
Not in direct way, but by dialogue (especially by the "rebels" who state she can't breed and thus won't be needing vaginas)
In the same vein, 9S don't actually have a penis either, for same reason.
>My dickcanon > Literally ingame statements
You're such a sad little goblin.
Damn that fine ass for five, wasted on the shittiest SF.
Literally the "I have autism!" taste.
I'm more of a milky man
ok so post some
rare ass
>Shaved aftergrowth
I doubt you are, i think you're a filthy stubblesfag. And there's nothing worse than a stubblefag. Not even footfags are this disgusting
I don't have any images for it, but emma emmerich from mgs 2
The faggots posting fan art, I hate you all.
It's really pretty telling how much the industry changed in like 3 years, No character from after 2015 has a nice booty.
She's wearing panties so it's something worth hiding.
yeah if you ignore all the ones that do
Post em, no fucking fan art either, which kills the entire fucking purpose of these threads, but you can't get rid of stupid so they will always be littered with fan art. Hey fan art faggots, why not posts some pictures of Lightning with a big juicy ass too, yeah.
Who's assess are these?
Reee harder nigger.
all from just this thread
Kirin hunter, deviljho hunter and narga hunter
Hands of the narga girl, she's mine
shoo diaperfag
Widowmaker's is perfect.
Concept Art. Auto-Reee without looking at this and your a colossal faggot who's probably a shitty Dungeon Master irl.
Subdivide the model and rerender, it looks ridicilous when the ass is that polygon looking.
So is there a reason she does that?
>posts 2b’s ass
>closes the thread
religious brapper
why isn't there more content with smash 4 samus
Ankles dont work like that.
Prob because of the mushroom and pork diet and not having much food
banter is a bannable offence in here too dumbass
It's samus.
No in game statement at all faggot
Her ass is actually flat and you know it. Everybody knows her bazoongas are her best attribute.
PS: I fucking hate your stupidity
yours don't bend?
Fuck that.
Best vidya feet. GO!
>Someone with an actual working Brain
Get the fuck off of Yea Forums, while you still can
>posting anything but in game screenshots
That one webm is one of my all time favorite pieces of 3D porn.
Hey I posted game webms.
I post Midna's ass every thread desu
I don't think you know how ankles work.
He's in
Dummy thicc
>Her ass is actually flat
nah we just didn't see it enough other than the skindentation which should have been a dead giveaway
lol whatever dude. Team Ninja still hasn't figured out what an ass looks like
>all this fanart where the character has way more exaggerated ass/tits proportions than they do in their actual game
this shit should be a bannable offense. you motherfuckers just do not get it.
>This thread
The worst is when a character has a curvy body (not fat) but artists draw her as a landwhale.
Post the image.
I miss the shittier SFM days when they'd just use ripped nude mod edits and animate them instead of hyper polished custom blender models.
No she's not, retard.
>Best vidya game asses
t. dyle faggot who doesn't eat his oats, isnt on GOMAD, and cant squat lmao3p8 atg roflmao shiggydiggy
when the fuck did you anons get so uppity about MUH CANON?
Reboot like this fucking when
I always felt Kasumi's ass was underrated.
This was after the booty nerf?
mommy milkers poster strikes again
God damn it man...there's a lot to say about the state of current Blizzard...but they know how to sculpt an ass. I don't even know how Widows design got through in this day and age.
Something's wrong with her body
She has an hypnotic ass
Switch port when
best ass
best walk
>official character model has no ass
>people post fanart where they completely disregard the original character's proportions
Hrrrrgh. Colonel, I'm trying to sneak around, but I'm dummy thick and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards.
damn, source of these?
All right
That makes sense
design AND backstory
she's a brainwashed s*x slave
It's been confirmed in side material that they can have any parts they feel like.
this ass isn't actually that impressive, only by jap standards but that's not saying much, needs to be much thiccer
who made these renders? smash 4 samus is criminally underrated and any 3d stuff of her is almost nonexistent
all the girls here poop from their assholes and have had liquid shits and constipation
Glad to see that the classics are still around.
Dun dunnnn!
correct opinion
what the fuck is up with the speed of pokefags, fanart comes faster than the length of the game, i am impressed
Midna has no asshole
Sums up overwatch fans, trying to make something out of nothing- like their boring, personality-less characters lol
its like its really 2017 again
rip her spine
Does R.Mika has better ass than Chun Li?
gremlin Midna best Midna
What true Midna should have looked like.
that's what makes it hot
she has no asshole and she must shit
thats waaay better, the official Midna is just a generic sexy anime woman.
its like in Beauty and the beast when they made his true form a boring generically handsome man
2b's normal outfit is extremely sexy, that one just looks retarded
Have a nice day user.
tfw no sexy 9s dlc
You couldn't find a slut bigger than her in this thread if you tried.
What's /e/?
A terrible issue
Your impressive assets require a change in tactics, soldier. Use your thicc booty to seduce enemy soldiers to our side with a seductive dance and enticing sound of your asscheecks hitting eachother and the sight of your bulge moving up and down
what happened to her skin?
you absolute mad lad thank you so much
kys faggot
>Those fucking hips.
dont post my wife like that ok thanks user
why did you ruin 2b
They were meant to be replacement bodies for humans, she has a vagina.
the face she's making is for a different reason than you'd think my friend
>2Bfags speedplayed the game
>Themes and point lost on them since they can only think with their dick
Kek, every time. Waifufags are truly the worst cancer any series can get, from anime to tv to games.
more western game character design like this pls
turning her into a shitskin is a downgrade
Bless this guy's twitter
>And he offers trashy midgets
Jesus man, get some TASTE
>Down syndrome face
Hell no, she's one step removed from Apex's Lifeline.
Twitter is a shit platform to share art, uploading images completely ruins them with jpeg artifacts
>click on butt thread
>expect deep lore with all blood drained from brain to erection
Good joke. But these people lack one.
Sorry to hear that
Bet you fap to Bridget the Midget too you disgusting filth
How do I ask girl at work out on date? She's German and I'm Irish.
You have a right to your opinion.
She doesnt seem to like drinking really. She scoffs when I ever mention drinking with friends.
Midna, but pale and human.
finger her until she says yes or just leave her and go to a strip club
>this thread
But she seems nice. I'd like to meet her outside work in a non sexual way at first.
Maybe I should fap to her then
Don't. Animals shouldn't be talking to actual humans.
Just vore her then
That's what you're basically doing already with your ugly goblin.
Midna is sexy though
>Be on Yea Forums
>Don't know that anglos and irish are considered AT BEST subhumans
How new?
I've been coming here for about 2 years I think. Whenever neogaf got shut down
Yeah, so sexy you need fanart and artist generated models since the actual model disgust you. It's why you avoid posting ingame Midna, but resort to spamming smut creator's versions since you know the actual Midna will never live up
Just ask her out for lunch.
>Neofugee as well
I rest my case, your honor.
Too bad you couldn't romance her :(
I posted Midna's in-game ass multiple times in this thread though
Face > Personality > Boobs > Legs (not feet) > Thighs > Butt
Do like us nords do. Ask her if she wants to drink together. Get shitfaced together and take it from there. No girl in Scandinavia will turn down a drink (and no guy either) unless they're weird. Like religious or have some kinda trauma against it.
>get shitfaced with a woman in current year
terrible advice
Claire nude mod is my favorite ass in gaming
But she doesnt seem to like drinking. She seems to like doing other things in the evening and at the weekend. She likes going to beach and stuff
Nordic women aren't like anglos and whatever other bestial race you're from. Sure, there's a 0.1% of them pulling out the rape card you anglos and continentals seem to think is the norm, but the average lass and lad drinks for fun, not to find drama.
Yeah, nordic women are hard traditional, they don't buy into that feminist shit at all
Don't act like an oldfag. You've probably been here like 5 years tops if you care about shit like this.
not showing krystal?
Quite opposite. I'm sure you're sarcastic right now, but the fact is that nordic societies have always been very egalitarian compared to continentals and anglos. But this is also how we managed to create a relatively equal society without the anglo burdens of their feminism, since women here always enjoyed respect and equality compared to mainlanders, so they never went through that extremist change the rest of you beasts have right now.
Is she supposed to be in it? I just found the pic like this.
Adam when he is inside 9s head says I bet you want to fuck 2B don’t you? Implying that they can in fact fuck.
Yes, Nordic women are widely known for being incredibly easy sluts but not everybody lives in a society like that
Anyone who's still on Yea Forums after 5 years is an oldfag these days. Actual oldfags moved on to better, slower boards like /po/ and /an/, or just rid themselves of the Yea Forums cancer
Yeah she's in it but she doesn't look great tbqh
but since this is an ass thread i'll contribute
Yoko Taro confirmed in an interview that androids can get equipped with working genitals and even use parts that produce semen like substance. Obviously they cant get pregnant but still, androids clearly know how to fuck.
No. It's not a relative thing. I got here in 2007 and I'm an eternal newfag. You'll NEVER be an oldfag.
Son i've been here since 4channel was created
I think i'm generally happier with my 13 (i think) sexpartners by my age of 30, than some virgin of the same age who turned sour because women didn't want to "break tradition"
That said, the biggest "stereotype incel", the virgin who HATES women more than anything and is shouting the loudest about it tends to be fellow countrymen. I guess in a "loose" society, still not getting any makes them far bitter than a guy from a traditionally conservative nation would be, as he should more or less expect as much.
Look at this booty:
>humblebrag about "age"
Sure thing zoomey. Protip: actual oldfags don't give a shit about time "credentials". They know they are, and they know they don't need to prove or convince anyone.
Leslie Van den Broeck is a god
That's the point though, I'm not claiming credentials, I'm saying I don't have shit so you certainly don't have shit.
Or those men actually want a woman who would make a good mother to have children with instead of engaging in hookup culture all their life and not breeding so the government can have more reason to bring in replacement rapefugees
What's wrong with luxenburgians?
that was quick
I really wish there was more of this
Then they should move to a country where that is the norm. Not expect society to undergo a complete change of thousand year old culture just because they, the individual, gets butthurt about it.
joibooru has similar stuff. Also, there are threads on /trash/ and /aco/
Lmao. Are you a virgin? Just give me a yes or no. I won't judge.
hank hill lookin ass
Now does it have male or female?
Lol what a fag
I bet you want to have shitty sex with virgins for the rest of your life.
Do you have any reason to believe there's a connection between a woman liking sex and being a poor mother later, or are you just another whinging right winger with absurd arbitrary standards for a mate that you could never yourself meet?
I mean with that image and i already have all ones from the booru
Come on dude, falseflagging like this is just poor taste.
Can't help you with that then. I wish she had more like it too.
What a way to introduce a character
>Guy says nord women are easy to get together with by drink
>Another pulls out the rape card
>user then proceeds to explain that it's not the norm (nor anywhere really)
>Get rectalravaged and bring up a completely different point agreeing with the first post.
It's perfectly plump and round and fit. Watch the webm instead of just looking at the first frame and deciding "hmm, this isn't a gigantic fat twerking ass, must mean it's a pancake."
It's just hard to show it off without showing the full genitals:
looks like shit dumbass
>Do you have any reason to believe there's a connection between a woman liking sex and being a poor mother later
Yes actually, there have been a lot of studies done on this and they all arrive at the conclusion that pleasure derived from sex is useful in pair-bonding and promiscuity has a direct negative impact on the stability of marriages. Children raised in broken homes are statistically more likely to end up failures across the board. The (((sexual revolution))) was a mistake, and the end result is native european populations failing to reproduce above replacement rate, and the government using this population crisis to bring in third-worlders to replace you with.
0% falseflagging, nignog polliwog.
Not an argument.
Holy shit
Such a random emote to put in this event, I hope Skye gets better sexy dance emotes as this one is just kinda strange
>Bash on right wing
>Proceed to use vernicular popular among right wing
Hmm.. Really makes me think!
>guy says to do like nords do
>user says that doesn't help if you don't live in a nordic country
>you arrive at a completely irrelevant conclusion based on this exchange because you are an actual retard
Lol whatever. Eat some burgers and watch tv and you'll feel better
nobody gives a shit, who cares if third worlders completely replace us all, we'll be fucking dead by the time that happens
What's some good VR porn games for softcore anyway? I can't get hard at explicit porn anymore. But a nice looking girl dancing in my face, and i'm the rock.
Already got Koikatsu and VR Kanojo (but that's more like a scene selector), and Honey Select, though i haven't tried VR yet due needs to update and shiet.
Cannot wipe, and they fart all night
kill yourself automatababby Kaine was objectively the pinnacle heroine design in these series
Where did strawman nr 2 make his post?
The actual guy said he don't think it'll work due her not being a drinker.
Meanwhile you assigned her a trait she don't have so you can keep bleeding out the ass.
God I wish I were a zombie so I could eat her
Kaine as a character was top.
But her outfit, and thus 2B's cosplay outfit is just shit. Occasionally, more is indeed less. Bet you animals use complete nude skins too since imagination is too hard on your feeble "brain".
>platonic perfection of a posterior
You tried.
The problem here is that you're assuming every user is the same purely for the sake of making your retarded argument
holy fuck that ass is godly
proceeds to post the flattest ass he could find
okay now flip it, rotate it, zoom in, enhance.
ignore /pol/, they are the seething incels who push that "female promiscuity" shit all over this site because they can't get laid
No, i was merely giving a tip on how my people do stuff, so perhaps it might help him, not telling him "to do this". This is if we're still talking about irish user unless i missed a beat
2B's best feature isn't even her ass, it's that skindentation on her thighs
great post
i love you
>Women are all loose sluts who bed anyone!
>Still remain a virgin
kek, /r9k/ and /pol/ is hilarious
Even /soc/ got a better sex track, and those fags are the ugliest, most autistic people on the planet.
make a vidia thighs thread then
>official character model has no ass
Dumb frog poster.
Why is ass worship allowed?
BASED anti-fanart autist
Why is (insert fetish) allowed?
Do you ask this every thread?
3 different IP reports and hours later and this off topic thread is still up, not much you can do when moderation is in on it.
>I'm older than you and don't know shit, so that means you can't possibly know shit either
Same ship user
I noticed that SJWs aren't that triggered by asses.
As long as you dont have too many titty monsters, they're cool with it.
imagine being so mad you change your ip multiple times to report a post and then admit you're report abusing
Holy fuck, this is some next level shit. Good looks user.
i'd rather have 5 thinly veiled porn threads like this than a single JRPG thread
I'm surprised theres no ryona thread.
I don't know what your talking about.
I guess people are masturbating.
The question seems to get asked every thread now.
anus lips
massive faggot
The best kind
>every thread now
So it's a continuous raid these threads, good to know.
I just don't understand how a game like RE2 has such an autistic following
Somehow I doubt that.
Not at all. It's like an 8 grader seeing a 2nd grader lording it over a kindergardener and saying he's a retard and you're all just children.
Please don't Bully me, Midna!
I don't see it user.
See what?
>Not at all. It's like an 8 grader seeing a 2nd grader lording it over a kindergardener and saying he's a retard and you're all just children.
Isn't that just the same? I'm not getting the logic here (but i'm actually dumb) so it seems like the same shit to me.
Why would this ever come up
Its a Yoko Taro interview.
nintendo fans are the worst.
Yoko is a perv
Shooting the messenger wont resolve the shitposting mods, not that you ban matters its just people dumping getting banned and people reporting them getting banned. No lasting effect though since both parties just evade.
>game sold on sex appeal and a small amount of 2deep4u
>gee why would people ask if the hot android has a vagoober?
It's not about knowledge but perceived status. Imo anyway. While I doubt some 2016 dork knows more about games than me, maybe he does. But seeing the second slowest kid in the race shitting on the slowest just makes you disgusted.
Good choice
The fact that this was taken on ps4 is a bone kill for me.
hahaha faggot squealer got banned for announcing his report
Why would you want that?
Why would you not want that?
Probably because it's a Resident Evil game. Did you not know about the fanbase before RE2?
Bans doesnt matter in this day and age, hell i can get you one right now and it wouldnt matter.
I'm not a fan of scat and Imp Midna has no butthole.
sexy scooty booty man
No you can't, I didn't break any rule
>implying Nintendo would show buttholes on humanoids
You are extremely naive if you believe this.
I wish they would.
I really don't get the midna thing. She's just a goblin with a stupid helmet.
unless you are a mod yourself, I'm not getting banned just because you wish it
Personally, I like her hips, ass, and small size. Her design is pretty cool too.
If you say so.
Too thick.
Fuck off underage newfag
way to kill a perfectly nice ass thread with shitty nintendo characters. sexualizing midna is the same as sonic fan autism.
This better?
Post some different ass then
Because even an ugly sjw can look good from behind with a fat enough ass, so they aren’t as threatened by them
Your inaction allows him to run rampant.
So much of that is correlation = causation, which is a dumb thing to assume. E.g., "women who have had more non-marital sexual partners are less likely to be in stable marriages". Who decided it was that way around? Women who are not in a stable marriage could end up with more sexual partners purely because of an unstable marriage leading to divorce beforehand.
she's on fucking high heels, retard
anyone's ankles bend that much, a slav squat would require far more bending