What are the "right" game platforms to own without excess?

What are the "right" game platforms to own without excess?

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PC and nothing else.

But I like having video games I can take with me when I go somewhere else.

PC+Switch covers the largest amount of content, especially with more and more titles on the PS4 ending up on PC.
XBONE has no place anywhere, has nothing of worth that isn't already on PS4 and/or PC.

then get a small PC

No one needs to own a Switch.

Then get a labtop
It's like a portable computer.

Just fucking wait till you get home, while you're out you should be doing things.

PC + PS4, Switch if you really like Nintendo games.
Older consoles based on ease of emulation.

Depending on how good switch emulation gets, you're probably right.
Considering how good SMU plays already is making me hold out on one.

pc fags say pc+nintendo, since they arent competing with one another

nintendo fags say the same thing, though in reality almost none of them have pcs. they just want sony to become irrelevant, like xbox.

sony fags can say sony+nintendo since nintendo lately has been having nintendo exclusivs and little else, but usually sony fags are about one platform being the middle ground for all their needs

xbox fags are watching espn right now. they kinda just see game commercials and buy xboxes by default.

Sometimes going out means waiting around, moron.

I don't understand the question OP.

Read a book

PC. Buying console means supporting decline in video game quality and boundary pushing. No wonder we don't have games like crysis or supcom coming out when plebs buy 300eur consoles and are happy.

cringe & graphicswhorepilled

PC and that's it,
console are literally a thing of the past and should have died with the ps2/gamecube. They're only still thriving because of the jews.

Is this what redditors think?

ps4 and pc. if you really want maybe a switch or 3ds

Sure, cause supcom and crysis was all about graphics.

You're ruining video games for everyone.

Crysis isn't a "good game", it's merely a graphical showcase. The entertainment, depth, and longevity of the game itself is minimal.

Crysis was literally a tech demo.
Crytek is like a modern idTech - amazing visuals and soulless games

>console are literally a thing of the past and should have died with the ps2/gamecube. They're only still thriving because of the jews

now defend ram price increases.


Sometimes it costs money to do it right.

what system is that on?

it's Nothing compared to having to fucking pay additional fees for the online, what a scandalous scam.

I didn't say it was a good game nor does it matter. I enjoyed it tho.
It definitely was a tech demo and good one at that. Now tell me what happened when crytek decided to push future crysis games into console market.

>console release day
>400 bucks
>hardware is at least 6 years outdated
I bet you my left nut next-gen consoles will barely be as strong as the PC I built at the start of this console gen.

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Post specs.

>hardware is at least 6 years outdated
you must be quite retarded.

sapphire 290
fx 8350
16GB ram

I wouldn’t bet on it.
Outside of SMO literally everything else is barely bootable
Flicking, glitches out the ass, textures missing nightmare mode activating randomly
Literally all the programming austim is on SMO and nothing else gets even an iota of a fraction of the attention needed to run properly
Even shit like Octopath Traveler are completely unplayable

But user, that's weaker than even the PS4 Pro.

No it isn't? On paper maybe?
It shits all over consoles.
It runs everything at 60+fps on high/maxed out settings that isn't an unoptimized turd.
meanwhile PS4Pro has to make do with 30 fps and has to make use of dynamic resolution to keep the framerate as close to 30 fps as possible.

Xchads are literally laughing at you right now

PC for western games and a portable for Japanese games and handheld emulation. Can be a PSP or a DS or a Switch.

Why is it always AMD owners who massively overestimate the capabilities of their own hardware?

While gayman at sub 30 fps.
Sure. Whatever floats your boat.

Why is it always console owners who massively overestimate the capabilities of their own hardware?

PS4 and a Laptop

I spent $200 on an oldschool Thinkpad (with new SSD/RAM) for class and it can emulate gamecube/ps2/etc games. I love it, better quality than any other laptop I could have gotten sub-$1000 too.
If you really want a portable console then buy a dirtcheap DS/3DS off Craigslit and pirate every game onto a microSD card.
Spending money on video games is for fucking retards. Current gen vidya is trash anyways. Save your cash for something that will actually improve your life.

>runs everything at 60+fps on high/maxed out
It doesn't
>unoptimized turd
Codeword for "I can't run it well on my system"
>meanwhile PS4Pro has to make do with 30 fps
It's also not running at the luddite resolution of 1080p

The big bottleneck are the Jaguar cores, something that will be rectified with the new console generation.

PS4 + Switch will allow you to play pretty much everything worth playing nowadays without wondering whether it will get a port, run on your hardware, won't be broken. If you can afford it, get a mid tier PC for older games and emulation, just remember to never give any money to the fat jew. If you actually like video games and arent playing them because of the memes then grab some retro consoles too , get a CRT and prepare to get comfy.

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Video games improve my life.

That’s how I can tell you didn’t play Crysis. It wasn’t Halo 3 or anything but the campaign and setting were very fun and the game’s length was average if not long for the time. The suit abilities and smooth gameplay set the game apart from the competition (alien levels were cool). It was t just about the graphics.

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>without wondering whether it will get a port
PClets and tendies are the biggest portbeggars.

Are you trying to make me buy a console? I don't want more games like Crysis, who was the herald of PC gaming going to shit in the late 2000s thanks to constant graphic whoring. If I buy enough consoles can I push back the entire industry to a level where you don't need teams of a thousand and six years to make a game?

der me likey portable switch less powerful than wiiu or ps3 HNNNNNNNNNGRGHGHRHR*Drools*

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PC is the best choice, even with a low end or a mid end PC you have the biggest library of games out of any platform, now the second choice is tough, it's obviously between PS4 and Switch

With unoptimized shit I mean games like Asscreed Odyssey, Dishonored 2, Deus Ex MD. Those games run like ass on all systems.
Meanwhile Exodus looks way better than these games combined and gives me 50 up to 90 fps on High. Framerate tanks in open areas on all cards.

But you can emulate better games than anything that exists this gen on whatever hardware you have lying around the house, and then use the $500-$900 you saved on... a new hobby, new wardrobe, new haircut, whatever you want. A lot of self-improvement could be funded.
Dropping a grand on the latest video game generation is always a laughable mistake.

What if I both emulate and play new games?

8350 and 16gb ram is much stronger than ps4 pro, the gpu might be a toss up but I know you console fags love to throw around terraflops well... 290 is 4.8tflops at stock speeds, ps4pro is 4.2 hmmmmmmmmm


290 is 3 generations old, there have been substantial improvements in GCN since then.

I feel like most port beggars don't even care about the games and don't really play them. It's just about scoring points for PC and sticking it to the console players. There's also a significant part of the steam userbase that just collects games without never playing them, and don't even get me started on the pathetic behaviour that is "I'll buy this broken port thrown at me like leftovers so maybe there's a chance that Steam will get more broken ports!", shit's really fucked.

>can I push back the entire industry
for that you'd need to buy shitty $20 indie games on pc. purchasing overpriced console garbage just feeds the industry more.

>Those games run like ass on all systems.

smartphones are socially accepted

Xbox and pc, all good games are there, if you want graphics, xbox one x is there and runs every game this gen better there.

There's absolutely no reason to own an Xbox if you already have a PC. And no, Gaylo doesn't count.

Not really.
All of AMD's cards have been rebrands of the 290. It also already had full DX12 support, which NVIDIA's cards didn't and took until the 2xxx series to fully implement.
A few games that were supposed to ship with DX12 never did because NVIDIA wasn't ready. Watch Dogs 2 is one example.
The only thing that's really changed is adding more VRAM for faster texture streaming as people started playing at 4K resolutions.

it still gives gtx970 level performance which combined with any cpu higher than 2ghz like say a 4ghz 8350(stock) is going to give much better experience than ps4pro. No1 wants to play sub 30 fps 1600p upscaled over a 1080/1440 60+fps experience if given the choice...

This is literally a /r/AMD shitpost.





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I want to ruin video games for you, though sadly I fear it is me buying a consoles that caused that. You are just a brainless idiot who consumed so much advertisement on r/pcmasterrace that you are incapable of thinking outside of it. You spent thousands upon thousands getting the latest gimmickware for your PC and that didn't bring you any hot, because shit is shit, no matter if it is PS1 graphics shit or ray traced 8k shit. But you don't understand that, you look at that shit you spent so much to polish and think the solution is to spend even more on that, and when you see that some kid can have fun playing snake on a 2000s monochrome cellphone, you get confused and disgusted, filled with immense envy.

Mustards BTFO

Mid-tier PC capable of emulating up to 6th gen and most PC exclusives
You now have access to most everything worth playing

Probably PC Switch.
PS4 games are boring and the good ones get ported over and Xbox at this point is a DRM locked pc that you can't upgrade and needs to be constantly fed money monthly to have a minimum online functionality, can't even play free2play games with having a Gold sub.

How so?

Crisis is pretty much my ideal way to do things.

Big level, lots of options, but not soulless open world crap.

PC and nintendo if you like the bing bing wahoos, or sony if you have to flip the calendar to find when you last showered.

Playing vidya in public

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I still think after a PC the next best video game option is a 3DS, not a Switch. Best way to play DS, GBC and GBA titles and with almost zero superimposition over PC's games.