3 great games.
Pokemon Moon was one of the worst games I have ever played in my life. Fuck anyone who thinks that game is good.
>grrrrr my emotions are hurt stop being individuals I need slaves and mom telling me I'm always right
grow up
We should let Morimoto be lead director again
Or takao uno
They directed the best games
you're in no position to tell someone to grow up when you browse Yea Forums you ugly retard
He also directed HG/SS and Pt, the objective peak of the franchise, so he's kind of a mixed bag
Hgss was morimoto
Same guy that did emerald
>you're in no position to tell someone
he says on Yea Forums after shitting his pants in rage against people who aren't like him
yeah you can keep that power trip for our mom shitstain
That face when no slaves :,(
>this level of detail
speaking from experience are we?
>loved playing Pokemon moon
>So did my sister
>A month passes, YouTubers left and right shit on Moon/Sun
>Suddenly my sister also hates it
What did you like about it? Did you enjoy the cutscenes every 2 minutes? Or did you like how there's more time reading dialogue than there is playing the game?
your experience.
Alola is comfy af
It would be above average if it included a cutscene skip. All the past gens had a decent amount of replay value since there was barely any story.
not that guy, but i liked how easy it was to breed in the post game.................... and uh. no HMs was nice. also did like that the "bad guy" mom was a straight up bitch who didnt apologize in the end (i didnt play throught the postgame though)
XY made me drop Pokemon forever.
I actually didn't hate the story, it's the first time I ever cared for a mythical pokemon. It could have gone the cooler (and darker) route with the ultra beasts being transformed humans, but it was ok.
I liked the way the game looked, it was quite nice. I liked the animations from when you go uphill or downhill, when you walk slow or fast. I loved the PokéCom and riding Pokemon was fun/cool. I loved the Teddy bear and Mimikyu. I loved that you were the first champion ever and got your own theme. I don't know, I enjoyed it.
Also stop exaggerating, the cutscenes are rather short except a few ones and the repeated appearances of the NPCs helped making it feel like a group adventure. The whole game took place on 4 small islands and everyone knew everyone because of this, and this was also true for yourself. How many memorable characters pop up from older gens compared to this one? I know x/y tried to make the 3 children important, but that story was complete trite anyway and the children were as cookie cutter as they go. I can see that Smogon fags would absolutely hate anything story related and so hate that game, but then again those are Smogon fags and noone should take them serious
Yep, the dialogue and cutscenes. After X and Y, I wanted something different and I somehow liked Moon for it
Daily reminder that it took LGPE bombing for Masuda to exit the director's seat.
Ohmori is Masuda's handpicked successor.
Maybe she replayed the game and realized "wow this is terrible". That's what happened to me with XY.
Plumeria. Shame she and the team really didn't do shit in the game.
Ohmori is a FUCKWIT
none of those had a post-game
No, becoming an adult did. Congratulations on finally leaving your childhood games behind.
I couldn't even finish Sun and Moon because of all the bullshit cutscenes and handholding. I hope he learns from his mistakes
>I can see that Smogon fags would absolutely hate anything story related and so hate that game
What year did you just come from where competitive pokemon is relevant?
Really stupid argument anyway, even if someone was looking for more story in pokemon they'd probably want it to be well written, which of course it wasn't. Midly interesting ideas, but since it's all so very shallow despite the amount of screen time, it was just a waste of everyone's time.
omega ruby and alpha sapphire are amazing man
Sun and Moon would be awesome too if they weren't so childish and without travel but just village after village
>omega ruby and alpha sapphire are amazing
What happened to the guys who directed Emerald, HGSS, Platinum, and BW2? Do they just not work at Game Freak anymore?
XY was the decline of the series. Wtf was there to do postgame besides that gay looker mission, chateau and maison
>tfw nu-Yea Forums and zoomers listen to what youtubers think of games rather than enjoying them by themselves and making their own opinions
i wish all ecelebs die in a fucking fire
Too ambitious. We can't have that in Pokemon.
>Super jazzed about moon
>Ripped bug is only in sun? Fuck, okay
>Haven't played a Pokemon since sapphire
>Great time
Truly a great ga-
Great. Never buying Pokemon again
X/Y wasn't that bad
ORAS on the other side was boring and bland as fuck
haven't played sun/moon
Kinda reminds me of monhun world that way.
didn't they always have story?
X and Y were great
ORAS was complete garbage
Sun and Moon was okay
3 shit post games, also I still think Megas and Z-Moves are weeb trash. At least Digimon was built around anime logic, not just stapling it on later.
>my favorite poke games growing up were directed by same guy
Checks out
A simple circuit is just a hipster line