Anyone gonna try the open beta tomorrow? Preloading started today

anyone gonna try the open beta tomorrow? Preloading started today.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Normie faggots like you need to leave and for fuck sake stop playing Ubishit games.

Are Congressional Interns going to have 3 health bars and tank 156 full sized rifles rounds to the face?

i'll give them a chance when they actually announced all episode dlc are free for the first year.

Fuck you're embarrassing.

at least I have actual argument to back my reasoning. Keep on hating.

Justify it however you want faggot, you're still eating shit and supporting a fucking terrible company who makes terrible games full of terrible business practices.

> terrible company who makes terrible games full of terrible business practices.

Yea you are right, they should be charging us for that first year dlc instead of giving it away for free. This is terrible business practices. Damn you Ubisoft!!

Fuck off shill.

not a fucking chance, I played 1

This thread reeks of desperation. Nobody in their right mind would play this failure of a game.

Wow, so generous, they're only charging you full AAA retail price for the game and giving you a skinner box full of microtransactions and they're doing it all for free!

Fucking retard, you cannot seriously be this fucking thick.

Then again you're contemplating playing The Division 2, so maybe you can be.

calm down kid. They came out and said the only microtransactions are cosmetic shit, no weapons no buffs or story episodes. The story episodes will be free dlc.

Don't worry OP I'm trying out the beta tomorrow too. Also ignore most of the shill crying, since we all know v/ doesn't play games only to complain about them.

Of course. You do know what game you're playing right?


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release on which launcher?

Cool story shill.

Fuck off and get some taste you absolute fucking pleb.

Uplay. Preloading it up for Uplay right now.

Tho you can also preload for ps4 and xbone, not sure if it's up yet for those.

calm down kid. You're like a crazy 5 year old that screams whenever someone likes something that you don't.


Well I'm not wrong though now. Since he was called shill a few post up. Damn you got me, I guess if this was some dumb titty game from Idea Factory I guess things would have been fine. /s

at least it's not the epic launcher

Going to try out the beta with friends. Played division 1 for like a month when it first came out and dropped it. Came back to it last year and had a blast. Saw the news today regarding year one content and monetization details and I liked what I saw.

Says the full grown adult with the literal brain of a child who sucks corporate cock and anti-consumer bullshit so hard that he manages to convince himself that his corporate overlords love him so much they're giving him something for free.

You're dumb as shit mate.

I never liked Division 1. Played with a friend during open beta and free weekends and we were bored even before the events ended
But it's FREE so why not try it out

Sure, fucking idea factory bought out the board. Right.

>Saw the news today regarding year one content and monetization details and I liked what I saw.

dam bro
>Blind hate
is right and u have no comeback except i hate these guys and idc that they removed the bad stuff

ok we get it, you hate the game with a passion despite it not being out yet, now go run along and shit elsewhere.

Samefagging this hard.

>they removed the bad stuff
then what the hell are they releasing?

name 2 games that dont have corp ties dumass

They also removed the good graphics.

I already played the beta it's basically the div 1 but in a soulless city. They even added outposts so no AC, Far Cry and the division have outposts to capture.

The skills are changed but they even give a sense of power. Enemies are less spongey until the black tusks show up. They are covered in armour and it's like fighting a terminator. Bosses are still crap because you are still fighting regular size humanoid enemies.

Like the div1, story characters are soulless and you don't give a shit as the game is grounded due to being Tom Clancy.

I'd rather wait for Borderlands 3 desu

> Samefagging this hard.

Look at the timestamps retard. You can't make posts that quickly because the system won't let you if it's from the same IP.

>still no argument
no one is going to sell u on the game that u wont even try for free fag
your the worst kind of consumer

>Indie Game #1
>Indie Game #2

You really are dumb as shit, aren't you? Mother was a drinker I take it?

It's a loot shooter. What the fuck were you expecting you delusional faggot?

>I'd rather wait for Borderlands
What is this mentality? How does one exclude the other?

Reading this almost makes me too lazy to even bother with this open beta

You live under a rock or something? Ubisoft is one of the best companies now you moron

>based Ubi didnt know when to stop
lol havent played for myself but from wat ive seen it looks a bit improved.

>Ubisoft is one of the best companies now you moron

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>not even the real names


How many credits can you earn per day(6-8hrs)?

Real names are an extra 1500 goy credits.

Le optional microtransactions ER MAH GARD!!!! No wayyyyyyy woah

You can't earn those credits, they can only be bought with real money.

Microtransactions have no fucking place in full priced AAA titles you corporate bootlicker. The game literally has over a THOUSAND dollars worth of microtransactions.

Ubisoft is a mixed bag. They fix their games, give a small community long term support and are giving away DLC. Yet, they are about the worst when it comes to putting out initially lazy products and are loot box central.

Ooh no optional things. How the frick will me avoid dat? Ugh!!

>buying incomplete shit 2 after incomplete shit 1
You can fuck off with this game you stupid nigger.
>B-b-but they fixed it
After 2 years you humongous crack whore nigger faggot.
I maybe will check by when this piece of garbage is complete in 2021

>They fix their games
>Wildlands is still fucked
>Siege is still fucked
>>For Honor is still fucked
>They've already shat out a Division sequel because the original was fucked and no one was playing it
>All of them were unplayable trainwrecks for the first 1+ year of their release
Nah, fuck Ubisoft, they're literally AAA early access with cash shops at this point. Absolute scum.

Mkay I have the sequel pre-ordered whoops

Criticize a company when they do wrong with microtransactions, but you must also praise a company when they do right by fans and customers. Because if you don't, they won't learn if they did right or not.

Ubisoft did specially come out and say all year 1 story episode DLC are free for Division 2 while all microtransactions are just cosmetics. And that goes a long way especially when every new loot shooter these days are doing it wrong with microtransactions.

You gotta show the world that Ubisoft is getting it right or the rest of the world will just keep shoving microtransactions up your arse. Look at Anthem for example. That is microtransactions done bad.

Simple, but not buying their shit and calling faggots like you out who will.

Having microtransactions in full priced AAA titles is not doing it right fucknuts.

Stop accepting their bullshit because it's only slightly worse than someone elses bullshit.

Brave soldier you make my pussy wet

>Ubisoft shilling is now accepted on Yea Forums
Literally one of the worst companies in the gaming industry, worse than EA or even Activision. The damage that they have done to the industry through the success of their formulaic cookie-cutter open world games, along with Bethesda, has set video games back at least a decade or so. Soul is a meme on this board but I absolutely mean it when I say that they produce some of the most soulless and shallow games in the industry, and the precedents that they have set and are setting right now will be felt in said industry for years to come

I don't fucking care if you like masturbating with a razor nigger.

Nah I keep buying and enjoying their games, you just made me more inclined to do so by crying like an angry child.

Gotta lube you up for your corporate overlords bitch boy.

Just follow the procedure.

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Actually hyped for the beta, because I liked the first game. Though I'm not sure it will have the same effect with the comfy snow and snow storm mechanic that made it look like a 90's movie in snowy NYC. Seems kind of bland without it.

Absolutely based.

Of course, where do you think all that American fast food has gone to? Amazing bullet soaking abilities.

>Nah I keep buying and enjoying their games
Imagine my shock.

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>sold on corp platform #1
>sold on corp platform #2
You're not very good at this.

>bro just shoot three mags into this dudes head
no thanks

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I played the closed beta and the new setting is actually pretty good. Looks way more post apocalyptic now and amazing when it rains

>Nah I keep buying and enjoying their games, you just made me more inclined to do so by crying like an angry child.
Buy whatever you want faggot, it doesn't mean you have good taste or aren't supporting a shitty company who produces shitty games.

>another 60$ AAA looter-shooter with laughable content

At least Anthem has interesting movement and abilities, will probably get it after the inevitable price drop

What's the selling point of this game? PVP?

You can buy tons of indie games straight from the developers.

Try again brainlet.

>I love being retarded
And the sky is blue

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Fuck off Biodrone you are even worse.

>What's the selling point of this game?
It's like the first game, but worse and with even more microtransactions.

Download the Open Beta now and test our buggy shit for free!

loot shooters are the worst meme, right alongside BR

That doesn't refute what I just said.

Eh, I tried the closed beta and I can't tell if its just my PC's subpar-to-modern-requirement specs (lmao 960) or if the game was just poorly optimised but it left a pretty meager taste in my mouth.
Also I had some weird mouse lag that's never happened with any other games, anybody else get that?

Imagine being so pathetic you keep posting in a thread about a game you don’t like. Go get a job or get laid or something lol

It literally does you fucking idiot as they're not developed or sold by any corporation. Sub 60 IQ third world shitters need to be range banned already.

I'd much rather spend my time shitting up your shill thread and telling you to fuck off guaranteeing you don't get to discuss it.

>p-please dont ruin my thread

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I always pirate indie games, can’t remember the last indie game actually worth paying for

>don't discuss video games on a video games board unless you share my opinion

>and with even more microtransactions.

It's like you ignored what everyone told you and didn't even read any of the news on how year 1 episode DLC is free. Told you over and over that Ubisoft came out and said all microtransations will NOT include any weapons, skill and story episodes. Only cosmetics.

People like you are why I can't ever trust you haters.

Nothing to discuss yet as the beta isn’t up, keep wasting your time by screeching you sad autist KEK

wow thanks! so you only have to pay extra for the future content, sounds like a superb deal!

That pretty much sums it up, normies with garbage taste need to fuck off.

Ah yes I’m sure your taste is exquisite my fat gentlesir *tips fedora*

>Nothing to discuss yet as the beta isn’t up, keep wasting your time by screeching you sad autist KEK
There's already been a beta faggot.

So? I didn’t play that but still have 2 pre-ordered. I’m just making you fat autists cry and moan

>plz don't bully me

None of us are crying and moaning, we're loving every minute of shitting up your thread.

You're the only faggot crying because you actually wanted to discuss this piece of shit here of all places.

>fat NEET
>bullying anyone
My condolences.

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yes because development is free and server costs is free. We live a socialist paradise where nobody has to pay for anything.

Please, tell us more about how you enjoy eating shit. It's fascinating window into the brain of someone destined for great things like janitorial or factory work.

I've played the closed beta and it's...ok I guess. It hasn't really grabbed me in the same way Division 1 did, probably half because I liked winter Manhattan a little better, and half because the stuff they changed feels less like an upgrade that fleshes out and expands on ideas and more like just re-doing them a slightly different way.

Basically, everywhere I expected more to do, more in-depth choice and customization, I got about the same or possibly less. The weapon attachments are also pretty bad, I have no idea why they thought 50/50 positive & negative traits on them would be a good idea.

>we're loving every minute of shitting up your thread.
You think people care about a random thread on Yea Forums? Just how sad are you lmao cry and seethe more

when you buy a game you expect it to be finished retard

>I've played the closed beta and it's...ok I guess. It hasn't really grabbed me in the same way Division 1 did
Are you saying The Division 2 is even worse than 1?

LMAO these glowing reviews are hilarious

You care, you made the thread.

That's enough for me.

Yet, they use corp. owned/licensed tools to distribute and create their games on a corp. owned platform.

>when me buy game me don’t want future support and content for le game

You're buying a mmo retard. Do you expect them to never expand the game to keep you playing after a year?

I didn’t make this thread you stupid as fuck redditor, only threads I make are to shit on Nintendo lmao

Oh shit got to pay 20 million for the CEO those aint for free amirite guys?
Fuck off nigger kike

mmo? yea, nah, is it fuck rofl

The cope is real.
Keep taking that Ubisoft cock in the ass bud, who knows, perhaps one day they'll give you a reach around FOR FREE.

>ugh I’m poor
We know

What I'm not saying they bought out the fucking board. All I'm saying if it was some anime game, there wouldn't be a problem.

Mkay fat virgin will do

Worse? No I don't think so. It's basically just more of the same, so much so that aside from some small gameplay additions in the form of gadgets to use in combat, and the whole settlement system, most people will be hard pressed to identify any major differences between the two games. And I was hoping that with Division 1 being a "success" as experiments go, they would have really pushed it.

according to your logic, CEO making money is the reason why nobody should never pay for a game ever again. You're a fucking retard.

>fat virgin
Where do you think you are?

I hope you guys do realize that ubisoft is one of the few companies that actually does shill on Yea Forums, they always make threads about self created rumors and shit

no you're right, it's a single player game and there is no online and no pvp and therefore not a mmo. Keep laughing.

Good goy

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free beta? free shit? where do i donwload it? hope it will turn out better than anthem shit, good thing i smelled garbage in the demo.

Above you loser LOL

>anyone gonna try the open beta tomorrow? Preloading started today.
What's that matter, The Division 1 not shit enough for you? Wanna double down on a sweet sweet ubisoft trademark unfinished pile of shit? The fuck is wrong with you man?

download uplay launcher, preload game today, open beta starts tomorrow.

Fuck you kike don’t download anything anything from Ubishit.

>Replying to yourself

>he shill a shitty game
>tries to defend a shitty corp
>he does it for free

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by that definition call of duty is an mmo

Fuck off ubishills

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I'm not even buying the game. I'm just here to give you enough rope to hang yourself. Because if someone doesn't know what they're talking about, they'll surely make themselves look stupid.

I loved The Division 1 and got it at launch. Should I buy this?

I might play the beta but I thought the first one was boring so I'm not expecting much from 2.

>download uplay launcher, preload game today, open beta starts tomorrow.

thanks kind user.

>Fuck you kike don’t download anything anything from Ubishit.

how did you know i am of hebrew heritage?can you please stop with this casual anti-semitism?

>I was merely pretending to be retarded!

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Absolutely, your brain is rot and the more time you spend playing the Division 2 the less you'll spend shitting up Yea Forums.

What's the bet The Division 2 is going to be another 6/10.

Do you think it can dethrone Anthem and be the shittiest loot shooter of the year?

I’ll make 10 threads a day after launch then spamming reviews then. Thanks friend.

You cannot be serious. Who the fuck keeps buying Ubisoft garbage? Do you never learn?

i wish game reviewers would give honest scores instead of giving shit games 6 or 7's. do they do that so they don't piss developers off and stop receiving early access games?

i remember buying driver 3 after it getting like a 7 out of 10 and fuck me was that an unfinished clusterfuck, as a kid i was betrayed

You won't need to spam threads or reviews, we'll be doing it for you laughing at how shit the game is.

The closed beta was already 100 times better than Anthem and is a blast to play with my friends's shit?

>poster count stays the same
Imagine samefagging this hard ahahahahaha this is getting really pathetic

>The closed beta was already 100 times better than Anthem and is a blast to play with my friends
>Community Club Challenge Complete: Shill, Shill and Shill Some More: 20 Uplay Tokens have been deposited in your account

So you'll be shilling for aren't very bright, are you?

Thanks for shilling the game for free, I don’t have to then :)

but wouldn't that be anti-shilling?

Reviewers are nothing more than an extension of marketing teams, ans yes, Driv3r was fucking awful. So many games deserve 5/10 scores that will never get them. What's even the point of having a */10 system if you only use half of it?

I've only played D2 from the closed beta, and not Anthem, but at the very least the worst offense it seems likely to incrue is being unremarkably different from D1 which, personally, I enjoyed. All the shit I keep hearing about Anthem makes it sound like the only game in recent and upcoming times to be utterly worse than it would be FO76 which was an absolute travesty - so I don't think D2 will dethrone Anthem as worst loot shooter, or even be a particularly bad game in general, but it might not be the best received from people who were expecting massive changes from Division 1. It just feels very same-y.



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Imagine having taste this shit.

No, it’s free coverage and will result in more sales. As long as the journos aren’t hacking it to pieces like Anthem making threads about Division will just work in favor for Ubisoft.

It’s like grading systems in schools, getting below 5/10 and you fail

>will just work in favor for Ubisoft.
How much do they pay you?
They do pay you right?
Surely you don't do it...for free?

i doubt showing off the poor or mediocre reviews will result in many sales, hence anti shilling

I’m not making any threads about the game and probably wont even play it, you really aren’t very intelligent huh?
You really doubt this will get good reviews? That would be a first one.

>You really doubt this will get good reviews? That would be a first one.
No it wouldn't, The Division 1 got shit reviews.

>I’m not making any threads about the game and probably wont even play it, you really aren’t very intelligent huh?
>I....I....I don't even care about the game, i'm just shilling it for reasons!

80 on metacritic is considered bad?
Where the fuck have I shilled it? You really are stupid as shit.

i already have uplay how do i even pre load the game? cant even find the store. i'm used to using steam.

cover shooters are not fun



How do you call out anons on a Burmese rock paper scissors forum?

Does the progress carry over? I got the game with my GPU, so I wouldn't mind an early try.

fuck trump

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Ok downloading it because you guys keep telling me it's gonna be the best looter shooter

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Nope, only some cosmetics exclusive for beating a couple of missions in the beta

> Does the progress carry over?

no but you get a few bonus for playing the open beta.

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Thanks. Not going to bother with the download in that case.

No. It’s a shitty game.


what's more cringy is that you're spending your entire day shitposting in this thread. Maybe go play something you do like instead of wasting your time on shit you hate?

It'll happen to you too, fag

I'll bet you Yea Forums gold that Division 2 has a critic meta over 85 and a user meta over 7.

I played the closed beta and wont bother with the open beta. So yeah, you might as well wait for the release if you already got the game

where do you think you are?

Same as the private one? Not playing the same content again.

Yeah except bug fixes and changes and some new open beta cosmetic rewards

Settle down captain autismo, I was talking about how shit the beta bonuses were.

calm down kid, i was talking about how cringy you spend your free time shitposting on a thread for the entire morning.

I might try it on PC but I hated my closed beta experience on XBux

How are the controls with KB/M? Does it really make a difference with gunplay?

>beta bonuses

>play a looter shooter

What the fuck are you even talking about sperg? Jesus christ I just wanted to know if the beta was worth wasting bandwidth on.

This is the single complaint I will never be able to understand. It makes no sense.

>wasting bandwidth
Americans really have limited bandwidth?

Not necessarily but downloading a "big" game for netlets means that they have to suffer sluggish internet all day or not finish in time.

Ah I remember spending all day downloading games. Thank god for 300/mbs download speed

Why would I waste bandwidth on shit when I could be using it on something decent?

I agree but it's because it has a realistic aesthetic and a brand tag associated with milsims.

I really liked the first one and the closed beta was pretty tight. Just can't get passed everyone looking like generic diversified ugly as fuck NPC. Are at least moderately attractive people allow to exist anymore? Everyone has to be dark and ugly?

I'd like to buy it since I still enjoy the first one but I have a feeling it's gonna be full of identity politics like everything.

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What's the point? The only thing the 1st had going for it was the 10/10 cosy snow NY aesthetics, and this is just a boring post-apoc Washington D.C., the most bland city in America.

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>Americans really have limited bandwidth?

Only comcast cucks have limits.

>anyone gonna try the open beta tomorrow? Preloading started today.

Yeah will do. Played closed beta and it was nice. More to do compared to anthem and destiny 2 is cold since I played it for a very long time.

Ignore all the fags who Insult us. Who cares? I like massiv and ubisoft is ok for casual gamers. I am 30, with job and wife. I only have time for casual games and not this 999h asia-tier grindfest bullshit with digital wifus all the Yea Forums virgins play.

Hope beta will be good.


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Shut up bigot, no one cares about your shitty /pol/ opinions.

Why not get better internet?

In my case, Tom Clancy games are like my guilty pleasure when it comes to vidya, I just love doing tacticool shit in a casual and carefree environment

>wahh this board is only for pedo weeb shit

Why guilty pleasure? That’s a very reasonable thing to like as a dude.


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this, I wouldnt mind the game at all if you could actually make attractive characters and not average and bland

I will but I am still mad about the paid DLC missions and gear. They said DLC was going to be free when it was announced and now pull this in the last minute.

No I'm not gay

Back to Yea Forums, snowflake.

>I am 30, with job and wife.
Why do boomers always need to say this?

What? I just watched that roadmap video and everything free

Huh? Read yesterday that there would be free missions and raids etc. throughout the year

Those weapons came out when the game had more than a year of release tho, also the base game itself has a fuck ton of weapons to play with.

You can earn prestige points tho that unlocks lootboxes, either from playing Ghost War or that permadeath mode.

More importantly, why does his entire post read like he's on his death bed wheezing out every short sentence with what little breath he can muster.
No one cares that you're a drooling retard normie, in fact that's the whole point, you need to fuck off and rot elsewhere old man.

>I am still mad about the paid DLC missions and gear. They said DLC was going to be free when it was announced and now pull this in the last minute

hahahah, at least do some research before shitposting.

I already got the full game for free, dont really want to spoil myself

>weeb incel think it has any say

The roadmap video leaves this small detail you can only see in their website

>Over the course of Year 1, Pass holders will have exclusive access to 8 Classified Assignments, which will provide more story behind the events leading to your arrival in D.C.

>exclusive access to 8 Classified Assignments,

To explain why we are not able to play asian rpgs without devolve to a virgin. To much time thrown out of the window.

And we all know that only jap shit is called good games here.

Don't you have a brainless loot shooter to be playing whilst someone fucks your wife cuck?

Based retard

Loot shooters like Borderlands has sizeable damage and potent builds to kill enemies very quickly. Ubishits game has none with magic armor that you need to widdle away before you start doing real damage.


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>To explain why we are not able to play asian rpgs without devolve to a virgin.
In English?


I liked the private beta so I'll try this one too I guess

This isn't Epic store retard.

Sorry my child, not gonna happen. I was here when you swom in your dads balls, my neckbeard friend. So yeah, we oldfags will be here forever.

I guess it is a good time for you to create your own environment :)

Anyway I wish you a nice day.

But I get them for free.


Amtssprache ist Deutsch.


>Can barely form a coherent sentence
>Plays loot shooters.
Really makes you think.

Fuck off with your racist shit.

>$60 dollar game
>Year Pass
>Yea Forums is hyped for this

Amazing how much this board has fallen.

If its fun who gives a shit? Division 1 was really fun with a based friend

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Poor guy, he thinks everybody in the world speaks perfect english.

Poor guy.

Do you need a hug?

>is fun with friends!
>is retarded
Checks out

>shills literally cant spell
lmao it appears that ubisoft hired chink shills. Your country is garbage and you're all smelly manlets lmao

>As long as i'm having fun I don't care if I get fucked, fleeced and fucked some more.
This is actually a valid argument in your frogposter head, isn't it?

>fun isnt a reason for enduring a poor business model

Uhhh, you want to try again champ?

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>Poor guy, he thinks everybody in the world speaks perfect english.
Of course not, the world needs retards to buy lootshooters, obviously.

It's not you fucking child. You're even dumber than I thought.

Yeah probably. I enjoyed the last beta. Got a couple of friends to play with too so its going to be fun.

>Poster count doesn't increase


I'm 30 with a dog named jasper. And the game WAS fun, deal with it nerd

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t. resetera

Some of us have jobs and friends you lonely poor NEET

>is fun with friends!

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>doesnt have friends


>no friends
Laugh at the loser ahahahaha

I have friends. We just dont play shit games. Currently we are too busy with pubg to give the slightest shit for another Ubisoft scam. You both go and have fun being retarded I guess.

Having money and friends isn't an excuse to have taste as shit as yours. Even playing MOBA is a better investment than this piece of garbage

Sure you do

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>Lootshooter enthusiast
How does one grow up to be so worthless?

AHAHAHAHAHAHA how surprising we are discussing with the bottom of the barrel retard NEETs

You forgot German, so he's probably a filthy immigrant or a forklift driver who comes home and plays forklift simulators whilst a filthy migrant fucks his wife.

It's the only looter shooter I've liked outside of Warframe. Granted, I didn't play TD1 until 1.8 so I don' t know what it was like at release.

Going to be hard to juggle this and PoE, but I'll make it work. Maybe Ubi is shit, I don't know. I don't buy their games, but Massive is the dev on this game.

>hurr durr damage sponges
it's a loot based game. I never got this complaint. When you have good gear, shit dies quickly. This is the same of PoE, Diablo, Memelands, all that shit.

>I don't like this game
fair enough, looty and shooty is not for everyone
>I'm waiting for Randylands 3
kek, ok, so you're just retarded as fuck. Got it.

If you seriously think those are worse than lootshooters you might genuinely be retarded,

I can't stand PUBG or mobas, but at the very least PUBG is a SKILL based game and a pure game at that, no grinding, no bullshit, just gameplay, and mobas have an incredibly high skill ceiling.

Lootshooters are literally designed for drooling fucktards to give them just enough of a adrenaline hit combined with an MMO dopamine hit to keep them chugging away doing the same repetitive shit again and again and again. Absolutely no prizes for guessing where on the IQ spectrum your average lootshooter aficionado would find themselves.

>no bullshit
>barely functional game engine
>loot for 10 minutes then fight twice
>entire genre championed by 12 year olds
I don't care if you like The Division or not, but you're fucking delusional

>anyone gonna try the open beta tomorrow? Preloading started today.

Kill yourself sperging shill autist

Awww i'm sorry, did I hurt your simpleton lootshooter feelings?
Maybe you should go and use daddies credit card to buy some Uplay funbucks and cheer yourselves up, maybe you'll even be lucky and get an Epic skin!

Seething autist

feeling real sad for the antishills in this thread, nice lives lol

>pubg has loot boxes
>pubg shill tells people to go buy loot boxes
really activates my almonds

so this is the power of the streamer generation....

>We don't play shit games


is there anything like the Underground in this game at launch? That and the survival were fun as fuck

LITERALLY defending microtransactions and pay2win

are the enemies as bulletspngy as in the 1st one?
if so they can fuck off

They really werent that bad at all dude. As long as you were the same level as them, they were surprisingly balanced and didnt feel spongey. Its when you went into areas above your level it felt dumb

>they were surprisingly balanced and didnt feel spongey.

lol, no
top tier stuff, enemies could take up to 3 full extended mags, it was garbage
if only it had wildlands gameplay with the division world, it would be a 10/10 game for me and instant buy

no, but it's also a loot shooter. Why people give TD1 shit but Borderlands a pass is beyond me. You can't do OP8 in Memelands without gear so why people try to do Legendary with garbage gear in this game is confusing.

Is this a good switch off your brain and enjoy a few beers after work game? I liked Gears back in the day but I didn't play DIvision 1.

they've been adjusted 3 times now since alpha. Did you not play it at all? I mean, of course you didn't with that well thought out rebuttal

neither of you played the game confirmed

no one gives borderlands a pass, it was shit too
i have over 150 hours in it

The Division pretends to be a tacticool shooter, Borderlands doesn't. There are absolutely expectations that they would be different.


it's literally not, though. What retards are expecting Siege? It's got gear sets, a ton of fucking stats, and you need to reroll gear.

It's Diablo 3 with guns and a less boring endgame

It does not you fucking retard, it’s an online action RPG

you really don't have 150 hours in the fucking beta, you liar. Shit was 2 days long. The sponginess is nothing like TD1

I don't know what's worse people liking Ubisoft games or autistic anons actually believing that there are """"shills"""" in Yea Forums

>50 gig beta
fucking hell

Ubisoft doesn't know how to make a game that's less than 100GB anymore.

Massive is the dev, though. Ubi is the publisher. Massive really fucking turned TD1 around, imo. It's okay if you don't agree.

i was talking about TD1
TD1 wasn't bullet spongy as well until you reached lvl 30 and started to do high end thing
i am expecting the same here, so i'll pass

Takes 20 minutes to download, what is the problem?

Why was it okay for Yea Forums to like the latest Ass Creed but not this?

Fucking dumbass.
>Massive Entertainment is a Swedish video game developer based in Malmö, Sweden. The company has been fully owned by Ubisoft since 2008.
>The company has been fully owned by Ubisoft since 2008.
>The company has been fully owned by Ubisoft since 2008.
>The company has been fully owned by Ubisoft since 2008.
It's no fucking different to any of Ubisofts other turd factories.

Well since Anthem is already dead, I guess it doesnt hurt to try.

>Why was it okay for Yea Forums to like the latest Ass Creed
It wasn't?

Nah. I own the game already, just gonna play it on release.

Not according to the majority here.

you should log in to get the two shields, though. I too am not going to bother getting to 8. Three if you go do the into DZ quest

Nah it gets shat on regularly for being the same soulless skinnerbox open world garbage Ubisoft always shits out.

>anyone gonna try the open beta tomorrow? Preloading started today.
For what purpose?

To try the open beta tomorrow dumbass.

Why would I want to waste my time testing someone else's product for free?

>He hates fun
nu-Yea Forums everyone

shills dont count. all the shill threads died off a week after.

>why would you want to give feedback on features like balance, drops, performance so they can make the game the players actually want
I know you consolefags are used to static specs for devs to blueprint on but PCs don't work that way and there is no way for a testing team to account for every single build variation. Plus you get to play the game you paid money for. Like, what the fuck.

>beta testing is fun


oh great i get to play the trainwreck again

Attached: TheDivision2 2019-02-08 18-59-05-49.jpg (2560x1440, 2.34M)

but Anthem is already out

>The Division 2 now has playable alien races
wtf I love The Division 2

I really liked the first one but after the private beta this game lost its appeal to me. Atmosphere is gone, enemys are basicly far cry new dawn reskins, every other character is some forced minority. The map is tiny, the location is unappealing, something was wrong with the saturation.... im out.

Attached: 1549189188028.jpg (400x1201, 101K)

Yea Forums has gone to absolute shit and you need to fuck off back to plebbit.


this is factual truth, once they start making good games, call me back

Uh, yeah, exactly.

give me your snapchat

Apex, Sims, Rainbow Six Siege, Beyond Good and Evil, For Honor

Do I need PS Plus for the beta?

Man they really do make some rubbish don't they, and why do they feel the need to turn everything into a multiplayer microtransaction cash shop?

BGE1 was amazing, 2 looks fucking terrible.

>unironically playing a Ubisoft game
does mountain dew and doritos help wash the taste of shit out of your mouth?

Attached: 1417637876941.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>sjw hero shooter shit
>still haven't made any progress in making the game not bore fest, therefore, shit

I don't get it. Ubisoft doesn't even make halo games.

>Rainbow Six Siege
Only one that started good but updates ruined it anyways

Could you please stop talking with mouthfuls of shit, your breath is as bad as your taste in games.

no snow no buy

Why do people give the division shit for bullet sponges, yet they never complain about borderlands 2 bullet sponges?

Why do you keep crying about the same shit over and over?

because retards bought a shooter version of Diablo thinking it was R6

>b-but x did it!!!
pathetic shill

Borderlands is pure fantasy, The Division is meant to be real world. Bullet sponges don't make sense in a realistic setting.

Tom Clancy is well known for his bullet sponge field diablo style loot shooters, I can't even begin to imagine why people would think otherwise.

>I expect gear in a loot game to not matter and for me to 1 hit KO NPCs with a white pistol
based retard

>playing The Division
retarded retard

because they can't read? Do no research and buy shit blind?

Tom Clancy is just a brand at this point. Nigga doesn't even write his own books.

>anyone gonna try the open beta tomorrow? Preloading started today.
Nope. I'll stick to playing Siege.

>Tom Clancy is just a brand at this point.
No fucking shit, and guess what people associate with that brand?
Just shut the fuck up already and go back to whining about how people shit on The Division and not Borderlands.

that wasn't even me, stay mad as fuck
>waaaahhhh why doesn't this loot game cater to me personally even though I could buy Wildlands or R6 if I wanted to

Perhaps there are no better options to choose from. Or they're on a strict budget. Not everyone can leech off their mums internet.

lol fuck off retard

Samefagging at full force.

>say retarded shit
>get laughed at
>s...stop s..samefagging
yeah nah, you're just a fucking moron

Get a job then poor shitstain

Salty samefag cries once again.