It truly perplexes me why this game is being regarded so highly.
It looks so fucking shit, goddamn.
It truly perplexes me why this game is being regarded so highly.
It looks so fucking shit, goddamn.
Other urls found in this thread:
as someone that only cares about the original 3, the art style is good, stages look fantastic, classic characters are back, no longer some faggy jugglefest
Just have some hot cider user
They've decided MK will be the new classic, but rebooted series to turn into a propaganda tool
it's what they did to Tomb Raider but since that shit basically failed they've switched their efforts to Mortal Kombat
You see, they undermine the foundation to level the house, you don't even realize it's happening until it's too late
Its MK
It will always sell well
But yeah ignore the shills here, it looms fucking garbo and any long time MK fan ive spoken to is pretty pissed.
>mk is jank
In other news, water is wet.
>muh propaganda
Just because the devs aren't pandering to you anymore, doesn't mean it's propaganda. Back in the day people told women and minorities to go make games themselves if they didn't like how games were, and now that they're doing it you're seething like a little bitch just like they did back then.
>>mk is jank
>In other news, water is wet.
It's also a fighting game for people with no talent for the genre.
Go play your weeb shit
Mortal combat is iPhone of the videogames. People in west will buy it just for its name alone and then it will rot forgotten in their steam library.
They're using older version of the Unreal Engine too.
"Making games themselves" isn't the same as fundamentally changing an established series someone else made. And it doesn't work, as I mentioned with Tomb Raider. Star Wars would be non-video game example.
Also please refrain from using any more buzzwords as a crutch and post-filler in your reply to this, thank you.
This game uses UE4, not 3.
>"Making games themselves" isn't the same as fundamentally changing an established series someone else made
Boon and Tobias idealized MK, Tobias fucked off, Boon is still there and is ok with it, keep on seething.
>. And it doesn't work, as I mentioned with Tomb Raider. Star Wars would be non-video game example.
MK isn't out yet, we'll only know if "it" will work after it's released. Tomb Raider and Star Wars failiong doesn't mean MK will fail. You can be free to keep on speculating though.
>Also please refrain from using any more buzzwords as a crutch and post-filler in your reply to this, thank you.
Have you played it?
Why is it shit?...
I challenge you, or any fighting game player for that matter, to explain with actual argumentation why MK is a bad fighting game. Linking to an old post doing this will suffice too.
So you can read minds now?
If you're going to reduce the argument to pure objectivity because you have no actual point, then I could say Boon is only doing this because he knows due the current climate it will get more positive press, and has just become a total shill, or he knows MK is the only thing he can actually make and will do whatever it takes to ensure it gets the attention from the vocal minority of them.
Since you enjoy making discussion completely worthless for everyone involved, I've gone ahead and skipped the five or six posts it would take for you to get to this point.
>It looks so fucking shit, goddamn
>If you're going to reduce the argument to pure objectivity because you have no actual point, then I could say Boon is only doing this because he knows due the current climate it will get more positive press, and has just become a total shill, or he knows MK is the only thing he can actually make and will do whatever it takes to ensure it gets the attention from the vocal minority of them.
You're not wrong, but you're also not right, if we're just going to deal with the endless possibilities that can be hidden behind one's actions, then were never going to get to a conclusion because all we'd be doing is fantasizing. If you want to stick to your guns and keep theorizing about why is MK being made like this, fine, I'm not trying to stop you, but me stating objective facts is by no means "making discussion completely worthless", I'm just talking reality while you're making unfalsifiable hypothesis, which are what actually turn any discussion into a meaningless back and forth.
>then were never going to get to a conclusion
it feels bad and floaty to play it, the controls are mediocre at best, nothing has weight or impact even if they go to great extents to show it, its boring and has one of the most retarded fanbases in all fighting games
there you go
I wasnt interested much until Johnny. I'm not sure how he couldn't be everyone's favorite after that trailer.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women
Also OP, NRS shills are on SERIOUS damage control as they can't defend the ugly as shit women and now have to hype up series favorites like Johnny Cage
>feels bad and floaty to play
>controls are mediocre at best
Also subjective unless you can actually argue why this is the case. Last I checked the controls seemed pretty responsive and straight forward.
>nothing has weight or impact even if they go to great extents to show it
Can you show any examples? I'm not trying to be a shit and mostly agree with this point, but still.
>it's boring
>one of the most retarded fanbases in all fighting games
I agree, but this is also subjective.
I need better arguments than that man, I actually want to understand why MK is bad from a fighting game design standpoint, I already dislike playing the game for my own reasons.
>Just because the devs aren't pandering to you anymore
O'Sullivan's law
I kind of feel like a child for taking pleasure in this but I really do love that this series does so well in spite of the FGC being elitist fags about it and Yea Forums constantly shitposting about the girls not being hot enough.
>hehehe i like that our games are shit and appeal to no one anymore
Yeah you keep telling yourself that pal.
>O'Sullivan's law
Unfalsifiable and therefore not an actual law.
>hehehe i like that our games are shit and appeal to no one anymore
MK will sell like hot cakes, and when it does I'll reply to this post just to spite you.
No wonder this game looks like trash.
Guy was based fat incel that faps to Kitana back then, now he is fucking SJW cuck that designed Skarlet. Really makes me think.
You know it kind of hurts your narrative when you just straight up lie right? Why latch on to a tester of all things as the source of all you think is wrong with this game? Is it really just because he lost weight and died his hair?
Game speaks for itself, so does his new look.
>t. I went online and got my ass thrashed so now I slime the game to protect my bruised ego.
>and now they're doing it
You mean forcing white developers and programmers to do as they please kek
This is only a problem because ed boon only hires people from chicago. It is safe to assume that the company is 90% leaning left because of it.
Nice headcanon.
>Being regarded so highly
Huh? I see nothing but complaints about it
Well yeah you're on Yea Forums what did you expect? Outside of here it's one of the most consistently high selling fighting game series out there and all the recent games have been reviewed fairly high. Pretty much the only people who shit on it are FGC fags who are butthurt that it does better than their superior nippon fightan games and Yea Forumsirgins who think that NRS being bad at modeling female faces means there's some sort of evil feminist conspiracy going on behind the scenes.
It's just mortal kombat bro
Who cares I just wanna rip people in half faggot
even mk9 looked looser and more nimble than this
t. didn't play mk9
Yeah but you can’t do brutalities and the fatalities get old
It's always been shit, it's always been shit. The only time it was ever good was when it was on Sega Genesis, It should have died then as a legacy.
>Old gamers are better hur dur!
Shut up faggot I bet you jerk yourself off whenever you talk about why your shitty broken pixel game was the best