Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
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never a scot, tho
She's Welsh
Generic whore
I love Reisen!
She's really cute though
Botw Zelda
How do you think she would feel if she knew everyone loved her and wanted to headpat her?
What about Mipha?
Maybe a little bit
Sure but Zelda has that accent and ass
I just like the cute girl, not the actual game, it looks like shit.
Go away Bobby, charcoal is better.
Cordelia is very smol i just want to pick her up
>Falling in love with an imaginary person based on appearances and a few minutes of footage that tells little about her personality and not even 24 hours after she's revealed.
Jesus, Affection dependency is a hell of a drug.
You're, of course, going to berate me because I dare shit on your desperate waifufaggotry, but that is simply because you know that I'm right.
Fucking waifufags. They ruin everything they touch. Go see a shrink, get yourself a hooker and purge yourself from that cancerous waifu bullshit.
I want her to roughly grab my dick and look me straight in the eyes while insulting me in a thick Scottish accent with various English slang terms I can barely understand.
I want to squeeze her calves
Aren’t the Pokémon trainers supposed to be 10? Just makes it extra sad
I love my wife
you're my favorite poster on this board.
Pokemon trainers, including the playable ones, are a variety of ages. Some are older teens.
There are some cute huntress out there, so yes
Wish I had a harem full of narga, kirin and jinouga hunters
Some of them are supposed to be older
>Gamefreak designs absolute humble and qt protagonist
>All their sins are absolved
Every time. They can't keep getting away with it
Lmao and here I was thinking no one was going to have and mh waifu in the thread
kirin outfit is pretty great
Based hunter posters
Kill yourself loser
Tfw they finally release pc monster hunter and we get this
Ok loser
I agree, she's great. But the glorifying of waifus gives the normies and retards a reason to hype up this neutered and anemic featureless series and conveniently sweep Gamefreaks gross incompetence under the rug.
Not blaming you for that, just something that happens every gen
All of you are faggots
I don't actually mind The Handler (sure she's no Sophia or Aisha) and I think she looks cute it's just some camera angles make her look really goofy
What, so you want every thread to just be a constant deluge of "I HATE IT IT'S SHIT POKEMON IS FUCKING RUINED BAAAAAWWWWWWWW?"
That's stupid.
Rorona is pigshit ugly and so is her game, stop trying to pretend it isn't.
>Tam o Shanter
>Tartan socks
Why do Americans LARP as brits
Nope, I was just noticing a pattern.
Continue to post her, I look forward to the porn. Farewell.
That's cute though
American education don't care about geography, it's the same reason they tend to think Africa is a country
Luci’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
Do you think they’ll accurately represent Britain by having 1/2 the population be muslim?
When fanart is better than the final product.
If you like men
If you play as the girl you get kidnapped and raped by dozens of mudslimes, when you finally escape and report your attackers the cops arrest you for hate speech.
my husband
I see gamefreak is going for realism this time. Not like XY where not a single suicide bombing occurred
In love, no.
I would gladly bang Suiren though...
Indeed, one of the best female armors in the game easily
good taste
>you were his first friend
I love my gorgeous wife!
I have been in love with Jill Valentine since 2004 (first time I played RE3.) She's the best.
>he doesn't like women with broad, wholesome, natural smiles
Bitter husk of a man detected
Good taste
i'd lick """""""""""her"""""""""""" pistol if you understand what i'm trying to say
Unironically, yes.
I guess I need help.
You like to fellate guns? That's a high-risk fetish, user, please be careful.
Unfortunately I have. And it hurts.
Youre married to a fat person right?
Aye, she's a bonny lass.
Falling in love with the flavour of the month. Pathetic.
Aww what's wrong, user, did I touch on a sore subject?
>welsh pokemon game
What happens if you fall in love with a video game developer?
My one true waifu.
No, but I did instantly fall in love with her design.
Hopefully we get to party up with Elezenos for Shadowbringers
Spanish governor's daughter. Sid Meiers Pirates.
Just wait for the mom to be shown....
You know what’s up! Although I liked all the beautiful daughters.
>Rorona is pigshit ugly and so is her game, stop trying to pretend it isn't.
She's cute even as a 47 year old mommy, and her game is one of the best in the series.
fucking GOAT
My waifu for laifu
>35D~ Scottish milkers
Makes me wonder if Morrigan is as vulgar.
The few times she's portrayed as Scottish, anyway.