FIGHT FOR YOUR dmc5 thread

FIGHT FOR YOUR dmc5 thread

Attached: V_Kylo.jpg (480x360, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>checks if he has his voice modulator on
>falls asleep mid sentence and wakes up after a nap
>coughs blood
>smacks lips
>tries to get up from his throne
>lets out a massive fart blasting anything within half a mile from him
>starts leaking blood all over in streams
>trips over one of his vines and falls

Attached: (You)rizen.png (825x450, 322K)

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

Which enemy are you most excited for?

Attached: All enemies so far.jpg (1417x1181, 876K)

Those red lizards give anyone else Dreamrunner vibes?

>Normal enemy
The Angelos & Nobodies
So far Cav, Cav on Horse and Chickie.

where the leaks at

Turret is just a descriptive nickname

Attached: 1551285490300.jpg (1417x1181, 880K)

Post smug faces of nero and dante, I must make this pun

Attached: NERO DONT YOU FUCKING DARE.png (511x1088, 775K)


Fucked up how overture is the only good devil breaker in the demo

Have you tried punch line?

Well, they do teleport

Attached: 1551204708850.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

2 hours

They have twin blades and can escape juggles too.


Attached: DMC2_Matier.png (389x581, 223K)

Attached: nm3xcpm.png (1312x640, 287K)

Attached: vErKPEY.png (1364x773, 865K)

>flying hunter
Artemis? Also this way of laying out mission select is fucking rad.

That's not mission select, it's a mission load screen.

What does the story section say?

the real question is
why do the swords still just float on characters' backs after like 18 years?

Attached: thinking.gif (498x498, 613K)

inb4 game loads too fast on an SSD so I will never get to read the flavor text

Featuring Penny from Devil May Cry anime

Attached: 1549963137588.png (778x761, 202K)

Vergil hobo DT

Attached: VERGIL ROTTEN DT.png (736x893, 912K)

we sure about that?

Cant wait to take Lil Chickie for a walk


What is it, uhhhh, Matia?

Attached: VERY HARD.jpg (320x320, 14K)

Yes. It's from a live stream and the recent mag scans show the mission select, although small and low quality

Nero has some magnetic shit behind his coat. vergil and dante's are pure demonic magic, same shit as they can throw and pull back


>revolver ocelot
Revolver ocelot

No way, hag.

Attached: dante.jpg (853x480, 146K)

SO there's nothing proving this is Vergil right? It could be Urizen? It's almost certain it's Vergil but I want to know if a name was attached.

Wait is that the fucking devil bringer?

DMC4 artbook literally has a note on that for Dante saying "just explain it with magic"

Nobodies, I wanna hear that laugh again.


Attached: matier 2.jpg (170x170, 12K)

Magnets and shit.

There was a more updated version of this. Anyone got it?


Attached: be prepared to meet Jesus outside.jpg (640x628, 41K)

It's a render, it's already in the game if it's a render. And it doesn't look like Urizen.

No way hag

Attached: 1547997371792.jpg (576x550, 28K)

PC players, what controller are you going to be using. I plan on buying a controller to play DMC5, should i get an xbox or ps4 controller?


It was translated in a Discord I'm in, it says Nero rescues Lady from a light-emitting demon and she talks to him about the demon king. Then Nero goes his own way.

I'm using a XBOX One controller, i like it

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

i dont believe you


1 h. 45 min. till midnight

they had this problem with REmake 2, but then the Ghost Survivors DLC that they added the following month has a button prompt to continue at the end of loading screens, so hopefully it's got the same thing going on with DMC5

>And it doesn't look like Urizen.
How? Same pauldrons and eyes all over body

I didn't believe you so I translated it for myself.
I believe you now.

Is the cuite the one who's playing, or she is just an anchor?

kb/m plus ahk is true patrician tier


Attached: NO HIDING IN THE SHADOWS ANY MOOOORE.jpg (1100x1100, 30K)

I'm using a bootleg 360 controller

Nero & V split into 2 groups heading towards the demonic tree. Nero slain a demon controlling light and rescued Lady trapped inside. He learnt about the details of the demon king war from her. V's true intention is different from Nero'.

>Because he was fapping with arm that had his dad's swordfu.
I can see it
>oh hey I wonder what my son is doing
>what the fuck he's fapping in the garage
>fucks sake
>ok what the fuck who gets cum all over his arm seriously
>*sees that Nero is fapping to tiles*
>ok fuck it I'm taking this back

>right arm and leg are skinny while left part is buff
Split myself in two

Urizen has more eyes in his face

>dmc5 thread
stop that

I use [pic], but really, it's best to get whatever is more comfortable to you

Attached: dualshock 4anniversaryedition.jpg (1000x629, 199K)

I wonder how Dante's loading screen will look like.

Attached: 1535150035343.jpg (1920x1080, 269K)

>V's true intention is different from Nero

Attached: 1549647562498.jpg (1024x904, 72K)

>Not good
Say that again fag, I swear on me mum

Attached: 1546788099328.jpg (283x346, 21K)

Link to a vid?

this looks more like a prototype urizen since it looks like fucking gipsy danger

Anyone have pictures of that nice V cosplay with full-size Griffon?

>right arm
>devil bringer
this feels kind of lame for a majin

Every single day. Every god damn day these fucking threads are getting posted.
And I love it.

bootleg xbox 360 controller but the analog sticks are kinda fucked up and drift

Now is that his cresty thing like nero's one of a DB, a blue rose and RQ's handle or is it something else?

Also, I thought Dante had the eye motif given his secret rooms rune

>Still no Vocaroo


>this was Lady all along
that only makes it better

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>inverted nips
oh baby

Luciafags denied yet again.

May his bullshit attacks scrub-filter many scrubs.

the cutscenes.

Attached: 44.jpg (327x610, 25K)


>nero open up artemis
>sees naked lady
>lady teases nero through the game

Attached: lady looking at nero.webm (640x360, 26K)

M'-v-'ission 4

will there be a midnight release for steam?

Nah, the eye is Nightmare. His crest is his cane, Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare.
Dante's is Rebellion and E&I.

Attached: 1525492029855.jpg (1376x774, 79K)



>those 3 crystals at prologue
We can play the prologue with all 3 characters?

>we are getting an official naked Lady model

Attached: 35.gif (245x150, 528K)

Here's V's crest BTW.

Attached: 1523697181915.jpg (304x137, 5K)

Is the blue orb for Nero?

It means that all 3 characters were present.
You only play the Prologue as Nero.
You play Dante's prologue events in Mission 10
as for V we dunno

seems like it

Logitech F310

Attached: f310.png (521x342, 43K)

Is there the Dante's crest PNG yet?

It's in the first post you linked, under "Devil Hunter"

From the lack of "outfit", this could be the majin form

I wonder when Goliath's mission is then, because there's a V cameo in the hotel.

You meant to type Nero?

>Game takes 15 hours to beat, with a probably reasonable split over three characters.
>Footage so far has pretty much all been walking from one combat encounter to the next in linear fashion
I'm ready

I'm saying only the crest image png

shadow neko kawaii

Attached: 171355.png (1199x625, 282K)

Nero's version is mission 2 but who knows which is V's.
Maybe as the game progresses you unlock the ability to go back to missions as that other character and do their route?

i mean this in better quality and without background

Attached: 9F7ljII.png (227x184, 34K)

This is the meme answer just use a xbone controller

Can't see shit except V's feet

I want a footjob from V.
There, I said it.

Attached: V_fanart.png (435x427, 64K)

is 15 hours good or bad? its considered a long game?

why did v skip leg day

Twice as long as DMC3 which was longer than DMC4.

>Those randomly places V's by mission

longest dmc game to date


Normal DMCs before took less than 10, so yeah

>preorder bonus

Ehhh I wouldn't say twice as long. First playthrough of 3 takes at least 10 hours I'd say.

Actually the longest DMC to date.
DMC3 was 12-13 hours for the first playthrough.


What's the best controller layout for xbox?

>when no one responds to your bait

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