This is actually Yea Forums personified

This is actually Yea Forums personified.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does anyone actually care what The Quaterpounder thinks?

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I never once liked or defended either of those games because EA are niggers but ok

the left cant meme

The left can't meme.


Quartering IS a leftist you dumbasses
This is a centrist meme if anything. Maybe right wing but I don't think so, put my money on centrist.

>classic franchise played by core gamers
>apex legends
>garbage cannibalized TF2 played by zoomers


I didn't know that apex legends takes place in world war 2

How do these statements contradict eachother?

I love that the "gamergaters" are now imploding on itself.

Sargon is just being kept in UKIP because UKIP is using him to recruit people. MundaneFatt is a faggot. Quarterpounder is a twofaced cunt, Boogie is a lying piece of shit,Dankula is passively sending messages to Jim that he needs help getting out of Sargon's group.

Meanwhile Jim is having a laugh streaming Photon episodes

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sweetysquad assemble

That image is retarded because one does not contradict the other. Are you legitimately so fucking retarded that you can't even properly mock that fat goof, of all people?

Look at Quarterpounders hairline lmao.

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>sjw suck and here is a good example why they are not needed
>sjw suck and here is a good example why they are not needed

Apex was never advertised as "WHITE MEN BTFO! CIS-SHITS INTO THE GAS!"

>Yea Forums is one person

let the darkness grow

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if you actually think that, then you are uninformed

Those two options aren't exclusive unless you consider Apex Legends feminazi propaganda which most people didn't but did in BF5.

Looks like a normal hairline for a 30 year old.

Look at it try to rationalize the game with entirely minorities

Where was it advertised as "woke"?

the cuckening


i'm pretty sure it was not advertised at all which was the "thing" of this game and TheQuartering talking about it before it secretly got released

these two do not really contradict each other. apex is popular because the game is polished and only that 0.1% mentally ill tranny freaks care about the lgbtqwery representation. it would be just as popular without the fags.

bf v's entire marketing was based around quirly women and diversity and that alone was not enough to make the game not flop

I fucking hate this guy. He keeps popping up on my youtube page. He is literally "gamers rise up" meme personified. His fanbase is full of retards and losers.


You're an idiot.

I don't like forced agendas pushed down my throat for advertising. Apex legends was never advertised in the first place, nor advertised as "fuck gamers". What's with these fucking tumblr refugees shitting up everything with false flags ever since tumblr banned porn?

Male pattern baldness affects ~50% of all people by 50.

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That's what he titled the video

It is pretty much normal. I would say he has less in the middle of his hairline than most, but otherwise yeah. Once you get close to 30 you'll see how your hairline is beginning to recede.

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>dad still has all his hair well into his 50s
>both grandfathers had a full head of hair for most of their lives
feels good to win the genetic lottery desu

Thats not a photoshopped image, he actually uploaded that actual video with that actual name.

hey jeremy, you doing okay bud?

>Battlefield failed because sjws are genuinely retarded enough to believe their ideology in and of itself is enough to draw people in
>Apex Legends proves zoomers are easily influencable retards and all you need for success is to be EA and have a bag of money for shills and #SPONSORED streams
Here, I solved it. What do I win.

Start looking at your maternal side. You're not in the clear yet

its irrelevant if you don't take care of it, and I'm assuming thats whats causing balding in so many men these days

I'm doing fine you faggot cuck.

>its irrelevant if you don't take care of it
That's not how MPB works. If you have the gene you're losing it no matter what because what causes it to fall is a chemical your body naturally produce (DHT).

Neither maternal or paternal lineage offer any guarantees. It can jump several generations, it's literally a coin toss.

I guess it's easy to disgrace an entire generation after they've almost completely all died. Fucking cowards.

Polished turd
Recycled call of doody shooting mechanics in a recycled done to death genre

He's a progressive liberal like I am. It's just that the radical left doesn't know what progressive means and thus they'll lump him into the "He's against inclusion through exclusion and forced political think. He's a nazi!". It's a complete paradox that the current loud radical left is intolerant, exclusive and violent, with free thought not allowed. I don't understand how in the past 10 years this all got so fucked up, that conservative authoritarian politics are more progressive than anything radical liberals propose.

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Apex is shit though

Left no meme


>like I am

can't you slow DHT down though

its better to go bald in your 60s than your 30s


We get it, you're a terrorist and I'm a nazi. Now go back to resetera.

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