Where were you when the CNN exposed Ninreddit?

Where were you when the CNN exposed Ninreddit?

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...bros? i think it's time to leave...

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Fake news

That makes absolutely no sense, what kind of retard wrote that?

but that's what they said they were doing?


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>old favorites

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What an absolutely retarded statement from CNN.
It's like they don't know what the term "franchise" means.

Like remaking movies from an era where movies were actually good to pretend Hollywood is alive and well.

>what kind of retard wrote that?
It's CNN, what do you expect? Actual journalists researching and writing articles?

>Pikachu will be in jail by the time he comes back from Alola

This would make more sense if this wasn't, y'know, a core franchise they've been making entries in for decades and instead one they were dusting off after a hiatus. Hell, there were two new ones less than six months ago and there's a movie coming.


this sounds like it was written by an intern
it's all safe, generic words that sound like they mean something but actually just let the viewer take whatever they want from it

I'm honestly shocked by this development. All the praise should go to Nintendo for this risky, never before seen maneuver. I do have doubts that it will pay off for the dying company though, but I commend them for the effort.

Friendly reminder that the only acceptable method of viewing CNN is a text browser.

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But an intern would be younger and realize that pokemon has yearly releases

WTF I hate Nintendo now.

wtf i love nintendo now, based and redpilled

>releasing games for your own console

>t. Nintendo voter

I hope you and the rest of your Right Button friends kill themselves.

Except Pokemon has been a continuous franchise, its not a remake its a new game

The stupidest part about this is that it would've made perfect sense to write it up for LGPE, but not SS.

>Clinton News Network

I can't believe Nintendo is pandering to nostalgia by releasing new main series Pokemon game since 2016.


How are they still alive after the last election?

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PLGP and PLGE are old favorites? Since when?

You kind of implicitly trust major news outlets, but then you see them write about something you know about and you see how retarded they are.

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>You kind of implicitly trust major news outlets

If you are a dumb fuck born yesterday maybe


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>trusting any news outlets, especially ones as clearly biased as CNN (or Fox, for that matter)

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Please no bully Kumiko poster


This guy gets it

Pokemon hasn't tried anything new or noteworthy and hasn't been good since gen 5
Even their switch to "3D" with XY was totally half-assed

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Ah good to know that you told us in advance that your opinion is shit and retarded

Some people are really believing this is real...

Some people argue whether tweets are real when they can just look it up themselves...


kek magatards are a dying breed they are a embaressment to america

Pokemon came out last year, CNN is retarded as usual

what did they mean by this
>game company makes game for console to make money
good golly what a scoop

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