Mass Effect

I have wondered about you. Where will you be when this is through?

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Other urls found in this thread:

user stop, it hurts.

I miss it all so much

We will eventually miss the days of BioWare...



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Stop talking about this boring, generic shit already autistic zoomer.

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Wrex, I...


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I'll stop when my hands don't move anymore

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Off yourself

No you hang yourself for having shit tastes.

>no krogan romance

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>no new IP

Why are Mass Effect aliens such trash and all human sized? Nothing actually big that has their own weapons that are hard for humans to use.

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Along with a lot of other things they also had trouble deciding if they wanted aliens alien or something relatable.

That's just retarded. The whole point of alien is something that's very different and unrelatable.

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Hanar, Rachni, and Reapers are the only unique things tbqh

Doesn't do anything, the other is shitty Killix pretend animal and the Reaper is just a giant cuddlefish. Not really that unique tbqh.

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in game basically everything is the same height for animation restrictions i suppose
Krogan are all supposed to be 7+ foot but they clearly arent, same with Salarians and Turians being ~2m tall while in game everyone is mostly the same height
Really there should be weapons that are difficult for humans to use but bioware/ea lazy I suppose


They had no idea way what they were doing and constantly fighting against XBOX 360 memory and disc space restrictions

Give me examples of aliens you consider original then, so I can compare them to animals or aliens from other franchises too.

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Which is also the reason why Saren looks reaperified from the start.

The Strogg from Quake.

Also there are actually a couple of weapons hard for humans to use (M-300 Claymore, M-98 Widow), but Shepard can use them anyway because reasons

Those weapons don't look alien made at all though. They look like every other gun.

If you beat ME 1&2 over and over in the weeks leading to ME3 raise your hand.

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I only went through the whole thing once when ME3 came out, though totally I've probably played the first two more than 10 times each. I planned to play through them more but, I didn't really had the drive after that ending.

>of all the Halo aliens he posts the big human gorilla yeti
Engineers and hunters are pretty good.

Not over and over but I deleted all my previous saves and started from clean slate for it.

Why? I dunno, just felt like it.

Batarians, get out. This is a forum for Council races only.

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what about vorrrcha?

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Alright, you've convinced me. I'm gonna play through the entire trilogy again. Maybe by the time I'm finishing ME3 up we will have news on the future of Bioware following Anthem's sales results.

Brutes were a pretty good example when bringing up size because their average height is 8 and 9ft tall with a weight of 1300 to 1400 pounds. Actual monsters who can effortlessly pick up a full grown 285 pound human wearing 30 pounds of equipment with one arm. Halo had a lot of good aliens come to think of it.

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Every time I try to play ME I never make it past that first ice world you go to. Should I even bother trying again? I've dropped it at that point like 3 times

I'm sorry for using a Pepe, I'll punish myself later, but nothing else catches the emotions right now

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What ice world?

He probably means Novaria.

Though you can choose the order of planets you go to, so if you always drop the game around that planet, leave it for last if you every play it again. If you reach it surely you'll be invested enough to carry it through to the end.

I killed this dumb Lizzer the moment I had the chance

That can't be right. Noveria is the COMFIEST. I mean, it's a bit too long but why wouldn't you want to go through it?

I think it's the exterior of Noveria? You drive the Mako around

any reason why? Noveria is bretty great, that main office is comfy

But who would drop Noveria?

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A new thread? Great, let's have less Miranda's ass vore porn this time.

I will replay 1&2 soon to celebrate the day Bioware gets shut down.

I'm not sure, I just lose interest there. So I guess maybe the game isn't for me?

Miranda unbirth instead.

Meeting Wrex in ME2 is the best.
Just throwing the politician to the side to run up to you and greet you with "Shepard... My friend!"
Best boy.

Why did they have to reveal the Reapers genocidal motivations? It hurts.


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perhaps, not every game is for everyone, I just get into it enough I can't stop that easily, gotta save the galaxy and bro it up with Garrus. You do you user.

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Saw this on reddit. Can someone fix it?

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>people actually want another mass effect game even though current year bioware is an unrelated company and the only holdovers left are people who are despised for their actions yet put in positions of power like casey hudson and mac walters

You naive fools deserve depression and disappointment

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Shame, I really WANT to like it. I like the setting and characters, but the gameplay just feels weak

>shooting mordin
the most based choice of all

Maybe with the IP having no other value, EA will license it out to three Russians in a basement.

I just want the romances.

remember that the game script was leaked and they had to rewrite it. Remember that plot thread about Haestroms dying sun? I recall that was going to be key. Use of the element zero could destablise the universe and the reapers were in fact safeguarding it, stopping upcoming organisims from using too much or some such thing. idk it's been years but the original plot was way better.

The gameplay would suffer a little bit, but the story and atmosphere would be so much better.

Search for what? He charred remains? To do what?

>literally the same as gorrillas, but bipedal and bigger
>good as a representation of alien aliens
You can't have actual alien like stuff, because how would you even interact with them? Especially in an RPG where characters are important, ofc they will be human like. You are just being an ass about it.

God I'm so happy with my decision to nuke the Batarian zone. Can't believe I'm saying this but I honestly thought Vorrchas were more entertaining at least, sure they're retarded, bloodthirsty savages but the simple fact they could be so hilarious redeem them for me.
Batarians on the other hand are not interesting at all. They're like niggers, and they're so racist towards humans. (just like niggers are towards whites) They were so fucking bland, fucking hell.

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>bringing it up at all

You’re just asking for trouble by doing that.

>tfw starting from ME2 the first time playing
>tfw getting cold shoulder from Wreav instead

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For a hero's funeral, of course.

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I gotta agree with this. Vorchas are more like animals, so acting like that is excusable, on the other hands Batarians are just space niggers

But they didn't? Casey is just a faggot and should have gone along with the ride maybe throwing in some curve balls.

Are you saying you can't interact with anything that isn't literally a human painted blue? That's pretty sad you have such low imagination.

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Now that would be some GOOD writing, to have aliens truly alien and make the game's biggest challenge to even understand their motivations before setting off to save the galaxy together.

I stay the fuck away from spoilery leaks, dude. I don't remember that at all. While I think the best course was to not reveal their intentions at all, that sounds infinitely better than, "lolz, we HAVE to catalog you because you'll destroy urself!"

Also, why the need to rewrite it? Who cares if someone spoiled it for themselves, and why ruin the ending instead of nailing leakers to a cross? The gaming industry is fucking rife with it.

...what the fuck did I just write? Why can't we have an Edit button in this website...

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>I have wondered about you. Where will you be when this is through?
Having this song play after my first playthrough (I had to wait several months with the PC version literally waiting on my shelf until I had a good enough PC to run it) was one of the most genuinely satisfying and wonderful moments I've ever experienced in gaming.
The adventure was perfect, and the ending cemented the good times forever.

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I wanted to side with saren in the girst game after he offered friendship.
I wanted to drop cerberus and join with Harbinger in 2.
Why couldn't you side with the reapers?

>Commander, something I can do for you?

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Bring in Samara.

yeah, die

>Not Mordin

>siding with entities hell bent on annihilating your species
Can there even be more of a cuck than this one.

ya can you give me your sisters #? is she single?

>having an open casket for THAT
russians are fucking madmen.

I want it back because I want to bone more quarians

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ME3 ruined the mysterious sex appeal of quarians with the tali reveal

It was such big of a hack job that it's impossible not to ignore it. You can't talk to me about canon appearances when you literally just photoshopped some chick.

I want to put a round right one of their capital ships.

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ME3 ruined everything about ME.

They made humanity into a reaper in 2! They wanted us to be part of their immortal and highly evolved machine race! Instead we doom humanity to petty competition and eventual extinction? NO! Spurning the reapers offerings was the greatest mistake humanity made!

Based. Nothing but contempt for the space gypsies. Muh Rannoch, lol.

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Try putting your cock between a femquar's legs instead

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Oh no, quarians are beautiful women! My boner is ruined!

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How am I supposed to fap to a billion spiders stuffed into a suit now?

The true ending of the series.

You fap to the suit. I don't see anything invalidating that any quarian you meet couldn't be spiders in a suit.

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>ME2 ruined everything about ME.

literal perfection

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A remaster of mass effect would be tasty

>getting her out of the suit is risky as fuck

Honestly, I could get behind of quarians being basically some sort of purple space elves with arabic influences. What I fucking hate is that they didn't even have the decency of getting an actual artist to make ONE pic. Didn't even have to be very high res for fuck's sake, you can only see it in a tiny frame.

yeah I agree with you

She's pure and rare. To be cherished.

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edgy borg knock-off.

Do you really want that?

>beautiful women

What the Strogg do is pretty unique though.

what will happen first assuming they don't die

a new and alright dragon age game comes out or a new and alright mass effect game

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It was his last wish, to have the top brass see the consequences of their rushing.

I never understood how mass effect became such a fondly remembered series when only one out of four games aren’t complete garbage.

I don't know why Mass Effect didn't have this type of brutal convergance. Sticking people on giant robot dicks to dry out isn't really that exciting.

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I need you to recovery because I can't make it on my own

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Wasn't the Cerberus method something like that, though? They were envying the convenience of just sticking people to huskifying stakes like the Collectors were doing.

It probably isn't even close to the way the Strogg do it.

People can hate Quarians all they want, but sweet Jesus their hips are simply out of this world.

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I don’t get why people still give a fuck about them after it was revealed what they look like.

Because even if it's not up to the first game the second and third game are still consistent lore wise.

Because you're a shallow fuck

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if only ashley was actually that hot

HD reboot soon bros

i need it

He says while posting a butt shot.

I hope not. Bio ware needs to die. And I bet they’ll change the me1 gameplay to be like me2. The clipazines weee the main reason I dropped the series

Your point?

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Shallowness is the only reason you are attracted to her as well and you are only saying it’s bad because our tastes differ.

Her body is a plus but I find her sparkly personality cute.

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ded franchise

Thanks for the bump

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Uhh... how are those legs supposed to work in practice? Are they like dog's hind legs or just bent like that?

Presumably, yeah. They didn't bother animating like that, though.

>billion spiders

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>yfw reapers start chasing

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I think they didn't have more than one walking animation. Even strippers in high heels walked like barefoot burly men.

Krogan are 8+ ft tall and 800+ pounds in novels (plus the comics and that one anime movie) but not in game because the engine sucks.

Bioware? Being lazy with the animations? Never.

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Mass Effect was the least generic thing to come out of the 7th console generation.

>Man Batter
What did they mean by this?

>charges at the enemy across open ground naked with a machine pistol
>dies to three pistol rounds
Covenant a shit. They'd lose literally every single time to the Taliban, much less a modern army, if they didn't have spaceships.

Dammit I just wanted to build a house on the home world with Tali!

Considering she's talking to garrus this is probably intentional. Garrus is autistic and needs strong hints.

How did they fuck up the ending so badly? They already made up a space reaper destroying MacGuffin why take the retarded way out and make anything other than a happy ending where you're sipping booze on a nice beach front property while watching cleanup crew clean Reaper bodies out of the water?

that's bullshit the floating mind jellyfish guys are awesome

At least one of them is badass.

It's better to just pull the disc and throw it away immediately after Priority:Rannoch and imagine the happy ending of your choosing.

Artsy types often look down upon happy endings for some reason.

Gameplay doesn't really reflect what is actually portrayed. A Brute ignored multiple battlerifle rounds to the face as it was strangling Chief to death.

Bad, bittersweet, and good endings are all valid. That’s the point, CHOICE. But no we need 3 weird samey endings that left fans confused and angry

I almost always let Ash put him down. I tried to be patient with him, I even found his family armour for him, but he pulled a gun on me and refused to listen to reason.

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Imagine being this much of a tryhard contrarian lmao

>tfw no Turian gf

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Don't remind me.

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They would change it to ME3's combat which is the best in the series. ME2 was too bullet spongy and ME1 a total mess.

It wouldn't work anyway.

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Salarian bros ww@?

Andromeda worth playing for cheap?

I hope you remembered to mod in the missing Anderson dialog in 3

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Actually I was hoping for one to make him shut the fuck up

Him and Tali are the only consistently good characters from 1 to 3 though

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Only colored humans are shit I would fuck all Turians. Also, Krogans are pretty damn huge. Even Turians are usually as big as the biggest humans.

There are a gorillion cover shooters out there, if there ever is a reboot I hope they take ME1 gameplay and fix it and expand on it and it's RPG elements, not change it to something generic.

He'll glass your planet and fuck you're bitch, Covenant is not shit only plebs think this.

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>I hope they take ME1 gameplay and fix it and expand on it and it's RPG elements, not change it to something generic.
Do you really believe they would go through the trouble of rebooting ME1 and not completely change the combat and skill points? Not to mention what they might edit in the dialog and story

So that's what he meant with it!

How cheap?

Fuck this shit I hate that the most. Give me that grumpy old goth fucker skin in which he hides his reaperfication.

Low-T males not welcome.

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Imagine looking at your dick and seeing Popeye jerking you off.

While Luffy is reaching around behind you and rubbing your anal ring.

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Well shit, I haven’t even looked. Let’s say 15

Not worth it.

I will buy it one day for 10 dollar or so maybe.

>tfw no Legion bf

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Shepard-commander, this platform is not equipped with compatible port for that.

Goodbye, Liara.

Too few robosexual people out there I don't understand that either. Roboters, cyborgs and other trans-humanistic and full inorganic sentient beings are made for fucking.

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I killed both.

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>Shepard-commander, we found new software from the extranet that helps this platform fulfill your request. It is a driver for something called "Fisto" from "New Vegas." Would you like to install it?

When do you kill Liara?

>we will never get an own Geth
Even if people should be able to create actual AI robots in our lifetime we will never get them because it will take humanity 100 years of idiotic debates about morals, danger and sex robots till they allow anything. Fuck man I need to change my planet.

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>Shepard, I found this video online called "Human Courtship And Mating". Could you please help me test these out with you first so I can calibrate for Jeff?

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>Upgrade installed. Greetings. Fisto is programmed to please. Please assume the position.


>still no mass effect game where you can romance everyone at once and have a big alien harem
What a missed opportunity.

oh crap!
That question had a time limit?

Saints Row 4

>wanting to cuck joker

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You can only do it in the worst ending.

They managed to kill what could've been the Star Trek of vidya. Think of how many spin-offs there could've been. Different captains. Different eras. Different sectors of society. Action games. RTS's. Space combat sims. But noooooooooo. They'll probably reboot it on the PS6.

Was unironically a letdown for me hearing shit like this never exists. Threesomes are great.
Imagine fucking the villain of a game and adding him/her to your harem instead of fighting them. A joke ending would be good enough, I just want something like this to exist.

It's only gonna end in broken bones and pain

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play dao where you can mindbreak your party members and have an orgy.

Are you aware of pirating?

I suppose you missed your paragon interrupt, then? Now assume the damn position.

Death by snu snu is the most noble way for a man to die.

spot the paragon player

how did anderson get in the crucible?

>yfw the magic of bioware is gone forever

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>made 2 good game in 3 decades

oh nooooo...

>bipedal, two manipulator limbed yeti
>bipedal, two manipulator limbed lamprey things
>bipedal, two manipulator limbed manlets
>bipedal, two manipulator limbed manlets with avian/lizard features
>worm that walks
Nigger are you serial?

Mass Effect and KOTOR right? DAO and Jade Empire are alright and I hear great things about both Baldurs Gate I just can't personally stand the gameplay

Mass Effect was just that special I guess

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Now I want to play ME3's multiplayer. I miss it, it was the closest to a game featuring other races that we'll ever get.

So what do you think the next Mass Effect game will be? Will they though it out and stick with Andromeda, will they go back and pick up after the end of ME3, will they do a prequel before the Shepard trilogy, will they reboot the whole thing and start from scratch, or will they just let it die?

Always thinking of pirating and playing through the whole trilogy but I feel like I lost a lot for not being there when they released. Did these games age well, at least?

Right before ME1 or the 2-year period when shepard was dead could fit a standalone story fairly well I think

Mass Effect 2 HD.

Nothing Bioware is fucking dead let it go

I'd play a mass effect game with turian protagonist. Perhaps set during dirst contact war.

How the fuck did they build it so fast? Where did they get the resources?

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>implying ea won't release more mass effect and dragon age games after they kill bioware

The original trilogy still needs some closure for the characters, I think. I'd really like to see Shepard coming back for one more game to put the war-torn galaxy to its rights with the old familiar crew.
That, or a continuation of Andromeda, but this time with some interesting aliens and competent writing.

>yfw it turns 10 next year

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I just want to be able to choose my race. I want to be an asari stripper.

They've aged fine honestly but you can massively feel the difference between 1 and 2, it's an excellent example of a shift in the industry in general. They build a nice world that's easy to get immersed in and there's some fun (and some less fun) characters to share it with, a lot of your choices get lip service and a few make a noticeable difference and it's also likely everything you've heard about 3 is true. I certainly don't feel playing them was a waste of my time even with how it turned out in the end.

I want to be a Salarian with an Elcor as my best bro.

I want an actual roleplaying game set in Mass Effect universe.

Andromeda followup as they left some nice plot threads and Vetra, Drack and Jaal are too good of characters to leave behind

>it was the closest to a game featuring other races that we'll ever get
Yeah that's the thing. Space opera and good scifi are rare in general but basically all of them are very human centered or usually even human only.

I want to be a geth twink who hangs from the walls.

There is a table top rpg rule book.
I'll try to find it.

>Be Geth fatty
>Get your teammates to hit you with the Mako
>Go flying into the bad guy

Here you go.
Do have the .pdf but here is a link,yo.

Based on D&D 5e(?)

I'll never get over how much potential the series had after 1. Then they just went and fucked up the plot so fucking bad.

After Sovereign I was so fucking hype for the reapers. Then they just became saturday morning cartoon villains chasing shepard around screaming "I'll get youuuuu!" Sovereign made you feel inconsequential compared to him. Harbinger felt like a school bully pulling your hair to get your attention.

You guys wanna know something crazy? I was eight when I played this and have now been old enough to browse Yea Forums for a year.


Not him but that's still better than Mass Effect's offerings. At least they all have unique skeletons and animations.

Space Magic

I distinctly remember 3 coming out when I was 14 on the same day I was dumped. What an awful 24 hours.

or maybe EVERY race is sending their best and brightest to help build it.

What I want is ME3 fixed, with actual choices mattering, full retconning allowed and I want functional multiplayer to be alive again with more content.

What I expect is less than nothing

He's been posting this shit for literally years, user. I'd call it bait, but he is legitimately autistic and thinks the Halo aliens are a masterpiece of creativity.

BG2 is the best thing they did by far.

>What I want is ME3 fixed
Move on already.

I want to be fucked by Wrex!

To what?

ME2 already fucked the story by having the Reapers arrive so soon, you'd have to retcon that as well.

>multiplayer to be alive again
It's still alive,senpai.

I can't really comment, the combat is too tedious for me which I get is an issue on my end more than anything.

Agreed. They should've kept the Reapers as incomprehensible Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. They had the potential to be some of the best villains in video game history, but by ME3 they were such jokes that it didn't even feel like much of an accomplishment when you finally beat them.

>get to write out that retarded terminator boss
On PC? How much?

Post some fucking memes nerds

Hard Mode: Andromeda memes that arent ones making fun of the game (e.g Autistic Sara)

Never had any long wait to start a match.


Even then it doesn't make sense that they could build it so fast. ME3 takes place over the course of a few months at most. The idea that they could build something that massive and complex in that short a time is absurd.

can only play as a human
fuck this game


what did he mean by this?

So much this, both Saren and Sovereign were god-tier villains. The collector general and Harbinger weren't fit to laze their shoes.

Mass Effect 3 should really have taken place over a century.

>will they do a prequel before the Shepard trilogy
Please that. They'll never do it though because they are all about human shilling. I wish I could see more about the alien homeworlds and see more of their history and way of living as well as fight in their wars.
My nigga. This is what I meant.

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>durr we'll kill you before you kill yourselves or whatever lol

I was actually expecting something like that after the end of ME1. I thought the war with the reapers was going to take at least decades to fight, with old man Shepard (or possibly his kid) finally standing victorious at the end of the trilogy.

>reapers in ME1
>reapers in ME2

>Shepard's available reactions to authority in ME1
"do you make a habit of committing genocide, Shepard?"
"depends on the species, Turian."
"are you calling just so you can disconnect again?"
"you know it"
>Shepard's available reactions to authority in ME2
I'll complain a bit as I get down to licking boot

>Udina, an Antagonistic non villain in ME1
Is an abrasive character, repeatedly annoyed at the extra work and pressure you're putting on him, but ultimately has your back because it's his job and he knows it's best for humanity, and only backstabs you because he genuinely thinks it's for the best.
>Udina, an Antagonistic non villain in ME2
Is the generic political slimeball we've seen a hundred tiems

It was weird, how the Protheans lasted for hundreds of years, while over the course of ME3, which takes probably in a few months, the Reapers just take over the entire galaxy.

Udina wasn't in 2 enough to really have a huge opinion on him as a character and there was no reason for him to be.

>I'd play a mass effect game with turian protagonist. Perhaps set during first contact war.
>Actually playing as Saren, the future villain
This is my favorite trope.

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Salarian reproduction is curious in that fertilized eggs hatch as females and unfertilized eggs hatch as male.

The Protheans were far more advanced and more populous though. And it's implied that even if the Reapers had won in ME3 it still would've taken decades for them to kill/harvest everyone in the galaxy.

Imagine abandoning Earth, then coming back 30 years later once the Reapers had finished with it and moved on.

Thats where you're wrong.

Soldier in 1, Infiltrator in 2, Adept in 3.

Romance Kaiden, sacrifice Kaiden, Ash shoots Wrex, save council.

Exonerate Tali & make the Quarians push for the homeworld, destroy Maleon data, space the Geth thing taken on board, kill Grunt, give Jack a sacrificial redemption by escorting the Normandy crew, destroy collector base, romance no one.

Sabotage genophage and shoot Mordin, destroy Geth, skip Citadel party dlc, fool around with Traynor, control ending.

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>the rachni storyline was entirely inconsequential to the overall plot

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The problem is pandering shit. As much as I love the characters for how they look and are and I even enjoy the romances, but this shit kills such developments. What says is completely right and great, but they would never do it because it would mean to make everyone an old man/woman and team characters are always meant to be young and fresh for fans to fawn about them. Fuck this shit.
I like romances but they could have happened in the second game. The third one should be something happening decades later, something that ends with an old protag finally winning. This is a satisfying, maybe even epic, conclusion. Way better than that generic hollywood bullshit and this "let's fuck for the first time before facing the final boss, in case we die" bullshit.

And destroying the reaper base.
And pushing Garrus towards C-Sec.
And Kasumi's greybox. If you delete the memories Kasumi just says she made a backup anyway or something.
Its not like she's even in 3 though, just some random dialog added onto another quest.

>Mass Effect: Archangel

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>and i need you to recover
>because i can't make it on my own

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>actually get to see Garrus' team in action

>that new ashley sfm animation
based perverts keeping the mass effect porn going

i want to play an asshole salarian who does nothing but shit talk every other species.

You're in Chora's Den and this guy slaps Tali's ass. Wat do?

Keep in mind he's 7ft 600 lbs

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They also had a ton of races fighting for them.
Not helping,but forced to fight.
Turians sent help,but they focused on themselves.

Offer him Tali.

Telling him that he can have that stock photo bitch, I am going for Garrus like a real man.

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You get plenty from Anderson and the brief encounter

ditch tali and find a cute geth gf

Slap his ass right back and pop Immunity.

>insanity run as an infiltrator
Pure Suffering.

headbutt the faggot

I recently bought an Xbox 360 and the ME trilogy. I found my old username and downloaded all the dlc I had back then free. Now on my third play through. That’s like 7 since the games came out.

Pure kino

U wot, infiltrator has Immunity, it's fucking invincible. The first 20 or so levels are suffering, but that's true for every class.

literally scientifically proven intelligent races would evolve to have humanoid figures of our size read a fucking book nigger

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>this platform is assuming a position simulating readiness for human reproductionary behavior, Shepard-commander

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But squid exist?

If you had the option to become a citizen of one of the alien's home plates and be able to live among them and be respected which species would you choose to live with?

salarians because i'm to intelligent to be human

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>Feel the itch to replay Mass Effect
>Don't want to continue increasing my embarrassing playtime on Steam
Just want to launch it without Steam tracking my stats, brehs.

Elcor so I can put off important decisions forever and not be judged.

Salarians are unironically one of the most reasonable choices in case that you aren't horny and need to choose Asari or Quarians for tits or Rators for Turian cocks and militarism masturbation.
Salarians are the chillest species of ME and Mordin was a true bro.

brutes are very intelligent and valued members of covenant


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Salarians easy
Quarians #2 because living on a space ship sounds cool

Fit him into two coffee cups.

>living on a space ship sounds cool

Not really. Imagine living on an actual ship but you can never go out on deck and have to wear a full hazmat suit at all times; that's basically what living on the Migrant Fleet would be like.

Install a crack, problem solved

Tldr: It was going to mimic gurren laganns problem regarding conservation of energy, with the reapers taking the place of the anti-spiral.
The 'mass effect' which powered almost literally everything was essentially speeding up the heat death of the universe by an incremental amount each time it was used.
Reapers were giant organic based supercomputers that have been attempting to solve 'Heat death' since they were created, allowing organics to rise up to the level of understanding the effect before harvesting them into another supercomputer.
Ending was essentially going to be a choice of sacrificing the galaxy in the hopes that somewhere down the line all this shit would be worth it, or blowing up the reapers and hoping the existing races could solve the problem before the universe ended.

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life was created entirely by a cosmic accident, some material merging somewhere, some primordial protein splitting wrongly, all biological life is just a complete fluke
reapers on the other hand are machines, and were created for a specific purpose

The hanar were literal dumb squids who were uplifted by the protheans

>become a cyborg and live in the internet
>robros superior to meatbags

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How is it possible that a game as popular as ME has tentacle monster enemies but basically ZERO tentacle porn?
This is why Japanese shit is better. If you have just one squidlike monster in the series you can bet that there will be tons of tentacle h-pics out there, just how it should be. I am sad.

It's simple:
normies are jerking off to asari
plebs are jerking off to quarians
patricians want a turian gf

EA absolutely destroyed this series.

To be fair Brutes are pretty damn god tier. Can't fault them too much for not creating an alien species that good.

What exactly happened that made Andromeda so shit? Was it EA? Or because Casey Hudson left? I heard they hired some sjw writers for it as well but the graphics were ass too. Why the he’ll happened? Feels bad man

>No signs of Rachni in Andromeda even though they can literally fly through space
>Even though Levithian had plans to breed them for the next cycle.

Man, why the fuck was Andromeda so bad.

1) B team was in charge
2) they had to scrap two years work and start from scratch 18 months before shipping
3) they wasted vast swathes of money on stunt casts

Up to this day I still can't decide if Turians are cute and hot or pure nightmare fuel.
I somehow find them creepy and would shit my pants if I would ever wake up seeing one of these fuckers in my room but at the same time I feel attracted to most them. I guess I am just perverted or suicidal or something.

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I wonder if the majority of people who praise Mass Effect started with the second game and had that experience

>2) they had to scrap two years work and start from scratch 18 months before shipping
Wait what why? Because that sounds shitty, as if it might actually have been way better but got fucked up by whatever has caused the scrapping. Sorry for asking, I only got into ME some time ago.

Can only find trainers on GameCopyWorld, unfortunately.

If Bioware wants their games to sell again, they really need to suck some fanbase dick, again.

love this game

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As I recall, they were going for multiple procedural generated planets but couldn't get the engine to work.

>get blackscreened when fucking aliens
>never even SEE naked aliens
This is racism. If there are SJW working for Bioware, why do they never protest against that? Are SJW racists against aliens?

you can't even be gay in the first two games (they removed it?) without mods

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>get accepted by the geth after shepard ended the war between them and the quarians
>have dozens of horny geths with an organic fetish wanting that human cock

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I have wondered about you
Where will you be when this through
If all goes as planned
Will you redeem my life again?
Fire the fields the weed is sown
Water down your empty soul
Wake the sea of silent hope
Water down your empty soul
Fight your foes you're on your own
Holy war is on the phone
Asking to please stay on hold
The bleeding loss of blood runs cold
And I need you to recover
Because I can't make it on my own

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I wish I had a Turian gaming bro. Also an Asari tomboy gaming gf.

Sounds like living the life. Damn. Now you made me sad.

Just play any of the Rance games, especially Sengoku.
