Core values or..?

Core values or..?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who really gives a shit?
I just wanna RIP nigga's spines out through their ribcage

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women

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People who actually play video games care.

>violent games don't have negative impact on people!

"Boy, 12, acted out sex scene from Grand Theft Auto by raping six-year-old sister"

>For the sake of boner culture
i think i finally get why everybody hates straight men nowadays


>boner culture
Is this satire or are people unironically using that term now?

>viable option you play with the gear stats ON???

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>gear stats off
Can't play around it so you turn it off eh?

>MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women
>attractive women
yeah I dont think so

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Not him obviously but gear stats are a fun way of bringing veriety.

Wait, there's a sex scene in GTA 5? I don't remember that

The female models were just like the males, but with tits

I would mototboat

>the last mortal kombat that tried to have attractive women

>boner culture

Can someone explain?

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Imaging being so much of a normalfag that you play a fighting game to stroke your dick instead of playing it to be good at it.

Play honeyselect, mod skyrim or watch regular porn you fucking brainlet.

I saw my 6 year old cousing watching on tablet some faggot streamer playing GTA and sure enough he showed a couple having sex in game. I turned it off and let him play Doom 2 instead
Just because there's no explicit cutscene doesn't mean game doesn't feature sex.

I honestly can't remember the last MK where females had a female face structure

so this retard just wants to start shit dont he the skin has been in the game from the start

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Gimme boobs pls

needs more core values

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You're not real fighting game fans. Go fuck off to smash.

her real 3d model is hotter than her mk 11 version and that says alot

Is this real? Who gives a fuck about the clothes.

>boner culture

This has to be satire.

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Yes self explanatory, isn't it?
>hurr durr me want pretty to touch myself to

You retard, 12 year olds should not be playing GTA and if they are it means their parents are irresponsible

don't appropriate boner culture

So a violent game has new ways to rip people in half? Fuck that, where are muh titties. And stop calling gamers sexists

Core values or based And redpilled

advertise your shit site somewhere else

>advertising a Twitter profile


oh the irony

Either written by an insecure fat woman or a cuck beta boy. Being said, it isn't worth giving your attention to user.

>one angry /pol/tard

why are trannies so triggered by OAG?

>boner culture
I'm now convinced OAG is just some falseflagging hamplanet at this point.

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I think she looks better and more realistic in MK11

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>i think i finally get why everybody hates straight men nowadays
Literally cringe and fagpilled

Who plays...
Nevermind, this is Yea Forums, I'm sure it's someone's fetish.

>There are people itt are so retarded and newfag that boner culture, a word that defined most hobby board to a t disgust them
Where the fuck do these retarded fag come from? This board regularly have vidya ass and titty thread all day.

she looks like somebody cosplaying a dragon age character

Her face? Yeah, though I miss her big boobs, don't know why they are so afraid of big boobs these days

i thought the chick on the right was a dude in women's clothiing

Face is better. Outifit is terrible

>MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women

Attached: mk women.jpg (905x474, 60K)

Why the fuck do these blind fuck says the face looks better? FFS she looks like an unironic cheap Thai whore now.

Agree. Hopefully they'll have an option to wear the revenant costume without the zombie skin color.

We should ban skirts and cleveages in women since those promote boner culture.
Back to the 50s

>boner culture
What did he mean by this?

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If you don't want to stick your dick between those tits or squeeze them pillows, you're fucking gay

>boner culture
Are we really going with that name?

Boner culture it's one of the cringiest thing I've ever read.

>always this fucking bait
Also, unless you're playing professionaly or just like curbstomping people online, there's no need to play fightans to an autistic degree. You can't prove me wrong.

Numales who would rather turn their boner into an SRS pussy wouldn't understand

They want to avoid the impression that they're pandering to the sort of people who would unironically use the word "boner culture".

she's not even covered in his own screenshot, i don't get it


so what if he did?

because straight men are superior and they know it

>unless you're playing professionaly or just like curbstomping people online, there's no need to play fightans to an autistic degree
Aren't those the only reasons people play fightans to an autistic degree in the first place?

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Trevor banging that meth bitch comes to mind.

And the Franklin mission where you have to video tape the one celebrity chick taking it up ass

>turn their boner into an SRS pussy
More like NRS pussy lmao

Will you faggots quit crying? Look, Skarlet has skin revealed here:

Quit acting like there's some sjw agenda because there isn't one. The women look fine, unlike ugly shit like Taki and Marie Rose.

looks like a man

I'll do whatever I want.

Stop shilling One Seething Incel.

>tranny lover thnks he can educate anyone on women

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>Boner culture
What a cuck

NRS pussy shills should get the helicopter rides first

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But women with big boobs exist and lesbians also like boobs.

Why are there so many fucking pathetic losers in this hobby

>Twitter profile which is a social media account of the same website
Yea. Fuck off with your shitty website.

>boner culture
Quality writing you got there, retard. What, you going to spout gangweed memes next? Fuck off.

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I like the outfit it's interesting but they always make the faces ugly.
Oh well, I stopped buying netherrealm games since they always screw you over.

The absolute state of NRS shill where a simple cleavage is now revealing skin. When did these fuck began turning to modesty-obsessed Muslims?

There is only one reason they're doing this: They will meet the standards set by Disney owned ESPN to televise their game being played.

None of this was done out of some obligation to feminism. It's done solely to make more money. Had these standards not exist, you'd still being ass, titties and all other sorts of cheesecake material in fighting games.

"sex appeal", only with mouth-breathing, Neanderthal nigger-tier optics.

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Or what, cunt? Finish your sentence.

>muh cringe
Fuck off.

I don't see the connection

>12 year old can't tell whats right or wrong in vidya game
If you are 12 and shouldn't be playing GTA because you aren't smart or mature enough to decipher what is right or wrong , your parents failed you and your going to be a fucking useless part of society. There really is nothing wrong with a 12 year old playing GTA unless they are not properly prepared for life for their age

covering up mortal kombat "females" is a blessing.

I like the new designs. The costumes are interesting, the faces are much improved, and the boobs don't look like balloons any more.

Cheesecake shit has no business being in fighting games, it looks retarded and perverted.

>there isn't one
>games being censored left and right
>male sexuality demonized
>faggotry on its way to be normalized
Shut the fuck up.

That is actually amazing

Shilled and cringepilled

She looks boring for an over the top game that's about over the top fighting and killing of the opponent. Anyone who ever thought Mortal Kombat needs to be treated as a serious product is a fucking idiot.

No, there's playing for fun. You know, that thing that makes you relax and feel food and take ypur maind off of things for a but, you goddamn idiot?

I get turned on by girls in masks so this costume is fine with me

We do have an agenda. And you can't stop us either, incels. You WILL accept the Luciferian Doctrine, you have no choice. Now buy MK 11 and YOU shut the fuck up.

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Mk was always the most realistic fighting game. It's not like crapanese fighters full of wacky shit like bears being juggled by 8 year old girls bitch slapping their feet as a power ranger does poses nearby.

Reminder not to argue with recuckera faggots and plebittors. Tits are gaming culture and belong in our games

>Tits are gaming culture

I will sooner see this world awash in blood and fat. Do not test me.

>MK was always the most realistic
And people say there are no shills in Yea Forums

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Have you ever heard of plural nouns?

Yeah, MK has a guy with chains that have spikes at the end inside his arms that he fires out to pull people over to him and a guy that can fire ice blasts that can temporarily freeze you. Let's not forget the Chinese guy that can bicycle kick someone for days or the woman who can literally blow your head up with a kiss. And the xray thing that shows you destroying the bones of your enemy only to have them get back up as if nothing happened was a great addition Yup, MK sure has been a realistic fighting game.


to who exactly?

>boner culture
I like TnA as much as the next guy but that shit just sounds like gangweed shit to me. Fuck off.

I think they’ve really improved Johnny

More realistic than dumb shit like Tekken with a jap bitch summoning a fucking tiger out of the floor or a gangster turning into fucking devilman and fighting his granda inside a goddamn live volcano you dumb fuck

>look at OAG's twitter
>hes literally fighting anyone in the comments when they call him out on his retardation and/or proves him wrong
Is that entire website just 1 really angry Snoy nigger that got lightly salted about "M-MUH CENSORSHIP"?

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I just hope there’s a shader that makes her costume a brighter green. It’s just so toned down

MK is about an alternate dimension invading Earth and the way our heroes defeat them is through hand to hand combat. Bait or not, you cannot genuinely say MK is more realistic than the other ones.

So no reveal today?

MK has characters bleeding in fights, japanese fighters the characters spray energy and sparks when hit. MK will always be more realistic based on that alone.

The amount of blood they spill would render them dead due to the lack of blood in their body.

>He fatalitied?

This is especially true when fighting Skarlet

Least they have blood, japanese characters dont have blood, they have magic energy trapped inside their bodies. They also weigh nothing, hence why you can slap their feet with your fists to juggle them like balloons.

also irl I could beat kasumi and taki easily without even trying. Those sluts can't touch me.

it's sad AND pathetic

>also irl I could beat kasumi and taki easily without even trying. Those sluts can't touch me.

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>watch regular porn
No user, YOU are the normalfag.


Stopped reading there.

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>T. Idiot


I find it ironic that people cry over the women being covered up now, missing all the thicc from the last iterations when back then people were mocking said games were full of square jaw roided men with tits. Jade might look sexy in OP’s pic but she isn’t representative of the other female characters.

>luciferian means covering scandy clad characters up
Jesus is playing 4D chess.

you can go back to your cross dressing blog now

I thought MK9's female models looked like trannies? Why is everyone getting their cooch wet now over them?

Sounds pretty wholesome to me.

Irl very few women can take on even the average man. kasumi and taki converted into real life would be far weaker and unable to do much of shit to me. Kasumi would try to do that teleport dive shit and I'd just backhand her stupid ass and knock her to the floor, as she starts to cry and apologize. Taki will try to come in from behind, I turn around, knee her in the stomach HARD, she starts crying and crying and I throw her down to the floor. Then I call the police to arrest them both for assault, and due to being in Japan the cops will take my word over theirs since I'm a man and they're just women.

That's not how fighting games work. This isn't League of Legends.

yikes, buddy :)

Someone is butthurt

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boner culture is an ironic self deprecating term invented by William Usher that censorfags happily pretended to be retarded to claim anti-censorfags were being serious about identifying themselves as such.
not much different from republicans getting pissed over being called nazis over and over so they turn around and claim “okay, I’m a naiz then, now what?” then the retards go REEEE HE ADMITTED IT REEEEEE

At least he's not a tranny.

How could a game like MK ever even air on ESPN with all the fatalities and shit?

>Boner culture
>Uses a twitter account without a real name or picture
This guy reeks of virgin

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>unironically using sexy-time
jesus christ

Incels, trannies, what's the difference?
Both are supreme faggots that whine about everything.

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Force the settings to remove blood and players would be banned from performing Fatalities. Any silly things like Friendships would probably pass.

What's wrong with that?

it's time Yea Forums distanced itself permanently from incels and gamergaters.
we don't want to be associated with these people anymore
look what happened to THQ when they did it

Jade is so fucking hot holy shit

>boner culture

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>recent MK footage offers a glimpse of Skarlet baring a bit of cleavage
>OAG dedicates an entire article to spergy titty window analysis

Boy ain't right. Probably exclusively strokes it to the sort of 20 minute soft-guro fatality montages that NS are now trying to distance themselves from desu

This but unironically.

>Mk was always the most realistic fighting game

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We'd all get banned from ResetEra, though.

Then why does it bother Yea Forums? We both know no one here plays video games.

Truly the doctrine of humanity

I propose Tiddy Liberation

Lets not forget that everyone has 100 litres of blood to lose , 12 femurs and 3 skulls when they explode

>being this mad that a game doesn't make pee pee hard
The names accurate at least.
Game looks shit and really feels like they neutered the gore, which was MK's entire gimmick.

Fuck off retard.

Wouldn't surprise me if trannies were once incels themselves.

So it begins.

This is more accurate. Also says a lot about how shit they were when the hottest looking characters in 9 were the ones who had their faces covered up.

Based coz lookin out for the little ones.

How is this relevant to the game or even newsworthy? Does this guy even care about the actual games he talks about or does he just want to get mad about shit instead?

Wew lad

Is this bait?

Kill yourself.

>Dur I played GTA when I was 12 and now I steal cars and run people over , pick fights with random people on the street and try to outrun the cops and buy guns out of back alley stores and go bowling with my cousin
Off yourself you fucking failed piece of shit

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So like Jade then?

>ESL tranny
Get decapitated

No rational, self-respecting person listens to anything said or posted by OAG.
Fuck off.

Was it the guy shilling his futa on male fanfic?

OAG is one of the dumbest game "journalists" I have ever come upon and that is saying a lot

Skarlet's ass looked kinda nice in that skin, I just noticed.

OAG is so stupid I refuse to believe he's not a parody

One angry tranny.

firendly reminder that calling someone an incel is just as pathetic as virgin-shaming, which in turn shows that you consider having sex to be a life goal.
imagine dedicating your life to the sole purpose of sticking your dick into someone else’s hole. it’s no different than a fatso craving for the joy of sticking his finger into a fluffy warm chocolate cake. what? you don’t want to do the dippy? I know you secretly want to do it even if you don’t want to admit

He is literally the Alex Jones of gaming and he’s proud of it.

>fully covered up
>shows her shoulders and almost all of her back
Beyond retarded.

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Take it from Ed Boon himself nobody wants to pay for reality.

>you consider having sex to be a life goal

>You dont consider having sex to be a life goal
Pic related

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>for the sake of boner culture

Literally pandering. Then One Angry Gamer probably throws a shit fit on Yea Forums when a black lady stars in a game.

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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People using the word Incel are just roasties who are trying to deflect from the fact that their market value is non-existent.
It's Arguing with Holes 101.

Why does One Angry Gamer always end up triggering Yea Forums's resident liberals so badly? Was it an article in particular or was Squidward right all along?

Assallahmalikum infidels
I for one want to thank Netherrealm for the islamification of their franchise: Mortal Kombat, may Allah bless them.
It came to my attention that there is a weird person showing during their dev stream, you people tend to call them "trannies", and while he's doing Allah's work I would strongly suggest him to straighten the fuck out or we will have to impale him once we conquer America.
Anyway, infidels, I have to return to my daily prayers (only the fifth one today, I know, I'm slacking). Be sure to keep destroying your culture, it'll make our job easier.
Inch' Allah!

>letting a 12 yo play a rated-M game
It's almost like people want to blame something other than their own retardation
>noooo my kid isn't a psychopath and I am a horrible parent, it must be those Gee Tee Ey video games!

>he made a entire article entirely about Skarlets cleavage being shown
At this point I'm assuming it's some angry /pol/tard sperging out about games. When I looked at his site there was a article about books on amazon despite the site supposedly being about vidya.

Ignore the roasties, user

Am I the only one who thought those outfits in 9 were retarded as shit looking?


Hi OAG. Stop shilling your shitty articles here.

>bangs a cheap whore for a few bucks
>expects a thunderbolt to fall from the sky straight to your head and grace you with magic adulthood powers

Outfits were amazing. The faces were horrible, but at least they were with the mask on


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Mortal Kombat's women have always looked like trannies. Probably animation limits or something.

>MK II in and the hypest game on EVO
>DOA6 Banned
Cant make this up fucking weebs

Guess I have my answer. How far we have fallen.

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>Didn't have sex in his teenage years because to fucking fugly
Sorry you missed out user but it has nothing to do with adulthood powers you fucking mongoloid. I have sex multiple times a week and it is still a life goal. Never paid for it but I think you better just so you get your dick wet before you turn in to pic related

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>he doesn't like me shilling this guys shitty articles? Must be a liberal.
Retard. Guy makes shitty articles and is entirely about outrage culture.

DOA also has different costumes, some which cover up the characters quite alot.

All of them are sjws from Resetera

Thats Americans for you.

Is it too problematic to have both?

So now incel is just another code word for virgin and which we all know 99% of this board is not a virgin.

I'll start believing the whole "muh core values" bullshit when they start introducing male characters that aren't 6'6 chads that rock 16-packs and the like.

>outrage culture
Isn't that a liberal term? Forgive me, I don't use Twitter.

>Guy makes shitty articles and is entirely about outrage culture.

As opposed to other sites about shilling faggotry, you prefer that?

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Yea Forums as a whole is left leaning.

To each their own. Felt like they were just trying too hard to be fapbait and then I'd remember the shitty faces the masks were covering up.

>99% of this board is not a virgin
I am.

>He isn't a faggot

Get out of Yea Forums, you don't belong here, this is the gay hookup board.

What does it say about our society, that violence is more socially acceptable than sexuality?

resetera shills and discord trannies are at least 50% of Yea Forums posters now this place will have bernie sanders sticky in no time

Mortal Kombat in a post-gamergoober era
is a pain to discuss on Yea Forums

hello, 1% user

Only literal virgins care about seeing sex in videogames.

But but user, Bo Rai Cho

So that explain the board getting more retarded and newfag every single week.
>hurr durr every single titty and ass in vidya is bad cause only incel like that
I mean do these retard even lurk this board 10 years ago?

>Boner culture
I'm convinced he's making us look bad

Is being a virgin a bad thing? Who cares

lol, that happened in your head huh? You must be sick as fuck.

lol? Literally doesn't happen except if you are a virgin anime lover that perceives lack of sexuality in a game as "those darn American sjws ruining everything"
Get your head out of your ass.

Based the boy embraced the cunny before it was too late for him.

It means how everyone wants to get mad over everything these days, you'd know that if you weren't a retarded nigger whose only arguments weren't squidward memes and "t-twitter".

Liberals hate virgins.

We've know Yea Forums has been left learning since GamerGate due to a poll among the board.
it was the most common defense agaisnt SJWs calling us the alt-wing.

>If you don't like X you must prefer Y
The absolute fucking state of brainlets

Sonya's was the worst one. She was also the ugliest female in the game, as well as being stacked as all fuck for the first time in any MK game.

His solution is the right one, i mean, SFV does it, DoA6 does it, theres no reason to give the sexy costumes as alts or even DLCs.

but then again, we have idiots saying Boner Culture... THAT KIND OF STUFF WILL JUST MAKE PEOPLE MORE PRO-CENSORSHIP!

>It means how everyone wants to get mad over everything these days
So it is a liberal term. Thanks user.

Only psycopaths care about violence in video games.

Fuck off newfag, Yea Forums has never wanted to "look good" in the eyes of normalfags.

It's a tranny psyop being shilled here by other trannies and retarded /pol/fags who can't tell they're falseflagging.

>Big titty costumes
>A fucking sexy outfit is "seeing sex in videogames"
fuck off faggot, are you 12?

>proceeds to sex shame

Look at this dude oh no no no hahahaha

Because they hate themselves.

Hello Jack Thompson.

People that say that shit have no idea what they’re talking about. Mk has always been atrocious

Ive never seen a more fragile man in my life LMAO
>yeah bro i could totally beat up a fictional character
>oh? Yeah me and jenny have been trying this open relationship thing
>not really my thing but anything for her haha

>still no argument but "muh Liberal bogeyman"
Based retard. Enjoy your last (You).

>if you want your games to be filled with tits you aren't an incel or sexually frustrated
>if you like violence in your games you must be a violent psychopath in denial

>boner culture
Please tell me no one here takes OAG seriously.

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We keep posting anime tits and ass and shaming niggers though

Don't argue with breeders.


I like the new Jade, she looks cool.

How is that bizarro Yea Forums threads are literally lefty/pol/?

This just highlights how much you don't belong here.

Chun Li and Cammy have ALWAYS BEEN CHEESECAKE!

Sexuality has always been part of the Fightan Genre, theres no reason to change things, and if there is, then theres no reason to alienate an actual fanbase who has loyally followed the Fightan Genre since before SJW started to put their dirty hands into it.

Fine, but they should put the sexy costumes as alts, so people can use them online or at home.

How about I not argue with reddit tourists from r/childfree like you?

Based ryona fetish incelposter.

but no actually please kill yourself

You're doing a poor job of convincing me otherwise.

Ok Anita Sarkeesian.

Ok, most people here still hate black people and are literally /pol/



>Yea Forums
>tranny psyop
No, all of you are wrong. One Angry Gamer is a faggot from gamergate whose claim to fame is being the videogame journalist who leaked the game journo pros list. But the fact that he's a
>videogame journalist
>invited to that list in the first palce
should be enough of a deterrent against his content in the first place.

why the fuck has time for a boner during an intense fighting game?

Imagine being this fucking thirsty

I would have assumed those mods were to be taken as jokes and not promoting anything. I also just looked up this article and they also mention the mods that make Claire and Ada naked or one where you can see Claires bra or nips under her shirt in her Noir costume, so I don't see what your point is.

Those are literal shitpost threads to get Yea Forums angry.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, more than half the people complaining about incels and oneangrygamer don't actually give a shit about anything relating to the topic, they just know it will make a group of people mad, this other group, doesn't actually give a shit about /pol/ or anime tits, they're also doing it to make other group angry.

It's pretty much trolls trying to troll trolls without either of them realizing they're being trolled themselves.

Most people these days only read headlines.

Mortal Kombat is trash even with the titties

That's what practice mode is for

Again, just highlights how Yea Forums incels never play the games they cry about.

even so, the reason we are living in THIS reality is because those people are doing NOTHING!

they just want to shitpost and troll instead of acting against a society who is censoring everyhting.

>where you can see Claires bra or nips under her shirt in her Noir costume

>calling out harassment is also harassment
sounds like what a harasser would say
>he definitely wants to suck dick but is too afraid to admit it, I know he’s a closet faggot HAHAHAHA DO IT
sorry user but wishing something to be true doesn’t make it real

Pretty much this , series peaked at 3 Ultimate
That Doesn't mean it shouldn't have the titties now though

Mortal Kombat is fun* even with the titties

Based and redpilled

>practicing fapping instead of combos
No wonder Yea Forums is such trash at fighting games.

Boners wait for nobody, faggot.

Last week we had a cuck that implied socialism work. He got 30 replies of people calling him off

If you faggots really care why not fight fire with fire and sexualize the fuck out of it? Or are you hoping your crying will convince people to make the meanie devs stop taking away your precious boobies

Fuck I swear Yea Forums complains about the most asinine shit.

lol who cares about playing fighting games competitively

>claim to fame is being the videogame journalist who leaked the game journo pros list
This explains everything. No wonder nu/v/ flips their collective shit whenever someone so much as posts a screencap from OAG. Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to make the most from it.

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friendly reminder that MK9 was full of thich thighs and head-sized breast implants yet most of those women looked like trannies

You mean play with their penis

I know, right?

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You don't get to complain about garassment holy shit what lmao, "harassment"? You fragile little bitch lmao and then immediately harass people yourself """""volcel""""".

Go jerk off to some MK trannies on paheal before you lose control and shoot up your school.


>Who cares about being good at a game?
filthy casuals

not my problem if you want to cry over exclusive rights to shame people’s sexual preferences m8
also good job biting the bait of fragility, look at how fucking ironic you’re being right now

>you must be good and pro at every game you play

>comes to brag about all the tang he gets
>while being user

Playing with their joystick is the oldest game

Facial structure says a lot.

You're right, that's why we should tone down the male characters so the faggot furries at EVO don't get boners on live TV.

Attached: download (3).jpg (655x368, 31K)

Our species has been spilling blood by the gallons since its Beggining, what the fuck do you want?

t. coping casual

God i wish that were me

well it’s not like people started reproducing by shitting out babies and only discovered sex later on

Have you seen AGDQ etc? These degenerates get a free pass for the shit they do on screen while we persecute straight white men who like titties

>In the beginning people were born to virgins like mary
Your an absolute fucking REEEEEEtard