This is what the first console pokemon game should have be like

this is what the first console pokemon game should have be like
we got a sunmoon reskin port
i hate gamefreak so damn much

Attached: 12.png (958x1080, 2.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>muh graficks
The overworld is 100% irrelevant to the game of pokemon as she is played.

>implying that the DQ11 Switch port will look like that

it doesnt matter

Attached: 1551354103358.jpg (1280x1440, 1.05M)

fuck gamefreak.

What, you play them for the same old 25 year old combat system?

Why do people pretend to like Pokemon?

Name a better 1v1 turn based strategy game with nearly as much personal expression

It has ambition. It runs on Unreal Engine 4. Pokemon Switch (all 3 games) are lazy and push no envelopes. No real creative burning drive, they are so mind numbingly out of touch they put out a trailer with 2001 GBC era sound effect screeching for Pokemons.

Yokai Switch and Dragon Quest 11 are better looking to boot.


>Name a better pocket monster fighting franchise with dual releases and an anime that came out in 1997

Smaller worlds make it easier to railroad the player. Even if the games were to allow a greater degree of freedom, the core gameplay of Pokemon will always require some degree of railroading. I'm not talking about forcing you to go to certain towns first, or meet certain NPCs. This is a much simpler concept: Trainer battles.

Pokemon is basically a series of corridors. This is done deliberately due to how trainer battles work. Battles begin the moment a trainer catches you in their line of sight. Every area in every game has at least one trainer who can't be avoided. They're placed that way on purpose. Because every area is essenitially a corridor, it becomes much easier to force these battles. Trainers are why the way maps work in Pokemon will never change.

Let's all just play Fortnite if genre preferences don't matter.

I hate Nintendo and Nintendo fans much more.

If you think the only difference between the two shots is the graphics you're retarded.

Yes. Its kind of the point of an ongoing series. To get the same core gameplay.

Portposters really are braindead, huh?

>only at 2 million views so far
It's dead, Jim.

Attached: cool_pikachu.png (259x335, 89K)

Are you implying Rorona looks better? Because Rorona is pigshit ugly, and so is her game.

>pokemon shouldn't be pokemon it should be some other game

Yea Forums is straight up full-blown retarded.

>Realistic background with literal cartoon characters
For non weeaboo trash that bottom pick looks retarded

you are the retard here

meant for looks like I was the retard here all along

We knew already, user. Glad you know too, now, though.

Why are graphics the only thing you can see?


Why is my greentext the only thing you can see?
It literally doesn't matter what the overworld is like, that's not where the value in that purchase comes from.

Why do people that do not even play pokemon keep pushing for this detective pikachu realistic shit?
Just go play the abortion that is pokemon go, perfect real-life like graphics.

You're still a retard.

So how british is it?

There's Mosques in every town.

Who are you quoting, dumb fuck? OP's picture is Dragon Quest, not fucking Skyrim.

This is the kind of retard that wants Pokemon Skyrim and Pokemon Fallout.

Top looks like bland, overfiltered, soulless shit, why would anyone want that over bottom? Bottom is colorful and vibrant.

Digimon unironically.
Anime and the first game are fantastic.

Attached: Digimonworld (1).jpg (500x495, 60K)

I think he's complaining more about the art direction rather than the quality of them. If you ARE talking about art direction, while it isn't a core part of the whole thing, it's still present enough to warrant disappointment if it's bad

no bottom looks like a soulless mobile game. Top harkens back to the PS2 era

This is the kind of retard who relies on strawman arguments

You can buy an item called Mystery Liquid at the Pokemart to throw in trainer's faces and steal their Pokemon.

I was sleeping when they announced it
Damnit! I lost Yea Forums autistic meltdown :(
Does anyone have screenshots?

>first game is the best in the series
They had a great formula here, why the fuck have they kept trying to reinvent the wheel instead of just coming back to the most loved design?

Definitely looks like utter fucking shit. Looks like a fucking psp game.

Uhm... you know that the top image looks better, right?

They did, and everyone hated it.

Imagine not buying or being interested in a game because you don't think the graphics are good. Mega-yikes

Forget that childish 90s shit specifically, why hasn't there been a AAA open-world game with a focus on collecting and controlling summons?

A BOTW-style game where you need to use the appropriate creatures instead of physics to win, sounds cool.

Effort on visuals (and even on hype-machinations) correlates with efforts on gameplay. Games are a holistic medium.

It's funny how pseudos and tasteless fags pretend it's a zero-sum game, and that good graphics means bad gameplay, when instead they are positively correlated.

Re:Digitized was soulless cookie cutter jrpg

>personal expression
I'm fucking crying. This is what pokefags want from their game? Personal expression? Nigga go buy some fucking clothes if you want personal expression. Oh wait your mom probably still does that for you or your a fat fuck who can't fit into anything. No wonder you need a game for 'personal expression'

Xenoblade, dude.

I was talking about Next Order, you silly goose.

Cult hits don't actually make much money.

It'd be fun to see Pokemon S/S flop and see if Digimon could ride on that and make a really good game. but isnt even possible for pokemon to fail with the sheer number of autists and kids?

Haven't played a Digimon game since World 3, but next order's gameplay looks decent.

I hated the fact that they made Mameo into a diamond dozen Persona tier fashionable teen

Imagine having this level of nintard cope because you're autistically obsessed with nutendo

he's literally wearing the same clothes as the first game but bigger

>they put out a trailer with 2001 GBC era sound effect screeching for Pokemons.
And that is fine? Pokemon likes to keep its monster noises like DQ likes to keep its 1986 era NES sound effects

I'd kill for a proper PC port of DW1 with maybe online battling/tournaments. Every release is bugged in some way, but it's by far the greatest monster raising jrpg

Top looks better

DQ11 looks bad for a PS4 game though

top image is miles better

quintessentially so

Even combat in pokemon has evolved in all the wrong way. Most of the complexity is focused on preparing to battle via training, breeding, putting together movesets, items etc while actual combat gameplay hasn't meaningfully evolved since doubles.
Competitive aspect of pokemon has way too much deck building and way too little activating each other's trap cards, so to speak.

I hate that they made the region into not-England/Netherlands. I wonder if they'll add 'Acid Splash' and 'Gang Rape' moves.
I'm sick of Europe and want it to burn to the ground.

top : soulless
bottom: soul

opposite actually.
Pokemon grass sticks out like a sore thumb

No shit. Interactive game elements are supposed to be distinctive.

Don't forget the evil group that wants to convert you to Islam and rape every female in your family.

Is he wrong?

Team Terrorist are a gang of peace, bigot

>I would love pokemon skyrim tho lol
Your kind is not welcome, go do something with your life instead of samefaggin your shitty thread to hell OP.

Attached: 1551094850089.png (410x371, 58K)

>you have two mons
for what purpose
>they're not to scale and your shitty overdesigned cyber MC is twice as big as fucking garurumon/greymon

the grass is as interactive as in any game. You walk through it and it moves, it doesn't need to flash blue

Pokemon games have been trash since like gen 4 dude

The battles don't take place in the actual world, they are self-enclosed events.


This reminds me, the last DQ I played was VIII and they had an OI GUV'NER dub too.

*proceeds to travel to Muslim territory and get head cut off on camera*

I like the the way the new game looks, and it is ok it isn’t an open wold game.

Wow, bottom looks like an ugly clusterfuck, get outta here.

I like this 'muh grafix' argument because it implies the game behind it is any good
like being hand-held through the entire straight path, one-shotting every pokemon you come across while your other shitmons level up in the background to absurd degrees and the only way to make it a challenge is to impose as many restrictions on yourself as possible
like it's worth picking up just because they might add a new type or a new half-baked mega/z-move gimmick that they'll abandon by the next generation, the formula underneath remaining unchanged for almost 20 years
like it's any fun to play at all

Attached: 200w.gif (200x235, 1.29M)

I mean, realistically both of those games suffer from the "dull as dogshit" plotlines other cookiecutter RPG's suffer from.

They could have just had a simple "You get sucked into the Digiverse, a Ultimate/Mega is running the show and causing bullshit around the place. You get armor eggs and cards and shit to really open up your options for "customizing" which path your digimon takes. Maybe even add fusions.

But every game tries to add some stupid gimmick. (Remember Digimon World 2, with it's 3v3 bullshit, and "limited dungeon crawler" mechanic?)

The absolute state of pokemon apologists, Yea Forums.

i hate nintendogs so much
your bowl is filled doggi
eat up!

Absolutely, for both games

It 's always better than the anime's retarded "Pokemon speaks its own name" method.

i dont care that you bait for the lolz
i want to smash your head with a metall bat so bad

>by far the greatest monster raising jrpg
have none of the underage faggots shilling pokemon/digimon in this thread played SMT?

literally slash yourselfs degenerates

>waaaah pokemon doesn't have ugly cell-shaded anime girls to jerk off to
that shit looks like a worse version of fucking Tree of Savior lmao

>judging a game by the tutorial
The only part of a pokemon game that means anything are the online battles.

>Thinks Atelier games look good
How embarrassing

kill yourself nincel.

maybe you should go out sometime

Looks good for a pokemon game. They even have starters that look like shit so it might be good like gen V.

not even a nintendofag you tasteless weaboo, just here to laugh at your total incapacity for judgment

Weebshit waifu trash is bad and you should feel bad

Bottom looks much more comfy and soulful (because it has the Nintendo logo on it), I'm sure it will get a 9+ from a lot of reviewers too!

if the worlds are this lifeless then they should have kept the wild pokemon walking in grass shit from the go games

literally the only good/interesting thing about those games

It's not so bad.

shitch cant into modern graphics or stable fps

Attached: wiiu-shitch-1.png (1280x1440, 2.74M)

All they had to do was take what Colosseum and XD did and expand it to a proper Pokemon game, but of course GameFreak will never acknowledge those games as existing.

>judging the game by what is sold to me
if I wanted to play shitty 50/50 earthquake battles I don't have to buy the game for it

no i didnt say it looks good, BUT it look 10000000000000 times better than shit freaks trash, EVENTHOGH it is 10 years older
game freak is a bunch of lazy fucks you think no matter what they poop out nintendogs will buy it anyway aslong as it is labled pokemon
and sadly its true
you are the living i mean rotting proof

>It literally doesn't matter what the overworld is like, that's not where the value in that purchase comes from.

More people need to understand this. It doesn't matter what a game is like, as long as it has Nintendo on the cover and gets a 9+ from review sites that have Nintendo in the name it's a great game!

Holy fuck, they both have stairs? What the fuck, Gamefreak!

When will people stop pretending this stupid buggy piece of a shit game was any good?

That's in the game too faggot when you talk to the pokemon on the overworld. at least it was in the first few games, haven't played the others since I had my 10th birthday.

Nintendo production vs. Marvellous something production


kill yourself incel. lmao.
same too you

>jerks off to hideous waifu games
>calls others incel
might want to check the math on that one, genius

what game

>"Pokemon doesn't look like every other game!"
Like, welcome to your first Pokemon game kid.

digimon is the biggest shameless rip off in entertainment history

It's a 3ds port on Switch, hard to make it look much better.

>jerks off to hideous waifu games

Only for Pikachu, really. Their growls usually come out in text as vaguely-coherent words like "Pipipipi" or "Gyaaaru".

Attached: comparison.png (1920x988, 2.49M)

Good shit

>region seems more interesting than Alola and not completely flat
>gyms are back

>can't move camera
>shit starter designs, literally all of them have the same round kawaii head and they are overdesigned
>just a 3ds port esentially with shit graphics

And it's made by the same director who made Sun and Moon so it will probably have shit ton of unskippable cutscenes. Hopefully next time they make a game for the switch from the start, this looks like it was being made for 3DS first.

wow it's better than a 3ds game that also looked like shit! now it looks like a psp game omg amazing!

Wild Pokémon (and this goes for pretty much all symbol encounters) tooling around on the map looks like shit.

They should add the impression of life to the world with stuff like grass shaking or darting shadows moving between patches, and such like.

Attached: ezgif-2-c4355c8002c5.gif (360x220, 2.46M)

Pokemon let's go looks much better since it was being made for Switch from the start. This one has shit ton reused assets from Sun and Moon, it's just some rushed game to fill the void of Switch not having any games until real Pokemon game made specifically for Switch is made.

>biggest media franchise in history
>looks worse than Japanese third-rate JRPGs for otakus

Attached: laughing burrito.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Top is Xenoblade Chronicles X, I think bottom is Daemon X Machina.

XCX on the top
Daemon X fps Machina on the bottom

You can't blame Nintendo. The Switch is a weak tablet.

imagine super smash bros but instead of a bunch fo nintendo characters its all 150 pokemon. No real thought given to balance except what the pokemon is capable in the show.

Thats what i imagined pokemon stadium would be when it was frist announced.

this and based

kek and based


They are too simplistic in my opinion. Compare them to gen 4 starters, which are much more interesting. Better than gen 5 starters though.

So is Gen9 going to be set in a Russia lookalike region, retconning the mention in Gen1 that Russia actually exists in the Pokemon world?

It will be set in India because of recent events.


KH does it right. Same 'core gameplay' but changes each iteration quite a bit. Have to learn the new ins and outs but overall it's the same idea.

FF does it wrong, as they turned from good turn based combat to the shittiest action game i've ever witnessed

Pokemon does just the same exact thing over and over. Better than becoming shit like FF but would be more fun if it varied like KH.

Top: Soul
Bottom: Soulless

top: no brain
bottom: no balls
yes i just described you cuck

If you expected anything more than a better color pallet and increased draw distance, you are retarded.


Why is free cam a must?

Better immersion. Plus it's old technology, no reason not to have it in 2019.

The fuck is the point of making new games in the same series if you're not going to improve the graphics and make them the best they can be.
If you only care about graphics just play the old games

I disagree, having free camera raises the cost of a game and makes it so you have to spread out resources and manpower. It doesn't lend itself to better visuals and often fucks up the ability to set up scenes and photography.
I despise this idea that "it's the new technology so you MUST use it"

it's a good thing you brought up the battle scenes because now we can talk about how double kick = pokemon hops twice and other cutbacks that everyone just swallows whole without any criticism

>expecting quality when the fanbase buys McDonald's toys for $14

Fucking lol. Gamefreak could make the next game a flash game made by unpaid interns and you fuckers would still lap it up.

Attached: amiibos.jpg (1920x1080, 377K)

lmao at the dicksuckers defending the graphics of it
if they can make odyssey look decent on the switch, this should be no different
Seriously how can anyone defend those textures?
More time was put into gravity rush's textures, though the colors weren't as pleasant

Attached: gravity rush.jpg (960x544, 72K)

The people who you are allying yourself with in this threads are the same that bash games like Gravity Rush for not looking AAA ultra realistic.

>Realistic background
are you blind?

Attached: 1544469922920.jpg (845x1024, 94K)

They could at least said tha the images and footage was from alpha stage of game devopment

The irony of it all is lost to them. Imagine liking DQ or Atelier, series that have been target by Graphic Whores multiple times, but then bashing something using the same arguments the people who said the PS2 shouldn't have 2D games like Atelier or AT.

>allying yourself with
It's not about it being ultra realistic, its about putting time into the texture work
who the fuck cares who I ally with, I hold no allegiance to one side my opinions overlap with multiple sides since I'm no poorfag with only one current gen console

play the DS and 3DS DQM.
fucking joker 1 looks better than the 3D pokemon games
I still don't understand how they managed to put what looks like a PS1 game on the DS

Attached: dqmj.jpg (320x480, 39K)

What was good about gyms? Is it fun sweeping an entire set of trainers with a single move that has the correct type?

>It doesn't lend itself to better visuals
This is a Game Freak game. It's going to look mediocre and probably run at 20-30 fps no matter what.

>and often fucks up the ability to set up scenes and photography.
You know you can do both, right? It's trivial to use a fixed or scripted camera at specific points. Assloads of games do this.

Nothing, but Alola's attempt to introduce something new ended up being even worse.

Have you ever played Pokemon Battle Revolution? It's an old Wii game that has better battle animations than anything we've seen from Sword and Shield.

>Nintendo fans
Please don't lump us in with fucking Switch owners.

Do you really think the point of the Atelier comparison was to show that Atelier is a beautiful, high budget series with phenomenal graphics?

I'm pretty sure the point is "even this mediocre for the time shit from ages ago looks better."

Lets not talk about the animations today
>expecting anything decent looking from gamefreak
If you looked at that Town game they're making, you'd see the exact same issues they have with how SS looks like

no it isn't.
literally the only thing it has in common with pokemon was that "there are many monsters, they evolve and can be friends with humans". everything else was different, from plot, design, exact relationship with humans, world, gameplay, feeling etc.

There is less in common between Pokemon and Digimon than there is between Dragon Quest V and Pokemon.

>diamond dozen
this is ironic, right?