What games should I get for my switch?

What games should I get for my switch?

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s o y e based ones

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Smash Ultimate

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>singing happy birthday to a plastic toy

Do these people even realie how fucking cult like this shit is?

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Civilization 6

Assassin Creed 3 remaster, in switch exclusive 18fps

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say what you will about the vita but at least weebs aren't like this

Legit good games are Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild. Maybe pick up Smash if you're into that.

Truly fucking disgusting. That is a genuine, yikes from me dog.

Jesus what's wrong with Americans.

I'd focus on getting a third brain cell first so you can grow out of trying to start flame wars on the internet

Why did the consolefag look up to the sky?
To get stable 30fps

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Switch can barely get past 25 on last gen games, stop bullying.

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Who ever drew this frog is an incel and never got his cock sucked because this is NOT where the cock is located. At this position she is just kissing his belly.

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and The World Ends With You are games I would highly recommend, play The World Ends With You in handheld mode using the touchscreen as the motion controls are ass, and Smash is pretty much a no brainer as it’s going to be supported for a long time.

Don’t fucking buy Zelda if you have any self respect.

>All these incel tier replies saying yikes to a bunch of people having fun and making up excuses to hang out with one another and play vidya
See what those are in the Webm you fucking Yea Forumsermin? Those are called FRIENDS. If you all weren't isolated antisocial retards spending your life wasting away in your mothers basement making low effort console war flame posts maybe you would have some.

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Which one are you in the webm, user? stop projecting the mothers basement thing btw, embarrassing lmao

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It's much better to be antisocial then to be a soifaggot like they are.

>stop projecting the mothers basement thing btw
I will after you fucking faggots quit making equally low effort flame war posts. There's already several in this fucking thread.
Die you worthless fucking Yea Forumsermin.

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I heard xenoblade was kinda boring but i really want to try it

holy fuck you can feel the anger emanating off this post, for the first time, GENIUNELY, stop seething, gonna break fucking blood vessel user

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don't tell me what to do nerd.

lmao imagine being this mad at people posting about videogames on the internet
quit being a pussy

alot of projection there

>The absolute state of tendies

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Nothing. Throw it in the trash and get a good console that has actual good games and a working online.

lol if by good you mean boring and shitty than yea, op get those two shit games.

can we please stop calling the switch a console, it isn't. it's a handheld pretending to be one. this isn't bait or trying to start shit, the very ceo himself said it

That's pretty wholesome

fyi i literally have a gaming pc a switch a ps4 and an xbox

I don't get it.

Paper Mache Ultimate

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so girls just blow on your belly button?

Imagine being so fucking mad because people laugh at mindless drones worshipping your favourite console in a cringe worthy fashion.

Rapala Pro Series

>a ps4 and an xbox
That's just being financially irresponsible.

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What is this weird obsession? Is it nostalgia based? What makes them act the way they do?

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Wtf is this shit? Some nintendofags poz meetup?

reminder theres like 7 (or even 8) billion humans on earth, including 300 million americans.
With these numbers youll eventually find some insane retards like this.