It's my birthday, what videogame should I buy myself Yea Forums?

it's my birthday, what videogame should I buy myself Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Buy Kenshi!

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RE2. Play as Leon first. Ignore Claire.

Dinner Date

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Her weapons are better though.

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Toejam and Earl: Back in the Groove

That nig had his cake ready 4 days before the party? That shit aint fresh, no wonder nobody came.

>Ignore Claire.

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You can kind of feel the sadness in the picture and I find that powerful

I'm 20 this year, what do??

Don't worry Chriss, she's in very good hands.

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>Hating on Julius
Also refrigerators exist

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At least the poor fuck is still young enough to fix his shit. I'm nearly 30 over here.

No girlfriend, because despite being reasonably attractive as well as lifting and getting good gains, I'm still a loser who has no outlet to even meet girls and I'm probably going to get fired from the job I love within the next month or two due to nepotism that is completely out of my control.

I don't know what to do anymore really. Despite spending the last 4-5 months doing everything in my power to improve and move forward with my life everything has been falling apart even harder than when I was an apathetic virtually NEET hermit. I'm far stronger as a person than I have ever been and yet things keep getting worse instead of better, this is my reward for really trying.

I think I'm on the verge of being truly depressed for the first time in my life. I don't know what to do any more except weather the storm and just pray things outside of my control go right for once.

What do I do bros? How do I meet girls? How do I feel happy?

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That poor nigger.

Happy Birthday user!
I love you!

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Then you'll never get to play Sherry's segment.

>implying thats a bad thing

>27 soon.
>Still no gf.
>Don't really have a place to meet women since i don't go out.
>Too scared to use dating apps.
>Probably going to be single forever.
M-maybe one day.

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Why is this image sad? He has at least 2 people that care enough for him, most have nothing

What dating apps do people even use? I don't even understand where to begin. Tinder seems like a meme to be honest, I imagine the point of the app is to get a quick fuck and I don't want to show up to a date as some 5'9 dude only to find out the girl is like 6'1 and wearing heels towering over me. Fucking manlet life man, when the fuck will we learn?

Sherry's cute. CUTE!

"You guys should adopt me. We can get a puppy!"


>dating for 5 years
>her vagina is broken
>I'm still a virgin

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I'm always here for a sad birthday pic dump

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Ask me if I'm happy. What does it mean? Maybe I am if you tell me I'm dreaming: To wake up in a place I've never been, wake up with a face I've never seen, wake up with the purest sense of being. To wake up to a woman who isn't screaming.
Ask me if I'm happy, I'll tell you what. Happy is a diamond in the rough, yeah, happy; it ain't enough.

Here's the song if you're interested:

What is she's in to small men, just add your info user, mention you're looking for a relationship that you're hoping will last, not one night stands, and always remember to exchange photos with your names and date if you get along first and talk to each other over the camera before any meet ups, to avoid getting trolled. It's not exactly theeasiest thing ever. But then again, meeting some one in real life is even harder.

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It's always hippy parents

Are you me?

these people look fairly good looking, wtf are they doing with their lives

He is not a nigger, he is working, doing manual labor or something and is despised by niggers.
He has no friends because he isn't a stereotypical nigger.
If he was dealing crack or robbing people he would have more friends and support of some white useful idiots.

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This is way more pathetic

Join the military

unironically better and more wholesome than my own 20th-24th birthdays

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they just look like old people wearing old people clothes. Nothing hippie going on at all

Idk bro, just use one. If you arent lying then you could probably pick any trash 2 points below yourself. Just use for confidence building if you must. My brother is a so-so dude, and he got this fucking whale that his been dating for a while out of those apps. The point is, if he can get a bitch out of those apps, so can you.
That is if youre not lying to us though. You seem like all you need is a boost.

video games

>become a willing cuck and die for Israel

How about no.

>that image
White peeple

Broken Vagina
W-What exactly does that mean?

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Ignorant zoomer


That is good for all goyim! The good Christian dies for the holy chosen people aka jews! do your duty goy!

You guys still do/want to do stuff for your birthdays?

I stopped celebrating that years ago.

I'm 27, but ok. Nothing in their shirts or plain ass jewelry, which is all you can see, screams hippie or new age at all

Good looks dont equal healthy self esteem and state of mind. Self-loathing is a disgusting beast.


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You're a loser because you're dumb. You are your own worst enemy. 99% of the military has nothing to do with combat.

I've been there buddy. 6 years without penetration, and one day it just happened. Now we fuck like rabbits. Don't lose hope.
Vaginismus in my case.

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Chill out nigger. I got nothing against this Julius, I was just saiying his cake wasnt fresh. Even if it was in a fridge for 4 days, something that we dont even know.

>Her vagina is broken

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the follow up is that he literally did it to troll people (as it was revealed) and everyone just fell for it
hilarious. based tyrone

Ignorant zoomer.

Due to past experiences, her vag tenses up something fierce out of her control whenever anything's about to go in there. I'm lucky to get a finger in, let alone my dick.

It happens. Shit just falls apart, or FEELS like it's falling apart. Even with a loving relationship, friends, family- it happens. You lose your job or seasonal depression hits or family drama shit has hit the fan or what ever.

You just have to keep going. Eventually you're going to be so far away that when you look back on this stormy part of your life, it's going to look so small and insignificant that you wondered why you were worried at all.

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>giving actual, honest opinions to people who vomit "current trendy buzzword" at every opportunity
this place isn't for you. When a post is low-effort you ignore it.

can confirm my parents were hippie types who didn't care what i did now i'm barley even considered human

No response because you're wrong

>replying to yourself
Dumb zoomer

>still serving israel
I know they train you to be obedient dogs and not critical thinkers but surely you're capable of more than this?


Sex is way overrated, if you've found someone who loves you that's what matters. Stick your dick in enough greasy holes owned by chicks with no self respect and you honestly stop wanting to even have sex. Tinder is shit for actually finding passionate, quality sex, it's only good for getting out sexual frustation.

It might be the two sided coin of being timid I'd guess, on one side, they'll probably appreciate being loved and not take it for granted, and you'll be important to them, on the other side, they'll probably hide away forever, being too shy to actually try and find some one.

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Get her a vaginismus dildo set. It's basically a set of plain dildos from very tiny to average penis size that you can use to work her up to it and basically cure vaginismus

>30 year old loser

>it's morally acceptable to sit in an office chair and buy equipment used to kill people for israel


>what do i do

Gather around /biz/ for I bring great tidings.I shall set in stone the 10 commandments of Riches.Follow these and you are sure to reach lambo land in this world of man and the next.

I will remain disciplined for i know that
>1. for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Henceforth I shall plant seeds of success where I once spat carelessly.

I will see this world as is and take accountability as
>2.I know when I am accountable for my failures only then can I be accountable for my success.

Though thou life will not be without problems
>3.Thou shalt be content with all you have today
Henceforth yesterdays problems and tomorrows worries shall wash off you like rain.

The next one is quite simple to understand
>4.I will have more this month than the last.

After setting such lofty goals how can we achieve such things?
>5.I will be decisive and i will make plans.
For even the smallest of adventures to faraway lands require maps.Lest we get sidelined.I will set goals.

With such goals i must have great wisdom.I will read to learn,No.
>6.I will understand all I need in to know I the realms of my interest,and my work.
For even the stormiest of seas are traversed with clear heads.

All the plans in the world will not help me unless
>7.i will take meaningful action.
I will persist until I succeed.

I will not falter as I know,
>8.Opportunity is where I am at
From this day i will make luck work for me.

>9.I will understand that all I want is not all I need.
Gone are my desires for frivolities if i will only wait a month before purchasing

Now we shall learn just how much we have
>10.I will take good care of my health.My most prized possession.
For I am nothing without my health.The richest man in the world will find his wealth useless in death.

I will see you all in lambo land friends.

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I'll look into it, thank you.

>dumb jarhead trying to justify being a slave

It's actually a thing, called vaginismus where the vagina basically locks itself down. The muscles involuntarily spasms so hard that you can't put it in. Has to do with anxiety.

Sort of understandable for the first year of the relationship, but WHY you would stay for 5 years and she hasn't even gone to a doctor for a (relatively simple) cure is beyond me

probably vestibulodynia, aka the fibromyalgia of sex

posted this on /biz/ but relevant here since no replies on /biz/

>Claire's campaign is more coherent to the main plot focusing more on the Birkin family and protecting muh surrogate daughteru
>Leon's is just straight up yellow fever nearly the entire time with an additionnal segment that's just a glorified Crash Bandicoot level
The choice could not be any clearer.

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Have you tried weed? It works sometimes.

>buying games

>willing gave years of his life in service of the jews
I'd be seething too, user

>the post itself is actually great
I feel conflicted, but thank you.

>for a (relatively simple) cure
Not that guy, but you have no idea what you are talking about.

>It's another MUH LIFE BAD thread

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I don't know, there were a few threads about him on /pol/ but they were about the aspect of a hard working black man being ostracized and shuned from nigger community.
What is forced on white goyim as a pattern for being a good goy makes a black man a bad goy..


it was more for money but still.

>it's morally acceptable to be a citizen of a country that can't exist without a military so long as you act like you're too good for it
You can't handle the truth

>no counter argument
Sure, sport.

Hat in Time, Elite Beat Agents, WarioWare, and We Heart Katamari

Happy birthday, sugar.
I recommend you some Bayonetta. It's fun, dynamic and has a very good soundtrack.
If you own a switch try some Mario & Rabbids. It's been out for years but it's pretty well done.

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it isnt lol
im literally friends with this dude irl. he lives in AZ.

Get yourself speedrunners, shit's great.

Two Point Hospital

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Learned something new today, sorry about your bedroom problem user, but still, at least you have each other, right?

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>Due to past experiences

What sort of games do you like, user?

>It's another frogpost
I'm fucking sick of you, you filth

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Exactly. Life isn't so bad.
She loves giving head and she's got some rockin tits, so that's sweet

>i """"""funny""""""
hope whatever zoomer faggot put that watermark there gets run over.

>posts wojak

>dating apps

Don't worry about it, it's a dead end. The only women using those are ones that somehow don't get any approaches irl. And out of those girls any of them remotely decent are bombarded a dozen messages an hour by horny chads looking for an easy lay.

When I said "that poor nigger" I meant "that poor nigger".

Singleplayer stuff mostly. RPG's, RTS

It's brutal stuff man.

One problem I have is I'm somewhat shallow. I'm not THAT shallow in the sense that I'm looking for some hot girl, but I can't date fat girls unless they're at worst chubby with a good face. This is one of many reasons I'm a kissless virgin. I've gotten plenty of loving hugs at least. I'm also socially retarded when it comes to actually talking to women in a relationship sense. I can talk to women just fine when it's just friend shit or work colleagues etc... but once it comes to love, it's just fucked.

nigger you've been cucking yourself for half a goddamn decade because you can't into foreplay?

Titanfall 2

What systems do you have OP?

>that sign in the back

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PM'd you the fix.

Couldn't do it if I wanted to. I have severe agoraphobia. I've conquered it to the point of being able to do most anything within an hour or two from my house, but any sort of travel past that is impossible.

I know man, trust me I know. Even though everything is falling apart I'm honestly stronger than I've ever been in my life. All there is to do is to keep trying until things go right, if I go back to being a worthless sack of shit for another decade then it's truly over and I might as well kill myself, which I don't ever plan to do. I quite enjoy being alive to be honest, despite it constantly getting shittier outside of my physical health greatly improving.

I've been through that, it goes away eventually, just keep trying, and most importantly, keep trying to have fun while trying, it's something psychological after all. Hang in there, when it's over you'll look back and realize this shit makes your relationship stronger.
Kill yourself.

>plain clothes are new age

decent pc, WiiU, and ps3. No current gen systems unfortunately

Go to a healthcare specialist.

Hang in there bruh. Just keep trying no matter what.

Nah, stop even trying...

You cannot use nigger, the character trait adverb, to describe him, he is a nigger genetically but he works hard against it, against his nature even though he doesn't have to.
Thats admirable.

It's always baffled me some of the absolute dogs men will court for sex. I honestly prefer to be a perma-bachelor fapping to porn that go out with a sub 5.

enter the gungeon 100%

>past experience

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That's nice to hear, thank you.

o hohoho

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That poor basketball american.

There, are you happy?

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metro exodus for the brotherhood.

>You cannot use nigger to describe him, he is a nigger

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>purefags have arrived

you can't even fuck your own goddamn girlfriend of five fucking years and you're gonna tell me she isn't damaged goods?

I see a psych who gives me some shit to curb my anxiety condition. It works great but at the same time I wish I never got on the stuff because if I stop taking it, it fucks with me hard emotionally.

The fucker has even recommended me mood stabilizers as an option but I told him that I'm not actually depressed (yet), just not happy. That I'd rather tough it out then get hooked on yet another drug that will destroy me and make me actually depressed if I ever try to get off it.

I'm still very convicted and motivated to just keep trying my hardest to improve my life in every way I can, I'm just really pissed off that things have somehow gotten worse instead of better despite months of improvements in every way I've been able to.


Damaged, yes. Literally. Having said that,
This is why purefags are always and will always be single

Happy birthday dude. Buy RE2Remake.

It's an expression you fucking asshat. She is damaged goods. I get it, you're in too deeplol to quit. Doesn't mean she isn't damaged goods, and doesn't mean anyone would choose her if they knew what they were in for.

And I really don't see how you could possibly think it has any impact talking down to people for being single when you're in a sexless relationship and a fucking virgin. Am I missing something here, are you pitching for a joke?

it's not fair. and they still want more.

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>referring to people as goods
They aren't pure, user. They're broken people with ridiculously high standards that they themselves refuse to adhere to. They'll wait for their perfect partner to fall out of the sky into their life.

Take the pill, user. You're mentally ill and need something to stabilize your chemical imbalance.

I don't have a chemical imbalance when it comes to depression. Even based on the tests and evaluations I did for him he said it was very clear I wasn't depressed. I just have severe anxiety issues, which have mostly cleared up thanks to the meds he did put me on. The problem is even though it's not a problem anymore and my physical health is vastly improved in general as well as my work ethic and motivation I'm not only in the same situation I've been in for the past decade, but things are getting worse.

For the past decade I've always had an excuse for being a loser, a real legitimate excuse that made me feel not so bad about my situation. Now I don't have that excuse and I just don't know what to do, how to progress with my life. I'm likely about to get fucked by my job, a job that I love and don't want to leave, and I don't know what to do about women, now that I actually have the capacity to maintain a girlfriend if I could find one.

Have you tried kidnapping?

oh fuck I hate this one

No, I'm not a sociopath unfortunately, despite browsing this site for like 12 years.

What the fuck is that?

>tfw like foreplay more than actual sex
I just enjoy kissing more than fucking

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You got the point perhaps.
Is nigger a nigger if he was just born a nigger but doesn't do nigger things and doesn't live a nigger life?

>can't leave his home because anxiety
>been in for the past decade
>things are getting worse
>uses excuses to avoid reality
>has no idea what to do with life
>30 years old
"I don't have a chemical imbalance and I'm not depressed"

Protip: stop being a fucking idiot

Nigger is a word for niggers just like cracker is a word for crackers. It doesn't matter how they live their life, what matters is how you use the word.

>Is nigger a nigger if he was just born a nigger but doesn't do nigger things and doesn't live a nigger life?

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all you fucking faggot normie pussies whining about girls

meanwhile at my funeral there might be my dad and thats it

same, it's the worst one imo

Stop stressing about the wahmen. In my experience, the more someone is craving an intimate relationship the harder it is for them to get one. People pick up on that shit and it pushes them away.
Just live your life and pursue some other goal and eventually a wahmen will notice that you've got your shit together. The tricky part is knowing when it's acceptable to strike, because again, seeming desperate or needy for their affection is a turn-off. You have to seem interested but flexible. As if you're guaranteed to find someone else if she doesn't take you and you could go either way.
You gotta make her view you as validation. At that point you could hit her and she'd stay.

Just don't have a funeral.

>not that shallow
Then whats the problem? Theres plenty of plain looking girls out there that arent fat. I told you, what would you rate yourself? 8? Pick a 6. 7? Pick a 5. Or go lower, and just use to work out your talking problems, as you have to start somewhere. But pro tip, dont start at love talk, work up to that stuff, lest you scare bitches away.

>Is nigger a nigger
take a fucking guess

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Everything about it is terrible.
>he got no friends to pary with
>that poor looking kitchen
>his expresion
>his lack of hygiene

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>what his mom is probably thinking
>she's trying her hardest to cheer him up and it's not working
>she also probably secretly despises him a little

The real problem with fat people is it's a character flaw, not just a matter of appearance. Dismissing fat people is a valid reason from that perspective.

>but once it comes to love, it's just fucked
You have to stop giving a fuck. If you feel you're close enough, don't be afraid to compliment them or tell them that you want them. Be laid-back about it. If you get denied, brush it off, don't double down or moan over it.

Nah, there is one where you can see the dad watching TV on the background, not even caring about his son's birthday.

I'm not avoiding reality anymore. It's through confronting it that things have gotten harder. Despite working my ass off at my job I'm probably going to lose it due to nepotism that I have no control over. When it comes to girls, now that I have the capacity to actually get a girlfriend I just don't know what to do. I no longer have the excuse of "what is the point of a girlfriend when I have trouble leaving the house". I don't know where to begin. Those are the aspects of my life that are really getting me down. I no longer have an excuse and I don't know how to proceed. I'm strong enough to do something I just don't know what it is. I can get another job, it just that I have a real connection to my current one, it hurts me to leave it.

Taking more pills on top of the vallium I'm already taking for anxiety and some other drug I've been taking for years for sleep isn't an answer. It's an option for someone who is weak. I'm already fucked in the future when it comes to taking the vallium off-shoot that I do. If I ever want to get off it at some point in my life it's going to demolish me. I don't want yet another one of those, nor do I need it.

I'm looking for answers on how to proceed with my life, not a pill I can take to feel happy. I want to be truly happy by living a fulfilling life.

I feel you, I've made mistakes in the past related to what you're saying. I have a good understanding on how to do just as you said and I think you're right.

You're right. Fear of rejection is a big factor. I'm not scared of failure in any other aspect except for love. Just had some rough situations growing up as a retarded kid.

That was me 10 days ago

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>It's an option for someone who is weak
Or someone who is mentally ill and has their head too far up their ass to actually do the things they need to do in order to live a decent life

happy birthday user!

You guys don't know the pain of hearing your 3 years younger brother fucking his gf through the wall separating your rooms while you browse Yea Forums.
Most miserable day of my life but it's getting better!

i am thankful I have friends. I doubt they ever throw me a party, but thank God I have them. lucky I guess. I feel for this guy and anyone who doesn't have close friends. don't give up anons, stay friendly

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did you fap while listening?

In Serbian there are many words for niggers and they scale from something that can be translated as nigga but in a positive sense to something that is gator bait darkest blackest giga nig nog nigger.

Like a gradation in niggerness.
Julius would cancel out his natural genetic nigerness with his behavior on that scale.

You're right. I probably shouldn't have said that people who take mood stabilizers for real chemical imbalances that lead to bipolar and depression are weak.

What I'm trying to say is that isn't my problem. I've even been extensively tested to see if it was a problem I had and I've never been shown to be close to someone who has problems such as that. Anxiety problems don't necessarily go hand in hand with depression, although they often do.

Fuck I really need to get my life in order. Let me leave this hell.

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I'm saying that you're too mentally ill to make proper decisions. That's why your life is shit. Get the medication. You need it.

Lmao, back in HS days I had to knock on the door and tell my cousin's bitch to shut up. Our rooms were separated by a single door as is, but the bitch was almost screaming.
Maybe you think its too much, but I had girls quiet in my room when there were others around.

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You've got to work for it. It all starts with you. Just start working for it and never stop.

that picture is so comfy


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Friends is good although at some point another type of void appears in your heart that no friend can fill
sence of purpose
that is related to having a family
doing something you can take pride in

I havent seen or spoken to my parents in years.

Just be yourself bro

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So why not go for anal instead?


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any good tutorial vids for kenshi?

This image. Every time

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>tells his cousin's whore to STFU
>Too pussy to let his whore vocalize to everyone how good he is at fucking

What kind of games do you like user? Or are you open to all ideas?
I just played Unavowed a couple of days ago, point and click. I would recommend it.

play blind why strip yourself of exploration

This guy gets it. If I didn't have such great friends that I can truly confide in about almost anything I don't even know where I'd be right now, maybe dead (although I've never been suicidal). But the yearning for something more gets stronger and stronger as time goes on. Maybe you want a family, maybe you want some crowning achievement based on your dreams, maybe you just want to prove that you can stand on your own two feet as man.

Pisces are bi-sexuals.

Fuck off.

You can still be attractive and be a totally socially retarded

I haven't either.
Not that I mind. I don't even know your parents.

Happy birthday user! I hope you have a great day my friend!

>most problems are because of the war economy and antagonizing other countries
>hur dur muh country can't survive without the military, me good goy

he was beheaded by jihadist on the way to KFC

>horoscope shit

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You cannot have a country without an armed force that protects its sovereignty.

>Still no gf.
Not going to solve your problems m8, just make them worse when she inevitably leave you for Chad Chadson

>disc in the floppy drive

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>wage slave at food joint
>stuck in community college not knowing what to do
>classmates getting married, have kids, finished school, working real jobs

How do I fix myself

>based tyrone
That's not Tyrone you retard

alright thanks was just cruious if there was any response

>dude i'm so smart, did you know HOROSCOPES are made up??

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what the fuck?

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>the people who are closest to you will take something perfectly good and turn it into the shittiest event you can imagine
I can see no personality or behaviour problems that could ever arise from such a lesson!

and people call me evil when I say the world would be a better place if people weren't allowed to raise their kids.

Mia Malkova.

Yes you can

I find it intersting how what you saw in that picture was his mother and I saw it it is him. Something tells me it means bad things about me

How the fuck did people get married in past? I'm guessing most of it was arranged marriages, should we bring those back?

>alcoholism and addiction runs in both sides of my family
>long ago decided I'm not really into alcohol myself, avoid the stuff
>21st birthday comes around
>have to literally hide out all day because everyone wants to buy me my "first" drink and won't take no for an answer, even on ethical grounds
Can't even drink my sorrows away ffs

More like 95% of the population just shouldn't be allowed to breed.

welcome to the garbage that is hazing

I'll never understand how people get addicted to alcohol
it mostly tastes like shit and makes you feel sick

Name one.

by not being spergs

There weren't many options so a LOT of people settled for whatever they could find

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You dont drink it for the taste you drink it loose consciousness or just feel a little better for a little time and then feel a lot worse afterwards

I dunno about others, but in my family at least people have pretty strong addictive personalities. If it's shit, but makes you feel good in the long run, they'll be all over that shit. no matter the cost or long term consequences.

don't worry, user, i saw both. but i did think it was weird you mentioned his hygiene

hit the gym twice weekly
Upper body first half of the week
Lower body second half of the week
This is where you start, you'll do the rest yourself.
I believe in you.

bro you weren't supposed to mention that..


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Women were expected to serve their husband and were treated more like sexual servants than partners.

what the fuck woman dont bully the loli

>got my life together
>except for being a total social recluse
>thought it was fine, my sister and brother can carry over the family genes
>they both fail at keeping a relationship
>parents getting worried they might not have grandchildren
My plans are ruined.

>tfw no friends, gf or family contact beyond my own parents
>tfw father has started dementing and my mothers body is falling apart
>tfw loser with health issues myself so i cant help them out
>tfw blogposting on Yea Forums instead of posting VIDEOGAMES

Communities were smaller and people gravitated toward communal actives in their recreational time, plus stuff like church. And I'd imagine parents did set up their children with other young people they had a good impression of.

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all lolies is for bullying

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First of all see pic related.
Second. Just find some other work in other branche perhaps, take a time out being a temporary neet.

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I drink at least three days a week but I've never been drunk or too wasted to operate, imo it's just kinda soothing. If you want something easier on the tastebuds, get some sweet cider.

That's a waste of potential. Even if their genes aren't the best, the world needs ditch-diggers too. Every life can be put to work.
Hazing is garbage, but I normally don't mind so much. That kid is way too young for this shit and he's going to learn the wrong lesson from it.
The fucking evil that can be done when people don't believe in tabula rasa.

donate sperm

Keanu is right, I don't know what's the problem with all you fags, just make your own, also physical exercise MIGHT help with your crippling depression

What kind of unbelievable turbofaggot screencaps their own 'poignant' post

I have a membership but it’s hard to go consistently when I lose all motivation after a couple days

civ 5

You need discipline.
Motivation runs out quickly, it's fleeting.
Discipline yourself. Deny yourself things you like if you break from schedule, or even better, ask a friend to do it for you.
Eventually, you won't need that anymore, but if you find yourself unable to discipline yourself with a carrot alone, get a stick.

Look at his hair, some people prefer long hair it's true, but I don't believe that's the case here. It might show how instead of solving his problems he waits for them to solve themselves (like how instead of cutting his hair he waits for it to look good on it's own). This might be wrong tho

Thanks user. I’ll try. I find that I waste a lot of hours napping or just browsing the Internet when I should be working on improving my self

Why buy a game when you can enjoy classics for free?

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This is how serial killers are born.

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These photos are not indicative of anything. When I was that age I always had birthday stuff with just me and my senpai and stuff with my friends. I was a different person with my friends than my paretns so I kept those 2 worlds seperate.

I kinda get sad with pictures like this since the last time I celebrated my birthday with anyone was like 10 years ago before my mom died. I'm 34 now.

why are you pasting this shit in every thread? sounds like absolute shit, by the way. never make another one.

Any WarioWare

Good luck user, people who say shit like "you';re not gonna drink with ME?" are the worst, if anyone tries to use that line on you, double down on your refusal.

why do americans do this?

>Launcher better than the shotgun
Not in a million years

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they're southerners

>ctrl f
>0 results
Alright then, I'll say it. You should take that money and buy yourself an attractive hooker.

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>birthday rolls around a couple of months ago
>only get a text from my parents
>no friends
>but over 200 character in a mobage wish me a happy birthday and listening to all of them makes me happy enough
Thanks internet.

Don't do this. It's better to keep sex as a perfect illusion than accept cold, emotionless reality.


Life is GREAT! NO obligations to take care of an aging old woman, i can play my ass off in dozens of games a month! Life is great once you give up on finding someone!

Give up and embrace hedonism with me!

Ok one more.

Any better?

zoomer is a state of mind

since when are hot guys lonely? wtf

Thanks for the encouragement, user. It's nice to hear, even anonymously, that some else understands.

dude what the fuck. i feel so bad for that kid. i have a 4 year old son and this is just fucked up to watch. where in the world is this even done? what kind of people do this? seriously, people wonder why you have whole societies of fucked up people. "ohh but nooo everyone is the same and equal". no, fuck that everyone in that room is a fucking piece of shit and that kid is gonna grow up just like them

He's gonna grow into it anyway, look at them. Genetic refuse.

apparently its cultural to do that

>>tfw no italian grandma to make me a delicious home made family recipe lasagna, I really want one Yea Forumsros!

I'm honestly considering this almost daily. I need to get my hands on a piece of ass

A Hat in Time

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I met like 3 people today that it's their birthday. why were so many faggots born on this day?

Because they didn't want to be born on the 29th and miss out on 3 birthdays every 4 years.

25% more birthdays today, feb29 cunts celebrate today.

>that's probably gonna be me in a year
It's like watching a car crash in slow motion and I'm the driver

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do it

Based niggers doing what they do best

If action games are your jam, go buy DMC5. It comes out next week!

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>If action games are your jam
>go buy this casual piece of shit with poor gameplay
Epic thoughts bro

just fap, bro.


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Okay then, any suggestions for our user in need?

Hay me too, happy birthday, user

That's not what I meant, but I don't expect a jarhead like you to understand.

>has no retort
>seethes for nearly two hours
>comes back with an empty shitpost
Love it

He was probably just hoping you'd left the thread so he could have the last word.

Of course you do.

Thief : Deadly Shadows :)))

I hope you get something you enjoy and you have a happy birthday, user.

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I hope getting a car will help me make friends.
If nothing else being able to lose some sexual frustration from prostitutes will help me not hate my life every day that I have to go into this shitty miserable job

>celebrating your birthday
>not just cutting classes or calling out of work to play vidya

Most likely, you're absolutely correct

Why did you make me depressed OP? I just wanted a bit of blissful distraction.

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>sence of purpose
retard is the scent of purpose...

You smell that? That's the scent of purpose

>be me
>mother is an alcoholic
>every other day our house is full of her drinking buddies
>she constantly gets the shit kicked out of her cause she becomes very aggressive drunk
>have to clean up blood from the floor in the mornings cause she's passed out
>one of her friends slit open his throat in full view of me
yeah nah i think i'm good on alcohol

>turned 27 yesterday
>used to be a fat fuck but fixed it over the past two years, lost over 130lbs and gone from 42 BMI to 23

>still virgin and never experienced anything resembling a relationship
>still socially retarded
>still can't hold a job consistently (though at least my last one ended due to the office closing not due to my own fuck up)
>still have no IRL friends
>still have no life goals
>still ugly

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your weight loss is a great improvement so if you work out more and maybe get a hair cut you might get bitches. Also just go to a bar or something if you want friends

>birthdays as a kid
>everyone in my class in school is invited
>nobody talks to me or wishes me a happy birthday because nobody likes me but we all play laser tag

>birthdays as a teen
>parents take me to a restaurant and buy me cake
>cry myself to sleep

>birthdays as an adult
>parents take me to a restaurant and buy me cake then at night I try to drink the pain away, then get too drunk and say embarrassing things online and then get sick
>cry myself to sleep while smelling like booze and vomit

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>tfw a girl likes you

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>its another failed normal fag thread
when are you losers getting drafted to fight in Venezuela again?
im sick of this threads with "men" having the same mindsets as women and feeling loneliness it makes me sick

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Heppy berfdei, user! ^v^

I'd recommend anything on this list. (Especially DQIX, that one is an all time favorite of mine!)

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at least you are white

>whenever I get lonely I masturbate then feel better
>have a looming feeling that after your 20s that doesn't work anymore

I will come to anyone's birthday party. Where are you located? I'm in WV. Let's play some smash brothers.

Don't undersell yourself former fatbro.

I lost 20 KGs over the course of 50 days, and I went from 30.3 BMI (Obese) to 25 BMI (normal)

We're ALL gonna make it bro. Count on it.

We're all gonna make it.

t. ted bundy that murders incel men instead of women


I have a gf and I'm still unhappy. It's not all it's cracked up to be.

only do this if you want to waste your money. full price from a 7/10 game is bit too much. just pirate it and buy rdr2 instead.