Resident Evil 2 Roundtable

Developer's discussions, post production.

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I'll bump this for you senpai

>At one point they talk about bringing back old type of UI.
>They ask why they removed
>One says they didn't like it
That's pretty gay.

Can I get a tl;dr?

>Spent a whole year on it, can it in the end

It's great, really fantastic conversations since they don't know they're being filmed

Just started it but they're being surprisingly honest. They said they weren't expecting it to review as highly as it did.

They need to sack this cunt asap

So that's how the lab employees get to the washroom.

I hope they do bring it back as an option. The current UI looks too similar to RE7, which is bland.

In part 2 they will definitely bring up Resident Evil 3. It's so obvious they are going to make it due to how successful RE2 was.

Doubt it was just one guy. The odds are the team as a whole felt it wasn't the right direction to go in for the game, which makes sense.

All that discussion on how the station attendant should point.

That's what makes something have soul

Attached: inventory_beta2.jpg (820x472, 74K)

>Spent a whole year on it, can it in the end
That's AAA right there. A good 80% of the assets created over an average AAA dev cycle(3.5-5 years) never make it past alpha. They either get redesigned, repurposed in other projects/dlc, or scrapped entirely. They are spending months, sometimes years, making entire sections and then the project lead walks in and says "Ok guys, show me what you got. Hmm, yeah, i don't really like it. Scrap it."

Attached: inventory_beta1.jpg (770x450, 62K)

so what do you do in this gamer after 10 hours and you did the A and B run and 4th survivor? only Tofu left or what? pretty lame

This looks nice. I do feel it doesn't fit. Maybe a different kind of material or color would've fit more.

this one especially wouldve been 100 times better. WTF is wrong with the nu-Crapcom's devs ??

I can see why they scrapped it looking at it now honestly. The new one is transparent and maintains gameplay continuity and keeps your mind in your environment, whereas the old ones completely disconnect you from the world and stop you from seeing what you were doing.

Oh, man. That's so cool.
I'd even pay for a DLC enabling this HUD option.

That's pure bullshit excuse and you know it.
The gameplay stops while you open up the inventory or need to use an item on a world-object. There is no need to see the BG, and if there would be, you could still show it just fine on that Examine -window as always.

In general, there was never any reason why you had to manually use and discard items in nu-RE2, when the past games got that handled automatically already 20 years ago, resulting way smoother and snappier gameplay.

Hungy blungy bloo bloo blugh.

I'm not saying they were right but I can see why they came to the conclusion, you dumb little nigger. Stop letting your retard nostalgia rage block you from dissecting things. All you're doing is immediately dismissing everything without understanding the root cause. Faggot.

>there was never any reason why you had to manually use and discard items in nu-RE2, when the past games got that handled automatically
Discarding items was never automatic. You got asked if you wanted it out or not and if you said no you were stuck with it forever, this system is better. Takes two seconds tops to get rid of anything.

Overdesigned mess

The one thing I don't like here is the way the gun is highlighted. Looks like a pachinko game.

>bloo bloo!
>ur nostalgia!!
I knew nu-RE kids were literal children, but that's just pathetic.

>All you're doing is immediately dismissing everything without understanding the root cause.
False. I am a literal pro graphic designer, and I the whole visual style of 2019's RE2 is just pathetic, generic, washed out and soulless. Literally like all those highschool graduates' first GUI designs, making do with black, white and straight lines.

>Discarding items was never automatic. You got asked if you wanted it out or no
And who the fuck ever did NOT discard them?
Are you seriously claiming that the tiny red tick-mark you barely notice is a better design than, say, automatically ditching all the used keys, a-la Silent hill ?

Seriously, just fuck off. You faggots are simply enabling trash game design nowadays.


>>Are you seriously claiming that the tiny red tick-mark you barely notice

put on your glasses phil

t.Masanari Murakami

Sorry, but fuck your shit son. If there is one thing I absolutely despise of these PS4 era AAA games, it's their unexplained need to make all the fonts and UIs tiny as fuck. Just about every single modern Square-Enix game suffers of this, and now Resident Evil too. It's like they only play-tested their shit in front of a PC monitor, sitting two feet away from the screen.

And no, the tick-mark is stupid BS that's not even explained in-game. There is literally no reason to leave the used key items hanging in the inventory.


I like keeping a collection of key items at my item box and having the option at any time is better than it being one-time only. You're blowing things way out of proportion. It's not trash design by any means.

Why do they make such a scene about having made some generic fucking remake of a simple as fuck horror game?

Almost makes you admire how soullessly EA was shitting out a horror game as good as Dead Space just like that.

maybe as an alternative option, but the final UI is great, as it's functional as fuck

>I am a literal pro graphic designer
Pretty sure you're just a pro faggot.

He is not wrong tho.

>I'm a pro at this
>resorts to using soulless to shit on it
Fucking wew, lad.

>You're blowing things way out of proportion
No, I'm not.
It is absolutely nothing but a time waster to make the players manually select the right key for the door, and then potentially end up running around for minutes with an useless key wasting your inventory space.
It's trash design, because it's backpeddaling from the tight designs the previous games already achieved years ago. It's total BS that you no longer can use / mix pickup items either, if your inventory is full.

Are you one of those fat zoomers who think that the term "epic" was a Yea Forums meme as well, and ended up opening their neckbeard mouths about it at Gamestop?

>Dead "we completely ripped off RE because we have no original ideas" Space

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claire gettin bullied

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Not being able to use items on pickup is indeed unfortunate, but you can combine them with compatible items in your inventory, user.
And the game tells you about the checkmark's function, it's not some random thing you're supposed to guess.

Delet, Claire is for loving.

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Because your japanese overlords care about their craftsmanship.

>And the game tells you about the checkmark's function
Maybe in a tutorial. Which I assumed anyone with half the brains would've disabled by default.
This is exactly the modern game design I despise.

>they are so happy about the meta score
imagine how bioware and ea feel

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not with a face like that

It's explained, faggot. Learn to read. A prompt teaches you about it.

They look awful. Good thing they scrapped but it sucks they just went with an re7 style ui.

Holy fuck, I didn't know that DSP posted on Yea Forums.

If you're going to go and claim that you're an expert on the field I am expecting technical, precise criticisms on why something is bad, not some vague buzzwords any user could spout.

now do it with female zombies

fitgirl installer stuck at 60% for 8 hours.... i wanted to try out the game before buying

both top girls competing in the Leonbowl

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are u retard? just use steam and refund it if you dont like it

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I can't believe rebecca ate out claire

>I will disable the game's way of explaining things to me
>the game doesn't explain this feature, bad design
I'm sorry but that is pretty DSP.
Not even iconography-wise would you have a point, since a checkmark means that something is done.

Speaking of, wasn't Rebecca meant to die off-screen during RE3?

Enjoy your miner

>A prompt teaches you about it.
A prompt that does not exist on HC, and if you disable tutorials.
Thank you for confirming that you kids only ever played on Assisted.

yeah, fuck smart game design! Let's introduce NEW problems into a 2019 game!

>I am expecting technical, precise criticisms on why something is bad, not some vague buzzwords any user could spout.
Just because (You) deem a single, widely used term as a vague buzzword, does not mean that it is invalid. The whole game simply lacks character, a distinct style that makes people instantly recognize it as "THAT game". The whole experience is now just series of grey, dark corridors, with floating white text occasionally covering parts of it.

The game would not NEED to explain things, if it just would do what its predecessors did: ask if you wanna keep the useless items or not.
Better yet, you could just remove the item automatically.

that's the first I've heard of that, and I've heard about a lot of weird obscure shit

shes willing to take on any task without hesitation

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She is beautiful.

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Man, even Japanese Devs care about Metacritic.

It's so sad to think that all your years of hard work might go down the drain because it didn't please your typical glass-wearing bearded gaming jurons.

It's time to stop. Here, (You)


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>A prompt that does not exist on HC
It exists on Hardcore. The only thing that disables it is turning off tutorials.

It exists on HC. Stop being retarded.

Corporations look at reviews. Investors look at reviews. It's how the world works now.

>walks into room
>clears throat

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This is an opportunity. If you control the reviews you control the games.


which again shows how much nu-devs rely on those spoonfeeding feats, and thus don't even attempt to balance and guide in their games in any other way.

They clearly had the right idea at some point, seeing how they use those nicely contrasting yellow tapes / chains to indicate usable targets of interest in the mostly blue-hued environments, but all that is completely undermined by everything else. Similar color-coding used to be the basic of visual design 101 already decades ago, but now it's all replaced with magical floating symbols and "GO HERE, DO THIS!" texts.

It really pains me to look at the unlockable concept art with their detailed, vibrant police station designs, when all of it is coated in gray mist and washed out darkness in the game.

Attached: RE2_remake_CONCEPT_ART_-_Police_Station_C.jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

Looks like shit. Trying to modernize a cartoony UI into a modern one just doesn't look right.


Thanks for the bump.

WTF is this mess? Do I need to have AUTISM to enjoy this UI?

Nah, you just need to be born before 2000.

No, you just have to have the right amount of elitism and nostalgia to misguide you from seeing things right. The UI is a mess that clashes with the realistic style implemented in the remake. It looks like some goddamn radio/personal computer/pipboy that the character has and that makes it just seem a weird thing to have. It breaks the immersion and the flow that the new visual style has.

which part of Claire smells the best?
Im only asking because she references her scent several times in the game

Attached: claire_hires5.jpg (2724x3152, 872K)

>the new visual style
which it does not have.
If REmake could pull out some bizarre Victorian machine looks, they sure as hell could've made a 90s CRT design work as well. The younger devs just clearly lack skills and first-hand experience for that.

Attached: remake inventory.png (1440x1080, 754K)

I really like how the ECG looks on REmake

they showed some concept images of it; it was bad. It doesn't look good or mesh with the rest of the game. It just looks extremely tacky by comparison.
He made the right choice to go for the UI he did.

this is claire's status screen from code veronica
say something nice about her

Attached: clairestatus.gif (672x376, 3.05M)

False. Especially the 2nd design looks damn good, and would've improved the game's style just that tiny bit, like the classic OST does.
Anyone defending the piece of shit RE7 UI should be publicly executed.

why? the UI works wonderfully and is extremely lightweight
obnoxious, cartoony UI was only acceptable in the 90's

That's very specific and detailed height. 5'5" would have been enough.

>Especially the 2nd design looks damn good

lol, looks extremely out of place buddy, not that I'm a fan of the copy and paste RE7's UI, but c'mon...

It looks like shit, dude. Overdesigned shit belongs in garbage.

Because the UI does NOT fit the setting and aesthetics of the game, and is just all around unimaginitive rush job, ripped straight out of RE7. Which itself was literally one of the most unoriginal games of this decade.

>the UI works wonderfully and is extremely lightweight
No, it just "works", but is far from wonderful.
being "lightweight" is not always a compliment.

>obnoxious, cartoony UI was only acceptable in the 90's
Seriously kill yourself. If anything, DEmake2 proves that games should steer as far away from photorealism if the end result are these flat and uninteresting looking and -playing rehash titles with a sameface-syndrome.

It does not.
You kids don't even know what "overdesigned" looks like

Oh look, it's that shitposter again. Please either get a trip or fuck off to /vr/. Thanks.

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How about you fuckoff to the RetardEra / whatever the fuck you originate from? You're the one who came to my domain, nufag.
It's also absolutely astonishing how you faggots are now trying to DEFEND the piece of shit RE7 UI, when it was indeed the most commonly agreed visual flaws of the RE2019 from the get-go.

It could have been cool but I really like how smooth/convenient the final UI is. It could be visually a bit more interesting though (but I guess they didn't want it to be distracting).

>Seriously kill yourself. If anything, DEmake2 proves that games should steer as far away from photorealism if the end result are these flat and uninteresting looking and -playing rehash titles with a sameface-syndrome.

Ironically, Michael is /ourguy/ now, this might be the one autist who missed the contrarian bandwagon.

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is this right?

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>no arguments whatsoever
>nujak reaction image
Every time.

>muh contrarians
Get laid, kid.

>left is the most faithful but the least functional
>middle has more detail but is a mess
>right values function above everything else and doesn't totally obstruct the screen

In terms of gameplay the UI we got is the best by far. It could be visually more inspired but structurally it's quite good. Having a more "classic" UI could be a cool option though, maybe they could add it as free DLC?

claire confirmed combloc shitter

There's nothing to argue, your opinion is just a giant mess of autism, end yourself.

>literal pro graphic designer
I feel sorry for whatever company hires your outdated, boomer-aesthetic-loving ass. Minimalist is the way to go and they did it with their design

So they did plan for Leon to have his lighter on him?!