ITT: forgotten video game seires
ITT: forgotten video game seires
asscreed unironically replaced it
prince of persia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>ass creed
holy shit, i remember, no one talks about that anymore. it was so major at the time and yet i forgot it was even a thing, not that i ever played it. would you recommend it? i also remember the edgy sequels with the nu-metal soundtrack.
>would you recommend it?
Not if you have bad taste
Lost Planet
fuck off with your taste and your soul you stupid faggot. is it a good game or not? it intrigues me.
nah play tombraider anniversary instead
based on that reaction, clearly not for you, go play apex legends
That was one weird af game
I think kid me dropped it when fighting a giant snake boss
I liked how you couod pick up and throw vases
If PoP comes back Ubisoft 2019 will be making it. Do you want that to happen?
I loved Prince of Persia and I hope it stays dead until Ubisoft gives up the rights and someone else buys it. Or makes some spinoff. I don't want modern Ubisoft touching it.
Yes, Prince of Persia Sands of Time is an excellent platformer.
you fucking cunt. eat a bag of shit.
Fuck yes play it you nigger. Game's amazing and has aged like fine wine.
Control and platform mechanics are still tight as fuck.
is it as good a platformer as enter the matrix?
fuck ea and fuck nudice
The graphics are really ugly now and the camera is trash by modern standards, it's fixed angle in every room.
idk PoP 08 was pretty dreadful
then again, I hate asscreed
Completely different game. Comparing the 2 is retarded.
Ubisoft are fucking retards for squandering this IP
That's the only PoP game I've ever played and that was centuries ago. I still think I have the CD for it somewhere though and I remember it being pretty good. Guess I should give it a replay soon. Are the other games in the series worth it?
>fuck off with your taste
How are you even able to type while being such a brainlet?
Only played Two Thrones along with that one. The platforming is great, but it became even more combat centric and for me that detracts from the experience, but the non-combat sections are just so sweet like always.
eat my soul.
>lost planet 3
I literally go play ME every time I look at my physical copy of it
Solar Fields is our god
>Jake Gyllenhaal
>Sir Ben Kingsley
They had some good actors but holy fuck was this movie bad.
"..emptying his liquor cabinet and playing video games..he's got the new prince of persia!"
"yeah? i heard it's awesome!"
"gonna be game of the year man!"
"yeah? can't wait to play it!"
>video game movie adaptation
Why would you ever expect a movie adapted from a video game to be any good? There's an unwritten rule that they must be horrible.
all that could change..
and Lands Of Lore, Pre- C&C Westwood was comfy af.
>blue arms
if they made the arms fleshy it would look weird and stupid, not that it doesn't already.
Lemmings Paintball and Lomaxx were pretty great too.
Never got pass the beggining of the ostrich race, does it get any better or worse?
What is Silent Hill?
Not forgotten by me. I still remember Malcolm's Revenge on the school computer when I was about 6 or 7 years old
3D/Air Attack are my favorite ones
> ITT : Best in series and best OST
2019... I am forgotten
What's the best platform to play this on?
Xbox One X