Would you name your child after a vidya character?
Would you name your child after a vidya character?
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that lil niggas head gonna splode
I wonder why his parents picked the Redguard race.
user …
Does it come in blue?
I would
why is there such a huge space inbetween Cha and mp
It doesn't even look like the word Champ because they're so far away from each other
>polish women
i've got a little notepad of potential baby names
Son: Goku, Cloud, Dex(not Dexter), Snake(Plissken), Vladimir, Gino, Nathanial
Daughter: Sephiroth, Haloucia, Maude, Gretata
>name son Oceanwind
and her kid also looks like average mutt
There's a button in the way. Hard to put applications on that.
>Daughter: Sephiroth
I knew a girl that named her kid Roxas. I was dying
I always thought Sephiroth was a pretty name
Ooh, Gretata
he'll grow up to be a nobody
that's a future Fascist in the making
Hahaha faggot
>implying i'd ever have kids
No but i named my dog Ayanami
At least she accepts he's a male and didn't let him PICK A GENDER ayyyy
Tomb its a common name
women can get away with anything
>Still single
>Not a single video with her daughter anymore
>yfw he's old enough to have beaten skyrim and still no new tes gsme yet
Though that's a pretty heartless thing to say.
those two older boys are pretty cute actually...
my teacher named his kids after fucking wolverine and spiderman, Logan and Parker
Anyone else know the pain of having a "unique" name? My parents weren't satisfied with just having my first name be weird. My middle name is too. The border agents always give me shit when I cross.
Yes, absolutely disgusting.
I knew a guy whos name was Maximus Steel
>The border agents always give me shit when I cross
go back pedro
no but really explain
Damn...and I thought this was bad
>The border agents always give me shit when I cross.
How can your name be weird enough they'd even bring it up? Now I'm curious.
you thought correctly
oh no, jews werent supposed to do it
Named my infant Calliope and we call her "Callie"
my wife must never know
This kids going to grow up to be a fucking metal gear villian
The mother is probably japanese.
Japanese children are red after birth, hence the name "aka-chan", because aka means red.
>not naming your kid after your favorite artist
Isaac's a cool name
don't they stop menstruation during pregnancy?
daily reminder that all girls named Barbara are actually named after diablo's barbarian.
Why not pick someone who was actually involved in gaming?
Brendan's alimony is up, he doesn't have to pay anymore. He's out of the JUST club.
did we ever find out why he was so red?
Someone out there actually named their kid Turok.
RIP Acclaim
I'll name my daughter Saya :^)
Protip: she isn't pregnant but yes the cycle stops during pregnancy
Like Saya Song? NOPE.
trying to kill himself and be free of those parents
I see no problems here.
wtf this should be illegal
Latent Dragonborn powers.
I've thought about this and:
Would be Leon
Would be Rachel
do you think it's also ok to tattoo on a baby's face "McDonald's I'm loving it!" in exchange of money from McDonalds?
>not Claire
Jose please don't.
I plan to name my son Dante.
>gets both a son and a daughter
Uh oh.
At least Turok can be passed as an actual name. It's not like they are asking for his name to be "Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter".
Why are you equating a name to a tattoo?
and yes. it's your fucking kid, you can do whatever you want to it.
Don't make me post Pinkamena Zecora Smith
Well you can easily name your kids after video game characters and not have it be completely retarded. For example, naming a son after a game where you are a crying baby lost in a basement shitting everywhere.
The name being simply Isaac.
I would never have a son. The birth mother obviously was attracted to me enough to fuck me so I just know she'll fuck him. I'm not getting cucked again.
Doesn't matter, the validity of the name is debatable the problem here is principal - you cannot sell your baby's name, body, or anything else that will affect him for life in exchange of money. It's a human being, not a property. Sure the parents get to call the shots until certain age but that doesn't give them the right sell him out.
>shuffling horrors
Well, if someone asks you can at least tell them that it's from Divine Comedy
don't remind me, I actually went to school with a girl named claire
cringe af
>it's your fucking kid, you can do whatever you want to it.
lol enjoy prison faggot. actually no I doubt you'll ever manage to find a partner to reproduce with.
dumbass. how can i trust you know what the hell you're talking about if you can't even spell correctly?
you can say "as fuck" on the internet, underage twitter nigger.
>you cannot sell your baby's name, body, or anything else that will affect him for life in exchange of money
Is that a challenge?
No. Just like I wouldn't name them something else retarded, like Pepsi, or Nigger Beater. Your kid has to live with that name until they're legally allowed to change it themselves, don't be a fucking retard. MAYBE give them a goofy middle name, so they can basically ignore it, but even then.
>oh nooo the police care that a kid has a tattoo
i'm lovin it. you're hatin'.
yeah I know how much you love your assfucks, faggot
>not abbreviating everything
Shaking my damn head to be quite honest family
>it's your fucking kid, you can do whatever you want to it.
is that why people are sent to jail for neglecting / abusing children? hmmm
>I'm a retarded faggot and got btfo so I'll talk about a random typo instead of making real arguments
ok buddy.
Reminder if you kid googles their name and the first thing they see is games you've given them a bad name.
middle school as fuck
try again, but make it more scathing
>or anything else that will affect him for life in exchange of money.
Can't you just like, change his name later down the line if it's that big of a deal?
>random typo
It's you not knowing how to spell, not a typo. That means you're uneducated, not to be listened to.
Lol he's right though you can't even spell why should anyone listen to you
You can capitalize the first word in your sentences, you double nigger.
>playing judge
go cry over your hairline or something
What a basedboy
>That means you're uneducated, not to be listened to.
or maybe that I speak 4 language, English just being one of them, and type really really fast which occasionally lead to mistakes. still can make a single real argument, retarded faggot?
not a word, why capitalize it like it is one?
not an argument. just write 'fuck', or are you scared the internet police will find you?
Why do people always censor names that really shouldnt be? Fuck normies and fuck female niggers
i type really really fast too, that doesn't mean I use the wrong words. uneducated niggers get off my board
does your butt hurt so badly after i judged you?
Just how unimaginably fucking fat do you have to be you accidentally press a key 7 fucking columns over?
Or do you just not know what a fucking typo is?
samefag AND dumb phone poster.
I think it is more of a moral stance, than an outright challenge.
>White woman with shitlocks
>Is on the same mental level as a dog eating its own vomit
Every fucking time.
Well I've never seen anyone claim people can't act immorally before.
Hey, you started your sentence without capitalizing the first letter. Same for the second sentence. Also I think you meant to say "still can't make a single real argument" instead of "still can", as that would imply he has been making real arguments.
I don't think you speak English very well or should be listened to.
>still can't make a single argument
>speaks only English
how are you even alive, brainlet?
What fucking argument? That's my first reply to you, dumbshit.
And no I can't speak fucking English, you ever hear a scandi accent before? Shit's horrid.
We all know you're phoneposting and the autocorrect changed the word. Eet shiet mai kneegrow
>dumb phone poster
>feels superior for having autocorrect and auto capitalize
all this samefagging and still not a single argument in sight....
Calm down, user. People learn different languages at different speeds, it's okay.
Do you think he's happy with Bethesdas games?
>smug anime girl when you're clearly in the wrong
>what is inspect element
so now you're also proving you're a newfag. this just keeps getting better.
because these pictures come from reddit
>first results
Maybe I should rethink my first choice after all.
>implying nothing at all
Have another one, retarded ESL.
>Read that in Argentinian accent and I am not even from there
God fucking damnit
I thought I was a phoneposter with auto-correct, though. user, it's fine. You have plenty of time to practice your English here. We aren't judging you, just saying you should try to work on your sentences a bit more before putting them out there.
>cursor is seen in the screenshot
did you actually download a screenshot capture software instead of using print screen with plain mspaint or ps for cropping? are you that much of a brainlet?
also this doesn't prove shit it's too fucking easy to change text in browsers
Ever since playing VLR I've loved the name Phi, I would absolutely want to name my daughter that.
Its already illegal to get a kid tattood, you have to 18 to get one on your own and 16+ if you have parental permission.
>grow up
>they are gonna enlarge and look gross
he's gonna be mad.
Turok is a fucking cool name, but only if the kid grows up to be a chad
No, the dumb fuck should also learn what a goddamn typo is.
Are you seriously so incredibly stupid you think it's somehow a "smarter choice" to printscreen and use paint instead of software that has you easily crop and upload them because it's "the old ways"?
The point of the cursor was actually to show I'm not on a phone. But you are paranoid enough you may imagine I edited that somehow because you can't believe there's more than one person in this thread making fun of you, lol.
Stop trying to de-escalate, you moralfag. It's funny to laugh at a triggered autist.
lol still samefagging hard and now even pretending to disagree with yourself.
>meme arrorws are for implying
I need to leave this site.
Who the hell are you quoting?
Naming my daughter Colette because it sounds nice and I really like Tales of Symphonia.
Windows has had a screen capture tool built into it since fucking Vista
no I actually know you are samefagging because you made multiple replies and the number of posters didn't change.. at least learn to use a proxy.
This is why some countries have lists of baby names you're required to pick from.
Yes user, we know you are a bit slow, but the second and third people are in fact, the same! As evidenced by their exact same naming scheme of the images, writing style, Yea Forums theme and time! If you pay attention really closely you will notice any of these clues would tip you off to those two posters not being in fact, unique, as they have never claimed to be.
However, as an exercise best left as homework, what evidence is there that the first person is the same one as the other two?
I looked up one of the hashtags on instagram and found the post and account. He's a troll
>Ignores everything I said on my post
>Actually you are just samefagging and I have used my incredible deductive detective skills to figure this out!
Or you know, literally anyone else who has posted in this entire thread has posted any of those others and it is not all one person. Also a Proxy? Are you in fucking 2004? We have had VPNs for a long time now.
No, they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. In many places, the law requires that one keep records of their original name and proof that it was changed to prevent fraud or evasion.
I named my oldest Ryu after the Breath of Fire lead 20 years ago. He's 1/4 Japanese though, so it doesn't stand out.
It's fine.
+ your autistic writing style and capitalized letters which is not very common here.
Is Alita an acceptable name?
>capitalized letters which is not very common here
Look at pretty much any other post in this thread. I suppose those are all me too. You don't even realize my "autistic" writing style is making fun of you on your high horse acting superior to everyone else in this thread for your detective skills and paint copy paste prowess while being wrong about absolutely everything?
This will be my last reply, take your meds and work on your English skills.
but I've seen two posts you made one after another, posters number remaining the same, and later you claimed not to be samefagging. also if you didn't samefag so hard you wouldn't care so much to prove it wrong, whenever I'm falsely accused of samefagging I just ignore it. but we both know it's just me and you here (and maybe 1 or 2 others that added few posts) and we all know you feel like a brainlet and seething hard right now.
This was fake, wasn't it?
I hope he will rape his hot mom later on, film it and post it here.
>This will be my last reply, take your meds and work on your English skills.
by take your meds you're secretary referring to yourself, aren't you?
wish it'd dump it on the clipboard instead of forcing you to save and find it before posting
Even worse then. Bad enough kids would have to go to school and apply for jobs as a teenager with these butt fucking retarded names, but having to deal with that too? People really should need to get certified to have children.
>but I've seen two posts you made one after another, posters number remaining the same
Goddamnit I said I wouldn't reply anymore but I couldn't resist for this gem. Consider this: If someone posted at any point earlier in this thread, then I reply to you, then that person replies to you, the unique poster count will not go up because that person has already posted. Please stop being so stupid so I can stop replying to your ignorance, I can't help it. I think it's the attitude of "been around these Yea Forums waters a long time kid, you don't know how it works" while being clearly so new to the site.
Just got a daughter, named her Joline. If we get a son next we are naming him Levi after captain Levi in Attack on Titan anime.
Yeah, dude. Congratulations btw, Colette is a good name. I'd know. We chose it.
What games have orcs?
>added few posts
Where are you from? Are you Russian? I don't know which other languages struggle with articles like that.
And why's each of your posts from a new IP?
Dios mio...
>keeps on going
>still can't make a single argument
and sure I believe you it makes total sense that multiple people who talk exactly the same and all keep using capital letters responded one after another within few minutes in a pretty dead thread and all of them were already replying in the thread before. totally legit.
have you taken your meds yet? you are going to reply again, seething faggot. and you still won't have any real argument to add to the discussion. I guarantee it.
This user is on the verge of suicide. This is why I like coming here.
How's this different to the cunt kid in op?
Both of you are pathetic and have taken way too much thread space
nigger I've made three posts
all of you arguing about absolutely nothing and just name calling each other for almost an hour now, not you specifically user
I dislike people being smug shits while trying to cover their asses. Dude should learn what a fucking typo is.
Agreed, everyone should know the difference between a basic typo and just being uneducated.
It's more the hopping from one excuse to another. Guy's practically screaming "debate me" while throwing the entire bucket of bait in there trying to save face.
>oh it's just a typo
>oh, well, I know more languages than you!
Nigger, just own up to being wrong. You're anonymous. Nobody's ever going to go back to discussing whatever it is you want if you keep making excuses for something that's blatantly wrong.
His arguments were basically "samefag" and "seething" over and over. Dude's not all there.
yeah how bout Ganondorf Dragmire
>put all his points into Charisma And MP
he'll make a great beastmaster/white mage
Not as a first name, no. But a boy of mine is getting Vincent as second name. A girl Aurora as second.
implying anyone here will ever have children
Nigga read some Kant
Also, the entire point of Morality is that if you're acting against it, you're failing as a human being.
>you're failing as a human being
And that is easy.
>muh philosophy
if he's so damn smart then why's he called cunt?
I am going to name my child Nepgear, I don't care whether it is a girl or a boy
No but I would name them Faggot OP.
I wanna have a son named Raziel and a daughter named Alice.
I'd rather gargle paint stripper than have children.
Fucking cringe
You have to be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums.
God, I wish.
It’s still used in Italy to this day. One of my dads middle names is Dante.
lol I knew your autism will drag you back in.
PS another sign of your samefagging - you keep saying "uneducated" about a typo. that's autistically unique.
stay mad faggot.
or come up with an actual argument for the debate.
(you will reply again btw, unless you already killed yourself)
for fuck sake
lmao you actually came back. wow you're pathetic this is fun. I wonder how many times I can make you reply with fabricated images, samefag.
It's short for typographical error you dumb fuck. You should be able to figure the rest out on your own.
>Not naming your kid Postal Dude
It's like you guys don't want your kids to have an interesting live
I am pretty sure that all these one word replies are kids posting during class, can't type an actual post under the table
I have seen literal philosophy majors make that fucking retarted joke while acting like it's some deep philosophical insight and it saddens me greatly
>not naming him doomguy
how else will we protect humanity
These are actual good names tho, raziel is just rare and old fashioned
>this is my son, Gromnar Hellscream
Might as well go all out
>eye of ra
Does the kid even know what that is
No but I would name him after a console.
I doubt his mom knows, it just looks cool and is in a lot of movies
i'm all for allowing kids to make their own choices and all that but holy shit this is just bad.
there's a limit to everything. that kid is not yet old enough to be allowed to decide that stuff.
>This is my son, Atari 2600
The one in the blue shirt looks like a baby Gerard
Wow, ageist much?
and a nigger. Turok is a black man's name
If ur not Russian don’t
>Not having a second son to name him Kain.
You are not going all out.
>tattoos before puberty
This kid ain't gonna have a good life
>jah bless
Appropriating Jamaican culture there you ras klat.
He already looks like a drug dealer so he could always fall back on that
she is a stripper, right?
>some people worry about how their retarted tattoos will look when they are 80
>his tattoos will be stretched and shitty when he turns twelve
Definetly a great idea to impart important live lessons about making long term decisions without thinking them trough he'll probably stab his mom after being ridiculed his entire life
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
Was going to name my son Arthur anyway. My first name is Morgan, so maybe I could give him Morgan as a middle name like my dad with his dad.
Based and Dantepilled
You didn't post the picture
He's married now and will soon have more redguard babies
Get him a yellow sweater and teach him how to make the angry closed fist.
That's the name we've picked out. Too bad my mom hates it and so does my other child's grandmother but she literally isn't even related to this baby. His maternal grandmother loves it and that works for me.
>Fallout 76
He'll only be a 8-year old this year but I still feel bad for him.
Also I noticed the other one is a cross eek
What happens if they grow up not wanting anything to do with that religion
Remember to thank your mom when you've grown up a little.
Oh no no no
I've had it picked out since well before the game. Mostly because I like serious, older sounding names for my children to grow up into.
Don't worry, he'll probably be beaten to death by one of his moms druggie boyfriends before that
Right, I bet you have fucking Herbert and Alistair on there as well.
god i wish that was me
Anduin would be ok
Why do we force these creatures to suffer trough live?
Imagine the smell
Nah. Alistair was considered but I'm not a big fan of it. Herbert is for nerds. Marcus was considered because I like Marcus Aurelius. Oliver is the second contender but I can't decide on a middle name for it.
I wish I was a gril OwO
What happened to the previous version of him?
This might be the ugliest baby I've ever seen.
I’ve heard of a face that only a mother can love, but that’s a face that absolutely nobody can love.
actual fucking orc, lol
We made this child over 2000 times and we have gotten exceedingly efficient at it
This is a troll picture
A good one though, I was rustled when I first saw it too
I wouldn't fuck with that kid in the kindergarten tho.
>The guy that wen't nuclear about a word he used wrong is back
Nice, wish I saved the screenshot.
Anyway, was Leon a common name before RE? I feel like I never heard about it before 2, and specially 4.
Maybe in Spain, but I wouldn't bet on it though.
thats so fucking sad
It is not even common there
>Alistair was considered
cannot deploy there
That one wasn't on the list, sadly.
Only if it's a relatively normal name.
I can't decide if I should name him grinman or cockmongler.