Pokémon SWSH

Pokémon SWSH

this is just to ask to you guys if SWSH is the best way to call the new games

Attached: 3505505-pokemon-sword-and-shield.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

Pokemon jew and pokemon nazi

What's wrong with SS?

There is Pokémon SS (Soul Silver) already

This will also make a pun:
Pokémon Switch. Pokémon SWSW, Pokémon SWISH (swish is fun to pronounce haha XD)

But that's HGSS.


what if I want to refer to only Pokémon Soul Silver without the Heart Gold? And shortened?

My only question. Can I get pokemon from my poke box to the new switch game. Any word on that yet?


I will answer your question with another question. There is connection option between 3DS and Switch?

Maybe SnS like in monhun?

Now why would you ever need to abbreviate it on its own?


blue and red
angry doggo and angry doggo

Pokemon /ss/

As retarded as it would sound outlod, I do think SwSh is the best written abbreviation for these games

Why not pokemon knight?

what about Pokémon SoulSilver you stupid idiot?

I like Pokemon SnS

Just call it Soul Silver or SS DS

What about Pokemon S&S? Works just fine to distinguish it from Soul Silver.

what if people with mobile cellphones doesn't have the & on their keyboard? how will they refer to it?

Convention is immutable. It's SS. End of story. Not up for debate.

SWSH sounds retarded
It's Pokemon SS.
never not paired with HG, making it HGSS

>never not paired with HG
Retard, have you ever been on the internet before? People regularly about one specific game, eg they might ask “where can I find pikachu in SS”

why don't you call instead Pokemon SS Switch?
And let my soul silver alone



It'll get a third version (Hero) eventually, then we can refer to it as SSH.

no, it will be SWSHH

Who’s posting on the internet using a shitty Nokia?

Yes, and people have enough brain power to differentiate between SS being SoulSilver, an old game, and SS the new generation that's booming.
You're just beating around the bush.

Shield > Sword

ahem... myself.

I must not have. Never once have I seen someone refer to Soul Silver like that.

People still talk about old games all the time. They’ll still be talking about old SS when new SS is released.


They talked about Soul Silver alongside Heart Gold, so they abbreviate it as HGSS.

No one saying OR when they want to say Omega Ruby, or R when they want to say Ruby. Are you fucking stupid?



it's SS, not SWSH. it's SM not SUMO. you already know where I'm gonna tell you to fuck off back to ;)

>Pokémon SWSH for the switch

not bad

>Not SS
Same fucking shit with people calling SM SuMo despite later calling the second versions USuUMo

nothing but resetera needs to make a meaningless crusade like always

Fucking this



Just call these games Pokebong.

SWSH is best since you can say "swish" irl