What video games have you played today, Yea Forums?

What video games have you played today, Yea Forums?

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i dont play videogames so i dont care

Strange Journey Redux, mostly
Been trying and failing to play the copy of Insurgency Sandstorm I just got.

Just played 15 mins of Super Mario 3D Land.

What a cute and funny picture!

Money Idol Exchanger, Pocket Waifu, and Street Fighter V.

Great artist.

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Damn, Peacock is THICC

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She's also cute.

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Battlezone 2
Etrian Odyssey Nexus
Quake Live
Ground Control 2
Team Fortress 2

soo healthy

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Smash Ultimate's 'story' mode. Bit by bit.

>start up a new game
>already feel tired as fuck

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I agree, the cutest and funniest of the lot!
Great taste.

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Videogames need more cute and funny girls.

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Did mettachoke actually draw Ribbon with big boobs?

Only the biggest.

Today I started playing Mages of Mystralia and made attempts at speedrunning REmake 1
Mages of Mystralia is actually really fun, and I'm glad that the steam discovery queue actually managed to show me something good for once.
On the other hand, doing a sub 3 hour run of RE1 is proving to be really tense and kinda difficult, especially considering this is only my second run of the game.
I'm still doing early stuff in the mansion, but i've made very few mistakes on my current save so far.

Very nice

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None, it's 6 in the morning but I'll probably play a little MH3U during lunch. Yesterday I played modded Skyrim.

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Pokémon X

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