Buy Shadow Tactics (Overwhelmingly Positive).
Buy Shadow Tactics (Overwhelmingly Positive)
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I'm afraid I can't do that, Shill.
I already own it.
But I already own it
>Anno Domini 2019
>not owning one of the best games from recent years
I agree with the shill. The game is unironically awesome.
I have it and i will buy the fuck out of Desperados 3.
Already own it and the shitcunt devs didn't do a fucking expansion for it.
Why was that little kid so damn OP?
Also, was I the only one bothered by the fact that some fucking kid is using English loanwords (メロディー) that weren't era appropriate?
>Why was that little kid so damn OP?
I turned her into a mini terminator in mission 7:
>was I the only one bothered by the fact that some fucking kid is using English loanwords (メロディー) that weren't era appropriate?
Yes, because an extremely small percentage of Shadow Tactics players know more than three Japanese words. Also, what does メロディー stand for?
No, you weren't the only autistic player.
Dunno if OP is a real shill, but I'd love to have more people shilling these kind of games, so kys pls. Also the same team is working on Desperados reboot.
in proper English, Melody. she said it every time you used her OP whistle.
I think it's back to being a sequel now.
Not that I played any of the previous games, so I can't comment on the story continuity. But it's listed as Desperados 3.
I loved this game. But I never understood what that little chink says when you use the flute? “Come here little jew”? Does anyone know?
I already own it (Not played).
Then what the fuck you are you doing here rather than playing?
>vtards playing bibo bams
How fucking new are you? We’re here to shit on games, not play them
Dubs or Subs? Which one is better and why?
tfw too low IQ to enjoy this game
Never heard of this. Game looks like it might be kind of cool. What are games that it plays similiar to so I know if I want to get into it or not?
For the last few months I've almost exclusively been playing MTGA and jacking off in the evenings. Doesn't leave much time for Shadow Tactics. Plus whenever my dick or card addiction calms down I'll probably get back to Sunless Skies.
Finished and enjoyed this game so much back in the day
>But I never understood what that little chink says
It's 'tune' user, not 'Jew'.
>Dubs or Subs?
I guess dubs, because I don't care to read subtitles while focusing on being stealthy.
>tfw too low IQ
No you're not. The game is all about trial and error or just lots and lots of waiting.
Come here little tune? That doesn’t make sense.
I know she doesn’t say jew, but that’s the closest it sounds like to me.
Wake up little tune
That's one of her lines
>Come here little tune? That doesn’t make sense
She is talking to herself and her weapons because she's a bit kooky.
Does it go on sale for any more than 60% off? It's 16$ now, should I just pull the trigger or wait.
>sale ends on my birthday
Makes sense. But I could swear one of her lines starts with “come here little ...?”
There's a demo.
But also the Commandos series.
But the dubs are great. much better voice acting than English VA
>Historical Low MacGameStore on 2018-08-03 70% off $11.99
>Complete the mission under 15 minutes.
Alright, goddamnit, I'm reinstalling it, I swear I'll try playing it all the way through this time. Fug.
Play through the game on Hard the first time, then do all the medals on Normal.
>should I just pull the trigger or wait.
It's definitely worth $16 and as a bonus you're technically financing the creation of Desperados 3. That being said, if you're short with money just wait for Steam sale and you might snatch it for next to nothing.
>you're technically financing the creation of Desperados 3
THQ Nordic is doing that.
>THQ Nordic is doing that
THQ Nordic is a publisher, the studio that's actually making the game is the same one that made Shadow Tactics:
They're financing the development of Desperados 3, dumdum. Not your money spent on Shadow Tactics.
>There's a demo
My time is the concern here, not the money. inb4 Yea Forums
>But also the Commandos series.
Never played, anything else?
If you haven't played or even heard of Commandos, I doubt you'll recognize the other, less known, games of the genre. You'll just have to do some research in your own time, watch some gameplay videos, or better yet, download the aforementioned demo.
I remember I've played super old Robin Hood game in my childhood. Shadow Tactics feels so nostalgic because of it.
Maybe. I probably just won't get the time and eventually forget about it. Thanks anyways.
Bought it on launch faggot. A fucking masterpiece.
>Not your money spent on Shadow Tactics
But that money goes into someone's pocket - Mimimi published Shadow Tactics with help from Daedalic Entertainment, so at least the percentage of that money goes directly to Mimimi, which they can use to expand the studio or whatever. Of course, I may be completely wrong since I'm not in the industry or know much about it.
When trying to safely and permanently dispose of unconcious guards, what methods are safe and which ones are lethal? I don't want to go through these long missions and accidentially kill someone.
I don't think there's a way to get rid of someone both permanently and non-lethally.
If you want to go non-lethal, best try to avoid combat at all, or speedrun before the knocked out guards wake up.
>I don't want to go through these long missions and accidentially kill someone.
If you're going for non-lethal mission clears, you should really do that on subsequent playthroughs. Because then you can see the list of medals you can obtain and their status: possible to obtain or failed (i.e. by lethally disabling someone in case of "no kills" medals).
PIRATED it and tried to enjoy it, but I'm just too damned dumb to find pleasure in such autistim.
Fight me.
I'd fight you, but first you'd have to explain to me what autism? this word gets thrown around so freely its meaningless already.
Not permamently, but you could just leave one of your buddies near unconscious guards in the bush and hit them from time to time before they wake up to prolong the stun. Feels a bit cheesy though.
>You can see the list of medals you can obtain and their status: possible to obtain or failed
That's a pretty good idea, I should be able to experiment a bit and find out. Used to just throw guards on rooftops but it isn't really viable in Yabus castle.
You can also keep them permanently unconscious if your characters are carrying/dragging them. This obviously isn't optimal but it's a nice way to keep one dude disabled for as long as you want.
Amazing game.
>buying games on PC
Both good options. The issue is that I am a brainlet and cannot complete Yabus castle without at least somewhat thinning out the massive amounts of guards.
Savescumming the game, but seriously later missions leave very little options for getting past enemy view cones
>Why was that little kid so damn OP?
Trap & Whistle were too strong.
>but seriously later missions leave very little options for getting past enemy view cones
Watch the video from It's just one example. The game has a surprising amount of player freedom.
This level was solved without any kills/ko's. Just distraction and sneaking.
I always found it weird how they can't see you if you're crouching on higher ground
Yeah, that's how perspective and perception work.
Badges spoiler
If i remember correctly Yabus castle wants you to kill everyone, so doing non lethal run is just for an additional challenge nothing more
>actual interiors in Desperados 3
I really hope it won't feel like a reskin of Shadow Tactics, and that character balance is better. The girl with the trap and whistle was broken
I know. Doing non-lethal, no alert runs is just what I consider being a "perfect run".
The badges do not actually appeal to that much, as I feel I need to complete them all in a single run to be satisfied.
I'm such a sucker for this kind of music.
>The girl with the trap and whistle was broken
Well now they have a burly hunter that can whistle and has a a bear trap.
>Doing non-lethal, no alert runs is just what I consider being a "perfect run"
I'm pretty proud of my 0 K.O / kill / alert run of Imai town.
>I'm such a sucker for this kind of music
Here's more:
>Yabus castle wants you to kill everyone
I think only Suganuma vilage has that requirement.
But why did they made trap&whistle so strong?
They really didn't. It's just that the combination is so incredibly useful in a fuckton of situations.
>0 K.O / kill / alert run
Yeah, true ghost runs are even better. But considering I already have issues I need to limit myself to something more manageable. You should be proud.
>in such autistim
The game is not autistic, if you don't go for challenges
>You should be proud
That's very kind of you to say. I technically did the 0 kills / alerts run for Taking Masaru but it was cheesy as hell.
Personally, I'm the most proud of getting 8/9 badges for Suganuma village in one go (obviously, I didn't get the Speedrun one). I turned Yuki into a one-woman killing machine that day and she has become my favorite character from the game because of that.
None of the hiding places will kill unconcious guard, you can even throw them down a well and they don't count as dead, the only case where it does it when you throw them off cliffs.
>you can even throw them down a well and they don't count as dead
Shit, really? I though that'd kill them for sure.
The big problem was that the "can only drag corpses" downside was actually a massive upside.
If dragging corpses would be visible through the whole spectrum, it would be a whole lot harder to get away in time.
Also, i noticed the modern words too and I don't even know japanese.
This game is great with controllers by the way.
For anyone interested, there is currently a boardgame for Shadow Tactics on kickstarter. I played a prototype a year back at the Essen SPIEL and it was interesting.
Hoping very much for a sequel and spinoffs with the systems. If I wouldn't live in the north of germany I would have already applied to work at the company that made this game.
The challenges are the most fun part!
Level scores would pose a better challenge if the "# of alerts triggered" counter was removed and instead replaced with a "# of saves made". I literally save scummed the shit out of this game, but if that was a challenge i would have become actually good at this game!
>Hoping very much for a sequel and spinoffs with the systems
Agreed, though I'm really curious to see what they'll do with Desperados. Let's just hope it sells well enough to (sort of) revive the real-time tactics genre.
Also, here's the comfiest mission in the game.
Just ordered this, how based am I?
>how based am I?
You're okay user - the fact you're willing to try out a genre that fell off the popularity is a good indication you're not your average Yea Forumstard that talks about SJWs instead of playing games.
Thanks, I'm feeling pretty based rn
Never mind, forget what I said.
Desperados>Commandos>Shadow Tactics
Just saying, haven't played Robin Hood yet though.
Guess I got non-lethal drowning to do then. Thanks user.
>haven't played Robin Hood yet though
It's pretty comfy in it's own right though I wouldn't place it above the aforementioned games.
What the fuck happened to Kalypso buying Commandos? Still haven't heard any news.
>English loanwords (メロディー) that weren't era appropriate
メロディー is a foreign loan word but it's got fuck all to do with English. It's German in origin, like バイト and others. From German melodie.
That's why the i at the end gets elongated as opposed to the English spelling which cuts it short "メロディ" in Japanese.
But yeah, anything that isn't Dutch or Portuguese is anachronistic for the start of Edo period the game is set in.
Then I will buy it at some point in the future, I did play perhaps a demo when I was a small lad.
But Desperados was always my favorite
if i wanted to play weeb commandos id stuck a dildo up my ass and play commandos
>Let's just hope it sells well enough to (sort of) revive the genre.
Shadow Tactics already did that.
Russians are doing their partisan warfare inspired Commandos clone.
Someone else bought Commandos license with the intent of doing much the same as THQ.
Too bad 90% of these are helmed by retards who don't understand Shadow Tactics got as far as it did because it was a new game.
Sequels to random shit come with baggage that damages them in the long run. Like, they're adding tying up back in, making no-kill runs a joke once again.
It sounds like you do that anyway but without playing Commandos.
There's literally a medal for doing a mission without saving once.
You're saying you want challenges, but you've failed to notice those that are already in the game.
>Someone else bought Commandos license with the intent of doing much the same as THQ.
You mean hiring Mimimi to make a new game in the series?
>later missions leave very little options for getting past enemy view cones
get good
You'd probably like TW Shogun 2 soundtrack.
Does anyone have the webm of the enemy soldier "accidentally" shooting the final boss?
See Also, the game doesn't have bosses, just targets.
Yes, but THQ beat them to it.
We don't know if they plan to sit this one out and offer MiMiMi the job after they're done with Desperados 3 or slam the pedal and give the IP to some other devs in hopes of success.
The relevant dudes who own it now are Kalypso.
Only the final mission has a few linear parts.
I don't know what it is about the game, but I can't really get into it. It just doesn't give me the same satisfaction in peeling the map from enemies one by one as Commandos or Thief or Evil Islands did.
Here there are too many guards and everyone is in someone else's field of view at all times, so most takedowns are of the "ah fuck it" variety, where I save and just wing it. So most of the time I don't feel like I came up with a strategy then executed it or that I cracked a puzzle, only that I got lucky with the timings.
Maybe I'm just getting old.
Define old. I'm 31 and had no problems.
To be quite honest i found the commandos games more challenging than ST. Although I was a stupid kid back then, granted.
>Maybe I'm just getting old.
ur just a dumdum
>satisfaction in peeling the map from enemies one by one as Commandos
Like standing behind a corner and spamming the pistol until everyone is dead?
The game knows that and hat's why i keep reminding you to save every minute or so, but the truth is that you can absolutely get good and perfect stealth maps in 15 minutes with no saving, it's just never going to happen on your first run.
Just use the first run as a practice, then replay them to get all the badges, those are fun as fuck and they force you to think of safer solutions, less throwing yourself randomly and being lucky and more perfect planning and execution.
Did you just say "it gets good after first playthrough"????
>until everyone is dead?
Didn't they keep coming out of the barracks indefinitely?
No, there is a limit. Sometimes it would take a while, but they'd stop at some point.
The only mission where this is impossible to do are the ones in which you can't raise alarm.
It's good on first playthrough.
And it also has a lot of replay value.
I just did. I pirated it initially because €40 was too rich for my 2nd world blood but I'll gladly pay 16 for it.
I'd risk saying it's better than Commandos.
Next on my "finished after pirating but I'll buy it on a sale" is Ghost of a Tale.
>This game is great with controllers by the way.
dropped, not playing console trash
So does killing enemies have any impact on the story?
is that moonrunes for melody?
wait, what's this concept art for?
They were more challenging, but at the same time more rewarding.
It was like untangling a ball of twine, getting rid of each one guard opened new possibilities which you had to analyze and come up with a course of action. And it was much more strict so you pretty much always knew if you're supposed to be able to take out a guard in the window of opportunity the game gave you.
Here it's never certain and if you try enough times you might just be able to stab that guy and drag the body off before the other one's view cone swings around.
It may just be nostalgia though, I haven't played a Commandos game in years.
Imagine being so addicted to ruining peoples fun you just can't help yourself but become a shitmonger :)
All good, I feel exactly the same stimulation from ST. Same yarn ball untangling, but you have more strings to pull if you want to. And sometimes you can even just ignore some parts of the ball if you are good enough, which commandos didn't have for me.
Fear not, Desperados coming soon fellow RTS player.
That reminds me, what even is the difference between tactics and strategy? Is it just so they're not confused with each other?
i think he ment real time stealth
Scale I think.
>So does killing enemies have any impact on the story?
Nope, though you'll gain specific badges if you do/don't kill some or all of the enemies.
Stealth is optional.
Strategy is grand scale.
As in... your strategy might be to overtake texas by first conquering the capital and then gradually invading the rest of the cities from the south.
Tactics is more intimate. Like... commanding your squad of soldiers on how to battle through a city is tactics.
Also sometimes strategy is interpreted as a generalized plan, while tactics are the actual orders for each participant.
A tactical nuke is small enough to be used for a tactical plan, while a strategic nuke is there to make a point.
I don't understand. Can you use a food analogy, please?
You win the war with strategy but the battles with tactics, basically. Naturally in gaming these words aren't necessarily always used correctly
I'd rather play Commandos again.
>food analogy
You strategy might be to eradicate all cabbages and you would need to salt the fields for that as well as eat cabbage soup for every day from now on.
Your tactics though would be how each of your striketeam members would dosh out their salt payload onto the field for best results.
strategy is organizing a 3-course dinner from buying the ingredients to inviting friends and cooking
tactics solely focuses on the cooking of a single course but in much more detail
you are the first moron crying if we can't have masterpieces like this anymore.
Shadow Tactis is way better.
Have you guys saw the new Desperados gameplay. It is literally Shadow Tactics with a reskin. Even the characters have the same skills, kinda disappointing. Also I don't remember Desperados being about stealth, I may be wrong tho
>It is literally Shadow Tactics with a reskin
It IS an alpha build of the game, after all.
>Also I don't remember Desperados being about stealth
There were a couple of mandatory stealth missions, but you could run-and-gun most of the time.
You just have shit taste user. It happens. Over time the palette of people change. Reads like you have embraced casual games with instant gratification.
>Reads like you
Retards user.
>Shadow Tactics is way better
I agree but mostly because you have a limited amount of ranged attacks and can't dick around too much without attracting an overwhelming number of guards to your location.
Anyone else find the game too easy?
Finished all missions at Hardcore with 0 alerts and it was mostly straightforward.
Desperados 1 was much more difficult.
I wish the three ninja characters weren't so samey. would be good to have them differ a bit more in movement options, although i also don't have any ideas how.
In all honesty a dutch word would sound very much like a german one upon "translation"
It's made by Germans. Don't buy it
It's made by germans. Buy it in favor of your next americuck purchase. At least you get actual craftsmanship here.
No, it's German made trash.
>Desperados 1 was much more difficult
Was it really? You could easily clear half the map with the strategy seen at 0:22
In fact, the best missions were the ones were you were restricted from killing or alerting anyone. Arguably one of the best missions in the game was the one where you need to fight your way through a city where the US Cavalry and bandits are at each other's throats.
I didn't know you could reload your weapons until the last mission where you are literally forced to do so (the 1v1 boss fight), so I ended up playing the entire game stealth.
>I didn't know you could reload your weapons so I ended up playing the entire game stealth
Hey, that's one way to make the game challenging!
>one of the best missions in the game was the one where you need to fight your way through a city where the US Cavalry and bandits are at each other's throats
Mia's OP monkey helped me a lot in that one.
>Mia's OP monkey
You mean Mia's OP anything - there's a reason why you only got to use her for 3 missions.
Not at all, some missions award badges for not killing anyone but not all of them so I'd suggest not caring at all or your first run through, badges can only be seen after your first level completion.
>TFW going from cheesing everyone with Yuki's whistle
>To mass killing 7 people at once
>To ghosting entire missions.
Shadow Tactics had the best player growth
Can someone explain this meme in stealth games of knocking enemies out instead of killing them? I dont understand it. There is no point, there is no advantage.
Some games punish for kills. So then you are better off knocking one out.
>There is no point, there is no advantage
You're correct, but the idea of not harming anyone (although you'd realistically give them a concussion) is rewarding to people, either from a role-playing perspective (e.g. you don't want to kill innocent guards protecting a corrupt lord) or as a way to demonstrate your mastery over the game mechanics (ghosting a mission that wasn't intended to be ghosted).
That's a cute FBI agent!
I own the commandos saga, the desperados saga and OPs
What should I start with, lads?
It's just a nice alternative way to play. If you're roleplaying a bit it can also feel more realistic, in Deus Ex for instance I found it more realistic to knock out/avoid most enemies and only gun down people as a last resort like when those MJ12 fuckers rush you.
i want a game like this but in a medieval fantasy setting......
I already own it and beat it
good game btw RIP mugen
Bought it, refunded it after about 30 minutes when I learned there was only a few levels in it and each one is about 30-45 minutes.
If I can beat the first level that is the average length of a level in 30 minutes and we only have 10 of them then it sucks
We need more Commandos
For one thing my country did well, we need more of it
Well too bad for you because ypu were very wrong.
The missions become way longer the further the game goes
Not just trap and whistle being strong but both female characters drag corpses low to the ground so they also count as being in low cover vs mugen/hayato who stand up to carry
yuki has all of this so you can easily clear a map pairing her with any character
Both tracks are pretty good
English has a classy feeling to it thanks to using Brit theater actors and has based Peter Marinker which automatically makes it great
Japanese feels very authentic and lends a lot to the setting, and uses a lot of relatively lesser known actors so it doesn't just sound like an anime
I ended sticking with English mostly because I had a hard time keeping up with the subs during gameplay
>uses a lot of relatively lesser known actors so it doesn't just sound like an anime
It sounds very anime-like if you've watched a decent amount, all the main voice actors sounded familiar to me.
I literally only heard Mugen's VA once outside of this game, and I don't even remember where.
Most of the main Japanese voice actors have only done a couple of background roles in anime.
>What should I start with, lads?
Do them in the order you named them.
I found the Tanuki too strong with Zero cooldown.
tanuki can't distract people twice though?
Reminder to pre order our, uh, their next game!
It can by just simply using it's shout several times in a row.
You can lure people from one part of the map to another with it.
Thank you, lad
Regarding Commandos, the second game is the best for the most part. The first game is cool but they hadn't quite figured out everything about the formula and there are still some frustrating bits where you have very limited ways of completing missions (especially in the expansion). Commandos 3 is too easy and short.
I don't think that Tanuki can attract the same enemy it used its his first chirp(?) on but I may be mistaken.
How are they rejigging the abilities from shadow tactics to desperados?
Cooper is just Hayato with the knife throw and coin/stone toss, "Hector" has the trap and whistle but also carry two guards like Mugen and has a shotgun which is an AOE like Mugen's slashes but even larger. Seems like Hector will be the most useful already. Do we have footage of any more characters?
You definitely are. There's a bit of a timing trick to it but I relied on tanuki a lot to pull guards far away one at a time.
Basically, you pull a guard. When it reaches the tanuki you stop its shout and move it so the guard is right on the edge of the range. Right when the guard turns to move away activate shout again and he'll be re-pulled. Too early or late and he keeps walking.
I was gonna say "it's on my wishlist", but apparently I'm one step ahead of myself and have already bought it.
I hope they make another one.
>Do we have footage of any more characters?
Not that I know of. I just hope they'll make the game more difficult that Shadow Tactics, considering that the characters can use ranged weapons.
It can, you just have to move it between each shout.