What the fuck happened to my Yea Forums

what the heck is happening.

Attached: 4chan.png (1289x605, 448K)

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Why the fuck i can't see it?

better question: how is op seeing harmony on the catalog?

Dunno, but it's only on Yea Forums


>being this new

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I am sue chink moot for inducing a seizure, and causing me bodily harm, and punitive damages.

Op here. It is gone for me now. That was odd.

maybe you forgot to turn off your [s4s] interface?

>My Yea Forums
It was never yours to begin with fag.

he doesn't know

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you probably just got hacked
You should probably rub a magnet across your pc just to be safe

I don't get it. what's wrong

i sent you fast repair instructions, might be a virus you downloaded from being on Yea Forums


Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第38話「ついに再婚!?あいこの決意」(DVD (640x480, 168K)

I'd really appreciate if you guys could inform me. Thanks.

>Last post in the sticky was someone screaming

Get a better antivirus.

maybe next year

delete system 32

Good jokes guys. I found it though.

its harmony day, celebrating a great browser game.
and before you ask what a browser game is just fucking google it

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sjw trannies got loose agane

Epic bait lol. This shit ain't even happening on my screen lmfao you got a virus nigga