>game lets you change the main character's clothes
>the new outfit appears in all the cutscenes too
Game lets you change the main character's clothes
Other urls found in this thread:
name one game
Witcher 3
Monster hunter world
name 2 more
Rachet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Devil May Cry 4
>game has shitloads of armor and accessories
>none of them change your appearance at all
Least favorite thing about Final Fantasy
>old clothes you wore previously appear in flashbacks
Saint's Row games
>the new outfit appears in all the cutscenes too
>except the -BIG- cut scenes where even your haircut goes back to default
Tales of Berseria (not including the anime cutscenes)
President Evil 2
Xenoblade Chronicles X
I think Xenoblade does it
or maybe
God Eater series and Freedom Wars since both shared some of the same teams. Freedom Wars though, had a god tier character customization system. Don't know why they never brought the system to the God Eater series.
but possibly
Every game with in-game cutscenes does this. But as soon as i see that Bink Video compression i know i'm in for disappointment
Force unleashed
>Yakuza 0
>find some shoes called "mew shoes" that make a cats meow sound every time you take a step
>they still meow in cutscenes every step he steps
This fucking game man.
actually, definitely
Kingdom Hearts II
Dead Rising 1-3
>main character continues to hold whatever gun you had equipped during cutscenes
name one game other than max payne 3
Dead Rising
>Emotional cutscene with Frank wearing a giant goofy Servbot head and little girl clothes
>your outfit appears in cutscenes
>end up with a mismatched set because it has the best stats
>game doesn't have vanity slots
Tales of Symphonia
Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy
Dragon's Dogma
it sure did
Xenoblade Chronicles
>game lets you change the main character's clothes
>only the default outfit appears in cutscenes ever
Saints row The Third
It breaks immersion sometimes.
Most recent example I can think of is when Kratos in God of War is chaining his blades around his wrist. We're supposed to see the scarring but I was wearing this big heavy metal armor.
oh wait, I forgot about this.
Arx Fatalis
God of whores
Pokemon XY
>Multiple player characters to choose from
>some of them don't fit the rest of the aesthetic
That was one of the best parts of Raw Danger.
>action packed jetski scene
>crash it on land and narrowly make it out
>camera pans down to show main character wearing puffy jacket, sunglasses, scarf, and top hat perfectly intact
san andreas
halo reach
How about modding the game to change the costume directly, and even swapping characters, eh?