This red infantry legendary hero has more BST than a red armor GHB hero

This red infantry legendary hero has more BST than a red armor GHB hero.

Attached: Roy_Blazing_Lion_Face.png (1600x1920, 1.46M)

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This banner went pretty well for me, didn't get perfect boons but I at least got extras to fix the banes.

Our boy

I spent over $200 until I finally rolled him and got +res/-atk AMA


Have you 5*'d your best friend yet?

Attached: 1506383888338.jpg (686x468, 69K)

I'm f2p.

I will never be able to use this roy and it hurts

What? Is he a trainee unit?

>DC + Dragon killing
>BonusBonus 3
>Hone Infantry (except subhumans)
How could you not

I got 4 fucking grimas I swear to god. Fuck this game sometimes.

>being f2p
>not having at least 500 orbs at any given time

Free rollers, report!
Wanted Surtr, got Raven

Reyson for like the millionth time.

>hone humans
This is pretty nice but why

Passing on every banner until Say'ri gets added desu

Attached: sayri3.png (403x256, 66K)

>barren womb
Doesn't make sense they didn't give her a kid.

>Adrift F!Corrin
I just need another dragon, F!Grima is pretty underwhelming to use and armors are super inconvenient without guidance or armor march.

Time constraints I think. Valm/Valentia arc felt a bit rushed. Her character development suffered as a result.

pretty sure IS just stopped caring

Saying that would imply they cared at one point.

>Feb 2018
>437 orbs
>Feb 2019
>334 orbs
Nice anniversary gaywads

Good. Fuck armours.

Attached: c6b.png (1000x1000, 177K)

*dabs on your free roll*

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So what's actually the best build for him? His c skill and a skills are already the most attractive. I gave him vantage, sol and flashing blade seal. Sol sounded fine to me since he's getting bonus damage already but I also still have encountered a few times he failed to one round an enemy.

Gen 3 bst was a mistake an't wait to see a trainee armor hit 185 bst. Question is if ranged cavs will get a boost this time. Only one with bonus bst is B!Lyn.

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>LLyn as free 5*
>pulled +SPD Surtr when no reds were available
>pitybroken by Sylvia on the subhuman banner

I'm salty as fuck, and this shit ain't helping

Hopefully things turn around for you soon user.

>rolled an off banner Adrift MCorrin when trying to get Morgan
I had to double check I was rolling on the right banner even. Hopefully I can get one more Morgan since I've only gotten one so far

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Too bad Micaiah doesn't have good fodder or I'd be willing to roll on some red, and I don't plan to use her even if I get her since I hate her art.

Give him axebreaker so he can double the another Surtr

The first unit I upgraded

Is that supposed to be impressive?

Got Roy, I'll now never roll anything good again

I made a new account just to pretend I rolled him.

Attached: IMG_2957.png (750x1334, 1.74M)

Hrid with shit IVs, it's good to have some more DC fodder.

oops old image it has two roys now

Might fodder him to Winter Cecilia once we can pass 4 skills.

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Got any new Sharena?

Attached: DtlrN1XWkAA0pJf.jpg orig.jpg (2925x4096, 597K)

Support Morgan in the gauntlet please.


I'm gonna be sending out my Tharja to help

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