Literally Hollow Knight thread
Second hornet fight
Other urls found in this thread:
This is how bugs fug
Needs some lewds.
Holy fuck I did it.
Do not lewd the spider
Alright fellas.
I think we’ve seen all the hollow knight porn and fanart there is tons of times now. lets make some new stuff eh?
fuck off furfags
No :3
>Hollow Knight thread
stop that
Resized for non-bugs
Tell me how much time did it take to do Zote and Markoth? The others I know I would be able to do it tryharding, but Markoth and Zote and even AR I just can't cope with the random bullshit.
It's been a while since I did all the ones except AR, but I seem to remember Zote being fairly easy for me. My usual loadout of Sprintmaster, Dashmaster Mark of Pride, and Quickslash seems to work pretty well against him. Markoth was absolute hell, it took me hours to finally kill him and I think I broke something inside of me. I gave up on beating Radiance for 6 months (partly because I was worn out by Markoth, I think, though of course Radiance herself is pretty brutal) but I came back to her this week thanks to Silksong hype and beat her in a few hours.
Spoilering it like that is how you know it's the shill autist and not an actual thread.
Bugs aren't furfag though.
I think the writing is really good in this game
I feel like the whole game is like a bug-themed Genesis, the Pale King is the serpent that gives the bugs of hollownest consciousness, thought, sapience, but it is both their freedom and their undoing. the void is like the groundless freedom and will of consciousness as opposed to the security but mindlessness of nature/the Radiance hivemind.
the game's basically bugs trying to understand and come to grips with the nature of consciousness. the Pale King is both a Fall and an enlightenment, he isn't Eve tempting Adam to eat the Apple, more Prometheus, who uplifts the bug races at the cost of his own self, ie what he has to do to ensure that freedom. it isn't THAT deep but there is substance here without a doubt. love you team cherry
I want a bug gf.
do you think there's a bug heaven?
The eye on the bug on the right looks like a open mouth.
>uggghhhh not this faggot again
Woah that bug looks cool, like Zote the Mighty, that knight of great renown
Go practice Markoth until you can beat him on ascended at least
For all that he's "random" he's still very slow, plenty of time to react. Only attack him when he's spun his shield 2 rotations and you can get in there and wail on him. You can attack through the 2nd shield, just don't get close enough to actually get hit by it
>want to do a complete steel soul replay before silksong comes out
>including PoH with bindings and radianting all bosses again
>afraid I might have to relearn everything after not having played for a few months
tell me about the bugs, why do they wear the masks?
They thought it would stop the plague, it didn't
The answer is , but the real answer is that it's aethstetic as fuck
yey raimbows :[)
Jap moot? More like rehash moot
2019 Yea Forums is just a disney live action remake of 2009 Yea Forums.
Where the fuck does Ghost store all that geo and crap he picks up? Doesn't look like he has a backpack or anything.
Hopefully he at least does densha otoko again
It would be a nice excuse to rewatch it
absorbs it
He is made of void.
I thought it was just a symbol for those who had gained higher intelligence trying to set themselves apart and maybe model themselves after the Pale King.
But that's just a guess.
So? He's still pretty small and doesn't have any visible storage.
Only the bliss of oblivion.
Steel Soul run was really easy. Beating all pantheons made the rest of the game a pushover. Never came close to dying. All I have left to do are the 5/10 hour speedrun achievements, and maybe the radiant fights if I feel like it.
Rainbows are light, please delete this
Did you follow a guide or just play normally?
I'm on my second playthrough after a few months of not playing. Forgotten a lot of stuff but I don't care because the game is great. I'm trying to decide the fastest way get shade cloak though I don't recall where it is exactly. I think it's get the crystal charge, go down and get monarch wings, then head to kingdom's edge which I remember I didn't find til after I had beaten the game, I didn't even realize there was another area. I'll probably have to just look up where the entrance is. Watcher Knights steamrolled me for ages when I first played so this time I'm going to have the shade cloak and beat them down. I beat Grimm on my first playthrough but never managed to clear the arena so I'm gonna try to do that earlier this time.
The one annoying thing is Corrnifer disappearing before I can reach him in new areas, I liked hearing what he had to say each time I met him.
If I keep playing the first and second "challenges" at the Colosseum do I keep getting the prices (a notch and a pale orb) or you dont get them anymore?
Played normally. Rushed getting fragile strength/heart, all movement abilities, and the pale ores, then worked on finishing each area. Only bought the game about 2 weeks ago and did a full playthrough so I remembered were most stuff was.
First run I did look up the last 2-3 charms and shards so I wouldn't have to waste 20 hours looking for them. Some things were too hidden though and I wouldn't have found them without seeing them mentioned here or on the wiki, like white defender, path of pain, and the eternal ordeal.
this redesign is kino
You won't get rare items anymore. You will get 1000 and 2000 geo respectively for each victory.
>55h to 112% the game and beat all Pantheon
I'm skeptical but if you're not lying that's mighy impressive.
Took a break from trying to beat Radiant AR and did Path of Pain. It was a fucking TREAT in comparison. Even when I got rocked by the Kingsmoulds the first time when I forgot how to fight them.
Didn't take me many attempts to beat each one. First or second try for the first 4 pantheons, and 6 tries for pantheon of hallownest. I did the bindings for the first three pantheons just to have lifeblood for PoK and PoH. Not all bindings at once though, did Shell+Soul, then Nail, then Charm. Nail binding was the worst for me and makes me not even want to think about binding runs for PoH.
You're obviously someone who had played the game outside of steam before, stop lying, nobody is impressed.
Only decided to try the game because the silksong trailer looked interesting and people seemed excited for it. Ignored the game before then. I've played harder games, like wings of vi, so I don't think the time I beat the game in is a big deal. Curious how silksong will handle difficulty though.
>Hello darkness my old friend
Hornet misses the little knight =(
Oh user, if you wanted to destroy a flower there are easier ways to do it
Yeah no, not buying your bullshit.
this is quite beautiful but i fear this might give me a seizure
Still not too bad in the end got it 4th try and the first two failures were almost immediate. I'm not sure why this quest is so infamous. Do people just do absurdly dumb routes or something?
It’s more or less people get impatient.
>Hornet is a fucking joke
>We're expected to take her combat abilities seriously in the sequel
I dunno guys it's gonna feel so weird having Hornet be powerful after what a pushover she is in this game.
But, user, the second Hornet fight is literally impossible.
it's almost like she's not fighting to kill the knight
I was having a rough time with it until someone mentioned that a lot of the bigger enemies don't respawn as long as you don't sit at a bench. So after clearing a path first it was fairly simple.
It's not that hard, just tedious.
Also I think people miss that you can plan your route, kill everything along the way, and then go back through
She's in top 3 hardest bosses in the base game and clearly wasn't even fighting you seriously.
>I'm not sure why this quest is so infamous. Do people just do absurdly dumb routes or something?
I think at least part of it is just that it's spookier than it actually is difficult. Really gets the blood pumping.
First time I tried it I lost because one of the big digging worm things in crossroads killed the infected bird fuccboi and he exploded, nicked me with the edge of AOE damage
>top 3 hardest bosses in the base game
Just because that other user is being retarded doesn't me you should be too.
She's a top tier dexterity build that has the right to level up, learn more, and forge a better weapon just like the little ghost.
What exactly is harder than her except for radiance and the watcher knights?
> 5 deaths on Hornet 1
> 16 deaths on Hornet 2
> 3 deaths on Radiance
Fucking this, other user is flexing because he is a retard that only has that to do, but please do go full autsim because of that. Hornet is not a pushover but she is far from top 3.
Just because you don't understand the difference between "the hardest" and "hard" doesn't mean everybody else is also retarded.
Well maybe she should have leveled up some more for the second fight. She's still hella slow during it. Could have been a really fun fight if they sped her up and gave her more angles of attack.
Hornet was fun, but I lost count of how many times Radiance and Grimm handed my ass to me.
>leveled up
Are you retarded? She isn't getting stronger between the fights, she's only testing you.
Lost Kin if you fight him early or don't know about the quickslash stunlock cheese.
Failed Champion.
Watcher Knights and Radiance.
God Tamer in the Trials of Fool.
LK and FC are dlc bosses and God Tamer is an absolute joke you can facetank even without quickslash.
The angry crystal guy was way harder than Hornet.
Lost Kin
>don't know about the quickslash stunlock cheese.
??? Do tell
>jumping up = hard
Sorry user, any boss who
>doesn't summon adds
>isn't a council fight
>spends a lot of time on the ground
Does not qualify as a difficult fight
Most difficult 3 fights in the base game (meaning, no Hive Knight, no Godhome exclusive bosses, no White Defender, no GP Zote, no Grimm) are are
>Watcher Knights
>God Tamer
>LK and FC are dlc bosses
No they are not.
Is Silksong gonna interact with Hollow Knight saves at all to figure out NPC aliveness or should I just delete my dreams of seeing Zote again?
it's easy with the dlcs
doing it on release was a different story
>LK and FC are dlc bosses
So you're just a shitposter that didn't even play the game. Thanks for addmiting it.
Yes they are, they were literally added in a dlc.
You're wrong.
>LK and FC are dlc bosses
>God Tamer
Be honest, how many times did you actually die to her? Once, simply because you weren't expecting a boss?
Quickslash + fragile strenght + steady body. You basically bully him by hittiing him non stop and he is the boss that staggers the most of the game so he pratically can't do anything.
That is literally incorrect.
No, I'm not.
Man, you sure a decicated to stupidity.
>literally incorrect
Way to sound like a moron while being right
Literally 100% correct.
Lurien was the only lonely dreamer.
I died to Hornet 0x in either encounter
>Easily, predictable movements
>Literally lets you heal by taking a break
>Doesn't even jump straight at you
>No giantass homing fuckslave
>Low health
>Isn't directly after a fucking gauntlet - you can fight her straight up
This little "git gud" meme doesn't work when you're comparing an actually difficult boss to one of the easy ones
I would even rate Markoth, Xero, Galien, and Mantis Lords above Hornet Sentinel. She doesn't fly. She doesn't have adds. If FLUKEMARM moved at all it would be a harder fight than Hornet.
I wish Lurien was fleshed out more, we don't know much about him while Monomon has Quirrel and Herrah has the entirety of Deepnest/Hornet.
Lurien had a bunch of loyal servants in his tower even past the Watcher knights, including one in his bedroom
Guy wasn't THAT lonely.
I just encountered Hornet in the City of Tears and now I'm wandering around the Crystal area and I just got the Dream Nail. I think I need double jump to progress any further, is it found in the Crystal Area or in Deepnest?
You stupid? Hornet isn't going to fight Higher Being by the dozen like the Knight, nor is she going to ascend a pantheon of gods. Ennemies lore is going to scale with her power.
I did the grimm stuff for a few extra percentage, and skipped trial of the fool and a couple charms because of it. I could see losing a run to that trial, but I don't know what else could make it harder unless there were major balance changes.
He is trolling user.
I think he's just stupid
Did you make your route beforehand or do the whole thing on the fly?
I recall Flukemarm being brutal if you try to fight it right when you can get to it. Laughably easy if you go back later though.
It's found in neither of the two places you mentioned.
That was a dlc teaser idiot.
Did you remember to explore the sewers? It leads back to Crystal Peak.
>Why did Herrah and Monomon end up getting more depth lore-wise than Lurien did?
>Ari: "Well, probably now, for us, they all have the same amount of narrative. We maybe have revealed less of Lurien's narrative."
>William: "Yeah, again there's that thing of not everything has to be kind of symmetrical. So you know you can reveal much more about one character and not going to feel like they all... That means that you don't necessarily need to reveal more about another character, it's just whether it makes sense, given their place in the world, and their role, that the player learns more about them. In the end, Lurien is a pretty mysterious character, we don't reveal a lot."
>Ari: "Internally there's a suggestion of a relationship with another character in the game, that never was really hinted inside... in any of the visible lore. We could have pursued that, and it probably would have been interesting, but again it might have just... there's a point where it's just too much."
>William: "I think some people might have guessed it. Maybe? Have I seen that?"
>Ari: "Maybe. Anyway, we won't say [who] it is."
I really liked the Nailsmith's voice. Most voices in the game are good but I think I like his best.
Nope, it's someone's let's play, has the whole fight
I almost did it on my first try with minimal route planning and I didn't know that you could kill shit, not rest at a bench, and get through without having to face anything difficult. I got to the room the grave is in, but didn't dash far enough on the first set of thorns and fell straight in.
I think I got it two tries later, though, not that hard at all.
I wish I could say the same for fucking Radiant Markoth though. My sanity is dwindling.
Double jump is below City of Tears, in Ancien Basin. You need to get the superdash ability from the Crystal Peak before you can get there. You should be able to get it right now if you search the place.
Does finishing the game with more than 100% give you the 100% achievement?
Yeah, it's an obvious teaser.
Lurien fucked the Elderbug confirmed.
No route. Just made sure to go get crystal heart, wings, desolate dive, and isma tear early on so I wouldn't have to do much back tracking. Also rarely ever used benches so I could load save to return to a stag station bench.
Of course
I guess if you're doing a Steel Soul Run, benches don't really matter.
This is the first teaser of the first DLC dated many months later on the official TC channel, and it's nothing like some guy playing a let's play
Stop feeding him
user, I think you might be retarded if you actually can't tell you're being trolled.
I don't mind following this out to its natural conclusion. Also I assume one of you is him, so which one? Keep replying to me, let's keep this going
Trying to do Radiant Pure Vessel and I'm starting to get frustrated. Not because of the fight itself, it's extremely fair and all my deaths are from bad reads and mistimed dodges, but because
>wait for the hall of gods to load
>wait for the knight to get back up
>select the statue
>select the difficulty wait for the boss to load
>wait for the century long boss intro sequence to finish
>make mistake because I'm feeling distracted and annoyed
there is SO MUCH WAITING every goddamn time
I know it's not actually that long but it feels longer and longer every time I have to sit through it
Why is it that this game can make me feel so frustrated, but when I stop playing all I do is think about playing it.
>hurr only official teasers posted by the devs can be teasers
I would have liked a bit more lore on Lurien, but a part of me kind of likes that we don't know what his exact role was. We just have the basic idea of this powerful loyal figure serving from his tower, keeping a literal watch over everything.
So close to the heart of the city, yet so far, watching things behind rainy windows and distant telescopes.
Wait for absolute radiant lad, it's three time longer.
It's a short fight at least. I just cleared radiant tonight. Then promptly died to him trying to get my last binding for 4th pantheon. Very frustrating indeed, I feel like it's impossible to master
Oh wow, first time seeing this art, I love it, thanks user.
There wouldn't be enough essence to upgrade the dream nail without LK FC and ST. How would fighting Radiance have been possible?
I've played enough games that do full-retard shit with how they award achievements that I feel its a completely reasonable question to have asked.
There was.
I'm admittedly not the type of player who finds great satisfaction in difficulty for the sake of difficulty, but Hollow Knight kept me hooked because there was always more to see and discover. New enemies, new environments, new lore and characters, etc.
Gritting your teeth and getting better was worth it for me, because what I experienced as a result was worth it.
There isn't.
You do realize pretending to be trolling now doesn't cover up the fact that your initial assertion was wrong, right? And you just look incredibly juvenile not being able to admit you were.
Name ONE (2) game.
God, if Silksong gives me some sort of reward for all the shit I did in Hollow Knight I'm going to cream myself.
Fine, I was wrong. Happy?
I just realize that the dream gate consumes essence. What the fuck?
She literally talks about trying to kill you in both fights dumbass.
Obviously they changed up the required numbers after adding them, stop trolling.
You randomly get essence from killing enemies and the chance for it doubles after you use a dream gate.
Yeah, that's why she rescues you right after the second one without even breaking a sweat dumbass.
The game not only tells you this, but you can get essence from just killing enemies anyway.
So what's the point of making it consume essence then?
Saving all the grubs in the original game results in them being reborn as the Radiant's new heir and destroying the world just as you're about to get the good ending of Silksong.
Because she thinks you're worthy after you beat her and decides to help you. She was still going all out in the fight.
Good question, I guess it's just there to discourage spamming it.
Poor user got spun into his own web
I don't think there is anything I want more than for the Hollow Knight to make an appearance in silksong.
>the chance for it doubles after you use a dream gate
Really? I only ever used the dream gate once or twice during the whole game for fear of not having enough essence to get the final ending.
Hornet's mom is such a fatass. I hope Hornet doesn't become a chubby bug when she get older.
>She was still going all out in the fight
Literally no indication of that, if she went all out she wouldn't have been able to dig you out of the dirt five minutes later.
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I watered it in fears,
Night and morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine.
And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.
According to the wiki, yes, and apparently I misread and it actually quadruples the chance, from 0.5% to 2%. Equipping Dream Wielder also doubles it.
>Prove yourself ready to face it. I'll not hold back. My needle is lethal and I'd feel no sadness in a weakling's demise.
She also tells you before the first fight that she can't allow you to succeed in your quest and intends to kill you.
>Literally no indication of that
>"I'll not hold back. My needle is lethal and I'd feel no sadness in a weakling's demise."
Stop overusing the word "literally", you literal retard.
No shit she says that, except literally five minutes later you see that she lied.
Dude, she literally tells you she's gonna kill you. Twice.
>Because she thinks you're worthy after you beat her and decides to help you. She was still going all out in the fight
If she went all out she wouldn't have been able to dig you out of the dirt.
>just finished path of pain and all they gave you was a picture of a fucking rock
All that hard work just for a FUCKING ROCK. Bullshit game worshiped by brainlets
Between the dreambosses-were-DLC guy and this retarded was-hornet-holding-back argument, I genuinely preferred the former
She's got those Pale King buglet genetics though. She'll probably stay the same height, but maybe her Mom's genes will kick in and she'll become a shortstack
Just because she went all out, it doesn't mean Ghost did too.
Why not?
No worries.
Just because she said she is going all out doesn't mean she did, she literally told you that she is going to stop you earlier, except ended up helping you.
It's probably the same autist who intentionally spews nonsense to get (you)s because he can't think of anything interesting to talk.
The real reward was the pain we felt along the way
Hollow Knight was actually pretty decent for a flash game. Almost as good as the mid-tier DS Castlevania games, but without the good art style.
But it was a “magic” rock.
If it was her going all out instead of ghost then she wouldn't have needed to rescue him obviously.
She was initially trying to stop you because she thought you weren't stong enough to perform the task and had no issue with killing you.
Once you prove to her that you ARE strong by besting her in combat she gains faith in your ability and starts helping you.
It's all very explicitly stated in the game. You are only arguing because you are the type of person who can't admit ever being wrong about anything, even on an anonymous kitting forum.
You're thinking of Hungry Knight, the much beloved prequel.
This is entering headcanon territory user. She tells you twice that she wants to kill you to stop you in your quest, but you swat her aside both times and she realizes you may actually be a viable replacement vessel so she decides to help you in the end.
You claiming that she never wanted to kill you and was only testing you directly contradicts her own words and is pure headcanon.
Holy shit, how did I not know about this. Is it worth playing?
>directly contradicts her own words and is pure headcanon
But, user, people don't always mean what they say, so you can safely ignore anything they say in favor of your headcanons!
She was both testing the vessels and ready to kill them if they weren't strong enough. She might have said that she is going all out, but you immediately see that she still had plenty of strength to spare.
Still screenshots for this game look like god damn concept art sometimes. That is the way things should be.
how canon is hungry knight
It's neat to see the precursors to the things in Hollow Knight, but otherwise it's nothing special
As a game in itself? Nooot really. Very short, very simple.
But it's cool to see just how ridiculously far the devs have come.
Well everyone in Hallownest is probably a bit peckish.
Because you beat her into submission. Just because she gave up in the face of your overwhelming power doesn't mean she wasn't trying her hardest to kill you up until she realized she didn't stand a chance. She doesn't have to fight until she passes out from exhaustion or you kill her in order for her to have wielded the fullest extent of her combat capability against you. She's just not that strong user, deal with it.
I used to play flash games regularly like 10 years ago
I'll fire it up tomorrow
It's a 2min game, lad.
The vessel returned to Hallownest because he mistook White Palace for a White Castle.
Yeah, I bet you beat her into submission in greenpath as well and despite living in hallownest since forever she had a massive boost in powerlevel in the very short time you've been there. Also, still waiting for your explanation as to why she had to rescue ghost after the fight.
what's her deal? you shouldn't laugh at the dead
I'd do it now but I don't have a flash enabled browser and I don't care to solve that on this computer
>god tamer
Imagine being this bad
>you shouldn't laugh at the dead
Why not? They can't get offended by it.
Maybe she wasn't carrying her gay little caltrops on her in greenpath. Maybe they were something she devised to restrict your movement after you so easily dodged her highly telegraphed attacks in the greenpath fight. She has more silk too, maybe she prepped better in general.
I don't remember the scene where Hornet rescues you because it was two years ago I played through the main story. My argument would probably be that just because Little Ghost is way stronger than Hornet, that doesn't mean he can't be caught unawares by janky shit in an unfamiliar land.
Fact is, Hollow Knight makes Hornet look weak and I reiterate my original point that it's gonna feel real weird having her be a killing machine who far surpasses Little Ghost when Silksong comes around. Especially if she ends up defeating his Shade Lord form.
I'm really impressed with this game. Just killed radiance after like 30 hours. This is one game that's probably worth at least double the asking price for how damn big it is and how well it's made. Really impressed that it was just three aussies that put all this together while avoiding getting eaten by giant spiders and trees.
Servants aren't really peers though. It's lonely at the top (of the watcher's tower)
Who's got the Spanish one?
>Especially if she ends up defeating his Shade Lord form
If she ever does fight Shade Lord, it's going to be with the aid of Godseeker's meme magic, which greatly amplifies one's power.
I also feel like vessels are supposed to be really overpowered by the setting's standarts, so Hornet being weaker than them doesn't mean she isn't a killing machine for everyone else.
>I played the game two years ago and don't remember her rescuing you right after the fight or the fact that her moves are faster by a mile and more complex in the second fight but she definitely looks weak in the game
Well user, hornet is still a shade, which means she can get stronger, also, the knight is a killing machine stronger than anything else in their world, so hornet looking weak is to be expected
Musgoagresor Gigante...
>rey vengamosca
This shot is why i don't use the spanish translations
Good ol’ Principe Gris Zote
>hornet is still a shade
Oh boy, are we going to have a third idiotic argument in one thread?
I played the main story two years ago. Doesn't mean I haven't done the pantheons and radianted every boss. She's marginally faster in the second fight. She's still highly telegraphed and easy to dance circles around.
>She's marginally faster in the second fight
lol, go and record yourself beating her on radiant twice in a row
Hornet isn't a shade. She was born from the Pale King boning Herra. His tree wife okayed it tho.
tfw can't beat destello destelloso
no puedo acer radiante vasija pura o rey pesadilla. que puedo acer, Yea Forums?
Fique bom.
Yeah we fucking will if you actually want to refute this fact
>be well
You think that’s bad, I’m stuck on Tirano de Almas.
Do you think Mr Mushroom will be in Silksong?
Golpen los pero no te mueres
I’m almost positive of it.
Will he be a friend? Or a superboss?
Sure, but first elaborate on what you mean by "shade". That she's a vessel? Has void in her?
I'm guessing an easter egg
>If you can't radiant a boss you haven't bothered practicing twice in a row at the drop of a hat, your lore argument is invalid
I might actually be able to do it, because I got her in just a few tries when I first went through the Hall of Gods anyway, but even if I could I wouldn't bother figuring out how to record and compress video and make a YouTube account for the sake of this shit. Fanwank over Hornet and consider yourself the victor if you like, but I think most people here would agree that the game never portrays Hornet as a powerful being.
So I can get 1 or 2 hits every 20sec while avoiding his 15 random spawning swords easily?
Phase 2 swords is just bullshit, this whole fight fucking sucks.
>but I think most people here would agree that the game never portrays Hornet as a powerful being.
How retarded would someone have to be to actually believe that Hornet isn't supposed to be powerful?
you want to win easy? wait for him to hover right on the side of the middle platform and then smash him against it. he'll bust out the second dreamshield after. just move to the top platforms and dodge his dream nails and then when he starts doing his circle attacks, throw your shade soul at him until he dies. it shouldn't take more than 3 hits if you really smashed him against the platform.
You don't need to practice in order to radiant greenpath hornet on the first try, hornet 2 shouldn't have been that much more difficult, if she's only slightly faster. Windows has built in tools for video recording and putting it up on streamable would have taken a lot less time than this entire argument. Also, lmao at the daughter of a literal god and the queen of deepnest not being portrayed as powerful.
>having legal authority means your children are guaranteed to be born powerful warriors
>all gods are gods of war
>How can Hornet be the main character when she had her ass handed to her by Ghost?
Because main characters are awesome, duh.
And Silksong somehow makes it look like ass in comparison. Team Cherry has a bright future.
Oh, so you lied about playing through the dlc, got it.
Shits looks like those dragon ball super, with meme characters, power level charts.
What's wrong with it?
Would you rather it be something soulless like "king of the vengeful flies"?
Why can't foreigners into portmanteaus?
Hornet is literally a demigod you fucks. Not to mention there's more to the weavers than meets the eye.
The vessels are cheating because they have three fucking godly entities mixed into them. And while only two vessels really got far, the full potential of the White Lady, the Pale King, and the Void as a bonus is seen in our Knight.
Fine fag I've done it. I even got two sick midair kills which made her glitch the fuck out which I've not seen before. You're gonna have to wait for it to upload at 0.9Mbps though.
She never comes off like a threat or genuine impediment. She feels like she's in the game to make your journey feel less lonely and less like you're the only one doing anything.
Oh here, you can even have the link in advance in case the thread dies.
This game is really good holy shit, still gotta beat but i think i am close to the end
Just got done with white palace but some dudes told me to go back in there because theres more to do, saw platforming was unironically fun so i'm looking foward whatever this place has more
There's a hidden area somewhere you jump thru a wall.
>Exploring queen's gardens for the first time
>Find second bench
>After paying the bench fee, a speaker appears as well with music so that you can enjoy the view
Hallownest might've fallen, but they really knew how to party.
i smacked it as soon as i saw it and it broke and no one ever fixed it
>tfw I destroyed the speakers in the first tram and they never respawned
Why would they do this, every time I listen to the silence I'm reminded that I fucked up
Wait what? I broke it as soon as it appeared.
Small minds.
>señor desleal
>vasija pura
this shit is google translate tier, what the hell
Fuck you menderbug, you deserved to die
What's all this about Hornet's powerlevel? From what Team Cherry said Hornet fights smart rather than just going in with brute force. She'll craft new tools, steal or earn powerful gear and learn new techniques that'll make her more formidable than her actual powerlevel. All that being said her stamina management is vastly different as a protagonist than it was as a boss
All Bindings Radiance>All Bindings Zote>All Bindings Markoth>>>All Bindings Pure Vessel>>>>>>>>The rest
so did Hornet's mom give her anything but life and was her price the sex or the baby
So PK didn't fuck the void or anything, how did he get void into his and WL's kids?
White Lady talks about seeds, so she probably didn't give birth. My guess is Lady produced a bunch of fertilized seeds/eggs/whatever that were then placed to incubate into those black spheres, like the one you dreamnail in Birthplace. Or maybe chilren were produced normally and then sealed inside those spheres to replace their souls with void.
They dipped the eggs in void and let the darkness seep in so that it could hollow out their children.
I still have RAR to do. I've been going at her on and off for the past week totaling like 17-20 hours of attempts, and I'm starting to beat her first phase more than not. And I've even managed to make it to the third phase where she just shoots light balls a fair number of times.
I am going to defeat this moth, I fucking swear it.
Drop em into the Abyss duh.
Sound like an awful BLACKED video.
The point this cartoon is going for doesn't work.
Don't worry, it's just a drawing
>Flamethrower in a tissue factory
Everyone not listed elsewhere
>An actual challenge
Hive Knight
Hornet 2
Oro + Mato
Soul Tyrant
Lost Kin
White Defender
Failed Champion
>Requires practice
Nightmare King Grimm
Pure Vessel
>Borderline bullshit territory
GP Zote
>oro & mato harder than watcher knights
>An actual challenge
>Hive Knight
>Hornet 2
Stopped reading there.
I have those fuckers boiled down to a science, this is a very biased list.
Nightmare Grimm
All the hidden dream bosses
>Second hornet fight
Is this a meme now? Same thread title keeps being used ever since that genuine user was seeking genunine help with the 2nd hornet fight.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the infection.
They wear masks because it's aesthetic and many bugs have butt-ugly faces, see pic related.
Lurien is the brother of The Collector confirmed.
Should I be having such a hard time on RPV? Seems like I can't react to his different attacks in time to avoid him. What's ultimately the strat? Pogo-ing the fucker?
>Lunging thrust
Pogo, turn around, smack him in the back of the head in mid air
>triple slash
Jump and spam pogo. If you just mash the attack button you will parry any backswings that would otherwise potentially hit you
These are easy to see coming thanks to the distinctive sound cue. Shadow dash through them and hit PV ONCE. If you attack twice you risk triggering parry and your shadow dash will be down so you'll likely be hit by it.
>ground swords
Stop moving. These won't spawn at the location you're standing at the time PV impacts upon the ground
>SOUL explosion
Dash out, spam shade soul while watching for a secondary explosion spawning on you
>Void tendrils
Double jump. If you jump too early and think you're gonna fall into them before their hitbox ends, descending dark into them and your i-frames will carry you through
Thank you, enigmatic sage.
>thought she was just nervous on the first playthrough
>now realize she's shaky because there's a mad god in her bloodstream
>>thought she was just nervous on the first playthrough
she's burying her sisters, mother and father, dude
she killed them with her very own pickaxe when she saw they were under the Radiance
I'm gonna hook up my hhkb and try and play HK with keyboard tonight.
Wish me good luck.
I thought that was just a coping thing because the radiance killed her family at some point. She's clearly mining for crystals, which have some unknown connection to the radiance (she probably got the idea to do that from early symptoms of the infection).
You're fucking retarded.
t. can't read between the lines
>delivering the fucking flower
>in the room of the Traitor Lord's Child's Grave
>on the last set of thorns
>sure as the sun will rise, hit said thorns
Glad I set that Dreamgate.
post your best keyboard HK layout
guys it's called hallownest because it's literally a giant nest for birds, the radiance is a bird
default one
Just don't use spells or nail arts
How do you deal with Grimm when half of his windups are identical? He's literally too fast for my mind to comprehend. I oneshot the first two pantheons first try and now I have to deal with this faggot again. I can sharpshadow through him for half an hour but I know I have to get better.
If he shows up from above then just jump and down strike.
If he shows up from belows then just dash to the left or right slightly away from him.
Can anyone other than fucking Zote answer
>other than fucking Zote
Oh! You dare reject my advice?! Fine, fool! I'll just go to Dirtmouth and steal your woman!
>half of his windups are identical
I mean, that's exactly what makes him hard, specially considering his windups will always lead to either one of the moves it's safe to get in hits or one of the moves you're supposed to dodge everything.
>He's literally too fast for my mind to comprehend
Unless, you want to cheese him with pet builds, sharp shadow or something like that, you don't have any other alternative than practice to force your brain to get faster.
>How do you deal with Grimm when half of his windups are identical
What the fuck guys, none of them are identical. Maybe uppercut shares a starting position with bats, and divekick shares a position with flame pillars, but neither windup animation matches their positional pair
>from the devs that gave you the ability to kill fags, to fight against cuckshit, to become the BBC BLACKING everybody, and BTFO casuals
>now bring you a game with a female protagonist and most probably disgusting yuripandering
What went wrong?
What is this SJW shit?
>scientists baffled at anons ability to fuck up every time
You are trying so hard to fit in
>hitting /ourbug/ during his bow
That's your first mistake you fucking retard.
holy shit lmao
Anyway if you're gonna go with fags that gather SOUL for you at least cast magic on him during his pufferfish phase. Also you should be jumping towards the next fireball wave and then moving away from the next before jumping over it (and towards the next) so you have more time in between each jump
>3 bats coming on the same height
What the fuck is wrong with your game though?
That's not how that attack is supposed to come out...
>not bowing
You fucking deserved it.
thats not the nightmare king
Fucking hell...
So I'm not the only one that started doing this an hour into grinding out his pattern.
Everyone bows to Grimm and the nailmasters.
I think it's gay though. Fag.
>die 40 times to a dream warrior I saw a speedrunner beat in under a minute
am I retarded? I used to think I was good at video games
It's a matter of getting your abilities. Shadow dash makes a lot of fights easier.
A little better, I let him bow this time
>There's no way I'll bother collecting all the grubs
>Collected all the grubs
>Fuck upgrading the weapon to max
>Upgraded it to max
>I'll just watch the rest of endings on youtube
>Do them myself, just need pantheon now
Man, this game is the tits.
You can dream nail him during his bow without interrupting and at the same time get some soul.
Don't stand against the wall.
Getting as far as you can from him in that phase sure looks like the most safe option for players who are scared/intimidated. However, the truth is that you're limiting your movement and spacing by letting yourself get trapped against a "corner".
You should be less "shy" in that phase and jump over the low fireballs advancing forward so you have control of the pace and always a bit of space in case you need to back a little.
Don't be so scared of the bats. The pattern is always the same and they're predictable.
Rather that trying to get away from them and double jumping, what you should be doing is slightly jump over the first one towards Grimm, and dash in the air over the other 2 to get closer to him and hit it.
That attack hits very high. If you're going to dodge it by jumping, you need to react very quick so you can reach the peak of your arc before he hits you.
Judging by how you reacted to the bats attacks by putting even more distance between you and Grimm and staying in the air (when it's literally one of the best moments to get hits), I'd say your main problem is that you're too intimidated.
Be more confident, be proactive and get in.
Or just watch a video on youtube of someone doing it hitless to see how to handle his attacks if you're not sure about what I mean.
You can get a free hit on him once the bow ends before he teleports without triggering pufferfish. Stop fucking dashing into him and using nail arts. Holding nail arts isn't worth losing your ability to pogo attack, which is free damage against both the dash>uppercut and the divekick.
How do people play Godmaster and feel satisfied, even if they didn't do it on radiant and with all binds?
It feels like no matter what I do I am just shit since it's so far removed from the real challenge.
In before every single user in the thread being an utter god at the game and that I really am just a total scrub.
>feel satisfied
Oh, I'm not. But my completionist autism won't let me sleep if I don't finish all the content in this type of games.
Also I AM A GOD, bow before my glory you scrub!
There aren't achievements for bindings
Even I have the potential to all-bindings flawless this guy and the entire pantheon
That's what sets humans apart from animals and robots. Animals and robots can't learn
I mean truly learn something and acquire skill
also it's a video game
Try shadow dashing when the fire falls if you feel insecure.
Don't double jump when going above the bats, that's too slow to approach Grimm in time. Just dash forward in the air.
These are very entertaining btw.
Double jumping over the bats still gets you two hits if you do it quickly enough, but it won't work well against nightmare king
lore question I haven't seen anyone address: why do the siblings just fuck off in the dream no more ending? does killing radiance also somehow banish the void?
I think it's because they no longer have a purpose.
>Double jumping over the bats still gets you two hits if you do it quickly enough
Saving the double jump will get you in 3-4 hits depending on how fast you reach him.
>but it won't work well against nightmare king
That's why he should be getting used to the better option anyways imo.
The task they were created for and they naturally feel inclined to complete is finished.
They can finally rest and go back to be part of the void.
Thanks guys, pogo-ing his drill attack and getting aggressive with the firebat part carried me through.
Hopefully onlookers are inspired by the partial curing of my severe retardation
You're all grown up now.
fuck that nightmare bitch
post your radiant obobbles kill
What do you use to record your stuff?
>happy that he just beat Grimm
>he doesn't know who he's going to meet in the next pantheon
Congrats. Now take the training wheels off and bend over for NKG.
what was his fucking problem
That's the non-nightmare version though.
Want to know too, looks very smooth.
My webms always come out like shit.
Have a Switch code for Hollow Knight buckos
I just did NKG yesterday. That looks a lot like my first attempt. Although it didn't take me many more to adjust. Killed him in like 6-8 tries.
Wait, there's people who don't go dance with Grimm in the main story?
Got it, thanks m8
No backies
I play it with keyboard because I forgot my controller back home. Not bad at all
Ok I really ought to relax before bed, thanks guys
I'll raise you five tries, watch me
I use OBS, game capture, using CRF (12-20 depending on how much space I want to take up. Veryfast CPU (go slower until your output has frame lag), mp4 output
Then I plug it into webm for retards and control it by bitrate (24000 bits [3 MB] divided by length of video in seconds). The size limit function doesn't work
You don't even have to waste two charm notches on Grimmchild to be able to fight this version, do you?
No, but in saying that quickslash doesn't do much against him so it's not really that much of a sacrifice to take grimmchild anyway.
Thank you.
>First try
>Run into a Jellyfish partially obscured by the foreground
>Second try
>Run into a different Jellyfish partially obscured by the foreground
This is a good thread.
Wait. Don't you need to beat the bosses first before they unlock in the Hall? NKG is ezpz once you've beaten him once.
>taking the fog canyon route
Why'd you have to kill the dreamers? Was there no way to wake them up?
You don't have to kill the dreamers user.
>doing the no nail binding on the first pantheon
>spell build
>mfw broodling mawlek
how much fucking hp does that neet bug have
How do you get inside the Black Egg then?
26 Shaman Stoned Shade Souls' worth.
Hop to it.
Quick Slash costs 3 notches, bud. Unless you're on a very old save like mine.
You don't have to, because Godmaster invalidates the entire main plot and doesn't really fit in with the rest of the game.
My quickslash costs two notches too, but I'd still argue that if you need to take grimmchild it's the least useful "always take" charm against NKG, despite generally being the best charm
You don't. You get the Embrace the Void ending.
Saves the most bugs.
what's the highest you guys got in the eternal ordeal? i got to about 76 before i bowed out
I know right?
It just seems cruel to me. But the Hornet encounter after Herrah makes me think that there was no way to wake them up at that point.
Quick Slash is an extra attack on the firebats opening. Or two, or three.
Fighting NKG in Godhome is basically cheating.
Nah. Godmaster is the ending where we get to finally fully side with the void.
Fuck you Yea Forums, i'm spanish (spain) but every time i read any text spanish i can't stop thiking about latin spanish
Does this ending make the Dreamers wake up?
how high can it go?
No one knows.
i dunno, i just did it for the first few times, and the second time i got 76, i'd imagine it just keeps going endlessly?
>because Godmaster invalidates the entire main plot and doesn't really fit in with the rest of the game
Not necessarily.
I mean, all the bosses you kill in the real world can be found in Godhome anyway and the explanation for that is that what the Godseekers do is retrieve their "essence" and have imaginary versions at their peak fighting around in their dream realm for them.
It could be argued, chronologically, the "Ghost" that completes the Godhome is just a "Godhome version" of our Ghost at his peak. That's why the Godhome endings also have Hornet waking up in the real world after the Black Egg melts: after waking up the Godseeker, he gets in her head, fucks around for in Godhome for a bit, and then gets out, but leaving a "god version" of his being behind. Then the story continued as normal outside with the real Ghost, killing the dreamers, talking to Hornet outside the Black Egg and facing HK, but at the same time the version he left behind completed the last Pantheon in the dream realm.
>Then the story continued as normal outside with the real Ghost, killing the dreamers, talking to Hornet outside the Black Egg and facing HK, but at the same time the version he left behind completed the last Pantheon in the dream realm.
You know that's not the case at all.
There's plenty of them in china.
>HK thread
>no Cornifer
Ah, I forgot, Hornet is waiting outside the Black Egg in those endings, not inside.
Forget what I said then.
Anyway, Godmaster is still compatible with the main story.
Considering HK gets out, I'd say Ghost killed the dreamers before finding Godhome.
There's no way to save them, but I doubt they're in a state they could've saved anyway.
shhhh! Cornifer is sleeping!
If that faggot can sleep through his own noise then he can sleep through me terrorizing the realm as one of the best HK players in the world
beat him in a dream 10 times
Go into Bretta’s house and check things out, friend
Maybe check the basement
Maybe check it four times
i wonder how we will aim hornet's needle throw in silksong
You can't.
Huh, I already had OBS downloaded, but never could be bothered to make it work. Thanks.
Oh my fucking GOD. I finally did it.
I'm this user. And I finally fucking defeated Radiant Absolute Radiance.
OH FUCK was that satisfying. Like twenty hours of RAGE finally fucking over. For a long while there I was regretting this challenge I placed on myself, where I wasn't going to beat the 5th pantheon until I did all of the radiant fights. It wasn't that bad until Radiant Absolute Radiance.
134 hours of total playtime, and twenty of those hours was this one fight.
It's better not to stand directly against the wall. It's better to have some room to go both left and right when dodging.
Now for a full binding run of PoH and you're set.
I sometimes hit him when he's bowing because the way the music swells is just so great.
Nice work user, mine was seven hours but I got lucky with phase 2 positioning and it still blew my mind when I did it. Best feeling I've ever had in a game.
Jokes on everyone. Level 1 pantheon kills count towards Zote progress, so new players beat him 10 times without ever going through the original overpowered Zote trial
That doesn't shut him up, it just gives you a golden zote statue.
I mean I did it because I'm no scrub, but still.
>Everyone bows to Grimm and the nailmasters.
Give me a quick rundown.
I do plan on doing that, but I'm in no rush. It doesn't sound as bad as this fight anyway.
>can heal one mask every three hits
>can get hit TWICE before dying
>only need to have three to survive so I don't have to heal both masks
Doing the radiant fights has made me way less scared about doing the bindings.
If you hold down the Little Ghost will look down. People like to do this to Grimm and the Nailmasters and the Nailsage when they bow.
>Level 1 pantheon kills count towards Zote progress
Seriously? That's pathetic.
I'm sure those aussie cunts relish in rewarding people with suffering.
>getting all charms bags you a Salubra that doesn't shut up
>doing the """good""" thing in the Grimm Troupe bags you a massively annoying accordion player while also missing out on the best fight in the game
>saving all grubs gets them all eaten
>completing the journal gives you the biggest fucking cocktease of a boss fight
>Tiso is the eternal punching bag
>saving Bretta and Zote gets you cucked
>saving the nailsmith unfortunately turns him into a fag
How far will these devs go in Silksong?
You'll experience another twenty hours of rage when you try the PoH with all bindings. After a while you start dying to baby tier bosses after wasting half an hour of your time because you start making silly mistakes trying to rush through to the hard parts. It's almost more frustrating than losing to the actually hard bosses.
t. doing it right now
Take all the time you need. God knows when SS is coming out.
>>getting all charms bags you a Salubra that doesn't shut up
>it's called "blessing"
That one is clearly intended to be an old school trolling shit.
It completely obliterates the mood in the benches for the rest of the game.
Quick rundown on Grimm.
>grimmchilds bow to Grimm
>in contact with greater minds
>rumoured to possess dreamer abilities
>controls troupe with an iron fist
>owns vessels and lanterns all over the world
>direct descendant of the ancient blazing kin blooline
>will bankroll the first cities in the Abyss (Grimmgrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every SOUL extraction research facility in Hallownest
>first designer vessels will be Grimm Babies
>is said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Wyrm prediction tell of one angel who will descend upon Hallownest and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>he owns Void R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Grimm flames inside you right now
>Grimm in regular communication with dreamers and seekers, forwarding the word of Higher Beings to the bug prophets
>he learned fluent Hallownestspeak in under a week
>kingdoms entrust their pale ore reserves with the troupe master. There's no pale ore in Ft. White Palace, only Ft. Grimm
>he is 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base bug.
>In reality, the is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the Bug bang to the end of the universe
>Grimm will guide bugs into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
It's not a big deal. No one cares about anything aside from Radiant any more, and if you can Radiant Zote, you can gold statue Zote.
How does it feel knowing the devs already showed Myla 2.0 in the trailer?
Completionist autists care.
Im another Greenpath babby who has been blown away by the game since Captial. Just beat Lingering Will and got the monarch boost and was feeling pretty sketched about the implications of what I just saw. Then I went back home via Crossroads.
D-did I do that???
>faggot is wrong about the game all day
>decides that some fuckass physical feat is the true detractor from his retarded headcanon
>decides to ignore all legitimate lore references and determines his headcanon is absolute
>Ignores all logical discussion and claims you have to overcome his arbitrary physical challenge to be considered legit
>overcome his arbitrary physical challenge
>no response
Hey user just in case you went to bed before I humiliated you, I just wanted to remind you that you're a fucking faggot. I live in Australia so I'm off to bed but I just felt it was important you recognized that you're a cocksucker before everyone forgot about how much semen you gulped in this thread. Hope to chat to you in the morning if there's a HK thread 9 hours from now. Night dude.
Did you shit orange goo all over the place? No.
Did you make it happen? Maybe.
Just be glad that you can enjoy the DBZ powerlevel charts memes even more
I know I do
they will make Hornet a lesbian in silksong
>will make
>implying she wasn't already
Is this a Bloodmoon kind of situation where the worldstate was tied to a load-bearing boss?
It's tied to a couple of things. One being this boss.
It only really changes the crossroads though.
get out of this thread retard
I’m going to assume you’re talking radiant here, because Zote and Markoth are just irritating normally.
Woof. As much as Im avoiding spoilers Im still somewhat relieved its not going ti spread upwards
>>saving all grubs gets them all eaten
They don't get eaten, they just use their father as a cocoon to evolve and idiots consider them to have been eaten
> one of the posts has nothing to do with fucking.
Do you just hate fan art in general?
Given you can still hear them inside, and the achievement is literally called metamorphosis, the fact that people think he actually ate them is depressing.
I don't like that we call mc "Ghost".
Ghost is a badass nickname.
it means it lived once.
Why does Hornet call it that?
What would you call him? Knight is too ambiguous under the circumstances
>>What would you call him?
Failed Vessel
for example
>Why does Hornet call it that?
she's jelly of dat dere shadow dash
I want art of Hornet leading the new characters into battle and set it to the Fire Emblem recruitment theme.
But he's not.
I had no trouble with watcher/radiance/hollow/ or even mantis sisters but lost kin literally took me 2 hours until I got the right charms and I’m embarrassed to admit that.
How long does it take someone without major motion disability to git gud?
I'm like 3 hours into the game and keep dying platforming getting hit by small fries
Sleep well, user.
Sleep tight, aniki
I didn’t know you didn’t have to kill the nail smith.
>reward for beating every radiant fight is a statue and a journal entry
The feeling of sweet, sweet victory is enough of a reward, but I'm surprised this is all that changes.
NKG, Zote, Sealed Vessel
I mean, at some points the in-game rewards have to end, because at a some point there's literally no more content and the only thing you have left to give the player are achievements.
Pure Vessel, Grimm, NKG, Sly.
>Fuck yeah I beat the Radiance
>Hol up white boy here comes the platforming final phase
Fucking kys, how do I cheese this nigger.
>>Hol up white boy
>Fucking kys, how do I cheese this nigger.
I hate zoomers
>beat game when it came out, all charms, real ending, all trials
>haven't touched it since
So I'm supposed to start a new file to experience DLC, right? And without caring about spoilers at all, the only missable shit is Zote and that egg, right?
All the new content is end-game stuff so there's no need for a new file if you don't want to. There are no new missables.
Sorry you are a nigger. Better luck next reincarnation.
I appreciate the information very much user, a google search and a couple of forums didn't give me a very straight response but you definitely did.
is there such a thing anymore?
gamefaqs, steam discussions
so reddit and reddit?
gamefaqs is unironically one of the last bastions of true game discussion
>she mentions that digging is great because she "doesn't even have to sleep"
>she knew it was coming all along
fuck moths
guys is it technically possible to get mantis claw before the dash?
pretty sure I saw someone do it in a speedrun
Yes. You can spam Vengeful Spirit backwards mid-air to gain extra distance and pogo on enemies/your shade.
It's actually possible to finish the game without ever acquiring dash.
At first it looked like they were doing the DBZ fusion dance