Holy fuck that looks bad. If I was a Pokemon fan I'd kill myself...

Holy fuck that looks bad. If I was a Pokemon fan I'd kill myself. How in the world is this acceptable for a mainline entry in a franchise worth billions? I can't believe this is real.

Attached: fucking terrible.png (1376x736, 1.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/Nintendo bugman 1.jpg/
boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ Nintendo bugman 2.png/

Makes Let's Go look incredible.

The shading on Pikachu looks really good though.

What? it's just a yellow rat

Why has Nintendo not kicked Gamefreak to the door yet and gave the IP to someone competent?

All the designs look bland. Pokemon, the region and specially the human characters.

Battles should by now happen in the overworld, battle transitioning is just lazy and tiresome.

It looks like an upscalled early PS2 game.

It's gamefreak seeing how much money they can make with 0 budget again.

>if i was a pokemon fan
if youre not a pokemon fan why do you care

Got I love when Yea Forums shits their pants to pretend anything is bad

You guys are pathetic

What? I thought this was an old game.
What the fuck, I thought they said it was going to be a next step up and Let's Go was a fucking beta?

They need to make exclusive ground textures for pokemon fights desu

I just want to see if it has the same shitty animations as lgp/lge

Because Nintendo doesn't own the Pokemon IP. They only own roughly 33% of it. So if they want to keep making money with it they hafta just sit back and let Gamefreak do whatever the fuck they want.

Imagine being a fucking loser manchild like this guy here and pretending this is okay. Why does this board have so many children with low standards and WANT regression.

Does this look like shit to preserve gameplay? No, they explicitly said they want to make the series easier.

Pikachu looks good but literally everything else looks worse. It's honestly sad when dozens and dozens of unity games made by one person look better than this

oh my fucking god I'm so elated with joy!
that pikachu is so cute :3 I feel like I can just reach-out and pet it!
The background looks very scenic for a battle

The only thing I hate about the whole reveal is how GameFreak can't do ground even on the cg movie part.
Like, nigger, your grass field is flatter than my concrete floor, wtf.

Attached: 1551312417504m.jpg (768x1024, 92K)

Fuck even the logos look bland as fuck. C'mon.

spot on m80, we're in the worst timeline

almost everyone has played a pokemon game once. If they did something great, or at least gimmicky (like Go) everyone would be on top of it.

Seein how lazy GF has become, from the technical feat of fitting two regions and lots of features in a 1990 Game Boy cartridge to this, is very, very disappointing

Attached: file.png (1500x844, 1.93M)

>loser manchild

Attached: 1531362507579.gif (296x300, 2.82M)

Pokemon is shared between Nintendo, Creature's Inc, and Game Freak.

Why haven't their bought full Pokemon IP OR Gamefreak yet

They probably can't. I mean, would YOU ever sell off your share of Pokemon if you had it?

so they can pretend like they have 3rd party exclusives

>Low budget Digimon Vita game that doesn't even look that great still looks better than new million dollar current gen Pokemon game aka one of the worlds biggest media franchises

Can't make this shit up.

Attached: DSCS_BNEA_screenshot16.jpg (1440x810, 102K)

Meanwhile in 2006

Attached: 790full-pokemon-battle-revolution-screenshot.jpg (790x444, 43K)

>Playing games made for babies

Attached: 1527719505733.jpg (350x350, 35K)


Attached: 1549912510893.jpg (263x322, 17K)

>GF see's how much they can get away with
>get's away with a lot


Yeah, because Digimon has to actually WORK for its money. People would buy Pokemon no matter what. They could make a shit and piss version and it would sell hundreds of millions of copies. I don't think these games look awful but still not the quality they should have based on the franchise value. But wait, it's stylized so that means it's okay.....

Yea Forums has never been this united against a game. There is literally nothing good about this shitty game. Only at the reveal trailer and already we can tell it's Sonic 06 tier.

It's not even that I give a shit about Pokemon, it's just that things that don't make any fucking sense piss me off. I want the world to make sense and this fucking doesn't.

>I don't think these games look awful
They do. These are the worst games in the series, the worst games of 2018.

Everything in the world works against us bro. That's just as it is.

On 2001 hardware at that.

you could still try killing yourself, even if you aren't a fan.

big recommend.

and yet Yea Forums is the only place where anyone thinks the game looks like shit, as they do with every new game
mass minority yet again

c o p e

This. Remember when Garchomp became a jet plane when doing contact attacks? Never. Ever again.

>How in the world is this acceptable for a mainline entry in a franchise worth billions?
People are retarded and defend any and every garbage gamefreak vomits out like it's their baby.

They own more than 33%. That's just their share of The Pokemon Company. Nintendo also owns an unknown share of Creatures, most likely 50%, which owns 33% of The Pokemon Company as well.

Attached: 1544621161069.jpg (826x1176, 352K)

Either way, they don't own the IP in a way that would let them do whatever they wanted with it. Like they couldn't just take it and give it to someone else like they could Mario or Zelda. I just didn't want to get into all the legal stuff and shares, etc. and went with the most basic percentage for reference.

Oh just stop you fucking manbaby. Not only is SS irredeemable shit but the fans are already toxic as fuck.

This. So much this.

Meanwhile at bizzarro Yea Forums

why should I? so that poketards with shit standards make up an even bigger percentage of the world?

>Yea Forums has never been this united against a game
ME andromeda
Just to name a few off the top of my head

Civic reminder that if you think even for a second that these games won't be the shittiest things in recent history you don't belong here.

Oh no I'm not letting this thread fucking die
I want everyone to see how bad this shit is. I want this to be the next TORtanic.



Compare this:

And this:

To this:

Also found these
Y'all know what to do, anonbros.

Why not? It's what we all want, after all.

Gamefreak would never make an incredible pokemon game despite having every potential to do so, because why should they? They will continue to subpar this franchise because it WILL sell. As mediocre as LGPE sold in terms of other pokemon games it still grossed a ton and is the fastest selling Switch game. It's the fifa/madden of it's kind

Attached: 1534163039827.jpg (960x960, 79K)

Which is why we need to keep making these threads constantly. Remind our kind of the shit these games are going to be. They are the Sonic 06 of the series, and everyone agrees with that fact.


It looks pretty good.


>muh grafix

Get out. Just fucking get out.

>I don't hate it so I must be a shill
Kys brainlet.

No it doesn't. Pokemon Sword/Shield are the worst games in the series. They are terrible games in every, EVERY ASPECT, and it's sad that we can glean this from the reveal trailer.

We speak nothing bur the truth. Away with you, shill.

>muh grafix

Fuck off.

Spitting truth.


I don't know man, considering how cheap GF are I wouldn't be surprised if the Digimon game had a higher budget.

>muh grafix

LOL. Y'all niggers are alone on this again. This shit will sell millions.

>worst game in the series
>when the game isn't even out yet
Geez, I know Yea Forums is one of the dumbest boards but my expectations were subverted yet again.

It's true. Read the thread.

>>when the game isn't even out yet
The reveal trailer told us enough already.

>It looks like an upscalled early PS2 game
I thought you were exaggerating, but holy shit you aren’t wrong

Attached: 266292A5-8CED-4299-82BB-227279B9CC52.jpg (1024x768, 600K)

>Literally the same models from 3DS games but upscaled
Well, at least it had one of the things I was waiting: ugly new mons

It looks way better than LGP/E for sure but damn, things like this are more proof than switch is a handheld more than a home console.

Attached: 1537586203894.png (640x720, 1.02M)

pokemon peaked at emerald and has been going downhill eversince

I can't get replies if I don't make a post

It's the worst game in the series. Literally nothing about it is good.
>bUt ThE pOrN dOe
None of the fucking designs are good, let alone fappable, shitheads.

All of the Gen 8 mons will look like CalArts shit. Just like Gen 6 and 7.

Exactly how powerful do you people actually think the switch is and what the fuck did you expect? Breath of the Wild looks like shit too you know


I can't believe it either. It's a fucking sick joke. I adore everything about pokemon as a concept but the excection of the games has been absolutely godawful since omega ruby/alpha sapphire. I know everyone shits on X/Y but it actually felt like a big budget upgrade. Every game after it has been rehash after rehash. All I fucking want is an immersive world with Pokemon actually living in detailed environments.

The female characters at least look fappable.

No shit, its pokemon. Have you seen the Pokemon fanbase? They would buy literal shit if it had the name 'Pokemon' slapped on

Looks fine to me

The key difference being

>See that mountain? you can go there

>Oi u see dat muntan m80? Looks nice innit? Don cum close to it oi m8?

I mean how much detail do you want them to put in the battle backgrounds?

I disagree; you can find pretty cool mons in every new gen, they're just buried under heaps of horrible stuff scrapped from Digimon but still

>The "it will sell millions anyway" meme
Yeah, like Let's Go! am I rite?

>Yeah, like Let's Go! am I rite?
Let's Go did sell millions

Attached: pikario.png (1116x851, 222K)

No they don't. They're bland as shit, and everyone knows it.

Kill yourself shill. You are not welcome here.

So much this. I'm fucking shaking in rage at how bad this looks. It's literally fucking Mass Effect Andromeda tier. Literally nothing redeeming about it. I want to destroy every copy I see.

>Being this delusional

Pretty much. Unless they show off something else, it looks just as bad as SM/USUM did. We got some bits where the trainer was exploring the land(and not all of it looked explorable at that), only old Pokemon besides the new starters were shown, and very little else. It was just a trailer that screams "we're still working on this, we'll show you more later." Nothing to really get excited for at the moment. If later trailers just resemble Sun and Moon's, you should already know by now to ignore it and wait for a later game.

Attached: I cant believe my eyes.png (640x480, 425K)

nah the lass and female mc are pretty hot. you're just gay is all.

>Yea Forums has never been this united against a game
almost. apart from that one time 6 months ago where the entire board was up in arms screaming about Lets Go and demanding they should make it the same as every other pokemon game.

Based OC.

>Unless they show off something else, it looks just as bad as SM/USUM did
Worse. It's almost as bad as that fucking shitty "vroom in the night sky" game.
>Nothing to really get excited for at the moment
There will not be anything to get excited for, because we already know this game is the worst in the series.

This is fair. It looks good enough to meet 99% of people's standards, but not shit enough to put people off from buying them. It's just a cycle that repeats itself and at this point you're only wasting your breath by constantly shitting on anything GF puts out.

Truth is, for every Pokemon game that comes out, there are 10 other JRPG's that you could be playing, so I don't really understand what all the fuss is about this franchise.

You can see the potential on the CGI animation.
Too bad the Shitch is underpowered so we get these Wii-tier graphics.

>tfw no action RPG Pokemon game where you control the Pokemon directly ever.

you must be new

>battle transitioning is just lazy and tiresome.
>tfw we could have had a cool transition like when Ash did that post when he threw Pokemon back in the original anime series.

>You can see the potential
No you can't. Are you blind?

You should kill yourself anyways

>look bland
uh huh

Attached: bland.jpg (943x610, 104K)

>he said something i disagree with
Fuck off. PSASIDF already outing themselves as toxic assholes.

>one of the worlds biggest media franchises
user its much worse than that. Pokemon is the NUMBER ONE media franchise.

WOW Agumon looks as good as he did in the Original Anime CG scenes? What the fuck?

This game seems to have the same fucked up filtering and colour grading as Xenoblade 2 that turns the background into a smudgy mess.

>I don't understand the fuss
the fuss my nigga is that many of us still love pokemon despite the quality tanking and we'd like to see the NUMBER ONE media franchise actually put their money to work and blow our socks off with a full steam ahead AAA game that reflects its status as the number one media franchise.

As of right now they're just pulling a Toei animation and shitting on a plate knowing 7/10 fans will buy and that's all they need really, because they also want the mobile game crowd. It's the entire strategy behind releasing Lets go first.

Attached: 51632654_2009356409176537_8443816793818005504_n.jpg (802x960, 72K)

>Bethesda: We did it guys, we made the shittiest game of the decade
>GF: Hold my beer

>so I don't really understand what all the fuss is about this franchise.
See This game looks shittier than shit, Fallout 76 looks like a fucking masterpiece next to it. The fact that we can already conclude that it's the worst game in the series from the first trailer says it all.

>This. So much this

Went for the trifecta there. Bold move.


they've been doing that since Yellow though, so I don't understand why it's taken you this long to get upset

user it looks like shit but its still too early to conclude anything

>it's already hit 10 million

Gamefreak would make mobile tier garbage on Xbone/PS4/PC too.

Attached: 67A84CAD-8B9D-42FB-885A-10AF80160625.png (915x1024, 240K)

Ikr I’m glad I’m also a fan of other things than Pokemon otherwise I’d just end myself

back then i and no one really cared. don't even pretend you cared. you didn't.

Now, its 2019 and we're at Gen 8 and we're getting fucking 3DS games just in HD now. Great.

>Fallout 76 looks like a fucking masterpiece next to it.
that's a bit of a stretch there. Did you even play the game yet? Hell there might more to the game.

You can try being a little less obvious with the fake outrage

looks great to me and i'm not even into these games
looks like what pokemon stadium and etc should have been, the first real console pokemon

Somebody wasn't here for LGBT.

>its not bland look at these colors

Attached: nintendie.png (645x773, 23K)

Yea Forums is the only place that thinks it's shit. The normies are going fucking nuts over it.

>I don't really understand what all the fuss is about this franchise
Big part of it for me really boils down to party customization. There isn't a franchise on the planet as far as I'm aware that can have party compositions so radically different as you can have in Pokemon. You've got hundreds of different evolutionary lines, and within them you've got offensive, defensive, and meme builds. I don't play for optimization in the game, I play the teams that I find the most interesting to play. Game Freak is a lazy developer that cuts corners to save money, but I've got a pretty active imagination so my brain fills in the gaps where Game Freak lets me down. Good Pokemon design helps with that though, currently got my eye on the grass monkey starter because I like the idea of a bo staff wielding little simian.

Attached: 1434977065644.jpg (1280x886, 1019K)

yeah you look at this colours, there is more variety even with the muted pastel tone palette

Okay so you're just a centrist, which is just as bad as being a shill.

>Has no proof
>At best posts vgchartz

God I love when Nintycucks always rush to defend everything Nintendo shits out for them. The cope is amazing

c o p e

looking bland has nothing to do with colors you fucking dumb nigger

Looks par for the course for these games. Never gave a fuck about graphics when it comes to Nintendo.

>the worst games of 2018
It's 2019 bro.

>has to pander to fujoshi and incel virgin freaks to sell copies
>still flops



Attached: 1547758419650.jpg (400x400, 27K)

wow guess you weren't around for mvci

>i'm not even into these games
>the first real console pokemon

Attached: SI_GCN_PokemonColosseum_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 277K)

>Confusing colors with design
Must be hard being you, friend.

>Reddit spacing
Opinion discarded.

It continues to astound me how Pokemon continues to consistently be a 10+ million seller. All despite it being such a low quality franchise for a long time.

Call of Duty's and Fortnite's will come and go but it seems like Pokemon will never be stopped.

Nintendo still letting those GF chucklefucks develop is insane

Looks like a fucking 3DS game on a next gen system baka

They look normal.

>Yea Forums has never been this united against a game
Fuck off, newfag.

They're given cartoon shaders so they mostly keep the black lines and basic shading you used to see in sprite art and official art. It's just the style they chose.

The fact they can't give the ground decent fucking texture is unforgivable though. When the camera is right on the ground use a better texture, this isn't the 3DS and they have the graphic memory for it.

Xenoblade 2 ran like trash on the Switch.
It dropped to 240p resolution and the framerate was abysmal.

It's embarrassing how much better this looks than anything the pokemon company has ever produced.

I wonder how long this cycle will continue for until people actually get tired of this series. I know people have been saying for years that every new Pokemon game is the same with a different coat of paint, but this is the first game reveal where I've really felt so myself. Unless they show something to impress me this looks like a pass for me. I wonder how many more of these games they'll be able to churn out using the same artstyle, same models, and samey "gimmick" that's used for one generation the dropped.

Is it a crime to expect far more from GF at this point? They're not indie developers here. Pokemon is highest grossing media franchise in the world. Even if GF doesn't get 100% of the profits, I'm sure they have more than enough to create something of higher quality than what we're seeing here. Not every game has to be BoTW, but I wished they'd try to be more ambitious with their products.

I realize that things will probably never change though, they'll continue being as lazy as they want will these games, but end up selling 10 million copies nonetheless.

Reminder that Yea Forums lost.

Attached: 72979403-ten-million-dollar-image.jpg (1300x867, 139K)

Both these developers are known for being lazy and can't into 3D but which one is worse?

Attached: pokemon or fe.png (955x1084, 1.65M)

This is legit good

Found PokeBarneyFag

Attached: pbf.jpg (828x1024, 116K)

>y-yokai watch will beat pokemo-

Attached: 1546364085641.jpg (725x500, 137K)

Is that the Berserk anime on the bottom?


The image you posted look much better.
It also looks much better than most Jap games these days.

A lot of Jap games these days are huge but have terrible graphics/models and shit as well as terrible presentations and HUDs. They're an absolute eyesore.

but it looks fine, user. i really don't get why all you people insist that pokemon has to look like other games. stylism is a thing, pokemon has a defined style, and they work within its borders. though we all know this is just a shitpost anyway, so you just wasted 3 minutes of my time, so thanks.

Look at this kid! more color better art. just like a child

Fire Emblem became garbage waifushit after one game, while pokemon has been on a decline for the last few games

Genuine autism.

We should have listened to him bros.

>Unless they show something to impress me this looks like a pass for me.
Everyone ITT knows it's gonna be worse than even LGPE.

c o p e

>Muh fapbait
Get a life you loser.

stfu retard
the pokemon game is going down

Found him.
How does it feel to have lost?
To have all your hopes dashed to the ground?

Not him but stop being a stupid fuck.


So much this.

PSAS waifushitters are brainlet tier.

Well isn't Game Freak just a developer?
I don't think they dictate the budget as far as I know.

Kek. Cope about what? Pokemon always sells millions and millions and this one will too. The game looks genuinely good and I'm really happy about the direction they took this time.

Get a life virgin. Who new PSASIDF are so lonely that they fap to the literal pieces of cardboard that is PSAS trainer designs?



it looks so good and the starters are great

How does this number make you feel?

Attached: index.png (276x183, 12K)

Fire Emblem. The battle ground environments are a fucking crime.

c o p e
o p e c
p e c o
e c o p

>Shit game sells decent
>On a system struggling with games
Not a surprise.

>actual incel NPC

Attached: mh8kxbfqmgr11.png (960x954, 385K)

Based Pokefags Btfo

Game freakhas been shit forever. Dont give them credit for gen 2. They couldnt even get johto to fit, Iwata had to step in and show them how to code a videogame he put kanto in because he thought johto was too small

Who cares? Both of them look like garbage.

I can't wait for Gamefreak to spontaneously combust as soon as this dumpster fire comes out

yes coping with being an adult is fucking shit I wish I was In middle school

No dude, Pokemon always sells big.

That wasnt developed by game freak

Attached: 1519005181841.png (3168x2816, 2.07M)

>tfw based Iwata knew Gen 2 was shit and tried his best to salvage it

Now you're speaking my language!

>he hasn't posted since
He's too busy crying

>How in the world is this acceptable for a mainline entry in a franchise worth billions
809 different Pokemons, with the added 100 (minimum) they are making for this gen that makes it about 900 of them. Also what's wrong with it?

>that fucking menu in the beginning

What the fuck is this shit?
Why can't we have good presentations with animated intros and well designed menus/interfaces anymore instead of this lazy wallpaper shit.

Attached: 12882449.jpg (900x900, 34K)

i kinda like it desu

Don't you fucking dare. I'm a Nintendofag but even I'm not as retarded as /vp/ twats.

What the fuck is happening in this thread? Like I get thinking a game is gonna be shitty but the level of vitriolic circlejerk in this thread is unreal, is everyone in this thread being paid to act this way?

Looked fine to me, way better than Let's Go. Starters look like Neopets though.

Not really. It's only the brand and that doesn't last forever.

Attached: 1530995609692.jpg (400x518, 14K)

why are people surprised that gamefreak can't make good graphics?

at least wait for more information about the actual game to come out (like whether ohmori decided to forcefeed us shitty tutorial cutscenes again) before crying like its the end of the world

>The number of Pokemon's you can catch is extremly limited
>the first real console pokemon

Seems really weird, it's a fucking 2 minute trailer.. And fuck every starter actually looks good for once. This is way better than clown seal and wrestler kitten. They look natural.

post links

PBF is infamous for this shit. He's been doing it for at least 4 years. See


>Like I get thinking a game is gonna be shitty but the level of vitriolic circlejerk in this thread is unreal,
It's perfectly justified, Literally everything about PSAS looks like melted shit.

I love how you made a total ass of yourself on Let's Go's sales and then, after being totally proven wrong, could only stutter this goalpost-moving reply out.

My God, the subpar copy of Pokémon looks better than it. It's shameful.

>with the added 100 (minimum) they are making for this gen

Attached: 1536891354894.gif (245x245, 786K)


it's because they think it makes them look smart.

See PSAS is pure shit. Fuck off shills.

>that blatant goalpost shift
Not a fan of Let's Go but good lord.


Pokemon is just Gamefreak being lazy, cheap, gamefreak. FE is just everything going wrong at once.


Eric from Vancouver, Washington

more like
>Oi u see dat muntan m80? Nice jpeg innit?

>Yea Forums once again proving they're blind

No Man's Sky

Just Yea Forums trying to turn something into the next TORtanic as usual.
Guess Anthem didn't satisfy them.

Kek. I wish I was getting paid to shill against this game. I just love Pokémon very much and am sad the franchise has come down to this. I'm not an autistic /vp/ poster who thinks change is the worst thing in the world (and that is why they never take a fucking bath).

Worse, it's a single dedicated shitposter. Eric from Vancouver, Washington

I knew we were gonna get Ultra Sun and Moon but a bit upscaled, and I knew Nintcels on this board would defend it.

Attached: Nintendo bugman 2.png (636x614, 529K)

Idk I'm excited for this game.
I can't wait to main Sopple!

How's that janitor job going?

More than a fucking gamecube game
Look at Xenoblade on the fucking Wii

oh hey I've heard of yokai watch

Attached: Insomni.jpg (783x800, 110K)

It's over, Pokémon is finished with this new game that will sell millions and millions and make Game Freak and Nintendo a Scrooge McDuck-style swimming pool of money.

This is your brain on Yea Forums.

Attached: Amazon.png (1000x475, 209K)

People are disappointed because this is the first major mainline game in a home console. People've been waiting for this since they were 10 year olds. And yet we get a game with random encounters once again, shitty starter designs and terrible, bland graphics. Gamefreak can't into good graphics, yes, but LGPE looked better than this. The grass, the water, the trees, the soil, it looks like they took some generic texture set they bought on stock and used it. It is unforgivable. Also, you know that is not the only thing Ohmori fucked up. I don't understand why they would give him yet another Pokémon game after Sun and Moon.

Man oh man, you sure seem emotionally invested for someone who shouldn't care.

He didn't say the game is gonna sell poorly though. Only that it is objectively bad.

It looks okay. I'll consider getting it once I've read reviews.

Why shouldn't I care, I'm a Pokemon fan.

Attached: Nintendo bugman 5.jpg (1024x571, 56K)

You've been spamming Yea Forums with anti-Pokemon threads for four years though

according to you capeshit movies are good too since they make money

Leave him alone he has autism.

>Yokai Watch is just a reskinned Ni No Kuni
How is this comparable again?

I thought it looked surprisingly good. Looks way better than that Lets Go shit.

>everyone on Yea Forums is the same guy because they defend my brand cuckery

I, for one, can't wait to compare the 2019 sales of YW4 and Pokémon Sword/Shield on the Switch. I think YW is going to get massacred, honestly.

>It dropped to 240p resolution and the framerate was abysmal.

This new pokemon game won't run any better.

Yeah it doesn't look good for a Pokemon game on a "console" (don't really consider the Nintablet to be a console) but it looks to be at least a minor step up from SM and it has new pokemon in it so I'll end up getting it anyways



pokemon has been sonic 06 tier since gen 6, and has been slowly degrading in many areas since after gen 2, though it wasn't a big issue before 6.

it's just the inherent nature of the franchise attracting autists who can't let go and so the sales remain samey regardless of the quality and impact of the product. pokemon is a thing that will sell 10m copies even if sword and shield is an empty box. doesn't matter. gamefreak is absolutely incompetent. doesn't matter.

Imagine defending a subpar product so badly you get schizophrenia and accuse everyone of being some guy

Attached: Nintendo bugman 1.jpg (761x1024, 135K)

Pokemon is 23 years old by now.
If the brand is still going strong after all these years I don't see what can ever stop it short of a World War or the Apocalypse happening.

wrong. it's because the serie sells and that's what a company looks at, not if it has good endgame or whatever thing actual gaymers want.

>pokemon has been sonic 06 tier since gen 6
how? Is the game an unplayable buggy mess?

>Le TORtanic
You always say this shit for every damn game.

>he has a folder full of "nintendo bugman" images
>he's currently shaking and crying and trying to deny his true identity

this. the thread can end. any dicussion is irrelevant.

>thinking Sword/Shield looks worse than this

What the actual fuck? Let's go literally looks like a cheap mobile game with shit sprites randomly walking around.

Attached: 14-3-3.jpg (800x450, 81K)

I really envy Satoshi Tajiri.

It's one of PBF's calling cards. He's said this about every single Pokemon game since XY.

Vocal minority at it again
Looks better than its predecessors and the fact that this will sell millions on millions will have you in shambles

Don't forget how the trailer showing the spawn of empty land stuttered cause you know gamefreak can't optimize for their shitty lives

>My big argument is the game is unfinished haha

>things like this are more proof than switch is a handheld more than a home console.
No, it's proof that gamefreak are cheap and incompetent pieces of shit. Are you retarded?


>color palette is the only determining factor for artistic qualities
i guess you should now sell your switch and play league, that shit is a rainbow of random patchwork designs using every color, best game ever according to your little chart of idiocy.

I can't tell if they are double-contrarians or people who legit thought this shit was good.

Your file has "bugman" in it. You aren't fooling anyone, kiddo.

When DmC was first revealed there was nonstop hate threads until months after the game released

unironically that's how a literal child would think, using their big local color crayons on paper.

not surprising, given it's pokemon.

I mean it's a step up from Let's Go

But if this is going to be a Switch game then it looks like garbage

poke babbies will eat up anything

You're quite aware that only happens in your imagination, but you felt the need to share with us anyway. Why? If you're going to shitpost, at least try.

You people literally say this every trailer to defend the game when it's shit.
>O-oh it's u-unfinished

You said it for ORAS, SM, USM. I was here for all of it.

You're zombies.

>guys do i fit in yet??
Yea Forums itself is older than some of the people posting here, and you're one of them faggot

It objectively looks worse. At least LGPE is comitted to an art style that masks the imperfections of its graphics. The grass looks nice and cute, the water looks cartooney. It's like you're playing a cute anime. Sword and Shield look like PS2 JRPGs.
>inb4 mobile game
I honestly would rather play Pokémon fucking Go than spend 60 dollars on a lazy ass game like Sword and Shield.

I know you're still here.
How does this make you feel?

Attached: pokebarneyfag.png (1500x504, 230K)

I'm not sure who he thinks he's fooling.


boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/Nintendo bugman 1.jpg/

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ Nintendo bugman 2.png/



You make this so easy it's not even fun to rile you up, god damn.

>literally admitting his trigger games again

Oh cool, Lady Gaga must be the greatest musician of all time then.

Quality ps2 graphics user, learn to love it

Forgot one

Attached: Untitled.png (475x321, 36K)

Was there any footage or just stills?
I don't even care if its attack 'animations' are like the DS games as long as its not that hog shit pokemon jumps up 1 inch without moving and an attack hits the enemy

Final Fantasy XII, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2 look better than this shit.

Lady Gaga is actually pretty talented. You could have used a better example like the most common being Justin Bieber.

These. There's a reason vitriol is so high ITT. PSAS are a fucking criminal offense to how bad they are.


Fallout 76 unironically looks like a masterpiece compared to it.

i genuinely do not get why do people think the designs of the starters are great.
they are the same 3 flat shapes rearranged without an overall direction, it's like it was made with vector art by someone inexperienced.
must be because i'm an actual miniature unit designer i have actual knowledge on design basics.

2 of the 3 lack a sense of weight, 3 out of 3 have terrible shape balancing/design, 3 out 3 are pathetically flat, 3 out of 3 do not communicate their character expression with the shape language i.e. it's random according to design criteria. the color palette on 2/3 is awful.

non-design related, they STILL did bunnies, a monkey, a lizard, with so many species that have never been used. they should just get a new team to try new shit out, it's pathetic.

>pokemon sword and shiled will sell 10x as much as xenoblade 2
>looks like it has 1/3 the budget
Absolute insanity.

>already we can tell it's Sonic 06 tier
You clearly never actually played Sonic 06. This is going to be a safe, kinda boring, but perfectly functional game just like every fucking Pokemon game before it. It'll run smoothly, it'll sell gangbusters, and plenty of people will enjoy it the way they enjoy vanilla ice cream or a Jurassic Park movie: without thinking too much about it.

that's a lie, but have this anyway.

battle animations still have not caught up to pokemon stadium

there are no excuses anymore

>If I was a Pokemon fan
well don't let that stop you

To be fair, Valkyrie Profile 2 was one of the best looking PS2 games.

it's playable but it self-destroys what little mechanics it has like having no difficulty therefore making it not worth playing at all
it's comparable to a broken bugged game, the end result is the same: you don't get anything good out of it when playing it.

The excuse is that no vidya studio in the world has the time, budget, and manpower to fully animate multiple attacks/moves for 800+ characters.

Vancouver, Washington

>Fallout 76 unironically looks like a masterpiece compared to it.
you keep saying that and you never explain how?

op is a playful cool guy
there are other people in this thread that actually think the new pokemon is going to be anything but a success
those people are stupid people, yeah I'm sure THIS ONE is totally going to fail unlike the past 5 times you tried to predict this
dumb asses

Holy fuck. Screencap this fucking post please.

Shills just got BTFO by an actual design professional this is fucking gold. There is literally no reason to think anything about PSAS is even slightly good now.

No, Madonna is bitch and she sold better too.

The excuse is almost 1k monster designs, hundreds of moves to animate each them correctly for all while keeping the file size underneath a terabyte.

Imagine actually playing pokemon for the fucking graphics. Pokemon R/B on the gameboy looked like fucking dog shit, but I spent more time playing it than any of my SNES games that looked amazing by comparison.


Attached: 1551324860525.png (717x186, 19K)

Not really. Pokemon succeeds by being simple and approachable, the Xenoblade games are extremely complicated in comparison and will never reach the mainstream market.

they put a grass monkey in the same gen that they have a remake for the fire monkey
gamefreak is smart, I'm sure of it

>I'm not a Nintendo shitposter!
>proceeds to dump his soi folder

I love Pokemon so i could careless if the games look like shit

Worst thing is, just last night a lot of fake leaks came up on how the starters were gonna look like. And not one of them were worse than what we actually got. One of the fake leaks hat a water bear in it and now I miss it infinitely without never being able to play with it.

>'good" graphics should lead to higher sales

Why is Yea Forums so stupid?

Why do people make this face. WHY?

of course, s s will sell a lot, it'll still be a shit game
the real retard is the one who is buying them, at least the idiots claiming the serie will fail have just spent 20 seconds typing dumb shit.
better than $60.

you guys are overstating it, the switch and 3ds are just poor hardware, something like the animation in pokemon stadium could be easily be done on a modern console

But lady gaga is extremely talented and skilled at her craft.

what about if it plays like shit, like xy?

I think you're confusing art style with graphics user.

Graphically sword/shield is objectively better.

Yeah, kinda.

woah calm down user, no reason to get angry over the fact some people can just throw down 60 bucks for random things
I mean its okay to get jealous to some degree but... I mean really

They are nihilistic, sad and are thinking in killing themselves all the time.
So, when something remotely good happens in their life they feel the need to squeeze it all because they know the next time they will be happy is far away.
It's like some twisted version of Carpe Diem.

Pokemon stadium was done by one of Nintendo's internal team's you stupid ingrate.

The Cyber Sleuth games are more fun and interesting too.

Well yeah that would be a problem. GF hasn't made a good pokemon since the 3DS Era started after all

To trigger incels

Specially when you spend $50 in developing the games

Since we only have a 2 minute trailer with the starters and region, and the game is probably gonna come out around the same time ans Sun and Moon, post your hopes
>Lively changing overworld
>Comfy music
>Good variety of Pokemon
>Ground Eveelution
>Rebalancing to make Ice types more useful
>Minimal cutscenes or skippable cutscenes
>Good online again like the PSS

Attached: Roar Anime.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)

The people who will buy the game will have a hours of fun with the game, the people shitposting about it, like you, will pretend to be superior for a shallow sense of smug superiority while screaming anonymously at the void about what people choose to spend their money on, feeling more miserable each time.

this is why they gradually lowered the rate of new content.
after getting stability and releasing a massive upgrade, if by some unfortunate event the next one encounters issues, it will be comparatively received bad by the normies now, which is the thing to avoid: tricking the normie.
unironically this is the pokemon success formula. never give them too much, so you can never disappoint.

I don't think you're comprehending the magnitude of what you're saying, user. It's like saying "we just make an MMO, no need to be lazy and make a Diablo clone."

>that's a lie
Except it fucking isn't.
All those 3 games look far superior graphically. Especially if you count the remasters...there's no comparison.

>it's playable but it self-destroys what little mechanics it has like having no difficulty therefore making it not worth playing at all
So by having no difficulty somehow destroys the whole game? There are other things in the game with challenges. Sonic 06 has levels that are just buggy and has awful gameplay. With Pokemon games the game fucking works.
>it's comparable to a broken bugged game, the end result is the same: you don't get anything good out of it when playing it.
Like what?

>I don't really understand what all the fuss is about this franchise.

Pokemon thrives based on it's concept and "idea" moreso then it's actual gameplay or games period.

The IDEA of being in this world with hundreds of magical, elemental monsters to collect and adventure with is one of the most innately appealing and genius concepts every concieved, and it pretty much carries the series even though the games themselves never really deliver on that

this is why you always see the pokemon fanbase clamoring for an open world title or an MMO with all the regions in one, etc: they want something actually delivering on what makes the franchise appealing


yes and at the the n64 wasn't a piece of shit like the switch currently is

you idiots are saying basic unique animations for 1000 pokemon is impossible

the shit in stadium wasn't round breaking for 150 pokemon

stop buying these extreme low effort games

The only people who should be allowed to make pokemon games is Genius Sonority

Attached: wes.jpg (480x360, 20K)

>excusing the fact that you're retarded
record yourself throwing $60 in a fire, you will get a lot of laughs and (You)s. You can afford it, anyway, so who cares?
I'll be waiting for the epic post.

I hope you do

>I get to roll around in the pile of shit while you only laugh at me for doing so, who is the true victor here?

They already did since the series has never matched R/B/G/Y sales since.

There truly is no comparison. You're comparing games with flat walls that are textured to appear to have depth with games that have actual 3D models as backgrounds.

It looks like anime, which is what pokemon is supposed to look like.

The fact that you have already visualized your full playtime and reception of the game shows that you made your mind up regardless of the quality.
The fun you're having, after spending 60 bucks, is the void. Remember this when you fire the game.

I hold my position that everything you described is still better than being a paycuck drone. Now, you got a preorder to make.


>Playing a videogame is the equivalent to rolling in shit
How delusional are you?

you are gonna have to elaborate buddy

Why put in effort when you have drones defending everything you do?

It is far from impossible. What it is? Unfeasible. You fail to understand how much work would go into realizing such a thing unless you just settled with Pokémon doing animations that have nothing to do with an attack, like Snorlax body slamming to do Slash.

I said that the game looks worse graphically than all those games. I don't care what method they're using, FF12 looks 10000 times better than this shit.

>If I was a Pokemon fan
Pretty much confirms this is a bait thread.

Sekiro? There exist people that hate on Sekiro?
Fuck outta here.

>I don't really understand what all the fuss is about this franchise.
It's the perfect escapist blend: lighthearted adventures where you befriend and tame creatures that obey you unconditionally. That's the concept they sell you.
The game they sell though is just a guided tour through a touristic hotspot they call "region".
The potential the concept has will never be developed in full because Masuda is a fucking slant eyed jew.

PSAS shills getting swiftly and gracefully BTFO with quick-witted remarks and arguments. There is literally no way that anyone can consider these shit games good anymore. They are shit in every aspect, and are the worst in the series. End of story.

>So by having no difficulty somehow destroys the whole game?
Yeah, you can look at artwork or read text more efficiently outside of a videogame.

>With Pokemon games the game fucking works.
Again, the game offers nothing. Imagine buying a top quality ingredient that has no flavor whatsoever. And you come in and say "but hey, it has no calories and rolls extremely smooth down your tongue every time, therefore it's better than mcdonalds poison!"
Turns out it isn't.
Shit that has zero difficulty design is not worth playing as a videogame. Make it a movie or a novel instead.

You're perfectly free to believe it looks better. That means the artists did their job. Better tech is still at play in the new Pokémon, just at a more leisurely, undemanding pace and fashion.

People are hating on it because it's not just Dark Souls/Bloodborne again. Mostly the lack of RPG and multiplayer elements.

No Man's Sky
MA andromeda
your favorite vidya

>Unironically bringing up "fake fun"
Can't make this shit up

>Yea Forums united against Sekiro
lol, it's just autists who are furious that it isn't a souls game.

Attached: 1540502843973.jpg (522x451, 26K)

>sonic 06 tier
well hey that's still better than fallout 76 tier. So it could be a lot worse.

I’ve already coped with the fact that this game will sale millions no matter what anyone says or thinks.

In other words:

Mildly bummed that there's no multiplayer. The most fun I had on the Souls games was playing with friends on my 2nd playthrough.

>Imagine buying a top quality ingredient that has no flavor whatsoever. And you come in and say "but hey, it has no calories and rolls extremely smooth down your tongue every time, therefore it's better than mcdonalds poison!"
>Turns out it isn't.
Food analogy. Ok I'll bite. So what's poison to you isn't poison to me. Hell it could not poisonous to anybody else. And why Just one ingredient? There's other ingredients that can nullify the "poison" and it could taste pretty good.

Fire Emblem for the crime of simply existing.

You're actually a genuine moron. How about you get mad if the game has no content or is too easy or has bad online? Graphics are shit you notice once and then never again.

Care about something that matters you stupid fucking faggot.

>Yokai Watch has evolved more in 6 years than Pokemon has in 23

Redditors come here to bitch because you can't say anything negative there. As a result this already negative place (because of Yea Forums contrarianism) gets even more negative.

>Yokai evolved into a Ni No Kuni clone
>people still think the Pokémon comparison is applicable anymore

People complaining about graphics are retards, pokemon could look like a ps1 game, but if it would have an overworld design as good as r/z/e but thrice as big, fans would be pleased and the game could actually try to do interesting things

why would they put any effort into it If it sells anyway. Why is so difficult for you to understand that?

Everyone knows there’s actually only like 10 people on Yea Forums who just bitch amongst themselves.


Attached: 1537690032136m.jpg (1024x692, 62K)

and who gives a shit about what you like faggot?

t. Smash autist

This. It goes to show just how little shitposters have to bitch about concerning Pokémon when the graphics and animation are their only form of approach. Not one mention about meta or battle mechanics.

Okay, forget I said anything then.

>looks like an updated version of the 3DS games on the Switch like some expected

Nothing new. I hope they bore people the fuck out with more shitty long tutorials, boring cutscenes, only add 50 new pokemon and barely no postgame until the Sword and Shield 2: King Hurrferr's Return with Eevee Dragon evolution

>Yea Forums flies into an autistic rage over pokemon graphics

>m-muh sonic 06 of pokemon
stop spamming this retard

>Why haven't their bought full Pokemon IP OR Gamefreak yet
I think they cant, Pokemon is the biggest franchise in the world, with double the value of Star Wars, and if Disney spent 4 bilions on SW, Nintendo Should at least spend some bilions to get full control on Pokemon, and they dnt have that money to spend on a single IP and they still gain money from it without moving a finger, so why they should buy them?

Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but that game plays like a 2D platformer in villages and dungeons, with static background. While I also think it looks amazing, you can't compare that to fully 3D game. You do know that, right?

I'm just wonder about the soccer thing at the end. Hell why the fuck isn't anyone talking about that? Maybe we might get inzuma eleven lvls of gameplay but with pokemon.

Why is Gamefreak so fucking bad? They don't even try.

It's 2.5D. We don't even know if you can control the camera in SS yet, and you probably can't.

>le graphics arent important maymay
I can forgive graphics on an indie game or in a game that has spectacular gameplay and story. This is not the case for Pokémon.

Looks like a PS Vita game, but as long as the rest of game is good I got no qualms

>Iiiiiiit's ooookaaaay anooooon. I caaaaare aboooouuuuut yooooouuuuu.
See user? What did we say about listening to other people? The slug loves you, so if you want to shit post on the 4 chans then you go right ahead.

Attached: banana slug Ariolimax columbianus 9.jpg (640x480, 82K)

Attached: Pokémon Battle Revolution Japanese Debut Trailer_1.webm (320x240, 2.48M)

I think I had this expectation in my head that they were gonna make one big game for switch. I basically thought we were gonna get Breath of the Wild but for/with Pokemon. A massive Xenoblade Chronicles world were you could see pokemon as far as the draw distance can render, lot of nooks and crannies to explore and discover new pokemon and whatnot. This was my own stupid fault for dreaming I guess but I am so disappointed by this reveal.

Attached: 1549998981593.jpg (557x495, 40K)

That shit turned out to be all pre-rendered right?

Looks slow as fuck, and ugly in a whole nother way.

Um. I would have just preferred you call me a faggot for backing down, desu.

I GUARANTEE you can't, notice how they never move it more than a quick, tight swivel in the trailer before cutting to the next shot. Also the angles in some of the shots looking almost completely down or locked to a side-scrolling position.

Why should we cope when these new games will once again BTFO your movie games with 10M+ copies sold and help Nintendo to sell at least 5M extra Switch?

Attached: 1506660552152.jpg (400x400, 115K)

The sad thing is there were a lot of people hoping/expecting a huge jump in gameplay because a mainline is finally on a "home" console. And they give us the same shit its been for decades

With low enough standards and enough onions, anything is acceptable

Oh dang this looks good. I'll be watching for an English release

I get the feeling (since they said to be ready for a surprise with the upcoming Pokémon game in an article a few weeks ago) that a departure of normalcy will occur at some point in the game that hasn't been shown yet. Maybe.

Yep, that was a pre-rendered trailer. Actual game didn't look quite that good, mostly on the shaders and complete lack of damage to the environment from attacks. Still better animation in the final product than any other Pokemon game.

This is what we all hope for, my brother. This game is already comfirmed to be an atrocity right out the bat. We want it to be as bad as possible. PSAS will be the king of TORtanics.

So much these.


Why not KYS you dumb nigger scum


It’s still going to sell insanely well, 50 million between the two, minimum. And there is nothing Yea Forums can do about it.

Good talk I guess. I'll wait for an actual human to respond to me then.

Imagine being this assmad over a game for 10 year olds.

I mean everything imo looks fine, except grass plain, without any extra details and very low res, so it looks disgusting.

That fag is trolling

>Yea Forums has never been this united against a game
We literally do this shit every six months

Just wake up from your 15 year coma, retard?

>like always the clockwork hypocrite graphics fags come out of the woodworks.
yall are too predictabo.

>Pokemon Sword/Shield are the worst games in the series

>Not even a full minute of actual gameplay
>"We know everything there is to know"
Take this and leave.

I don't understand how this looks worse than LGPE. Is it not designed for the Switch from the ground up?? It's literally 3DS-quality assets. LGPE had a 3DS-ish artstyle but the assets were 1080p quality.

>tfw when still overall enjoyed Sun and Moon and Lets' Go

What's wrong with liking it?

It doesn't look worse than LGPE. It's the exact same but with a stronger cel-shading dynamic and models have outlines. Here's the (You) you wanted.

Yea Forums always tries to repeat it for every damn game

Everyone else outside Yea Forums seemed extremely happy with the direct and starters. What are your thoughts on that?

Attached: screenshot-www.youtube.com-2019-02-27-21-11-21.png (713x109, 7K)

Didn’t see much but it looked fine. Seems to be some actual variety to the environments now so that’s a start. The starters are… I think they look stupid as hell but it’s whatever. Legendaries are gonna make it or break it. Sun and Moon had the worst legends yet. Literally Digimon.

>file deleted

huh. weird. anyway the like bar is at 150K likes and 3.6K dislikes. /vp/ is a minority.


>region looks bland

Already looks like a clear improvement from the 3DS regions. Galar looks to have the potential to be a nice return to form.

>Is it not designed for the Switch
>from the ground up

Attached: BBCAF399-CB7A-4EE9-8E9B-9C267B889D44.jpg (680x408, 46K)

Pokemon Battle Revolution, a decade old Wii game, had much better battle animations.

Attached: 1285438471195.jpg (512x392, 21K)

user I would expect literally nothing from them. There track record has been awful from the recent entries. If anything I'm expecting a new side activity that nobody will mess with for more than an hour

Another new Pokemon game, another autistic Yea Forumsirgin meltdown

Attached: 1545508410409m.jpg (576x1024, 77K)

>going to be a safe, kinda boring, but perfectly functional game
Sorry pal, but every game must be AAA, genre-breaking, and innovating products in every degree, doing things no other has done before. Otherwise, it's shitter than Pong.

imagine being the person who writes a giant wall of text criticizing the graphics in a new pokémon game

Looks good to me

What? The shitty ground texture? Yeah, that's pretty bad. Just seems like they're phoning it in again, I'm hoping they do something interesting with the online implementation, I liked how it worked in OR/AS.


pokemon should be exactly like ni no kuni

Looks like the Sony ponies and Xbots are starting to sweat.

Pokemon has always looked like shit, and has always sold well. While everyone is scrambling to see who can spend the most money making a game look dull, these guys just slap together some N64 assets and watch the money roll in because every fag in this thread is buying the game like the good little boys and girls they are.

And only that

>N64 assets

the delusion is real, god you fucks are so autistic

I doubt anyone's questioning if it's gonna sell millions of copies or not, if LGBTPIKABBQ did, so will this. It still looks like stale trash that may have come out 20 years ago though.

Attached: galaxythink.png (128x128, 25K)

This guy is the most blatant autismal false-flagger I've seen. And now every single criticism of this stagnant series will be met with "YOUR THAT SHITPOSTER"

Attached: 531d51eeb3fef8499372ecaf280db5b86c70fcb8386bba28d0a7f10fe6213e13.jpg (800x450, 42K)

>1 minute of gameplay
>We know everything

Not even the spergs at /vp/ are this autistic

It should at least be able to run 60fps

Don't mind it, I even bet they don't own a switch