Evo committing suicide??

seriously what is this lineup? i dont even care about smelee being gone but seriously who even plays the games on this lineup? UNIST, DBFZ, and cross tag are the only fighting games literally anyone cares about on this list. what the fuck?

Attached: evo2019.jpg (1446x884, 206K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>only one Street Fighter game
Times are tough, used to be at least 5 before.

>seething melee cuck

>caring about cross tag
>not samsho

garbage taste

its fucking V as well, what were they thinking?

They always gotta use the newest SF game of any of the series up there.

Why is shitty BlazBlue still on the roster and not king of fighters is the real question.

I love how the no showers are mad their game is gone when we should never had to have put up for it for so long.
If we were going to have old games on stage it should have been old Marvel or third strike not the buggy party game.

Samsho t7 sc6 unist are good picks. I will be entertained. I am sorry your game did not get picked by mr pigzard though

This is arguably one of the most diverse EVOs

No one cares about DBFZ anymore, check the early sign up list.

>If we were going to have old games on stage it should have been old Marvel or third strike
this is exactly what im saying though who the fuck cares about SFV when third strike still exists? why should anyone care about a game that isnt even out yet?

they are putting games that get them the most money from publishers, if games got in based on quality there wouldn't be any modern games being played at evo at all

>i dont even care about smelee being gone but

uh huh

about fucking time melee was out

I'll miss GG, but every game in this list is solid.

Because of esports for SFV and publisher money for most games on the stage. Only game i am convinced they added because of great games was UNIST because no way BB would be there unless someone was paying for it.

No Marvel huh.
I guess that's life.

t.smelee boi

The last marvel game sucked so much the publisher is not even willing to pay for it to be at Evo

>Tekken in the middle

Main event on Sunday?

sfv, tekken, smash ultimate, and BB are the sunday games

I actually disagree

Only relevant games are my, tekken, sc, and sf. The rest is garbage. My niggas Central Fiction and Guilty Gear died for this bullshit.

I'd rather have UMvC3 and DOA than Under Night and Sam Sho

Sure thing meleefag. Go fuck yourself and fuck your abortion of a game. Your fanbase ruined it forever and for everyone. Kill yourself before it's too late.

All of these I'd watch except for mk11

actually forgot to list tekken in the op, but I agree. how did GG and marvel die to fucking samsho, SFV: everyone is daigo edition, and brawl 3? unist is actually a decent addition imo
>only smellees are upset about evo lineup

Tekken couldn't even beat out Jive after midnight last year, why would it be the main event?

I have not seen a single person say why they like SFV but it's insanely popular for some reason

Attached: 1527603959669.jpg (1280x1440, 288K)

Yeah but what's played last. Usually it's the biggest game.

>UNIB finally got mainstage after 7 years
too bad I don't play it anymore

Attached: 1548863821876.gif (240x240, 62K)

>games with ArcSys development or publishing are the only "good" games

Hello ArcSoy shill

SF players follow the money.

tekken's the best game on that list

FB is good you tremendous faggot.

There's not much surprise in the line up though. Considering what was running last year the only other things in contention that didn't get in were Guilty Gear and DOA, where GG was tiny last time and DOA is le core values meme.

you know there are eight games on the actual roster now
and two of them aren't even released yet

Take a shower

>Samurai Shodown

Attached: 1503263502794.gif (195x229, 1.12M)

its always sf

which is good because the last timeslot is the worst one

>SamSho is good
Literally no one outside of SNK has even played any build

The Stinkies fear the Samurai.

Attached: 1551242224385.jpg (320x240, 27K)

So did nintendo force evo to take melee off?

>hundreds/thousands of pot monsters are losing thousands of dollars travelling and staying at evo because they might win it back in prize money

Reminder that meleefags:

>Are rude with EVO staff and other competitors to the point of heckling the people on stage.
>Cause in venue theft and robbery to skyrocket just before, during and after their game is on stage.
>Refuse to join the rest of the FGC, to the point they made their own melee exclusive lingo to describe game concepts.
>require hard to find and prone to break equipment just to play, some of it often infested with roaches.

Esports and fighting are fucking shit.

Game looks pretty clean though

This is the best lineup they've had in about a decade. These are the most fun fighters to play (just swap BBTAG with CF/GG).

I don't give a fuck, I'd rather see those games instead of the same retard hungryshitbox using jigglypuff or some fag using Ice climbers wobbling,

The lineup is cool and based as fuck. I never said i didin't like. I dont like melee retards like you.

only problem with the lineup is cross tag which should have been cut for either GG or KOF

There is still the Super Smash Bros. I don't get why they are so mad.

Liking fighting games is a litmus test for general taste in video games. If you hate fighters than you 100% of the time have irredeemable taste and your opinions can be ignored.

>Samurai Shodown
>Smash Ultimate
>Kinda interested in UNIST
Seems like it will be a good time. If any game shouldn't be there though, it's BBTag

Attached: 1502412787934.png (500x500, 244K)

Please kill yourself

>no DBFZ on Sunday
>even though it was the biggest game last year
What did Evo mean by this?

Why no KOF?

if it means you'll get melee out of your head then im all for a new healthy outlook on life for you

Not this time. EVO probably took off Melee because their shit requires CRTs and other annoying stuff to get your hands on. Behind scenes, the EVO staff probably hates Melee people and wanted them gone.

bbtag had almost five times GG's numbers last year (220~ v 1000) which had remained stable for the previous few years, it'll probably still outperform it again this year. Don't forget it was probably Aks themselves that pushed for it to be in.

Should've had DoA6 there
I feel like it would've been a ton of fun

Wait, SNK has money? Since when?

I don't think you understand how critical SF players are. Unlike ArcSoys, SF fans like to go in-depth what their game needs to fix. The problem with SFV is that it borrows too much from 3S and GG which a large chunk of western SF players hate. There are a few 3S heads the genuinely like SFV though like Automattock, MOV, and Inoue. Nemo also likes SFV and he is more of a SF2 and MvC3 fan.

Woshige needs to be fired for some of his less obvious fuck ups like ruining air to airs and pushback.

can't have other games showing up obligation fighter five now can we

Because it died lmao

Because you retards are owned by your publisher and shills. Melee is a lot of things, but it is grassroots as fuck and thrives off genuine interest

makes sense, I figured nintendo would want focus on their new hotness. I forgot melee requires crts.

I have only heard of the stink. What's the source on being rude to Evo staff?

I'm just glad SNK finally figured out how to use shaders on 3D models, SNK Heroines still gives me nightmares

You FGC tards are fucking hypocrites for not shitting on ultimate. You never actually cared if melee was "more casual", it was just another bullshit talking point or else you would be all over ultimate about how fucking casualized it is.

Why would we shit on ultimate? It's not a fighting game.

Disinfo spread by seething and equally disgusting FGC nerds. Wanting to play by your community's preferred format is apparently too much to ask of evo.

smelees are rude as fuck to anyone outside their playpen
they constantly boo other games and scream for melee when anything else is on stage

>What were they thinking running the most competed in game in the FGC
vappa pls

>UNIST, DBFZ, and cross tag are the only fighting games literally anyone cares about on this list.
Just imagine being a human being with this retarded opinion. Imagine what kind of autistic life you would have

looking forward to UNIST and T7.... sad to see arcsys is still pushing for cross tag when centralfiction exists

You saw it after it was announced at EVO and it barely showed anything besides specials/supers.
It's being released in the summer right before EVO. It will be in its honeymoon period before anyone knows what is wrong besides visuals. It's a huge red flag they're going to make a shell of a game.

Fuck off Smastard, this is the best EVO lineup in years.

Stay assblasted, meleefag

>You never actually cared if melee was "more casual"
this is correct
we hate melee because of its players, not its game
that's why 4 and ultimate are more or less tolerated now despite having little overlap with real fightan

The booing was specific to post-melee smash games, the rudeness was in regards to other games that use their CRTs like VSAV

>wanting to nearly double running time when it already goes hours over it's pools time every year
Everyone other game would rather have bo5 as it's format of choice but they know it's logistically impossible for a three day event like EVO.

Ultimate works as intended, Melee is just a bugged party game where the competitive aspect was accident.

Who cares. AnimEVO is always better anyway.

I don't watch EVO much, but I'm kinda shocked Guilty Gear isn't in.
For Arcsys it doesn't really matter, I guess, as they are still well-represented.

Brand Name GOOD
Game with big community BAD

>ded game circlejerking

>thrives off genuine interest
not enough interest to keep your party game at evo :^)
only underage children like brawl 3 and defend it. the actual FGC would gladly forfeit smash babbies for mvc or gg
yeah tell me about how amazing mortal kombat 11 is mongoloid
>no more marvel
>sf5 over a real sf
>still catering to smash babbies
UNIST is literally the only good addition this year.
this. theres no way this game actually turns out good.

as opposed to the functional party game where the competitive aspect was intentional

get fucked you smelly melee fags

fgc doesnt shower at all
you are all fucking degenerates, get a real hobby

If BBTAG wasn't getting their 5th fate announcement, Xrd would probably still be in.

I'm surprised Melee was in EVO for as long as it was. After every EVO, you would just see Melee people shitting on it constantly.

Drop MK11 and add GG Rev 2 and itd be a perfect line up.
Fuck e-sports shit anyway.

>brand name is reason UNIST and Samurai Showdown got in
>when SNK and French-Bread are poverty as shit, with dedicated as fuck communities that deserve the spotlight (as 7 years of melee autism)
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but taking a shower would probably be even more painful.

Wait can't you just get an adapter and play on a normal TV?


>Game with big community BAD
Big community that acts like a bunch of shit heads to every other FG community

It's a well known fact



They are all tribalist autists.

>SC6 not a sunday gf

this is a goddamn travesty

Shitting on VSav alone makes them actual shitters. Fuck smeleefags

melee fags quite literally on suicide watch

>posts something Scarflard made
You couldn't find another post? Scarflard can fucking die of a heart attack.

Meleefags refuse to play on anything other than CRTs because "muh display lag"

They don't and still don't. Wiz admitted that he's biased towards SamSho in the announcement video

Probably not and if you tried to make Melee players play on an normal T.V. you would never hear the end of it.

Why? It was lucky to even get in.

What a bunch of autists.

They probably didn't want to go through all the trouble of rounding up a million CRTs for Melee.

See? This is exactly what we are talking about. Some fucker had to play with a bodyguard on stage because another stinky autist threatened to fucking shoot him.


yeah who cares about precision and reflexes in video games anyway fucking nerds

Your community stinks and detrimental to the other fighting games with their own communities. You fucks delayed schedules with your CRTs long enough

Game that requires you to jump through too many hoops to set up BAD more like

It means either a punishment for Toei over the deal with them being responsible of DBFz tournaments not being broadcasted in other majors (including EVO Japan), or they know DBFz takes too much time over sets.

Scarflard is a huge piece of shit and I've hated him since that Smash Invitational at E3 2014. He's just a jackass who talks so much smack and then goes and cries when people say shit back. I wouldn't want to shoot the guy, but I would definitely punch him in his pretentious face.

It's literally just set time, dbfz is way too variable. It's also why there's only four sunday games instead of 5. Last year they went so over time they got into trouble with the venue owners.

>2 unreleased games
>no KoF

Attached: baldi.gif (226x236, 1.14M)

That's actually pretty based, SNK needs all the help they can get. Barring Shun'ei, KOF14 was a great game despite its non-existent budget

So its functionally a shitty game that needs organizers to cuck other scheduled games for muh autism? Got it


They delayed schedule too because they forced top 64 to be Best of 5

>genuinely liking sfv

Melee already has 4-5 frames of input lag, an extra frame on top of it isn't going to make it unplayable.
Literally every other gaming community plays on LCDs, it's just Smellee fags who autistically cling to them because they can't tolerate change.

They took away the better games and replaced them with their more casual, less interesting, less skillbased counterparts. Of course to be hipster contrarians Yea Forums pretends to like this even though the competition will be incredibly boring.

Attached: Evolution 2019.jpg (1468x1468, 664K)

When it starts shitting up the scehdule of the other games, you fucking bet your ass its a problem

its functionally a 18 year old game without a HD port
are japanese 3S players also autists for gathering together and playing on massively outdated and clunky arcade cabinets? Or ST players?

>tekkuk reposting his garbage
Ready for the return of your pakistani overlord?

How did they fuck this up so badly?

Attached: 1534613893502.jpg (940x528, 353K)

>not KoF

i don't care.

You mean
>Brand Name PLUS Games which had a ton of fan support to get in EVO GOOD
>Game with big community that is venomous in itself, attacking not only fans of other series but anything else they see are against them in such a manner everyone has started to outright hate their guts, not even adapting to new systems, games or even transmission sets when they have the game that is possibly the best sequel to their 15+ years old game AND especially that they cannot stop inflating their egos with retarded bullshit YET still cannot take the time to take a fucking shower BAD.

>ugly art style
>bad roster
that's it, really

Because they made it in America.

unironically the best post itt

The mouse did it.

Disney and MCU was the biggest mistake

Why did you lost Samurai Showdown as not out and no community yet MK11 doesn't get the same treatment? You do know it's not out right?

>Crosstag instead of Rev 2 or Central Fiction
>Samurai Showdown instead of Killer Instinct
who even organizes this shit?

Attached: 1540218439274294.png (256x256, 67K)

>samurai shodown not even out yet
>but somehow MK11 is

>No X-Men
>looks like shit
Other than that, I'd argue it's fine. In my opinion, it's the weakest Vs game, but by no means a bad game.

>more deserving than anything
Yeah fuck off

Unreleased games getting featured in EVO isn't a new thing, happened with BBTag last year

Probably the best lineup in years.

Guilty Gear and Melee are gone. Good.

Arcsys for paying xtag to be in and not really caring about the other two

What s o i boy made this?

Nobody actually gives a fuck about KI

>everyone always bragging on Yea Forums about how good at fighting games they are
>Nobody on Yea Forums actually plays or does tournaments with other faggots on Yea Forums
When are we gonna host our own EVO

yeah, i know. and i understand to an extent why it happens.
but 2 games is kinda stupid when a game as sick as kof doesn't make it

Yea Forums unist boys already do
The ones who attended frosty faustings made it to Top 48 while on guy breached top 16

Attached: DwURXh1U8AAVzKn.jpg orig.jpg (599x1320, 134K)

Nigger, you would say KoF14 has a lower skill ceiling just like the rest of them.

with all of this said though, I really hope they keep ultimate whatever next game that replaces ultimate in the lineup for a long time

Attached: benson concern.jpg (470x419, 37K)

You forgot
>Hosting the Melee tournament requires Gamecubes belonging to a particular manufacturing batch because they're the only ones able to reproduce the glitches that make Melee competitive
>They banned characters when a particular god became way too good with them


Bbtag matches being so quick feels like the reason its back on Sunday no less.
I'll miss xrd.

Who /tekken/ here

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it's sad that people have just accepted NRS shilling. It's the least interesting and viewed game every year whether it's mk/ij but will always be there because of money

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Capcom wants to push V

Half the posts about KOF14 say its casualized and the other half say its the best thing since '98. I haven't played 14 yet so which is it?

Because LOL SHITTY PS2 GRAPHICS meme. Meanwhile the new samurai showdown and sfv get a pass looking like dogshit

>requires Gamecubes belonging to a particular manufacturing batch because they're the only ones able to reproduce the glitches that make Melee competitive

It's only been V for 3 years now, who cares at this point

>54 FPS

Jiren or vegito? I don’t know who I should buy and who’s funner?

Oh boy, you really underestimate the autism of showerboys

I'm honestly shocked dbfz existed this long.
>never underestimate dbz
It still plays like an extremely shallow fighter...but MK is there so it's not exactly the dumbest pick

he means the controllers, there's a specific glitch that requires the controllers to be fucked up in a very specific way to do consistently

kino lineup. SFV isn't really my thing, but whatever; it's there for the two people that still care about it

It sold so well because people literally thought it was a new xenoverse game. Reading twitter after it released and seeing people pissed was hilarious. Which is a shame really because it could have been quite good with a massive audience.

downright false
controllers are the issue here. Certain techniques become easier if your controller has a certain manufacturing discrepancy.
>back dashes
>shield drops
both extremely important at high levels. Some pros won't even compete without a controller that allows easy execution of those 2 things.

Why wouldn't they just bring their own controllers? Doesn't everyone else do that?

The ArcSys community? Remember you got booted out for bring assholes.

37games has tons of money, retard
UNIST is published by Arc

Melee wasn't picked? Today is a good day.

If they didn’t shill cross tag and replaced it with rev 2 this would be almost perfect

there's no way people are that dumb, right?

Attached: Dvg2sqoXgAE9V2d.jpg (600x660, 89K)

Once you reach a certain threshold of activity, that game stays for a while because its one of the few games with quick matchmaking for casual matches

Bring back the real fan favourites. Best part is matches are fast enough that you'll never have absurdly long ass top 8 matches.

Attached: Super Turbo.png (550x288, 302K)

Dragonball fans will buy literally anything with Goku on the cover.

It's the Dragon Ball fanbase, of course they're that dumb.


>Yea Forumsappa seething about a game made for switchlets and RWBYfags despite the fact they probably couldnt play the game at even midlevel competency

Attached: DzrtHMBV4AAC2E5.jpg (1365x2048, 376K)

Now you know why everyone hates smellees even the organizers. They're autists who'll reeee if they don't get what's basically modding in a fucking fighting touney

>but MK is there so it's not exactly the dumbest pick
game gets thousands of views at tournaments
>derr why is it there
fucking retards

Attached: Dis space nigga be trippin.png (483x339, 182K)

I can't even play if I wanted to, the game is dead on pc. I literally could never find a ranked match and I couldn't get out of Orange because no one else online when I could play was above yellow.

you got screenshots of that shit anywhere?

bet i could beat you at any fighting game fuck boy

Cross Tag is an easy choice of GG or CF. It's the newest BB so of course they'll have it over CF and it pulls in more numbers than GG and has a more recent update so it's a more natural choice over that. It also has the upcoming DLC which EVO would be a good reveal for, and though GG has an upcoming announcement as well, they'd probably rather save that for their own tournament at ArcRevo, considering the timing works with it being shortly after EVO, it already being set up as a big GG tournament making it a good send off for Rev 2 and SIGN having been announced at the ArcSys summer festival to begin with, so if they're now moving on from Xrd announcing that at the place where Xrd started it would be appropriate.

Why don't they bring their own controllers?

Cute boy, who is he?

I haven't played too much of it so I may be wrong, but the MAX mode system seems like it was made to make the game very accessible.

they do. getting a good controller is completely up to the player. no tournament provides these controllers

People need to stop making a big deal out of EVO already. I'm sure part of the reason Melee isn't there is because the community got tired of EVOs shit last year and decided other events like APEX and CEO were more worth their time. The rest of the FGC just needs to do the same. Especially when other events are still supporting better games like Killer Instinct, Melty and Guilty Gear

Just search "dbfz" and "xenoverse" for a week or two after release on twitter, it's a goldmine.

many still care I mean, DBFZ still is the most played fighting game online and also has the highest viewership on every major and even weekly tournaments. In fact, NLBC is on right now and DBFZ has has not double but triple the viewership than SFV and you can bet your ass if it would have gotten the Sunday spot it would have been the Evo main event with the highest viewership again.

I'm probably gonna pirate the game just to try it out, but I'll buy it if I can find (or coerce) a playing buddy in my area

>I'm sure they didn't want to be at EVO anymore
Go take a shower

>terrible graphics
>terrible, boring roster
that's all you need to kill a fighting game

It is fun even if it could look better so I'd say it's worthwhile, it's just that one mechanic makes confirming into a big combo really easy and there doesn't seem to be a lot going on when it comes to resource management.

He really doesn't talk shit about people though.

>DBFZ still is the most played fighting game online
This hasn't been true since before EVO because of T7 and it's been even lower than Jive for months. It peaks here and there but it's on it's way out. Check out EVO's early sign up numbers, it's second last ahead of BBTAG.

If Samsho is anything like Samsho 2, it'll be by far the most entertaining game at EVO.

I'm excited for 2019 unist.

Attached: squish veil off timeout.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

>its been three years now on its fourth year
>still making Yea Forumstards seethe to this day
lol when are you fags gonna live with the fact SFV is still the topdog of the FGC and Kekken, DBEZ, and whatever other weeb trash will never kill it?

Attached: 1542806591141.jpg (1259x1673, 772K)


Someone needs to make a webm of squish losing his smile and optimism when lamp bodied him.

shit game that requires brand recognition and capcom bux to maintain a scene

God damn Samurai Shodown is kino

melee makes the rest of fgc look like clowns

EVO Japan this year wasn't part of the CPT and SFV was the only game on the roster to break 1,000 entrants. Stay mad faggot lmao

Attached: 1540332256294.jpg (1200x1342, 231K)

whether you hate melee or not, EVO are losing viewers with this lineup.

Attached: Bryce-Dallas-Howard-Feet-2665330.jpg (1998x3000, 618K)

>rest of

I'll take the venue smelling a lot better thanks.

Not a Melee fanboy but how can you honestly say games like Samurai Showdown and UnderNight will have more entrants/viewers than Melee ?????

Nobody has even heard of those games.

Between mk11 and ultimate it'll probably go up. Plus they don't have to deal with the time and cost of melee's set up.


>ditch all the smelly autists for a better, more diverse show stage
net positive

If you haven't heard of samsho or unist your opinion is irrelevant because you're not a part of the fgc.

I've got some bad news then. These next level mindgames are coming

Attached: 1535934116047.jpg (997x611, 90K)

They'll be on time now so the actual experience for the viewers is better

And this is a problem because?

V has THE most viewership user
2nd place was for Melee

>Literally can't point out anywhere in my post where I said that

Here's your (You)

>in this user's mind, this somehow proves that melee isn't also (likely even more) smelly

evo has always been about lining mr wizard's morbidly obese pockets so he can keep sitting around on his diabetic ass all year instead of getting a job. most of those games are there because their publishers paid for the spot.

>putting fucking dbfz while leaving off sc6 and t7
The problem here is you

Cause it's slow as fuck and takes a shitload of time to run

>I'm sure part of the reason Melee isn't there is because the community got tired of EVOs shit
That's what you were implying, intentionally or otherwise.

People with money care. I mean, the fuck you expect?
It's a corporate sponsered event. IE: owned by the people who make those games. Of course they're gonna make sure their current products are all top billed.

>low skill ceiling
Is it though

Yes, coming from somebody that owns it.

[citation needed]
I bet they eat Christian babies too, right?

>2 unreleased games
>BBTAG over GG
>smash in any form is still present
another year, another bad evo

They are almost certainly ditching Melee just because it's both costly and a logistic hell to get those CRT:s there and haul them around just for Melee.

They think the catholic ones taste better.

GG is done and dusted, BBTag is getting new content

Not exactly, but it is homogenous as fuck in terms of the scummy things you can do. Even BBTAG has more variety in terms of dumb strategies apart from blockstrings into lockdown into blockstrinfs. Assist based tag games should have dozens of combinations like UMVC3 where you can either play a cheesy zoner team like Moridoom, a gorilla team like Big Bodies, a lockdown gameplay like Firebrand Skrull, or Dark Phoenix cheesing. DBFZ has none of that.

GG is dead as fuck and its about time it gets shafted in time for the next GG later this year. BBTAG is the game ASW wants to push so let them. While I dont really play the game, it was instrumental into bringing UNIST to a more familiar light even by a bit.

My only issue is BBTAG over anything. I have no knowledge of SamSho but I'm all for giving underplayed games the spotlight instead of just aiming for the best numbers every time.


Literally THE reason why it's not there.

nintendo is based

please bathe yourself

Guess I'm a nintendofag now

>being rude to VSAV
yeah, fuck smelee fags, i'd beat them up in person

You should take a cue from them then and neck yourself, pleb

lmao you think they have to pay him? they can send him a c&d or hear from their lawyers on anything they feel like and they literally did for melee until you guys bitched for them to let you get the game at mainstage evo

UNIST should have been in last year, putting it in this year makes zero sense.

>Fighting games for weebs
No one plays under night, shitty replica of blaz blue

>only the newest fighting games save for Tekken 7
what the fuck man
what if I want to watch some competitive 3S or KoF or GG Xrd?

you just made that up didn't you

It's Yea Forums's favorite fighter

Came here to post this.

Side tournaments, especially for Third Strike

>melee player
>FGC community

Melee playpen must be sent back to the preschool.

SamSho had no fan support
ArcSys fans are more venomous than any other group.

This is the real tragedy of Evo 2019.

>Last year Mike Ross out of nowhere made it to Top 32
>No reason to come back this year

Attached: pour one out.jpg (1900x1069, 325K)

CRTs are at EVO already for old Dreamcast and PS2 games. Most are rented from Las Vegas companies

Mike Ross can just go compete in Dota2 this year then

It's not that big a deal with ArcRevo being so shortly afterwards.

I'm going to my melee locals this friday to play unist.

Even hardcore GG fans hate Rev2. Only the biggest weebcuck defends it

I guarantee that Arcsys is using BBTag as a stopgap measure until the new GG is closer to completion. Or the inevitable P5Arena, or whatever is next for Blazblue

>Even hardcore GG fans hate Rev2
No they don't. They might complain about some mechanics, but the game has a fine following and is well liked by plenty.

>Reminder that meleefags:
lol dank meme
>>Are rude with EVO staff and other competitors to the point of heckling the people on stage.
only happened once and with another smash game
>>Cause in venue theft and robbery to skyrocket just before, during and after their game is on stage.
you made that up
>>Refuse to join the rest of the FGC, to the point they made their own melee exclusive lingo to describe game concepts.
melee is fundamentally unique from all other fighters... you're just whining
>>require hard to find and prone to break equipment just to play, some of it often infested with roaches.
true except for the roaches, you made that up too
>You forgot
>>Hosting the Melee tournament requires Gamecubes belonging to a particular manufacturing batch because they're the only ones able to reproduce the glitches that make Melee competitive
you made that up, they use wiis which are cheap and easy to find
>>They banned characters when a particular god became way too good with them
you made that up too, no characters have ever been banned from melee

this is scaring me. why do you guys like making up lies about melee?

The rep of a group is frequently created by the worst people in it.

And the worst people in Melee are approaching brony levels of social functionality. They're so out there that even Mr Wizard looks like a normal person next to them.

It's a completely different level when you need crts for a thousand melee players.

No dumbshit I was implying it was part of the reason Wiz didn't want them back

Japanese are dropping it hard

>underwear inbread is a main evo game
did someone threaten mr wizard's family?

Everyone's gradually dropping it because it's been going on a while with no updates and nobody wants to inevitably get their ass handed to them by Omito, doesn't mean the game is hated by any means.


He got Grd broken when his core values OS got baited

Surely there is still going to be an Xrd tourney, no? I can't imagine everyone is just gonna go home just because it's not mainstage.

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There is, it's listed as an ArcRevo qualifier.

there's still side tournaments you fucking casuals it's just that no one gives a shit about them except autists that haven't been able to move on and hipsters

If you wanna believe rumors and leaks, they're trying to convert the entirety of the BB roster to 3D to avoid the complaints about Xrd's roster and its taking much longer than expected so BBTAG was both an asset flip for extra time and a stalling method

It makes sense because French Bread will probably announce new content this year. Also, GG has stayed its welcome and with the advent of a new GG, someone has to fill the spotlight for now, which is UNIST

because Melee lives rent free inside their heads.

The irony of "low skill ceiling" shouldn't be lost on any of you.

You mean because it hasnt been updated for 2 years? Of course people will start dropping it. Fuck off with that "Even Japan hates it" nonsense, if they really hated it then the hardcore players from Mikado wouldve shat on it a long time ago

You're right I just realized. The english translation was late, but UNIST has basically been out for over 2 years in nipland

>I-I'm totally not a seething meleeshitter
What a pathetic ass bait

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Almost two years, Console release will hit two years on July 20th.

why are meleefags so mad about evo? you niggas still have a million smash only majors and huge numbers. stop worrying about evo and move on.

>he doesn't enter V5FS and CvS2 side tourneys
man I feel sorry for you

>borrows too much from 3S

Attached: 1455491385214.jpg (551x550, 66K)

>some of the CRTs are infested with roaches
>the only source of this is from a random Yea Forums post claiming he worked at EVO
nah, gotta try harder than that.

Imagine if Mika's vorpal trait is that she wets herself everytime she gets counterhit hahah. Wouldn't that be soo funny hahah.

>subjectively worse Guilty Gear, but it IS the only conventional anime fighter
>objectively worse Melee
>literal kusoge
>okay if you get passed the fact that it’s not Blazblue
>the SFV of Tekken
>objectively worse SC2, but it’s still better than 3-5 so it’s okay
>unreleased kusoge with burkas and more campy gameplay
>unreleased game that McRibb chose out of sheer nepotism

This is what people are playing nowadays? Where’s UMVC3? Where’s BB Centralfiction? Where the fuck is Guilty Ge - on second thought scratch that because Xrd is trash. I’ll take KI at this point. Melee can take a short break, but you can’t replace it with this crap.

>moved the most viewed game of last year to Saturday and will only have 4 games on Sunday

Wait, he did WHAT?

I bet the only reason why some people say this lineup is good is because Melee isn't in it.

Does Samurai Showdown even have a release date?

I love all the disinfo that shit posters use about how bad melee is.

the amount of faggotry in this post. If you don't play fighting games why even comment?

>Subjectively worse GG
The fuck are you smoking? They're nothing alike even gameplay-wise or pace.

his point was that the venue won't be any less smelly without melee because it only takes a handful of pants-shitting smash players to stink up a whole venue.

Early Summer, 2019, simultaneous global release, as of the trailer dropped during the lineup reveal. Nothing exact, but evidently its coming pretty soon.

>to avoid the complaints about Xrd's roster
such as

Would be funny if it got delayed and wasted an entire slot at evo.

He listed BBTAG as the best in the lineup, it was obvious bait

Such as being too small

I still don't get the stink meme associated with melee. Wasn't it from a Smash 4 tournament. Also every event with a large group of people in a confined space smells bad.

and instead of just adding more characters, they take even more time by converting bb characters to 3d instead?

The entire stinky day meme is also reference to a post about a smash 4 tournaments. Almost every negative meme about melee is a complete lie. Its really bizzare, and people with no interest in melee whatsoever are being bombarded with t. stinker for criticizing anything about evo at all. I think its completely retarded to include samsho as it isn't even out yet and is a huge gamble. What if its broken as shit? What if nobody likes it? Players are going to have like 3 moths to decide if they like this game enough to spend vegas trip money on it.

But I guess I'm just a stinker too...

More like stinks of sly wanks

Its just scary for our newer players who've never known melee without evo. They will calm down eventually.

I assume it's all just r/kappa posters who don't actually care about playing games and just watch streams instead.
To them everything is immediate and no bigger picture. Top player loses to other top player? Lol washed up they should quit fucking terrible at the game?
Underdog wins? Fucking best player in the world holy shit easily gonna win it all.
With melee they manage to just shift argument no matter what happens.
Only same people win > other people do. Lol dead game where's your gods now
Only fox wins its a solved game > top 8 Genesis has no fox in it. Dead game fox is shit! Dead gaaaaame

I honestly think UNIST and SamSho's spots were originally going to be Granblue and DOA6. That's why Wiz thought the ArcSys crowd would still be happy despite GG and BB being dropped. But then turned out Granblue was going to take too long to come out, and then core values happened.

So Wiz picked two other games he thought would keep him on the community's good side, since bringing back GG and BB, while keeping the other Arcsys games that had the sponsor dollars, would have made him look like a massive hypocrite for dropping Melee.The last thing you want to give salty Smashers is a legitimate argument.

He doesn't know what the fuck is going to happen with SamSho, he just knows he didn't want to keep DOA6 or Melee. That's why the pick seems mad random and poorly planned, but he's banking on receiving good graces again from the bitter SNK crowd.

Is it true that meleefags are beamers and rapists?

lots of these

Attached: 99b6a946-7fd6-4851-bbba-4e4f2283f173-McRib-Square-ImagesMcRib-Launch-Carousel-One-Image-2[1].png (2943x1680, 3.17M)

>every single other fighting game went through the whole crt thing literally a decade ago, and has had basically no problems adjusting since then
>demand bo5s for some fucking reason, even when bo3s took nearly a whole day to play out
melee can fuck off

As in BMW?

I thought they said DBZF was done with tournies?

This better just be a shitpost.

Harada saved them

I dunno, but a smash 4 player diddled some girl

Maybe he is talking about fast fall laser?

No one cares about DOA on a competitive level. Even if the game was marketed perfectly it still would not be at Evo.

DOA4 only appeared at Evo once during the dark days of the genre where people would literally play anything and let's not talk about DOA5s pathetic showing last year.

I think there's a miscommunication here
>Xrd cuts some characters out and people complain, especially Baiken (at launch), Anji, A.B.A and Bridget
>BB 3D goes under development
>Plans to try and convert the full roster for the next BB
>Oh shit this is taking longer than we thought and we're struggling to meet payrolls!
>Team Blue pushes out BBTAG

Fan support does make a difference.

Of course it's not everything, as the melee fags have gone out of their way to prove.

This seems pretty likely. I can also imagine him going up to SNK and asking KOF? or samsho? for the final slot. I

>other fighting games "adjusted"
>implying new games didn't just release with hdtv's in mind and players just "adjusted"

The fuck are you talking about dude?

>only one Capcom game
How will shills recover

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man I'm still mad about the lack of ZAPPA!

By posting in /fgg/

entrants for bbtag > gg
gg is basically dead outside japan and not really new player friendly
also bbtag has new dlc characters, gg is going the way of mk11/sc6 aka wait for the next game / granblue

evo japan 19;
kof/gg/literalwhat games

Doesn't he have a model? Shame we will never see 3d Raoh

sf4 came around right about the time the change was happening and i can distinctly remember people complaining about bad tvs in a game where tight links were the norm
somehow a lot of people managed to play that game for like 7-8 years without a stockpile of crts in a storage locker somewhere

>console built for hd TV uses HD TV's
Fucking mind blowing.

Evo 2019 is going to be much the same except Samsho is going to be replaced with another arcsys fighter with stupidly low entry numbers

>everyone was making up the fact that the hdtvs of that era were dogshit and still played on them anyway
take a shower

>Evo 2019 is going to be much the same except Samsho and SC6 is going to be replaced with another arcsys fighter with stupidly low entry numbers

>another arcsys fighter
not if kofxv comes out in time

"No one" cares about SamSho on a competitive level either. I don't think it's even been featured at EVO before. Even SS players are probably praying it doesn't end up like the last 3 iterations of the series and forcing them to go back to SS2 again.

DOA6 is new, it's shiny, the developer has a lot of sponsorship money, the game is gonna rake in tons of casual dollars in its first season, and Wiz thought they were now going to go full eSports. Wiz had every practical reason to feature it this year over the untested SamSho, and he was probably going to treat it like him throwing the DOA community a bone the same way he's doing now with UNIST and SNK fans.


Did you mean 2020?

Yeah I mean 2020

So a console that's not built for HD TV's should use them because?

The funniest thing is that he (and Robo-ky) are both prominently featured in the story mode, and are arguably more important to the plot than half of the playable roster, sort of like how Johnny was in Sign. The only thing is that Zappa seems to have kicked his ghost problem somehow or another.

but V special is the best game

because the tournament organizer has them, because they're easy to get, and because literally everyone else moved on except the autists that play melee
no other group makes the same demands melee does. it's all well and good if they're running their own shit but it's a multigame tournament with time and space constraints and they've repeatedly refused to play nice with others, then act shocked when people don't want to deal with their nonsense anymore

That doesn't answer its fine to play though.

they probably didn't include doa because they fucked up at EvoJP desu
SS is an ok fighter at best and incredibly simple really doubt it's going to last more than 1 year


>UNIST, DBFZ, and cross tag are the only fighting games literally anyone cares about on this list.

literal cashgrab they spent less than sfv dlc on it

people actually play sfv.

DBFZ had the most viewership, not SFV

>people actually play sfv*
>*because protour money

looking for this?

Honestly the best part of this evo is going to be the melee shitposting when ultimate is on

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I don't know why you're still pretending to be this obtuse. Nobody cares about anything as long as your game doesn't start bothering other games, nobody complains at genesis because that event is set up with melee in mind. Everyone complains at EVO because not only does Melee always go overtime to the point of delaying other schedules because they refuse to compromise and go with Bo3, they also interfere with the side tournaments because the same CRTs are needed for other games (sailor moon, 3s, vsav) and melee hogs all of them and go for too long.

reminder that sfv carries the fgc no matter how butthurt you get.

who cares about that fraud

Just because it doesn't have long combos or advanced movement techs doesn't mean it's that simple that it won't last more than 1 year. People still play ST to this day.

what a bad kappa tier excuse.
reminder that sfv had twice the entrants tekken7 had at evo japan despite not being a cpt event and having the same prize pool.

sure ST isn't at evo mainstage tho
also i'm sure people are still playing SS2 instead

Are you fucking retarded? Wizard hates Melee, he's wanted to get rid of it for years. All Meleefags ever do is bitch about how the event is run, and lugging all those CRTs around is a pain in the fucking ass. It was a burden that was only tolerated because of the high entry numbers.

SamSho is fun, but yeah, that was def gonna be DOA's spot before Core Values.

Capcom carries the fgc: SFV is the begrudgingly accepted title. No other fighting game company throws as much money into muh esport as Capcom currently does with their sponsorship loop

Most people don't like holds. I think they're fun in their own way, but the majority don't seem to like them.

also reminder that momochi refused the prize money because he is against esports licenses in japan.

if anything sfv players have the most passion for the genre.

why would they replace it with literally who game when they could've done the same thing they did with marvel last year and go with 8 games?

Maybe those games should learn to adapt and play on HD like you said for melee.

they're running samsho 2 on the unofficial povertevo side stream, and i'm pretty sure they'll run the finals on one of the evo streams like they did last year

nah if people thought other sf games were that great they'd play them, but nobody cares about sf4 anymore.
the biggest sf4 revival project was a failure because all those faggots are nothing but talk.

and most SF didn't like parries either until daigoparry meme

DBFZ takes fucking FOREVER, of course they moved it to Saturday.

It used to, until not that long ago. Also, these days Samsho 5sp is the game most people play in the series.

Maybe you should just compromise and stick with Bo3

Melee is the best, most competitive version of smash. Why would they not include it?

Why isn't Dong Dong Never Die in the lineup?

some money instead of no money

Because they demand the longest timeslot

most people still dont like parries.
sf3 is not a big game.

>I assume it's all just r/kappa posters who don't actually care about playing games and just watch streams instead.
Funny, that's pretty much the majority of the Melee "scene" too. For all the bitching and whining you fuckers do about how Melee is the greatest thing ever created, no one seems to want to put in the work to actually get good.

they will lose money when no one comes to watch or play their game

Compromise is for cucks

What holds? I was responding to this
>SS is an ok fighter at best and incredibly simple really doubt it's going to last more than 1 year

they have more bandwidth for small games since they killed melee

parries are still a dumb mechanic and i'm glad that meme died with 3s

You're implying that parries aren't still disliked.

ultimate is going to overshadow it atleast for 1-2 years in terms of players/views - they could always cuck melee back if they needed the views that badly also it's much easier to run without having to get crts, rare gamecube controllers, adapters and manufacturing defected analogs

>momochi refused the prize money because he is against esports licenses in japan.
Absolutely fucking based

also when they're infested with roaches because meleefags are so disgusting and unsanitary.

Melee is a logistical nightmare. You need CRTs (which no other game uses), Gamecubes (which no other game uses), matches take fucking forever even WITHOUT the bo5s the Melee community keeps bitching for, etc. It's great that you love Melee so much, but the FGC does NOT love Melee.

Honestly this is one of the best lineups in recent years. Though, If I had my way I'd toss Smash and MK11 out in favor of GG and KoF.

I'm still laughing on how angry the meleefucks are that their game is out of EVO, but see animepeeps that play GG happy that UNIST is in even though their game itself isn't.

That's how shitty the Smash community is.

And that's why everyone hates smelee. Just stick to genesis and never ask to be in any other event ever again if you're just going to bother the other games.

>this is one of the best lineups
>two games that are untested
>one that will have next to no amount of practice before release and thus have matches that are absolute shit to spectate
You're intelligent.

DBZF and SFV get great numbers
Smash obviously will also
Pretty sure T7 is up there as well, not really sure about SC6 though
MK11 is brand new, Netherealm games do decent enough in their first year until everyone leaves the year after
BBTag and Under night do as well as an anime fighter can
Samurai Shodown is literally brand new so who can really say

these are al great choices, fighting games are fucking back baby

gotta get mcribs tho
gg and kof are better done with side tournaments entrants are low anyways

Nah fuck off cunt.

I don't even like NRS games but all the MKX/Injustice 2 players I met at locals were pretty cool.

>BBTag and Under night
Don't mention these games in the same breath.
Uniel has more entrants than MK11 while BBTag is the literal bottom of both viewership and participation.

mk is the same shit
ss is the same shit
baring some stupid day1 balance issue, which is always the case because people with pitchforks asking to nerf anything that appears good

BBTag has more entrants than most anime games though. It beat a good number of them at FF and that's an anime major. Onky reason it lacks viewership at times is ebcause its on the 8 am slot.

Look I don't think BBTag is the best game ever made, but you could at least have a tiny bit of respect for the game that helped the UNIST scene grow. And don't you try and fucking say that isn't the case, UNIST started exploding right around the time BBTag was released.

the only games i ever play/watch at evo are tekken and melee. this will be the first year that im only entering tekken since melee isnt there anymore. gonna feel pretty weird.

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>no dead or alive

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DOA was gonna be the double play. Free sponsorship bucks from a developer with a lot of money that wanted more FGC exposure, and the good PR image that EVO still cares about the less popular communities.

But since dropping DOA killed the former, he figured he'd still shoot for the latter. He's hoping featuring UNIST and SamSho will make those communities happy and keep them from teaming up with the Meleefags, and the DOAfags, and the Marvelfags, and all the other groups that now got beef with EVO.

BBTag got 1000 entrants last EVO and still has DLC coming up.

BBTag getting a Sunday slot over DBFZ is a travesty though. Watching DBFZ in the stadium last year was one of the best experiences ever with the Cell intro screaming to Go1 summoning Shenron during his match with SonicFox.

>i'm too good for side tourneys cuz i always get top8

It’s a logistical pain in the ass,
The fanbase is the worst behaved, with both players and viewers regularly losing their shit,
Meelefags are constantly fighting with organizers.

Most importantly, Nintendo prefers it not to be there.

don't worry all the marginalized games will be at CEO

No side tourneys for you?

>UNIST, DBFZ and cross tag are the only fighting games literaly anyone cares about on this list
had me until there, mediocre bait

sat might be the big night since sfv snorefest closer on sun

Is there any video game competition, for casual gamers and those that like easy games?

i'm pretty sure that's not a slight against dbfz but an acknowledgement of that shit taking forever to play out, to the point where mcrib implied the game needed a turbo mode or something like it to be considered again
it's a good game but you really can't run it on the same day as every other final due to time constraints

because it isn't a fighting game and doesn't belong at a fighting game tournament. now take a shower, please.

jdcr, you cant tell from the glasses?

Because whatever EVO does, they get mad. Either damn if they do, damn if they don't.

Also a fucking logistics nightmare.

i dont play any other games. last year i tried 3rd strike with no experience playing it and i got eliminated without taking a round. i cant naturally pick up games and transfer experience from one into another. i had to put hundreds of hours into tekken and melee each to just reach a level where i dont get embarrassed at tournaments.

maybe it's slighted since the who evojp/dbfz world tour - maybe bamco wants it's thing to be the main event

>1000 people watched Sajam do the tutorials in UNIST

we're moving on up

Ultimate is great though, I don't have a problem with them replacing Melee this time, unlike Smash 4

and it's all good too since melee has other tournaments
there are even some weekends before and after evo.

And there it is. That's the answer to solidify the fact that smelleefag are hated by other fighting game communities, Fucking pathetic

A picture is worth a thousand words

Attached: Hungry Box.png (1392x589, 917K)

Make it 2000

Attached: 1551238351268.png (1920x1080, 2.24M)

Melee and Smash are both NOT fighting games and should be banned from EVO.


>no fur on the furburger

the game is shit and takes too long. its the same issue as with smash shit. people are sick of having to stay up until 4 am and later to see their favorite fighters just because dragonbabbs need 5minutes per match.

Sure whatever you reckon nerd.

>melee fags in this thread proving that they're the worst """fighting""" game community

Attached: Smell like you could use a shower stinky.gif (400x215, 3.51M)

>too much of a bitch to directly respond to them
Melee truly are the chads

>MK11 & SS
>No practice
You know what? SmashCon and CEO exist, Evo has been a commercial for years.

Attached: undermemejpg.jpg (2586x2054, 2.59M)

>no practice
all the 'testers' and people will be playing it e3 including mr gethyped000dz
pro shills get the game months before like mvci

>wanting people to mass reply

Attached: 1550938792465.png (500x347, 215K)

I want my (you)s for shitposting and I want them now!

>Being mad that I won't do something highly autistic
Truly a meleefag

That's so unfair, remember the arcade exclusivity in Japan days of Tekken 7?

Is UNIST a good game to watch/play? I have heard of it but it never appealed to me.

If you play it, what's your favorite mechanic of the game?

You are mad because the only event you have in the whole year is Evo, Melee has two sandwiching Evo 2019.

>mfw reading seething Meleefags posts during HARMONY
Truly, this is a fantastic day.

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Not really, just came for the smelee memes, really

Does this mean EVO will be stink free this year?

>calls thing highly autistic
>still plays fighting games

its a solid game, definitely not for everyone but still solid

tekken and sfv and arc sys games have world championship series sponsored by the devs and evo japan and there are plenty of big anime only tournaments theres also strong style and mastercup for tekken and such. i like smash but smashfags really dont know anything about any other game and youve proven that with this post

>game only has tournaments because dev pays for them

Its akin more to traditional grounded footsie type of fighters than anime with airdashing like BB or GG. The game rewards peoplew ith good offense and defense

Ultimate >>> Melee

no the game has world championships sponsored by the devs, the other stops along the way are community efforts that get cosigned by the devs and used as qualifiers, think rev major sea major combo breaker final round etc.

Attached: MELEE IS DEAD.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Thank god no more Guilty Gear. King of Fighters will be missed but I can easily live without it.

>Tekken 7
>Soul Calibur VI
>No Melee
Nigga, this is the best lineup since HDR was still a main stage game.

Mikado? Mikado is a fucking arcade. Do you mean Machabo the guy who said SFV was fun?

isnt samsho just kof with an edo period motif?

>have to have the devs pay in the desperate attempt to create a scene.

Melee was the 2nd biggest game last year and it's not even here, Wiz is a madman

Soulless competition for SamSho. UNIST players don't practice enough to even handle international competition.

No idea. But if that's true then I welcome it. Samurais are cooler than the KOF's stunningly terrible character designs.

Assault is like "What if short hop from KOF, and airdashing, were both in the same game, and you did them by pressing a button like the evade button in SamSho V". Absolutely wonderful mechanic. I hate anime fighters, but I love UNIST.

KoF is a team fighter with lots of SF elements going for it such as links and a bit of chain combos too. It has shorthops as one of the bigger differentiator.

Samsho is more like 2D Soul Calibur. Really short combos, bigger emphasis on positioning

Japan Arcade Gods are quite literally Gods, an unfair comparison because Japan did have a couple years of experience ahead of the U.S.

Attached: DrhdyirXcAANFPF.jpg orig.jpg (1080x1440, 183K)

Tell that to Squish. That said, Clearlamp is just too good.

>hardcore players from
this implies a place you fucking retard
a fucking arcade fits perfectly there

No. Samsho is footsies: The Game. Pressure is almost non-existant because almost everything is - on block. Counter-hit damage is super high, so good reads are rewarded more than combos or mixups. The game has command parries that knock away the opponent's weapon. Supers also destroy the opponent's weapon. Naturally, not having a weapon in a game about footsies means you're pretty fucked.

no. kof is mexican jumping beans: the game.
Samsho is literally just poking.

the devs dont pay for anything, they just host the finals. sfv specifically gets pot bonuses i believe but other than that the devs dont organize the competitive scene at all. youre really digging your own grave greentexting shit you can easily google and find out isnt true, hell if youve been in the fgc for more than a couple months youd know this already

fucking monkey pawn
since marvel 3 vanilla i wanted x, sigma and thanos...........................

So how are they not paying for it if they are paying for it to happen?

Players from Mikado didn't say shit about Persona despite the game being so ass Tokido called it out

>dev support for the scene is a bad thing
lmao smashbabbs

>the Super Stench Bros. community thinks Melee being gone will get the heat off them
Try getting the week-old sweat and cum-stained Wranglers off first.

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not a single point here is true, why do brawl 3 players and r/kappa love to lie about melee so much?

>too much of a cuck to respond to me

people arent buying your bullshit anymore.

He did nothing wrong. he will always be a winner in my heart.

>be me
>see NRS game at Evo
>for the 8th year in a row
>be shocked that it keeps happening
Some of yall are retards

>smashbabbs THIS desperate for attention
this explains everything lmao

Melee isn't even a fucking fighting game. Same for Smash. They're just button smashers and it's a shame there's still one of them wasting a slot at EVO that could had been an actual fighting game instead.

They're clearly a shitposter retard.

i don't care so long as i never have to see injustice played ever again
like mk is still fucking shitty and i hate it, but injustice is on another level entirely

Poe's Law


>fighting game player calls other game button smasher
Literally can't make this up.

>no practice
Shit looks like it'll carry over most 5SP mechanics. It's not like you NEED practice, game is pretty light on the combos.

Oh no. Good Lord no. The game is less usage of normal-> command normal ->super type of combo, and more of "you need to use these normals at a very specific distance, or your ass is grass." As a consequence, the normals are a great deal stronger. Your "super" is locked behind a Rage meter that builds when you take damage. Rage meter, when it's full, allows you to do more damage in addition to the super. Rage enables a burst as well.

You can drain that Rage meter to feed a concentration meter, which enables you to get a hyper mode. However, you're at risk to eat a fatality (a legit one hit kill, dull) if you're in hyper mode. Said hyper mode is a time slowdown, which also gives you a super there as well.

Ultimate is a better balanced game than Melee.

they pay for the finals of the championship. every other event is community driven. its really not hard understand if you have half a brain


can someone fill me in what’s the difference between melee and ultimate? I don’t play either but I don’t get why people are always bickering between the two

>so irrelevant that the only way to have a prize pool is if devs pay for it
The absolute state of the fgc.

MK11 is brand new, of course it would have enough people interested in it
surprising Injustice 2 was popular enough competitively to go another year past its release date

melee is played by manchildren, ultimate is played by actual children

This actually makes perfect sense

>Smashbabs think he can execute a super and combo by mashing buttons

Attached: JayLv2.gif (379x457, 1.56M)

yes, people compete in fighing games for not much money. this isnt a new concept. i dont see how that relates to the health of a scene either, especially considering smash has similar prize pots

>Soul Calibur 6
>Slow and boring
>Low skill ceiling

Both points are wrong. If it was slow then 60 seconds would be too short for 90% of the matches and you wouldn't have three rounds. As for your second point you're confusing low barrier to entry with low skill ceiling. You're more of a tryhard user that of someone with any fighting game knowledge. Go home and be a family man.

>fighting player cant win with out broken super moves
>smash doesn't include them
Really makes you think doesn't it?

It's still the best selling main stay, and we'll Aris.

So you admit that the devs are paying people to play their game?

he said that about sfv and youre applying it to every other fighting game like a simpleton, then again maybe youre just baiting

>still desperately trying to pretend your games are relevant

This. as a ssb rank having actual team comps with unique game plans instead of having any combination of the top 6 characters beat everything else, period, would revitalize the shit out of the game

Completely different mechanics and playerbases.
The Smash game following Melee, Brawl, was intentionally made more to be casual by the director to level the playing field, because he wasn't happy that a good player could wipe the floor easily with a noob. Brawl's comp scene was accordingly neutered because of this. Following this, in Smash 4, he tried to make amends reach a middleground by restoring some aspects of competition to the game, but for many it wasn't enough, as it follows in Brawl's footsteps more than Melee's.
Ultimate was, again, further decasualized, and the director seems more willing to acknowledge that the competitive scene will not go away, yet for many, it still isn't at Melee's level, and still takes more from Brawl and Smash 4 than Melee.
At this point, the communities have been divided for so long (Melee vs [new Smash]) that it just naturally causes fighting when one is implied to be superior to the other. Ultimate is probably a better fit for EVO because its playerbase has more in common with the FGC, but that isn't to say that it's a better game.

>smashbabs doesn't know about block and parry

no you dumbass, theyre giving back to the community. nintendo held a tournament for smash recently and the winners got trips to pax east. is nintendo paying people with vacations to play smash? its just added incentive, people love the games they play whether or not theres money in it

you havent brought up a single argument, you just greentext dumb at the level of a 12 year old that understands the bare minimum of what hes talking about. is smash a bigger scene that most games? yes. that doesnt somehow mean any scene smaller than smash is dead or irrelevant. if thats the case then league is the only esport in the world

>so desperate to be relevant holding back is the best example you have.

Can they just kill SFV already? I'd rather 8 more years of 4 before having to put up with another year of this trash.

Keep it up bud I'm sure your paid scene will be around forever!

>holding back
heh, keep ledge hanging like a retard for 10 minutes smashbab

Wow what a mix up! 2 whole directions of input
Super fucking advanced! Call me when your shit has complexity and isn't only relevant because your dev desperately pays for all your tournaments.

What kind of shit has he said in the past to give such a reaction to him?

you dont matter. you dont play fighting games.

you really are just baiting. i play smash you fucking nimrod. thats my main game. i also play a little bit of tekken but not seriously. if you think im some fgc shill youre wrong. if you think im upset about smash being successful youre very wrong. im just astounded that i have to share the stigma of being associated with retards like you that dont understand how a competitive scene works, you read half a sentence about some other game and think you understand whats going on. its pretty telling that ignorance is bliss seeing that you can maintain some smug aura around your posts this far into a conversation where youve been shown to be incorrect at every single turn. this is my last (You) though im sure youll reply with some more high horsed passivity and platitude

Sure you do pal. Nice damage control, you are too beta to clearly be a smash chad.

>>smash doesn't include them
You mean the smash community bans them

>replying exactly how he predicted you would
shamelessly retarded but very efficient (you) farming

Obviously due to their superior chad intellect they recognise them as a crutch only used by weak virgins.

I play Guilty Gear and Tekken. Compared to Shit Fighter V, I'm the current majority.

I'm honestly impressed anyone is even replying given how blatant I am being.

you dont play fighting games you pretend to play them online.
tekken and GG put together at events cant compare to SFV either lmao. you'd know that if you werent some kappa faggot.

comparing supers to final smashes really shows you have no idea how supers actually tie into gameplay, you realize smash has different mechanics right?