Matt's new BOTW review

TL;DR: (although seriously, watch it)
The game comparatively suffers on many fronts because of its open world structure, its relentless dedication to prioritizing freedom above everything else makes the game remarkable and is unquestionably worth it when seen as a one-off sequel in the larger series. Also, the hard mode is very disappointing

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tendies BTFO.

>Also, the hard mode is very disappointing
I thought that he didn't buy dlc.

Watch the rabid Nintendo fanbase turn against Matthewmatosis after this.

Literally who

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he praises the game a lot, though?

>instingating a flamewar
Wew OP

Literally who

>Also, the hard mode is very disappointing
I haven't watched the video but I can agree 100% with this. The regenerating health really limits your options in combat and the enemies aren't any smarter, just bigger damage sponges.

Why are you anyway spinning what he said into shitposting? Have some dignity

How to fix BotW
>more enemy varieties (more based on region?)
>higher weapon durability but less frequent weapons so you’re still encouraged to get a lot
>nerf cooking/eating and make armor easier to come by and less OP

I can't wait for it to be impossible to say anything negative about this game now without being called an e-celeb dickrider

I actually just want to discuss the video it's once again somehow even better than the last
That description of the game's atmosphere was beautifully written

He spends most of the review praising the game, did you niggers actually watch it? I say this as someone that didn't like BotW much at all

The review is overall very positive. He's listing the flaws as a part of a larger point about how much they sacrificed to execute a singular vision of freedom, which justifies itself as a worthy sequel

>someone gives a very positive overview of botw
Did you just see the word "suffer" and "disappointing" and miss everything else inbetween?

It's an evenhanded criticism that echoes some of the thoughts I had, both good and bad. I don't really agree with his thoughts on climbing and sailing though, for this particular title they worked. (chugging stamina mid-climb aside)

>higher weapon durability but less frequent weapons so you’re still encouraged to get a lot
In actuality, what the game really needs is a better loot system. The durability system was created as a way to let them keep giving you the same weapons over and over as loot, so you'd still vaguely feel like you were getting something worthwhile from exploring. It's a cheap trick that falls apart if you look at it too long.

If there were a good loot system to begin with, you wouldn't need weapons shattering all over the place.

He didn't

How to fix BotW
>make it a zelda game

So he liked the game. Good.
Let's watch snoyboys seethe.

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It's more like the original Zelda than most of the franchise.

It's nothing like the original zelda besides having no direction when the game starts. I don't understand this argument.

They already are.

I feel after watching his Mario reviews he suffers in analysis outside of action and I note this again as he seems out of his depths discussing adventure in non-Metroidvanias.
I feel like he should stick to action games.

In what ways?

No Im not going to watch some guy have an opinion
I have mine and I dont have to compare it
Grow up retards

My biggest problems with BotW in no order
>Inverted difficulty scaling makes the game easier the longer you play
>Lackluster dungeons
>There's no eating animation so you can just pause and heal which makes you practically immortal
>There's no system for repairing and upgrading weapons, making them all disposable unlike armor which is valuable

His discussion of Mario never really goes deep into level design, perhaps the most striking element of a platformer, and he doesn't seem to want to stray outside of the discussion of the 'use of actions', and that he seems to think all possible actions are of equal value

This user singlehandedly demolished the entire history of critique across all fields of art and craftsmanship

>There's no system for repairing and upgrading weapons
>waste money upgrading and repairing weapon
>throw it at enemy
>falls in lava
Check mate athiests

Did he acknowledge this?
(he says Zelda won't try open world for a long time because they didn't do it great in WW and botched it in SS)

He wasn't so much talking about open world as he was talking about the island/grid system in WW and SS.

imo the durability system should work in a way where a weapon loses sharpness as you use it sorta like MH and degrades at a reasonable rate then, the durability of the weapon would decrease based on its condition while using it. something like fighting an enemy with a blunt sword will do far less damage and degrade durability faster compared to a sharp sword. you can also implement this with enemies to reduce item hoarding by making low-level mobs have poorly maintained weapons that will probably break during or after combat.
also id probably vastly reduce the number of fast travel points as it trivializes the need to traverse normally and by extension, run into enemies that wear down your weapons

He used to sound so youthful bros

Post the screenshots of his shitty dragon novels

The durability system is there for balance. If you get a powerful weapon you’ll only be able to cheese low level areas for so long until it breaks. So unless you keep fighting enemies that drop powerful weapons you’ll eventually run out of them. It allows them to have zones with different difficulty of enemies and maintain a semblance of balance. It’s not perfect. It breaks down at the end game, and the devs were overly reliant on weapons as rewards. But overall it’s a solid system that just needs some tweaks.

Matt is aging like fine wine though
His channel has been a continuous uphill climb

Wrong reviewer, this one's actually good

>Open world

I don't watch e-celebs. Why did he decide to put out a 54 minute "review" about a 2 year old game? Like were there Mattamorphosers (fans of Matthewmorphsasis) on the fence about buying BOTW until this video came out?

I mean it's not impossible to break BotW into grids and add a mini dungeon or korok seed to each. Instead of it being on sea/air it's plains and mountains. I'd say it's essentially the same thing but much improved to the point you don't really notice it.

I think he just wanted to reflect on the game, not make a review to help others decide if they want to purchase it.

>I waited two years for this and he likes it
fucking hell that's not fun

What it really ends up doing is just deincentivizing combat. You still get to cheese anything that's actually important enough to cheese, and just end up refusing to acknowledge lesser enemies.

>You should only review games the week they come out and as a purchase guide

His review was... surprisingly lacking? Like I usually like his videos but this was a waste of time

It's because he is way out of his depths discussing adventure or platforming games, he should stick to Action games where his strengths lie

why would you think he'd hate it?

Holy shit he's alive.

Hey Matt please share some experiences you had with the game since you refused to talk about it for 2 years.

They wanted something to aggressively shitpost at people.

Yeah I mean BotW came out 2 years ago. It'd be one thing if he did this video a month after the game came out but what took so long? His GoW video was great so maybe he's just getting tired of reviewing games or something

>shilling your channel on Yea Forums

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I thought he did a very good job with regards to what he set out to do. I appreciate that he went out of his way to view the game in regards to a certain core design Philosophy and examine how that Philosophy positively and negatively affects each various facet of the game. I think he could've stood to give Ganon's Castle a closer examination seeing as how it works as a great culmination to the Philosophy he's examining, though.

I thought that was weird. It's one of the best things about the game, it has great design and it was tons of fun to explore. Yet all he had to say about it was "there's lots of lasers" which is like... okay

>Another polite version of this

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Yeah. I wonder what drove him not to talk about it in too much depth. If I'm being generous perhaps he thought it would just be superfluous or that he didn't feel like he could add anything new to the conversation.

What people dont get about the weapon durability system is that it exists to keep the game balanced while allowing you the freedom to go wherever you want. If you decide to immediately go to hyrule castle you will still be able to fight the enemies because you will find strong weapons. Then when you leave and go to a low level area your strong weapons will soon break preventing you from one shotting all the enemies. That's why weapons have to be temporary. It's so you can't break the difficulty curve because you went in the wrong area at the wrong time. You're free to explore wherever you want at any time and still get a consistent experience.

you clearly didn't watch the video

Matt liked it, retard

No, you end up bombing everything.

Yeah, except you easily can break the difficulty curve. You can bumrush the good weapons, ignore all combat that isn't mandatory, and cheese the mandatory combat with the good weapons. Anything that's an actual progression gate can still be blown wide open with little to no effort.

>eceleb cuck

Why is this thread up but my Sseth thread got taken down?

Yeah his review was rather positive, if I was to take anything away from his review it would be that the balance between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards will define how much enjoyment you as a player will get out of BotW depending on which you value more.

I don't know why you nig nogs whine about cooking. If it wasn't cooking, it'd be potions you make and they would do the same exact thing like every ARPG ever. The only fucking difference is this time they called it food instead of potions.

Even if that's the caste the castle is THE thing about breath of the wild, everyone talks about exploration but it's all about the end game. It's the culmination of everything that made BotW great and he practically skipped it. It feels so odd because he went on about the divine beasts weren't rewarding

What makes breath that spectacular from any other open world game though, like skyrim?


I think you missed the intended criticism. People aren't shittalking the concept of cooking, they're complaining about how there's no risk to replenishing your health, regardless of how you go about replenishing it, so it trivializes combat.


>An hour long video essay on a two year old game that has been analyzed to fucking death

No thanks

Not true at all. It sounds like you haven't even played the game. Anywhere you need to go like a devine beast is going to be absolutely swarming with enemies.


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watch the video, that's quite literally what it's about.


The world design and the climbing system.

Not every youtuber is an e celeb, you hipster shitlord.
This is a close analysis of BotW and is more videogames than any thread you have ever made.

kill yourselves redditors

Some are according to janies

>balance between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards will define how much enjoyment you as a player will get out of BotW depending on which you value more.
Definitely, and it's interesting because this seemed to be the biggest topic of debate in non-shitposting BotW threads on Yea Forums.

>european accent
opinion disregarded

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Except enemies one shot you 90% of the time so healing is often worthless. Healing is only really useful for projectiles.

Diablo II has the exact same shit and was praised to high heaven for it. I'm not seeing the valid criticism here. I can see wanting a harder mode and that would make sense but I'm not seeing the point in bashing this one particular game for doing what a thousand other games before it established as fine.

I have played the game. You can just bomb the weaklings and use good shit on anything dangerous enough to warrant it.

>Except enemies one shot you 90% of the time so healing is often worthless
Only at the beginning, once you upgrade your armor it isn't an issue

>This is a close analysis
no it isn't, these retards don't understand videogames past the superficial surface level
>Some are according to janies
You redditors don't understand how this site works at all

>Sometimes it seems like the only thing Link cant mount on is Mipha

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>no it isn't, these retards don't understand videogames past the superficial surface level
You haven't watched the video, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You are just being a retarded contrarian.

It's still a valid criticism, doesn't make the game shit.
Yea Forums has a tendency to look at something not perfectly solved and scream "IT'S SHIT!!!!!", but it can still be a flaw.
The best solution would be having an eating animation during combat itself, giving you a higher risk for healing yourself.

I would just like people to stop pretending "it's not Zelda enough" is a valid criticism, it means nothing and is one of the most stupid things a human can say.
If anything, this kind of thinking from Nintendo itself almost killed the series, and people still argue it's ruining Nintendo as a whole.

The open world meme killed 3D Zelda for me. It's painfully boring to traverse these big worlds compared to top-down Zelda.

>You are just being a retarded contrarian.
That is literally 99 percent of Yea Forums.

>You redditors don't understand how this site works at all
than explain it to us bro to cho

Nothing forced you to upgrade your armor. I'm over 100 hours in and have not upgraded by armor once. If you go out of your way to make a game easier you don't get to complain about the difficulty.

He criticized the climbing system three times though. It's not that great and in some cases detrimental to the game overall.


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>when seen as a one-off sequel in the larger series
Oh sure, we all want OoT for the seventh time.
BotW is how all the 3D games should be from now on but with more content and more difficulty.

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Absolutely based. Watching this its honestly sad how much better Matt is at reviewing things than literally everyone else.

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Sudden deaths are always an issue

It is fantastic because it let Nintendo play around heavily with verticality in world design.

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>takes two years to say shit everyone else already has
thanks matt

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Which makes his review much more interesting than others, he is the only one of that opinion while everybody considers it one of the best features.

He criticises its knock on effect and lack of choice while climbing the most though.

retarded faggot


>matthewmatosis shits on GOW
>matthewmatosis praises BOTW


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I believe he also blamed it on making him miss out on certain events/areas in the world like the lead up to the fish palace place, I had the same experience where I completely missed that path and went into that domain a back entrance.

GoW is a shit game while BotW is a passable but not great game. Why is this so surprising.


I'm this close to rebuying this game for switch for the dlc
convince me to not

Breath of the wild and Skyrim are the same video game made by different companies prove me wrong

He said BoTW is garbage. Cope.

he literally didn't

That is very interesting, because I know an inverted version of that story.
My little sister couldn't make it through the main path on her own, so she used an extremely scenic route and climed her way to the zora domain, skipping that on purpose.

If you played it on Wii U, just get the dlc there.

The DLC isn't that great imo to warrant a second play through.

BotW doesn’t have level scaling, but both are the worst and soulless outcomes of their perspective series.

he said it was a masterpiece in game design

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can't, yar har ho.

We have reached the point where Snoyfags will live in denial.
The same thing happened with the hamsterson review, until somebody pulled the script and quoted it multiple times.

not according to your father matthewmatosis, kid

this webm alone has more soul than you ever will, fag

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>Guys Matt made a video about Breath of the Wild
>he liked it
>W-well, of course, Br-breath of the Wild is a great game, M-Matt's always right

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I love Matt but he just like every other video game critic falls susceptible to bias

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That generally applies to just about every other person with an opinion, though, so it's not exactly a useful revelation.

I started a second playthrough last week. I found a bunch of areas that I skipped when I first played because I rushed all the shrines, like the old man cabin in the great plateau. I hate the climbing now though, you see how bullshit the system is and how it just makes everything takes way more time because you can’t rush things

Ofcourse but it seems a lot of people seem to forget it, it seems people either hate Matt or view him as a perfect critic with every right opinion

I'm starting to understand why he took this long to review it. Seeing this shitty thread, he shouldn't have wasted his time on it. I hope he skips Odyssey.

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That's just snoyfags still being triggered over the game, just ignore them.

it's a shit game because the core mechanics are shit and its watered down to the point where you don't give a shit about anything.

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The reason it took so long is because he was much more interested in doing the videos that has come out while botw has been released, what are you thinking?

Ecelebs and their fags are cucks.


That guy is unironically a genius. Though I get the feeling that the review was cut short near the end, as if there was more to talk about and he simply didn't.
But the way he really reads into and gets to the core of things and manages to explain them so well is phenomenal. Only reviewer I really respect I think.

that's not an argument.

It's watered down and the divine beasts aren't even fun and they all use the same texture for the walls.

There's literally 2 textures for all the dungeons. The sandstone for the divine beasts and the stupid blue walls for the shrines.

It's the worst zelda game ever made with the highest budget.

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Non-linear progression (out of order main dungeons), having most of the world available from the get-go, missable optional upgrades, rewards for exploring random corners of the world


Considering how many fags on here I've seen praise the living shit out of the game and treat it like the 2nd coming of christ I can't blame them for expecting that. Its a good game but fuck if it isn't overrated.

Have you watched all his videos? Do you agree with every one?

Everyone is going to play link's awakening and realize how shit breath of the wild was.

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completely agree with his thoughts on the music, it compliments the world well, everyone filling their pants about there being no epic score can go get fucked

too dumb to make a real argument

Don't throw them?

Weapons should break and you would be left with a broken handle of a weapon that does chip damage. You would then have to decide if you wanted to keep a worthless weapon taking up a spot (to eventually repair at a town) or chuck it.

Boom, solved.

2d zelda was never good.

>that's not an argument
>it's watered down and it isn't fun
In what universe is what you said an argument. Holy fuck

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Great, now I don't have to come up with arguments of my own because Matthew already did it for me.

Oh i thought games were supposed to be fun. My bad.

"x isn't fun because I said so!" isn't an argument.

>Watch his Bioshock review again
>His voice is so noticeably angry

It's not my fault if you can't read the rest of the things I said.

there are more good 2D Zeldas than there are 3D ones

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>here's another """review""" of the redditor man itself

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saying "it's watered down" isn't an argument without anything to back it up.
And being a graphics fag doesn't makie it any better. Pretending it matters makes you pathetic.

>go to his bioshock review
>demolitiond is the top comment
>realize it's been almost 3 years since he made a video
where does the time go

>doesn't give the game a perfect review
>doesn't relentlessly shit on it either
>nintendies and Snoyfags shit on him
Based paddy making consolecucks SEETHING

Jumping into an argument and only reading one post doesn't help you.

>the hard mode is very disappointing
I would go further and say that it's poorly made and outright broken. You're better off running past enemies entirely and beelining your way to the nearest shrine.

The original comment doesn't say anything else of value, but nice try.

then just shut the fuck up now

What is it with people praising Matt as he is jesus christ, of all e-celeb threads I see no gets his gooch licken as well as Matt

Yeah because it's an 8/10 game that still deserves praise. Tendies think it's a 10/10 game like they do with all first party Nintendo titles so they will be BTFO by this.

It's no masterpiece


Because you have are just a SEETHING retard?

This is an anonymous board. You don't know if "people" are just him posting 50 times in the same thread.

I think the open world structure only plays to its benefit, because the world is still crafted to give a feel like a linear/story driven game; everywhere you go for the first 100 hours or so has a clear objective outlined from it (if not many). Each location you visit lets you clearly see other locations that the game coaxes you into visiting and I never had that "what the fuck do I do" feeling until basically doing everything significant, but I also had the foresight to mark things with the scope whenever I saw them.

I believe the game's shortcomings fall entirely on the combat and weapon durability system, which both feel like bullshit at first and then snap straight to being a cheesefest once you get into it, there's no smooth transition/progression. For the first 30 or so hours it was just frustrating that weapons were just generic liquid ammunition to wail on enemies and lots of enemies would completely suckerpunch me and it never felt like I was given the tools to defeat them. Then I figured out that the best way to deal with enemies is to just spam your magic shit and abuse stasis while running around them like a pansy, and not long after that weapon durability stopped being an issue completely. It was just a complete 180 and no matter how good I am at dealing with enemies it felt like I was playing some kind of custom gMod game.
And then there's the fact that the first DLC has a strong emphasis on you "mastering" the janky combat without relying on the comforts you've built, but combat itself is built around those comforts so shit like the master trial doesn't feel fun or fair.

It’s because surprisingly, Matt didn’t bring to much to the table in terms a new perspective. It’s presented immaculately as usual. But the games been discussed to death that there really wasn’t much new to gain from watching it.

Weapons exploding into bedlam with a cool particle effect and crunchy sound upon breaking makes for an awesome way to punctuate combat. They should bend over backwards to keep it in, and find other ways to make looting interesting.

I'd actually argue that adding too many interesting weapons makes combat LESS interesting, because you spend more time agonizing in a menu trying to figure out what weapon you want to eventually trash. If they overhauled exploring to use more loot as resources, like using balloons to float around, I think the looting and combat would really benefit. Here's a couple ideas off the top of my head:

>collapsable ladder shield variant
>raft shield variant
>skateboard shield variant
>heavy weapons and armour that let you sink and walk around underwater
>bottles return. Can hold air, compressed air, vaccuums for suction, gasoline, water, potions and so on

>Rope added as an inventory slot, with ammo being set lengths
>Shoot a bow with rope selected to fire ziplines, create tripwires
>Tie objects together
>Rappel down cliff faces
>Swing roped objects like a flail
>Rubber rope variant lets you make slingshots and bungee cords
>Chain rope variant transmits electricity
>Leather rope variant makes an excellent whip

And I'm sure Nintendo could come up with even more interesting ideas than me.

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Why does Matt hate the rpg genre?

The way you wrote the OP makes it sounds like he shits on the game overall. 90% of the video is filled with praise for the game, cope more faggot.

He did, he has footage of the Master Trials

Cause he's one of the first game critics that got popular here and one of the first on youtube in general that pushed longish videos.
Also because I really love his writing in general.

Does he?

>it seems the only thing link can't mount in the game is mipha

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He's the only e-celeb that has a semblance of brain that talks about popular games. That and he generally seems like a cool guy

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I think you're spending too much time on Yea Forums. jesus christ.

That is the way to get sonygaf to keep the thread.

The only overt joke and a very funny one, caught me off guard.

It's because most of Yea Forums can't formulate opinions of their own so they let other people do it for them. Hence this thread.

In Dark Souls he doesen't change his character starting gear at any point in the game and in the e3 botw stream he said he hopes botw does not go go to road of having too much RPG elements in gear and that the just +cold res is enough, he also has no rpg game reviews on his channel, seems like its a genre he does not understand

Oh man, Matt's finally gonna BTFO the tendies after they made fun of God of War, if he hates GoW he's definitely gonna shit on Bot-WHAT HE LIKES IT?! NO NO NO NO BROS WHAT THE FUCK THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! THIS ***CAN'T*** BE HAPPENING WHAT THE FUCK WE GOTTA FUCKING DO SOMETHING, REPORT THIS VIDEO NOW WE NEED TO GET HIM BANNED!!!!!

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Climbing gets a lot less interesting once you've got a second stamina wheel. When you first start a playthrough only being able to climb so high forces you to put a lot more thought into how you'll scale something, and climbing gets a lot more interesting as a result.

What level of autism do I need to make an hour long commentary on a two year old game

His manner of talking and video format is very impressive and he does often talk about stuff that you didn't think of at all but he clearly has a lot of bias especially if you follow his social media and often he talks a lot of about stuff but the discussion itself is lacking


This game with mod packs that case more enemies and weapons is so good it hurts.

a game like this needs to mature and settle for two years before people can make an actual review for it

Doesn't he like smt and persona?

It makes sense, let the hype/backlash die down before you go in.
It allows for a better review in context.

Uh oh, I called a Zelda game a 8/10. Time for Tendie Defense Force to come and attack me.

Fuck how did I miss that, watched the whole video while paying attention

>The only overt joke and a very funny one, caught me off guard.
There's a few other ones, like bonking the korok on the head and skewering Nintendo for gutting the WiiU port, that were pretty overt.

it's funny how you can tell the people who don't like BOTW

hint: it's the people who never played it

>Rent free

Blood Moons really could have been handled better
They happen way too often and don't give you enough incentive to fight packs of enemies again
a few bloodmoons in and I was just ignoring them and wishing I could skip the cutscene faster

Played it, OoT is still better and metacritic agrees with me.

>bonking the korok on the head
I actually missed that one

>Nintendo for gutting the WiiU port, that were pretty overt.
That one I just forgot, but well deserved.
But it's difficult to complain, considering Aonuma framed it as Nintendo learning from complaints about Star Fox.

you are actually, unironically, obsessed.
You're also reaching extremely hard for things that aren't there.

He's definitely biased towards certain types of play, even from watching the video he leans to showing he likes intrinsic rewards more than extrinsic and other anons mentioned he doesn't seem to be a fan of RPG elements, so I'm not gonna pretend his words are gospel. There's even parts of this video I disagree with but overall it was a well thought out discussion on the strengths and shortcomings of the game as are most of his reviews. I think one big shortcoming of the medium is that you can only extrapolate for so long before it gets tedious, so discussion has to be boiled down a bit to be presentable

lol people take opinions from internet specialists

They are the games memory cleanup system, so part of the way they work couldn't easily be changed sadly.

>But it's difficult to complain, considering Aonuma framed it as Nintendo learning from complaints about Star Fox.
Pure PR talk. The WiiU Zelda ports were praised for their use of the gamepad and Nintendo definitely heard it, or they wouldn't have done it the same way twice.

>Review for a 2 year old video game
For what purpose?

You guys are as dumb as toddler.

>there is not a lot of enemy variety
>but have you seen all the things they can do? They can dance, they can sleep etc etc

I love Matthew, but sometimes his bias are really obvious.

Well with zero nostalgia factor I find OOT fairly fucking boring


>I find
I don't give a shit, metacritic > you

Quality over quantity.


Is this just some coping mechanism? Do you find it unfathomable that people can actually see its flaws

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>He's definitely biased towards certain types of play, even from watching the video he leans to showing he likes intrinsic rewards more than extrinsic
This is unavoidable, and it's largely a matter of temperament. More creative people will find it more exciting to play around with a game's systems even though they get no specific reward for doing so.
While others will prioritize a fully dense experience and perhaps tend to accept more hand-holding or interruptions of gameplay.

Why do you wanna hang on to random stick 4000 for 8 hours when you can have a inventory of
Epic ass kicking sword
Epic ass kicking sword +
Flaming ass kick sword ++
Ultimate ass kicking spear of epic raping ++
But no let me keep this stick because it’s MY stick

I get that the world needs to reset to keep it feeling alive and healthy but there could have been a bit more to take away from it as a player instead of it just being more monsters to whittle away at your resources
Woulda been nice if it also reset bokoblin chests so I could say "okay, I need to watch out for these enemies again but at least I know I can get X from them again"

Why do you still own it if you don't think it's one of the best Zeldas? Get your $30 trade credit or $20 cash.

Star Wars Episode 5: the Empire Yikes Back, my dude

Nah that sounds gay

That's not bias, that is him btfo-ing Yea Forums and other youtube critics specifically by pointing out that you can't just count the amount of enemies and compare.
BoTW Bokoblins aren't the same as the old ones, they are much more complex.

But he still though the variety was lacking, which is true.


You can't say anything negative about BotW without people saying you're "SEETHING" or whatever. I like the game, but there definitely are ways to improve it.

the durability system is completely fucked.
>You'll only ever want to fight something that has a better weapon than what you're holding
>if enemies don't have better weapons they are best just avoided which is incredibly easy to do
>Once you have really good weapons you don't fight anything except lynels since nothing will reward you as well and they're not all that enjoyable to fight either
>the best weapon is a bow with bomb arrows anyways so all the melee shit that breaks like glass doesn't even matter at the end

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I emulated it and got bored after about 6 hours. Got the slate upgraded so it could take photos and shit, played for about two more hours then quit it for the day and don't really have any desire to go back. Maybe I'm just burnt out on open worlds or Yea Forums constantly praising it as one of the greatest games made got my expectations too high despite trying to keep them low, I don't know but I likely won't touch it for a while, if ever again.

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Only niggers, faggots, and children like this game. All equally abhorrent.

Ocarina of Time and Link's Awakening are two of the earliest games I remember playing. Breath of the Wild is one of my favorite games ever. Stay mad, Snoyboys.

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>I get that the world needs to reset to keep it feeling alive and healthy but there could have been a bit more to take away from it as a player instead of it just being more monsters to whittle away at your resources
It's actually not just that one, the game uses the blood moon to flush system ram, which is why they happen more frequently if you change lots of stuff.

No hype blinding you to any potential issues the game has.

one of my favorite ytps, nothing but quality sentence mixing

No, it's because you're playing it on a PC.

Its almost like Yea Forums is comprised of not one, but many individuals with different opinions.

But also not backlash blinding.
Wind Waker for example gets a much warmer reception now than at launch.

Why would that matter? My PC isn't top quality but I ran it at a stable 40fps and after fiddling around with it for a bit got the controls feeling comfortable for me. Even my brother who was pretty interested in the game was unimpressed when he saw me emulating it. It had nothing to do with graphics or controls or frames, I just got bored since it felt like most of my time was just running to my location with nothing interesting happening in between save the odd enemy encounter. I hated this shit in rdr2 and I hated it here.

>Wind Waker for example gets a much warmer reception now
I'll never get that. It's rushed to hell, has the worst dungeons in the series and overworld, plus tedious side quests.

Reminder OoT will never be topped.

Yes, but he's a pleb who doesn't like Strange Journey so he's clearly not to be trusted in regards to RPGs.

Whoever says something like "disappointing hard mode" should not review games. Hard mode is always for autism. It's never appeal to casuals. I don't bash him for "being a filthy casual" or whatever, but he clearly didn't do enough gaming to realize something as simple as that. Reviewers like him should be doubted.
Not related but was he supposed to be famous or something?

Only 54 min? Shit, Mauler could have talked for twice that long for only the introduction. Bring on the autism

I think it's been topped countless times. The impact just hasn't been.

Why does he like Oddworld so much? I recall him bringing it up even in his Bioshock infinite review.

I am convinced Wind Waker's reception is entirely due to people growing up with it now. It's one of the weakest Zelda's by far, and as a followup to OoT and Majora? Get out of fucking town. Nintendo took OoT and added water. Its only saving grace are the visuals. You get past the shiny paint job and it's a retread.

He didn't say that because he isn't good enough, he did it because you paid extra for hard mode and that raises promises of quality it just can't keep.


the way I remember it was that people hated it prelaunch, because of it didn't look like that space world video, but was well liked after it came out. Ironically twilight princess had the exact opposite reception, where people loved it before release, but found it disappointing after

I thought JA was the meme of choice for long videos

>You get past the shiny paint job and it's a retread.
People are bigger graphics fags now than ever before, so that might help as well.

That is true, I forgot about those, but I have yet to see him go indepth about any western RPG's though, Matt has always been a closet weaboo

im pretty sure he said it was a return to the roots of the series and also overshadowing the previous greats (link to the past)

>You get past the shiny paint job and it's a retread.
It really is and fails to even come close to what was already accomplished in OoT. And yeah the cell shading was nice, but it does not make up for the flaws.

This is what he said about the original fallout
>I didn't love it but I liked it and am certainly open to replaying it some time. My main problem was the combat system which has to be one of the worst I've ever encountered. By the end I had upgraded power armour which made supermutant attacks easily bearable but sometimes they'd crit for like x10 damage and instagib me. I realise part of the appeal of the genre is rolling with the punches but that kind of damage modification seems indefensible to me. Maybe I overlooked something crucial but I don't think so. My SPECIAL stats definitely weren't set up well to make combat smooth for me so I suppose a second playthrough would go a lot smoother in that regard.
>Combat is a large part of the game which shouldn't be overlooked but apart from that I appreciated everything else to one degree or another.

No, he didn't. Keep seething, Tendie.

Weird how the "boomer" is the bigger immature crybaby when compared to the "zoomer". Really makes you think.

C O P E harder

Just look at this thread. The Snoyboys already take the few criticisms he voiced as tantamount proof that ALL of BotW is trash and it's just been "btfo" and "tendies gonna seethe".

Leave it to delusional retards to watch a mostly positive review and come out of it thinking it "destroyed the game".

>Here's why simply comparing enemy counts is misleading
>That said, the game definitely did need a few more enemy types.
What's the video equivalent to a lack of reading comprehension? You have it.

>you can disable champion powers

holy shit. I always hated the shield one, I never knew that.

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>Leave it to delusional retards to watch a mostly positive review and come out of it thinking it "destroyed the game".
They always do that, just ignore them.
One person ITT literally said that the divine beasts having the same walls makes the game shit.

So basically a retread of his GoW review?

Oh good, a new video for unthinking nerds to parrot squawk 6 years from now.

Is hating BOTW babie's first contrarian opinion?

>Yea Forums have formed their opinions on the game before it even comes out
>Some people may change it on release
>Lines in the sand are drawn and the shitposting begins on both sides
>Almost two years later, a guy releases his long-form video essay on the game

Why does Yea Forums care? No one is changing their opinion based on his review. Why do you people give into shitposting urges so much?

For the record, I actually love BotW and it's probably my third favorite Zelda game, but it was a one-120-hour-playthrough-and-done experience for me.

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Let's be real here bros, the durability mechanic isn't so much of a bad idea but it's a sloppy solution to an enormous problem to the game, freedom to go anywhere and access to anything. The fact that you can go straight to the final dungeon for grocery shopping is an insanely sharp doubled sword as yes, it's the epitome of their commitment to nonlinearity but on the flipside, it kills the the balance if they let you run around the entire game with endgame weapons. Hence the durability system.

What Nintendo should have done was to make a full fledged crafting system, a la Monster Hunter. That way, you still had to work to get the almighty equipment and each of the materials for the best equipment should be scattered in the harshest of environments.

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Every 2D Zelda game is good
even the DS ones

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>If you dislike something nintendo related you are automatically a sonybro

No babby's first contrarian opinion is hating Ocarina of Time. Hating BotW is babby's tenth or so contrarian opinion.

The most important piece of criticism brought up in the video.

I just wish it didn't look so bad. Links Awakening is my favorite

No, I dislike botw because I like zelda and botw marks the death of the zelda formula, it killed it, why would I like the game. Do you thinking liking zelda is contrarian?

What does phagocytosis think of Hollow Knight?

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>one-120-hour-playthrough-and-done experience for me
in what universe is this supposed to be any sort of negative

>hour long review

geeeet the fuck outta here. I don't even care about my own video game opinions to talk about them for more than 15 fuckin minutes

Yeah, I can agree that stating your character appropriately can be a bit of a learning curve for the original Fallout. In particular I remember taking Jinx with Luck as a dump stat just for kicks in my first playthrough and I couldn't get fucking anywhere in combat and Ian kept shooting himself. If you stat your character well though I think the system is actually pretty damn good.

No lasting appeal/replay value

If I spent $600 on the switch then $120 for the game I'd consider that bad value, considering at the time there was literally nothing else for the switch (and still really isn't).

>I love BotW
>wtf? Why do you hate BotW?!?!

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>in what universe is this supposed to be any sort of negative
Bethesda games, they're too afraid of the player not seeing everything so they let you do EVERYTHING the first time, which kills replay value.

I've personally done 3 playthroughs of the game, only one being master mode and put almost 400 hours into it.
It's far more replayable than any 3D Zelda game ever made imo.

Realistically he still is considering Mauler seems to have resigned himself to Podcast hell with his gang of yiffing enthusiasts.

Unpopular opinion
The English voice acting really isn't as bad people make it out to be I mean it's not great but still

>12+ series on TFA

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why are you doubling the price of the game and system and lying about it's current game selection and pretending a game of that caliber as a launch title isn't something most consoles wish they had?
how is 120 hours from a single player game not enough? I've played games only a few hours long with no incentive to replay either and still felt satisfied because it was high quality enjoyment throughout
if a single player game can do that for one hundred and twenty goddamn hours that's pretty fucking good

>The English voice acting really isn't as bad people make it out to be
You're right, it's hilariously bad and should be made of fun.

>hilariously bad
No, that'd be the abysmal Spanish dubs.

I think the durability system is pretty good. It creates a constant reward feedback loop from fights, constantly changes up the weapons you're using in fights to vary the combat, and incentivizes you to use alternate ways of fighting enemies in order to spare your weapon durability.

If you were given an unbreakable master sword you would just use that all the time and the combat would be repetitive.
However, that could have been addressed by providing more varied combat options with each weapon or more enemy types to fight.

And even though you're constantly switching weapons the combat does still feel repetitive since there's really only 3 major weapon types and 3 major enemy types.
Especially if you play in master mode where fighting enemies with clever environmental solutions is mostly made worthless by the instantly regenerating health and the fact that all the low hp enemies are removed and nothing will die from getting hit by a big rock anymore.

The biggest issue with the durability system is that once you have your inventory filled with savage lynel swords you end up not wanting to fight anything anymore because nothing you pick up could possibly be better than what you have. And once you start avoiding fights you realize how easy it is to just run past everything.

>Spanish dubs.
Spanish dubbing is gay. Mexican dubs are always superior.

2 years to see all of the reactions and base your own off of the general consensus and then state the obvious for 54 minutes.

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I'm talking about my local country prices. It's often priced around the same point as a PS4 Pro, and the games are just as if not more expensive and nearly never go on sale (for physical copies at least). BotW is still $90 for example and rarely drops as low as $80.

I emulated it on PC at good framerates and while I really enjoyed the first 10 hours or so and thought it was fantastic it was about 4 or 5 hours after the grand plateau that I had felt the game had offered everything it had. Pointing back to the intrinsic vs extrinsic reward system I guess I find myself on the later, I got to the point where I was running around with an inventory full of savage lynel equipment with no reason to continue playing. It never really felt like getting to that point was a big achievement either.

As for games on the switch the only other thing that garners some interest would be Mario but I'm not that big of a Mario fan to begin with.

Notice the plural, both the Spain and LatAM dubs are shit.

Why does Zelder have a british accent

its not a review and not billed as stuff.
He doesnt really review or play new games.
It's about in depth analysis and commentary on important games after the new game shine has worn off


now that Yea Forums's favorite e-celeb officially said BOTW is shit, will the seething posters finally disappear ?

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>both the Spain and LatAM dubs are shit.
Nah, Latin American dubs will always be better the faggy lisp shit they have over there.

Extremely safe and boring

I'm sorry about your Cracker Jacks, user

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It's insanely bad its so bad that everyone involved should feel bad except Link.

he's literally right. faggots bitching about enemy variety forget about the fact that the bokoblins alone are far more complex
than a bunch of enemies in previous zelda games put together.

Did I fucking stutter?
Also for the record Russian is the best voice language and the Japanese voices are mad overrated by weebs

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Yeah, that's the real problem with the freedom in BotW. They decided that you had to be able to do whatever you wanted straight out of the tutorial area, so they eliminated all the roadblocks that would have otherwise made the game interesting.

You have to be able to do any shrine right from the start so you get all the slate powers in the tutorial zone. The guardians do a pretty good job of warding you away from hyrule castle until you've gotten stronger, but if that's what they wanted they might as well have made some gates in the castle that you need unique items to get past. Items that would unlock new gameplay mechanics over time.

And if they had done away with shrines and locked spirit orbs behind overworld quests and puzzles that utilize those unique items it would have made the world feel more alive.
Even fairy fountains they locked behind a simple rupee payment. It makes everything feel empty.

>Russian is the best voice language
Russian is the disgusting bastard child of Polish and Mongol talk. Literal subhuman speak.

Did you watch the same video as me? He didn't call it shit at all.

>bokoblins alone are far more complex
Cool, diverse AND complex enemies > seeing the same shit over and over again

If you don't want English Riju and Urbosa to step on your dick and fuck you with their massive futa cock you're probably gay

Where's his MGSV review? someone needs to put the Kojima apologists to sleep.

Russian is the most kino language fag, much better than some spic shit

>Watch a Matthew Matosis vid
>End up reading walls of text in his voice

I love what he has to say but god that’s the only downside to his videos. Anytime someone wants to explain something I end up hearing him speak.

They also forget that the game has a fair number of dumb gimmick enemies like keese, chus, and octoroks. Previous zeldas are made almost entirely out of dumb gimmick enemies, but BotW introduces some genuinely interesting enemies.
It just feels like the enemy count is low because there are only 3 variants of the interesting enemies that keep getting reused while the gimmick enemies all die in 1 hit.

Passionate Romance language > gibberish straight outta European Mordor

He only makes videos on good games or flawed games. He doesn't make them about unremarkeble games. GoW was an exception.

It's not about quantity, it's about areas feeling unique, and when you go into an area with the same enemies, the shrines all have the same look, the dungeons all have the same look, the rewards are all the same, the music isn't that unique. It just feels like a downgrade from past zelda

Skyrim is extremely lackluster in its gameplay desu

>Mexican Spanish
>Romance language

>I actually just want to discuss the video
So you agree it doesn't belong on Yea Forums. Fuck off to Yea Forums or something with your eceleb shit

It wasn't supposed to be a negative from me. I was just describing my experience with the game and that while I loved it, I have no desire to revisit the game.

This is true, and I can forgive it solely for that. However, I’d much like for them to expand upon enemy types if they should ever release a sequel a la Majora’s Mask, if at all possible. Weapon types also leave something to be desired for me.

Mexican Spanish is still Spanish, retard.

Liking MGSV has little to do with being a Kojima apologist. If anything, most MGS die-hard fans dislike V the most.

You're pulling theories straight from your ass. In one youtube comment he even explicitly stated he wasn't planning on a MGSV review for any deep reason.
Aside from that, please point me to other sandbox action stealth games that play just as well as V because I want more of that formula.

Fire, explosions, and lightning need to scale in damage. The damage red barrels do to enemies later on is disappointing.

It's a complete bastardization of Spanish

I don't need to hear someone's drawn out opinion on a fucking video game in some youtube video. I don't need to know other people's opinions. Other than shitposting, I've never once understood the raging obsession Yea Forums has with e-celebs and whatever retardation comes out of their stupid, unimportant mouths.

I research to find out more about a game, or take a risk and purchase one without knowing what it offers. Either way, I will form my own opinion on it, and keep it to myself unless it is brought up in a video game discussion. I will not interact with the e-celeb. I do not care about the e-celeb. Why does it fucking matter to you people so much? Why is THIS the thing you vouch for?

The said could be said about Spanish. Either way infinitely better than Russian.

>Why is THIS the thing you vouch for?
Because Yea Forumseddit have no backspine and rely on others to think for them.

I'm sick and fucking tired of people that have clearly not beaten the original LoZ say how non linear it was.

Zelda 1 is full of roadblocks. The raft, the flute, meat, how various items are gated behind how many hearts you have.

It's about as non linear as ALttP. About half the dungeons can be beaten in any order and the other half you need the dungeon items from another dungeon to access.

u fockin wot m8

We have hourly threads of people shitting on botw

I honestly never bothered beating BotW and I don't feel any desire to go back and finish it.
80 hours and partway through the DLC and I had my fill.

it fits my argument that BOTW is a "glorious return to form" better if you never played the original.

>I research to find out more about a game
That means listening to other people's views. Is it not preferable to hear from someone who tries to go more in-depth?

Although, I also share the sentiment that people are pathetic for using these commentary videos as a weapon to BTFO whom they disagree with, and this is the part of Matt's audience that grates me the most. I've seen that happen for quite a while in Souls threads with his analysis of DS2, for example (even though I think it's by far the weakest in the Soulsborne games).

BoTW is a 7/10 game that fails to innovate and isn't a good zelda game

t. switch owner

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in LoZ's case, though, you are given basically no direction whatsoever. Both have a huge degree of freedom relative to every other zelda game.
I'd like to see them borrow more from the original in the next game.

I'd like to see a sequel with some of these changes and a smaller, denser world with some more dungeons like Hyrule Castle. BotW was a lot of fun for me, but most of the enjoyment is tied up in the exploration, and once you play it through you know what's out there pretty well. I'm mostly happy with the combat, but some more enemy variety would have done wonders to break up the similarities between regions.

Cooking was super comfy though, I hope it stays in future Zelda games.

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I like BotW
I wouldn't go much farther than "like" though

With cooking you could theoretically get 27 additional hearts and a retarded amount of armor at the same time

I love Kass!

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I know this was 3 hours ago but I dare you name a single video talking about intrinsic vs extrinsic rewards in games

It's been a core part of discussion in just about every BotW thread since release

really says something when the divide between critics and average people is so high doesn't it

The game needed to give you consistent ways of earning a weapon type of a given power after completing certain quests. The game does this, but only for late game weapons.

Did he mention the side quests that are even lower quality than MMO tier garbage?

>I'm over 100 hours in and have not upgraded by armor once. If you go out of your way to make a game easier you don't get to complain about the difficulty.

This is so retarded it doens't deserve a response.

>but I'm not seeing the point in bashing this one particular game for doing what a thousand other games before it established as fine.

Because the game's combat system was almost brilliant. Zelda has always had a perfectly fine potion system that limited the number of times you could heal, and changing this ruined the potential for challenge it otherwise clearly had. The fact that there are a thousand other games even more retarded than this is irrelevant, it's a terrible convention just like effectively uncapped level grinding.

>If you decide to immediately go to hyrule castle you will still be able to fight the enemies because you will find strong weapons.

And this is basically a bad thing since, instead of the player having to do something clever to get strong enough weapons to face the boss beforehand, they are just handed to you. This really makes speedrunning much less interesting because there's no reason to experiment and find better ways of getting good weapons faster.

Why do people treat it like weapon durability is the only way to fix this issue, it's not

Thanks for showing your true colors

OoT had good sidequests we just need Koizumi to direct one more game


MM was like 70% sidequests

reverse psychology. Post a bait BotW hate thread : get furious replies from defenders.
Post a positive GoW thread : get furious replies from haters.


Why? Do you like him?

>playing this game again
>reminded that 80% of the gameplay consists of climbing walls
>which is worse at the start when you barely has any stamina

Yea Forums complains about walking simulators, meanwhile praising this hiking simulator.

>"THIS GAME YOU LIKE IS SHIT" t. e-celeb faggot in video that goes for 10 hours
i don't care, i'm gonna keep enjoying this game whether you fags listen to this guy or not

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>I did not watch the video but here is my opinion on it

Seems like the review was basically positive and glazes over all of the critical aspects with apologist rhetoric.

Can you post a link to your Kass folder, Kassfag? I'm genuinely curious.

There is no perfect game. Critics will always find something that is flawed in even the best games. This shouldn't reduce your enjoyment of said game, it's just an opinion like any other. Only weak people need those opinions so they can validate their pre existing bias.


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It really isn't.

Its already impossible to defend the game without being called a tendie, eceleb dickrider. Deal with it

I don't plan on sharing the folder because I have a lot of exclusive stuff, pay-wall stuff, as well as a lot of self-made art and content I don't wanna share. Maybe after I die, I'll make sure it's noted in my will that my Kass archives are publically released, but until then I'mma keep it private.

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>check out his channel
>he has a 6-hour Dark Souls commentary
Is it worth it?

I don't think it means the end of that stuff, it was just a change of pace. The gimmicks from Zelda games rarely return.
I bet the next game will go back closer to the original style, or maybe Nintendo will split it up like they did with 2D and 3D games. So then there would be OOT style 3D, 2D and Modern 3D.

It's kind of a lets play but not really since its hand picked footage with commentary.

I've never watched this guy's shit in spite of it being posted around here for years. Give me a reason to start now. Have some sweater puppies in exchange.

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I personally think it was a good game JUST NOT the goat people are making it out to be. Feel like i'm taking crazy pills.

I don't think there's room for all of that, 2d zelda will stay but 3d zelda is dead. Games like botw are high effort games, I don't think they can afford to spread themselves too thin with that

>I'm sick and fucking tired of people that have clearly not beaten the original LoZ say how non linear it was.
People feel some need to legitimize BotW's differences by latching onto a preexisting example, but the example doesn't fit whatsoever and BotW doesn't need to be legitimized in that way to begin with.

The real problem with BotW:

>you will never play it for the first time again

Best critical look at the game so far, I think he missed a few things like story elements and some of his suggestions weren't any good like dark souls style consumables but it's the best video on the game so far.

Eh, this was one of the first videos from him that I thought was just okay. I felt like he really just reiterated what most have already stated about the game, albeit in a really well-worded manner.

>everyone has been laughing at BOTW for years
>some cunt makes a review
>t-tendies BTFO!
14 year olds who try to fit in need to lurk more or fuck off

Damn. Can you at least copy the public lewds in a separate folder and share that?

You're forgetting the real problem
>the cutscenes in breath of the wild weren't sung as part of a musical
As far as story goes that was it's greatest sin.

>tfw all my complaints about the game actually made it in to the video in some form and in better writing too

I wonder if matt saw my posts and came to those realizations too cause of it or it was just a common complaint

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At last I know what to think about this game. Finally.
Thank you, user.

I don't really like posting lewds of my husband.

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He said it was great though and sometimes it came together perfectly

Who? Here's my review: BotW awesome.

Sure, as long as you go in knowing that it's basically a lot of unfocused rambling.

Yeah, that sounds about in line with what I thought honestly. It makes compromises for the fully open structure, but the fully open structure is something special in its own right. Exploring Hyrule is more fun than any of the traditional Zelda parts of the game.

my biggest complaint about the cooking system is that beyond minmaxing and making triple defense and attack foods or foods that give you 120 shrines worth of hearts instantly there isn't really much reason to do anything but sear all of your meats since they stack, taking up only a single slot of inventory space for what could be a stack of hundreds of seared meat that can be eaten one after the other with no mechanic to prevent it whatsoever, like some sort of "I'm full!" notif that says you can't eat food for x time or just having you stand still and eat the food in real time, rewarding making more higher healing singular foods instead of just eating a dozen seared prime meat in a menu instantly, also i wish effects stacked and there were better rewards for finding new recipes

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>freedom being desirable doesn't need explaining
It absolutely does.

Why can't Link phase through terrain? Why can Link take damage? Why is there a stamina meter? Why is there gravity? Why are runes on a cooldown? Why can't Link jump 10000 miles into the air on a whim? Why can't you beat the game just by pressing a button? Why does the game even have an ending? etc etc. All of those would give the player more freedom. Restrictions are a fundamental part of game design. Absolute freedom is IMPOSSIBLE in games, if you gave the player unlimited freedom it would stop being a game and turn into a really shitty sandbox. It's clear that freedom is not universally desirable. Games are a tug-of-war between the game's ruleset and player choice. It's easy to understand if you go outside of video games and look at physical games like board games (chess), card games (poker), sports, etc. For strategy to exist, there must be a framework.

If there's no framework then you can use anything on anything at any time for any reason, strategy as a concept ceases to exist. Knowing that, you have to find the right balance between restriction and freedom based on the context. Freedom cannot and should not be unconditional.

Exception that proves the rule. He uses "muh freedom" as an unconditional justification in every other case without supporting his argument. The best possible justification you could make for Matt is that he doesn't actually believe freedom is automatically good and is just humoring the game's intent, but he doesn't make that clear. As it stands he just comes off as inconsistent/muddled.

fuck you dead thread I'm still posting it

>Why can't Link phase through terrain?
this is addressed in the video, if you could just noclip everywhere it wouldn't be much of a game, as a game has to have some obstacles to overcome in order to be satisfying as a player. Are you sure you actually watched the video? As the majority of the video is weighing the options about how the gamehandles player freedom, including many of the questions you're asking now.

Except pacing matters. If you're fighting the exact same enemies at the start and end of the game (but in different colors) it's fucking boring. Pretty much every good action game understands how important introducing new enemies is. They test the limits of the game's mechanics.

For the record this is also a flaw in Skyward Sword, which incidentally can also use the "enemies individually had more effort put into them" excuse because of how much work must have gone into the motion controls.

Did you even read my whole post? Exception that proves the rule.
>As the majority of the video is weighing the options about how the gamehandles player freedom
No it's not. Most of the video treats freedom as unconditionally good. It's only when he criticizes gliding/climbing that he breaks from that. It's inconsistent.

I think you legit missed the point of the video if that's what you took away from it

All of his anti-freedom comments can really just be boiled down to him believing that people are skipping potential game-play opportunities.The perspective of that of someone watching a kid play, and wishing they could take the controller away for a moment to show them something.

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>I think you legit missed the point of the video
No I didn't.
See? I can make vague baseless claims too.

That's the thing though, you could apply that to every time he uses freedom as a positive. Absolute freedom is anti-game design, as I previously explained. Some freedom is good but there still need to be limitations and structure in place.

His LoZ comparison is what stings the most because he treats its enemy placement like that's the ONLY major difference it has with BotW, when in reality LoZ is full of those kinds of restrictions. The dungeon order, item gating, character progression, the % of mandatory content, etc. I'm sure Matt (and others) would argue that the concept is what matters, but frankly that's bullshit. When you get into the realm of vague "ideas" you can make anything work. But in the nitty gritty of execution, you start to realize just how different LoZ and BotW are, not simply in the obvious ways like graphics and core gameplay, but STRUCTURALLY.

funny how Yea Forums only brings this up when it goes against your opinion

>Absolute freedom is anti-game design, as I previously explained.
this is explained in the video as well, moron

And this is why joseph > matt

user... how many times do I have to repeat myself?

When he criticizes freedom in one segment but treats it as a universal good in all other cases, that's called being inconsistent. Don't accuse others of not watching the video when you can't even read posts that take 1/10000th as long to consume.

Absolute freedom is just another choice. Consider Sim City. Sim City doesn't even have a goal, it's just a sandbox with freedom and some mechanics. BotW can be viewed in a similar vein. Nintendo saw fans that have wanted to explore Hyrule since forever, and indulged them to entertain themselves.

>Joseph "can't understand Silent Hill 2" Anderson
>Above anyone

he doesn't treat freedom as a universal good, though, that's only your own projection speaking.

>retread of his GoW review
That'd be correct but Matthew completely rips apart the combat system to the point that it's basically saying "this gameplay is badly designed, don't bother."

>but treats it as a universal good in all other cases
Not the case. Matt was way more nuanced than that.

Go too beb mattew

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I want to suck her dick

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SimCity does have goals though, like scenarios. And BotW still has the conceit of being an action-adventure game with a beginning and ending, it's not Goat Simulator.

You're treating Matt's analysis as a lot deeper than it actually was. Aside from the criticism of gliding/climbing, in every other case he used "freedom" as a positive without conditions. He's really not saying anything that you couldn't find in reviews at release.

Joseph Anderson may be autistic and often misguided but at least he's exhaustive, you pretty much know his opinion on something down to the pixel. Matt is a lot more vague and easy to misinterpret, especially when he's not consistent between videos or even within videos. Now don't expect me to defend that failed author to the death, I'm not in the business of e-celeb shilling, it's just an example.

I emulated it and even got a controller for the motion control. It's a good game but I can't see how it's genre defining or got 97 on metacritic. It was quite pleasant though.

that comment was so reasonable that I have hemorrhoids now

nah, you're just oversimplifying and glossing over what was actually said in the vid.

Played BotW at release on Wii U, it's no higher than a 7/10. It provides a decent base for a sequel though. Though I'm worried that BotW's success will lead Nintendo down the wrong direction and double down on its worst qualities.

Didn't say that BotW was a simulator. The point is that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with choosing to focus more on freedom than some traditional element. The only requirement is that players have fun. BotW has clearly accomplished that.

Fuck off Joseph

Amazing how the people arguing Matt wasn't being vague and generally unconditional are themselves being vague and generally unconditional.

what do you want? someone to post a transcript of the vid for you or something?
Your own posts are hardly better, this whole discussion thus far has been meaningless.

>Aside from the criticism of gliding/climbing, in every other case he used "freedom" as a positive without conditions.
Freedom is a descriptor, not a value judgement.
>He's really not saying anything that you couldn't find in reviews at release.
That we can agree on.

The point is, SimCity obviously does not have absolute freedom. When I say "absolute" I mean absolute. Despite its large amount of freedom, said freedom is still conditional. There are still some restrictions in place. Meaning "freedom" is not inherently good. So using freedom as a near-blanket justification is not a strong argument. Could you make supporting arguments that could justify freedom? Obviously yes. It's just not an argument in-and-of-itself.

He was exhaustive but gave everything a light pass because in his words "it's working as intended" even though he accused DS2 of being a bad game for similar reasons.

He's slimy nintendo apologist.

>Freedom is a descriptor, not a value judgement.
I agree. I don't think Matt does.

I said some time back that, in the best case scenario, Matt is just humoring the developer's intent, but I genuinely believe he was using "freedom" as a positive quality in most of the video. It's only at the end that he deviates from that. I'm basically criticizing his weak script.

>things that didn't happen

Unless you are rewriting the game engine, no game has "absolute" freedom. Not BotW. Not Mario Maker. Not anything. Is your only argument that you want posts to have some precise semantics to them? Didn't say anything about freedom being inherently good, I said it was a design choice. What post are you even trying to reply to?

>tfw you can't mount Mipha

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>in the best case scenario, Matt is just humoring the developer's intent,
This is what I got from it.
>but I genuinely believe he was using "freedom" as a positive quality in most of the video.
That's a possibility, considering how much he gushes about LoZ's first screen having 4 options right from the get-go and its exploration and all that stuff; it's possible it seeped into his analysis a bit.

read your own post again:
>Absolute freedom is just another choice. Consider Sim City. Sim City doesn't even have a goal, it's just a sandbox with freedom and some mechanics.

In what other way was I meant to interpret what you wrote? SimCity doesn't have absolute freedom. SimCity does have goals (scenarios).

>no game has "absolute" freedom
Exactly. That is what I have been arguing. Absolute freedom is anti-game. What post are YOU even trying to reply to?

>Didn't say anything about freedom being inherently good, I said it was a design choice

Okay, then you fundamentally misunderstand what I've been talking about for god knows how many posts now. You accuse me of not understanding you when you can't even read reply chains.

that can happen to you with anybody's voice you hear for a while, like Bill Cosby

You see, Fat Albert and the gang thought that Breath of the Wild was missing a lotta enemy variety.

You CAN mount Sidon, who the fuck cares about Mipha?

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I don't know who else you've been talking to. I'm not him. I told you that freedom was a design choice and that Sim City is an example of a game that doesn't need traditional goals. You build a damn city unless you run out of money, and can keep it going till the end of time. if you argument to anyone was that freedom is anti-game, then you are simply wrong. There are no rules about what constitutes a game. A game can have as much freedom as can be physically crammed into it, and it may still be a game that people can enjoy. Maybe you don't like the freedom. That means the game isn't for you. Maybe you don't like that other players are skipping opportunities that you would have taken. Then don't watch them play anymore. You should probably avoid the whole Grand Theft Auto franchise.

Shouldn't you be working on KH3 DLC or something, Nomura?

this. cant believe more people arent freaking out about that line

We already came to terms with Link and his fish wife being cheated out of their future together.

hey hey hey, Link's making me gay

I'm still a little upset

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Lord of the Rings

Im filtering the word review. Fuck this board and fuck the faggot that is OP.

>Sometimes it seems like the only thing Link can't mount on is Mipha
Matty boy come on

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if not for people pretending to care what critics think there would be no shitposting

I feel your pain. I'll be sure to put "not a review" in as many titles as possible, so you know they're cool.

The irony

The real answer is that his Bioshock review earned him a lot of good will here, it can't be understated just how much everyone was sucking that game's dick when it came out. His critique is one of the most thorough BTFOs you may ever witness. Being an user himself certainly helps, but I remember that being the turning point very clearly.

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I think it's just a vocal minority of the Nintendonly crowd who aren't used to big open-world games due to hardware limitations.

i seriously don't know how this guy is but gratz on for reviewing a game 3 years late?

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You shouldn't be defending him at all, he's the definition of a has-been hack. Joseph hasn't made a good analysis of a single video game since Fallout 4, and even then it was likely only structured the way it was for the sake of his usual and glaringly apparent moderate contrarianism. Matthew was certainly not being vague by any stretch of the imagination, and "unconditional" is a foolish word to use to discredit a critic. Videogames and understanding them isn't about conditions and drawing lines of like and dislike in the sand. As with all art, games are always more than the sum of their parts. This is something Joseph ONLY understood about books, never about games. He ONLY knows any videogame by the sum of its parts as his experience, and finely draws a negative or positive line for each aspect. There is nothing useful or insightful to be gleaned from this methodology, and being exhaustive about it doesn't save him from being a bad critic in this regard. I'd be lying if I said one of the best part of this video to me was how catastrophically it blew Josephs out by highlighting how little he understands about videogames as a medium and how the systems of a videogame function to serve a bigger picture, one ENTIRELY lost on Joseph. You can't even chock this up to the fact that he only started playing videogames recently in his life either, because its clear he understands this concept when it comes to books. Joseph will never be half the critic MM is and this video only solidifies it concretely. For pretty much every single video Anderson made after the genesis of his discord server, he threw Holism out the window (something he barely had a grasp of to begin with) for the sake of a hot take, because thats what the fans want and his own experience is what mattered the most anyway, not understanding the videogame in question. MM made Holism (a key part of understanding any form of art) fit aesthetically with the games own goals and functions.

Shitters are still desperate to find some way to hate on the game.

Based Matt loved it. Oh well shitters, maybe in another two years time lmao

a caveman is going to be more civilized than a chimpanzee

Am I autistic for not liking open world "do anything" games?

Breath of the Wild was extremely boring to me, while the rest of human society was blown away how you can do anything with physics

Who? Another random internet neckbeard crying about BOTW? How's that different from any of the virgins here on Yea Forums crying about it?

If you don't like it than you don't like it. You can always just play something else.

Fucking hate this guy. He's so pretentious. It's been 6 years since his review of Dota 2 and 4 years since I last played the game but I'll still never forget how clueless his review was; I'm convinced he straight-up lied about how much time he put into it. The key (shit) points from that review still get parroted on Yea Forums to this day too.

i mean that's by far his worst video, but yeah if you made an ASSFAGGOT the way he says one should be in his dota review you'd end up with HotS and look how that turned out

then again I dont think anyone's really listening to what he says about multiplayer games. the fact that his dota review was only 25 minutes and his review of an extremely tedious open-world zelda game is more than double that length says it all

I played 40 hours, hoping to find a real dungeon
After 100-200 korok seeds and around 50 shrines I gave up
Only fun thing to do was rushing to Hyrule Castle and trying to beat Ganon. Otherwise it was a borefest for me, barely anything to do.
Desert was the best region, pity that rest of the game didn't live up to it. But bulletpoints for those who don't want to read full sentences:
>Music is boring and barely has any good melodies
>Only 1 unique boss (Master Kohga) which funnily enough has the only track I like in the game
>Weapon system in general
>Armor system in general
>Skinner's Box design should burn in hell
>Korok Seeds in general. Its no discovery if you already know what you are going to find
>Shrines feel like Mobile game puzzles. Add 3-star rating to each one and you quickly see it
>Enemy either one shots you or does no damage
>Quests are lackluster except in desert
>The 4 main """dungeons""" are horrible and has no difficulty in them
>Food system is utterly broken while fun to experiment at start(Hearty food is what breaks it mostly)
>Framerate issues with those fucking moblins makes me consider even fighting them
>The 3 different """boss""" monsters are repetitive
>Lizalfos makes you either sit still or waste arrows
>Final boss is a light show
>Master Sword either requires you to do story fetch quest(memories) or have x-amount of hearts
And things I like:
>Art style
>Armor design
>Some characters(Riju, Purah, Robbie and Sidon especially)
>Desert is fucking great
>First 10 hours of the game
>Hyrule Castle
>"Every day is good day to dye"
>Monster Part merchant
>The first time you encounter a Guardian and the first time you kill a Guardian
>Climbing and gliding
>Maxing stamina wheel
>Death Mountain(but not the beast. Fuck the beast and fuck escort missions)
>Master Kohga music and fight
There is my opinion that no one is interested in.
I rate BotW 6/10 and the score goes down the more you play it.
I didn't buy DLC.

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This review comes off a bit circle jerky
>The difference between enemies and some of the wild life is small
Thats a thing he said in this video.
A moutain goat ramming into me is not the same as a bokobkin Im sorry

I put 40 or so hours in, and I would say it was fine. My main problem is, I have basically no drive to actually interact with most of its systems. I don't enjoy the melee combat, so I avoid it as much as possible on that alone, and theres nothing really there that makes me want to interact with the physics engine. By the time I got to ganon, i was still hoarding many weapons that were probably acquired 20 hours earlier or were higher tier weapons that i swapped out worse weapons for, and didn't even use them in the fight. And once you discover the foot that will max out and extend your stamina and health, the game is busted wide open, and you'll probably never die again outside of bad mistakes. And with all the memories had, divine beast conquered, and ganon defeated twice since i didn't realize the first time i had to go back to the midget to get the final memory for both endings, I was somewhat satisfied, but never plan to pick up the game again, with my switch being solidified as a Splatoon machine. Doesn't help most of the side quest are kinda shit

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I just got my Switch at xmas with Smash. Just got myself BotW last week and have been playing it nonstop. What an amazing game. One of the best adventure games I've played on any system in years.

The whole video was half an hour of him not understanding how pseudo-random RNG actually works and severely overestimating its impact on the game. He should straight up take it down and hope no one mentions it again. He can drone on about level design in single-player games for lonely tendiefags all he wants but don't come at a legit esport with that mindset or you're gonna sound like a complete faggot.

>Be jewtuber
>Can't bitch about REmake 2 yet, honeymoon period hasn't ended
>how am i gonna get those sweet, sweet click shekels from gullible idiots?
are you an idiot with no opinion giving easy NEET bucks to jewtubers user?

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Your blog post doesn't matter, the game was loved by basically the world.

I am so sick and tired of people putting Zelda 1 on a pedestal

That game was fucking shit, the same wax Metroid was fucking shit. Cryptic, ugly maze, designed to sell strategy guides. Both series were improved by "2" (games people actually hate) then later by Super revisions
Any time I see some game reviewer suck Zelda's dick I take them less seriously after that

>shit on
Why are you lying?

If you disagree you are not a real gamer

some people just have infinite free time to wander aimlessly in these games and have nothing else happening in their lives to make it feel like a waste

the overlap between botwfags and new vegas fags on Yea Forums is probably 100%


Its been two years. Who are shitters trying to convince? Themselves?

Nice to see a critique of BotW that isn't

Yes, actually. If BotW is one of the best games of all time, then every self-respecting hardcore gamer should play it.
Reddit doesn't want to play Nintendo games. You have to buy an entire second consoles and their games never go on sale, shit's expensive. So either they're not as hardcore as they like to pretend they are, or the game actually isn't worth playing. Of course they go for the second option.

Except his review was overwhelmingly positive, he even called it a great game
did any of you stupid fucks watch the video?

Nah, the closest is JA and he's always on about the narrative and emotional takeaways because he's a writer. MM always focuses almost purely on game mechanics and systems which is honestly rare

>how am i gonna get those sweet, sweet click shekels from gullible idiots?
literally every gaming youtuber ever, seriously if you actually watch and enjoy seeing these clowns waste their lives spewing their worthless opinions, seek help

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Spot the zoomer


I've watched Josephs video on BoTW, and matthews video on BoTW.

Any other long videos of this game I should watch?

Incorrect. In Diablo II any potion heals health over time rather than instantly and requires using in real time, allowing for damage to stack up over the amount healed.
BOTW allows you to open up a menu and heal completely without closing the menu, eliminating any need to act defensively.

He absolutely trashed the combat in GoW

>the score goes down the more you play it
congratulations you have described every piece of entertainment to ever exist

I just wanted to give my opinion
There is nothing bad about expressing your opinion, yes?
You can criticize and shit on my opinion all day, but don't go the "you are asking for trouble with that opinion"-route

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cringe yet redpilled

>he's a writer
A fucking horrid one at that.

>opinions doesn't matter in this site

So we can all agree that it was a mediocre video?

He didn't go into depth on anything, and everything he said was done better by someone else.

>>Music is boring and barely has any good melodies
stopped reading right there. BotW genuinely has one of the best original scores in vidya, imo, and its soundtrack is sorely overlooked because people never really focus on it - even to the point of complaints that the game had "no music" and the like. The music style in the game stands out, being a mix of impressionist harmonies and zelda-esque melodies. I play piano, so I may be biased; but I personally really liked the approach they took with the soundtrack being soft and subdued (with piano music featured prominently): it's a perfect fit for the game.

I like completing games
Every hour I had on Kirby Air Ride for example was bliss
FF10 was fun too, I clocked in 200+ hours
Though I have only a bit over 1000 hours on TF2, I still like it very much. Valve just has fucked it with "shitty/lack of" updates.
Civilizations are fun to play over and over again and they don't get boring for me
Terraria and Minecraft are fun too, especially with friends
DOS 1&2 are lots of fun for me too And I have 150~ hour and 400+ hour in them
But BotW turned boring after 40 hours
Makes me sad

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>BotW genuinely has one of the best original scores in vidya
Stopped reading right there. Rome random piano notes every 10 seconds don't sound good, BotW has the worst overworld theme by far. It's not just worse than all the others, it's literal garbage

>eceleb thread
>472 replies
>8 hours
I almost thought we had mods for a second there, with the harmony sticky and all.

Yeah, nothing he said quite caught my attention or made me see things in a new way or develop an opinion that I wouldn't get from playing it myself. Lately it seems Matt hasn't hit that analytical stride in his videos that makes them really pleasurable to listen to. Remember that New 'n Tastee video? That was fucking excellent, he had that game down precisely and went much 'deeper' into it than any other reviewer would do. For this, it was rather standard.

>the whole thread is people discussing a videogame
kill yourself imbecile

>random piano notes
just no.

is this bait?
nigga it's literally just 4 hours of slow piano shit

>Rome random piano notes every 10 seconds don't sound good, BotW has the worst overworld theme by far.
I'd maybe argue with you but what's the point when you're literally braindead.
Just know that you're an absolute and utter pleb peasant who knows nothing of music or sound design.

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sure it is

I mean, I did say I'm a pianist. Personally, I value the arrangement above production value and instrumentation of a piece of music, and botw's music is well arranged to tell a story through harmony.
It sounds like someone having mad diaherra you moron. How much of a pretentious faggot do you have to be to think this sounds good? Holy shit get out of your own ass

>"get out of your own ass"
>sits in his own ass

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It may not be random, but that main jingle carries no real weight when it can be heard practically everywhere there is green. Not every soundtrack needs to be bombastic, but it sure wouldn't kill them to make what little music that does play repetitive. Its like a little snap back to reality when that main jingle plays.

it depresses me that you think this way, this arrangement is honestly lovely

This user has the most majestic bowels in the history of humankind.

It has 96 on metacritic
You are factually wrong

Not an argument

Like with all respect, I play keyboard and harmonica myself.
I just prefer WW-miniboss and LttP Dark World themes more than BotW combat and Hinox themes for example.
All Zelda games have loads of good melodies, but I think BotW suffers from lack of good melodies
All that "Stopped reading right there" shit is just lack of attention span and quick way to dismiss other arguments. If you cannot agree that someone might have different opinion, it is hard to respect yours. Still I will answer your message and try to explain my view of this one small thing you want to discuss.
I will not dismiss your arguments.
I think the melodies gives memorability to games. Lack of melodies and, this is as nicely as I can put it, "Wanna be artistic" music gets boring. If I want to be artistic, I go to experience real art. Zelda games main audience is kids-teens and that is why I like them. I like memorability. I like something that I can hum or whistle while walking outside.
Lack of consistent melody and small piano pieces gives me no memorability. Maybe the scenery that game has gives me some, but I like melodic music a lot.
I honestly despise when game music limits itself to "artistic/adult-like"-music with orchestra and piano. I like classical a lot, but I just don't think Zelda games are for classical.
It feels like the soundtrack tries to take itself so fucking seriously that it feels pretentious.
I want melodies. I dislike overuse of orchestral music. It feels pretentious and catering to normies. I respect your opinion.

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Hopefully if they make another game in this style they take what made the first ten hours special and stretch that out into a full game.

Very poor thinking there.
First of all, to feel rewarded, the reward has to be desirable. Most of the stuff you can find is not.

Secondly, any smart player will come to the same conclusion of avoiding unnecessary fights within the first 10 hours of the game anyway.

The real issue is that the world is just too large, too little enemy variety, too little variety in weapons and tools to find. If anything the game would have profited of a loot system that allows you to do a lot of recycling of the stuff you find so it's always worthwhile to fight.

So it's worse than GTAIV


BotW does lack melodies (which makes its score less memorable), you're right about that, but I believe it's intentional to fit with the "broken" state of the world. The music sounds decayed because the setting and environment is decayed, that's why those piano pieces it plays consist of broken-apart harmonies. Occasionally, you'll get piano arpeggio mixed with light strings when something more 'upbeat' is needed (e.g. riding a horse), but even then a melody is mostly absent or more implied than explicitly played.
>All that "Stopped reading right there" shit is just
tbqh I was just memeing when I put that, don't take it too personally.

At the very least, we can both agree that BotW has a very, very different approach to its music compared to all other zelda games. For better or worse, it stands out. I wouldn't really describe it as 'orchestral', though - aside from the final boss theme and/or trailer theme none of it is really orchestrated music since it's arranged for very few instruments (typically just 1 or 2)

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is objectively better game then
Unironically it is

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Go play fighting, shooters and RTSs at professional level, you fucking moron.
Good games provide endless fun, ignorant jackass.

>At the very least, we can both agree that BotW has a very, very different approach to its music compared to all other zelda game
Yes. Finally some rationality on this board. Thank you
>but I believe it's intentional to fit with the "broken" state of the world
And yes again. And as you said it makes the soundtrack less memorable. It just hurts me so much that I wish I could mod something on top of it.
But, I cannot know if it would have fitted as it doesn't have memorable melodies

Genuinely why can’t nincels take criticism? Imply you don’t enjoy the game and you’ll have 50 of them seething at you

I saw one video that made a pretty good point about it, but little if any of the overworld music (outside for specific activities like horse riding) is really composed to anything. The jingle you might hear as you come across Lon Lon Ranch is the same short, almost blissful jingle that i would struggle to call melancholic also plays while just adventuring in the field. With a soundtrack so downplayed, when you do hear it, it becomes almost obnoxious to the degree you end up hearing the name melody when the music does decide to turn itself on

It's either backbone or spine, not backspine you fucking dolt.

Ah, I found it. With a timestamp

I think if the game had strong melodies it would get irritating after spending many hours. I spent well over 100 hours in hyrule, and I know I'm not the only one that sunk so much time into it - if I heard an overworld theme playing throughout that time with a strong melody I think it'd drive me insane. Even hearing twilight princess' theme on a loop got grating for me around 30 hours in.
as far as I'm aware, the time that those piano arrangements play is somewhat random, there are a few arrangements that are more specific that play if there's a shrine nearby but otherwise the day/night piano arrangements play randomly. I feel this was a mistake, as it can devalue their meaning like you said, as it's too dependable on what the player is currently doing being something of note. Sure, the music may play by chance at the right moment, but it also could just fade in for no reason whatsoever whilst you're walking around.

I think when people are critical of the "random piano music", that's what actually bothers them, rather than the music itself.

they're not entirely correct - there are specific themes that play only in certain regions/areas (besides the obvious town music that's pointed out). It's not actually the "same piano jingles no matter location" as there actually are arrangements specific for beaches, caves/cliffs, nearby shrines, etc.. However, it's easy to miss this detail, especially if you don't pay attention to this music.

>why can’t nincels take criticism?

Fuck off you aeething jealous shitter. You've been obsessed woth BotW for two years. You don't hate BotW. You hate the fact that Nintendo got a lot of praise and success.

Cry for another two years.

Did you even watch his review? He talks about what works and what doesn't and still praises the game to heaven. Fucking end yourself you assmad seething cunt.

>there actually are arrangements specific for beaches, caves/cliffs, nearby shrines, etc.. However, it's easy to miss this detail, especially if you don't pay attention to this music.
to elaborate on this point I'll link some of the specific 'piano jingles' and when they're typically played:

field (day) / field (night)
>played in most grassland areas, these are very common to hear to the point where you'll quickly forget they're there. By far the biggest issue in the OST if you ask me

"cave theme"
>played near certain shrines, typically ones that are hidden in a ravine or crevice or small cave area. Seems to play more often when you exiting a shrine. I actually like the simplicity of this one and it doesn't overstay its welcome

"mount hylia"
>played atop a select few mountains or cliff areas. Imo it's easily the best of the "piano jingles" and its appearance is appropriately rare

"colosseum ruins"
>seems to play near ruined structures only, including wreckage of villages or ruined/abandoned temples etc.. It's alright but rather bland and far too common

>plays in beach areas. I like it

"maze forest"
>plays in lost woods as well as the lomei mazes. Excellent track imo.

>INB4 last post in the thread