Make this Yea Forums related

Make this Yea Forums related.

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Fifa vs Pro Evolution Soccer

Replace /r9k/ with Yea Forums these days

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DaS2 Fanboys

Is there any better party composition?

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Western games vs. Japanese games


These are shitty stats in DnD though.

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>What's your favorite fighting game?
>Smash Bros

Every fucking time

How high do stats go in DnD? I always thought it was out of 10.

Used to be 18, I think higher now.

No set upper limit but 18 is generally pretty good for a player character, though higher levels will want those stats to go higher.
10 is the baseline, totally average.

Well fuck.

Nero and V

Typically 18 on a fresh character. The hard cap is 25, after buffs.

Let's just do this then. I don't know why I'm spending any time on this when it's not funny and there's no joke even.

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>the average dark souls 2 players

__ ____ ________ __ __ _____ ______?

The highest your character can go without the use of magic is 20 which is possible if you use 3d6 for rolling and play the right race (Roll 3 6's for 18 and put in Constitution, then play a dwarf and get +2).

More common though is Standard Stat array, which is just 15, 14, 13 ,12, 10, 8, and you place them in whatever spots you'd like.

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