>scifi game
>still uses melee weapons
Scifi game
Other urls found in this thread:
>dnd5e session
>"can we add guns to the scenario?"
>modern game
>still uses melee weapons
Every. Fucking. Time.
Yeah but as primary weapons.
It's almost as if melee weapons are better for melee combat, and ranged weapons are better for ranged combat, hurr durr
guilty but with no remorse
though if it's in the future and in some other universe, swords look cooler, and they can be ranged as well
Muskets and flintlocks i still get, but silly magitek gatling thunderbolt casters are just ridiculous
>you probably play only variant humans aswell, don't you?
Forever War's reasoning was good. Kinetic shields got so good and tuned for lasers/bullets/whatever that basically only a swung sword/mace or whatever can penetrate them
Look you assholes, melee weapons are just more interesting than guns. With melee weapons, you can have the characters do all sorts of fancy techniques and stupid acrobatics. With guns, you just point and shoot. Maybe jump and shoot, but it's always way less visually interesting than melee weapons, unless you do something super retarded, like gun-kata.
Is that naminaku atk? bet she gets fucked
Fuck me and fucking 3 am bullshit, accidentally greentexted
>tfw there'll never be a game that explores time dilation like this book did
I unironically hate this
Theres always this large amount of faggots who play a futuristic game and are like "but wheres the lightsabooor"
and then they make it strong enough to a point where its not complete ass
its fucking 3000 years into the future people stopped using melee weapons by the time the civil war happened they only carried knives as a last resort
Who is this fair maiden
>argues about realism but picture is a generic anime girl in a skirt
Yea fuck off
Forever War is the only good sci fi war book, prove me wrong
I thought they used melee weapons because their shields literally froze time and projectile weapons couldn't work
Sci-fi game, long range weapons are useless because we all robots and can just shake of projectile damage unless it's a really advanced and energy consuming weapon.
Instead we use heated up blades to cut of tubes near the surface of the exoskeleton or pile drivers to even be able to punch trough it.
We get assignmrnts from a supercomputing cluster of A.I.s but with a large degree of freedom so we are "too randomic" to properly be calculated from a neighboring hostole supercluster.
We come in various forms, some extremely optimized for a job and almost alien some humanoid in shape in order to fill more roles and mainly used for exploration.
Scavenfing for energy resources as we move we have no problem to cannibalize and assimilate fellow robots.
Anything technological w/ an EM signature that can't be shielded is fucked, so the last battle of the war is fought with knives/swords/bows etc. Very effective in showing the utter futility of war honestly
What game?
Dune does this as well
Ranged combat will NEVER be as fun as melee combat. This is just fact.
Its easy to explain though, imagine if armor became so effective that proyectiles are no longer useful