post it
What's your favourite podcast
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fucking c'mon guys.
Post it blood
please Ben, POST IT!
Man I love vidya
The ones that allows """"""bad person""""" like me
thanks gerstman
anyone got the kh3 spoiler cast?
>watching this shitty podcast when Matt just released a BotW review
Anyways, Kyle's reaction to the new pokemon game was toptier
Can't watch Matts review at work so I'm forced to listen to this instead.
>Kyle's reaction to the new pokemon game was toptier
I loved it. Seeing groggy 6 AM Kyle is a treat. Love how he was willing to dump on it and express his displeasure. I wish the allies would allow themselves more negativity.
He isn't hiding his obvious depression problems but god damn if it isn't funny watching him let loose his personal issues on a children's video game franchise for expectations and such
Kyle truly is /ourguy/.
Why is Damiani such an unfunny autismo?
Why is Bosman a cuck?
Why is Ian employed?
incidentally how come they never did a spoiler mode on that Dragon Ball movie that was out last month?
Been waiting for this all day, thanks Blood!
>Why is Ian employed?
Because despite being a hardcore SJW he is actually pretty good at his job.
>Kyle truly is /ourguy/
I wish but he's not
Hinck literally does like half of their work for them
He barely redeems himself by being by far and away the most background dominant member of their group. A lot of their shows and stuff wouldn't even be at this studio point if it weren't for him and Jones networking, planning and organising the shit out of everything even with all that disgusting Patreon cash
>Gamefreak can just show Pickachu and Kyle will be ecstatic
How can one man be so wrong?
Kyle is afraid of tits and swear words
The Binding of Isaac: AFTERBIRTH+ - Northernlion Plays - Episode XXXX [Tangentially Related Word]
Why are 75% of Ben's sentences filler and sighs?
That's a pretty good one, good taste, boomer.
He has no soul so he has to pretend to be a human.
Yipes and Matrix are pretty based
Here's the thing about reduhredemshintoo.
I think it was initially because he was nervous being in front of camera, and would take the time to think out what he was going to say, but now he's built it into a habit that he exploits for some kind of dramatic effect to lend importance to what he's saying.
Bosman reaction to Sword/Shield was on point.
I generally don't listen, watch or read anything gaming related except a few youtubers and Yea Forums obviously
Most of the people who review games and such are fucking garbage
cumtown, some shit novara media puts out or chapo
please let there be a Kyle rant about Pokémon, thanks buddy
thanks user
That was recorded before today. You can watch his 10min reaction somewhere in the EZA watches the direct video
that was great
Damiani is waiting for the subbed version cause he doesn't like the dub
Chibi Robo deserved better