Just a weekly reminder 3d is better than 2d
>is real
>you can fuck
>you can feel body heat
Stop coping with 2d. It is a mental illness.
Just a weekly reminder 3d is better than 2d
>t. seething roastie
stay away from me you aids infested meatslab
>flat ass
>hair up
>dirty blonde
4/10 i've fucked cousins hotter than her
let me live in my delusion
you wont ever convince the kissless virgins on this board, they all became trannies anyway
I like both!
I don't care either way, never actually got hard ever in my life regardless.
What games does she play?
If your life isn't vanilla then everything is a mental illness.
So what's everyone playing right now?
>have a 3D gf
>still have a 2D folder on my computer
>still fap to 2D when she's at work
she literally gets cucked by drawings
video game
I don't know if I am jealous or sad for you
Filthy whores. Probably HepC positive
>thinking real is better than nonreal
let me guess, you also watch live action movies?
truly a blessing and a curse
>had a 3d gf
>haven't seen her since she dumped me
>still fap to her 3 years later
I'm sure this will bite me in the ass eventually.
Too bad 3d doesn't even pretend to like me
>thinking women browse Yea Forums
Imagine actually liking 3dpd
and being off-topic.
Oof is right
i can, but i will never get to, as such i can only live the rest of my life with dignity.
you are right, pedos should die
You can't have babies with cartoons and pictures.
3D east asian > 2D > 3D white
I'm into Rocket League lately. It's fun. And you?
3dpd absolutely seething
literally RENT FREE
nothing appeals you or your penis is broken?
Both are good but my 2d usage goes down when I have 3d handy. My last 3d was into 2d, that was neat.
2d waifus don't have unrealistic expectations of me and won't leave me if I have a bad day
I never get the tattoo hate on Yea Forums, it's the biggest trigger besides weed.
it's therapy if 3d isn't an option
>is real
>you can fuck
>you can feel body heat
only incels hate 3d
It's actually you who is pd so you cope with anime LOOOOL
Why is it blurry
2d never gave me an std
2d never lied and betrayed my trust
2d is always there for me
>>you can fuck
>>you can feel body heat
if you can attract a woman*
just another benefit