>Yea Forums tells me that New Vegas is a vast improvement over Fallout 3
>buy it after years to see what the fuss is about
>literally the same game in BROWN with an inferior starting location
Thx based contrarian!
>Yea Forums tells me that New Vegas is a vast improvement over Fallout 3
>buy it after years to see what the fuss is about
>literally the same game in BROWN with an inferior starting location
Thx based contrarian!
play the game for several dozen hours, try different things and see how NPCs respond to you, see what you can get away with, see how different builds are rewarded in different ways
You are the contriarian here negro. Everyone who's ever played both games to completion prefers new vegas.
If you had friends I'd ask you to ask them but you don't so you can't.
Are you colourblind?
Stealth is still broken and hacking or lockpicking is as gimmicky as ever. But I guess we have a contrived covenant system now.
Try actually playing the game. I used to say the same shit until I realized the game has far better quests, writing, and content
Are you?
I never had major problems with Fallout 3's writing. I found the criticism very nitpicky.
>another new vegas threads
okay here comes the autistic fanboy stampede watch out
> Final Act of the game.
> Final Quotation before cut to black and credits.
> Lmao kys its ur destiny lol lmao lol hahaha
> Criticising this is nitpicky.
Just kys lol lmao haha it's ur destiny lol
Pretty much this, even all my normalfag friends like New Vegas more.
You, sir, are the only contrarian here. I do think fallout 3 is a good game but new vegas is objectively superior
>better quests
>better writing
>better companions
>more weapon variety
>uniques actually have unique appearance
>actual iron sights and gunplay is all around better
>superior melee animations
>frequent skill and special checks in dialogue make the way you build your character matter more
>also better mods
There's dozens of more reasons why nv > 3 but listing them all would take way longer than its worth
Thats not brown
Sepia brown is still brown
>a nuked desert wasteland is brown
Woah what a shock, thanks bsased brainlet poster for opening my eyes!
>inferior starting location
how is an unskippable 30 minute glorified tutorial section better than just being tossed out in the world right away free to do whatever you want?
How can one person be so wrong on purpose and just not feel like shit for lying to themselves and the internet?
Can you talk in complete sentences to make your point, retard?
>uninteresting boring dialogues that try to be deep but fail
>almost no gunplay
>no immersion for roleplaying
let's start this
You just described almost everyone on this site
I didnt realize we were talking about 3
Without mods Fallout 3 is better
With mods NV is better
it's that simple
No just kill yourself, It's your destiny lol lmao haha it's your destiny to die lol you need to kys haha
That's not the starting locations, I am talking the towns. Technically in NV you have that boring dialogue with that old fart to determine your stats before you leave into the wasteland.
And the first place you visit is some mudhuts in the middle of nowhere, whereas in Fallout3 you have a ramshackle town with a fucking nuke in its center.
Ah, so you're just shit posting after all.
come on user you can do better
>Without mods Fallout 3 is better
Even if F3 could run on modern systems without modding, it's still not better.
Not me, the op
Take your big boy pills, user
>it's your destiny to die lol
gib (((bethesda))) them sweet bux and you survive the ending and continue playing kiddo
>But I guess we have a contrived covenant system now.
rpg mechanics and writing is much better and in depth, just mod it up.
just dropping some truths
only stupid faggots think new vegas is not boring
That isn't sepia nor even close, thats a shitty yellow/orangey tint, sepia is much more pronounced and noticeable
You will realize one day
God bless you based retard. If you can't get into the game, the hardest part is letting go.
It is
It made more sense you were in a post apocalyptic USA
New Vegas was just literally: we have modern day Caeser's legion (these are the bad people) and we have modern day USA army (these are the good guys)
None of the story in New Vegas felt like it was about me. The entire plot was meant to be about you but ultimately it's you being the bitch for everyone until the last 2 quests where you get to actually do something yourself
I want you to witness the fate of the franchise of Fallout, to memorise every detail. And then, when you move on?
I want you to teach everyone you meet the lesson that Bethesda Game Studious taught here, especially any Obsidian devs you run across
The xbone version of fallout 3 is actually good, probably the only good way to play it
How are the mechanics any different?
It's your destiny lmao lol hahaha kys lol die haha death lmao kys lol
It's been settled long ago: f3 is indeed a very entertaining exploration game. F:nv is great plotwise if you're into postapoc fantasy. You can enjoy both.
You're making a shitty straw man out of the New Vegas plot and I can do the same for F3, just watch;
Shhh user...shhhh.
>inferior starting location
how fucking retarded can a person be
Um, one faction is introduced as having burned several people alive and crucified the rest
The other is introduced as trying to help out against some criminals but can't because "we need more soldiers"
It's painfully obvious what's going on
Fallout 3 had the Enclave and Brotherhood just being power hungry fucks
Neither are good or bad
only filthy brotherhood paladins think this
>starting locations aren't the locations where you start
the stuff with the old man in NV is like 5 minutes long anyways
How is goodsprings not boring af
Um, one faction is introduced as genocidal maniacs wanting to take over the water supply to kill a bunch of people
The other is introduced as trying to help out against some super mutants but can't because "we need more soldiers"
It's painfully obvious what's going on
New Vegas had the NCR and Caesar's Legion just being power hungry fucks
Neither are good or bad
>the stuff with the old man in NV is like 5 minutes long anyways
It's boring and clichee af, I'd take the vault over this anytime. But besides the original point
Oh gawd what a child. Why does it have to be about 'you'? You are a very valuable asset in the world of new vegas and every power in play recognises your ability to influence the fate of dam and vegas. But you are not the only reason everything happens (not literally, you still trigger events by progressing through the story). I suggest waiting for a decade, finishing school, getting a license and some responsibilities and then trying to play again.
Well maybe you could join the Enclave, if F3 was actually a good game.
Mad cuz fag
Dialogues are mostly boring, sometimes embarrassingly ineffective. PC dialogue options are often ridiculous, but this is also a problem in many other RPGs people do like, like KotOR.
The worldbuilding is derivative of the previous two games, improbably so, even when it doesn't make sense. The newly introduced lore elements are retarded, like Liberty Prime and aliums.
I'd say the writing is pretty bad overall but people set their expectations way too high because of the series the game belongs to. Lots of effort was thrown in by people with little talent.
Its a good introduction to the game mechanics and the world of the Mojave, its not an ADHD wank fest for the player like the 1h intro of 3 that railroads you through the same fucking halls with the same "choices" with no variation what so ever
>Neither are good or bad
This. If you actually paid attention you'd see that the NCR aren't flat out good, and have plenty off issues themselves
stop trolling
play Fallout 3
Then come back to me
The fact you think that CL, a faction that prides itself on burning people alive and raping women isn't making it clear that they're evil, then I ask what morality you choose to live with
Because the fucking plot specifies it.
I'm trying to work out who the fuck shot me in the head. Why the chip is so important, why me, courier 6 scares the living fuck out of other couriers
In stead it was "go here, get told to fuck off to do bitch work, go to another town completely unrelated, more bitch work, eventually he's NV, okay so now we can all forgive you for shooting us in the face so you can pick what ending you like"
Ultimately none of it fucking matters when you can say "lol I want to be accepted by your faction now for the ending thank you!"
>CL, a faction that prides itself on burning people alive and raping women isn't making it clear that they're evil, then I ask what morality you choose to live with
NCR literally massacred women and children multiple times on their many land grabs. Great Khans can attest to that.
But 3 couldn't!
>that image
Fucking kek, saved
>fallout 3
bitch work for brotherhood (DA GUD GOYS)
bitch work for enclave (DA BAD GOYS)
Has shitty morality system that stops you from stealing from bad guys
what mods are a must have to make NV fun?
>inb4 no mods
I almost fell asleep playing it
>play Fallout 3
>Then come back to me
I 100%ed F3 last summer and his summarization of the factions sounds pretty accurate to me.
A bunch of drugged up criminals
Again, these are the bad guys.
The story is written that NCR are the good guys
The same system that was in the game of NV that was modded out by modders to fix
Shitsidian couldn't even fix the so called "broken" stealing system you said
Nope, if you 100% it then you'd have known both of them are pretty grey at best
> This nigga just "NOPE" like the absolute 100% certified sweetie that he is and people keep taking obvious bait
how are ncr good guys
they like the british empire but democratic
>Implying that Caesar's Legion don't burn and cruxify drugged up criminals, gamblers, whores, etc. because they're trash human beings
I don't know dude, the Legion is based. You sound like an NCR fanboy
Not democratic. How the fuck?
NCR is actually one of the worst designed factions in the game
Any good mods to fix faction armour?
NCR is the seemingly best faction in the game, morality wise, but even doing NCR content for about an hour you'll quickly learn that their dirty as fuck and rotten to the core. NCR people might be good guys, but the NCR itself is not.
So much better
One is a joke option clearly intent to make you laugh, the other is Bethesda writing being dead serious
>Thats not brown
The Enclave aim to weaponize the most dangerous wasteland predator for use against other human beings who they see as genetically inferior.
The Brotherhood, after suffering heavy losses fighting a battle to protect the lives of those same people, start distributing purified water to all the settlements that they can.
One is black, the other is white; blemishes notwithstanding.
I want to hate this obvious intrusion on the purity of best boy Joshua Graham but I honestly can't because Joshua would just quote some bible verse at me about how Jesus would be sad that I'm being a dick to this obvious junkie raider skank.
>the amount of damage control in this post
Haha, the joke is that the guy he's shooting is a nigger
You are one funny guy user
>Bethdrone unable to recognize obvious thingst that aren't told to you in the form of skeletons and teddy bears
I really like this option. Trying to convince a suspicious person that you're not out to get them can take some finesse.
Meanwhile, F3 restricts the use of a singularly moronic line to all but the most intelligent PCs.
>guys asks if you're working for a casino
>have to be a convincing speaker to convince him otherwise
Problem with NV is they showed speech checks and let you retake them if you failed
It's literally "choose what the outcome you want is".
Why not just play on PC and use tgm in the console while we're at it
they're just hanging out user
you really think Johsua can still get it up?
>game 1 does X thing
>god it's fucking trash
>game 2 does X thing again
>haha they're pretending, so smart
kill yourself you clingy retard
>lmao just kill yourself
>wtf no that's retarded why?
reload save
>lmao just kill yourself
>wtf no that's retarded why?
reload save
>lmao just kill yourself
>wtf no that's retarded why?
reload save
>lmao just kill yourself
>hmm y'know I never thought of that...
BUT there's the big difference
that's not even true most of the time. Not being able to repeat a check is common throughout quests. Meanwhile in 3 you can just savescum checks.
They better be. Thou shalt not fug junkie ho's out of wedlock.
He's too high test to not still get boners
>game 1 does X thing at plot crucial points repeatedly with its story climax being one of the worst and most contrived things in video game history with Bethesda having to retcon that trainwreck with "lol you didn't actually die!"
>game 2 does X as a joke witch is obvious to anyone with an IQ above 50
Let me help you here Bethdrone: The joke is that a simple "Yes" requires a 30 speech check. Cuz is just a yes haha. Its a banal joke to get a chuckle out of you and its part of non essential side dialogue which only unlocks a new merchant.
What a great joke. Only second to the elaborate VATS system joke.
no u
nice worthless post, you could've saved writing it
also I don't give a fuck about bethesda,o they're fucking terrible
stop thinking that anyone who shits on new vegas is a bethesdrone you stupid dumbfuck
You fell for the meme, NV is shit