

Attached: finaledition.jpg (800x665, 73K)

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I can't help but feel there's one fanbase that's more autistic than KH but I can't put my finger on it so I'll just say you're right.

Pretty accurate. The only KHfan I know is a fat kid with a bowlcut who UNIRONICALLY does the narutorun

> Sony, The Witcher, Kingdom Hearts

>The Witcher
Make that CDPR in general

You're right.
>Smash has its own tier
Totally agree, the average smashfag is not only autistic but also retarded.

I wonder who could be behind this post..

Attached: IMG_0869.jpg (1024x635, 45K)

Seems pretty accurate to me.

They're not the only autistic fanbases (if only), but definitely the worst by far.

Attached: stink squad.png (1744x1054, 955K)

Stop posting about me on anonymous image boards, David. I know it's you and I told you not to fucking do that faggot.