

Attached: finaledition.jpg (800x665, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't help but feel there's one fanbase that's more autistic than KH but I can't put my finger on it so I'll just say you're right.

Pretty accurate. The only KHfan I know is a fat kid with a bowlcut who UNIRONICALLY does the narutorun

> Sony, The Witcher, Kingdom Hearts

>The Witcher
Make that CDPR in general

You're right.
>Smash has its own tier
Totally agree, the average smashfag is not only autistic but also retarded.

I wonder who could be behind this post..

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Seems pretty accurate to me.

They're not the only autistic fanbases (if only), but definitely the worst by far.

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Stop posting about me on anonymous image boards, David. I know it's you and I told you not to fucking do that faggot.

where is ocarina of time and majoras mask?

What are some non autistic Yea Forums approved games?

>Completely ignoring the absolute state of paedophilic autism that is the splatoon fanbase

come on man

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>More than 1 game
That's not how it works stupid.

put them in a bundle stupid


I would go as far as to say the modern sonic fanbase doesn't belong on the list. There are still individuals like Chris Chan who use the series as a mechanism for great autism but they're always loose, separate, and acting as individuals. The actual Sonic threads I see on Yea Forums are comfy and take the piss out of the negative aspects of the series.


I give KH but Sony and the Witcher, what?

Remove Pokémon and smash. Their lore isn’t deep enough to have a autistic fanbase

Sony bad
Whatever I'm falseflagging as currently good

Anyone that ignores the knowledge of the smash being the worst fanbase in this board are in denial or biased as fuck for the fact that they are into it

sony - nintendo - smash

quick post good fanbases for positivity points!

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undertale, fnaf, mlp, user were you even trying

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ITT - thing I don't like

Just kidding it went to shit after Other M


>4 games

Suda51 games

Basically true
Even as someone who likes these games when they're good, the way people attach to them is honestly kind of concerning
Reminds me of the manchild syndrome of people who go to Star Wars conventions.
Smashfags are the worst because they ONLY care about Smash, they dont give a fuck about anything else.

Actual Witcher fans seem pretty normal to me. Not their fault reddit goes full CDPR GOOD EA BAD

True but it doesn't deserve recognition

completely dead

>inb4 hey mlp have this shit flash game!!

The Witcher fanbase are just simpletons, that's it.
I don't know what's wrong with Sony fanbase, because peopla that do console wars (ironically or not) are a cast of it's own.

Mario Sonic Crash.
Platformers are for fucking autismos for sure.

Proved my point by having to cry about Nintendo

this, I really hate dick riders in general, same thing for the Warframe folks, they're such insufferable faggots with their incessant shilling of their shitty grind heavy game, and yet they can't shut the fuck up about how kind a great their developer overlords are, or how "tiny" they are even though they have a massive team nowadays, I don't mind liking developers but idolizing is really taking things too far, the PoE guys seem to be a bit more sober in that regard at least


How are you still mad that /vp/ got it's own board?

Pretty spot on, and here's why: all of these fanbases have a large group who have made it their entire identity, and the universes of these games lend easily to OCs and endless fanfiction

dmc, total war, ninja gaiden, endless games.

That picture is irrefutable truth

>missing Snoy and whatever fanbase OP belongs to
This is not accurate at all.

why do you people hate video games?

Replace Kingdom Hearrts with Fate.

>no undertale

>not soulsfags

What point you obsessed moron?

>mature games for mature gamers such as myself

Sonic still fits here because people keep expecting every new 3D Sonic to finally be THE ONE, and then Sonic Team does Sonic Team things and they never learn.

And so, the snoygroids keep on seething, forever lockedin anal anguish by the continued existence of companies they don't like

Sometimes, a flash of sapience remind them that there are better things in life than be angry autistic spergs about things they don't like, but those are never heeded

Add Zelda fags and we're golden.


>but its fun designed for fucking kids but muh FUN stupid easy game? FUN FUN FUN xDDDD

Who are you quoting?

Splatoon and SSB fanbase are one and the same though.

Attached: One copy of Smash Ultimate Please.jpg (736x736, 81K)

Rent free

Indeed, the continued existence of nintendo will forever exist in the vacuous snoynegro head.

Truly a pathetic existence.

>keeps crying about sony
>pretends others are upset to hide his own anger

Resetera is that way, douchenigger

I never see particularly bad autism with KH, at least no more than other chuuni anime that appeal largely to teenagers

Pokemon and Sonic inspire MILLIONS of bizarre fetishists and entire fucking conventions and massive subcommunities.

Hyperautists don't usually care that much for melodramatic action series, they like stuff that's for children younger than 12, which is the mental age they're stuck at.

Your obsession is showing

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This but replace Nintendo with Sony and viceversa

>if i keep spamming buzzwords that will make me win!

Even though these are all factually true can we all agree that speedrunners are more autistic than all of them combined?

And so, the snoygroids keep seething, in a thread made by another one of their barely sentient companion. In their empty heads, making threads about things they don't like is a good idea

Truly pitiable creatures

Where is Fire Emblem?

This but for Nintendofags

Take your pills you obsessed freak

>ITT: b-but sony!!

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Replace Kingdom Hearts with Fortnite, Kingdom Hearts hasn't been relevant in years despite its recent release.

''NO YOU'', the mentally defective snoypony scream and pout, in autistic rage. He will never know better, stuck in a cage made he built for himself, like a willing cuck.

You can thank ACfag for that.

This but apply it to Nintendofags

shouldn't you be watching your games?

>Everything that disagrees with me is sony

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How did you get internet in the asylum?

Replace kingdom hearts & Sonic with Undertlae & FnaF

We livin' rent free

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I feel like sonic autism is at least enjoyable, the sonic fanbase seems pretty funny/ self aware. Autism like the pokemon fanbase is different, it’s like genuine man child zero self awareness autism. If you call sonic shit, a sonic fan will either not care or agree with you, if you call pokemon shit, a pokemon fan will literally seethe at you for hours on end and do anything to defend daddy nintendo no matter what. They can’t criticise the series no matter what, and are infested with this numale “cutesy” “wholesome” shit that just makes me cringe. The kind of people that will defend a shitty rehash with “i-its fun!” when it really isn’t. And I know this might seem hypocritical if I’m defending sonic fans, but the amount of obnoxious furcucks in the pokemon fan base has reached critical mass. You might get a few pictures of rogue or whatever in a sonic thread, but it’s nowhere near the level of insecure cringe pokemon furshitters go to, spamming godawful dogfucker evee feral shit and getting upset when people ask them to stop. Basically, I think the sonic fan base has matured a lot, and is more like self aware autism now, whereas pokemon has just descended into shit

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I hope one day you get over your obsession with Sony

This but for Nintendo fanboys


I didn't mention sony once, Captain Persecution Complex

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Imagine being its parents.

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>misquoting a guy
Oh no, he's losing it

Ignored the whole post and immediately went into defensive seethe lmao

This is true but they aren’t weird because they’re playing the game.

Their fucked up weirdness is why they picked up the game.

The Witcher has nothing of value in it, you can make an argument for Gwent but even that like go play fucking magic ass queef.

Gameplay sucks
Story sucks
Long and big for no fucking reason doesn’t even look good with it’s funky fucked camera

If you played this game and enjoy it you don’t actually like video games, you just enjoy thinking you’re an elitist who played one of the shittiest years GOTY

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>Ignored the whole post
If someone handed you a cult pamphlet, would you read it, or throw it in the trash immediately?

>MGS not included

pretty accurate, honorable mention to Undertale, Fire Emblem, gacha games, and Zelda

Only on reddit and here occasionally have I seen people talk about the Witcher.

The Witcher is just not fun to play.
There’s nothing in the game groundbreaking or even interesting.
There is no incentive over previous better rpgs

>seething snoyboys replying in droves

>if someone had an opinion that criticised you, would you consider it or be so insecure in your beliefs that you literally can’t even bring yourself to look at it before sperging out

Nincel detected.

The fact that you have no argument and resort to name-calling is telling.

>seething nincel making that post in first place

>half the series in OP aren't even nintendo centric
>thread still turns into nintendo/sony shitflinging

>no argument
>his last post was just a garbage anaology trying to explain away the fact that he didn’t even read my post and misquoted me
lmao oh nooooo

Seething, Nintendo fans are only assholes to other Nintendo fans in specific fandoms like Zelda & Smash. Every other fandom is fine & doesn't affect other communities at at all. Whereas Sony fans have nothing in common except solely existing to shit on Nintendo due to Jealousy & Self Insecurity

>In order to be creative you must look like a BuzzFeed blogger

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They saw one of their precious IPs being trashed and couldnt resist deflecting to Sony
It cant be helped

KH bros keep to themselves so i dont get why you guys get so mad over it
Literally "stop liking what i dont like"

Very accurate. Soulsfags are almost there too.

You're still gonna sit there and act like you didn't claim you didn't call me autistic for liking a game you don't like? Okay

You are fooling no one with this strawman.

I remember I saw this one similar image before that had the 7 chaos emeralds and the master emerald but there were names of autistic fanbases in them. Anybody have that image?

> Literally the entire thread is Sony fans crying about Nintendo at every opportunity whenever someone acknowledges that their fandom is shit

Everyone shits on nintendo because you all smell bad

ask your teacher what that means instead of using 4channel in class, slugger

No one shitted on anyone until you retards started screaming "Sony, Sony!!!" you shit for brains

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Nice fantasy world.

That doesn't count, snoy.

what about moba players?

No I didn’t, imagine being so insecure you just boogeyman every post in a thread

At least everybody can agree that none of these are as bad as XV-kun, right?

>thread had nothing to do with Sony
>salty fag deflects to Sony when they see their precious Smelee and Pokemon get called out for being full of autism
lol no

>I-it doesn't count!

>No I didn’t
> the pokemon fanbase is different, it’s like genuine man child zero self awareness autism.
>are infested with this numale “cutesy” “wholesome” shit that just makes me cringe.
Next you're gonna tell me you didn't say these direct quotes from your own post

Smash Fandom is fucking shit, but nowhere near as Cancerous as Sony

>everyone agrees that Pokemon and Smash are cornerstones of autistic fanbases
>n-n-no its not true its Sony the one with autism!
lmao what a sad world do nincels live in

First day here?

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>tfw part of 3/4ths
I was never enough of an NPC to buy a Playstation. If it's as autistic as you say I'll probably play KH.

Did I say you were autistic because you liked the shitty games? I said a lot of the fan base is fucking autistic, I didn’t say liking the games made you autistic


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>but nowhere near as Cancerous as Sony

>spent months circlejerkin over a leak that never came true
>to this day still argue like children over how their pick should get in Smash over others
>elitists pricks towards everyone in the FGC
yeah no

I swear Ive seen this person at a mcdolands before. Bet I can guess the con this was at

How about every single fanbase that ever exists

Every fanbase is autism and you can not prove me otherwise

Why do you people obsess so much with fanbases? You guys say you don't like how eccentric and strange they could get, and yet, still insist to talk about it at every moment.

I have seen how can fanbases get really weird, but I don't understand why must people keep reminding it every time. In fact, this is how I learned the bizarre side of the fanbases.

I mean, if I wanted to learn more about it, I can just go to Kiwi Farms instead.

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Lol there so many ass pained snoy cucks crying in this thread. Keep getting shit on by Nintendo faggots

That was easy

Guess what system this guy plays on? Protip: It ain't a switch

>I only said the people that like it was autistic
Wow, you sure show showed me!

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Melee is dead stinky

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Weird that all these franchises shit on every single Western game ever made and more. Especially KH and Smash. Great stuff.

>Pokemon has no lore
You must have stopped at Gen I because Pokemon has some of the richest lore in all video games.

Guess what fanbase never showers and act like cunts towards the FGC and cry when they arent invited to EVO
Protip: It's Smash

>so ass hurt he couldn't help but respond
LOL what a fag

Thanks for the (You) and for proving me right ;)

>just put every popular game in there the post

Maybe he means all the furries, lgbt, lolicons, shotacons, erps, and actual kids that make up the fanbase
More of a loud minority but they are noticable because of the posts in the hub
Also /ink/ is cancer

Spider-Man deserves an unholy mention. Raimi apes are cancer, and should stay on their board.

>acts like cunts towards the FGC
Other way around

Because you have fanbases that literally spam the entire board for a very long time despite having a general like smash or ones that want to spread their memes at full force or is filled with a specific type of insufferable people like undertale. It's all about people that end up annoying others that arent in their fanbases so there's no way to play the victim card.

Its more of a "this entry was peak KH, everything else was trash" and then its a shitstorm forever. Though I feel Zelda is even worse on that regard so yeah, I don't get OP.

1. I shower all the time. In fact, I went to a major in Georgia in the middle of May and it smelled fine.
2. FGCucks are the ones that cause problems all the time
3. only meleecucks are crying

>fag can't even reply properly
Snoy cuck

It’s just Nintendo fags in general really.

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Theses people at the F-Zero always keep crying that they will never ever have another sequel.

Also, your franchise has plenty of bizarre art on furaffinity.

My favorite Nintendo franchises, Kingdom Hearts and Sonic!

Not really, Memelee fanboys hate any game that isnt their glorified party game, fuck they even hate the sequels of it
They go as far as being delusional and saying stuff like SNK and ArcSys paid Wizard for their spot and to kick them out

You're everything wrong with Yea Forums

>glorified party game
>anything that isn't a street fighter clone isn't a fighting game
Thanks for proving my point

Im a big Pokefag and even i know this is a huge lie, pokemon does have lore, but its not even one of the richest by a huge margin

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Will this board ever leave this petty high school internet wars mentality, or is it just perpetually stuck here?


Thanks again for the (You)
As always Nintendofags are slaves to Sonychads

What have KH fags done to deserve to be on this list?
I would just replace Smash with it to make an actual Trinity.

Spam is literally against the rules

The most autistic fanbase is DMC, any other answer is wrong.

I never said anything that wasnt SF wasnt a fighting game but thanks for proving me right about Smashfags being oversensitive babies
Now get out of here you're stinking the place

Lol fucking faggot no one is a slave to you. Someone beat this fuckers head in.

>you have to follow le rules!
Yikes, I always knew snoys were cucks but this is a whole new level

Well you gave me several (You)s without asking so yeah you're my slave, or is bitch a better term for you?

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This. Those retards don't get nearly as much shit as they deserve. Same with Megaman faggots.

>posting different threads = spam
Are you for real?

They give themselves absurd challenges like completing on the hardest difficulty without using equipment. That takes dozens of hours of repetitive motion, a key sign of autism. Plus anything with fast motion and bright colors is an autism magnet.

Except I'm the one who made a comment you responded to and then it snowballed to where we are now. It's more like you're my bitch little boy. Fucking snoy cuck can't help himself

>someone makes a dozen Smash threads
>this is fine
>someone make two threads about the same game
It goes both ways fucker

If the threads are about the same thing, yes it's spam.

>gave me (You)s like a willing slut
>i-im not your bitch!

>the threads are about the same thing
They aren't though. Cope

>Hardcore players playing on the hardest difficulty are autistic
It utter state of Nu-Yea Forums.

Replace either Pokemon or Sonic with Smash

*The utter state

Calling a fanbase autistic is actually a compliment.

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30+ threads, same subject, Yea Forums pretty much was unusable for everyone else because anything else would get archived with 2 minutes

Also good to confirm that anytime anyone call you guys out you really are the ones that come with "hey remove smash and put this game which fanbase isn't nearly as bad". It had to be lmao

Where did my snoy cuck slave go?

really can't argue against this, good picks

>Level 1 and no damage is absurd
What this is nothing. Challenge runs not new for any video game.
KH2FM is designed to be beatable without any leveling with it's damaged scaling idiot

No but you see user HE'S IN (Steve) and HE'S IN (Goku) are actually completely different threads

>challenge runs are autistic now
Does nu/v/ thinks "crippling yourself for added difficulty" equals autism now?

Ninja Gaiden is for chads (like me)

All smash and even then general in /vg/, literally no excuse

Also forgetting about DECONFIRMED GOKUFAGS BTFO and DECONFIRMED STEVEFAGS BTFO threads which makes for 4 separate different legit threads!

Why kingdom hearts though? I agree about everything else.

You're revolving your view only to Yea Forums. What you're talking about is something that can be dealt only on Yea Forums.

I want to know more about the fanbases on the internet in general, not just fanbases on Yea Forums. I want to know why keep talking about something you don't like. You hate how the fanbases can get bizarre, but even so, you still want to care about it, instead ignoring it.

Like I said, if this kind of subject is so interesting (despite still being silly), then why not just go to Kiwi Farms?

Attached: what in the very only universe of mobius are you spouting about you ungrateful fuckgal.png (275x218, 66K)

Should I live under a rock and lock myself into discord servers though? I don't have any reason to care or talk about it on twitter because it's not shoved on my face. As much as this is a public board and I will find this kind of people I also have the right to complain here when they shit on the board.

I feel this way, too. Minecraft? Zelda? FF? I’m not sure

Retard. Forgot Souls too.

Piss off. Who made you a moderator? Protip: Nobody. So don't tell me what I can and cannot post

I have literally never seen a Sony fan once on Yea Forums and I have been here for years

Yeah, Minecraft definitely has a lot more autism going on that KH

i will always associate smash with that gangrene leg chink nigga

It's okay, just don't play the victim and pretend your fanbase isn't shit.

Why, because I posted about a video game you don't like? Piss off to reddit, faggot

Marn is SF though.

Why are you assuming he doesn't like Smash you underage moron? I have +300 hours in Smash and the community is garbage, especially on Yea Forums where subhumans like (You) exist who feel the need to make garbage tier Smash threads every 10 minutes

Cute buzzword, I said fanbase, not game.There's a huge difference between posting your game and making this a smash board

Custom Robo

Fire emblem

I love Smash and he's 200% correct

>Should I live under a rock and lock myself into discord servers though?
What are you talking about? Are you saying all Discord servers are bizarre without exception? Because if you're, then you're wrong. Not all are like that.

And even if you ARE on a Discord server with questionable eccentric content, you can use the function of hide to hide automatically any message sent by users that are bothering you.

>I don't have any reason to care or talk about it on twitter because it's not shoved on my face
It's not shoved in your face, because you're following only people who you want to follow? Well, duh.

Regardless, I don't think Twitter is the exception of a social media site housing crazy fans.

>I also have the right to complain here when they shit on the board.
This is not the correct behavior to adopt on Yea Forums. It has always been dictated, through years, by mods and Moot himself, that ignoring (and reporting) is the best remedy. You're not supposed to go into threads you don't like, and complain. This is not beneficial, and it is prejudicial to the quality of this board.

I'm still confused. You're willing to care more for things you detest. Why? This is silly.

Also, you say "complain", but this thread seems to be revolved around the discussion of crazy fanbases themselves, only for the sake of discussing it, not for the sake of improvement, better fanbases.

You know what, I'm gonna make a smash thread just to spite you bullies trying to bully me out of being myself.


> The absolute state of Smashfags
Kill yourself stinky American

you forgot your sonic avatar

>every 10 minutes
God I wish. Try every 10 seconds. I fucking hate this place when there's a new Smash. I can't wait until all the DLC is out.

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rent free, yuropeen

you forgot to upload a third pic of sonic as your avatar for that post

>no one mentioned Xenoblade 2
They are absolutely the worst fanbase these days and ruined the integrity of the Xeno fanbase. They still refuse to fuck off to /vg/.

What does this has to do with my arguments?

>It's not shoved in your face, because you're following only people who you want to follow? Well, duh.
That's why I didn't explain any futher, see, I don't think you are an idiot that wouldn't get it.

>This is not the correct behavior to adopt on Yea Forums.
I stopped there
Like no seriously, I am sure that if I do that it will solve the problem, mods will do it as well. Complaining won't either but at least make some people self aware since they should look for the quality of this board just as me, don't you think?

I know it's bait but I am coping better than you apparently

Present an argument

nothing I'm just reminding you

yes, because the mentally stable people are the ones making images like this

Over time smashfags managed to appear even more retarded than sonicfags, that's quite the achivement.



Pokemon is so broad of a series that I feel it doesn't belong. Don't vet me wrong, it has a lot of autism, but with a series that huge how couldn't it? Something like a VN would feel more approiate.

The most autistic fanbases:
Yea Forums
by their powers combined they ruin the internet for everyone


>but with a series that huge how couldn't it?
I mean the same could be said about the other two, Smash has a huge following, Sonic while not as popular as the former still has its die-hard fanbase, same with KH
Although KH cold easily be replaced with Undertale not only because the OG fanbase is still alive but it also got a resurgence through Deltarune and will continue to exist given there's more episodes of it to come

this but uronically

>mispelled undertale

KH and Sonic are popular among people that play games but pokemon is fuck huge, honestly I would almost say it's about on level of disney and those kinds of mega franchises.

>bbbbbbbut mmmuh NINTENDOOOOOO

People seem to geek out over the games rather than the side content like the anime though

Okay, thanks?

>but at least make some people self aware since they should look for the quality of this board just as me, don't you think?
What you're talking about refers to self-moderation, and self-moderation is not correct. Self-moderation is only regarded and forced to be practiced thanks to the absence of moderation.

Self-moderation was never endorsed and accepted by the staff of Yea Forums, including moot, because users are users, not backseat moderators. Trying to endorse others to do the purpose you desire to see is not by any form beneficial. In order for users to be have some self-awareness, they should be advised to read the rules, and extra notes left by a moderator that advise about special bad cases.

If you are going complain about something, then redirect your complaints to the moderators, not to the culprits.

Anyway, you're still revolving only to Yea Forums. I want to know about fanbases in the internet, dude.

Attached: Moot.png (850x70, 65K)

It's a cool concept that won't work as you wish it would.

I was into sonic fandom just like you and despite having great times I also saw a lot of shit out here so ask me anything.

All of those franchises are japanese, what is it with Japan and autists?

When will you learn

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