Franchise is popular not because people actually like the games...

>franchise is popular not because people actually like the games, but because people like being part of the fandom and the community that surrounds the games

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This literally does not happen. Being a member of a community without sharing the values of said community is not being a member of the community.

smash fags and pokemon fags

Yeah I hate community

The term secondary exist for a reason. In games Touhou used the big example of this a lot of people like the characters, the maymays, and the community but have no idea what the games even look like or that the characters even come from games.

Not much different than club/team sports. People do that for the socialization more than "love of the game".

Also Jojo

>franchise is actually really cool and has a ton to say with lots of relatable characters
>all anyone cares about is which girl is the hottest
Danganronpa and Persona.
Also, it's hilarious how if you go off JUST the dialogue and "story" from the games, the characters are all huge bitches to each other that only spout one liners but then people make entire canons and lores surrounding them that have no basis in reality.

I was thinking this too when writing that


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I feel like all the persona devs care about these days is which girl is the hottest

Yeah, they clearly don't care about the story.

>>franchise is actually really cool and has a ton to say with lots of relatable characters
>>all anyone cares about is which girl is the hottest
>Danganronpa and Persona.

It's practically every jap game in existence these days. You start talking about any jap game on this site and it very quickly devolves into "best girl" bullshit. Even franchises that were traditionally exempt from this crap, e.g. Silent Hill, have now been taken over by the waifufags.

It happens with comics a lot more than you might think. It's not AS bad with more niche communities like Yea Forums, but on Tumblr and the like it's actually pretty common.

It's where the whole "Gamer Grl" stereotype came from, secondaries who were more interested the character designs, or even fucking fan fiction circles, than the actual source material.

For a more recent example, how many people do think were interested or engaged in Overwatch discussion than actually played Overwatched, even here?

What a fucking retard you are. One recent stellar example of OP, FGO white washing. Long story short, a character skin is charcoal black after using magic too much, he is burned out, secondary PR people are afraid of him looking like a nigger so they whitewashed him, thus destorying his entire character and backstory. Secondary faggots defend this even though it goes agaisnt the artist/writers vision.

>as he reddit spaces
also Kingdom Hearts is the biggest thing of this I can think of off hand

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When waifufaggotry became a Twitter maymay and a thing dumblr kids enjoyed that's when shit like this started. Once any and every video game/anime girls started being called waifus it was over. It was better when a waifu was one girl that some weirdo fell in love with and autistically worshipped until he killed himself in his early 30s

Fate is a series for Secondaries though people don't even know that VN exist at this point

>Reddit spacing
How to spot a newfag.

Attached: Reddit Spacing REEEEEEEEE.png (916x712, 525K)

I only look at r34 for games I've finished

Stellar tastes.

How? The dating elements of the game don't even get much of a focus. I'm not even a waifufag and I think they should be more fleshed out.

This website is why secondaryism exists.


yeah, Yea Forums is definitely the reason every video game fanbase is now full of roasties who never played the games themselves, but just like the characters and art style

I hate the Persona community
Games are great, though

Yea Forums ruined JoJo and Berserk

>implying that didn't change to spot the influx of people from Reddit
Do you still put noko in the email field or call people roody poos?

those things were never good/were ruined over a decade ago respectively, and that has nothing to do with Yea Forums

Yea Forums has no influence on JoJo or Berserk so they can't ruin them. They can and arguably have ruined their communities, but not the manga.

>franchise is popular not because people actually like the games, but because people like the derivative works


Doki Doki Literature Club.

Call down jojobrony

Pretty much, Yea Forums is the reason all this cringy "nerd culture" shit is popular too. This is a top 100 website you know.

>literally 99% of the gameplay is balancing social links
>the other 1% is rushing through a slapped together randomly generated dungeon ASAP so you can get back to dating
i know p5 had better dungeons but still, what? what?

>Yea Forums
Wrong, this is the COOL reddit where I can say

99% of the gameplay is not S. Links, and very little of the S. Links themselves is dating.

Based groupthink marxist

cope, cunter x cunter

>This is a top 100 website you know.
Is it? Last time I checked, it was not.
>Yea Forums is the reason all this cringy "nerd culture" shit is popular too.
Are you high?

It is.

>This is a top 100 website you know.

It's not even in the top 1000. It ranked 1075th. Reddit, for reference, is 22nd.

Why did you use an image of Persona 5? The games are only popular because of how great they are and 99% of fans avoid the 'fandom' faggots

You're describing games like Zelda, Mario and Pokemon

So, every Nintendo game then?

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Stop lying.
Just looked it up.

>It's not even in the top 1000.
It is in the TOP500, but towards the bottom.

Yeah, I'm not sure anymore. I was looking at what I thought was the latest alexa data but apparently it might be years out of date. I've found something else but it's almost impossible to parse because it's going be DNS so you've got Yea Forums at 64296, boards.Yea Forums at 72427, 4channel at 75738, etc., etc.

Touhou, Sonic, Nep, Senran Kagura, more weebshit, the list goes on.

That applies to every game ever made

Why is Fuuka so qt

Because she's a lovely young girl with a brain and not a slut. So basically a non existent fantasy

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Literally happens in every community, hobby, or interest group.

What is touhou, nep and undertale?

I was just using an image of a sad character