PS+ Now only gives two games per month instead of Seven games

>Can't even spare a third PS4 game, even some indieshit to make up for losing Vita, PS3 and PSVR
Why the fuck are we paying $60 for this shit again?

Attached: playstation-plus-renew-on-console-hub-two-column-01-eu-22nov17?$TwoColumn_Image$.png (700x500, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because you are a console peasant who has no choice in the matter when it comes to playing online. Gobble it up, bitch.

that's cause there's no games left lol

How many games a month free you get with Nintendo/Xbox?

you get 4 on xbox

What? It's always been 2 games, unless you count ps3 and vita shit which no one plays

Playstation was always garbage you fucking idiots eat anything up

I wouldnt mind if it was good games at least but fuck this
A 10 year old "remastered" game and a shitty puzzle game

Instant access library of over 40 retro games with two added per month and special Nintendo Online designed games like Tetris 99
Two Xbone titles, one 360 game and one Xbox Original game. 360 and Original games free to keep forever

the ps3/vita games were often crossbuy and had a ps4 version

What games did you get last month?

3-4 on xbone depends on whether its some indieshit or some last gen crap. I don't like how I have to give my card number over just to get shit that I played years ago.

You had a full year to make this thread, but you are complaining now.

What was it before PS4 came out? Oh sorry you weren't born yet so you wouldn't know

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.
Super Bomberman R.
Assassin's Creed Rogue.
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Yes. we have chosen and we have chosen poorly because we have tiny brains and wieners

Is anyone happy with this lineap?

Is the witness as bad as it looks like?

just use paypal

That's 1 game and 3 unsellable filler games

I had those games avaliable to me as well with some shitty game called Colbolt.

I don't see why they don't rerun old games they've given out before, or add permanent titles like Little Big Planet and The Last Guardian, just to pad things out a bit. This is an absolutely terrible deal at this point.

ps+ is pure theft.

ill gladly sell my console once I finnish the games I bought. the sonyfag meme is so true.

Nice way of saying decades old games for Shitendo

Not to mention if you also had a ps3 or a vita, you could play the games there even if they werent crossbuy

Now we pay the same price for only 2 games/an inferior service

the witness is actually a godtier puzzle game and i very much cant stand its creator but despite that i thought it was amazing.

Only two of the games they give were actually semi-popular games worth playing.

>the neets can't afford a measly 50 bucks a year for onljne

Lol sucks to be you incels

>meanwhile xchads get MGR + 3 other games

Attached: 1.png (788x445, 293K)

>xbox fanboys pretending they downloaded the ps3 and vita shit
>and pretending they owned a vita
Enjoy your indie trash on gwg for another month, but hey at least theres 4 of them.

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>Eric damage control

wow those games look like shit

That's good to hear since I have 0 interest in CoD
I kinda gave up on this "first person puzzle" games after Amnesia bored me to death

What's wrong with the creator?

we already had mgr on ps plus in fucking 2013

unironically way better than ps+. they give u shit games that are being given away for free on PC for years. or some shit game that wont sell and is ovepriced to make it look like its some AAA title. game obviously drops 90% the month after.

Obsessed toddler

>Republic Commando
weak bait

OH NONONONO the amount of seethe

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>complaining about free shit

Attached: 1507953927748.jpg (645x729, 69K)

The creator is very VERY pretentious.

If you thought FEZ was pretentious garbage, The Witness goal is to trump that thought.

Woo boy, I dont know why MS keep giving away Star Wars games, but I ain't complaining.

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It's not free
it's more like renting

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Still better than 40 year-old NES games.

console fag cant afford proper gaming rig. pays for cloud savings. aylmfao cucks.

njoy 20 fps supreme experience soiboi


>pays for cloud savings
this is the worst shit ever. not even microsoft does this

Is he/she/it a latte sipping cuckold or something?

those are significantly better games than we got during the era of 6 indie farts and maybe a AA game.

it's okay when nintendo gives you two ancient nes games that you can just download for free online.

Attached: nintendo-switch-online-january-2019.jpg (782x440, 111K)


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it's not free you pay for it snoygro


jewny doesn't let you keep them unless you keep paying

I'd rather play a 40 year old NES game than CoD4 again

no, john blow is pretentious in a autistic way.
Don't even think he ever made a political statement about anything

>A remaster and an indie fart

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imagine subbing to ps+

The OG and 360 games are free, you only lose access to the xbone games when your XBL expires.

No sweaty, they let you "borrow" two games a month. If you stop paying for plus, you can't play those games anymore.

Yes, significantly better than xeodrifter and helldivers. Or mutant mudds and resogun

jonathan blow*

>next gen pokemon
>next gen animal crossing
>real first party exclusives from microsoft for the first time in forever
>nintendo and microsoft investing heavily and going in big for e3

>sony cancels their psx event
>sony bails completely on e3
>sony makes ps+ into an even bigger scam than it already was
What the fuck? Are they really banking on The Last of Us 2 and Death Stranding carrying them out of this hole they're digging for themselves, or do they have something else down their sleeves?
Or are they simply thinking that the reveal of the PS5 in 2020 will somehow completely make up them completely bailing on 2019?
What the fuck are Sony doing? What the fuck.

Who cares? Almost every featured game was cheap as fuck already.

>mfw Xbox One has more playable MGS games than PS4
>mfw I have no face

>john blow
I've heard that name somewhere before. Is he the prick that made Braid?

He's an English Baroque composer

>tfw you only renew PS+ on black Friday, getting $20 on the annual subscription


Witness as a game blows braid out of the water though

>He pays to play online

>the fps game that defined a generation and a thought provoking puzzle game for intellectuals
much better

I like xbox but also own a ps4 and vita. Why are you such a miserable cunt?

Xchads win again

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>an fps game that everyone has played and cun run on a 2005 laptop
>a pretentious puzzle game only 3 people like

They could at least try

Because I'm a 26 year old virgin that still lives with his mother desu

>next gen
it's barely catching up to gen 8. Don't lie to yourself mate.
And no, sony's just seeing how far they can push the envelope before people push back. Pretty far, it seems.
And psx was because there were no games to announce (I'd rather them just not bother than throw out more ads for days gone, tsushima, death stranding and tlou2). E3 is because E3 isn't relevant anymore. Most people would rather just watch the trailers and shit on youtube. viewership is down yoy for the last 5 years straight for ALL brands. them opening it up to the public has turned the event itself into a total shitshow where people show up just to try and break your games. It's a waste of time and money to set a booth up there when you can control your own event and not have to compete or deal with a surprise that fucks you over.

fpbp. nothing but truth here. that's what you idiots get for buying proprietary hardware

Buying a console was the only time I've had buyers regret in fucking years. Every "benefit" is a fucking loss.

>Couch co-op showed me that some of my friends are bitches who can't adapt and generally suck the enjoyment out of everything.
>PS+ is a scam and I'm paying to use my own internet, bitch what?
>I could have easily lived without any of these exclusives because half of them already don't appeal to me.

I bought a Bloodborne machine and I hate it.

I'm a idort, and I enjoy both from time to time, though ultimately I have a shitload of games from + and Gold I'll maybe never play. + Was a Godsend for Vita, though. Fuck, you got so many good indie ports on that, which I didn't want to pay for, which was awesome before the Switch came around.

The recent Original Xbox games on Gold (and Game Pass) have been nice as well, because some of those originally had unlocked framerates, and basically run full 4K 60 now. The Star Wars games are notable for this. Jedi Academy basically looks and runs like the PC version now.

PS4 also had this with a few of their PS2 Classics, but this were only 1080p, and Sony wasn't giving them out. They should at least start throwing one of those in too.

How dare you act so spoiled when they are LITERALLY giving you FREE games. You are paying for online storage because 100gb of cloud is something ONLY Sony currently offers for their customers and it's expensive to maintain.
So what if there are less games? I'd rather have less if they invest in quality. You want better quality than Modern motherfucking Warfare? This shit sold more than any niche crap you could possibly hope to land on the service.
I bet you wanted Knack 2 instead!

>Why the fuck are we paying $60 for this shit again?
speak for yourself. my sub ran out in december 2015, and it was bought at half price ($30)

>mfw xchads have more MGS games than snoyggers will ever have

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Sony, as always;, is following in the shadow of nintendo and realized how much they could get away with.

yeah how's that mgs4?

The witness better blow my fucking mind away or I might not renew my sub after this

>it's barely catching up to gen 8. Don't lie to yourself mate.
It's a new generation of Pokemon. In other words not the same generation as the last generation of Pokemon.
Sword and Shield are not Sum and Moon. New region. New Pokemon. And a new development process. A new generation.

>worst game in the franchise
y'all can keep it lol

>buying ps+
im not stupid cuck

They would have blocked those if they could have. As it is, they didn't put it any license stuff to those old games, so they can't.

Sony used to have the same problem with early digital PS3 games, that had the full game as a demo, and then a little file that unlocked the full game. The little DLC file didn't have licensing associated with it, and the demo of course was unlimited, so a good handful of early PS3 (and PSP) + games can be used once your service expires.

>E3 is because E3 isn't relevant anymore.
Nintendo and Microsoft disagrees. As does all the sales that can be attributed towards E3.

you dont have a choice lol

Thanks for the 59.99 guy!

>Couch co-op showed me that some of my friends are bitches who can't adapt and generally suck the enjoyment out of everything.
>PS+ is a scam and I'm paying to use my own internet, bitch what?
>I could have easily lived without any of these exclusives because half of them already don't appeal to me.

same bro. sonyfags trully are in denial.

sonygro seething

>pay $40 a year
>get great games to play every month
>insane discounts on top of discounts


>being this butthurt

this is why sony can do whatever it wants, thx to consumer fags like you

Yeah man. Breath of the Wild dominating the entire internet with its E3 showcase, surely shows how E3 is now irrelevant. For sure.

Neither do you

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>insane discounts on top of discounts

still costs more than on steam sale, let alone cdkeys/g2a etc

Still better than what you get from Nintendo's paid online.

Id be ok with this if it was something other than indie shit either already have on PC or dont care about.

In all honesty the reason for this is probably because there arent enough games to give, no developer is willing to give the ok on a game that is still selling

>surely they will make up for the loss of PS3, maybe a special parting gift to those who still used it for that, or an extra game
Fuck sake, I like the exclusives on PS4, but fuck sake man, at least the XGold lets you play those xbox 1 game on their current gen console at a better resolution, PS Vita is supposed to be current gen, what a bunch of cheap skates, if I were not being held hostage by losing the current games I would skip the renewal.

>next gen pokemon
only by name.

They could give one of their ps2 games and people would be happy

>b-but nintendo!

pvz is pretty good actually

>b-but steam!

>E3 isn't relevant anymore
It's amazing how Sony's word is treated like gospel. They've even managed to convince people about skipping PS Experience too and people just keep licking their balls.
Next they will announce the gaming division will become Sony Pictures 2.0 and people will still praise them because playing games is too cumbersome and ableist so it's better to just watch them instead
Dualshock 5 will be a fucking remote controller with Play and Pause buttons. Fast forward and rewind features will be DLC

>supporting steam

>Dualshock 5 will be a fucking remote controller with Play and Pause buttons.
and it will still break after 1 year

Nintendo's shit is just as unacceptable, but it does just cost a third of what PS+ costs. So the cost to scam ratio is still better.
Spoile: It should cost nothing and they should give you nothing.
Xbox Live, PS+, and NSO are not services.

>strawmen to avoid my point.


not only they raised the price,but they only "offer" 2 games now.
now i just create a second account when i want to play online,use the 14 days trial and use it on my main one.

PS Plus apologists literally have to defend costs of dedicated MP servers and cloud storage to justify paying for the service since no one takes seriously the excuse of better quality of the games offered.

Yeah, because it's no longer a premium service, it's a required pay wall scam if you want to play online
I knew this would happen, Sony has no incentive to put effort into the service because they know they have consumers by the balls
I really wish more people would boycott online console fees but no one seems to care, shame really
This kind of shit used to be free

Unfortunately a huge chunk of the playstation userbase is FIFA bros who wanna couch play and online play so they'll get plus with their console

I am a consolefag, been my whole life and I agree that laying for playing online is absolutely bullshit, it baffles me when I see someone call this shit out and others go "it's only a few bucks month, how poor are you, bro?".
I didn't renew my subscription last year because of this. To me it was a good deal 6 games per month, I play my videogames equally.
But only 2 games a month? That's absurd and people should complain more, what the fuck.
I still subscribe to Gold though, 2 Xbox One games and 2 360/OXB games are good for me since I never owned an OXB and didn't fully enjoyed last generation, so I just play MP games on Xbone now.
I don't have a Switch yet and don't have any incentive to it's online service, but if they add more things like Tetris 99, this can change.
Fuck you if you defend this bullshit of having more than half of the benefits of a service stripped from you without reduced costs. Fuck you.

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>but nintendo!
every. single. time.

The problem with the cloud service is that MS does it for the xbox already for free.

That's what I mean, I don't blame anyone for paying the fee, playing online with your friends is a normal thing to want to do and you gotta do what you gotta do but its just real shitty of Sony to stoop down to Microshits level
Hell even Nintendo does it now and their service is trash
I have never paid for a single month of console online sans maybe a sub card I was gifted once and I never plan on it
Biggest scam in vidya imo

>couch coop
What ps4 games even have that?

They're actually all yours forever. One perk of Gold is they dont take the fucking games away from you once you unsub like Sony.

EDF I guess

Yeah because of the 3, Nintendos """service""" is the worst
Tetris 99 is just a big distraction to get people to forget that Smash and Splatoon servers are laggy as fuck and have poor netcode, they are just lucky Arika made Tetris 99 and know how to make good online games

Not him but thats neat, decent value if that's the case. Aside from it being required online now that's the biggest reason I never dipped into PS+

>less and less value for paying for online
>more and more games being censored and imposing their politics on japanese devs
>preventing crossplay and crossplatform accounts for an entire generation
>promoting the movie game trend

buying a ps4 this gen made sense so its not your fault. but if you buy a ps5 next gen you are an enemy of the gaming world.

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I would actually love that, if the monthly games were things from PS2 collection, I would sub just for that.

I got it for 60 bucks (including 3 months of netflix so it was 30 bucks) and the games I got some months was worth it
The scheme does suck though, even if Im guilty for supporting it
Cutting support for 2 systems, adding nothing new and keeping the same price tag is bonkers though

If the PS5 doesn't offer full on native backwards compatibility like those patents hinted at then I probably wont get a PS5 anyways

theyve been doing this for a while now. advertise 2 big games and then give like 2 or 3 more indie games.

like with this month, it was for honor and hitman that were advertised but then there were also 3 other indie games you can download for "free".

Even if they have BC it would be per-title basis they'd have to start from scratch and try catching up to xbox which already has a pretty big BC library

Yup, i always knew this would be their plan anyways once i saw that tiny text crawl at E3 2013 hidden in that "how to share games" diss towards Microsoft video. It was so scummy how they almost hid that in there
It started as a premium extra service on PS3 with good game variety every month, but then just devolved over time, once it became a necessity they had no reason to keep up the quality so they just weened people to expect less from it and now that theyve cut it for the systems that have free online still it'll just be another standard sub fee rip off

>no choice
people still arent aware of the exploit? it's been how long?

PS5 has backwards compatibility
but ps+ is required for the player to use it
and they're raising the price of ps+ subscriptions
Neo-Sony fans would defend it too.

i'm sure that even if the ps5 offer the backwards compatibility,it will be only include in the ps+ or some shit like that

If they do it like that then im not buying, i want hardware that can natively play all 4 gens of playstation, can't do that? I'm not buying

For me, it's a hard pass and a yikes, as the kids say

It's a limitation when translating code in real-time
unless they put actual PS2, PS3, PS1 hardware they won't be legally able to do BC for all titles look at PS4 to PS2 program it'd be basically the same Vita and PS3 bypassed these limitations by having native PS2 and PSP hardware in them

it's ok though because they're winning
based sony!

musou games have it

when did the PS+ give 7 games a month?

Increase the price of plus give less with even less quality. People continue to defend this shit.

You're making shit up. The 360 played Xbox games by emulation and the Vita didn't contain PS2 hardware.

Didnt hacked ps4's manage to play ps2 games no problem?

All of last year user
>Two PS4 games
>Two PS3 games
>Two Vita games, usually with cross play enabled so you got a third PS4 game

Now it's just two.

360 didn't play them all unless hacked it was per-title basis
PSVita had PSP hardware not PS2
PS4 ps2 library is only available if hacked and still the emulation is crap


and FUCK california.

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It was obviously going to shit the moment they made it mandatory. I have a giant haul of great games I got during the PS3/Vita days when they actually had to entice you to pay.

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>One perk of Gold is they dont take the fucking games away from you once you unsub like Sony

I'm not subbed to ps+ since a year and I still have the games I've got back then. I mean I can only access them if I resub, but in that case they are still there.
Can you play games that you got from Gold subscription even after you unsub, or you just meant that the xbone doesn't delete these games while "the ps+ does"

>snoy censoring and incoming this because why the fuck would they give us something instead of killed support
>renewd my yearly in Jan because 4 year worth of ransomed games for 3 consoles I barely touched
I will try to finish all good titles and maybe buy switch even though I despised nintendo for years

*full PS4 to PS2 library is available only when hacked and with shitty emulation

Certain models of PS3 incorporated partial emulation of PS2 games. Only the GPU was present in hardware while the CPU was emulated, yet the console would attempt to play any PS2 disc you put in it.
The later (7500x+) slim models of the PS2 also played PS1 games by emulating the CPU. They didn't contain any of the PS1's hardware. Once again, it tries to play whatever PS1 game you put in it.
So yeah you're talking shit.

>Snoy fags cukked yet again

Sony just keeps becoming more arrogant.

Then I fail to see why software PS2 emulation didn't accept discs?
also PS2 had PS1 hardware in it that's why you can use discs

Please read the post you're replying to before you do so.

>MW giveway
Pretty much confirms MW4 then.

The 360/OXB games are yours forever.
If you don't have a subscription, it doesn't matter, you can play them, they are yours as if you bought them.
Xbone games act as same as the games on Sony.

Bloodborne. Now piss off back to your latest petition, cuck

God I hate that you're going to be right.

Says PC cuck who has to pay $60 for download code to be able to play online on his $2000 shitpost machine.

>They are still there
Big fucking deal negro, this is just as silly as claiming you own any car, film or anything else you rent, never mind having to keep paying for it nope nope, it's totally yours.
GWG games will still work even after the sub lapses, it won't be held hostage until you renew the sub

650 dollar machine with a VR headset shoved in and 80 bucks for online and one indie game a month?

>console peasant
Imagine saying this shit unironically in 2019. Holy fucking cringe.

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>PS+/Xbox Live
>Can still buy the game, even if your subscription expires, you don't need a subscription for the game
>Nintendo Online
>$20 for roms Nintendo stole from a rom site and then sued millions for and could be played on your refrigerator
>Subscription goes away they go away, no way of getting it without the subscription

You can play even after you unsub, but only xbox 360/ orig xbox titles.

>has to pay

actually, its only the 360 games that are Free forever.

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After I finish the couple of console exclusives that I liked on the PS4 (I still haven't maxed out all my favorite builds in Bloodborne,) I'm selling my PS4, I only used PS plus for souls and some fighting games, thankfully I got a "good deal" on PS+ in a three year pack before their last two price hikes, so I'm not paying their insanely inflated prices for basic features like downloading in sleep mode..

I think consoles are an interesting part of the gaming landscape, and I'm glad that there are companies competing. I hope it leads to better practices for the consumer in the future, but they'll probably all collectively take a big corporate dump on us.

Two quality games > seven mediocre games

enjoy your private servers piratecuck

>Nintendo stole from a rom site
Steal something you have rights too

The OXB games too.
They count as 360 titles.

GWG for March gets

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2
Star Wars Republic Commando
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

you dumb consolefags allowed this to happen in the first place by enabling/justifying it, now you have no say in the matter when they start fucking you over like this
you made your bed, now lie in it

I bought one year to play with a buddy that's too damn poor to get a PC. Not doing it again. Still haven't used the online, and hardly touched any of the "free" games aside Bulletstorm. I love my PS4 for the exclusives, but damn I don't know why people who have a PS4 and a PC don't just stick with Humble Bundle. You actually keep the games, and get tons more.

its 2019

Based sony, amirite?

What? Why are you lying? All games you get to keep on xbox live. Including xbox one games

Who cares, nobody has a playstation here.

Greedy sony is back...

People have different tastes, user. Between those 7 games, there was a high chance that one of then were up your alley. In for example, I like Bloodstained and Bomberman, but I have zero interest in AssCreed, and I have already played Jedi Academy.

Now, imagine that in one month the two free games are Killzone and Uncharted. For you this might be great, but I have absolutelly zero interest in linear story shooting games. You may think this is fun, "it's fun that weeb user is getting fucked", but what if in the next month the games are Star Ocean I&F and Unist? Now they are up my alley, not yours, and for an entire month you will ask yourself: Why am I even paying this shit?

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Enjoying having no choice to pay EPIC over Steam?

Same. I sold my Xbox within 6 months after finding out they lied about virtually everything they hyped (exclusives, the cloud, Hololens, etc). I have my PS4 for the exclusives, but if there isn't BC then it's strictly PC for me.

And xbox one titles. Literally all of them. Why are you making shit up you little fag

>outright fucking lying

It has always been TWO FREE games per month since 2014! Have you been living under a boulder?

>Being retarded on purpose

kek, right, because Metro Exodus really is a game worth downloading Tencent's spyware and giving them your money.

It's not. At all. lmao.

that's why it's by far the cheapest

If it's not on Steam I just get it from Codex.
What's the importance of Cheevos on a platform no one uses?

I've been rocking that 2 week trial shit for years now, fuck paying for plus

that's only true for the 360 and OG Xbox games
Xbone still requires a sub to keep the games

They'll never top last march when they gave us Bloodborne and Ratchet & Clank


Hey, at least we got more cloud storage. If there is one person on the entire planet who actually uses cloud saves, at least they'll have more space they'd still never use up anyway.
What a great value for 60 bucks, thanks Snoy

why are you pretending people don't backup saves?
after over 10 years of PS3/Vita/PS4 games, that 10 gigs of storage wasn't enough

>all these retards arguing what online service is the least shit
They are all complete and utter trash. There is literally zero difference.

10gb for save files. what the fuck do you need that much for? and why can't you just use a USB drive?

fpbp consoleplebs everyone.

Because I was sure I had like another two weeks to turn off renew

>says the cuck who literally RENT games on Steam



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Have fun playing Death Stranding- I mean have fun NEVER playing it, it's only on PlayStation bitch, fucking gameless cuck niggers think we give a fuck about online multiplats? That's why we bought PlayStation cuck nigger, so we can games besides your shit microtransaction online trash, we choose PlayStation because it has better single player games shit head. Shit online flavor of the month is here today, dead tomorrow, ultimately unfulfillin and a waste of time. Good single player is eternal , a masterpiece like the Last of Us can't be replaced with shitty disposable online games you PC cucks play, you will never know anything about video gaming faggot, you will never know the joy of owning a console with a vast library of excellent single player physical games on your shelf, PC cunts have no games, they have no exclusives, they have no dignity, they claim to be gamers but for you gaming comes second to being a faggot. Keep telling yourself your satisfied with shit indies and multiplats, keep missing out goty after goty, masterpiece after masterpiece, keep telling yourself and anonymous that PC is better, you've convinced so many of us, PC is definitely on the rise, I'm sure nect gen will be so great for PC, Bloodborne will be announced anyday now for PC

>all these multiplayer games
Good for everyone.

>10gb for save files. what the fuck do you need that much for?
that's not a lot when you have played hundreds of games over a decade of time
KH3 alone is 620 MB, and the game has known save corruption problems
the cloud saves are supposed to be a convenience. I don't want to have to worry about corrupted saves and losing data
I also don't want to have to pick and choose what to delete or not
it should be an automatic thing I don't see unless I need it
plus it it very useful when trophy hunting, being able to revert saves
also using up a usb slot goes against the convenience factor as well, especially when dealing with PSVR needing a dedicated slot
that only leaves me with one to charge DS4s and Move controllers
why is Sony adding more online storage a bad thing here?

Attached: sarah and deacon.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Awesome! So how does MGR runs on PS4?

On Xbox One X runs great

Why bother with Steam at all? Just download all your games.

I'm so glad February was a short month
Nice to see the OG XBOX Star Wars games too, almost bought Republic Commando for $10

>need to whore itself for people to buy the console
>people still dont buy the console

At this point it doesnt even matter i doubt they apply the same move if they were first in console sales.

>KH3 alone is 620 MB, and the game has known save corruption problems
don't play garbage games and your problems are solved
>why is Sony adding more online storage a bad thing here?
i never said it was bad, i implied it was pointless

Because xboxniggers supported microsoft, at the same time, the same niggers jumped that supported this cancer on the 360 are on the PS4 now.

>"cloud storage"
>"expensive to maintain"

no. it is not expensive to maintain a database in 2019. technologically illiterate console peasants are constantly getting ripped off.

who needs if i wanted a movie about a walking simulator i would pay netflix, last of us? "another generic cinamatic over the shoulder third person shooter"

good thing playstation is a quarantine for shit games like that, meanwhile, i'm playing real games on pc like eden


>20$ Nintendo
>60$ PS+
>60$ Xbox Live
>99$ PSNow
>99$ Origin Access Premier
>150$ Wow
Try to keep up poorfags

It's anything but a generic tps, if you actually played it you would know that. It's a Survival Horror/ stealth game

Don't Bethesda games take up hundreds of MBs too?

How long until you're forced to use EPIC for all new releases due to exclusivity rights?

How dare you, Sony needs that money to pay for the servers they graciously let you play on.
You should be grateful to be getting any games at all, let alone games for two dead consoles.

Oh fuck I haven't played Rising. Nice.

>paying full price for XBL
You can get it for free with Bing or even buy a one year for as low as 40$ maybe even cheaper

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jesus what is 60 dollars a year for you americans? you people win over 2500 dollars a month

yeah they can
I also think they may be simply future proofing their storage
saves will most likely increase again when next gen come out, especially with games-as-a-service becoming more and more prominent

>you people win over 2500 dollars a month

Definitely not unironicaly better than ps+

>Supporting the jews

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This. I just extended my Gold sub until 2020 with MS Rewards. Got $20 in gift cards too.
Hell, I've been paying $1/month for GamePass since November and still have a 3 month code I haven't redeemed.

PSN is actually very generous and pays for itself through the free games. Yea ForumstendoGaf will complain about it though since it's Sony.

>all the sales
mind pointing to them?
Because I never see bumps in sales after E3 on any available charts, much less individual shareholder websites. the investor report site for squenix posted a huge loss after E3 2018 because guess what? There was no money coming in from it but they spent tons of cash on booth space. And that's AFTER they got paid by MS/sony for reveal slots on kh3.
ubisoft too, lost a lot of revenue around E3 from booth space, presentation time, and hires. There was a minor spike shortly after with the for honor on xbox live thing.
"nintendo disagrees" that's why they dipped out of E3 save for a small floorspace, right?

if that were they case they'd sell the service separately from online

Better than paying $20 for SNES games you don't even get to keep. Nintendo Online is the biggest ripoff.

>Can you play games that you got from Gold subscription even after you unsub
Yes, you stupid fuck. That's the entire point.

>PSN is actually very generous and pays for itself through the free games.

If I knew about PS+ and GWG before buying a console, I would get an XBOX just because of Microsoft Rewards.

You would get an inferior console just because of Microsoft Rewards. Okay.

>wants everything for free or 5 bucks
You are the jew,real jews dont like to spend a lot of money

what do they have that Sony Rewards don't?

>Paying full price for something that can be easily obtained for cheap or even for free.
Are you a whale?

You can keep the games we give you if you stay subscribed, also anything you weren't subscribed for are off limits
You can keep the games we give you even if you unsubscribe, anything you weren't subscribed for is off limits
Literally nobody cares because they're all 30+ year old games but hey at least you get the shit you weren't even subscribed for. Also Tetris 99.

I think it's obvious who the winner is. Fucking nobody, stop paying for online you god damned idiots.

But I'm not paying for online

If you actually buy games PS+ pays for itself through money saved in sales. Only NEETs who buy 1 game a year are seething

>you only lose access to the xbone games when your XBL expires.
No you don't. why are you lying?

>Xbox e3 2019
>Two new Xbox consoles announced
>Xbox on PC announced, PlayAnywhere applies to everything
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Forza Motorsport ‘19
>Fable ARPG
>Harry Potter RPG
>Rocksteady game
>Game Pass expanded
>more studio acquisition announcements

>Sony e3 2019

So costs are nothing to you idiot? Do you think electricity is free? Does your dad and mom pay your bills? Seriously at this point you are no different than jews.

Jews even cry when bread is more than one dollar.

Hey OP.
It's not Sony's fault that you can't afford a game.
That's on you.
$60 isn't that much.
Maybe get your life together so you have some disposable income in the future.
Best of luck.

>1 year
That's generous.

Only 360 games are yours forever...

>All this projecting
>All over not paying for online
Not only are you a jew whale, but might also be a shill.

Why the fuck are you lying. What is this god damn meme?

Since when you started using this? Don't they find out from you using the same credit card?

For real dogg', ask yourself

Who cares? about you I mean

>What happens to my Games with Gold games if I cancel my Xbox Live Gold subscription?

>On Xbox One, you’ll no longer be able to access your Games with Gold titles if you cancel your subscription. However, if you decide to renew your subscription at any time, you’ll be able to access and play your previously redeemed Games with Gold titles again.

>On Xbox 360, any Games with Gold titles that you redeem as an Xbox Live Gold member are yours to keep, regardless of whether you continue your subscription.

so the Xbox One GWG games are exactly like what PS+ does. you lose access unless you are subscribed.
the post saying, you only lose access to the xbone games when your XBL expires is completely factual
stop being retarded

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Who says online idiot? You are crying for a game being expensive at full and not cattering to your real jew needs.

I will say it again you are no different than jews when it comes to buying stuff.

They dropped MGS4 for the final month on PS3, pretty cool at least.

>mind pointing to them?

What is this bullshit, I still have all my Xbone GWG games and my Xbone hasn't been online in two years.

prove it or fuck off retard

You prove that's not a fake website, retard.


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It ran out of games to give away

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>Sony good

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>Nintendo Stole

How fucking entitle piece of shit you can be.

I don't understand why they didn't just start over from the beginning with PS3/Vita games. At least give the subscribers who weren't there in the beginning a reason to keep staying subbed.

we can actually just pirate that shit jackass

>Who says online idiot?
Faggot, this whole thread is about paying for online. Are you retarded?
Not only are you a Jew Shill whale, but you're also illiterate

>not being numb to sony's shenanigans at this point
Sony could make online $50 a month with no games and I would pay it because to me there is no other way to vidya than on a playstation device. It's all I've known since 9/11.

Not the same guy
You technically still have your xbone gwg games and you can install them, but you won't actually be able to play them.


Then dont cry and simple dont pay.

As draconian as Nintendo can be in securing their IPs (such as that wretched YouTube partnership program they had to kill and acting on Pokémon Company's behalf to cancel non-profit/infringing projects), on the flipside people also have this retarded notion of seemingly not just entitlement but outright OWNERSHIP of any Nintendo shit they touch. Like, specifically Nintendo stuff. You don't see this attitude commonly for other companies' IPs.

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Sonic gets it too, but nothing else.

>Then dont cry and simple dont pay.
You really are retarded. My first post was talking about how easily it is get XBL for free. I have XBL and I have't paid for it since like 2014, faggot.

I love how back when Snoy made this idiot tax mandatory, there were literally hundreds of absolute retards who thought the "benefits" would stay the same.

Can't wait for the PS5 where you don't even get a free indie game every month. Fuck anyone who pays for console online.

nah, if it breaks sooner than 1 year then people can easily replace it as it's under warranty. they make it last just long enough that you either buy the extended warranty or buy another controller

Very impossibly, deeply based
Keep telling yourself a month-long rental of The Division or something is worth the mandatory console unbricking fee, or using the word "free" when it's not

This is what happens when a generation grows thinking they are special and they don't need to work for anything, why you think Socialism has become so popular in this age and time, all these little kids here think they are hot shit while never having worked a single hour of their lives yet, reason they think everything should be free and can't perceive the value of things.

Teach me

I guess I can see that (although it's not quite as ridiculous for Sonic fans to have that mentality there since SEGA has rarely cracked down on fan shit).

People are absolute brainlets about Nintendo IP fanworks, however. They either show no intelligence by just throwing all caution to the wind despite Nintendo's history or become overly paranoid retards and unnecessarily shut their shit down or heavily retool it.

It's actually astonishingly simple to avoid Nintendo's ire for hacks and fangames: don't remake shit they're selling in any form (sorry, even Virtual Console releases on 3DS and WiiU count atm), don't monetize your work (not even a Patreon or paid music downloads), and avoid Pokémon (this can't be helped, TPC are genuinely fucking evil in how they enforce the Pokémon IP). But the golden rule, beyond just Nintendo IP fanworks: if you're going to ignore this advice, then for the love of fuck at least stay silent about it until you're ready to release.


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The only Nintendo related fanwork that got taken down in recent memory was AM2R. They don't seem to care about romhacks or fangames much, and only went after AM2R because it used their own sprites from Fusion. Pokemon Uranium's devs took their shit down after AM2R even though Nintendo never contacted them, same with Prism. Nintendo does not give a shit, so long as you don't try to charge for it.

the LED is the same size as the LED in any other controller dumb ass

Wow 2 shit games I'll never play instead of 7 shit ones I'll never play.

I'm pretty sure AM2R got pulled since Nintendo was selling Metroid 2 on the Virtual Console (and gearing up for Samus Returns). Tons of Mario fangames use loads of official sprites but don't get ganked.

Uranium WAS given DMCAs, at least according to Wikipedia (this one I could understand since they had a Patreon like the dumbasses they are). I'm not sure on Prism, however. And Mother 4's restart confuses me. It wasn't violating ANY of those issues IIRC.

I don't know if you are shitposting or are just uninformed.

Did people not discuss this when it was announced a few months ago or do you really only care now
Also for as much as the board complains about console online subscription services, how many of you were subscribed to receive those 7 games in the first place

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I was.

>Uranium WAS given DMCAs, at least according to Wikipedia
You should read the sources for those claims. They're VERY suspiciously worded. There were no takedown notices for Uranium.

Screencap of the article in case you don't want to visit polygon
>polygon link

Key point of detail:
>"While we have not personally been contacted, it's clear what their wishes are, and we respect those wishes deeply," the developers said in a statement on the game's website

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>CoD MW remastered for free

Based Sony

It's still free. What's your argument?

Enjoy 60$ + Tax + 10$ Monthly + Tax.

Shut the fuck up kid.

I wouldn't mind it if the games weren't shit, but, well, they fucking are

dying platform who would've guessed
the censorship on top of it makes it hilarious

>Have fun playing Death Stranding- I mean have fun NEVER playing it,
I own a PS4, and I'll never play it either.

PS+ and XBL aren't taxed actually

>implying you EVER play the free shit games they give out instead of just downloading the license and letting it sit there while playing the new games you bought

It does seem like they are trying to kill off playstation themselves at this point

death stranding is multiplat you can preorder PC version
besides that if you want to "play" Kojima's vaporware then open up youtube

>call of duty
Fuck me. Every fucking time I stop subscribing to PS Plus they give out okay/good games, but when I'm a subscriber I only get this kind of crap

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>you can preorder PC version
link please


Sometimes we get bloodborne, sometimes we get... this

This. It was always 2 decent games and maybe 2 shitty games as well. As long as we still get 2 decent games a month what reason is there to bitch? Not that it will stop all of you from doing so

MWR's online is awful and filled with P2Win bullshit.

>preventing crossplay and crossplatform accounts for an entire generation

Nobody wants or asked for crossplay and no one, especially PS4 users want microshit getting their hands on our user data


I love how often this non-arguement shows up. Brain dead thought process

>As long as we still get 2 decent games a month what reason is there to bitch?
because they aren't adding 2 decent games each month. they aren't even adding 2 decent games each year

>a shitty puzzle game
The Witness is one of the best puzzle games to come out in a long long time. Great experience for those who are not brainlets like yourself.

oh shut up you fucking losers

i'll take 2 great games over 7 mediocre ones (that you'll never fucking touch anyway) any fucking day

>sony shill pretends he loves getting raped by sony because he wants to justify his purchase
please stop being so obviously under age and kill yourself

I miss old ps+

i hate the microtransactions stuff too, but isn't it purely cosmetics?

You still have to pay 60 bucks a year to use your own internet.

>s-sony bad

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no, you have to pay 60 bucks a year to use ***sony's*** internet. you're free to use your own internet for all the free stuff you know and love!

Didn't they use to not charge tax when you bought digital copies of games or am I making this up?

I've heard good things about Republic Commando. Is it really worth playing right away?

>2 great games
timed exclusive for PS4 as the leaker suggested
because of "data mining" it won't release day 1 on PC
neck yourself you sperg

He described it in the most unbiased way possible, why are you so butthurt?

what? it's always been 2

wait you got 7 games a month? and you keep them?

Yeah Sony would totally release a game they're funding on pc

sony made the mistake of moving their gaming division to the shithole known as California.
the hundreds of whales and trannies all demanding to be catered too

I'm mostly just wondering how much things like censorship and PS+ will actually hurt the playstation brand in the long term vs. Yea Forumstards just wanting snoy to kick the bucket for any reason they can come up with. Cause if Nintendo can get through their censorship phase with the treehouse clearly still in effect judging by the Splatoon 2 dialog before we see the release of Fire Emblem, I think Sony is going to be doing fine

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yikes, gonna let my sub run out this october/november
I usually bought this on black friday and it was always a good deal but
>keeping the price
>reducing to 2 games
c'mon bruh

>arguably the greatest fast-paced shooter of 2007
>gorgeous puzzle game that's actually challenging

that all depends on your state laws,
some have recently changed, like in Texas, that require tax now
but some states don't

6 really, the 7th was a PSVR game and it only happened a few times, not consistent

>Enjoy 60$
I play it at premiere and and resell for 50. Enjoy your download code you can't even lend a friend.

they announced this change last year and PS4 was still the best selling console of 2018
PS+ games didn't matter, censoring visual novels didn't matter, lack of crossplay didn't matter

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>Why the fuck are we paying $60 for this shit again?
I'm not, I get my orbiters to buy it for me

Sony bought exclusivity. Kojima Productions is independent and can release on anything they want after that period experies.
Sony doesn't own KojiPro. Konami does.

> increase prices
> reduce content

Once I'm done with DMC5 I'm selling this piece of shit. I hope the PS5 bombs.

>100 million sales
>less games being made
>less games given for free

so this is the power of being a corporate stooge...

Next gen they will add PS5 games and it will be back to 4.

Wow it's fucking nothing you little Billy boy bitch

from the 2018 trailer
"©2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.
Death Stranding is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.
Created and developed by Kojima Productions."

So far after a year of taking five minutes out of my day to search a, aa, aaa, and so on thirty times, I got at least $100 in gift cards and a year of Gold.
What does Sony Rewards do?

die cinematic "gamer"

The difference is you dont have to pay for Steam, retard.

nothing changed retard

>Sony takes it down to 1 game
>"Oh shut up you losers one of those games was always shit anyway at least not we know the 1 game we get will always be good"
>Sony removes games from subscription
>"Oh shut up none of you played those games anyway, the online is worth paying for"

so... what are you trying to say here did you read any of my replies above?

Youre lucky I don't know where you are you fucking soi based cuck.

Also, MyVIP Rewards were great too, but I didn't get to use it as much as would like.
You got points for rare achievements and could redeem for gift cards and physical items.

4 games on xbone, you get to keep the 360/OG games

>I've heard good things about Republic Commando. Is it really worth playing right away?
Fuck yeah nigga, Republic Commando is god tier

Last month was Hitman and For Honor. Those are decent games. If you think those games are shit, then you'll never be happy

Ya'll really bitching over 5 dollars a month or 2.50 a game. Also It a sub to their multiplayer and network functions.

>Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2
nice i love that game


sony is based alright

hitman is good but they've already given out 4 or 5 of the 6 levels for free over the last couple of years. i don't care about ubishit

>Why the fuck are we paying $60 for this shit again?
Why'd you pay in the first place? I'll never give MS or Sony money to play online. It's a feckin ripoff. Sucks sometimes, because I'd play online if it was free. But I refuse to be suckered by them. It doesn't cost them anything! It's free money for them, basically.

sony is a joke
we want "fewer bigger games" already says less game in the future and that subscription is anti consumer

Imagine owning a ps4 now that you can play bloodborne on pc....

Haha snoyfag thought Sony was going to replace the stuff they were taking away.

this for FREE on top of that with the trial
but somehow.. sony c u c k s are silent about it

If you are too poor to buy PS3 games at this point you have issues. Who the fuck even plays on PS3 anymore? I mean is this really an issue for you or just Yea Forums whining.

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Imagine being a console cuck, having to pay to play online, while at the same thing companies buttfucked them with micro-transaction.

>insane discounts

You mean the discounts that everyone else has for free but you need plus to match it on ps4?

Imagine being a PC cuck when companies don't ship their games with mod tools or dedicated server browse anymore. Instead, you get console ports, 100+ online stores, and you physical copies are practically non-existent.

Republic Commando is better than MGR

>Sony takes content away while keeping same price
>People defend it online for free

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Sony is also funding the game using one of sony's game engines and is playstation exclusive

>console peasant

Konami don't wanna make video games anymore dumb ass, they passed up Kojima's new IP for decadecs and canned Kojima's pitch for Silent Hill. Sony is completely funding Death Stranding and owns the Decema engine, Konami has nothing to do with it other than being a shitty short sighted, company that used to make video games and choose profits and greed over their fans and art of game creation, just like Valve and Microsoft

"survival", died all of about once in the whole playthrough, it fuckin plays its self, the gameplay is so fuckin mind-numbing, its not worth paying for. Get the same experience having a deaf retard mime the story for you


I'm not wrong and your non argument doesnt change that

They don’t even let you keep the ps3 or literally-dead-handheld Vita games as a goodwill gesture, as if they’d suffer a loss or w/e. This is absolutely fucking pathetic, not renewing my sub and won’t buy their next garbage machine.

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>Occasionally get the urge to dust off my PS4 and play something
>Remember im not allowed to unless I pay twice for my internet

I wish they would just offer a free model for Psn that didn't come with any of the "Free" shit and let me play my games.

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>playing online multiplayer games
you did this to yourself

they did that on ps3 but they wanted to squeeze more money out of their paypigs

damn you got a lot of seething poorfags going on in these replys
good work user

I like to do co-op in Nioh some times. I guess I should just break down and get it for PC. Sure wish Sony didn't lie about it being an exclusive else I would have just waited to get it

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Did you know it's possible to be a Sony fan and also be unhappy with how they operate?

Imagine being a PC fag and paying $1,000 every three years so your game actually runs instead of stuttering like an autist.

"This won’t affect any games you’ve already downloaded, or will download, prior to March 8, 2019. Those games will still be part of your PS Plus games library as long as you remain a member. Your game saves and other benefits of PS Plus will also remain the same – the only change is that no new PS3 and PS Vita games will be added to the PS Plus monthly games lineup beyond March 8, 2019."

of course they are funding it, those bitches SIE are so desperate for a new game to get on their platform they suck Kojima off on any day, exclusivity included
how is that a surprise? Sony is fucking dying they need the exclusivity

Konami profits going only up. Digital sales and pachinko and fitness section. Sony is nothing but a big mistake. Kojima literally goes to VALVE and takes pics with Gaben making deals behind the scenes to get his IPs onto Steam after the massive success of MGSV sales. Once we see DS gameplay and it is releaved as SH or MGS continuation it is and will be 100% multiplat because of Konami's involvement.

Helldivers is fun tho

Just how many games with multiplayer did you buy for the thing? I got three months recently for Ace Combat 7 mostly and I struggle to find games i have that i want to play online outside of Monster hunter and Wipeout

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>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
Wasn't this game released without multiplayer?

>Once we see DS gameplay and it is releaved as SH or MGS continuation it is and will be 100% multiplat because of Konami's involvement.
caramel you dumb fucking cunt

$1,000 is pocket change to an adult with a real job

Ahhh I know what's happening you're delusional and retarded

You missed out if you werent there day 1 for console ESO. Console kids have no grasp of MMOs or how they work and there was no chat box. It was a glorious cluster fuck. Anytime you walked into a town you'd have hundreds of kids screaming over each other to try and trade, there was always some guy with music blasting obnoxiouslly loud, tanks with resto staves popping into dungeons and the first night the vampires spawned the community shit itself trying to be the one guy who got bit

I'm sure you know all about that, slurping up government food stamps and neetbux.

A $1000 PC put together at the start of a console's life will still have better performance than that console at the end of its life, and better performance than its revisions as well if PS4 pro and xXxbonexXx are anything to go by.

That the current KojiPro was established as an independent studio in 2015 and that Sony owns the Death Stranding IP and are the ones publishing it, meaning its Sony who decides whether or not it will ever come to PC

>console thread becomes PC shitposting
Don't you guys have games to play?

How the fuck do you get points to buy ANYTHING

Omg Sony win e3

You sound like Xbots all generation talking about Microsoft profits while their exclusive games went down the toilet. You're so concerned counting these companies profits you forgot to check the GAMES dumb-dumb. Here's the score Sony : Games, PC : No games. Gabes fat ass couldn't make a AAA exclusive game if his life depends on it,He's a washed up fat hack, He don't give a fuck about Kojima's game, he knows he can't make that much money with it, he was too fat even be bothered. Death Stranding is owned by Sony, it's Only on PlayStation, just like The Last of Us.

Sony doesn't own KojiPro nor their games that they develop.

you know me well

Microsoft Rewards, you just search on PC and phone. In the US you can get 300+ points a day.
Right now $5 gift card has a deal for 4,000 points
When you buy from the store you also get 20 points per $1 or so

Microsoft is literally almost 4 times bigger than Sony ever will be. Don't talk about xbots when you eat shit from Sony with anti consumer practises daily see OP thread. Less games on PS Plus.
what fucking games you animal ? Which games are you talking about here that you so desperately play daily on your PS4?
You know what you sound like ?
kill yourself

>be console pleb
>pay $500 for you console
>another $500 for your computer
>$300 over 5 years for online play
>1300 for nogames and worse performance than a $700 pc
>mfw I still have my $900 pc from 6 years ago and it works better than any modern console and will probably outrun the next gen as well

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Sony owns Death Stranding
Sony also owns Bloodborne, Ape Escape literally dozens of classic games and they own the film rights to Spider-Man which in turn has given them the exclusive rights to Spider-Man video games, that means the awesome Spider-Man game from 2018 is a "true exclusive" as Shawn Layden says,and maketed as "Only on PlayStation" and so will the amazing symbiote sequels on PS5, and Sony's other amazing IP they own including the Legendary game designer Hideo Kojima's new creation that's being hailed as a mindblowing miracle of video games, "Death Stranding"

It's been way longer than 6 years since PC has had a game.

if sony was a charity then i'd feel good about giving them pennies a day and getting nothing in return

They own the death stranding ip and kojipro is developing death stranding

Shut up bitch who you foolin? You got no games, you're just a third party developer with a shit Steambox nobody bought, you're not on Sony's level anymore

Sony doesn't own KojiPro nor the games that they develop and never will, because they are independent studio with no other company besides their parent orginization which is Konami have a say in anything.
Please stop replying to me with your sub 50 iq auitsm.

Enjoyed it on PS Now, very nice game that I don't need to fork over hundreds on a shitty console to play it

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>shut up
eat shit kid, fix your PS Plus while you are at it while I play Bloodborne on PC

I went from full idort to PC+Nintendo because consolefags collectively decided that it was okay for Sony/MS (and now Nintendo) to tax me $20-$60 a year for fucking P2P-tier shit, so I don't bother with console online anymore (or even consoles in general for the most part).

you missed out on the DLC which was the best part

My plus ran out a week ago yet I'm still able to play Hitman 2016. How?

Shit glitches some times

You're still paying them to do absolutely nothing for you

Not at all, I'm paying them to keep the third worlders and niggers out

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No no no, why are YOU paying for it?

Imagine being a console cuck knowing you dont get any of those things lol

Death Stranding is Only on PlayStation
Death Stranding is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment
Death Stranding is being developed with Sony's proprietary Decima engine
Kojima Productions is working directly with Sony's first party development teams, including a satellite team in Amsterdam, and Mark Cerny chief architect of the PS4 is lead programmer

Skip to the end of the trailer to view trademark information

Sony fucking won, Kojima is God, I can't fucking wait for Death Stranding Only on PlayStation, feels fucking good to have chosen a real gaming platform, to finally win, with 100 million sold, Death Stranding and The Last of Us 2 on the way cucks in disarray because they realize NEVER EVER and Xbox on it's Death Bed, I tried to warn you faggots

You can play it on PC now. It's emulatable.

to be fair, GWG has absolutely nothing this month aside from MGR, which is a PS3/360 game just like Modern Warfare.
MW might be remastered, but Bone X owners are practically playing a MGR remaster too thanks to the system's perks.
but if next month's GWG includes a Bone game and literally anything else decent, Plus will be absolutely trash merely by sticking to 2 games per month, it will be an admission of not giving a fuck to subscribers. this month is excusable due to it being a transition period or some bullshit like that

This, should have clenched when the tip was going in, enjoy the full length now.

no counter argument my point still stands
you basicly admited you are a fucking victim

lesbian propaganda made by a jew named druckmann

sheesh no wonder Sony is promoting diversity and includes any 3rd world spot as gaymers

listen here -- everything is redeemble for them only if they gave out EDF 4.1 for free. have they? it's literally the best game ever made

>be consoleonly faggot
>get EDF 4.1 for free at the least; best game of all time
i'm thinking positively for lowly consoleonlys

I meant permanently, user, even if your subscription ended. A gift to say thank you for the support - these classics are on us. It's particularly egregious in the case of the Vita. It's no longer going to be fucking produced, but they'll still charge the regular prices for the games. Fucking kikes.

hi, redner group


Sony is a dead console

based google will demolish all consoles in march

nah, I'd rather have Wing Diver instead

I need an argument since you're just a false piece of shit? Haven't you proven yourself just a faggot with no facts? I wanna see some fucking material evidence that disputes Sony's trademark, otherwise I will ignore you and find something better to do, unlike you I have game of the year contending exclusive games to play

>Trying to create outrage NOW
They announced this would happen literally a year ago.
Also ps vr wasn't part of ps+.

was that free? it wasn't really good, but it was nice to see the girls in action

its been like 2.50 on pc before runs great there :)))

yes you need to read the replies and use your braincells a bit, which you clearly have none of
now off yourself but quietly so nobody notices you ever existed

What fucking counter argument? A company doesn't have to own a studio to own their games. Sony published the ThatGameCompany trilogy and holds the rights to Flow, Journey, and Flower (because even on the PC releases, Sony is still a part of the copy right information meaning they licensed it out to Annapurna), Until Dawn, Bloodborne, Rachet and Clank (Insomniac was always independent) and yes, Death Stranding. Since Sony is the one that has the Death Stranding trademark. Even on the Kojipro website, it says that Death Stranding is Sony's

>game of the year contending exclusive games to play
hey, redner group. this is for your own good and for your own information's sake -- even the normalfags you try catering to know that these awards mean nothing

How does it feel being the least intelligent user in the thread

As long as you have it installed you can play it continually. Once you uninstall it, it won't be free to download anymore.

>these awards mean nothing

This is about what I'd expect someone whose platform never gets exclusives to say.

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No. they stay in your library but if you try to play them it brings up a screen about the Xbox Live requirement.

They never left, they just play the long game.

>make up for losing Vita, PS3 and PSVR

No more PS+ for the PS3 and Vita?
I'm glad I still have a CFW PS3

how does it feel to eat shit after being told third time a row?
listen here you victim
counter DS listing for PC with a dedicated sn number for sale then I might considerign replying the final time to you
that better be convincing

You realize that the old Kojima productions was disbanded right? Konami tried to sabotage them. Thank God Sony was there to save the day and treat Kojima and his team with respect they deserve. Konami was breathing down Kojima's neck fucking with his team and development environment was less than ideal, probably why MGSV was unfinished. With this new nurturing environment Kojima will be able to craft a game worthy of his legacy, Sony won't cut corners or rush development. Kojima will be so pleased he will continue working exclusivly with Sony and you PC mustardshitstains will never get to play any of his games ever again, so buy a PlayStation or deal with it faggot, because Sony's #1 priority is making exclusive games that make PC cucks butthurt, they're just getting started, the exclusives will flow as the tears of gameless cucks

Best part is you actually get to keep the ganes even if your subscription ends. Have a bunch of games from back in 15/16 when I was gold. Alot of it is throwaway trash but there's a gem here and there worth picking up

>so buy a PlayStation or deal with it faggot
I can just open youtube I'm good thanks
weak bait though

Ex Box losers are so irrelevant they have to latch onto a Sony thread just to get noticed.

Attached: crackdown 3.jpg (654x339, 52K)

Eh, I'm probably one of the few to be excited for CoD 4 remastered. I've been dabbling in some of my older CoD games like WaW because fighting games have been getting boring for me lately. Never got to try the Remaster because of that jew shit they pulled bundling it with Infinite Borefare, so it'll be nice to run through the campaign again and wreck some kids online for a while.

>Sony is the only company to support it's last generation console to this point in the life cycle meanwhile Nintendo and Microsoft ditched their last generation systems long ago

Yea ForumstendoGaf is spinning this into a bad thing.

>A company doesn't have to own a studio to own their games.
retard alert

PS+ has the best deals and the best games. There's a reason Yea Forums is so obsessed with Sony.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.

That's what microsoft shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.

Once again another thread swarming with pure evil microsoft fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil microsoft shills spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Xbox. Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.

You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant.

You constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of a piece of plastic. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile.

Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, and not favored by developers.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts.

These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.



Let's be real here, you're looking way more like a lunatic than the ones you mentioned.

Just look at how you're forming sentences. How many times have you wrote "delusional" and "sick"?

You can cope all you want Yea Forums. Doesn't change the fact that Sony won this generation.

Attached: sony won.jpg (196x251, 13K)

Is MW Remastered worth double dipping if it's on plus? only really care about campaign as i haven't played the OG in a long time.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil Sony sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.

That's what Sony shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.

Once again another thread swarming with pure evil Sony fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil microsoft shills spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Playstation. Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.

You can clearly see how Sony fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant.

You constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of a piece of plastic. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong Sony fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile.

Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong Sony fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, and not favored by developers.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Sony fanboy is angry that Xbox is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Sony almost 2:1 globally in the UK. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts.

These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Sony fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming

ps plus has undeniably gotten way worse after it essentially became required

Oh fuck off, I actually gave a serious reply to this fucking motherfucking psycho

Lmao steam is dying

>PS+ Now only gives two games per month instead of Seven games

time to cancel subscription to this dead console my fellow snoy niggers

Just like how PC faggots ruined gaming by supporting microtransactions and digital downloads.

Nah nigga, the shit Xbots have said this generation trying to cope is beyond stupid, I can't believe what these niggas said, from "resolution don't matter" to "exclusives don't matter" nothing matters if it's a fault of Xbox. these niggas will literally say anything to try and cope with the fucked up shit Microsoft has done to Xbox this generation, anything except blame Phil Spencer and Microsoft themselves

Go see a therapist you schizoid freak

Where did this copypasta even come from. I remember the xboner version a few weeks ago

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My psplus expired in January and I have no reason to renew it. I'll just use that money to buy gamepass on the Xbox. GamePass has way better and way more games than the online sub.

if you want to try out for honor and hitman, now might not be a bad time to get a couple of months. 25 bucks for 6 rentals basically

good thread OP
took a massive shit on Sony's neglected fanbase

Attached: Sony_PSN.jpg (900x507, 137K)

>soccer is the most watched sport, therefore it's the best sport

"Until Dawn is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC."

"Detroit: Become Human ™ © 2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Developed by Quantic Dream. 'Detroit: Become Human' is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved."

© 2015 Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Ratchet & Clank is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Developed by Insomniac Games.

©2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Death Stranding is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. Created and developed by Kojima Productions.

You can stop with the bait now


>Sony gets arrogant again after success

Old news, Xniggie, they announced this months ago. Also
>Still better than Turds With Gold

Share the wisdom

Most of Microsoft's IP from original Xbox and 360 were developed by second party devs and Microsoft is still sitting on the IP doing nothing with them. Use your head shit head, Nintendo has even given their IP to second party developers, actually Nintendo barely develops their own shit internally anymore except mainline Zelda/Mario. Intellectual Properties have no correlation to development teams, IP are passed around to all sorts of developers at the IP owners discretion

Since I got PS+ in october of 2017 I got:
NBA 2K16
Cod Black cops 3
For Honor
Metal Gear Solid 5
Hitman goty
Bulletstorm full clip edition
Friday the 13th
Destiny 2
God of War 2 Remastered
Mafia 3
Heavy Rain
Xcom 2
Rayman Legends
Mad Max
Ratchet and Clank remake
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Dead by Daylight
available to me, and that's just the major "AAA" releases

Rising was on Plus years ago and those Xbone offerings are a joke. Combine that with massive downtime recently and I wonder why Xcucks pay for this.

>s-s-s-s-s-sss---ssss-sony good

Attached: nc.jpg (971x546, 56K)

Hi Asher Madan.

fpbp, fucking console cunts lmao

Nah nigga, the shit Snoyfag have said this generation trying to cope is beyond stupid, I can't believe what these niggas said, from "exclusives don't matter" to "resolution don't matter" nothing matters if it's a fault of Playstation. these niggas will literally say anything to try and cope with the fucked up shit Sony has done to Playstation this generation, anything except blame Mark Cerny and Sony themselves

almost forgot to post fpbp

>Defending Sony giving less value for more money
>Calling anyone who points this out an xnigger
Stop breathing you dense nigger.

Attached: Watchmen Tired Of Earth.jpg (487x750, 131K)

Drop Sony NOW if you have any self respect


Yes we know you're a retard now give a proper argument

>Eric telling everyone to bend over for Sony

Attached: Eric 2.png (1895x1088, 511K)

Blame Microsoft and Xbox users for starting the trend.
Then blame all the console users wanting a cloud save, requiring data storage.
Then blame Amazon for starting a Prime trend, then Sony and Xbox want to offer a service sub to emulate on the videogame side.

Kill yourself rscottyg.

Get help, Eric

Attached: 1512429474449.jpg (800x600, 50K)


Okay, what about a shitty Dark Souls clone?

Looking good, rscottyg. Show us your nipples.

What am I looking at here.

>Eric starts projecting looking at a picture of himself before shitposting Xenoblade again
Seek help

Attached: 1542735213423.png (1504x2692, 883K)

Sorry, rscottyg, you appear to have confused me with someone you latched onto out of emotional distress because you spent months convincing yourself a "leak" was true so you could think your dead gay bear was anything but. Maybe tell your court-appointed psychiatrist of this instead of shitposting here.

>Eric unable to cope and lashing out randomly at any one pointing out Sony is ripping them off

HOLY shit consolewarriors BTFO by PC chad

nigga it never is concrete
one month i got 2
next month 3
next month 6
next month 5
next month 2 again
Most of the extra games arr shit anyway besides are few gems otherwise you really only ever got 2 free games.

>Sonincels unable to defend $ony and blame everyone else for themselves being jewed
The most pathetic fanbase on Yea Forums

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He needs something to take his mind off his undersized penis.

Hi who?

>Sonincels seething

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